Structured Argument - Grade 8 WS

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Q1. Read the following structured argument and mark the following with different colours.

Claim, explanation, evidence, reasoning, counterclaim, rebuttal and conclusion.

Dowry in marriages is harmful and should be banned.

Conflict over dowry in marriage is a harmful practice that perpetuates gender inequality and
should be abolished. This practice, deeply rooted in many cultures, has far-reaching
negative consequences. It treats women as commodities to be exchanged for wealth and
social status, perpetuating gender inequality. Moreover, it places undue financial burdens on
the bride's family, often pushing them into debt and poverty. Dowry promotes materialism
over the essence of love and commitment in a marital relationship.

Data from various countries reveal the adverse effects of dowry. For instance, in India, where
dowry-related disputes are prevalent, there has been a significant rise in cases of domestic
violence and bride burning. Women are often harassed or mistreated by their in-laws if the
dowry is considered insufficient. Additionally, dowry pressures parents to invest their
resources in sons while neglecting daughters, reinforcing gender discrimination and class

While some argue that dowry is a cultural tradition signifying the importance of the marital
union and ensuring financial security for the bride, it is essential to recognize the harm it
perpetuates. When cultural traditions promote inequality and harm, they should be
reconsidered. The notion of dowry as a form of financial security for brides is flawed, as it
often results in women being objectified and mistreated. Moreover, the burden of providing a
dowry can lead to economic hardship for the bride's family, contradicting the idea of financial

In conclusion, conflict over dowry should be abolished due to its negative impact on gender
equality, family finances, and the well-being of women. Cultural traditions must evolve to
promote fairness and justice in society. Ending the practice of dowry is a step towards
achieving gender equality and creating healthier, more equitable marriages.

Q2. On a word document, write your own structured argument. Please note your argument
should have all the necessary steps.
Claim, explanation, evidence, reasoning, counterclaim, rebuttal and conclusion.
Topic: Gender inequality harms not only women but also men.

Here is a possible structured argument on the topic of gender inequality harms not only
women but also men. I have written it on a word document and attached it below.

Gender Inequality Argument

Gender inequality is a pervasive social problem that affects not only women but also men.
Gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment or perception of individuals based on their
gender, often resulting in discrimination and exclusion. While women are often the primary
victims of gender inequality, men also suffer from its negative consequences. Therefore, it is
important to recognize and address the harms of gender inequality for both genders.

One of the harms of gender inequality for women is the violation of their human rights and
dignity. Women face various forms of violence, such as domestic abuse, sexual assault,
honor killings, female genital mutilation, and human trafficking. According to the World
Health Organization, one in three women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual
violence in their lifetime. Moreover, women are often denied equal access to education,
health care, employment, political participation, and justice. For instance, globally, only 24%
of parliamentarians are women. These forms of discrimination and oppression undermine
the autonomy and well-being of women.

Another harm of gender inequality for men is the pressure to conform to rigid and unrealistic
expectations of masculinity. Men are often socialized to be strong, aggressive, dominant,
and competitive, while suppressing their emotions and vulnerabilities. These norms can
have detrimental effects on the mental and physical health of men. For example, men are
more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as substance abuse, smoking, and violence.
Furthermore, men are less likely to seek help for their problems, such as depression,
anxiety, or stress. These factors contribute to the higher rates of suicide among men than

A third harm of gender inequality for both women and men is the disruption of social
harmony and development. Gender inequality creates conflicts and tensions between
genders, as well as within genders. It also hinders the potential and contribution of both
genders to society. For example, gender inequality limits the economic opportunities and
productivity of women and men. Additionally, gender inequality affects the quality of life and
well-being of families and communities. Therefore, gender inequality is a barrier to achieving
peace and prosperity for all.

Some might argue that gender inequality is a natural or inevitable outcome of biological or
cultural differences between genders. However, this argument is flawed and unfounded.
Gender inequality is not natural or inevitable; it is a social construct that can be changed and
challenged. Biological or cultural differences do not justify or explain the unequal treatment
or perception of genders. Moreover, biological or cultural differences do not imply superiority
or inferiority of any gender. Rather, they reflect diversity and complementarity among

In conclusion, gender inequality harms not only women but also men in various ways. It
violates the human rights and dignity of women; it pressures men to conform to rigid and
unrealistic expectations of masculinity; and it disrupts social harmony and development for
both genders. Therefore, it is imperative to address and eliminate gender inequality for the
benefit of all genders.

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