Language Hub Elementary Progress Tests U12

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Progress Test Unit 12

GRAMMAR D Underline the correct word in italics in each sentence.

An example (0) has been done for you.
A For each sentence (1–5), find the error and correct it.
0 They will / Will they ever visit the moon again?
An example (0) has been done for you.
1 Where are you / you are going to stay in France?
0 What is you going to do on Friday?
2 I’m sorry but I will / won’t be late for work tomorrow.
What are you going to do on Friday?
3 Andrew might not / not might graduate this year.
1 She is going to look for a job after graduating?
4 Don’t worry, Dad am / is going to book tickets.
5 Do you think you are / will get married?
2 I not going to watch an action film tonight.
6 They isn’t / aren’t going to go to the gym today.

3 My classmates isn’t going to school on Monday. 7 They might to travel / travel back by boat.
8 My teacher not / isn’t going to go on the school trip.

4 Where they are going to go on holiday? 9 Students will not / will need any school textbooks.
10 We might go / might going to the comedy show.

5 It is going be hard to pass that exam. / 10


B Complete the sentences using the words in the box. There

is an extra word you do not need. An example (0) has been
done for you.

be do have not travel will won’t

0 In the future, people will be busier than now.

1 We live in underwater cities in the future.
2 Every family will a flying car.
3 People will to other planets in spaceships.
4 There be any petrol cars on the roads.
5 Teachers will be necessary for learning.

C Put the words into the correct order to form sentences.

An example (0) has been done for you.
0 rain / later / it / might / today / on / .
It might rain later on today.
1 might / Tina / be / party / at / not / the / .

2 visit / might / we / the / Rome / in / summer / .

3 to / they / a / might / take / need / break / .

4 you / about / not / might / to / want / talk / it / .

5 the / I / stay / might / late / at / tonight / office / .


Language Hub Elementary Tests.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2019. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
Progress Test Unit 12
VOCABULARY D Underline the correct word in italics in each sentence.
An example (0) has been done for you.
A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
0 My brother needs to get hot / organised before his exams.
An example (0) has been done for you.
1 Would you like to get coffee / hungry after work?
0 I’m going to have a meeting at 2 pm this afternoon .
2 Tess always shares / chats to her friends online in
1 Are you doing anything nice the weekend?
the break.
2 My sister wants to be a famous musician day.
3 Tom got sick / thirsty and couldn’t go to school all week.
3 We’re going to Brazil summer. Less than two
4 Soon / Next month robots will do everything humans
months now!
can do.
4 My cousin is 16, so year she’s going to learn
5 Nick connected / uploaded the pictures from his party.
to drive.
6 I think I’ll go to bed early tonight / next year.
5 It’s January now, so next is February already.
7 Do your parents blog / follow you on Twitter?
8 Tomorrow / One day I have work, so I’m sorry but
B Complete the sentences using the words in the box. There I can’t come.
is an extra word you do not need. An example (0) has been 9 We didn’t take a map so we got home / lost.
done for you.
10 That celebrity couple is trending / tagging on social media.
home hungry lost lunch money tired wet / 10

0 I just need to get money from the bank. Total: / 50

1 My mum got from work late last night.
2 Are you getting ? Shall we get a snack?
3 Nancy didn’t have a coat, so she got in
the rain.
4 Why don’t you go to bed if you’re getting ?
5 If anyone calls for Mrs Holmes, she’s getting

C Match the sentence halves to form full sentences.

An example (0) has been done for you.
0 What’s trending a a on Twitter right now?
1 I enjoy connecting with b blog about
South America.
2 Please tag me in c likes my comments.
3 Rob loved that video d people on the internet.
4 You should read that e you shared on
social media.
5 My mum always f that photo you posted.

Language Hub Elementary Tests.

Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2019. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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