A234558.XS-2219-1 PPP ExcavatorSelection

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Peak Performance Practices

Excavator Selection
© 2014 Joy Global Underground Mining, LLC. All rights reserved. All materials contained herein are protected by the United States
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Peak Performance Practices
Excavator Selection

1 Introduction 1

2 Machine Descriptions 9

3 Selection Criteria 15
A. Technical 11
B. Machine Operation 23
C. Geology & Deposit
Characterization 26
D. Digging & Loading 31
E. Productivity 43
F. Maintenance 45
G. Environmental Impact 49
H. Commercial Considerations 52

4 Machine Selection Process 59

Glossary 65

Index 69

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1 Introduction

Forward Background As a global distributor of shovels, drills, draglines, mining trucks,

The process of selecting excavation equipment for truck and
front-end loaders and other mining related equipment, Joy Global
The global surface mining industry continues to use and demand large-capacity shovels and trucks for efficient high-production and shovel surface mining operations (Figure 1) is indeed complex.
Services understands the issues involved in the selection of
low-cost (HPLC) operations. Technological advancement, commodity market depressions, increasing labor and maintenance costs, A mine considering the purchase of large capital equipment
mining equipment. This handbook provides a compilation of that
contractual obligations and the harsh operating environments have driven the economies of scale towards low-cost bulk production. must sort through a myriad of issues relating to mine layout,
equipment application expertise in an effort to simplify and
However, the natural environments of all surface mining operations are characterized by difficult conditions that pose severe blasting techniques, on-site maintenance capabilities, and
enhance the mining shovel selection process.
challenges to the use of large-capacity equipment. These conditions include space limitation, weak overburden and weathered soils capital recovery before committing to a course of action.
and rocks, drainage and weather conditions and rugged terrains. Thus, the industry faces enormous challenges in the selection of
Purchasing and operations groups must examine various
appropriate mining shovels to meet technical, operating, safety, environmental and economic requirements. The need for understanding manufacturers’ claims of superior performance by the various
the real issues that affect the real choices for bulk surface mining operations is critical for achieving economies of scale. types of equipment to ensure that they choose the correct
This handbook is intended for mining personnel working in mine
machines — machines that will provide not only the production
Toward this strategic goal, Joy Global Services has made a significant contribution in the consideration, selection and use of large- management, purchasing, maintenance, and operations. In
quotas but also the lowest cost per unit loaded.
capacity shovels for HPLC surface mining operations through the Peak Performance Practices - Excavator Selection manual. This addition, this book is intended for mining engineering students
manual is divided into four major sections: an introduction, machine descriptions, selection criteria and machine selection process. Hydraulic and electric shovels each deserve fair consideration and faculty and anyone else with a need or desire to learn more
The introduction section provides a basic overview and understanding of the general mining operating environment for using these during the equipment selection process. The agile hydraulic is about the mining excavator selection process. It is one of a series
large shovel excavators. The section on machine descriptions deals with general description of the external and internal components an excellent machine for blending materials and selective of documents developed and distributed by Joy Global Services
of both the hydraulic and electric shovels, as well as, their operating cycles. The section on selection criteria deals with detailed digging where frequent moves are necessary or electric power to help mining personnel and others become more informed
consideration and analysis of relevant factors for selecting hydraulic and electric shovels for HPLC operations. The machine selection is lacking. It is a practical fit between front-end loaders and the about surface mining equipment and practices.
process summarizes the key variables in the mining shovel selection process. Together, these sections provide fundamental and electric shovel. Big, heavy-duty electric shovels are the well-
general knowledge to users to solve shovel selection problems at all phases of HPLC operations. proven standard for high-production, low-cost (HPLC) mining
applications where reliability is the key to profitability (Figures 2 and 3).
The Excavator Selection Manual is technically thorough, complete and consistent based on existing knowledge, experience and
acceptable standards within academia and industry. It provides appropriate knowledge, detailed examination and discussions of
relevant mining shovel selection criteria for HPLC surface mining operations (open pit and strip mining). This manual is a major
milestone in advancing knowledge and frontiers of surface mining excavation and production engineering. Jo Services is commended
for this effort.

Samuel Frimpong, PhD, PEng

Professor of Mining Engineering
University of Alberta, Canada

Figure 1 Mining shovels work in conjunction with a fleet of haul trucks.

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1 Introduction 1 Introduction

1. Topsoil Removal - 2. Subsoil Removal - This is the inert soil or clay just below the topsoil. 5. Dragline Operation - Draglines are used in some
Scrapers are pushed by It is weathered to the point that it can be excavated without drilling and operations to remove the last layer of overburden and
dozers to remove the top- blasting. This is removed by an excavator (hydraulic shown) and hauled expose the coal seam. The dragline requires no haulage
soil. This soil is then hauled and dumped in the reclamation area by the trucks. units to transport material; its long reach allows it to
and dumped by the scrapers dump the material in spoil piles in the previously
in the reclamation area. excavated areas. Some operations will use
shovels and trucks to perform this opera-
3 6. Coal Loading - On the floor of
the mine, a truck-shovel operation
2 removes the coal seam. The
coal is taken up to a crusher.

4 6


7. Reclamation - Dozers and

graders are used to level the spoil
piles. Topsoil is deposited by the
scrapers and final leveled. Native grasses,
shrubs and trees are then planted to complete
3. Drilling and Blasting the reclamation process.
Below the subsoil level
everything must be drilled
and blasted to provide the
appropriate fragmentation to 3
ensure effective digging and
loading. Blasthole drills drill holes
that are then filled with explosives
and blasted.
4. Truck and Shovel Excavation
Once the material is appropriately
fragmented, large electric shovels
excavate two benches (in this representation)
of overburden which is trucked and dumped
in the spoil area. In order to keep driving
distances low and cycle times short, a
cross-pit bridge is used.

Figure 2 Conceptual representation of a high-production, low-cost coal mining operation

(not to scale).

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2 Machine Descriptions 2 Machine Descriptions

This document includes general descriptive information about This section provides basic descriptions of the hydraulic and electric A hydraulic mining shovel consists of three major assemblies:
In-Situ Material Highwall
hydraulic and electric mining shovels and the specific shovels typically used in surface mining operations employing truck- the lower, upper and the attachment (Figure 5). The lower
attributes of these machines as related to effective digging Loose or shovel digging, loading and hauling methods. These descriptions provides a stable base for the machine and includes the propel-
Blasted Material
and loading of overburden and ore in surface mines provide enough information to enhance the reader’s understanding drive and crawler system. The upper provides an attachment
employing the truck-shovel method for excavation and of the content of this handbook and are not intended to provide a point for the power plant, pump drive, hoist and swing
moving material. Also included in this handbook are selection comprehensive knowledge of these machines. machinery, boom attachment, control valves, fuel and oil
variables and equipment attribute tables to assist in the reservoirs, operator’s cab and supporting equipment (Figure 6).
selection process. Hydraulic Mining The attachment consists of the boom, stick and bucket and

Excavator Description
associated cylinders and valves.
HPLC Operation The primary motions of the hydraulic mining shovel include

A hydraulic mining excavator, also referred to as a hydraulic propel, swing, boom hoist and lower, stick extend and retract, and
mining shovel (HMS), is a machine designed specifically to dig bucket curl. An HMS uses the propel motion to move (tram) the
The information in this handbook applies specifically to high-
Toe and load material in surface mines (Figure 4). A hydraulic machine from one digging site to another and also to position the
production, low-cost (HPLC) mining operations that use
excavator is available in a face shovel configuration or as a machine at the digging face. The machine is capable of maximum
hydraulic excavators or electric mining shovels to dig and load
backhoe. Backhoes are not typically used in HPLC mines as a propel speeds in the range of 2.3 kph (1.4 mph) and has a
material. This equipment works in conjunction with a fleet of
primary loading tool. theoretical grade climbing capability of 60 percent with 30
mining haulage trucks to transport the extracted materials to Floor
percent being practical.
the processing plant or reclamation area.

Figure 3 Typical digging face in a high-production,

Hydraulic Mining The HMS upper is slewing ring mounted on the carbody.
There are many surface mining operations employing high-
production, low-cost mining techniques. These mines are located low-cost mine. Shovel (HMS) Hydraulic motors drive the swing transmissions that rotate
swing pinions engaged in the swing gear. Multiple swing
around the globe and include copper mines in South America The hydraulic mining shovel uses diesel engines or electric motors to transmissions are typically used on hydraulic mining shovels to
and Indonesia, coal mines in Australia, China, India, Canada and drive hydraulic pumps, motors and cylinders that in turn actuate the swing the machine from the digging face to the haulage unit
the U.S., and precious metal mines at various locations. motions required to dig and load material and propel the machine. and back. The average swing cycle can take approximately 25 to
The capacity of these machines in mining operations is typically 28 45 seconds depending on the machine load, swing angle and
A representation of a typical HPLC coal mine found in the Power
yds3 (21m3) to 57 yds3 (44m3) for standard rock applications. operator proficiency.
River basin of Wyoming is shown in Figure 2. These mines use
shovels, trucks, and draglines in various combinations to facilitate
The digging attachment on the hydraulic
the extraction of coal and reclamation of the land. This illustration
shovel consists of the boom, stick and
includes all of these elements in an effort to show the typical
bucket. Each of these structures is
excavation and haulage activities that would take place in an
equipped with a pair of hydraulic cylinders
HPLC coal mine.
for actuation. The structures can be moved
Typical digging face nomenclature for a high-production, independently or in unison depending on
low-cost open pit mine is provided in Figure 3. Please note that the phase of the digging cycle. In addition,
Figures 2 and 3 represent typical mines and each mine has its the bucket is equipped with a pair of
own specific characteristics that may differ from those depicted cylinders that control the opening and
in the illustrations. closing of the bucket door.

Figure 4 A hydraulic mining shovel shown loadingcoal in a

Wyoming mine.
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2 Machine Descriptions 2 Machine Descriptions

Stick Cylinder

Operator’s Cab
(right hand)
Boom Electric Mining Shovel The primary motions of an electric mining shovel include propel,
swing, hoist, and crowd/retract. An EMS uses the propel function to
(EMS) move (tram) the machine from one digging site to another. Once at
the digging face, the machine is stationary and propel is required for
An electric mining shovel, sometimes referred to as a mining rope positioning only. A large electric mining shovel is capable of
shovel or electric rope shovel, is a machine designed specifically to maximum propel speeds of nearly 1.6 kph (1.0 mph) and theoretical
Bucket dig and load material in surface mines (Figure 7). The electric mining grade climbing capability of 34 percent with 20 percent being practical.
Upper Cylinder shovel uses electric motors, gear reducers, drums and wire rope to
The electric mining shovel upper is roller and center pin mounted on
Attachment actuate the motions required for digging, loading and propelling. The
the lower. Electric motors drive the swing transmissions that in turn
capacity of these machines is typically 25m3 (33 yds3) to 63m3 (82 yds3)
drive swing pinions engaged in the swing gear. Multiple swing
for standard rock applications.
transmissions are typically used on electric mining shovels to swing
Bucket The electric mining shovel consists of three major assemblies: the the machine from the digging face to the haulage unit and back. The
Counterweight lower, upper and the attachment (Figure 8). The lower provides a average work cycle can take approximately 25 to 45 seconds
Boom stable base for the machine and includes the propel drive and depending on the machine, load, swing angle, bank conditions and
Slewing Ring Crawler Frame Crawler Belt crawler system. The upper provides a platform for the hoist and operator proficiency.
swing machinery, boom attachment, electronic control cabinets,
Figure 5 Typical hydraulic mining shovel assemblies. operator’s cab and supporting equipment (Figure 9). The attachment
The primary motions of the hydraulic mining shovel include The HMS upper is slewing ring mounted on the carbody. consists of the boom, crowd machinery, dipper handle and dipper.
propel, swing, boom hoist and lower, stick extend and retract, Hydraulic motors drive the swing transmissions that rotate
and bucket curl. An HMS uses the propel motion to move (tram) swing pinions engaged in the swing gear. Multiple swing
the machine from one digging site to another and also to transmissions are typically used on hydraulic mining shovels to
position the machine at the digging face. The machine is capable swing the machine from the digging face to the haulage unit
of maximum propel speeds in the range of 2.3 kph (1.4 mph) and back. The average swing cycle can take approximately 25 to
and has a theoretical grade climbing capability of 60 percent 45 seconds depending on the machine load, swing angle and
with 30 percent being practical. operator proficiency.

Operator’sCab The digging attachment on the hydraulic

Valves Transmission (left hand) shovel consists of the boom, stick and
bucket. Each of these structures is
equipped with a pair of hydraulic cylinders
Radiator for actuation. The structures can be moved
independently or in unison depending on
the phase of the digging cycle. In addition,
Engine the bucket is equipped with a pair of
cylinders that control the opening and

Pump closing of the bucket door.


Pumps Fuel Tank Hydraulic Reservoir
Figure 6 Deck layout of a typical hydraulic mining shovel. Figure 7 An electric mining shovel digging and loading copper in a mine in Chile.

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2 Machine Descriptions 2 Machine Descriptions

The Work Cycle

Boom Suspension The swinging phase begins when the digging tool is full. During
Rope this phase, the operator swings the digging tool through a planned
swing path and dump height, until it is positioned over the haul truck.
Although there is a significant difference in how the electric mining
Operator’s Cab The operator must control the swing to ensure a smooth transition
shovel and hydraulic mining shovel dig and load material, the work
Machinery Gantry between acceleration and deceleration (Figure 12).
cycle for both consists of four distinct phases: digging, swinging to
House Boom
truck, dumping and returning to bank. A positioning phase may also
be required in the work cycle.

Hoist The digging phase involves moving the digging tool (bucket or
Rope dipper) to the bank, filling it and then raising it clear of the bank. A
proper balance of all motions involved in the digging phase is essential
for efficient and productive digging (Figures 10 and 11).

Lower Dipper

Swing Gear
Crawler Frame Crawler Belt
Figure 8 Typical electric mining shovel assemblies.
The hoist machinery on the electric mining shovel consists of a Crowd on an electric mining shovel refers to the motion of the
rope drum that is rotated by the electric motor-driven hoist dipper moving away from the centerline of the machine and
transmissions. When the operator moves the hoist control lever toward the digging face. Depending on the shovel manufacturer,
to raise the dipper, the drum rotates and wire rope is spooled this motion and the associated retract motion are accomplished
onto the drum. Lowering of the dipper is accomplished when with either a pinion driven dipper handle or a rope controlled
the hoist drum is rotated in the opposite direction and a con- dipper handle. In either case, digging is accomplished when the Figure 10 The digging phase of a hydraulic mining shovel.
trolled amount of rope is unspooled. dipper is crowded and hoisted in unison up through the digging face.

Hoist Gearcase Hoist Motors

Conversion and
Regeneration Compressor

Swing Motor and
Motor and Transmission

Hoist Electronic
Transformers Drum Control Cabinet Figure 11 The digging phase of an electric mining shovel.
Operator’s Cab
Figure 9 The deck of an electric mining shovel.
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3 Selection Criteria A. Technical 3 Selection Criteria A. Technical

A. Technical
The dumping phase begins as the loaded digging tool pauses This section provides a number of key criteria that must be
over the end of the haulage unit and finishes when the swing considered when selecting a loading tool for a high-production,
motion stops and reverses direction to return the implement to Dig low-cost mine. These criteria fall into eight categories: 1. Ambient Temperature Adaptability
the bank. During the dumping phase, the operator opens the Smoothly • Technical
Excavator Selection Priority: High
loading tool to dump the load while controlling the dump • Machine Operation
height to avoid injury to mine personnel and damage to the HMS Attributes: The
Coasting • Geology & Deposit Characterization
truck tray, especially during the first load (Figure 13). viscosity of the fluid used to
• Digging & Loading
actuate cylinders and drive
The returning phase includes swinging the upper structure • Productivity
motors on a hydraulic
back to the bank and lowering the digging tool into the • Maintenance
machine varies with temperature changes. If a hydraulic
appropriate position to start the next digging cycle. Decelerate • Environmental Impact machine is idle for as little as 30 minutes in subzero
The positioning phase is used by both hydraulic and electric • Commercial Considerations temperatures, machine performance will suffer. Machine
shovels; however, it is most often used by hydraulic shovels. It motions have been reported to be “sluggish” at –34°C. If the
Each selection criterion is ranked as low, high or very high in
involves using the propel function to move the machine closer to terms of its importance in the selection process. Rankings are temperature of the hydraulic fluid drops low enough, the
the face to enhance the digging position. based on a typical high-production, low-cost mining operation machine’s temperature sensors will bring about a machine
and will vary depending on the specific conditions found in shutdown. Extreme heat will also reduce machine
Dump each mine. performance, accelerate component wear and initiate shutdowns.

Specific attributes of hydraulic and electric mining excavators as

they relate to the selection criteria are provided. The attributes EMS Attributes: The motors on an
describe the various features and characteristics of each electric mining shovel can effectively work
machine that makes the machine more or less appropriate for a in ambient temperatures from –50° C to
Figure 12 Typical dig to dump cycle on HMS given criterion. +55° C. Although the lubricants in the gear cases of an
and EMS machines. electric shovel are subject to viscosity changes as the
A conclusion statement is also provided for each criterion that
summarizes the suitability of a hydraulic or electric excavator temperatures vary, these changes have a minimal impact on
for a given criterion. All conclusions are discussed in the context machine performance. Electric mining shovels are adaptable
of a high-production, low-cost mining environment. to most any region of the globe.

A summary of all criteria and attributes covered in this section

Conclusion: Electric mining shovels are more
is provided in Section 4. This summary is used as the basis for
adaptable to temperature extremes than hydraulic
the excavator selection process.
mining shovels, effectively working in temperatures
from –50°C to +55°C.

Figure 13 The dumping phase of an electric mining shovel.

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3 Selection Criteria A. Technical 3 Selection Criteria A. Technical

2. Digging Forces The net digging force of the HMS diminishes in the upper half of It is the capability of the excavator to penetrate the bank and
the bank since the mechanical advantage of the boom and stick maintain dipper or bucket momentum throughout the digging
Excavator Selection Priority: High
cylinders lessens, and since part of the effort from the cylinders phase that results in high fill factors and low work cycle time.
is consumed supporting the weight of the attachment.
A hydraulic shovel bucket is best filled in the least amount of
HMS Attributes: The hydraulic mining shovel An electric mining shovel also generates high net digging forces
time when the operator penetrates the bank, then makes the
generates digging forces through both the stick low in the bank since the direction of the hoist rope pulls the
necessary use of the boom motion, crowd motion and bucket
cylinder (predominantly crowd force) and the dipper into the bank, and gravity assists since the weight of the
curling motion. Depending on the bucket position and the
bucket tilt cylinders (predominantly breakout force). A third force handle and dipper exert additional forces on the dipper lip. As
overall position of the HMS relative to the bank, the operator is
component is produced from the boom cylinder (boom force) the dipper travels upward in the bank, modern electric shovels
required to choose a specific trajectory for the bucket. Due to
(Figure 14). These three force components combine throughout with optimized boom length and geometry will sustain high
the flexibility of the attachment, the operator can respond to the
the digging phase to produce the net digging force. digging forces throughout the digging phase (Figure 16), largely
constantly changing bank and create the necessary trajectory
because most of the attachment weight is supported by the
EMS Attributes: The electric mining shovel by coordinating the three motions. The flexibility of the three
fixed pendant cables.
generates digging forces through both the hoist motion digging attachment provides the hydraulic mining shovel Figure 16 EMS and HMS net digging force
machinery (rope or bail pull) and the crowd Depending on the mining application, the bank material can with the ability to selectively dig in a variety of banks. Changing comparison with attachment weight included.
machinery (crowd/hoist force) as shown in range from being well fragmented to in some cases not blasted the bucket trajectory and frequently repositioning the machine
Conclusion: Although hydraulic mining shovels provide a
Figure 15. These two force components combine throughout the at all and very tight. The key to optimal fill factors is the contribute to lower production rates than electric mining
high degree of flexibility and can generally produce high
digging phase to produce the net digging force that is required capability of the equipment to produce proper net digging shovels in high production mining operations.
digging forces low in the bank, electric mining shovels are
to penetrate the bank and fill the dipper. forces for the conditions; moreover, the capability of the
inherently more capable of consistently generating higher
operator to control the digging attachment such that maximum Electric mining shovels are inherently capable of maintaining
Discussion: A hydraulic mining shovel is typically capable of production rates through a combination of consistent dig
power can be applied to the dipper or bucket at critical areas in dipper penetration and material flow in all kinds of digging due
generating higher net digging forces at the beginning of the forces throughout the digging phase, high fill factors, low
the digging phase. to the consistent digging forces generated throughout the
digging phase when its bucket is in the tucked position. It is at cycle time, and reduced operator fatigue.
dipper range. This constancy of net digging force comes not
this position that the breakout force and crowd force combine only from the attachment geometry, but also from the electric
most advantageously, and give the hydraulic mining shovel its motors which are capable of producing maximum torque
best ability to penetrate the bank and fill the bucket. As the throughout their full speed range. Also, the simplicity of the
bucket travels upward in the digging face, the digging force of control system allows the operator of the EMS to control the
the bucket will diminish (Figure 16). dipper with maximum efficiency while reducing fatigue
throughout the shift. The position of the electric mining shovel
relative to the bank affects the ability of the dipper to achieve
adequate cut depth (Figure 17) for proper fill factors and cycle
time. However, due to the wide range of the radius of Optimal
cut on the electric shovel, unproductive Fill
repositioning is kept to a minimum. Factor


Cut Depth

Figure 14 HMS digging forces. Figure 15 EMS digging forces. Figure 17 EMS cut depth.

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3 Selection Criteria A. Technical 3 Selection Criteria A. Technical

3. Ground Bearing Pressure (Static) ground pressures. This has been compensated for in regions like 5. Machine Weight Conclusion: When a comparison is made based on
the oil sands mines where wider shoes are used to spread the load dipper capacity, electric mining shovels clearly weigh
Excavator Selection Excavator Selection Priority: High
and reduce the ground pressure to 28 - 40 psi. Options for varying more than hydraulic mining shovels of equal capacity.
Priority: High
shoe widths are generally available from EMS manufacturers. HMS Attributes: Hydraulic machines are This typically translates to longevity in any equipment
HMS designed to minimize that is subjected to the harsh conditions encountered in
Conclusion: The lower static ground bearing pressure
Attributes: Hydraulic machines are lighter than structural weight, providing reduced ground surface mining.
inherent on hydraulic mining shovels makes them
electric mining shovels and have significantly bearing pressure and increased mobility (Figure 20).
generally better suited to soft mine floor conditions. An
lower static ground bearing pressures (Figure 18).
EMS can achieve a lower static ground bearing pressure
EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels have robust designs to
EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels have to be comparable to HMS through the use of wider shoes.
provide maximum durability, stability and longevity.
heavier frames and construction than hydraulic They also weigh more than hydraulic machines of
mining shovels and therefore have higher static equal capacity. Because of machine weight, electric
shovels are less prone to being pushed back during
Nominal Ground Bearing Pressure (Static)
digging, thus requiring less repositioning.
Capacity Hydraulic Mining Shovels Electric Mining Shovels
21.4m3 (28.0 yd3) 195.1kPa (28.3 psi) —
25.2m3 (33.0 yd3) 186.2kPa (27.0 psi) 382.7kPa (55.5 psi)
Dipper Volume Operating
35.2m3 (46.0 yd3) 225.8kPa (32.8 psi) 424.0kPa (61.5 psi) Nominal at Nominal Weight/
43.6m3 (57.0 yd3) 329.6kPa (47.8 psi) 369.6kPa (53.6 psi) Manufacturer Model Operating Weight Payload Rating Payload Nominal
(with 1.8 t/m3 material) Payload
55.8m3 (73.0 yd3) — 404.0kPa (58.6 psi)
kg lb t st m3 yd3
Figure 18 Hydraulic mining shovels have lower ground bearing pressures than Hitachi EX3600 350,000 772,000 38 42 21 27 9,259
electric mining shovels. Komatsu PC4000 370,000 816,000 38 42 21 27 9,788
Liebherr R995 390,000 860,000 41 46 23 30 9,420
4. Machine Assembly Time Terex - O&K RH200 480,000 1,058,000 47 52 26 34 10,256
the erection cycle is a relatively unimportant excavator
selection factor unless there is an immediate urgency to Komatsu PC5500 500,000 1,102,000 47 52 26 34 10,684
Excavator Selection Priority: Low
add another machine to the mine’s fleet. Hitachi EX5500 518,000 1,142,000 49 54 27 35 10,658
HMS Attributes: Assembly of a Liebherr R996 653,000 1,440,000 61 67 34 44 10,670
hydraulic shovel typically takes 10-20
Komatsu PC8000 710,000 1,565,000 68 75 38 50 10,380
days, with an eight-person crew working a
P&H 2300XPC 775,000 1,709,000 45 50 25 33 17,086
10-hour shift. The number of skilled laborers required
Terex - O&K RH400 980,000 2,161,000 78 86 44 57 12,516
for the assembly is less than required for an electric
P&H 2800XPC 1,017,000 2,242,000 63 70 35 46 16,051
mining shovel.
Bucyrus 495HD 1,179,000 2,500,000 82 90 46 60 14,396
EMS Attributes: It takes approximately 30-70 P&H 4100C 1,239,000 2,731,000 82 90 46 60 15,128
days to erect an electric mining shovel. The Bucyrus 495HP 1,258,000 2,773,000 99 110 55 72 12,661
number and skill levels of the assembly crew will Bucyrus 495HF 1,258,000 2,773,000 91 100 50 66 13,856
be greater than for a comparable hydraulic mining
P&H 4100C BOSS 1,354,000 2,985,000 91 100 50 66 14,925
shovel (Figure 19).
P&H 4100XPC 1,423,000 3,137,000 104 115 58 76 13,630
Conclusion: The hydraulic mining shovel has a clear Note: Information shown above is based on best available information. Consult manufacturer to confirm data.
advantage when it comes to erection time and crews. Figure 19 Assembly of an electric mining shovel
However, surveys of mine managers have indicated that takes longer and requires more resources than Figure 20 Representative shovel weight chart sorted by operating weight.
the assembly of a hydraulic shovel.

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3 Selection Criteria A. Technical 3 Selection Criteria A. Technical

6. Mobility Conclusion: The smaller physical size of the hydraulic 7. Power Selection Options EMS Attributes: The only option available on

mining shovel yields a maneuverability and mobility large electric shovels is an electronic drive
Excavator Selection Excavator Selection Priority: Low
advantage over comparable capacity electric mining system matched with AC or DC electric mining
Priority: Very High duty motors.
shovels. However, for HPLC operations where the focus is HMS Attributes: A hydraulic mining
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic mining shovels are on bulk earthmoving, higher mobility at the expense of shovel offers the option of either diesel or
Conclusion: Hydraulic shovels are typically powered by
smaller and lighter than electric mining shovels and productivity is not considered an advantage. electric power. This allows
diesel engines and all large rope shovels are electri-
typically propel faster and are more mobile than electric the mine to select the option that best
cally powered. While providing a selection option, the
mining shovels of comparable capacity (Figure 21). fits their requirements.
electric drive option on hydraulic shovels has had

EMS Attributes: The robust carbody, revolving frame, boom and minimal acceptance.

supporting structures of the electric shovel make

these machines heavier, propel slightly slower
and less mobile than hydraulic mining shovels.

Discussion: Some minesite activities require the shovel to

temporarily relocate for cleaning of the face, road maintenance,
bench clean-up, or blasting. Hydraulic mining shovels propel 8. Power Supply Requirements
faster than electric shovels and can typically be moved on shorter
Excavator Selection Priority: High
notice. Diesel powered hydraulic shovels can also operate in
portions of the mine that may not have electric power, thus HMS Attributes: Diesel powered
providing additional flexibility. It should be noted that when some hydraulic shovels have no
machines are propelled over long distances, crawler pins may power cable connections; however, power
overheat after traveling several miles, requiring the machine to be generators for additional lighting in the loading
stopped to cool the pins before traveling again. area may be required to support night operation.
To support the daily diesel fuel replenishment, trucks and
In HPLC mines the smaller physical size of the HMS yields a
support personnel are required. Hydraulic machines powered by
maneuverability and mobility advantage, but this may be only an
Figure 21 The light weight and smaller electric motors will have similar requirements as an electric
advantage for “alternate duties” – in essence producing
size of a hydraulic excavator make it mining shovel.
somewhat of a compromise machine since propelling is typically
less than 5% of operating time for an EMS. For an HMS, propelling more mobile than an electric shovel. EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels require power
time is typically 8-10% of operating time. substations and trail cables (Figure 22). Trail
cables can impede the mobility of the shovel,
For longer relocations, electric shovels can be moved using a
as the cable must be handled with, for
motivator (mobile diesel generator) which significantly reduces
example, an automatic cable reel. Cables must
the inefficiencies associated with administering the trailing cable
also be maintained and occasionally replaced which adds to the
over the walk path.
operating costs of an electric mining shovel.

Conclusion: Electric mining shovels utilize cables and

other equipment to provide power. The absence of trail
cables on most hydraulic shovels allows them to move Figure 22 Electric mining shovels require trail
unassisted, providing greater mobility and flexibility. cables and other equipment to supply power.

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3 Selection Criteria A. Technical 3 Selection Criteria B. Machine Operation

10. Trail Cable Many electric shovels are equipped with trail cable reels (Figure
9. Technology Change Adaptability
24) or portable cable racks that the shovel can pick up and carry
Excavator Selection Priority: High
Excavator Selection Priority: High with the dipper teeth. This greatly reduces the necessity of mine
HMS Attributes: Diesel powered personnel handling the trail cable.
HMS Attributes: The shorter life of a hydraulic mining shovel
hydraulic shovels can
limits the opportunity for the retrofit of new
move without concern for a trail cable. This Conclusion: Electric powered shovels (hydraulic or rope)
technology. Hydraulic machines tend to be
avoids the labor and time required for cable require extra care when propelling to manage the trail
designed more for “scrap and replace” with new
handling and maintenance and makes machine moves more cable. Power cable reels and cable racks significantly
capital expenditure.
efficient. The initial investment in cables and cable support reduce cable management time and labor. Although
EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels have modular designs structures costs is also avoided. electric mining shovels have an initial investment in
that are easily upgradable. Most of the cable and support structures plus
technology upgrades offered on new EMS EMS Attributes: Electric ongoing cable maintenance, the
machines have been packaged into modular shovels are equipped lower cost of electric power versus
upgrades and are offered to all existing EMS with trail cables capable diesel fuel typically more than
owners. Examples of this on P&H machines include SLC/PLC of conducting high offsets trail cable investments in
conversions, P&H Digital Drive upgrades and i2T Remote voltage electricity for hundreds of meters. material and labor.
Communications systems (Figure 23). The cable must be able to withstand the
rigors of climatic changes and the harsh
Conclusion: Although purchase of replacement
conditions found on most mine floors.
equipment on a frequent basis introduces the latest Figure 24 Power cable reels on
The cable must be inspected and
technology, it is at a much higher capital cost than Figure 23 The technicians in this photo are electric mining shovels reduce
maintained on a regular basis to ensure
upgrading an existing piece of equipment. Electric completing the installation and testing of a the time and labor required for
safety and reliability.
mining shovels typically have two to three times the life modular P&H DC Digital Drive upgrade. The cable handling.
expectancy of a hydraulic shovel with a flexible design upgrade installs in the same footprint as the
that is adaptable to upgrades, allowing the owner to unit being replaced and provides a
take advantage of the latest technology. significant reduction in cycle time. B. Machine Operation
1. Cab Location Conclusion: The high position of the electric mining shovel’s
cab coupled with its greater distance from the digging face
Excavator Selection Priority: High
provide higher visibility and view of the loading area in the
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic mining truck tray and an added sense of security for the operator.
shovel cabs are typically located The typical location of cabs on opposite sides must be
on the left side of the machine forward of the taken into consideration by mines operating both hydraulic
engine compartment. and electric mining shovels.

EMS Attributes: Electric

mining shovel cabs are
located higher above the mine

floor typically on the right side of the machine

(Figure 25) but cabs on both sides are available.

Figure 25 The cab of an electric mining shovel is located higher than the
cab of a similar capacity hydraulic shovel, providing greater visibility.

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3 Selection Criteria A. Technical 3 Selection Criteria B. Machine Operation

2. Digging Phase Controls

Extend Stick Boom Lower

Excavator Selection
Priority: Very High

HMS Attributes: The following seven steps are Swing Swing Curl Out Curl In
required to position and fill a hydraulic mining Left Right
shovel bucket (Figure 26):
Figure 26A Extend stick
A. Extend the stick (left controller forward) to move the bucket
forward into the digging position (Figure 26A).

B. Simultaneously extend the stick and curl out (right controller

left) to keep the bucket level on the ground as it moves into
the material (Figure 26B). Retract Stick Boom Hoist
C. Simultaneously extend the stick (left controller forward) and Left Hand Controller Right Hand Controller
curl in (right controller right) to continue to move the bucket Figure 26B Curl out Functions Functions
into the material and start curling the bucket (Figure 26C).

D. Curl in (right controller right) to set the bucket at the

appropriate digging angle (Figure 26D).
E. Simultaneously extend the stick (left controller forward) and
hoist the boom (right controller back) to move the bucket up
through the material (Figure 26E). F
F. Simultaneously curl in (right controller right) and hoist the Figure 26C Extend stick; curl in
boom (right controller back) to bring the bucket into an E
upright position and break out of the material (Figure 26F). D
G. Continue to raise the boom (right controller back) to raise the
bucket up to the height to load the haulage truck (Figure 26G).

Figure 26 The digging phase on a hydraulic shovel includes boom hoist, stick and curl motions.
Figure 26D Curl in

Figure 26E Extend stick; raise boom Figure 26F Curl in; raise boom Figure 26G Continue to raise boom

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3 Selection Criteria B. Machine Operation 3 Selection Criteria B. Machine Operation

2. Digging Phase Controls (continued) D. Raise the dipper out of the bank and up to the height
Crowd Extend Lower Dipper
necessary to load the haulage truck by pulling the right
EMS Attributes: The following four steps are
controller back (Figure 27D).
required to position and fill an electric mining
shovel dipper (Figure 27): NOTE: In both electric and hydraulic shovels digging may
be further optimized through use of software and/or
Swing Swing
A. Lower the dipper (right controller forward) mechanical interlocks.
Left Right
and extend the crowd (left controller forward) to place the
dipper in the digging position (Figure 27A). Conclusion: Hydraulic shovel bucket fills rely on the skill
of the operator to provide the right amount of boom,
B. Move the dipper forward into the bank with the crowd extend
stick, and bucket motion at just the right time. Because
(left controller forward) control (Figure 27B).
of the minimal control actions required in the digging
C. Move the dipper up through the bank by simultaneously phase, electric mining shovels consistently achieve
pulling the right controller back to hoist the dipper and optimal dipper fill factors while minimizing operator
moving the left controller forward to extend the crowd fatigue, energy consumption and machine stress. Crowd Retract Hoist Dipper
(Figure 27C).
Left Hand Controller Functions Right Hand Controller Functions

Figure 27A Lower dipper; extend crowd Figure 27B Continue extending crowd


Figure 27C Continue extending crowd; Figure 27D Raise dipper from bank
hoist dipper Figure 27 The digging phase for an electric mining shovel includes the use of the crowd
and hoist motions.

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3 Selection Criteria B. Machine Operation 3 Selection Criteria B. Machine Operation

3. Ergonomics EMS Attributes: The electric shovel operator’s 5. Visibility Conclusion: The electric shovel operator has a visibility
cab is isolated above and in front of the advantage when loading to the cab side of the machine.
Excavator Selection Priority: High Excavator Selection Priority: High
machinery deck and house. Sources of noise A hydraulic shovel operator has a visibility advantage
HMS Attributes: The hydraulic and vibration include the electric motors, house pressurization HMS Attributes: A hydraulic shovel has when loading to the opposite side of the machine and
mining shovel operator’s cab is fans, swing and hoist drives and blowers. The cab is spacious, floor-to-ceiling visibility through the front window the boom is in an elevated position. However, because
typically mounted on an extension of the machinery providing ample room for training and supervisory personnel of the operator’s cab. Depending on the position of of its higher location and greater distance from the
deck adjacent to the digging attachment (Figure 28). Sources of and is equipped with convenient control locations and floor to the boom, the operator can sometimes see under the boom to digging face, the operator of an EMS typically has a
noise and vibration include the engine, exhaust, radiator and oil ceiling glass for increased visibility (Figure 29). the opposite side of the machine. visibility advantage.
cooler fans and hydraulic components. Joystick controls and other
Conclusion: The elevated and isolated operator’s cab on an EMS Attributes: The electric shovel operator is in a high
operational components are in convenient locations.
electric mining shovel provides a quieter environment than location with a clear view of the working face
the cab on hydraulic mining shovels and contributes to in front and the mine floor below (Figure 31).
Machinery Deck Operator’s Cab higher operator productivity. Also, because of the inherently large power
supply available on an electric shovel, additional lighting
Machinery Deck
capacity can be easily added enhancing night operation.
However, the fixed boom on an EMS reduces visibility to the
opposite side of the machine.
Operator’s Cab
Discussion: When loading trucks from the cab side of the
machine, the electric shovel has a number of inherent visibility
advantages. The operator’s cab is not only higher off the mine
floor but because of the longer reach of the electric shovel
Figure 28 Hydraulic mining shovel operator’s Figure 29 Electric mining shovel cabs
boom, the cab and operator are located farther back from the
cabs are mounted near sources of noise provide the operator with a spacious and
bank face. This puts the operator in a position where he can
and vibration. quiet environment.
quickly scan from the top of the face to the floor for potential
falling rock hazards.
Figure 31 A cab located high above the mine
When loading trucks from the side of the machine opposite the
floor, long reach and extensive lighting
4. Use of Propel to Maximize Fill Factors cab, the hydraulic machine has an advantage because the
packages provide the electric shovel with
operator will have a better view of the truck depending on the
Excavator Selection Priority: High more operator visibility than a hydraulic
position of the boom.
shovel in the same class.
HMS Attributes: A hydraulic shovel has limited boom reach
and must regularly use the propel motion to
achieve a digging position that provides optimal
bucket fill factors (Figure 30).

EMS Attributes: An electric mining shovel can execute

numerous digging cycles before it is necessary to re-position it
relative to the digging face.

Conclusion: Due to its limited reach, the

Figure 30 The propel function is used more
hydraulic mining shovel must use the propel
often on an HMS to optimize bucket fill factors.
motion more often to optimize bucket fill factors.

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3 Selection Criteria C. Geology & Deposit Characterization 3 Selection Criteria C. Geology & Deposit Characterization

C. Geology & Deposit Characterization 2. Digging Material Layer by Layer shovels. Selective mining in an HPLC operation is not a
typical requirement and compromises absolute
Excavator Selection
1. Bench Height Hydraulic shovels have limited horizontal reach, forcing production capability, however in certain HPLC operations
Priority: Low
operators to move the machine closer to a high bench. This (e.g., multiple-seam coal operations) with truck-shovel
Excavator Selection Priority: High
action reduces the perceived safety factor from rock falls. As a HMS Attributes: equipment, the priority may be high.
HMS Attributes: A hydraulic mining result, hydraulic shovel operators will often sit farther from the Hydraulic excavators can remove material layer
shovel has a specified height reach that is comparable face than ideal for the machine’s stated digging capability which by layer, working from top to bottom as shown in
with that of an electric mining shovel but it must work results in reduced bucket fill and digging efficiency. Figure 33. This is useful in blending and selective
closer to the face to achieve the maximum height digging operations.
Conclusion: The inherent size, attachment design and
because of a much shorter digging range.
digging radius of the electric mining shovel makes it EMS Attributes: An electric mining shovel
EMS Attributes: The normal bench height better suited for high benches. This attribute provides normally begins its digging cycle at the lowest toe
range for an electric mining shovel is greater perceived operator safety, greater productivity point of the mining face, which is the blasted
approximately located between the height of the and potentially less bench height related downtime grade point and the situation found in most mines. The result of this
horizontal handles and the boom point sheaves when compared with a hydraulic mining shovel of the technique is better compaction and fill factors.
(Figure 32). same capacity.
Conclusion: Hydraulic mining shovels are more suited for Figure 33 A hydraulic mining shovel can
Discussion: The operating practice of matching bench height and digging material layer by layer than electric mining selectively dig material layers.
boom sheave height is primarily for safety in most mining
operations. The benefit of an electric mining shovel is that it can
safely mine a higher face than a hydraulic excavator due to the 3. Drilling and Blasting Requirements Load and
boom point sheave height, cutting height of the dipper teeth, and Haul 30%
Excavator Selection Priority: High
the distance from the center of rotation to the dipper cutting teeth.
Drill and Processing
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic excavators can
Blast 6% 60%
dig in a variety of conditions, working from
top to bottom thus requiring less drilling Ancillary
and blasting. Costs 4%

EMS Attributes: An electric mining shovel takes Figure 35 Typical Mining and Processing
advantage of blasted material with the operator Operations Cost Breakdown
placing the dipper at the best spot to relieve Discussion: Note that drilling and blasting typically account for
bank locked-in materials. An electric mining shovel is most only 15% of the cost of primary mining operations (Figure 34) and
effective in benches appropriately drilled and blasted to produce only 6% when the mining and processing operations are
well fragmented materials. Modern electric shovels have higher considered (Figure 35). Operators of HPLC mining operations
cutting forces that can in some cases dig unshot material. understand the value of adequate drilling and blasting to
maximize productivity.
Drill and Load and Haul
Blast 15% Conclusion: The amount of blasting which is used is
dependent on the type of material being mined but under
most circumstances it is far more cost effective to spend
Ancillary time and money to drill and blast than it is to use the
Costs 10%
loading tool to pick away at layers.
Figure 34 Typical Primary Mining Operations
Figure 32 An electric mining shovel is ideally suited to safely mine a high bank face. Cost Breakdown

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3 Selection Criteria C. Geology & Deposit Characterization 3 Selection Criteria C. Geology & Deposit Characterization

4. Following Layers Up a Grade 5. Material Abrasiveness

Excavator Selection Priority: Low Excavator Selection Priority: High
HMS Attributes: With the three HMS Attributes: The lighter weight of
independent movements (boom hoist, a hydraulic shovel bucket makes it more suscepti-
stick extend and bucket) of the front-end ble to wear when working in material classified as
equipment, the operator of a hydraulic excavator can hard and very hard digging (Figure 38).
follow thin layers up grade with the bucket as shown
EMS Attributes: Since electric shovels are
in Figure 36.
designed for high suspended loads, they can
EMS Attributes: The operator of an use heavier dippers with better wear protection
electric mining shovel would have no (Figure 39). This attribute makes the electric
difficulty controlling the cutting motion mining shovel the better choice for hard and very hard digging.
of the dipper up a grade as only two External
Conclusion: EMS dippers will perform better than HMS Wear Plates
motions (hoist and crowd) would be involved, not
buckets in abrasive ground with less downtime and Interior Wear Plates
three as on a hydraulic excavator (Figure 37).
lower maintenance costs.
Figure 39 The capability of an electric mining
Conclusion: Both hydraulic and electric mining
shovel to handle higher suspended loads
shovels can follow layers up a grade. However, Figure 36 A hydraulic excavator following allows it to work efficiently with heavily
this type of digging is not the most effective layers up a grade using three motions. lined dippers as shown here.
way to get peak performance from a hydraulic or
electric mining shovel and typically not required in
Material Classification Chart
HPLC operations.
Type of Digging Material Description
Easy Digging Loose, free running materials of a granular form. This could include
stockpile materials or other material that is being rehandled.
Medium Digging Materials dug from natural beds that require some blasting, or
in-situ materials that require some force to dig out of the bank,
but are categorized by operations as "free digging". Well blasted,
weathered sandstone would also fall into this category.
Hard Digging Materials that require blasting and result in fragmentation sizes of
less than 1m. After blasting, the material is loose in the bank, but
some force is required for loading. The material is of medium
density and has some abrasiveness. Some in-situ materials
categorized as "free digging" such as oil sands and some iron
deposits also fall into this category.
Very Hard Materials that require blasting utilizing high powder factors. These
Digging materials usually have high compressive strength, density and
abrasiveness. Other geological factors such as fault activity and
jointing also contribute to poor fragmentation resulting in very hard
digging conditions. In-situ oil sands sometimes fall into this category.
Figure 37 An electric mining shovel operator
can easily follow layers up a grade with the Figure 38 Although it is difficult to include all aspects of digging, blasting and
dipper hoist and crowd motions. geology into a simple table, this chart can be viewed as a “generic” reference.

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3 Selection Criteria C. Geology & Deposit Characterization 3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading

6. Selective Mining Face Digging Discussion: Although the motions of the hydraulic excavator as
shown in Figure 40 are possible, the bank heights and angle of
D. Digging & Loading
Excavator Selection Priority: Low 1. Cycle Time
repose shown are not typical of what exists in most mines. The
HMS Attributes: The hydraulic bank height usually is higher and the angle of repose steeper. Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
excavator operator can blend the shovel “curl” or
If there is poor blasting or unblasted conditions, it is unlikely that HMS Attributes: Theoretical cycle
“roll” capability with the usual boom and stick
some of these motions could be performed in the mining face 100˚
times for a hydraulic shovel are from
movements to dig in a variety of conditions. These 70˚
and still achieve acceptable cycle times. 25 to 45 seconds per cycle depending on the size 60˚
conditions can either be the result of a weak,
of the machine. 50˚ 130˚
respectively poor blast or mining in unblasted material. An Conclusion: When digging in any rock face, regardless of 45˚
operator can attack the face at the most suitable point, top or which loading tool is being used, good rock mechanics EMS Attributes: Cycle times for electric mining
bottom, left or right respectively, within the reach of the must first be applied to disassemble the bank to load shovels are similar to the hydraulic mining shovel.
machine (Figure 40). out the material. Although a variety of digging methods
Discussion: A mining equipment digging cycle
may be possible, safety first and then productivity
EMS Attributes: An electric mining shovel can consists of four distinct phases: digging, swinging, dumping
considerations must prevail.
dig into any mining face at the most suitable and returning. Although the digging cycle is accomplished
point, top or bottom respectively, left or right, with different control motions and bucket movements, the end 180˚
within reach of the machine. In a HPLC mining result of the digging cycle is the same for both hydraulic and
operation material will be appropriately blasted and the electric electric shovels.
mining shovel will start at the floor level and work against bank
weight because it compacts the material in the dipper, giving a The time spent in the swinging phase of the digging cycle Figure 41 The longer reach of the EMS
higher density. The electric mining shovel can dig high or low in represents the greatest part of the entire cycle time. Keeping the allows it to maintain an optimal swing arc
the mining face, with a longer, higher and safer reach than a swing arc as narrow as possible helps enhance operating while minimizing propelling.
hydraulic excavator. efficiency (Figure 41). A swing arc of 70° is considered standard,
i.e. 100% of optimum output. Increasing the size of the arc
decreases output while decreasing the arc increases output Approximate
Swing Arc Percentage of
(Figure 42).
Optimum Output
The longer reach of the EMS allows it to maintain an optimal
45° 126%
swing arc for more digging cycles before it is necessary to
propel to a new position. The hydraulic shovel operator has the 50° 116%
option of swinging further to achieve a high fill factor or propel 60° 107%
closer to the digging face, both of which have a negative impact
70° 100% (standard)
on cycle times.
100° 88%
Conclusion: The greater reach inherent on an electric
mining shovel provides a better swing arc and less 130° 77%
propelling to the digging face. With the limited reach 180° 70%
of an HMS, truck spotting and proper location of the
dump can consume more time. This helps to explain
the fact that while theoretical cycle times for hydraulic
Figure 42 There is an inverse relationship
shovels are similar to those of an electric mining shovel,
between the size of the swing arc and the
the practical cycle times of the electric shovel will
shovel’s output; the smaller the swing arc,
consistently outpace the hydraulic shovel.
the greater the output and the shorter the
Figure 40 Hydraulic mining shovels are capable of digging in a number of unusual conditions. cycle time.

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3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading 3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading

2. Debris Removal 3. Digging Below Ground Level Conclusion: HMS have a slight advantage when digging
downward ramps. However, in HPLC operations it
Excavator Selection Priority: Low Excavator Selection Priority: Low
typically is not cost effective to use a primary loading
HMS Attributes: With the HMS Attributes: The hydraulic tool to dig a ramp. Most mines have auxiliary equipment
combination of the bottom dump bucket and the excavator can dig below ground level as shown in to perform this type of development work, leaving the
arm to boom movements, picking up debris from Figure 45. Preparing a ramp to a lower bench is a large shovel to maximize material movement.
the loading area is an easy task for an operator of a hydraulic normal type of operation for the operator of a
mining shovel (Figure 43). hydraulic excavator.

EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels EMS Attributes: The crowd motion on electric
can clean the mine floor but this is not an mining shovels provides the capability to dig
optimal use for this machine. Figure 43 A hydraulic mining shovel below ground level and cut a downward ramp
can clean up debris with its bucket. as shown in Figure 45.
Discussion: Electric mining shovels are
used for high-production, low-cost per ton movement of
Conclusion: Clean-up equipment is necessary for both
material. In many electric shovel applications, double back-
hydraulic shovels and electric mining shovels in high-
up loading is applied to minimize haulage truck spotting
production, low-cost per ton operations. Using a
delays. A further benefit of double back-up loading is in
mining shovel to clean up debris is not an effective
clean-up. While one side of the machine’s truck backup
use of the equipment.
location is being cleaned, the operator can continue to load
trucks on the other side (Figure 44).

Figure 45 Hydraulic and electric mining shovels have the ability to dig below ground level in
order to maintain grade or dig down grade.

4. Fill Factors EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovel

manufacturers rate their machines’ dipper
Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
capacity in “struck” standard (water-line
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic excavator suppliers capacity). Rope shovels have dippers well suited to provide
typically quote their machines’ bucket capacity per maximum fill factors for all materials.
SAE 2:1 or 1:1 “heaped” standard, in effect, stating
Discussion: Fill factors are only used for dipper sizing. To
the maximum potential payload of their machines (Figure 46).
understand fill factors, one must understand the relationship
Hydraulic shovel buckets are well suited for material described as
between material diggability, fill factors and heaped versus
Figure 44 In most HPLC operations an EMS will remain productive easy and medium digging.
struck capacities.
while ancillary equipment is used to perform clean-up.
(continued on next page)

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3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading 3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading

Loose Volume Per Load 5. Floor Cleanup

4. Fill Factors (continued) Bucket/Dipper Fill Factor = Figure 48 A hydraulic
Bucket/Dipper Rated Volume
Hydraulic ed Excavator Selection Priority: Low
mining shovel can remove
Excavator Heap Thus, for a 56 cubic yard dipper that averages 60 cubic yards per spilled material from the
load, its fill factor is: 60 divided by 56 = 107% Fill Factor. HMS Attributes: A hydraulic mining loading area.
Stru shovel provides the operator with the
It is important to note that while fill factors indicate how easily a front-end maneuverability to provide
given material flows, a bucket or dipper’s design and construction excellent bucket fill factors even on low faces or piles. The
can enhance or limit its filling characteristics. Custom designed hydraulic excavator can also remove spilled material from the
dippers operating in well-fragmented materials can achieve fill loading area and keep it clean where required (Figure 48).
factors of 100 to 120% and more. For further information on this
Struck topic please see Peak Performance Practices for Dippers available
EMS Attributes: As shown in Figure 49, an Figure 49 An electric
from your local Joy Global distributor.
electric mining shovel has a significant floor mining shovel can use the
level digging reach to remove spillage. crowd and hoist motions to
Conclusion: It is the tons moved that matters. HMS and clean up spillage.
EMS manufacturers use different accepted standards for Conclusion: HMS and EMS have the capability to remove
Electric low faces or piles. It is questionable whether there is
rating bucket and dipper capacity. Understanding the
Shovel much call for this capability in a high-production, low-
application of fill factors is crucial in sizing the bucket/
dipper to optimize the payload of the loading equipment. cost operation where ancillary equipment is available to
Figure 46 Heaped capacity versus support the mining operation.
struck capacity comparison.

Diggability refers to the amount of resistance a particular material Material Approximate

presents to being extracted from a working face. The amount of Diggability Dipper Fill Factor
resistance depends on the hardness of the material as well as its EMS HMS
6. Floor Level Digging Reach
weight, density, fragmentation and various other factors. For
Easy Digging 1.05 - 1.20 .95 - 1.05
example, material weights can vary widely due to mineral and Excavator Selection Priority: High
moisture content, as well as the material’s grain size and structure. Medium Digging 1.00 - 1.15 .90 - 1.00
HMS Attributes: The hydraulic
A material’s diggability is determined by the dipper fill factor, i.e., Hard Digging .90 - 1.00 .85 - .95 excavator can keep the bucket parallel to and on
how easily the material flows into the dipper. The easier it is for the the ground. This mining technique is vital for
Very Hard Digging .85 - .95 .80 - .90
material to flow, the more of the dipper’s struck volume will be filled correct penetration and clean separation of thin layers of
when the material is pulled loose from the bank (Figure 47). minerals or overburden (Figure 50). Figure 50 Floor level digging reach on a
Figure 47 The classifications and figures above
While coal and fine crushed stone may be classified as “easy hydraulic mining shovel.
are approximations. While coal and fine crushed EMS Attributes: An electric mining shovel
digging,” actual fill factors for any given material can only be
stone may be classified as “easy digging,” has a floor level digging reach approximately
determined by practical knowledge of the material and on-site
actual fill factors for any given material can the same as a hydraulic mining shovel of
observation and measurement.
only be determined by practical knowledge comparable capacity (Figure 51).

Fill factor is defined as the ratio of the actual loose cubic yards of the material and on-site observation
Conclusion: Both HMS and EMS are capable of floor level
or meters of material in the dipper or bucket compared to the and measurement.
digging. However, hydraulic shovels can control the
dipper or bucket's rated volume.
angle of the teeth as the bucket moves across the floor
to provide a straighter cut.
Figure 51 Floor level digging reach on an
electric mining shovel.

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3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading 3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading

7. Material Discharge 9. Reach HMS. The long reach inherent in the EMS dipper digging
geometry enables the electric mining shovel to sit farther back
Excavator Selection Priority: High Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
from the digging face.
HMS Attributes: Measured HMS Attributes: Hydraulic mining
Conclusion: The reach on an EMS provides a distinct
discharge of bottom dump buckets during material shovels have reach limitations that
digging advantage for the electric mining shovel.
off-loading provides a smooth controlled flow to require the machine to work closer
Hydraulic shovel operators tend to “stay their distance”
haul trucks. to the digging face.
from the digging face which results in less than optimal
EMS Attributes: Material being off-loaded EMS Attributes: The EMS achieves more bucket fills and more wear on propel system
from the dipper slides down the sloped dipper reach by extending only the dipper and handle, components.
bottom into the haul truck load box (Figure 52). not the entire attachment as required on an

Conclusion: Both hydraulic and electric mining shovels

discharge material in a comparable fashion. Control of
material discharge is greater with a hydraulic shovel. 10. Removal of Large Rocks from face. Therefore, in operation of either a hydraulic excavator or
the Digging Face an electric mining shovel in a rock face or in a bank with
Figure 52 An EMS discharging material into a isolated boulders, it is necessary to apply good, accepted
haul truck. Excavator Selection Priority: Low
operating practices. The normal practice would be to remove
HMS Attributes: A hydraulic excavator operator material from each side of the boulder, digging a cut along one
can use the shovel curl or roll capability during the side to act as a run-off ramp. The purpose of this run-off ramp is
usual boom and arm motions to remove a large to direct the roll of the boulder away from the machine.

8. Proximity to Face Conclusion: The electric mining shovel has a clear rock from a hazardous position on the high wall or during
Conclusion: The location of the electric mining shovel
advantage in this attribute and the safety and ease of normal digging and loading operations (Figure 54). Isolated
operator’s cab high above the mine floor and a good
Excavator Selection Priority: High boulders can be pried from the face without difficulty.
operation provided by being farther from the bank face distance from the face provides the electric mining
HMS Attributes: One of the is often cited by operators as one of the reasons they shovel with a definite operator safety advantage when
EMS Attributes: An EMS can use the retract motion of the
major drawbacks of hydraulic shovels is that they prefer to operate electric mining shovels (Figure 53). removing large rocks.
dipper handle in combination with the hoist
have less horizontal reach high in the bank than rope motion to dislodge a boulder from its bank
shovels. This places them closer to the bank and makes them more position (Figure 54).
susceptible to being hit by falling bank sections and rocks.
Discussion: In normal HPLC mining operations, the operator
EMS Attributes: Because of the long boom Bucket/Dipper Digging Radius
does not know the dimensions of a large rock embedded
inherent on electric mining shovels, the
Capacity HMS EMS
in the
machine can work effectively at a greater 25.2m3 (33.0 yd3) 16.5m 21m
distance from the bank face than a hydraulic 35.2m3 (46.0 yd3) 17.5m 24m
mining shovel. In addition to being farther from falling debris, 43.6m3 (57.0 yd3) 17.5m 24m
this working position provides a better view for the operator,
requiring less head and neck motion. Figure 53 When comparing similarly sized
buckets and dippers (as defined by the
manufacturer’s rating), electric mining shovels
can dig farther from the bank face for increased
safety and operator comfort.
Figure 54 Although both HMS and EMS have the capability to dislodge large rocks,
proper operating procedures must be practiced to minimize safety hazards.

40 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 41

3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading 3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading

11. Removal of Obstructions on the Mine Floor Discussion: This situation is referencing a digging floor area
13. Truck Compatibility Discussion: Additional criteria for a compatible truck-shovel
that has imbedded toe or boulders at the grade line. Normal
Excavator Selection Priority: Low match include:
blasting methods include drilling and blasting 1.5 to 2.5m below Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
■ Concentric payload on the centerline of the tray
HMS Attributes: The front-end geometry of the the grade line, other than when mining materials such as coal.
HMS Attributes: Larger hydraulic shovels of 35m3
hydraulic excavator allows the shovel teeth to be The sub-blasting allows the equipment operator to follow a ■ Clearance of the dipper above the load apex
(46 yd3) capacity match up well with smaller haulage
in direct contact with the ground right in front of grade line, which is diggable, and the amount of grade line toe ■ Safe spotting clearance of the truck from the shovel
units and can 3-pass load 190-ton and 205-ton
the tracks for a downward movement and prying is eliminated.
trucks (Figure 56). ■ Loading of the truck to its allowable load in the least number
action if required (Figure 55). of passes (ideally three)
Boulders are another question in that blasting methods or
EMS Attributes: The various capacity electric
EMS Attributes: The electric mining shovel has the ability to geology could allow a large boulder to remain even after
mining shovels match up well with most HPLC Conclusion: The range of electric mining shovels offered
rip upward with the forward motion of the blasting. The location of these boulders will not be across the
trucks, efficiently 3-pass loading 290 metric ton and the size limitations presented by hydraulic shovel
hoist and the retract motion of the crowd to entire floor grade line, which allows the equipment operator to
(320 US ton) trucks (Figure 56). technology make the electric mining shovel the best
remove floor obstructions (Figure 55). dig around an obstruction if the size is too large for removal.
match for most mining trucks.
Digging behind an obstruction is not necessary from a frontal
approach as material can be removed from behind the
obstruction when other bank material is removed from the side
HMS Truck/Shovel Match-Up
to allow advancement of the equipment into the face.
Truck Rated Capacity Shovel Capacity
Conclusion: Removal procedures for boulders or toe Metric Ton (US Ton) 21m3 (28 yd3) 25m3 (33 yd3) 35m3 (46 yd3) 44m3 (57 yd3) 56m3 (73 yd3)
sections are basically the same for hydraulic excavators
154 (170) 5 pass 4 pass 3 pass 2 pass
and electric mining shovels. Neither shovel can dig
172 (190) 5 pass 4 pass 3 pass 2-3 pass
through this material; it must be ripped or pryed
186 (205) 5-6 pass 4-5 pass 3 pass 3 pass
upward, either with the equipment or with a ripper
attachment on a track dozer or by secondary blasting in
218 (240) 6-7 pass 5 pass 4 pass 3 pass
extreme cases. 231 (255) 6-7 pass 5-6 pass 4 pass 3-4 pass
Figure 55 Both HMS and EMS have the 290 (320) 7 pass 5 pass 4-5 pass
capability to remove floor obstructions. 327 (360)
363 (400)
EMS Truck/Shovel Match-Up
12. Rock Handling Capability Discussion: Although some hydraulic mining shovel manufacturers Truck Rated Capacity Shovel Capacity
Metric Ton (US Ton) 21m3 (28 yd3) 25m3 (33 yd3) 35m3 (46 yd3) 44m3 (57 yd3) 56m3 (73 yd3)
claim an advantage in this attribute, most mining company safety
Excavator Selection Priority: Low
standards do not condone the loading of large haulage trucks in this 154 (170) 5 pass 3-4 pass 3 pass 2 pass
HMS Attributes: Large rocks manner, as the shock load to the haulage unit can injure personnel 172 (190) 5 pass 4 pass 3 pass 2-3 pass 2 pass
which will not pass through the opened bottom of a and damage the truck structure. It is normal to sort out excessively 186 (205) 5-6 pass 4-5 pass 3 pass 3 pass 2 pass
bucket or which are on top of the bucket can easily large sections of the bank material and set it aside for secondary 218 (240) 6-7 pass 5 pass 3-4 pass 3 pass 2-3 pass
and carefully be dumped into the truck. The operator carefully tips blasting or breaking, taking care not to overload the machine, either 231 (255) 7 pass 5-6 pass 4 pass 3 pass 3 pass
the bucket forward placing the rock aside or in the truck. hydraulic or rope operated. 290 (320) 7 pass 5 pass 3-4 pass 3 pass
Conclusion: Hydraulic shovels have an advantage when
327 (360) 8 pass 5-6 pass 4 pass 3-4 pass
EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels are
offloading large debris; however, it is questionable 363 (400) 8 pass 6 pass 5 pass 4 pass
limited to the geometric size of the dipper as to
whether this would be used in a high-production,
the size of the rock they can load. Figure 56 Both hydraulic and electric mining shovels can match up with a variety
low-cost operation.
of truck capacities as based on the manufacturer’s rated capacity.

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3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading 3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading

14. Truck Loading Proper truck spotting, especially with the double-sided method,
requires a high degree of coordination and visual confirmation
Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
on the part of the truck and shovel operators. The combination
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic of a higher degree of visibility for the shovel operator and a
excavators are most effective when using the greater truck spotting tolerance for the truck driver makes the
single back-up loading method. Hydraulic electric mining shovel the ideal loading tool for the efficiencies
excavators have a limited truck spotting tolerance offered by double-sided loading.
thereby increasing the amount of propelling required to properly
Conclusion: The combination of a higher degree of
discharge the load.
visibility for the shovel operator and a greater truck
EMS Attributes: Excellent visibility and large spotting tolerance for the truck driver makes the
dipper capacities make electric mining shovels electric mining shovel the ideal loading tool in an
ideal for single back-up or double back-up HPLC operation.
loading (Figure 57). Electric mining shovels have a high truck
spotting tolerance range (Figures 58 and 59).

Discussion: Truck spotting time can be minimized with the use

of the double back-up method of shovel/truck set-up, whereby
two trucks are assigned to the shovel, one on either side. As the
outbound truck is being loaded, the inbound truck uses that Figure 58 The size and geometry of the electric mining shovel’s digging
time to turn and back into position. When the loaded truck envelope helps to ensure optimal dipper and truck loading.
leaves, the operator begins loading the waiting truck on the
opposite side of the shovel.

Tail Swing Truck Spotting

Clearance Tolerance Range
Figure 59 The limited reach inherent on hydraulic mining shovels requires
Figure 57 The ample truck spotting tolerance provided by electric shovels that trucks be spotted much closer to the machine for loading.
facilitates double back-up loading.

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3 Selection Criteria D. Digging & Loading 3 Selection Criteria E. Productivity

15. Working Dimensions The dotted vertical lines in the figure represent the horizontal E. Productivity
distance between the operator and the highest digging point of
Excavator Selection Priority: High
the shovel. Note the larger distance for the electric mining 1. Availability
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic shovel when compared to the hydraulic shovel.
Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
mining shovels are smaller than electric mining
The inclined red lines depict the operator’s line of sight from the
shovels and can work in tighter spaces. HMS Attributes: Although early hydraulic mining This is of significance to a high-production, low-cost operation
cab to the recommended face height. The electric mining
shovels struggled with availability, excavators since 1% of additional uptime can equate to 500,000 tons/year
EMS Attributes: The larger size of an electric shovel’s operator’s cab is both higher above the digging surface
today have improved availability numbers nearing of additional overburden moved.
mining shovel places the operator higher up and farther away than the hydraulic shovel providing the
that of electric shovels.
and farther from the digging face and haulage operator with a better view of the digging face and haulage In addition to basic availability calculations, measures of Mean
units when compared to a hydraulic mining units. The end result is that the operator is less intimidated by EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels have Time Between Failure (MTBF) and Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
shovel. The longer reach inherent on an electric shovel also the digging face and is required to use less head and neck a proven availability record in the 90%+ range have been introduced as factors to be considered. Electric
provides greater truck spotting tolerance and visibility than a motion to perform normal digging operations. well into their life. mining shovels will typically be superior to hydraulic shovels in
hydraulic mining shovel. actual performance.
Conclusion: The larger relative dimensions of Discussion: Availability numbers must be carefully analyzed to
Discussion: The truck depicted in Figure 60 is dimensionally electric mining shovels puts the operator and be of value. For example, the time that a hydraulic shovel is Conclusion: Although hydraulic mining shovel availability
close to that of a 218 metric ton (240 US ton) truck. The solid supporting equipment in positions that maximize down for fueling each day (20 to 30 minutes) is typically not values are increasing, electric mining shovels continue
vertical red lines identify the available space between the tail safety and productivity. counted as “downtime” for these machines. Since electric to have higher availability than hydraulic mining shovels
swing and truck, indicating that there is significantly more shovel availability calculations usually count all “downtime”, the in a variety of digging conditions.
latitude on a 25.2m3 (33 yd3) electric shovel than on a hydraulic hydraulic machine’s availability percentage is inflated by several
shovel of comparable capacity. This equates to less pressure on points when compared to electric shovels.
both truck and shovel operators.

2. Capacity Conclusion: Electric mining shovels have capacities

much greater than hydraulic shovels. Although some
Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
mines prefer to use smaller trucks and loading tools, the
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic shovels trend in high-production, low-cost mines is to use larger
continue to grow in physical size and loading capacity and more efficient loading and hauling tools.
as technology advances. Larger hydraulic shovels can
5-pass load 290 metric ton (320 US ton) trucks Shovel Capacity Comparison
(Figure 61).
Relative Hydraulic Electric
EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels can
Capacity Mining Shovels Mining Shovels
3-pass load 290 metric ton (320 US ton) trucks.
Small 21.4m3 (28.0 yd3) 25.2m3 (33.0 yd3)
A large electric mining shovel such as the P&H
4100XPC produces approximately twice the Medium 25.2m3 (33.0 yd3) 35.2m3 (46.0 yd3)
output of a large HMS. Large 35.2m3 (46.0 yd3) 55.8m3 (73.0 yd3)
Figure 60 The large working dimensions of the electric mining shovel increase the
truck spotting tolerance and maximize the operator’s view. Figure 61 Typical capacity charts for hydraulic
and electric mining shovels as based on the
manufacturer’s rated capacity. See the topic
“Fill Factors” on pages 33 and 34.

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3 Selection Criteria E. Productivity 3 Selection Criteria F. Maintenance

3. Reliability Electric shovels have consistently higher availability over their

life due to their ability to handle difficult digging conditions for a
F. Maintenance
Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
longer period. They also have a higher degree of predictability of 1. Ease of Maintenance Conclusion: Although both electric and hydraulic mining
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic component life. shovels have modular components, hydraulic shovels have
Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
mining shovels have achieved reliable performance hoses, tubes, heat, fuel, oil discharge and safety issues that
Not only does the hydraulic shovel experience greater
of about 90% availability in easy and medium HMS Attributes: Hydraulic system components adversely affect the serviceability of the machine.
unplanned downtime but it appears that the unplanned
digging materials. Hydraulic shovels become are located in modules that facilitate replacement.
downtime comprises more incidents of short duration.
significantly less reliable as the digging becomes However, the hoses and tubes required for
Therefore, though the hydraulic shovel’s total downtime may
harder. transportation of fluids to and from the engine,
not be great, the higher frequency of breakdowns and the
negative impact on fleet efficiency is reflected in a perception pumps, coolers, cylinders and motors can complicate servicing
EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels have
of lower reliability. (Figure 63). Operating temperatures of these components are
proven to be highly reliable when digging in all
sufficiently high so as to require a cool-down period prior to
types of materials (Figure 62).
Conclusion: No matter how reliability is measured, the servicing. In addition, oil seepage can cause walkways to
Discussion: Most often loosely referred to as, and measured in “bottom line” is that reliability is a perception of the become slippery, creating a safety hazard.
terms of, availability, this is first and foremost the “yardstick” of propensity of the machine to withstand the arduous day-
to-day operations with minimum or no unexpected EMS Attributes: The larger size of electric
reliability for the maintenance and mining fraternity.
downtime. Electric mining shovels are generally mining shovels and modular design provide
Unfortunately, there are numerous methods used to measure
acknowledged to have less unexpected downtime and be ample space for component access. Openings
and determine this “magical figure,” to the extent that, when
more reliable than hydraulic excavators. in the machinery house and convenient
using the term, one usually has to resort to what constitutes
component placement allow for rapid component replacement.
availability, and many a debate over numerators, denominators
and other factors are yet to be had. Figure 63 The numerous hoses and tubes
on a hydraulic mining shovel make
The effect of a machine breaking down and incurring extended
service difficult.
delays with resultant production losses can never be fully
reflected in an availability figure, especially today where 2. Fueling
crushing operations are running at maximum output and lost
production is physically impossible to regain. Breakdowns Excavator Selection Priority: Very High Conclusion: The 30 minutes or more per day required for
equate to lost revenue and ultimately shortfalls in final fueling a hydraulic mining shovel equates to over seven
HMS Attributes: A hydraulic mining shovel may
production expectations. days of downtime per year for fueling. This equates to
consume up to 10,000 liters of diesel fuel per day
about 2-4% downtime per year in a high-production,
Reliability therefore is not a number, but a significant part of depending on machine class and duty. Daily fueling
low-cost mine.
the measure of the machine’s performance, which is the requires 20 to 30 minutes of machine downtime
subject of many and varied opinions from one mining (Figure 64). Fuel storage facilities and fuel trucks are also
operation to another. required but this equipment is usually part of a mine’s
equipment inventory.
The ability to provide a more reliable machine therefore, is not
to provide something that will never break down, which would EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels
be cost prohibitive, but to be able to predict accurately the require no fueling downtime since all power is
imminent failure of components and then to carry out the supplied through the trail cable.
planned replacement with minimum disruption to operations. Figure 62 Electric shovels are generally
The important aspect is to minimize or eliminate unplanned acknowledged to have less unexpected
downtime while reducing and optimizing the planned downtime downtime and be more reliable than
hydraulic shovels, especially when digging in Figure 64 Hydraulic mining shovels typically require
– that’s reliability.
hard rock such as this copper mine. 30 minutes of downtime per day for fueling.

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3 Selection Criteria F. Maintenance 3 Selection Criteria F. Maintenance

3. Planned Component Replacement Conclusion: When compared with hydraulic mining HMS Preventive Maintenance EMS Preventive Maintenance
shovels, electric shovels have few components requiring Service Point Service Required Service Point Service Required
Excavator Selection Priority:
scheduled replacement. This represents significant long- Air Compressor Check Oil Level


Very High
Air Compressor Check Oil Level
term savings in downtime and component expenditures. Attachment Bearings Visual Inspection Air System Lubricator Check Oil Level
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic excavator components Central Lube Reservoir Check Level Air System Lubricator Check Oil Level
such as pumps, motors, valves, cylinders, and diesel Engine Lube Oil Check Oil Level Central Lube Reservoirs Check Levels
engines have a large number of parts moving at high Engine Cooling System Check Coolant Level Central Lube System Check System
speeds and must be replaced on a frequent schedule to reduce the Fuel Tank Fill Operation
possibility of catastrophic failure (Figure 65). Gear Lube Reservoir Check Lube Level Crowd Transmissions Check Oil Level
Hydraulic Reservoir Check Level Hoist Gear Case Check Oil Level

EMS Attributes: The static nature of the power and control Pump Drive Assembly Check Oil Level Swing Transmissions Check Oil Level

systems on electric mining shovels greatly Propel Transmissions Check Oil Level
minimizes scheduled component replacement. In Air System Lubricator Check Oil Level
Bypass Lube Oil Filter Change Filter Hoist Gear Case Lube
addition, the relatively slow gear case speeds
System Replace Filters
and highly reliable electric motors reduce the Central Lube System Check System
Operation Motor Couplings Lubricate
necessity for scheduled component replacement. Electric shovels
Engine Coolant Filter Change Filter Swing Transmission Lube
require replacement of wire rope on a regular basis. System Replace Filters
Engine Cooling System Check Inhibitor

Annual Quarterly
Air Filtration System Clean Filters
Engine Fuel Filter Change Filter
Figure 65 Hydraulic cylinder storage, Suspension Cable

Engine Lube Oil Change Oil
maintenance and replacement is a large part of Rope Sockets Lubricate
Engine Lube Oil Filter Change Filter
the operating cost of a hydraulic mining shovel. Hoist Cables Change
Fuel Tank Drain Sediment
Swing Transmission Check Oil Level
Hoist Gear Case Change Oil
Hydraulic Return Filter Change Filters Propel Transmission Change Oil
4. Preventive Maintenance Schedules Conclusion: Due to the sensitivity of hydraulic systems to
Controls Oil Filter Change Filter Swing Transmission Change Oil
contamination from the normal dust and dirt found in the
Excavator Selection Priority: Very High Pump Drive Lube Oil Filter Change Filter
mining environment, hydraulic mining shovels require more
High Pressure Oil Filter Change Filter Figure 67 Suggested preventive maintenance
HMS Attributes: The diesel power plants, pump frequent maintenance than electric mining shovels.
Low Pressure Oil Filter Change Filter chart for an electric mining shovel.
drives, hydraulic pumps, motors, valves, hoses and
Cooling Fan Visual Inspection
cylinders on a hydraulic mining shovel have a low
Engine Air Filters Check Indicators
tolerance for the contaminants normally found in a Propel Transmission Check Oil Level
mining environment. Hydraulic machines therefore require
Oil Cooling System Change Oil

Annual Semi-Annual
frequent maintenance to ensure system cleanliness and peak
performance (Figure 66). Propel Transmission Change Oil
Pump and Drive Assembly Change Oil
EMS Attributes: The electronic motor control
system, motors, and gear cases on electric
mining shovels are less sensitive to the mining
environment and require minimal maintenance
Engine Cooling System Drain and Flush
(Figure 67). Dust ingress is the biggest concern with electric
Hydraulic System Change Oil
motors and systems and this is typically managed by the
Swing Transmission Change Oil
installation of machine house filters and pressurized air systems
limiting dust intrusion.
Figure 66 Suggested preventive maintenance
chart for a hydraulic mining shovel.
50 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 51
3 Selection Criteria F. Maintenance 3 Selection Criteria G. Environmental Impact

5. Reliability Indicators EMS Attributes: The motor drive system,

motors and gear cases on an electric mining
G. Environmental Impact
Excavator SelectionPriority: High 1. Cleanliness
shovel can all be precisely monitored using
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic system pressure, predictive diagnostics technology to predict Excavator Selection Priority: High Conclusion: Electric mining shovels provide a higher
oil temperature, oil quality, and oil leakage can all component reliability. This technology includes but is not limited level of cleanliness when compared to hydraulic shovels.
HMS Attributes: The large quantities
be used individually or collectively as component to vibration analysis, infrared thermography, ultrasonic detection,
of fluids that are in storage and
and system reliability indicators. While these electrical measurements, and tribology (Figure 68).
transported through closed circuits and
provide a fairly accurate and comprehensive reliability indication
Conclusion: The applicability of predictive diagnostics via replenishment containers present an ongoing cleanliness
on a hydraulic mining shovel, experience has shown that
technology combined with fewer moving parts when challenge on a hydraulic shovel. Maintenance and operations
because of the complexity and shear number of dynamic
compared to hydraulic mining shovels provide the personnel must continuously be on the alert for slippage and
components in the diesel engines and hydraulic systems there
electric mining shovel with a clear advantage when it the potential for falls from slippery surfaces.
is always a certain percentage of components that will fail
comes to reliability indicators.
without warning. EMS Attributes: The low volume of fluids and
the containment of gear oils in sealed gear
cases helps maintain a high level of cleanliness
on electric mining shovels (Figure 69). In addition, the EMS
machinery house is pressurized with filtered air to ensure a
clean working environment. On machines equipped with crowd
drive pinions and racking, excessive lubricants that have fallen
on walkways and landings must be removed periodically.

Discussion: Hydraulic systems are inherently more susceptible Figure 69 Sealed gear cases on electric
to contamination. The lack of house pressurization and filtered mining shovels help to ensure that fluids
air provides a higher potential for contamination. During won’t contaminate the work area.
maintenance and changeouts, these contaminants can be
introduced into the system, potentially reducing component life
and increasing downtime.

2. Fluid Disposal Conclusion: Hydraulic mining shovels require the

disposal of over 7500 and as much as 13,000 liters of oil
Excavator Selection Priority: High
each year considering only the engine oil, engine coolant
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic mining and hydraulic system fluid. This adds a significant
shovels use engine oil, coolant and operating expense to these machines when compared
hydraulic fluid, which must be replaced several to electric mining shovels.
times a year (Figure 66). In addition, gear case oil in HMS
transmissions must be replaced periodically.

EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels have

Figure 68 Predictive diagnostics for electric mining shovels helps to ensure a high hoist, swing, crowd and propel gear cases that
level of reliability. contain gear oil. The oil in these gear cases
must be changed periodically (Figure 67).

52 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 53

3 Selection Criteria G. Environmental Impact 3 Selection Criteria G. Environmental Impact

3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions emissions. By comparison, to produce an equivalent amount 4. Spillage Conclusion: The large quantities of fluids, some at
of diesel-generated work, a hydraulic excavator considered in high pressure, in storage and transport on hydraulic
Excavator Selection Priority: Excavator Selection Priority: High
the same class consumes 1,150,000 gallons of fuel over 7,000 shovels inherently make these machines a high risk
Very High in environmentally sensitive areas. There is less risk
hours and releases 13,230 tons of carbon dioxide emissions – HMS Attributes: Hydraulic
HMS Attributes: Continued advances in diesel about 75% more than the electric shovel. mining shovels have thousands of liters of fuel of oil spillage and the resulting environmental

technology have significantly lowered the and hydraulic oil onboard that presents an contamination from electric shovel gear cases
It should be noted that hydraulic shovels direct power through
emissions from diesel engines. Where emissions on-going risk of spillage (Figure 71). The tubes and hoses that and racks.
large valves under high pressure and at very high flow rates.
are an issue, some hydraulic shovel manufacturers offer transport these fluids under high pressure are susceptible to
This restriction results in the release of energy in the form of HMS Fluid Reservoir Capacity (typical)
electric powered machines. failure from pressure fatigue and rock impacts creating a
heat that is dissipated through large oil coolers. In addition,
situation that can lead to significant fluid dispersion into the
EMS Attributes: Recent studies have for every bucket that is loaded by an HMS, the entire Hydraulic Fluid 6,500 - 13,000 liter
surrounding environment.
confirmed that electric mining shovels are attachment must be raised, consuming more energy with the
significantly more friendly to the resultant release of emissions. When comparing an electrically EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels use Diesel Fuel 9,500 - 16,000 liter
environment than comparable diesel- powered HMS with an EMS, these same factors will cause the sealed gear cases that offer little danger of
spillage. Dipper handle rack lubricants used
Coolant 500 - 900 liter
powered hydraulic equipment (Figure 70). HMS to consume more energy per unit loaded.
on earlier machines dropped from the crowd
Discussion: This attribute is of extremely high significance in Conclusion: Protection of the atmosphere and Engine Oil 520 - 760 liter
drive racking on some machines but current lubricants with
countries that are signatories of the Kyoto Protocol. Australia surrounding layers has become a major concern for all
greater cohesion characteristics have reduced this spillage
has a target of limiting greenhouse gas emissions significantly mining companies. Electric mining shovels generate Figure 71 The large quantities of high
to some extent.
by the year 2020. It is acknowledged that the combustion of significantly lower levels of undesirable emissions pressure hydraulic fluid, diesel fuel and
fossil fuels leads to an increase in greenhouse gas than comparable hydraulic shovels for each engine coolant onboard hydraulic mining
concentrations in the atmosphere. unit loaded. shovels increase the risk of fluid spillage.

Recent studies have confirmed that electric mining shovels

consume significantly less energy, and therefore introduce
considerably less carbon dioxide into the environment than
do hydraulic excavators.

For example, to produce the coal-fired electric power required

for one P&H 4100XPB over 7,000 hours requires about 8,050
megawatt hours, resulting in 7,540 tons of carbon dioxide

Greenhouse Gas Emission Comparison CO2

Equipment Hours Average Energy Use Per Year
3 3
38.2m (50 Yd ) EMS 7,000 8,050 Megawatt Hours 7,540 US Tons
3 3
38.2m (50 Yd ) HMS (diesel) 7,000 1,150,000 Gallons of Fuel 13,230 US Tons

Figure 70 Electric shovel operation develops significantly lower greenhouse gases

than comparable hydraulic shovel operation.

54 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 55

3 Selection Criteria H. Commercial Considerations 3 Selection Criteria H. Commercial Considerations

H. Commercial Considerations 2. Cost Per Unit Loaded

1. Capital Cost Discussion: The approximately 700 mines throughout the world Excavator Selection Priority: Very High
that provide the majority of the world's minerals replace only a
Excavator Selection Priority: High HMS Attributes:
small percentage of the entire population of their loading and
Hydraulic mining
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic excavators hauling equipment annually (roughly five to ten percent). High-
shovels have a lower capital cost than
are less expensive to purchase than electric production, low-cost mines typically purchase electric shovels that
electric mining shovels and provide flexibility that
mining shovels. Typically a hydraulic shovel is have life expectancies of from 10 to 20 years depending on
may help reduce the cost per ton over the life of
approximately 20% less expensive than an electric mining operating hours and maintenance philosophy. The capital savings
the machine.
shovel in the same size class. that are realized by purchasing a piece of mining equipment that
will run 20 years or more are shown in Figure 72. EMS Attributes: Although initial
EMS Attributes: The higher price of the
investment for an electric mining
electric mining shovel can be attributed to the Conclusion: While the initial cost of an electric mining
shovel is higher than for a
much greater use of steel and electronic shovel may be as much as 25% higher than a hydraulic
hydraulic mining shovel, the high
technology in this machine. Electric shovel shovel in the same class, the long-term implications
productivity and reliability of an EMS results in a
distributors sell their equipment on the basis of a reduction in must be considered. The respective lives of the
lower cost per unit (Figure 73).
cost per ton to mine a variety of materials. competing shovels should see the HMS being replaced
at intervals necessitating higher long-term capital Discussion: Well-defined financial models
investment for the HMS (Figure 72). consistently show the electric shovel is the lowest-
cost mover of materials available (Figure 74). The
cost advantage of an electric mining shovel
stems from the high production capacity, low
energy cost per unit produced, and the low parts
Figure 73 Cumulative costs per unit comparison
and maintenance costs over the life cycle of
the machine.

2nd HMS Conclusion: When the attributes required

to dig and load material are considered
Upgrades along with long term reliability, the
electric mining shovel is the lowest cost
EMS per unit alternative for most high-
HMS production, low-cost mining situations.

Figure 72 The capital costs of a large hydraulic shovel far exceed

those of an electric mining shovel when viewed long term. Figure 74 Average production cost for a complete range of
loading equipment. Courtesy of the 1998 SME publication
Mining Economics and Strategy by Ian C. Runge.

56 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 57

3 Selection Criteria H. Commercial Considerations 3 Selection Criteria H. Commercial Considerations

3. Fuel Cost EMS Attributes: Electric power is typically 5. Machine Life Conclusion: Electric mining shovels have an overwhelming
cheaper in unit cost than diesel fuel. With power advantage when it comes to machine life. The additional
Excavator Selection Priority: Very High Excavator Selection Priority: High
industry deregulation in some countries, power initial capital investment required to purchase an EMS is
HMS Attributes: World politics prices should remain competitive. HMS Attributes: In HPLC mining returned many times over as these upgradable machines
and the removal of diesel fuel rebates, currently operations, hydraulic machines are continue to set records for longevity.
Conclusion: The fuel cost for an electric mining shovel is
offered in some countries, make the future cost of typically approaching the end of their useful
3 typically more stable and lower than that of a compara-
diesel fuel uncertain. For example, a 35m hydraulic shovel run- service life after approximately seven years
ble hydraulic mining shovel.
ning in Australia has an average fuel cost 45% greater than the (50,000 hours) of operation.
larger 56m electric rope shovel.
EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels are
renowned for their extremely long life and
typically operate productively for 20
years or more logging 100,000 plus hours

4. Insurance Liability (Figure 76).

Excavator Selection Priority: High Discussion: Electric mining shovels have a huge
advantage when it comes to machine life. Hydraulic
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic mining shovel manufacturers sometimes claim this is a
shovels typically have several thousand liters of disadvantage because the earlier electric shovels are not
combustible liquids onboard at any given time. Under able to take advantage of newer technology. However, this
high heat or open flame conditions these liquids can ignite and logic overlooks the fact that the electric shovel provides a
cause dangerous personal safety situations and platform for advanced technology modules that can be
the catastrophic loss of the machine. easily installed on earlier machines. An example of this is
the P&H Digital Drive upgrade which replaces earlier
EMS Attributes: Since modern electric mining
motor drive technology on P&H shovels, reducing the
shovels have few, if any
cycle time by as much as 15%.
combustible liquids onboard, Figure 76 This P&H model 2800 electric mining shovel
the risk of fire is negligible. was commissioned in 1969 and is shown here
Fire insurance rates for electric mining shovels productively digging in a Canadian coal mine after more
are significantly lower than those of a than 150,000 hours.
comparable capacity hydraulic mining shovel.

Conclusion: There is a higher risk of fire

on hydraulic shovels than on electric
6. Manufacturers EMS Attributes: There are only two electric
shovels (Figure 75). In a short period of
mining shovel manufacturers. However, both
time Australian mines lost six hydraulic Excavator Selection Priority: Low
machines to fire. These losses have
Figure 75 Hydraulic excavators have a higher risk of fire due have global support organizations and Joy

pushed the insurance rates for hydraulic

to the thousands of liters of combustible liquids on board. HMS Attributes: There are several shovel Global has a global distribution arm that
manufacturers supporting global distribution provides mining related services and equipment from a number
mining shovels to three times that of
and service networks. Some hydraulic shovel of manufacturers.
electric mining shovels.
manufacturers also manufacture and distribute mining
Conclusion: There is no clear advantage for HMS or EMS
haulage trucks.
in the number of manufacturers providing equipment.

58 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 59

3 Selection Criteria H. Commercial Considerations 3 Selection Criteria H. Commercial Considerations

7. Project Life Conclusion: The electric shovel is the first choice for 9. Relocation Conclusion: A hydraulic mining shovel is easier and less
long-term projects greater than 7 or 8 years unless there costly to relocate than an electric mining shovel. This will
Excavator Selection Priority: High Excavator Selection Priority: High
are extenuating circumstances such as power supply. A be a high priority selection criterion for mines that require
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic hydraulic excavator is typically considered the first HMS Attributes: The smaller class hydraulic frequent relocation of their excavators over long distances
excavators are considered choice for short-term projects of 5 to 7 years but the shovels can be transported with minimal disas- that cannot facilitate transport as a single piece unit.
appropriate for projects with lives of up to seven used electric shovel market is considered as a viable sembly from one site to another.
or eight years. Hydraulic shovels are easier to transport to a new and sometimes better alternative for short projects.
EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels require
project due to their smaller physical size and lighter weight.
a significant level of disassembly prior to reloca-
However, the residual/remaining value of a
tion. This usually includes, as a minimum, removal
hydraulic shovel rapidly diminishes after five years.
of the attachment from the upper and removal of
EMS Attributes: Typically, new the upper from the lower.
electric shovels are considered
Discussion: Although most hydraulic shovels can be moved
appropriate for projects with a
with minimal disassembly, as the size increases some expanded
life as short as 8 to 10 years.
component breakdown is required to comply with transport
Because of the longevity inherent in an electric
authority restrictions. More recently, some electric shovels have
shovel, they retain their value, resulting in many
been relocated intact up to 100km using a heavy-duty wheel or
good used electric shovels that meet or exceed
crawler loader (Figure 78).
Figure 78 Some EMS have been relocated
the capacity of a new hydraulic shovel requiring intact using a heavy-duty wheel or
more capital investment (Figure 77).
crawler loader.

Figure 77 This refurbished P&H 2100BL electric mining 10. Resale Value Conclusion: A used hydraulic shovel may provide a low cost
shovel was purchased by a Brazilian mining company Excavator Selection Priority: High
solution for a short-term surface mining requirement.
However, for the typical high-production, low-cost surface
and shipped from the U.S.
HMS Attributes: The lower price of a mining operation a used electric mining shovel provides
hydraulic mining shovel makes it somewhat attractive the best value.
in the used equipment market. However, offsetting
this is the inherent shorter life of the hydraulic mining
8. Project Risk Discussion: Maintenance and repair contracts (MARC) and life
shovel which makes it impractical to expect a large number of
cycle management aggreements (LCM) are available to further
Excavator Selection Priority: High scheduled machine utilization hours from a used HMS.
reduce risk on both HMS and EMS. These contracts are available
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic for all or part of new and used equipment. EMS Attributes: Due to their robust design,
mining shovels of the size higher reliability, higher availability and
Conclusion: Electric shovels provide a higher chance of
necessary for aggregate loading and quarrying upgradability electric shovels provide a large
success and lower risk of failure for a high-production,
have proven over the years to be a solid number of opportunities in the used equipment
low-cost mining project because of the simplicity of the
performer. However, the larger shovels necessary for HPLC market. There are a number of programs that address the used
electric shovel’s design and the proven technology
mining operations require a much higher level of technology and electric shovel market such as the Triple ‘RRR’ program provided by
inherent on these machines.
complexity. Because of the limited experience base of the large MinePro. This program Re-engineers, Refurbishes, and Re-powers
hydraulic mining shovels, the risk factor can be significant. used equipment to extend its working life (Figure 79). Figure 79 Used electric mining shovels
EMS Attributes: Electric shovels offer a low
such as this P&H 2800XPA have been
level of project risk as their track record over
brought back to a like-new condition by
the past 50 years and proven technology the MinePro Triple ‘RRR’ (Re-engineered,
provides greater confidence of achieving the Refurbished, Re-powered) program.
planned production and cost targets.

60 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 61

3 Selection Criteria H. Commercial Considerations 4 Machine Selection Process

11. Support Infrastructure EMS Attributes: Electric mining shovels may

require extra dozer time to assist in floor clean-
Overview Key Selection Variables
Excavator Selection Priority: Low
up. Service vehicles to transport, pick up and This section provides information regarding the variables that must Anticipated Life of the Mine
HMS Attributes: Hydraulic shovels are more like- relocate trailing cable may also be required. be considered when making an excavator selection in a high-pro- The anticipated life of a mine will play a significant role in the
ly to require support equipment such as a fuel duction, low-cost mine. The importance of each variable will differ selection of the loading tool. Short-term mines (seven years or less)
Conclusion: Both hydraulic and electric mining shovels
truck and service truck as well as a lighting plant significantly from one mine to another but each factor must be con- typically will be better served with a refurbished electric mining
require a certain level of support infrastructure that would
for night work. sidered to make an informed decision on the purchase or lease of shovel or a hydraulic mining shovel. However, most mines have a
be typically available at high-production, low-cost mines.
equipment (Figure 81). life of more than seven years and mine life is typically understated.
Once a mine is up and operational the costs of expansion are far
This section also provides variously sorted tables that list the machine
less than the initial outlay to bring the mine online. Studies indicate
attributes described in Section 3. The tables include each attribute,
that most mines will operate far longer than planned and be
selection priority and an indication of which machine has an
expanded well beyond the initial plan.
advantage for the criteria in the context of an HPLC mine. The
selection process should follow these three steps:

12. Technology Knowledge 1) Review the key selection variables provided below

Excavator Selection Priority: High 2) Review the Machine Selection Attribute Priority Tables

3) Review this information with your mining equipment distributor to

HMS Attributes: For the
determine the appropriate equipment for your situation.
smaller classes, hydraulic shovels
are likely to have better access to labor with
appropriate skills as smaller hydraulic excavators are
commonly used for infrastructure projects, such as
buildings and roads throughout the world.

EMS Attributes: Electric shovels have

been working in remote regions
supported by individuals with limited
technical skills for many years. EMS
manufacturers have provided customer technical training
covering both maintenance and repair of their equipment
to overcome situations where there is a lack of skilled
technical labor.

Conclusion: No clear advantage exists with either of

the larger classes of electric or hydraulic shovels, as
specialized skills are required to operate and Figure 80 Both hydraulic and electric shovels
maintain both (Figure 80). operate in remote regions of the world and
must have trained technicians available to
service the equipment.

Figure 81 All selection criteria must be carefully considered when adding

an additional hydraulic or electric excavator to a mine’s fleet.

62 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 63

4 Machine Selection Process 4 Machine Selection Process

Capital Availability Equipment Relocation Requirements Table 1. Machine Selection Table (Sorted by Category)
Capital in the form of full financing for a new machine or funds Mines with several operations requiring frequent movement of
Criteria Selection Advantage Criteria Selection Advantage
for lease of a machine play an important role in the selection equipment from one site to another must take this into consider- Priority Priority
process. Since new electric shovels are higher priced than a ation when selecting a machine. The time to disassemble and
A. Technical 12. Rock Handling Capability Low HMS
hydraulic unit of similar capacity there is sometimes no choice reassemble a hydraulic machine is much less than that for an
1. Ambient Temperature Adaptability High EMS 13. Truck Compatibility Very High EMS
but to go to a lower priced machine. In such cases it is wise to electric mining shovel.
2. Digging Forces High EMS 14. Truck Loading Very High EMS
review the used electric shovel market for high quality machines
3. Ground Bearing Pressure (Static) High HMS 15. Working Dimensions High EMS
with a lower initial investment required.
4. Machine Assembly Time Low HMS
Joy Global 5. Machine Weight High Equal E. Productivity
Mine Infrastructure
Excavator Selection Tables 6. Mobility Very High HMS 1. Availability Very High EMS
The location of the processing plant, roads and support
The following tables are included to assist you during the 7. Power Selection Options Low HMS 2. Capacity Very High EMS
equipment all play a role in the selection process. Hydraulic
8. Power Supply Requirements High Equal 3. Reliability Very High EMS
shovels typically require more intense support in terms of excavator selection process. The tables are based on the dis-
cussion of selection criteria in Section 3. The “Advantage” 9. Technology Change Adaptability High Equal
equipment and personnel and the mine infrastructure must be F. Maintenance
column indicates whether a Hydraulic Mining Shovel (HMS) or
10. Trail Cable High HMS
available to provide the support required. 1. Ease of Maintenance Very High EMS
B. Machine Operation
Electric Mining Shovel (EMS) has a notable advantage for a 2. Fueling Very High EMS
Electrical Reticulation 1. Cab Location High EMS
given factor. 3. Planned Component
Electric rope shovels require the provision of electrical power 2. Digging Phase Controls Very High EMS
Replacement Very High EMS
mains at or adjacent to the mining operation. In some green field Please copy these tables as required and add your comments. 3. Ergonomics High EMS
4. Preventive Maintenance
Discussing your comments with your equipment distributor 4. Use of Propel
or remote sites, power supply may be limited to local diesel gen Schedules Very High EMS
will assist in the equipment selection process and help you
to Maximize Fill Factors High EMS
sets, which may not be able to provide sufficient power capability 5. Reliability Indicators High EMS
5. Visibility High EMS
for rope shovel operation. select equipment that will provide peak performance.
C. Geology and Deposit Characterization
1. Bench Height High EMS G. Environmental Impact
Blasting Requirements 1. Cleanliness High EMS
2. Digging Material Layer by Layer Low HMS
If the in-situ material is such that no blasting is required, the 2. Fluid Disposal High EMS
3. Drilling and Blasting Requirements High Equal
so-called “free digging” method could be used, avoiding the cost 3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Very High EMS
4. Following Layers Up a Grade Low HMS
of drilling and blasting. Please note that these methods typically 4. Spillage High EMS
5. Material Abrasiveness High EMS
do not apply to high-production, low-cost mines with the excepe-
6. Selective Mining Face Digging Low HMS
tion of the oil sands mines in Canada. These are very high-pro- H. Commercial Considerations
D. Digging and Loading
duction, low-cost operations with limited or no blasting at all and 1. Capital Cost High HMS
1. Cycle Time Very High Equal
excavators are used as the primary production machines. 2. Cost Per Unit Loaded Very High EMS
2. Debris Removal Low HMS
3. Fuel Cost Very High EMS
3. Digging Below Ground Level Low Equal
Mobility Requirements 4. Insurance Liability High EMS
4. Fill Factors Very High EMS
In situations where substantial blending is necessary from several 5. Machine Life High EMS
5. Floor Cleanup Low HMS
sources, the equipment that is doing the digging and loading 6. Manufacturers Low Equal
6. Floor Level Digging Reach High Equal
must be highly mobile and flexible to provide a broader utilization. 7. Project Life High EMS
7. Material Discharge High HMS
8. Project Risk High EMS
Truck Availability 8. Proximity to Face High EMS
9. Relocation High HMS
The available or planned truck fleet must also be considered. If a 9. Reach Very High EMS
10. Resale Value High EMS
10. Removal of Large Rocks from
large capacity electric shovel is not properly trucked, a percent- 11. Support Infrastructure Low Equal
the Digging Face Low HMS
age of the capacity will be wasted. In these cases, a smaller 12. Technology Knowledge High Equal
11. Removal of Obstructions on
electric shovel or hydraulic shovel may satisfy the digging and the Mine Floor Low HMS
loading requirement.

64 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 65

4 Machine Selection Process 4 Machine Selection Process

Table 2. Machine Selection Table (Sorted by Criteria) Table 3. Machine Selection Table (Sorted by Selection Priority)
Criteria Selection Advantage Criteria Selection Advantage Criteria Selection Advantage Criteria Selection Advantage
Priority Priority Priority Priority
Ambient Temperature Adaptability High EMS Material Discharge High HMS Availability Very High EMS Project Life High EMS
Availability Very High EMS Mobility Very High HMS Capacity Very High EMS Project Risk High EMS
Bench Height High EMS Planned Component Replacement Very High EMS Cost Per Unit Loaded Very High EMS Proximity to Face High EMS
Cab Location High EMS Power Selection Options Low HMS Cycle Time Very High Equal Reliability Indicators High EMS
Capacity Very High EMS Power Supply Requirements High Equal Digging Phase Controls Very High EMS Relocation High HMS
Capital Cost High HMS Preventive Maintenance Schedules Very High EMS Ease of Maintenance Very High EMS Resale Value High EMS
Cleanliness High EMS Project Life High EMS Fill Factors Very High EMS Spillage High EMS
Cost Per Unit Loaded Very High EMS Project Risk High EMS Fuel Cost Very High EMS Technology Change Adaptability High Equal
Cycle Time Very High Equal Proximity to Face High EMS Fueling Very High EMS Technology Knowledge High Equal
Debris Removal Low HMS Reach Very High EMS Greenhouse Gas Emissions Very High EMS Trail Cable High HMS
Digging Below Ground Level Low Equal Reliability Very High EMS Mobility Very High HMS Use of Propel
Digging Forces High EMS to Maximize Fill Factors High EMS
Reliability Indicators High EMS Planned Component Replacement Very High EMS
Digging Material Layer by Layer Low HMS Visibility High EMS
Relocation High HMS Preventive Maintenance Schedules Very High EMS
Digging Phase Controls Very High EMS Working Dimensions High EMS
Removal of Large Rocks from Reach Very High EMS
Drilling and Blasting Requirements High Equal the Digging Face Low HMS Capital Cost High HMS
Reliability Very High EMS
Ease of Maintenance Very High EMS Removal of Obstructions on Debris Removal Low HMS
Truck Compatibility Very High EMS
the Mine Floor Low HMS
Ergonomics High EMS Digging Below Ground Level Low Equal
Truck Loading Very High EMS
Resale Value High EMS
Fill Factors Very High EMS Digging Material Layer by Layer Low HMS
Ambient Temperature Adaptability High EMS
Rock Handling Capability Low HMS
Floor Cleanup Low HMS Floor Cleanup Low HMS
Bench Height High EMS
Selective Mining Face Digging Low HMS
Floor Level Digging Reach High Equal Following Layers Up a Grade Low HMS
Cab Location High EMS
Spillage High EMS
Fluid Disposal High EMS Machine Assembly Time Low HMS
Cleanliness High EMS
Support Infrastructure Low Equal
Following Layers Up a Grade Low HMS Manufacturers Low Equal
Digging Forces High EMS
Technology Change Adaptability High Equal
Fuel Cost Very High EMS Power Selection Options Low HMS
Drilling and Blasting Requirements High Equal
Technology Knowledge High Equal
Fueling Very High EMS Removal of Large Rocks
Ergonomics High EMS
Trail Cable High HMS from the Digging Face Low HMS
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Very High EMS
Floor Level Digging Reach High Equal
Truck Compatibility Very High EMS Removal of Obstructions
Ground Bearing Pressure (Static) High HMS
Fluid Disposal High EMS on the Mine Floor Low HMS
Truck Loading Very High EMS
Insurance Liability High EMS
Ground Bearing Pressure (Static) High HMS Rock Handling Capability Low HMS
Use of Propel
Machine Assembly Time Low HMS
to Maximize Fill Factors High EMS Insurance Liability High EMS Selective Mining Face Digging Low HMS
Machine Life High EMS
Visibility High EMS Machine Life High EMS Support Infrastructure Low Equal
Machine Weight High Equal
Working Dimensions High EMS Machine Weight High Equal
Manufacturers Low Equal Material Abrasiveness High EMS
Material Abrasiveness High EMS
Material Discharge High HMS
Power Supply Requirements High Equal

66 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 67

4 Machine Selection Process Glossary

Table 4. Machine Selection Table (Sorted by Advantage)

Criteria Selection Advantage Criteria Selection Advantage
Priority Priority
Availability Very High EMS Visibility High EMS
Capacity Very High EMS Working Dimensions High EMS
ATTACHMENT — Sometimes referred to as the front-end DIGGING CYCLE — The range of actions needed from the start
Cost Per Unit Loaded Very High EMS attachment or digging attachment. The attachment includes the of one work cycle to the start of the next; consists of four
Digging Phase Controls Very High EMS Mobility Very High HMS boom and associated items that hold and actuate the digging distinct phases: digging, swinging, dumping and returning.
Ease of Maintenance Very High EMS Ground Bearing Pressure (Static) High HMS implement (bucket or dipper).
DIGGING REACH — The total amount of horizontal distance
Fill Factors Very High EMS Material Discharge High HMS
AVAILABILITY — The percentage of time a machine is available to the digging tool can achieve.
Fuel Cost Very High EMS Relocation High HMS dig and load. Availability percentages only apply to “scheduled”
Fueling Very High EMS Trail Cable High HMS DIPPER — The digging tool on an electric mining shovel.
digging and loading time, preventive maintenance and fueling times
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Very High EMS Capital Cost High HMS are not factored in when calculating availability. DIPPER FILL FACTOR — A measure of the loose cubic yards or
Planned Component Replacement Very High EMS Debris Removal Low HMS meters per load divided by the dipper's rated capacity (volume);
BANK — The unblasted material (in-situ) that needs to be removed.
Preventive Maintenance Schedules Very High EMS Digging Material Layer by Layer Low HMS determined in part by material density.
BENCH — A shelf or ridge formed in working an open
Reach Very High EMS Floor Cleanup Low HMS DOOR CYLINDERS — The cylinders that are used to open and
excavation on more than one level.
Reliability Very High EMS Following Layers Up a Grade Low HMS close the bucket door on a hydraulic mining shovel.
Truck Compatibility Very High EMS Machine Assembly Time Low HMS BENCH HEIGHT — The distance from the pit floor to the top of
DOUBLE BACK-UP METHOD — The method of loading in which
Truck Loading Very High EMS Power Selection Options Low HMS the bank.
two haul trucks are spotted, one on each side of the shovel; when
Ambient Temperature Adaptability High EMS Removal of Large Rocks BLASTHOLE DRILL — A machine used in surface mines to drill the shovel completes loading the truck on one side, the shovel
from the Digging Face Low HMS
Bench Height High EMS holes to place blasting materials. immediately begins loading the truck on the other side.
Removal of Obstructions
Cab Location High EMS
on the Mine Floor Low HMS BUCKET — The digging tool used on a hydraulic mining shovel. ELECTRIC MINING SHOVEL (EMS) — An electric mining shovel,
Cleanliness High EMS
Rock Handling Capability Low HMS sometimes referred to as mining rope shovel or electric rope
BUCKET CYLINDERS — Two cylinders used on a hydraulic mining
Digging Forces High EMS shovel, is a machine designed specifically to dig and load material in
Selective Mining Face Digging Low HMS shovel to control the fore and aft (curl) motion of the bucket.
Ergonomics High EMS surface mines. The electric mining shovel uses electric motors, gear
Fluid Disposal High EMS BOOM HOIST CYLINDERS — The hydraulic cylinders used to reducers, drums and wire rope to actuate the motions required for
Cycle Time Very High Equal
Insurance Liability High EMS raise and lower the boom on a hydraulic mining shovel. digging, loading and propelling the machine.
Drilling and Blasting Requirements High Equal
Machine Life High EMS BOOM POINT — Extreme upper point of the boom that holds FILL FACTOR — The ratio of the actual loose cubic yards or
Floor Level Digging Reach High Equal
Material Abrasiveness High EMS the boom point sheaves on an electric mining shovel. meters of material in the dipper or bucket compared to the
Machine Weight High Equal
Project Life High EMS dipper’s struck capacity or bucket’s heaped volume.
Power Supply Requirements High Equal COST PER TON — The cost to dig and load a ton of material in
Project Risk High EMS
Technology Change Adaptability High Equal a specific mine. GROUND BEARING PRESSURE (STATIC) —
Proximity to Face High EMS The weight of the machine divided by the ground bearing area.
Technology Knowledge High Equal CROWD — The motion that thrusts the dipper forward to
Reliability Indicators High EMS
Digging Below Ground Level Low Equal extract material from a working face. HPLC MINE — A high-performance, low-cost mine.
Resale Value High EMS
Manufacturers Low Equal
Spillage High EMS CURL — The motion of the bucket on a hydraulic machine HOIST — The motion on an electric mining shovel that lifts
Support Infrastructure Low Equal
when the bucket cylinders are actuated. the dipper.
Use of Propel
to Maximize Fill Factors High EMS
CYCLE TIME — The time it takes in seconds to complete one HOIST PULL — The force exerted by the hoist ropes to lift
work cycle. the dipper.

68 | Joy Global | Section 0 Section 0 | Joy Global | 69

Glossary Index

HYDRAULIC MINING SHOVEL (HMS) — STRUCK CAPACITY — Per SAE standard, the “level” measure
A hydraulic mining excavator, also referred to as a hydraulic of a dipper's volume, as opposed to its “heaped” volume.
shovel, is a machine designed specifically to dig and load Ambient temperature adaptability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Downtime
SWING — The motion that rotates the shovel’s upper frame to Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,44 due to fueling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,45
material in surface mines. The hydraulic shovel uses diesel
the left or right. Bench height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 unexpected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
engines or electric motors to drive hydraulic pumps, motors and
cylinders that in turn actuate the motions required to dig and TON — Unit of weight, either metric, US or Imperial. A metric Blending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,60 Drilling and blasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
load ore and propel the machine. ton (tonne) is abbreviated by “t”and is equivalent to 1,000kg or Cab location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,24 Dumping phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2,023 lbs. A US ton (short ton) is abbreviated by “st” and is Cable reel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,19 EMS (Electric Mining Shovel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
LCM — Life Cycle Management contract; a service and parts Capacity Environmental impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-51
equivalent to 907kg or 2,000 lbs. An Imperial ton (long ton) is
agreement between a shovel manufacturer and a shovel owner. bucket/dipper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,7,33-34,39,43 Ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
abbreviated by “It” and is equivalent to 1,016kg or 2,240 lbs.
The manufacturer or its service organization agrees to provide haul truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Fill factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,24,33-34
parts and service for all or part of a hydraulic or electric shovel. TRAIL CABLE — A high-voltage electrical cable that transmits Capital Floor 4
Contracts are written for both new and used equipment. power from the mine substation to an electric mining shovel. availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

LOWER — The lower includes the carbody, propel-drive cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 obstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

TRAM — Moving a machine over an extended distance to a
and crawler system. The lower provides a stable base for Cleanliness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Fluid
new loading area.
the machine. Commercial Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-58 disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
TRAY — Payload component of a truck, also referred to as the Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 reservoir capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
MARC — Maintenance and Repair Contract; see LCM. truck bed or body. Costs spillage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Fueling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
MTBF — Mean time between failure. UPPER — The structure on hydraulic and electric mining
mining and processing operations . . . . . . . . . 27 Geology and deposit characterization . . . . . . . . . 26-30
shovels that provides an attachment point for the majority of
MTTR — Mean time to repair. per unit loaded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Greenhouse gas emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
the actuating machinery, the operators cab and the attachment.
primary mining operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Ground bearing pressure (static) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
MATERIAL ABRASIVENESS — The characteristic of a material
VECTOR SUM — The sum of the crowd (horizontal) and hoist Cut depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Heaped standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
to cause wear on buckets and dippers.
(vertical) forces on an electric mining shovel. Cycle time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,8,31 Highwall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
MOTIVATOR — A mobile diesel generator primarily used when Debris removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 HMS (Hydraulic Mining Shovel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
WORK CYCLE — A work cycle consists of four distinct
tramming mobile electric machines over extended distances. Diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,45,51 HPLC (High-production, low cost) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
phases: digging, swinging to the truck, dumping, and returning
cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 I2T Remote Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
PRODUCTIVITY — The amount of material moved in a given time. to the bank. A positioning phase may also be required in the
Diggability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Infrared thermography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
work cycle.
RATED CAPACITY — Per SAE standard, heaped capacity. Digging face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Infrastructure
WORKING DIMENSIONS — The dimensions between the height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
RATED SUSPENDED LOAD (RSL) — For a given geometry, an
counterweight at the rear of a mining shovel and the haul trucks proximity to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 support equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
electric shovel is rated or limited by the maximum suspended
the shovel is loading. removal of large rocks from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 In-situ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,29
load; it includes the weight of a fully loaded dipper plus the
Digging forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Insurance liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
weight of the dipper itself and its associated components.
comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Kyoto Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
RELIABILITY — A perception of the propensity of a machine to Digging phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Machine assembly time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
withstand the arduous day-to-day mining operations with controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-23 Machine description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
minimum or no unexpected downtime. Availability is often used Digging Machine life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
as one of the measures of reliability. and loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-42 Machine
below ground level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
SINGLE BACK-UP METHOD — The method of loading in which
following layers up a grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 selection process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-60
one haul truck at a time is assigned to a shovel.
layer by layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59-60
STICK CYLINDERS — The two cylinders that raise and lower selective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Machine weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
the stick (handle) on a hydraulic mining shovel. Double back-up loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,40

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Maintenance Truck
ease of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
preventive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41
Manufacturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Truck spotting tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-42
Material abrasiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Ultrasonic detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Material discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Vibration analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Modular design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Wear plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Work cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Working dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Oil sands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,60
Operating weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
P&H Digital Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
P&H OptiDig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Planned component replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
selection options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
supply requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Predictive diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Productivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-44
Project life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Project risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Propel, use of to maximize fill factors . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
floor level digging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Relocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Resale value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Returning phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Rock handling capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Selection tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Selection variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Single back-up loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Struck standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Swing arc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Swinging phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Technology change adaptability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Technology knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Trail cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,19
Tribology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

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All designs, specifications and components of the equipment described above are subject to
change at the manufacturer’s sole discretion at any time without advance notice. Data and
descriptions published herein are informational in nature and shall not be construed to warrant the
service or the suitability of the equipment for any particular purpose as performance may vary with
the conditions encountered. The only warranty applicable is our standard written warranty for this
equipment or service.

Joy Global, P&H and Joy are trademarks of Joy Global Inc. or one of its affiliates.
© 2012 P&H Mining Equipment Inc. All rights reserved.

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