IB SEHS Questionnaire

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Students should be familiar with the following key terms and phrases used in examination questions, which are to be
understood as described below. Although these terms will be used frequently in examination questions, other terms may
be used to direct students to present an argument in a specific way.

Objective 1: Demonstrate and understanding of:

 Define: Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase or physical quantity.
 Draw: Represent by means of pencil lines.
 Label: Add labels to a diagram.
 List: Give a sequence of names or other brief answers with no explanation.
 Measure: Find a value for a quantity.
 State: Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Objective 2: Apply and use:

 Annotate: Add brief notes to a diagram or graph.
 Apply: Use an idea, equation, principle, theory or law in a new situation.
 Calculate: Find a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working.
 Describe: Give a detailed account.
 Distinguish: Give the differences between two or more different items.
 Estimate: Find an approximate value for an unknown quantity.
 Identify: Find an answer from a given number of possibilities.
 Outline: Give a brief account or summary.

Objective 3: Construct, analyze and evaluate:

 Analyze: Interpret data to reach conclusions.
 Comment: Give a judgment based on a given statement or result of a calculation.
 Compare: Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items, referring to both
(all) of them throughout.
 Construct: Represent or develop in graphical form.
 Deduce: Reach a conclusion from the information given.
 Derive: Manipulate a mathematical relationship (s) to give a new equation or relationship.
 Design: Produce a plan, simulation or model.
 Determine: Find the only possible answer.
 Discuss: Give an account including, where possible, a range of arguments for and against the relative
importance of various factors, or comparisons of alternative hypotheses.
 Evaluate: Assess the implications and limitations.
 Explain: Give a detailed account of causes, reasons or mechanisms.
 Predict: Give an expected result.
 Show: Give the steps in a calculation or derivation.
 Sketch: Represent by means of a graph showing a line and labeled but unscaled axes but with important
features (for example, intercept) clearly indicated.
 Solve: Obtain an answer using algebraic and/or numerical methods.
 Suggest: Propose a hypothesis or other possible answer.
Command Terms Questionnaire Name ___________________________________
Charlotte Renaudin

Answer the following based on the definition for the command term.

1. Introduce yourself to each person in our class. State your name, favorite sport, and favorite number.
My name is Charlotte, my favourite sport is volleyball and ski, and my
favourite number is 22 and 27.

2. List 2 things you are passionate about.

-my dog
- traveling

3. Describe a game you enjoy playing.

i enjoy playing hide and
seek: game where you
have to hide and one
comes looking for you

4. Identify a sport in which you could teach a skill.

I could teach volleyball

or horseriding.

5. Calculate your heart rate per minute counting beats for 15 seconds, then multiply by 4.
22/15s x 4 = 88/m

6. Explain something about you that you think is important that I know.
I get stressed really

7. Construct a data table of the age and height of 3 people you know.

martina. 16 170

julia. 16 155

charlotte 16 175

8. Sketch a rough line graph comparing the information above. Age is on the x axis, height on the y. What
comparable units are you using? We use metric in this class! Graphs should TALK(s): Title, both Axes Labeled,
Key, have a proper Scale.

9. Predict your grade in this class.

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