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Document: SP-F04-003

Date Issued: 04/09

Revision: 11


SRP SP-F04-003



1.0 General
2.0 Safety Precautions
3.0 Reference Documents
4.0 Equipment / Tools Required
5.0 Equipment Layout
6.0 Pressure Source Set-up
7.0 Test Equipment Set-up
8.0 Pressure Test Set-up
9.0 Pressure Testing
10.0 Pressure Test Completion

11.0 Troubleshooting Leakage Problems

12.0 Alternate Pressure Test Method
ADDENDUM A - Pressure Test Data Sheet


78 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
(919) 541-8100 or 1-800-358-7378
SEL is a Member of the Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Group
Sumitomo Electric Lightwave reserves the right to improve or modify these specifications without notice.
Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09
Revision: 11
1.0 General
2.1.1 N2 is a simple asphyxiate. If large amounts
of nitrogen are released into a confined area, the
1.1 This procedure describes the steps necessary
nitrogen can displace the amount of oxygen in air
to perform an end-to-end static pressure test on
necessary to support life. This can result in a
individual FutureFLEX tube spans. Test results
loss of balance, dizziness, rapid reduction in the
are satisfactory when a tube span holds 150 psi
ability to perform movements, reduced
pressure for approximately 10 seconds.
consciousness of surroundings, as well as other
symptoms that are included in the MSDS
1.2 The Pressure Test verifies the airtight integrity
(Material Safety Data Sheet) available upon
of an individual tube span including all its Tube
request from the Gas Supplier. It is
Coupling connections. Leakage problems may
recommended that pressurized nitrogen only be
impact fiber bundle installation performance and
released into a well-ventilated area.
could result in decreased blowing distances.
Depending on location and size, a leak point may
2.1.2 When using pressurized nitrogen, there are
allow water to enter the tube interior should the
no risks related to fire, reactivity, or other special
tube become submerged. All detected leakage
hazards. Nitrogen is not listed as a carcinogen
problems must be corrected to ensure a
by NTP, IARC, or OSHA.
successful fiber bundle installation and the long-
term reliability of the FutureFLEX installation.
2.2 Compressed Air – The use of nonflammable
pressurized compressed air (Atmospheric Air),
1.3 It is mandatory that a Pressure Test shall
either from a cylinder / bottle or air compressor,
be performed on all tubes upon completion of
presents no safety concerns.
the initial tube cable installation (final tube
route set, all clamps and fittings installed, all tube
2.2.1 Air is nontoxic and necessary to support life.
span connections made, etc.).
There are no ventilation concerns.
1.4 It is also recommended to perform another
2.2.2 Compressed Air at high pressures does
Pressure Test on an individual tube span just
present an unusual fire and explosive hazard in
before a fiber bundle is to be installed in it. The
that it will accelerate the burning of materials to a
exception is if a fiber bundle will be installed
greater rate than they would burn at normal
immediately upon completion of the initial tube
atmospheric pressure.
cable installation the Pressure Test can be
performed once.
2.2.3 When using pressurized air, there are no
risks related to fire, reactivity, or other special
1.5 Pressure testing can be performed with
hazards. Air is not listed as a carcinogen by
various pressure sources; Nitrogen Cylinder,
NTP, IARC, or OSHA. An MSDS (Material Safety
Compressed Air Cylinder, or Air Compressor.
Data Sheet) is available upon request from the
Gas Supplier.
1.6 Perform the Pressure Test on all tubes in
conjunction with the Tube Obstruction Test (see
2.3 Pressurized Gas Cylinders / Bottles –
Sumitomo Recommended Procedure SRP SP-
Transporting and handling pressurized gas
F04-004). Complete the Pressure Test first,
cylinders presents several safety concerns.
correct any leakage problems, and then perform
the Obstruction Test.
2.3.1 Any pressurized gas cylinder is dangerous if
damaged. Gas bottles must be properly capped
1.7 Two personnel are required to perform this
when being transported and stored. Gas bottles
must be secured in a stable pressure bottle dolly
or chained to structure when uncapped for use.
2.0 Safety Precautions
2.3.2 A full size 300 cubic foot volume gas bottle
2.1 Pressurized Nitrogen – The use of inert
weighs approximately 160 lbs. Two personnel
(nonflammable) pressurized nitrogen (N2) gas
should accomplish any manual lifting or moving of
presents several safety concerns.
Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09
Revision: 11

a bottle. Exercise care and use proper lifting Note: Tube Test Kit (BEPT001) is not part of
techniques. Blowing Head Equipment Kit (BE200RM,
BE200RS, or BE200RY) and must be purchased
3.0 Reference Documents separately.

3.1 Sumitomo Recommended Procedure, 4.4 Large Adjustable Wrench (Installer provided);
FutureFLEX Blowing Equipment Set-up at least 10” suggested.
Procedure, SRP SP-F04-001.
4.5 Tubing Cutter (BETC001).
3.2 Sumitomo Recommended Procedure,
FutureFLEX Fiber Bundle Installation Procedure, 4.6 8mm tubing (any type) for miscellaneous
SRP SP-F04-002. connections (Installer provided); 10’ - 20’
3.3 Sumitomo Recommended Procedure,
FutureFLEX Tube Obstruction Testing Procedure, 4.7 Tube Couplings (DE08MC2) (Installer
SRP SP-F04-004. provided).

4.0 Equipment / Tools Required 4.8 Cylinder Adapter (BEREGCA) (Installer

The following equipment and tools are required to provided); required if using Compressed Air
complete this procedure. Cylinders as pressure source.

4.1 Nitrogen Cylinder (Installer provided) 4.9 Means of communicating across tube span
• Dry Industrial Grade Nitrogen; preferred (e.g.: two-way radios or similar).
pressure source
• Inert (nonflammable) gas 4.10 Alternate Pressure Source – Although
• Dry or with no more than 4 ppm moisture bottled nitrogen is the preferred pressure source
content (H2O) because of its cleanliness, general convenience,
• Oil / contaminant free output inexpensive cost, and ease of portability,
• 300 cu. ft. (approx.) volume bottle size compressed air from either a Compressed Air
recommended Cylinder or an Air Compressor can be used as an
• 2000-to-2500 psi (approx.) pressure charge alternate pressure source.

4.2 One Pressure Regulator Assembly with male 4.11 Compressed Air Cylinder (Installer provided)
quick-release 8mm Tubing Adapter (BEREG01 • “Dry Grade” Compressed Air
Two-Stage or BEREG02 Single-Stage). • Nonflammable gas (atmospheric air)
• Dry or with no more than 10 ppm moisture
Note: If a Blowing Head Equipment Kit content (H2O)
(BE200RM, BE200RS, or BE200RY) is available, • Oil / contaminant free
use Pressure Regulator with 8mm Tubing • 300 cu. ft. (approx.) volume bottle size
Adapter supplied with the Kit to perform Pressure recommended
Testing. However, if not available, the Pressure • 2000-to-2500 psi (approx.) pressure charge
Regulator with 8mm Tubing Adapter should be
purchased separately in order to support testing Note: Different types or “grades” of Compressed
requirements. Air are available. The “purer” grades with such
names as Zero Grade, Vehicle Emission Grade,
4.3 Tube Test Kit (BEPT001) includes the Scientific Grade, and Accurate Grade undergo
following items: additional refining processes so they contain
• One Bypass Switch (BEPTSW) fewer impurities (hydrocarbons) and have less
• One 0-200 psi range Hand-Held Pressure moisture content. It is not necessary to use
Gauge (BEPTGA) these ”purer” grades of air for testing operations.
• One hundred (100) 5mm OD plastic beads
Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09
Revision: 11

Note: Performance-wise, Compressed Air

Regulator Fitting
supplied in a Cylinder performs the same as
Nitrogen. There are no differences in the
blowability of fiber bundle nor testing of tubes.

Important Note: Compressed Air Cylinders are

supplied with a Female left-hand thread Bottle
fitting (CGA-590). Pressure Regulators
BEREG01 or BEREG02 supplied in the Blowing Bottle Fitting
Head Equipment Kit have a Male right-hand
thread Nut (CGA-580). A CGA-590 Industrial Air Figure 1
Cylinder-to-CGA-580 Nitrogen Regulator Cylinder CGA-590 Industrial Air Cylinder-to-CGA-580
Adapter is therefore required to connect the Nitrogen Regulator Cylinder Adapter
Pressure Regulators to the Bottle fitting. One (1)
Cylinder Adapter is required for each Pressure Note: If an Air Compressor is to be used,
Regulator used. See Fig. 1. consider the following potential issues first.
Power source / requirements? Physical size of
4.12 Air Compressor (Installer provided) Compressor? Portability? Distance Compressor
• Output dry or with no more than 10 ppm must be set up from tube test point? Fittings
moisture content (H2O); often requires use of a necessary to connect Compressor output to a
Secondary Dryer Pressure Regulator? Noise if use indoors?
• Output oil / contaminant free
• Output flow rate (capacity) at least 12 scfm 5.0 Equipment Layout
• Output pressure at least 200 psi
5.1 See Fig. 2 for Pressure Test Equipment

Entry Exit

0 – 200 psi
Bypass Pressure Gauge
Figure 2
Pressure Test Equipment Layout

Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09
Revision: 11

6.0 Pressure Source Set-up 7.0 Test Equipment Set-up

6.1 Begin Pressure Test procedures with both 7.1 Locate numbers #1, #2, and #3 stamped on
Installers at entry point Fiber Termination Unit body of Bypass Switch (#1 and #2 are located
(FTU) location. under 8mm push-fit couplings and #3 is on
bottom of valve). #1 is Inlet port. #2 is Outlet
6.2 Ensure Gas Bottle is securely chained in port. #3 port is “Bypass” or vent port. See Fig. 4.
place and remove valve cap.
CAUTION: Inlet and Outlet tubing must be
6.3 Thread Pressure Regulator fitting onto bottle connected to correct push-fit couplings (#1 Inlet
valve housing and tighten with large adjustable and #2 Outlet) or Bypass Switch will not function
wrench. properly and can be damaged.

Note: Do not use a serrated jaw tools (e.g.: pipe Note: Inspect tubing ends before connecting to
wrench, vise grips, channel locks, etc.) to push-fit couplings. Use Tubing Cutter (Installer
tighten brass fitting of Pressure Regulator. provided) to trim tubing ends with straight, clean
cut for best seat and seal in push-fit couplings.
6.4 Open Bottle Supply Valve and check for
leakage around fitting. If leakage is detected,
close Bottle Supply Valve and see Sumitomo
Tubing from Pressure
Recommended Procedure SRP SP-F04-001.
Regulator must be
connected to Inlet Port 1
6.5 Close Bottle Supply Valve.

6.6 Install male quick-disconnect 8mm Tubing

Adapter into female quick-disconnect fitting on
Pressure Regulator. See Fig. 3. #1 #2
#1 = Inlet Port #3
#2 = Outlet Port
#3 = Vent / Bypass FLOW

Figure 4
Bypass Switch

7.2 Push-fit Installer-provided length of 8mm

tubing between 8mm Tubing Adapter on Pressure
Regulator and #1 Inlet coupling on Bypass
Switch. See Fig. 5.

7.3 Push-fit a short piece (6” - 12” length

suggested) of Installer-provided 8mm tubing
Figure 3
between #2 Outlet coupling on Bypass Switch
8mm Tubing Adapter Installed to Pressure
and 0-200 psi Hand-Held Pressure Gauge. See
Fig. 5.

Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09
Revision: 11

0 – 200 psi
Pressure Gauge psi

Toggle Switch
OFF or Bleed Toggle Switch
Position ON Position

Short piece of
Tubing from 1 2 8mm Tubing
Pressure FLOW

Figure 5
Bypass Switch Positions and Pressure Gauge

Note: Bypass Switch is “OFF” when toggle 7.6 Once 150 psi reading is obtained on 0-200 psi
switch / handle is positioned back towards #1 Hand-Held Pressure Gage, do not move / adjust
Inlet coupling or pressure source (Bleed Pressure Regulator Valve from its (now) “pre-set”
Position). Bypass Switch is “ON” when toggle position. Maintaining a constant 150 psi pressure
switch / handle is positioned forward towards #2 setting will ensure better test accuracy throughout
Outlet coupling or tube span (Pressurizing remainder of Pressure Test.
7.7 Close Bottle Supply Valve and turn Bypass
7.4 Open Bottle Supply Valve and turn Bypass Switch OFF. Any pressure in tubing and 0-200
Switch ON. psi Hand-Held Pressure Gage will vent to
atmosphere through #3 vent port on bottom of
7.5 Slowly adjust Pressure Regulator Valve, Bypass Switch (a hissing sound will be heard).
increasing output pressure until 0-200 psi Hand-
Held Pressure Gauge reads 150 psi. 7.8 Verify 0-200 psi Hand-Held Pressure Gage
reads zero.
Note: The Pressure Regulator’s (0-400 psi)
Pressure Gauge and the 0-200 psi Hand-Held 7.9 Uncouple 0-200 psi Hand-Held Pressure
Pressure Gauge readings may be different at Gage from short 8mm tubing and uncouple short
this point. This is not unusual due to the 8mm tubing from #2 Outlet coupling on Bypass
differences in accuracy between the two Switch.
gauges. Use the more accurate 0-200 psi
Hand-Held Pressure Gage reading.

Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09
Revision: 11

8.0 Pressure Test Set-up 9.3 When Installer #2 indicates ready to

receive pressure, turn Bypass Switch ON to
8.1 Installer #1 remains at entry point FTU pressurize tube span.
Note: Depending on tube span length,
8.2 Installer #2 takes 0-200 psi Hand-Held pressure build-up on the 0-200 psi Hand-Held
Pressure Gage to exit point FTU location. Pressure Gage will be gradual. On average, it
takes about 20 - 30 seconds to fully charge a
8.3 Establish communications between 1000’ length of tubing.
Installers located at both ends of tube span.
9.4 When 0-200 psi Hand-Held Pressure Gage
8.4 Evaluate fiber bundle entry and exit point reading steadies out at 150 psi (gauge needle
locations. Ensure they are well ventilated to stops moving), tube span has reached full
disperse nitrogen gas released during Pressure pressure. Installer #2 then directs Installer #1
Test operations. If necessary, use jumper to close Bottle Supply Valve.
tubing to extend entry and exit point FTU tubes
to ventilated area. If required, provide auxiliary 9.5 After Bottle Supply Valve is closed,
means of ventilation. Installer #1 instructs Installer #2 to begin 10
second time count while observing 0-200 psi
8.5 At entry and exit point FTUs, locate, identify, Hand-Held Pressure Gage reading.
and verify correct tube span to be tested.
Note: The “10 second test period” is an
8.5.1 At entry point FTU, push-fit 8mm jumper approximate time value only and should be
tubing and a Tube Coupling between #2 Outlet considered a minimum requirement.
on Bypass Switch and first tube to be tested.
10.0 Pressure Test Completion
8.5.2 When Installer #2 indicates ready, open
Bottle Supply Valve and turn Bypass Switch ON 10.1 Pressure Test results are considered
to pressurize tube span. satisfactory if 0-200 psi Hand-Held Pressure
Gage reading holds between 146 - 150 psi for
8.5.3 At exit point FTU, verify pressure flows 10 seconds.
from correct tube; i.e.: do a “Continuity Check.”
10.1.1 Leakage exists if 0-200 psi Hand-Held
8.5.4 At entry point FTU, turn Bypass Switch Pressure Gage reading drops below 145 psi
OFF, close Bottle Supply Valve, and allow tube within 10 second test period.
span to de-pressurize.
10.1.2 All leakage problems must be located
9.0 Pressure Testing and repaired. See Troubleshooting
recommendations in Para. 12.0.
9.1 At exit point FTU, connect 0-200 psi Hand-
Held Pressure Gage to first tube to be tested. If 10.2 At conclusion of 10 second test period,
space is limited, push-fit 8mm jumper tubing and Installer #2 directs Installer #1 to turn Bypass
a Tube Coupling between first tube to be tested Switch OFF and de-pressurize tube span.
and 0-200 psi Hand-Held Pressure Gage to
extend tube span and gauge to a convenient Note: Pressure Test results must be recorded.
working area. See Addendum A (Pressure Test Data Sheet)
for a “suggested” format. Revise to suit
9.2 At entry point FTU, ensure Bypass Switch is specific needs.
OFF and open Bottle Supply Valve.

Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09
Revision: 11

10.3 When tube span has de-pressurized, 11.4.2 Tube end has slanted or jagged cut
disconnect Bypass Switch and 0-200 psi Hand- De-pressurize tube span, disconnect tube, and
Held Pressure Gage and repeat steps 9.1 trim end using Tubing Cutter (BETC001) to obtain
through 10.2 for remaining tube spans. straight, clean cut. Firmly push tube back into
Tube Coupling. See Fig. 6.
CAUTION: When securing from Pressure
Testing operations, always de-pressurize / vent
the Pressure Regulator by turning its valve
counterclockwise until the Output Pressure
Gage reads zero. This step is vital to prevent
damaging the Regulator’s internal diaphragm.

10.4 When Pressure Testing operations are

concluded, close Bottle Supply Valve and open Good
Pressure Regulator Valve to vent Regulator until
its Output Pressure Gage reads zero.

11.0 Troubleshooting Leakage Problems

11.1 Troubleshooting pressure leaks in a tube

span first requires finding where the leak points
are located and then making repairs. Bad
11.2 Basic Troubleshooting Method
The basic troubleshooting method is to apply Figure 6
150 psi pressure to the faulty tube span (per Importance of Good, Straight Tubing Cuts for
steps 9.1 through 9.3) and, with pressure left on, Best Seat and Seal Inside Tube Couplings
inspect the tube route. Listen for escaping air (a
hissing sound).
11.4.3 Inside of Tube Coupling blocked
11.3 Common Leak Point Locations Contamination (dirt) or shavings build-up inside
The most common locations for pressure leaks Tube Coupling (resulting from numerous tube
to occur are at Tube Coupling connections coupling disconnect / re-connect cycles
found in or near Tube Distribution and Fiber performed during troubleshooting) preventing
Termination Units (Thus and Fetus). good seat / seal with coupling O-rings. Clean out
or replace Tube Coupling.
11.4 Common Causes for Leaks
The most common causes for pressure leaks 11.4.4 Tube is cut / nicked at end of tube cable
are listed below along with suggested repair outer jacket / sheath
techniques. This condition is typically caused by improper
techniques used during tube cable jacket
CAUTION: Always ensure tube span is de- removal. More specifically, the outer jacket was
pressurized before attempting to disconnect any scored too deeply and inner tubes were cut /
Tube Coupling. nicked during the process. Repair is possible
only if there is enough slack available to cut the
11.4.1 Tube is not fully seated in Tube Coupling bad tube off below where it is damaged and
De-pressurize tube span and firmly push tube remove more outer jacket correctly. Install
into Tube Coupling until it fully seats. additional Tube Couplings and 8mm jumper
tubing to restore original tube length.

Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09
Revision: 11

11.5 Another Troubleshooting Method 12.2 The basic procedure to test two tube spans
Another effective troubleshooting method to help at the same time is identical to testing one tube
find pressure leaks is to “isolate” a long tube span with the following exceptions.
span into shorter segments / sections.
12.2.1 At exit point FTU, use 8mm jumper
11.5.1 For example, at a mid-point TDU, tubing and Tube Couplings to connect the two
disconnect Tube Coupling in faulty tube span and span ends together. See Fig. 7.
connect 0-200 psi Hand-Held Pressure Gage to
front half of span. 12.2.2 At entry point FTU, connect Bypass
Switch to one tube span (serves as supply leg)
11.5.2 Perform normal pressure testing steps 9.1 and 0-200 psi Hand-Held Pressure Gage to
through 10.3. other tube span (serves as return leg). See Fig.
11.5.3 If front half of tube span holds 150 psi for
about 10 seconds, leakage is located in the back 12.2.3 Conduct Pressure Test following normal
half of tube span. Further troubleshooting efforts test procedures.
should be concentrated in this area.
Note: It is recommended to limit “multiple” tube
11.6 After repairs have been made, always testing to just two tube spans at the same time.
conduct another Pressure Test (per steps 9.1 In the event there are pressure leaks,
through 10.3) to verify the total end-to-end airtight troubleshooting efforts can quickly become
integrity of the tube span. more complex and time consuming when
dealing with multiple tube spans.
12.0 Alternate Pressure Test Method

12.1 The standard Tube Pressure Test procedure

checks one tube span at a time. A “time-saving”
method involves testing two tube spans at the
same time. This method can be used provided
the two spans under test run between the same
end-to-end points.

Entry Exit

Tube Coupling-
Jumper Tubing-
Tube Coupling
Bypass “Loop Back”
Switch 0 -200 psi
Pressure Gage

Figure 7
Alternate Pressure Test Method
To Test Two (2) Tubes at Same Time

Document: SP-F04-003
Date Issued: 04/09


Test Date: SEL Tube Cable Part Number (TCxxYYY):

Test Event: Tube Cable Span or Segment ID Number
From: To:
Test Personnel:
End-User Rep: Note: Tube Cable Part Numbers and Span / Segment ID
numbers must match As-Built Drawing documentation

Ref Doc = Sumitomo Recommended Procedure SRP SP-F04-003

Test Criteria = Hold 146 psi - 150 psi for 10 seconds

Tube Cable Span Tube Tube Test Time

or Segment ID Number Number Pressure Held
Number (IN) (OUT) (psi) (secs) Comments


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