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On The Confluent Hypergeometric Functions in 2 Variables

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969 巻 1996 年 29-38 29




Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Tokyo

\S 0. Introduction.
Let $M(r, n)$ be the set of complex matrices, $\lambda=(\lambda_{0,\ldots,l-1}\lambda)$ a partition of
$n$ . We conside the action of on $GL(\Gamma, \mathbb{C})\cross H_{\lambda}$
$Z_{r,n}:=\{z\in M(r, n)$ : rankz $=$

$r\}$ defined by

$GL(r, \mathbb{C})\cross Z_{r,n}\cross H_{\lambda}arrow Z_{r,n}$


$(g, z, h)$ $\mapsto gzh,$


where $H_{\lambda}=J(\lambda_{0})\cross\cdots\cross J(\lambda_{l-}1)\subset GL(n)$ be the associated maximal abelian

subgroup with respect to $\lambda^{\mathrm{c}},$

$J(m)= \{\sum_{i=0}^{m1}hi\Lambda i$ : $h_{1,\ldots,m-1}h\in \mathbb{C}\}$ $h_{0}\in \mathbb{C}_{}^{\cross},$



$\cdot...c\dagger \mathit{4}.$

$:=(_{0}^{0}$ $0_{1}0)$

. .

Let $\iota$

: $H_{\lambda} arrow\prod_{:}(\mathbb{C}^{\cross}\cross \mathbb{C}^{\lambda.-1})$ . For $z\in Z_{r,n}$ , the generalized confluent

hypergeometric function (CHG function, for short) is defined as

(0.1) $\Phi(z;\alpha)=\int_{\Delta}\chi(\iota^{-1}(tZ);\alpha)\cdot\omega$

where be an -tuple of complex numbers satisfying
$n$ $=-\Gamma,$ the $\sum_{i=}^{l-1}0\alpha^{(}0i$ $\lambda$

character of the universal covering group of is a twisted cycle in the $H_{\lambda},\mathrm{a}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{d}\triangle$


-space depending on and . The function $z$ $\alpha$
admits the following symmetries:
(0.2) $\Phi(gz;\alpha)=(\det g)-1\Phi(z;\alpha)$ $g\in GL(r, \mathbb{C})$

(0.3) $\Phi(zh_{\lambda;\alpha})=\chi(h_{\lambda})\Phi(z;\alpha)$ $h_{\lambda}\in H_{\lambda}$

(0.4) $\Phi(zw_{\lambda^{4}}, \alpha)=\Phi(z;\alpha^{t}w_{\lambda})$ $w_{\lambda}\in W_{\lambda}$

where is an analogue of the Weyl group, see [K-K] and Section 1.


The CHG functions on and for various partitions of 4 and $\Phi$

$Z_{2,4}$ $Z_{2,5}$

5 were investigated in the papers and [K-K]. It is known that $[\mathrm{K}- \mathrm{H}-\mathrm{T}],[\mathrm{O}- \mathrm{K}]$

the functions are generalizations of Gauss’, Kummer’s, Bessel’s, Hermite’s,


Airy’s functions and the classical hypergeometric functions of two variables,

i.e., $F_{1},$
in Horn’s list
$\phi_{1},$ $\phi_{2},$
. In this talk, we study the
$\phi_{3},$ $G_{2},$ $\Gamma_{1,2}\Gamma$ $([\mathrm{E}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{d}1])$

hypergeometric functions of type in two variables on the strata of the set $\lambda$

$M(3,6)$ of complex matrices$3\cross 6$

\S 1. Construction of the group $W_{\lambda}$

Set $\lambda^{(0)}=(1,1,1,1,1,1),$ $\lambda^{(1)}=(2,1,1,1,1),$ $\lambda^{(2)}=(2,2,1,1),$ $\lambda^{(3)}=$

$(2,2,2),$ $\lambda^{(4)}=(3,1,1,1),$ $\lambda^{(5)}=(3,2,1),$ $\lambda^{(6)}=(3,3),$ $\lambda^{(7)}=(4,1,1)$ and

$\lambda^{(8)}=(4,2)$ . We set

, $P_{\lambda^{(1)}}=\{\}$

$P_{\lambda^{(2)}}=\{$ ,
$P_{\lambda^{(3)}}=\{$ ,

$P_{\lambda^{(4)}}=\{\}$ , $P_{\lambda^{(5)}}=\{$

$P_{\lambda^{(7)}}=\{\}$ , $P_{\lambda^{8}}=\{$


where is the $I_{i}$ $i\cross i$

identity matrix, $\mathfrak{S}_{i}$

is the group of $i\cross i$

matrices and
Then we have the following proposition (see [K-K]).
Proposition 1.1. For the partit. ions $\lambda^{(\nu)}$

, th $e$ Weyl groups $W_{\lambda^{(\nu)}}(\nu=$

$0,$ are given by


$W_{\lambda^{(\nu)}}=R_{\lambda^{(\nu})}\rangle\triangleleft P_{\lambda^{(\nu)}}$


$R_{\lambda^{(}}0)=I_{6}$ $R_{\lambda^{(1)}}=\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{g}(W(2), I4)$

$R_{\lambda^{(2)}}=\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{g}(W(2), W(2),$ $I2)$ $R_{\lambda^{(3)}}=\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{g}(W(2), W(2),$ $W(2))$

$R_{\lambda(4)}=\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{g}(W(3), I3)$ $R_{\lambda^{(}}5)=\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{g}(W(3), W(2),$ $1)$

$R_{\lambda^{(6)}}=\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{g}(W(3), W(3))$ $R_{\lambda^{(7)}}=\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{g}(W(4), I2)$

$R_{\lambda^{(8)}}=\mathrm{d}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{g}(W(4), W(2))$

\S 2. Orbital decomposition of the set of strata.

Set $D(i,j, k)=\det(z_{i}, z_{j}, z_{k})$ for $z=(z_{0}, z_{1}, \ldots, z_{5})\in M(3,6)$ .
Definition 2.1. Let be a Young diagram of weight 6, $(i,j, k),$ $(i, m, n)$ $\lambda$

two subdiagrams of , where $i,j,$ $m,$ are mutually distin . We den $ote$ by
$k,$ $n$ $ct$

th symbol $\{(i,j, k), (i, m, n)\}$ the set


$\{z\in M(3,6)|$ $D(D(iothp’,erjq’,r)\neq 0ksu)bdi\mathrm{a}g\mathrm{r}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{m}=D(i,m,(p,\mathrm{q},r)nfor\mathrm{a}\mathrm{n}y)=0,$


and call it a general stra um of type $(3, 6)$ asso ciated to $t$ $\lambda$

(for short, a $\mathit{8}tratum$


Let denote the set of strata

$\{(i,j, k), (i, m, n)\}$ associated to the Young
diagram . We simply write for $\lambda$
$S$ $S_{\lambda^{(}}0$

Proposition 2.1. (1) The Weyl group $W$ acts transitively on $S$
(2) . $\#^{s=9}\mathrm{o}$

Proposition 2.2. Under the action of , the orbi $P_{\lambda^{(\nu)}}$

decomposi tion of
is described as
$S_{\lambda^{(\nu)}}$ , where $S_{\lambda^{(\nu)}}=\mathrm{I}\mathrm{J}iO_{P_{\lambda}}(\nu)(s_{\nu}^{i})$

$s_{1}^{1}=\{(0,1,2), (0,4,5)\},$ $S^{2}1=\{(4,0,1), (4,2,3)\},$ $S^{3}1=\{(4,0,5), (4,2,3)\}$ ,

$s_{1}^{4}=\{(\mathrm{o}, 2,3), (0,4,5)\};s_{2}=\{1(0,1,2),(\mathrm{o}, 4,5)\},$ $s=\{22(2,0,1), (2,3,4)\}$ ,

$s_{2}^{3}=\{(4,0,1), (4,2,3)\},$ $s_{2}^{4}=\{(\mathrm{o}, 2,3), (0,4,5)\},$ $S^{5}2=\{(0,1,4), (0,2,5)\}$ ,

$s_{2}^{6}=\{(4,0,5), (4,2,3)\};s_{3}1=\{(0,1,2), (0,4,5)\},$ $S_{3}2=\{(4,0,1), (4,2,3)\}$ ;

$s_{4}^{1}=\{(\mathrm{o}, 1,2), (\mathrm{o}, 3,4)\},$ $s=42\{(0,1,3), (\mathrm{o},4,5)\},$ $S_{4}^{3}=\{(3,0,1), (3,4,5)\}$ ;

$s_{5}^{1}=\{(0,1,2), (0,3,4)\},$ $S^{2}5=\{(0,1,2), (0,3,5)\},$ $S_{5}3=\{(3,0,1), (3,4,5)\}$ ,
$s_{5}^{4}=\{(5, \mathrm{o}, 1), (5,3,4)\};s=\{16(0,1,2), (\mathrm{o}, 3,4)\};s_{7}^{1}=\{(0,1,2), (0,4,5)\}$ ;
$s_{8}^{1}=\{(0,1,2), (0,4,5)\}$ .

\S 3. Normal forms of matrices.

Set . For simplicity we write for . By the action of
$Z^{\nu}= \bigcup_{s\in S_{\lambda}}S(\nu)$
$Z$ $Z^{0}$

on defined by , We first describe how to take the elements

$GL(3)\cross H_{\lambda^{(\nu}})$ $Z^{\nu}$ $(^{*})$

of $GL(3)\backslash Z/H$ as the normal forms of $z\in Z$ . We fix one stratum $s_{0}=$
$\{(4,0,1), (4,2,3)\}\in S$ .
Proposition 3.1. For eachk $i=0,$ asseri :
$\mathrm{j}_{on}h’ old_{S}i\backslash$
$\ldots,14\backslash ,$

For any there exists a que

$z\in s_{0}$ such that $\mathrm{u}\mathrm{n}i$
$(x, y)\in \mathbb{C}^{2}$

(1) , (2) $z\in GL(3)_{Z}i(xarrow, y)H$ ,

$f_{i}(_{X}, y)\neq 0$
: :. $l$
and $f_{i}=f_{i}(X, y)$ are.given by
$\mathfrak{n}^{\gamma}f_{\mathrm{J}}erez_{i}arrow=arrow z_{i}(.x, y)$

$arrowarrow z_{0}(X,yz_{2}(_{X},y))==$ $arrowarrow z_{1}(x,yZ_{3}(X,y))==.$

$arrow z_{4}(x, y)=$ $arrow z_{5}(_{X}, y)=$

$arrow z_{6}(_{X}, y)=$ $arrow z_{7}(x, y)=$


$arrow z_{8}(x, y)=$ $arrow z_{9}(_{X}, y)=$

$arrow z_{10}(_{X}, y)=$ $arrow z_{11}(x, y)=$

$arrow z_{12}(x, y)=$ $arrow z_{13}(x, y)=$

$arrow z_{14}(x, y)=$

$f_{i}(x, y)=Xy(1-x)(1-y)(1-x-y)$ for $i=0,$ $\ldots,$

$f_{i}(x, y)=xy(1-x)(x-y)(1-x+y)$ for $i=4,5$

$f_{i}(X, y)=xy(y-X)(1-y)(1+x-y)$ for $i=6,7$
$f_{i}(_{X}, y)$
$=xy(1-X)(xy-1)(1-xy+y)$ for $i=8,9$
$f_{i}(x, y)=xy(1-X)(xy-1)(1-xy+y)$ for $i=10$
$f_{i}(X, y)=xy(1-X)(1-y)(1+xy-y)$ for $i=11,12$
$f_{i}(x, y)=xy(1-X)(1-y)(Xy-X-y)$ for $i=13$
$f_{i}(x, y)=Xy(xy-1)(1-y)(1-xy+x)$ for $i=14$ .

We set $N=\{z_{i}arrow$ : $0\leq i\leq 14\}$ . For the stratum $s_{0}$ , we denote by $N_{s_{0}}$
set $\{z--\sigma zarrowarrow i$
: $\sigma\in \mathfrak{S}_{3},z_{i}arrow\in N\}$
and $\mathrm{c}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{l}1zarrow\in N_{s_{0}}$
a normal form of $z\in s_{0}$ .
Proposition 3.2. The normal forms of the matrices in any other stra um $t$

$s\in Sc$ an be obtained by the action of Weyl up on . $\mathrm{g}ro$

$W\simeq \mathfrak{S}_{6}$ $N_{s_{0}}$

Using the same method as above, we can obtain the normal forms of $z\in Z_{\nu}$

for $\nu=1,2,$ . $\ldots,$


\S 4 CHG functions and the classical CHG functions of 2 variables.

Definition 4.1. For $0\leq\nu\leq 8$ , the function $\Phi$
given by (0.1), i.e.,

(4.1) $\Phi(z;\alpha)=\int_{\Delta}\chi(\iota^{-1}(tz);\alpha)\cdot\omega$
for $z\in Z^{\nu}$

is called the confluent hypergeometric function (’


type $\lambda^{(\nu)}$

(for short CHG

By the symmetry

for $w_{\lambda}\in \mathrm{T}V_{\lambda}$

we can list up the functions on with normalized parameters (see Table

$\Phi$ $Z^{\nu}$

III). On the other hand, there is a list of the classical CHG functions of two
variables, which is known as Horn’s list (see [Erd 1]). Integral representations
of these functions have been investigated by M. Kita [Ki], M. Yoshida [Y], B.
Dwork and F. Loeser [D-L].
We reinterpret some of the functions ${}_{-2}H2,$ $\mathrm{H}k(k=2,3,4$ ,
$–,$ $F_{2},$ $\Psi_{1},$ $\Psi_{2},$ $F_{3,-1}--,$

5, 11) in list in terms of the CHG functions. The changes of variables

$(u, v)arrow(-1/u, -1/v)$ for $F_{2},$ $\Psi_{1}$

and $\Psi_{2}$
$(u, v)arrow(-u, -v)$ for ,

$(u, v)arrow(-u, 1/v)$ $\mathrm{f}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{r}--_{2}-$

$(u, v)arrow(-1/u, v)$ for $H_{2}$
and $\mathrm{H}_{k}(k=2,3,4,5,11)$

transform the integral representations of these functions into the following:

: $v^{\beta’-\gamma’}(v+y)^{-\rho’}u^{\rho\gamma}-(u+x)^{-\rho}(1+u+v)^{\gamma+-}\gamma’\alpha-2dudv$

: $v^{-\gamma^{\prime\rho_{-\gamma}}} \exp(-\frac{y}{v})u(u+x)^{-\rho}(1+u+v)^{\gamma+-}\gamma’\alpha-2dudv$

: $v^{-\gamma’} \exp u^{-}\exp(\gamma-\frac{x}{u})(1+u+v)^{\gamma+}\gamma’-\alpha-2dudv$

: $(1+yv)^{-\rho\prime}v-1(\alpha’1+u+v)^{\gamma-\alpha-\alpha}-1u(’\alpha-11+xu)^{-^{\rho}}dudv$

$–1-$ : $\exp(-yv)v-1(\alpha’1+u+v)^{\gamma-\alpha-\alpha}-1u(’\alpha-11+xu)^{-\beta}dudv$

$—2$ : $\exp(-yv)v^{\gamma-^{\rho-2}}\exp(-\frac{u+1}{v})u(\rho_{-}11+xu)^{-\alpha_{d}}udv$

: $v^{\gamma-1}(1+u+v)^{\delta-\alpha-\gamma-}1(1-yu)^{-}\rho’\rho_{-}\delta u(u+x)^{-\beta}dudv$

: $v^{\delta-\alpha-2} \exp(-\frac{u+1}{v})(1-yv)-\beta’u(\rho_{-}\delta u+x)^{-\beta}dudv$

H3 : $v^{\delta-\alpha-2} \exp(-\frac{u+1}{v})\exp(yv)u^{\beta\delta}-(u+x)^{-\beta}dudv$

H5 : $v^{\delta-\alpha-2} \exp(-\frac{u+1}{v})\exp(yv)u^{-\delta}\exp(-\frac{x}{u})dudv$

: $u^{\beta-\delta}(u+x)^{-\beta}(1-yv)-\beta\prime v(\gamma-11+u+v)^{\delta-\alpha-\gamma-}1dudv$

: $u^{-\delta\beta} \exp(-\frac{x}{u})(1-yv)-lv^{\gamma}-1(1+u+v)^{\delta-\alpha-\gamma-}1dudv$

: $u^{-\delta\gamma} \exp(-\frac{x}{u})\exp(yv)v(1+u+v)^{\delta-\alpha-\gamma-}1dudv$

For these functions, the corresponding partitions $\lambda$

and normal $\mathrm{f}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{S}arrow x_{i}=$

are tabulated in the following:

$arrow x_{i}(x, y)$


For the normal $\mathrm{f}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{S}arrow x_{i}=arrow x_{i}(X, y)$

, the $\mathrm{v}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{b}.\cdot 1$ es $(x, y)\in \mathbb{C}^{2}$
are subject to
the condition $g_{i}(X, y)\neq 0$ .

Proposition 4.1. Let and the normal forms be given in

$x_{i}arrow=arrow x_{i}(X, y)$

Table III. The $CHG$ functions on with the normalized pa- $GL(3)\backslash Z^{\nu}/H_{\lambda^{(\nu)}}$

ramet are related with the classi hypergeometric fun ctions

$\mathrm{e}rs\beta_{\nu}(0\leq\nu\leq 3)$ $c\mathrm{a}l$

of two variables, for instence, $as$

$\Phi_{\lambda^{(0)}}(_{X_{1;}}arrow\beta 0)=\int_{\Delta_{1}}.v^{\alpha_{0}}(v+y)^{\alpha}1\alpha_{2}uu(+x)^{\alpha_{3}}(1+u+v)\alpha_{5}dudv$

$=C1F2(\alpha 4+1, -\alpha_{3}, -\alpha_{1}, -\alpha 2-\alpha 3, -\alpha 0-\alpha 1;x, y)$

$\Phi_{\lambda^{(1)}}(^{arrow}x_{2}; \beta_{1})=\int_{\triangle_{2}}v\exp u^{\alpha_{2}}(u+x)^{\alpha}3(1+u+v)\alpha 0\alpha \mathrm{s}dudv$

$=C_{2}\Psi 1(\alpha_{4}+1, -\alpha_{3}, -\alpha 3^{-\alpha}2, -\alpha 0;x, y)$

$\Phi_{\lambda^{(2)}}(x_{3}arrow; \beta 2)=\int_{\Delta_{3}}v^{\alpha_{0}}\exp(-\frac{y}{v})u\alpha_{2}\exp(-\frac{x}{u})(1+u+v)^{\alpha_{5}}dudv$

$=C_{3}\Psi_{2}(\alpha_{4}+1, -\alpha 2, -\alpha_{0} ; x, y)$ .


The properties of those functions can be described in the following Table.


is a multi-valued holomorphic function in the domain:

(4.2) $X_{i}=\{(x, y)\in \mathbb{C}2 : g_{i}(x, y)\neq 0\}$ ,

where $g_{i}(X, y)(1\leq i\leq 13)$ are given in Table II.

Note that the functions $\{F_{2}, F_{3}, H_{2}\},$ { , H3}, $-$ $\{\Psi_{1}, \mathrm{H}_{11}\}$
belong to the
same orbits, respectively.

\S 5 $\mathrm{n}_{\mathrm{a}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{S}}\mathrm{f}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{t}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{n}$

We systematically deduce some transfomation fomulae for the systems of
partial differental equations from the symmetries for the function . $\Phi$

$F_{3}(\alpha, \alpha’, \beta, \beta’, \gamma;x, y)$

$=x^{-\rho\beta’}y^{-}F2( \beta+\beta’-\gamma+1, \beta, \beta’, \beta-\alpha+1, \beta’-\alpha’+1;\frac{1}{x}, \frac{1}{y})$ .

$H_{2}(\alpha, \beta, \beta’,\gamma, \delta;X, y)$

$=y^{-\beta’}F2( \alpha+\beta’, \beta, \beta’, \delta, \beta’-\gamma+1;x, -\frac{1}{y})$ ,

$F_{3}(\alpha, \alpha’, \beta, \beta’, \gamma;X, y)$

$=x^{-\alpha_{H_{2}}}( \alpha-\gamma+1, \alpha, \alpha’, \beta J, \alpha-\beta+1;\frac{1}{x}, -y)$

$\mathrm{H}_{11}(\alpha, \beta’, \gamma, \delta;x, y)$

$=y^{-\rho_{\Psi_{1}}’}( \alpha+\beta’, \beta’, \beta’-\gamma+1, \delta;-\frac{1}{y}, x)$ ,

H3 $(\alpha, \beta, \delta;x, y)$

$=x^{-\beta}---_{2}( \beta, \beta-\delta+1, -\alpha+\beta+1;\frac{1}{x}, -y)$ .

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