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Urological Science 26 (2015) 210e213

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Original article

Management of complex urethral stricture disease: Algorithm and

experience from a single institute
Yu-Hua Shau a, b, Sheng-Tang Wu a, Chien-Chang Kao a, Tai-Lung Cha a, Chih-Wei Tsao a,
En Meng a, Dah-Shyong Yu a, Guang-Huan Sun a, Shou-Hung Tang a, *
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Surgery, Taoyuan Armed Forces General Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: There are currently no practical guidelines regarding recurrent or complex urethral strictures
Received 27 March 2014 in Taiwan. Furthermore a specific urological reconstruction center focusing on urethroplasties in this area
Received in revised form is currently unavailable. In this study we aim to share the experience of our institute according to an
9 June 2015
algorithm for this disease entity.
Accepted 9 June 2015
Materials and methods: From December 2007 to October 2013, adult males with complex urethral
Available online 26 July 2015
strictures were enrolled. Six different surgical techniques were used for treatment. Clinical features and
outcomes were analyzed through a retrospective chart review.
complex Results: The mean age was 39 years, with a mean follow-up period of 42 months (range, 5e76 months).
recurrent An average of three sessions of previous treatments was noted. The overall primary success, requiring no
urethral stricture further intervention, was 46%. Permanent failure occurred in one patient (2.6%). The primary success for
urethroplasty in distal, penile, bulbar, posterior urethra, and in stricture with hypospadias was 100%, 40%,
83%, 29%, and 60%, respectively. From the perspective of procedure type, anterior anastomotic ure-
throplasty (80%) and skin-based flaps (75%) resulted in the highest success rate. Following anterior or
posterior buccal mucosal graft-augmented urethroplasties, 40% of patients received additional short-
term dilatations or urethrotomies.
Conclusion: Complex urethral strictures can be managed by a variety of surgical techniques according to
specific stricture locations. However, a careful postoperative follow-up for recurrences is mandatory,
since ~40% of patients undergoing buccal mucosal graft-augmented urethroplasties were expected to
have additional procedures after the index urethroplasty.
Copyright © 2015, Taiwan Urological Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction or dilations are associated with high rates of recurrence in severe

urethral strictures, more specifically, when the strictured segment
Male urethral stricture disease is an old and difficult problem for is > 1 cm in length. In certain situations, DVIUs using either a cold-
urologists. Before the era of endoscopic surgery, dilation and open knife or a laser could not replace the role of open surgery. This has
surgery that involved the resection of the strictured segment were been observed in cases of posterior urethral distraction injuries or
the most common treatments. Nowadays, endoscopic direct-visual in cases of repeated anterior urethral strictures.3
internal urethrotomy (DVIU) and/or dilations are most commonly Previous studies have shown that the use of multiple DVIUs/
used to treat urethral strictures by practicing urologists.1 DVIU has dilations to treat urethral stricture disease is associated with an
become the most widely used procedure in Taiwan, largely because unacceptably high rate of failure. A review article by Santucci et al
urologists are skilled in endoscopic procedures and newly intro- demonstrated a third DVIU results in 100% failure for the procedure.
duced lasers have become available.2 Unfortunately, either DVIUs Therefore, repeated DVIUs or dilations are neither curative, nor
There is currently no specific reconstruction center that annu-
ally performs > 70 open urethroplasties in Taiwan.6 Therefore it is
* Corresponding author. Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, No. 325,
Section 2, Chenggong Road, Neihu District, Taipei City 114, Taiwan. important to establish a practical approach to manage difficult or
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.-H. Tang). recurrent urethral strictures in the local area. Augmented

1879-5226/Copyright © 2015, Taiwan Urological Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Y.-H. Shau et al. / Urological Science 26 (2015) 210e213 211

urethroplasty, which uses free grafts from the buccal area, has symptomatic, an additional retrograde urethrography. The diag-
become prevalent in the past decade. Buccal mucosa grafts (BMGs), nosis of recurrence was made upon cystoscopic confirmation.
initially used in hypospadias repair are nowadays more commonly The primary outcome of interest was the success rate of surgical
applied in the field of adult urethroplasty to repair urethral stric- interventions, which was further categorized into a primary success
ture disease. In the report by Barbagli et al,7 the use of BMG ure- (without stricture recurrence and any postoperative intervention),
throplasty for nontraumatic bulbar urethral strictures is shown to an early success (with minor recurrence within 6 months), a solv-
have a success rate of 85%. Stricture recurrence after an ure- able failure (curable recurrence beyond 6 months of surgery) and a
throplasty represented a surgical challenge. There have been permanent failure. Complications and the percentage of patients
limited reports focusing on redone urethroplasties.8 In the current regaining ability to void through the urethra were also noted.
study we share our experience and update the knowledge in the
management of complex/recurrent urethral strictures. Further- 2.1. Surgical techniques and indications
more, we propose a convenient algorithm for this disease entity.
2.1.1. Anterior and posterior anastomotic urethroplasty
2. Materials and methods An anterior anastomotic urethroplasty (AU) was considered
when either a penile urethral stricture involving < 1 cm or a bulbar
A retrospective study of patients with complex urethral stricture stricture involving < 1.5 cm in length. Posterior AU was indicated in
diseases was performed. The study was approved by the Institu- patients with posterior urethral distraction injury as the first
tional Review Board of Tri-Service General Hospital. All enrolled attempt of reconstruction. The procedure was performed as
patients underwent urethroplasties between December 2007 and described by Mundy et al.9
October 2013. A complex urethral stricture was defined as either any
posterior urethral distraction injury, or any anterior urethral stric- 2.1.2. Anterior BMG-augmented urethroplasty
ture with previously failed surgical interventions. Patients younger This procedure was considered when a simple AU was not
than 18 years or with a history of previous intervention using only possible in anterior urethral strictures. The BMG was placed using
dilation were excluded. The length and location of the stricture were an inlay (Asopa technique) in the penile urethral stricture and was
evaluated by retrograde urethrography and an endoscopic evalua- placed using an on-lay (standard technique) in bulbar urethral
tion. Preoperative physical examinations included a careful palpa- strictures. We employed the techniques described by Pisapati
tion of the corpus spongiosum, to determine the presence of et al10 and Barbagli et al.11
spongiofibrosis. Stricture locations were categorized as distal,
penile, bulbar, posterior, and stricture with hypospadias. Distal 2.1.3. Posterior BMG-augmented urethroplasty
urethral stricture was defined as stricture location within 1 cm of This technique was reserved for strictures that were extremely
the urethral meatus, not reaching the penile shaft region. We have difficult to treat with the standard re-anastomosis, particularly
proposed a treatment algorithm (shown in Fig. 1) through the re- when re-anastomosis was expected to cause a significant post-
view of literature and then modified it by our own experience. operative chordee. An incision was made in the urethral plate at the
Postoperatively, the patients were followed-up in our clinics most reachable proximal point and a BMG was sown and served as
monthly for the first 6 months. The follow-up studies consisted of an a carpet, to widen the urethral lumen. The techniques were
uroflowmetry plus postvoiding residual measurement, and, when described in our previous study.12

Fig. 1. Proposed algorithm for the management of difficult urethral strictures.

212 Y.-H. Shau et al. / Urological Science 26 (2015) 210e213

2.1.4. Scrotal or preputial flap reconstructive surgery because of an extremely high anesthetic
Skin-based flaps were used in a penile urethral stricture when risk. The primary success for urethroplasty in distal, penile, bulbar,
nearby viable tissues were unavailable, especially when the BMG posterior urethra, and in stricture with hypospadias was 100%, 40%,
was not possible in some cases. For example, Taiwanese patients 83%, 29%, and 60%, respectively. From the perspective of procedure
with a history of chewing betel nut were frequently found to type, anterior anastomotic urethroplasty (80%) and skin-based flaps
exhibit a marked fibrotic change inside the mouth, which elimi- (75%) resulted in the highest success rate. In terms of operation
nated the possibility of a BMG. time, posterior urethroplasties generally required a longer time
than anterior urethroplasties (262 minutes vs. 226 minutes). There
2.1.5. Perineal urethrostomy were two instances of complications, involving chronic leg pain
This could be the ultimate salvage procedure and was only used after prolonged surgery (Table 2).
in patients whose urethral strictures cannot be reconstructed. For Thirty of the 39 cases (77%) had either a long-term urethral
perineal urethrostomy we used the techniques described by Tang catheterization or a suprapubic cystostomy before receiving ure-
et al.13 throplasty. In total, 37/39 (95%) of cases can urinate through the
urethra after surgeries, with 18 (46%) cases of primary success.
2.2. Statistical analysis Anterior AU had the highest primary success rate of 80%. However,
posterior BMG-augmented urethroplasty resulted in no primary
Patient characteristics and surgical success rates were expressed success and all patients receiving this procedure required addi-
in descriptive statistics. Numerical variables (e.g., age, stricture tional DVIU/dilations to overcome recurrent strictures. All patients
length, and previous interventions) were expressed as who demonstrated a recurrence beyond 6 months after the ure-
mean ± standard deviation. The relationship between stricture throplasty would exclusively have a recurrence within 3 months
length and stricture recurrence, and operation time and stricture postoperatively. Regarding the timing of recurrences, minor re-
recurrence were tested by independent t test. A Chi-square test was currences within 6 months accounted for 35% of the patients, and
performed to examine whether multiple prior interventions were solvable failures at > 6 months after surgery accounted for 16%.
related to stricture recurrences. Overall cumulative recurrence-free There was one permanent failure (3%), due to the regrowth of
rate was calculated by a KaplaneMeier survival analysis. All data cancerous tissue into the anastomotic area in a patient who un-
were processed through SPSS version 19 (IBM SPSS Statistics 19; derwent a previous chemoradiation treatment for rectal cancer.
SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A significance level of p < 0.05 was set. Through univariate analysis, postoperative recurrence of a stricture
was significantly related to the length of the stricture, multiple
3. Results prior surgeries, and longer operation time p ¼ 0.02, p ¼ 0.006, and
p ¼ 0.01, respectively. The overall cumulative recurrence-free rate
A total of 39 patients were enrolled. The mean age was 39 years, by KaplaneMeier analysis showed that the recurrence rate became
with a mean follow-up period of 42 months (range, 5e76 months). relatively stable beyond the 6th postoperative month (Fig. 2).
Demographic data are shown in Table 1. For most patients, the
stricture etiology was trauma (51%); others included transurethral 4. Discussion
surgeries (26%) and posthypospadias surgery (23%). The mean
urethral stricture length was 2.7 ± 1.2 cm (range, 1e6 cm). An Frequently recurring urethral strictures and posterior urethral
average of three treatments preceded the index urethroplasty. distraction injuries are not so rare in Taiwan. There are still debates
Six different techniques were used for treatment in the current regarding definition of surgical success rate and standard treatment
study population. Anterior urethroplasty with BMG (28%) and modalities for complex urethral stricture. Only two randomized
posterior AU (28%) were the most commonly used procedures. trials have been performed, with no definite conclusion.14 Currently,
Perineal urethrostomy was performed in one patient who refused complex urethral stricture is regarded as an open surgical disease,

Table 1
Patient characteristics stratified by urethral stricture types.

Location Distal stricture Penile stricture Bulbar stricture Posterior distraction injury Hypospadias with fistula Comment
and stricture

n (%) 1 (2.6) 10 (25.6) 6 (15.4) 17 (43.6) 5 (12.8)

Age (y) 43 52 ± 20 43 ± 25 35 ± 18 21 ± 5
Length (cm) 1 3.6 ± 1.2 1.8 ± 0.4 2.5 ± 0.7 2.8 ± 2
Previous interventions 1 4±3 1±2 4±3 2±1
Primary success 100 40 83 29 60 46 (total)
Early success & solvable failures 0 60 17 64 40 51 (total)
Permanent failure 0 0 0 7 0 3 (total)

Data expressed as mean ± standard deviation or %, unless otherwise indicated.

Table 2
The surgical outcomes classified by surgical techniques.

Anterior AU Anterior BMG PosteriorAU Posterior BMG Scrotal/preputial flaps Cutaneouos urethrostomy

n (%) 5 (12.8) 11 (28.2) 11 (28.2) 7 (17.9) 4 (10.3) 1 (2.6)

Age (y) 52 ± 21 41 ± 21 36 ± 20 31 ± 15 27 ± 11 82
Length (cm) 1.5 ± 0.4 1.2 ± 3.6 2.1 ± 0.6 3.0 ± 0.3 1.0 ± 1.5 5
Primary success rate (%) 80 45 45 0 75 100
Operation time (min) 135 ± 39 224 ± 48 226 ± 46 262 ± 41 127 ± 46 100
Complication (n) None None None Leg pain (2) None None

Data expressed as mean ± standard deviation unless otherwise indicated.

AU ¼ anastomotic urethroplasy; BMG ¼ buccal mucosal graft.
Y.-H. Shau et al. / Urological Science 26 (2015) 210e213 213

changes around the affected urethra, which compromised the

vascular bed for BMG and might contribute to the high recurrence
rate. This group of patients generally became stable beyond 6 months
after surgery and probably do not require further intervention.

5. Conclusion

Complex urethral strictures can be managed by a variety of

surgical techniques according to specific stricture locations. How-
ever, a careful postoperative follow-up for recurrences is manda-
tory, since ~40% of patients undergoing buccal mucosal graft-
augmented urethroplasties were expected to have additional pro-
cedures after the index urethroplasty.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that they have no financial or non-financial

conflicts of interest related to the subject matter or materials dis-
Fig. 2. Overall recurrence-free rate by KaplaneMeier analysis. cussed in the manuscript.

Sources of funding
because of the unacceptably high failure rate that is associated with
No funding was received for the work described in the article.
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reports.16 In our series, the success rate of bulbar urethroplasties was
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