Samsung SHS-3420
Samsung SHS-3420
Samsung SHS-3420
| Introduction
Congratulations on the purchase of your Samsung Touchpad Door Lock! Your lock has a touch sensitive
number display pad and optionally a 13.56MHz Card reader. Up to 70 users can be registered to gain access
with unique Codes or Access Cards (supports ISO14443A type).
The touchpad makes it convenient to enter the code and the Randomizer function helps prevent lockpicking
using fingerprint traces on the touchpad. Other convenient functions such as Automatic Locking / Sound
Setting / Out-of-Home Security, etc. provide advanced security and peace of mind.
You can unlock the door using video intercom’s monitor after connecting a Samsung video intercom.
(Refer to page 6 for connection diagram to a video intercom).
| Helpful Tips
Do not attempt to repair the product yourself.
Parts Drawings
Door Preparation Lock Installation
● 2-1/8˝(54mm) hole saw ● Screw driver #2
● 1˝(25mm) hole saw ● Drill
● 3/8˝(10mm) drill bit
● 1/8˝(2.5mm) drill bit
● Chisel and hammer
When viewed from the Outside, When viewed from the Outside,
the hinge is on the left. the hinge is on the right.
1) Drill a 2-1/8˝ (54 mm) diameter hole through the door, as indicated on
the template, using a hole saw.
2) Drill a 1˝ (25 mm) mortise hole using a hole saw.
3) Drill strike plate holes using a drill bit (1/8˝, 2.5 mm).
① 54mm
② 25mm
③ 2.5mm
3 8
6a PH+M4×26
1 6b PH+M4×26
1 3
FH+ T4 x 25 FH+T4x25
FH+ M5 x 20 3b FH+ T4 x 25 3c
4 5
Connection for video intercom
J6 connector
Pins 3 & 4
2) Rotate the deadbolt so the center hole is 4) Using two PH+M4 x 26 screws, fasten the
horizontally aligned from the outside. lower portion of the Interior Unit (6b).
Press the [Wake The number pad will illumi- Enter the PIN Code and The door opens within
Up] button. nate. (If the Random Secu- press the [ ] button. one second.
rity function is enabled, press Successful:
the 2 illuminated numbers.) Ding dong dang dong
Ding dong ding dong
Press the [Wake Up] Touch the Card reader with The door opens within one
button. an Access Card. second.
Ding dong dang dong
Ding dong ding dong
Open/Close Button
Wake Up Button
Battery Cover
Card Reader
External Power
Reset button
Enter the User PIN Code (4~12 Repeat the process inside the
digits). rectangle.
Sound Indicators
Sound Description
Fur Elise Low voltage warning sound
Tiritiritiriririri accompanied with [OPEN/CLOSE] button flashing red.
Emergency Power Supply : Continuing to use the lock without replacing batteries when required will
lead to the batteries discharging and cause the lock to malfunction. You can open the door by touching the
external power contacts on the Exterior Unit with a 9V battery and then touching with the Card or entering
the PIN Code.
Indicator Lamp : Indicates the operational status when the Card is being read or the lock is in operation.
Infrared Ray Sensor : This sensor detects movement on the inside with an infrared ray when the door
opens by pressing [Open/Close] button. It prevents the door being opened by abnormal methods. You can
enable or disable this sensor. This sensor is disabled by default.
Intrusion Detection Function : When the Interior Unit is forcibly detached while the door is locked, it is
detected by the magnetic sensor and an alarm is sounded. (The function is not activated when the magnet is
not used.)The Intrusion Detection function is a basic function and cannot be enabled or disabled.
Locking Mode (Auto/Manual) : You can enable or disable the function for locking the door automatically
when it is closed. The factory default is ‘Auto mode’.
- Auto: The door is locked automatically 2 seconds after it is closed. However, it does not function if the mag-
net is not used or the batteries are completely discharged.
- Manual: When the door does not lock automatically when it is closed, pressing the [Wake-Up] button or the
[OPEN/CLOSE] button on the Interior Unit will lock the door.
Low Voltage : Refers to the state when the operating voltage of the lock is lower than the standard voltage,
and activates the Low Voltage Alarm (“Fur Elise”) to indicate that the batteries need to be replaced. Use the
Emergency Power when the batteries are completely discharged.
Magnetic Sensor : Detects the opening and closing of the door.
Malfunction Prevention Function (Mischief Prevention Function) : When more than 5 failed au-
thentication attempts with unregistered PIN Codes/Cards occur, a warning sounds for 10 seconds, and the
lock stops operating for 3 minutes. While lock operation is stopped, a ‘beep’ is sounded every 10 seconds
and the lock is activated again automatically after 3 minutes. The Malfunction Prevention function is a basic
function and cannot be enabled or disabled.
Manual Switchgear : When the batteries are completely discharged, this device is used to mechanically
lock or unlock the door from inside.
Master PIN Code : You can enter only one Master PIN (4-12 digits) Code. You can register the User PIN
Codes/Cards after authenticating with the Master PIN (4-12 digits) Code. You can open the door with the
Master PIN Code, and the factory default is ‘1234’.
OPEN/CLOSE Button : A one-touch button to open the locked door. (It is also used to lock the door from
inside in the Manual locking mode.)
Out-of-Home Security Function : This function prevents intrusions from outside when no one is home.
Pressing the [OPEN/CLOSE] button while the Out-of-Home function is enabled sounds an alarm. You can
enable this function with either the Master PIN code or the User PIN Codes.
Random Security Function : This mode prevents the disclosure of the PIN Code by entering the PIN
Code after authenticating 2 arbitrarily selected numbers. When the buttons for 2 arbitrarily selected numbers
are illuminated, pressing the 2 illuminated buttons illuminates the whole number pad. You can enable or dis-
able the Random Security function. This function is enabled by default.
Factory Reset
Open the battery cover of the When the number pad is illuminated, en- Enter the new Master PIN Code
Interior Unit and press the ter the current Master PIN Code (default is and press the [ ] button.
[Registration] button briefly. ‘1234’) and press the [ ] button. Successful: Ding dong dang
Ding dong Successful: Ding dong Failed: Ding dong ding dong
Note: Master PIN Code must be
Failed: Ding dong ding dong
4~12 digits.
Open the bat- When the number Enter a User Number Enter a new User Enter another
tery cover of the pad is illuminated, (1~70*) to register the PIN Code and User Number or
Interior Unit and enter the current User PIN Code and press [ ] button. press the [Wake
press the [Reg- Master PIN Code press the [ ] button. Successful: Up] button to
istration] button (default is ‘1234’) *Choose a User Number Ding dong dang quit.
briefly. and press the [ ] that has not already Failed: Ding
Ding dong button. been used. dong ding dong
Successful: Successful: Note: User PIN
Ding dong Ding dong Code must be
4~12 digits.
Failed: Ding Failed: Ding dong
dong ding dong ding dong
Open the battery cover of the When the number pad is illuminated, Enter a User Number (1~70*) to
Interior Unit and press the enter the current Master PIN Code register the User Card code and
[Registration] button briefly. (default is ‘1234’) and press the press the [ ] button.
Ding dong [ ] button. * Choose a User Number that has
Successful: Ding dong not already been used.
Failed: Ding dong ding dong Successful: Ding dong
Failed: Ding dong ding dong
Open the battery cover of the Enter the Master PIN Code Enter the User Number (1 to 70) of
Interior Unit and press and and press the [ ] button. the User PIN Code or card to be
hold the [Registration] button Successful: Ding dong deleted and press the [ ] button.
Failed: Ding dong ding
for 5 seconds. Successful: Ding dong dang
Ding dong → Ding ding Failed: Ding dong ding dong
Press and hold the [Wake Press and hold the [#] button Enter the Master PIN Code or
Up] button on the outdoor on the outdoor assembly for 3 User PIN Code and press the [ ]
assembly while the door is seconds. button to set the security function.
locked. Too~~t, too~~t Too~~~t
Additional Functions
Press the [Registration] button for 10 seconds. Enter the current Master PIN Code, and press
Successful: Ding dong → Ding ding the [ ] button. Keyboard
→Ding ding Successful: Ding dong dang ooo
Failed: Ding dong ding dong ooo
Continuing to use the lock without replacing the batteries when required will lead to lock malfunction.
Touching a 9V DC battery to the external power contacts on the under-side of the Exterior Unit will allow
for temporary access (continue touching the battery to the contacts until the lock is open).
Restart function
Note: Restarting does not delete registered information.
● There was a delay while changing the PIN Code. The number
pad must be illuminated when changing the PIN Code. Also, after
entering the first digit, the next digit must be entered within 10
I can’t change the
Page 13
Master PIN Code. ● Replace the batteries if they are discharged.
● Refer to the ‘Registering/changing the Master PIN Code’ section
in the user manual and try again. Ensure that the Master PIN
Code is 4~12 digits long.
● The User Number has already been used. Delete the desired
I can’t register the User User Number and re-register. Page 13
PIN Code.
● Ensure that the User PIN Code is 4~12 digits long.
● The User Number has already been used. Delete the desired
I can’t register the User User Number and re-register.
Page 14
Card. ● Ensure that the card is touched to the card reader within 10
seconds of entering the User Number.
There is no response ● Use a pin to press the hole on the right of the external power
when I press the [Wake contact of the Exterior Unit. Page 16
Up] button. ● If doing the above does nothing, contact the service center.
SEOUL COMMTECH CO., LTD (SEOUL COMMTECH) warrants its products to be free from
manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for 12 months from the date of purchase.
SEOUL COMMTECH will, within said period, at its option, repair or replace any product failing to
operate correctly without charge to the original purchaser or user.
This warranty shall not apply to any equipment, or any part thereof, which has been repaired
by others, improperly installed, improperly used, abused, altered, damaged, subjected to acts
of God, or on which any serial numbers have been altered, defaced or removed. SEOUL COM-
MTECH does not warrant the performance or sale conditions of the seller/installer.
There are no warranties, express or implied, which extend beyond the description on the face
hereof. There is no express or implied warranty of merchantability of a warranty of fitness for a
particular purpose. Additionally, this warranty is in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities on the
Any action for breach of warranty, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchant-
ability, must be brought within the six months following the end of the warranty period. In no case
shall SEOUL COMMTECH be liable to anyone for any consequential or incidental damages for
breach or this or any other warranty, express or implied, even if the loss or damage is caused by
the seller’s own negligence or fault.
SEOUL COMMTECH shall have no obligation under this warranty, or otherwise, if the product
has been repaired by others, improperly installed, improperly used, abused, altered, damaged,
subjected to accident, nuisance, flood, fire or acts of God, or on which any serial numbers have
been altered, defaced or removed. SEOUL COMMTECH and its distributor will not be respon-
sible for any dismantling, reassembly or reinstallation charges. This warranty contains the entire
warranty. It is the sole warranty and any prior agreements or representations, whether oral or
written, are either merged herein or are expressly cancelled. SEOUL COMMTECH neither as-
sumes, nor authorizes any other person purporting to act on its behalf to modify, to change, or
to assume for it, any other warranty or liability concerning its products. In no event shall SEOUL
COMMTECH be liable for an amount in excess of SEOUL COMMTECH’s original selling price
of the product, for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or oth-
erwise arising out of any failure of the product. Seller’s warranty, as hereinabove set forth, shall
not be enlarged, diminished or affected by and no obligation or liability shall arise or grow out of
Seller’s rendering of technical advice or service in connection with Buyer’s order of the goods
furnished hereunder.
SEOUL COMMTECH recommends that the entire system be completely tested weekly.
Warning: Despite frequent testing, and due to, but not limited to, any or all of the following;
criminal tampering, electrical or communications disruption, it is possible for the system to fail to
perform as expected. SEOUL COMMTECH does not represent that the product/system may not
be compromised or circumvented; or that the product or system will prevent any personal injury
or property loss by burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise; nor that the product or system will in all
cases provide adequate warning or protection. A properly installed and maintained alarm may
only reduce risk of burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise but it is not insurance or a guarantee that
these events will not occur.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or differentiate in their treatment
of limitations of liability for ordinary or gross negligence, so the above limitations or exclusions
may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state.
In case of the product defect, contact our U.S. Customer Service Center. In order to exercise the
warranty, you must contact our U.S. Customer Service Center and obtain a proper RMA # - the
product must be returned to our U.S. Customer Service Center at user’s shipping expense and
the replacement product will be shipped back at our expense.
For outside U.S customer, visit our website at and go to Support menu
to find the contact information of our worldwide distributors.
For product service, the product in all cases must be accompanied by below warranty form. Cus-
tomer must ask the reseller or installer to fill out the warranty form indicated below, otherwise the
product warranty may be considered void.
Stamp or Signature of authorized reseller / installer Product Code and Serial Number :
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