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These rare cat-like humanoid share many genetic traits with the smaller cats (Felis Familiaris) and humans (Homo Sapiens), but are a separate and distinct species whose origins date back to before recorded time.

Most FLIAN fight only when they have to. As a society, they hold life as sacred in all its forms. But when combat is necessary, they show no hesitation. They approach combat much the same way as they do hunting. Stalking and striking without warning.

FLIAN live as a remote community without cities, villages, or centralized areas for government or trade. They know little of the outside world, everything they want or need is found within their forrest home. FLIAN have kept track of bloodlines and historical events for years beyond number. Engraved into thick ironwood sheets, written in their age old dialect of Sylvan and enchanted to protect them from the ravages of decay. The events they record are, almost exclusively, only within the realm of their rather secluded homeland. Among these events, are recorded those rare few who dare venture the outside realms, and far fewer, those who return home. There hasn't been an adventurer born to the FLIAN in 9 generations, there are whispers. FLIAN follow general moral guidelines, not written laws. Local elders are consulted to mediate deadlocked disputes, their decisions are respected and implemented. FLIAN AS PLAYER CHARICTERS -4str, +4 dex, -2 CON, -2 int, +2wis, +4CHA 1d8 hd medium humanoid natural Attacks: 2 claws (1d4 + str. mod/crit. X 2) bite (1d6 + str. mod/crit. X 2) (2+int mod) X 4 Skill points Skills: FLIAN have a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks. Cats have a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus rises to +8. Special abilities: Alertness, Scent Bonus feat: Weapon finesse Proficient with simple weapons, longbow, shortbow, and whip. Chyastersia FLIAN (Lesser Felis Sapien) Female 5'1 - 92 lbs. - Tan and light brown fur Golden brown eyes reveres nature and pleasure deities C/G 17 yrs.

+2 returning, shocking burst, thundering, throwing weapon This weapon returns to its user after it is thrown. On command, this weapon is sheathed in crackling electricity and explodes with electricity on a critical hit. The electricity does not hurt its wielder, but deals +1d6 points of bonus damage to opponents, or +1d10 (+2d10 if it has crit x3, or +3d10 if it has crit x4) on a crit. This weapon makes a cacophonous roar on a critical hit. The sonic energy does not hurt its wielder, but deals +1d8 points of bonus damage to opponents (+2d8 if it has crit x3, or +3d8 if it has crit x4) on a crit. Opponents hit by this weapon are deafended permanantly (Fort negates DC 14). This weapon may be thrown. Caster Level: 10; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, telekenesis, call lightning or lightning bolt, blindness/deafness, magic stone; Market Price: 128,300 gp; Cost to Create: 64,300 gp and 5120 xp.

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