Lactato y Perfusion Kattan y Glenn

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Journal of Intensive Medicine 2 (2022) 17–21

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The role of peripheral perfusion markers and lactate in septic shock

Eduardo Kattan, Glenn Hernández∗
Departamento de Medicina Intensiva, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad de Chile, Santiago 7500000, Chile

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Septic shock leads to progressive hypoperfusion and tissue hypoxia. Unfortunately, numerous uncertainties exist
Septic shock around the best monitoring strategy, as available techniques are mere surrogates for these phenomena. Never-
Lactate theless, central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2 ), venous-to-arterial CO2 gap, and lactate normalization have
Capillary refill time
been fostered as resuscitation targets for septic shock. Moreover, recent evidence has challenged the central role
of lactate. Following the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial, capillary refill time (CRT) has become a promissory target,
considering the observed benefits in mortality, treatment intensity, and organ dysfunction. Interpretation of CRT
within a multimodal approach may aid clinicians in guiding resuscitative interventions and stop resuscitation
earlier, thus avoiding the risk of morbid fluid overload. Integrative assessment of a patient’s perfusion status
can be easily performed using bedside clinical tools. Based on its fast kinetics and recent supporting evidence,
targeting CRT (within a holistic assessment of perfusion) may improve outcomes in septic shock resuscitation.

Introduction cardiac output.[6] signals of underlying microcirculatory alter-

ations.[11] etc.
Septic shock is associated with a high risk of mortality re- The purpose of this article is to review the currently available
lated to progressive tissue hypoperfusion.[1] However, despite literature on perfusion monitoring in septic shock and provide
extensive researches on the best monitoring and resuscitation some integrative insight into this field, particularly following
strategies, numerous uncertainties remain. Over-resuscitation, the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial.[8]
particularly when inducing fluid overload, may contribute to a
worse outcome.[2] Fluid overload occurs more likely when: (1) Complexities in the Interpretation of Perfusion-related
fluids are administered to fluid unresponsive patients; (2) inap- Variables
propriate resuscitation goals are pursued; and (3) a “one-size-
fits-all” strategy is followed.[3] Despite advances in knowledge regarding pathogenic mecha-
A top priority in septic shock resuscitation is to recognize nisms and numerous studies performed in the last decades, many
hypoperfusion in early stages before the development of gener- uncertainties on perfusion monitoring in patients with septic
alized tissue hypoxia. Therefore, it has been proposed that sev- shock persist.
eral perfusion-related markers, such as lactate,[4] central venous First, tissue hypoxia (the ultimate consequence of shock) is
oxygen saturation (ScvO2 ),[5] venous-to-arterial CO2 gap,[6] and a cellular/mitochondrial phenomenon poorly captured by sys-
peripheral perfusion,[7] can be utilized to indirectly monitor the temic or metabolic variables, which can only be considered as
status of tissue perfusion and/or hypoxia. However, their poten- surrogates or approximations to the events occurring at the tis-
tial role has broadened over time to areas not strictly related sue level.[12]
to the original physiological significance. Indeed, perfusion- Second, tissues may be heterogeneously affected by hypop-
related variables have been used as triggers or targets in sep- erfusion, and the hepatosplanchnic region (one of the most rel-
tic shock resuscitation.[8] prognostic markers,[9,10] surrogates of evant territories) may be considered a “black box” in terms of

Corresponding author: Glenn Hernández
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Hernández).
Received 13 August 2021; Received in revised form 4 November 2021; Accepted 18 November 2021. Managing Editor: Jingling Bao
Available online 21 December 2021
Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Medical Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
E. Kattan and G. Hernández Journal of Intensive Medicine 2 (2022) 17–21

perfusion monitoring; moreover, advances in regional flow as- hypoperfusion since macrocirculation and microcirculation are
sessment are scarce.[13] coupled. In contrast, increasing cardiac output with fluids in the
Third, sublingual microcirculatory evaluation has not been later stage may not improve microcirculatory flow. In fact, this
applied to routine clinical practice and remains in the research may worsen derangements by inducing fluid overload and ve-
phase.[14] Technical aspects, logistics, costs, and lack of agree- nous congestion after the loss of hemodynamic coherence. Thus,
ment between experts on the most appropriate approach to cap- this concept should be considered in the interpretation of per-
turing and analyzing images may have compromised further de- fusion monitoring.[25]
Finally, it is impossible to consider a single parameter as the Peripheral Perfusion
hallmark for monitoring tissue perfusion or guiding septic shock
resuscitation due to the complexity of sepsis-related acute cir- The pathophysiological determinants and technical aspects
culatory dysfunction.[15] All individual parameters have limita- of peripheral perfusion assessment have been extensively dis-
tions and interpretation difficulties, rendering the multimodal cussed in contemporary literature.[26–29] Capillary refill time
monitoring of perfusion imperative.[16] (CRT) and the mottling score.[26,27,29,30] have been incorporated
into routine clinical monitoring worldwide. This incorporation
Definitions of Septic Shock was based on solid observational data, which established the
prognostic value of these parameters.[8,11,31] Patients with nor-
Current definitions of septic shock have inherent limita- mal peripheral perfusion after initial or advanced septic shock
tions because some are predominately focused on pathophysi- resuscitation were at a lower risk of mortality in several con-
ological concepts. For example, the definition proposed by the texts (absolute difference in risk: 20–25%) compared with those
hemodynamic consensus of the European Society of Intensive who exhibited persistent abnormal CRT or mottling.[11,31,32] This
Care Medicine is as follows: “Shock is best defined as a life- difference is striking and may simply represent the impact of
threatening, generalized form of acute circulatory failure asso- underlying hemodynamic coherence, where rapid normalizers
ciated with inadequate oxygen utilization by the cells”.[17] ] Al- are probably in the early stages of circulatory dysfunction and,
though this approach is relevant, it does not provide informa- therefore, highly responsive to flow-increasing maneuvers (e.g.,
tion on how to translate the pathophysiological term dysoxia with fluids in fluid-responsive patients).[23,25] In contrast, the
into clinical variables. phenotype of CRT-non-responders may reflect hemodynamic
The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and uncoupling and a more advanced stage. For such cases, rescue
Septic Shock (Sepsis-3) provide a more clinically-oriented defi- or immunomodulatory therapies may be considered earlier in
nition of septic shock. Nevertheless, this definition has been crit- the process.[23,33]
icized because it does not consider that lactate is a non-specific
marker of tissue hypoperfusion.[18] Data from several previous The ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Trial
studies suggest that interpretation of hyperlactatemia is condi-
tioned by the hypoperfusion context.[15,19] Patients without a The ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial was a multicenter, random-
hypoperfusion context may be at a low risk of mortality and ized, controlled study comparing CRT- vs. lactate-targeted resus-
could be harmed by over-resuscitation when pursuing lactate citation in 424 patients with early septic shock.[8,34,35] According
normalization as a goal.[20] to the hypothesis, targeting of CRT leads to decreased mortality
None of the definitions captures the early stages of sepsis- and organ dysfunction. The rationale behind this hypothesis is
related acute circulatory dysfunction as they are based on pa- that CRT is a flow-sensitive variable that can be assessed at very
tients with volume-refractory hypotension requiring treatment frequent intervals (30 min) compared with lactate. The latter ex-
with vasopressors.[18,21] However, in earlier stages, patients hibits relatively slow kinetics of recovery in some patients due
may arrive at the emergency department (ED) with a hypera- to delayed metabolic clearance. This could theoretically allow
drenergic compensatory state without evident hypotension, and earlier termination of resuscitation when a CRT target is pur-
marked tachycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction. Clinicians sued. This fact may decrease the risk of over-resuscitation and
who are unaware of these early signs may miss the diagnosis at eventually mortality and organ dysfunction.[8]
a stage in which hypoperfusion is easily reversible. In the study, CRT was assessed using a novel standardized
technique to improve interrater reliability. The intervention pe-
Hemodynamic Coherence riod was 8 h, and resuscitation goals were a normal CRT (≤3 s)
vs. a normalization or decrease >20% in the levels of lactate.
The pathogenic mechanisms involved in sepsis-related acute The protocol mandated sequential steps commencing with fluid
circulatory dysfunction change over time. This process includes challenges, followed by vasoactive-related interventions if nec-
a transition from loss of vascular tone and relative hypovolemia essary, until the target was reached.
in early stages (dry microcirculation) to progressive endothelial Compared with lactate-targeted resuscitation, CRT-targeted
and coagulation dysfunction with severe derangements at the resuscitation was associated with a trend toward lower 28-
microcirculatory level in an advanced stage (inflamed microcir- day mortality rate (43.4% vs. 34.9%, respectively; P=0.060),
culation).[22] This transition may not be easily recognizable, par- less organ dysfunction at 72 h (P = 0.045), lower mortality
ticularly when patients are assessed at a single time-point. How- in the predefined subgroup of patients with less organ dys-
ever, it is relevant since it is the basis for the concept of hemo- functions at baseline (39.3% vs. 20.4%, respectively; P=0.030),
dynamic coherence.[22–24] Indeed, in the early stage, increasing faster improvement in organ dysfunctions during the first 72 h
systemic blood flow or perfusion pressure may improve tissue (P<0.001), less resuscitation fluids (P=0.010), and less vaso-

E. Kattan and G. Hernández Journal of Intensive Medicine 2 (2022) 17–21

pressor testing (P=0.020).[8] A subsequent Bayesian post-hoc ables return within the normal range in 70–80% of patients after
analysis supported the survival benefit of CRT-targeted resus- only 2 h.[19]
citation.[36] In the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial, all patients fulfilled the
Sepsis-3 definition of septic shock, which includes hyperlac-
Perspectives Following the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Trial tatemia as an obligatory criterion.[8] In a post-hoc analysis, 25%
of the global cohort had a normal CRT at baseline. These pa-
The ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial was not designed as a mech- tients exhibited a significant lower mortality rate than those
anistic study; hence, many questions remain unsolved. A fun- with an abnormal baseline CRT, regardless of the group in which
damental question is whether both strategies are equivalent they were allocated (27% vs. 43%, respectively; P=0.001). This
in terms of improvement in tissue hypoperfusion or hypoxia- finding was confirmed by a multivariate analysis where abnor-
related parameters. Brunauer et al.[27] found a significant corre- mal CRT at baseline was an independent determinant of 28-day
lation between changes in CRT and mottling score with the pul- mortality (odds ratio: 1.8; 95% confidence interval: 1.07–3.02;
satility index of various hepatosplanchnic arteries during sep- P=0.026).[43] ] These data challenge one of the proclaimed ob-
tic shock resuscitation. This correlation is physiologically co- jectives of the Sepsis-3 definition of septic shock, which is to
herent since both territories are affected by the same adrener- identify a cohort of patients at similar risk of death.[18] In addi-
gic response to circulatory stress that could be reverted at least tion, they support that hyperlactatemia should always be inter-
partially by increments in systemic flow. A posterior clinical- preted under the perspective of the hypoperfusion context.
physiological study demonstrated that normalization of CRT af- These data redetermine the role of lactate in septic shock
ter fluid resuscitation is associated with comparable improve- resuscitation. Several experts have recently emphasized the pit-
ment in hypoxia surrogates and regional/microcirculatory blood falls of lactate clearance as a potential target in septic shock
flow to those observed with lactate; however, it is also linked to resuscitation based on several considerations. This is particu-
a faster achievement of target in CRT-guided resuscitation.[37] larly attributed to the fact that, in most cases, the main source
Unfortunately, the complexity of the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK of hyperlactatemia is not residual hypoperfusion or hypoxia,
study protocol has limited its applicability to pre-intensive care but rather stress-related hyperlactatemia.[20,44] Considering the
unit (pre-ICU) settings. However, since CRT is a simple and uni- risk of over-resuscitation, this condition should not be treated
versally available technique, more studies should be performed with further resuscitation or the “lacto-bolo reflex”.[45] Data
to establish its potential role in guiding septic shock resuscita- from the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial tend to support this princi-
tion in EDs or resource-limited settings. Encouragingly, a couple ple.[8] In addition, results from another post-hoc analysis of the
of studies demonstrated the strong prognostic value of CRT after ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial suggest that pursuing a lactate tar-
pre-hospital initial assessment[32] and following the first fluid re- get in patients with already normal CRT at 2 h may increase the
suscitation at the ED.[38] Eventually, the response of CRT to ini- mortality rate.[46]
tial fluid resuscitation may be used for triage decisions, where Nevertheless, changes in lactate level may provide valuable
non-responders should be rapidly transferred to the ICU for ad- information on the course of septic shock resuscitation. A failure
vanced monitoring and treatment. The potential usefulness of to decrease the levels of lactate should lead to a reevaluation
newly developed optical devices to objectively assess CRT.[39,40
and further establish its role as a dynamic cardiovascular test is
also being investigated.[28]


The strong prognostic value of persistent hyperlactatemia is

undebatable. However, there is still some discussion concerning
the correct terminology (delta vs. clearance) for the definition of
lactate reduction in response to resuscitation in the ICU.[9,10,26,41]
To be rigorous, the term clearance should be abandoned since
the evolution of lactate levels over time reflects the balance be-
tween increased production, redistribution, and metabolism in
shock states, and not only real clearance in kinetic terms.[20]
A slow decrease is frequently associated with a worse prog-
nosis; nonetheless, caution should be exercised since this also
depends on the hypoperfusion context.[15,19,20,42] In a retrospec-
tive proof-of-concept study, patients with hyperlactatemia but
normal ScvO2 , venous-to-arterial CO2 gap, and CRT (e.g., more
flow-sensitive variables) demonstrated less severe circulatory
dysfunction with lower requirement for norepinephrine, and a
trend toward shorter ICU length of stay, less rescue therapies,
and lower mortality rate vs. those with abnormal ScvO2 , venous-
to-arterial CO2 gap, and CRT.[15] Serum lactate levels remain el-
evated in half of septic shock survivors 24 h after initiating ICU-
based resuscitation. In contrast, the more flow-sensitive vari- Figure 1. Characteristics of the ideal resuscitation target.

E. Kattan and G. Hernández Journal of Intensive Medicine 2 (2022) 17–21

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