Oxford Solutions Pre-Int Progress Test Unit 8 A

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Unit 8 Progress Test A

1 Complete the reported speech. Use the correct form of the verb and add pronouns if necessary.
1 ‘A lot of people visit my home town to see the unusual buildings.’

He said that a lot of people _______________________ his home town to see the unusual buildings.

2 ‘We saw a strange woman near the school gate at 9:30.’

The children said that _______________________ a strange woman near the school gate at 9:30.

3 ‘We haven’t caught the arsonist yet.’

The police told the reporters that _______________________ the arsonist yet.

4 ‘I can help you to find the stolen money.’

Matthew told the men that _______________________ to find the stolen money.

5 ‘The woman has green eyes and long, brown hair.’

Mark said that the woman _______________________ green eyes and long, brown hair.

6 ‘No one knows the secret code.’

The detective said that no one _______________________ the secret code.

7 ‘I will move to a new office in July.’

The detective said that _______________________ to a new office in July.

Mark: ___ / 7

2 Rewrite the direct speech as reported speech.

1 Eyewitness (he): ‘I haven’t seen anything unusual this morning.’
2 Police officer: ‘We arrested the suspect a week ago.’
3 Reporter: ‘The police need more witnesses to contact them.’
4 Robber (she): ‘I’m climbing in through the window because I’ve forgotten my key.’
5 Detective: ‘The attack happened outside the restaurant, just after midnight.’
6 Criminals: ‘The prison warden can’t keep us in prison forever.’
7 Victim (he): ‘I will wait here until the police arrive.’

Mark: ___ / 7

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 8 Progress Test A

3 Read the dialogue. Then complete the summary.
Mary I heard about the robbery at the jewellery shop yesterday.

Ruby So did I! I can’t believe that they stole so many diamonds!

Mary And no one saw anything.
Ruby Because the CCTV cameras aren’t working …
Mary Oh dear! The police are interviewing some of the staff tonight.
Ruby Maybe one of them took the diamonds.
Mary It’s not impossible. The shop isn’t doing very well and the manager was out of the country at the time.

Mary said that she had heard about the robbery at the jewellery shop the
1 2
day ________________ . Ruby said that she ________________ believe that the robbers
had stolen so many diamonds. Mary told her that there were no witnesses. Ruby said that it
was because the CCTV cameras ________________ . Mary said that the
4 5
police ________________ interviewing some of the staff ________________ night. She
also said that the manager ________________ out of the country at the time.

Mark: ___ / 6

4 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter of each word has been given.
1 When the police caught the s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the airport, he was carrying a suitcase full of cigarettes.
2 The m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ killed several people before he was caught.
3 After the earthquake, l_ _ _ _ _ _ took things from shops without paying for them.

4 The robber was wearing a b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so that nobody knew his identity.

5 The shop manager caught the Hollywood actress s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in an expensive clothes shop.
6 The two v_ _ _ _ _ _ caused damage to the building by throwing paint all over the walls.
7 I left my handbag on my desk at work yesterday and I think a t_ _ _ _ has taken it.
8 The police believe that the fire at the school was a_ _ _ _ .
9 The mugger s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the woman’s handbag from her when she was walking across the platform.
10 The drug d_ _ _ _ _ was caught with 5 kg of drugs in his car.

Mark: ___ / 10

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 8 Progress Test A

5 Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs and nouns below. There are two extra words.

Verbs study patrol search break into

Nouns witness gum fingerprint fire damage arrest investigation suspect

Police have launched an __________________ after they found a body in the river last night.
Police officers are currently __________________ CCTV footage of the path next to the
river, as well as __________________ a house for clues. They believe that this may be a
murder. They have interviewed several __________________ who were with the victim that
day, but haven’t made any __________________ yet.
They are appealing for more __________________ , so if you saw anything suspicious or
have any information about the crime, contact them on 0808-1570980.

Many people living in Bristol city centre phoned 999 to report burglaries last night. The police
believe that a number of burglars are watching houses to see when people go out for the
evening. They then __________________ the houses through an open window or door.
These burglars are taking expensive items like televisions and computers and then trying to
sell them on eBay. Police have taken __________________ at the properties and they
are __________________ the area so that people living there feel safer at night. They also
found some chewing __________________ which they believe belonged to one of the
burglars. They have sent this to a laboratory. They would like anyone with information to
contact them on 0808-1570994.

Mark: ___ / 10

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 3 Unit 8 Progress Test A

Use of English
6 Read the dialogues and choose the correct answers.

Dialogue 1
Dan What can be done to stop crime in this area?

Mike ___
Dan So you’d like to see more of them. Good idea!

A It seems to me that the criminals are doing a lot to help.

B It’s true to say that there are more burglaries in other places.
C I don’t think there are enough police patrolling the neighbourhood.

Dialogue 2
Sam I think the murderer will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Helen ___

A As I see it, that’s the best place for him.

B To be honest, I’m not sure about who it was.
C I imagine that he’ll want to say goodbye to it.

Dialogue 3
Mandy What do you want to do this weekend?
Emma ___
Mandy OK. Why don’t we look in the newspaper and see what’s happening in town?

A Shall we go to the cinema?

B Let’s do something different.

C How about going to a coffee shop?

Dialogue 4
Stella Did you know that Peter’s running in an important race on Friday?
Ben ___
Stella I agree. Let’s stand at the finish line.

A It would be nice to go and watch him.

B Do you fancy going there too?

C We could always run with him.

Dialogue 5
Clara In my opinion, the only way to stop vandalism is through education.

Colin ___

A I agree to some extent, but not everyone is interested in learning.

B I think there are other ways to help schools repair the damage.
C I don’t believe that this kind of crime was in the book.

Mark: ___ / 5

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 4 Unit 8 Progress Test A


7 Choose the correct translations.

1 The woman said that (zadzwoniła na policję).
a she had called the police
b she called the police

c she has called the police

2 In the end, the man said that (kobieta może pożyczyć) his umbrella.
a the woman can borrow
b the woman could borrow
c the woman may borrow

3 The boy (powiedział jej, że miał) a bad day at school.

a told her he had had
b told her that he had
c told her he has had
4 The reporter said that the police (prowadziła śledztwo w sprawie aktów wandalizmu w okolicy) at the time .
a investigated vandalism in the area

b were investigating vandalism in the area

c had investigated vandalism in the area
5 Yesterday someone told me that (jest wielu handlarzy narkotyków w tej części miasta). I didn’t think I would like to
live there.
a there are a lot of drug dealers in this part of town
b there had been a lot of drug dealers in that part of town

c there were a lot of drug dealers in that part of town

Mark: ___ / 10

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 5 Unit 8 Progress Test A

8  Listen to an interview with a crime writer and choose the correct answers.
1 Carol started to write about crime when
a she worked as a police officer.

b one of her relatives robbed a bank.

c someone she knew committed a crime.
2 Carol prefers to research her books by
a talking to people involved in crime.
b reading books about criminals.
c looking for information on the internet.

3 Carol wants to understand what a criminal is like so she can write realistic
a main characters.
b crimes.
c victims.
4 Carol was scared of one criminal she met because

a of something that he said.

b he had bought her a drink.
c she looked like his last victim.
5 Carol says that her books
a don’t take long to write.
b don’t take ages to read.

c aren’t popular enough.

Mark: ___ / 5

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 6 Unit 8 Progress Test A

9 Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner.
The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and twenty
of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We were all eating ice cream when I made
strange noises and fell forward onto my plate.
This was not some unusual way of teaching the children about crime, but a murder mystery
game. It was a bit like a play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All of the
teachers were either victims or suspects and all of the children were detectives trying to find
out who the murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious as many teachers
were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!
Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile
as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew
I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!
Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several
other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was
that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the
other characters important information and question people about the information they gave.
Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at
the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that one
of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.
Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties
in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t
upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so
atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be
some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a
wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main
course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and
interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening,
there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes
along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out
of murder!

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 7 Unit 8 Progress Test A

1 When the writer was eating her dessert, she
a became ill.
b had an accident.
c did some acting.

d made a mess.
2 The writer tried not to smile because
a she didn’t want the students to think she was enjoying herself.
b she was trying to look like she wasn’t alive.
c she wasn’t sure who was watching her.

d she knew the situation wasn’t funny.

3 At her first murder mystery party, the writer enjoyed
a asking the other guests about themselves.
b deciding who the murderer was.
c being a different character.
d telling people her story.

4 The writer’s company organises murder mysteries in castles because

a they are always available.
b guests like them the most.
c they have lots of space.
d the rooms are so interesting.

5 What title would be best for this article?

a My love of murder mystery
b Different ways to die
c In search of a criminal
d A life of crime

Mark: ___ / 5

10 You recently went to a dangerous part of town to take some photos. While you were there,
you saw a crime. Your friend Brian is planning to go to the same place at the weekend. Write an email
to Brian (80–130 words) and include the following:
• Describe the area and explain why it’s dangerous.
• Describe the crime you saw taking place
• Say how you / other people reacted.
• Tell your friend how he/she can avoid crime in this area.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 75

Oxford Solutions Pre-Intermediate Tests 8 Unit 8 Progress Test A

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