TFTC v1.2 Changelog

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TFTC v1.

2 - Classic Overhaul
Patch Notes

Full patch notes for TFTC v1.2. These include some patch notes from XWAU Update 5 that directly affect
TFTC v1.2. For a full list of changes for XWAU Update 5, please examine their readme file.

Gameplay Changes
● Added new gameplay mechanics for Classic Only as follows:
○ Transferring laser energy to shields increased by 100%. This matches the original TIE
Fighter behaviour as in XvT/XWA, this transfer amount was halved. This should improve
Player survivability.
○ Bombers now only fire two torpedoes per attack run, with a maximum of six torpedoes
fired per target when multiple bombers are attacking. This will significantly reduce
torpedo spam and emulates the original TIE FIghter behaviour.
○ Disabled the Player’s ship spinning uncontrollably upon missile impact.
○ Disabled starship engine wash damage. Yes you can now cheese enemy starships again
by hiding in their engine blind spots!
○ Removed 1/3rd throttle mechanic when turning. Now you will turn at the maximum rate
regardless of your current speed. This emulates the original TIE FIghter behaviour.
○ Also removed the turn rate mechanic based on your current energy distribution. This
was a more subtle mechanic but is also not present in the original TIE Fighter.
○ Limited the number of fighters that can attack the Player at once. This is dependent on
Difficulty setting and AI flight leader choices. The higher the difficulty, the more fighters
that can target you at once.
○ AI ships will no longer overcharge their shields to 200%, only up to 100%.
○ Jamming beam will now disable a starhips turrets instead of requiring 3 fighters to do so.
○ All non-friendly craft will now be already identified instead of appearing as ‘Unknown’
before getting in range. This only applies to ship names, not cargo.
○ Adjusted warhead lock ranges. Default range is 2.5 km. Starship, platform, container and
freighter classes are 6 km. Exceptions for the Muurian Transport, YT transports, Asteroid
Laser and Asteroid Warhead launchers at 6 km.
● Added new gameplay mechanic for both Classic AND Reimagined as follows:
○ Removed AI laser convergence - meaning if for example an X-Wing fires all 4 lasers at
you, instead of converging on your ship, not all 4 bolts will necessarily hit you. This will
increase Player survivability a bit more.
● If you wish to enable/disable any of the above gameplay changes manually, v1.2 will include the
XWA EXE Patcher program and the TFTC Patcher XML file so you can make changes to the EXE
file yourself. This is done so at your own risk so please backup your EXE file before making any
changes. A small readme will be included on how to use it. Bear in mind the mod is now
balanced for the above changes.
● The following ships and objects in Classic Only have had their global Shield/Hull hitpoint stats
updated. This is to bring them in line with the original TIE Fighter stats:
○ MC80A Chatnoir Cruiser = 3480/2128 (0/+304)
○ Dreadnought = 2560/1216 (0/-304)
○ Bulk Freighter = 480/112 (+280/-32)
○ Cargo Ferry = 240/132 (+80/+36)
○ Modular Conveyor = 280/112 (+24/+40)
○ Container Transport = 200/130 (-120/-142)
○ Container Type A (Brick) = 200/36 (+80/-4)
○ Container Type B (Hexbox) = 240/362 (+140/-4)
○ Container Type C (Tube) = 40/16 (+120/-4)
○ Container Type E (Hemisphere) = 120/36 (+64/-4)
○ Container Type F (Slotted) = 120/36 (0/-4)
○ Container Type G (Hourglass) = 120/36 (0/-4)
○ Container Type H (Gem) = 120/36 (+80/-4)
○ Container Type I (Y Shaped) = 120/36 (0/-4)
● The following ships in Classic AND Reimagined have had their global Shield/Hull hitpoint
stats updated.
○ TIE Advanced = 50/15 (+10/-5)
○ TIE Defender = 100/15 (0/-5)
● The following ships in Classic AND Reimagined have had their global top speeds updated.
This is to bring them in line with the original TIE Fighter stats:
○ TIE Interceptor = 111 MGLT (+1)
○ TIE Advanced = 145 MGLT (+13)
○ TIE Defender = 156 MGLT (+12)
○ Missile Boat = 122 MGLT (+2)
○ TUG = 6 MGLT (-27)
○ Heavy Lifter = 22 MGLT (-22)
○ MC80A Chatnoir Cruiser = 11 MGLT (-11)
● Added the TIE Fighter Demo mission that was released a few months before the full game came
out in 1994. This mission was not included in the final release of the original game but has been
restored for TFTC. It can be accessed in the Simulator under Training Missions. It will be unlocked
after you’ve completed at least 30 campaign missions (its after the Missile Boat training).
● Added the Imperial Raider-Class Corvette. This ship will feature prominently in future
Reimagined missions but is also being retroactively added to a couple of earlier missions in place
of other ships.
● Added laser turret meshes to the MC40 and MC80 Reef (not the MC80A Chatnoir) Calamari
Cruisers. You can now target and destroy them which will eventually disarm these ships.
● Updated TIE Fighter concussion missile count (4 normal, 8 double).
● Updated TIE Interceptor concussion missile count (6 normal, 12 double).

Graphics & Audio Changes

● (XWAU Update 5) Added the new TIE Advanced and TIE Defender models by DTM. Their cockpits
have also been updated.
● (XWAU Update 5) Added the new Platform 6 (PLT/6) Model by VinceT.
● (XWAU Update 5) Updated Platforms 1 to 4 (PLT/1 to PLT/4) models including colour coded
hangar force fields to help Players identify the correct hangar to dock in. This is Blue for the
Player and Red for AI. They now also have animated landing lights to indicate the correct hangar
for the Player as well as other texture updates.
● (XWAU Update 5) Added new explosion, particle and hit effects by MechDonald.
● (XWAU Update 5) Added new starship debris models and animations by MechDonald and Blue
● (XWAU Update 5) Added new blast mark textures and animations when ships are impacted by
● (XWAU Update 5) Added Automatic Greebler shader effect by Blue Max. This can add additional
surface details to the textures of ships and objects as you get closer to them.
● (XWAU Update 5) Added custom HUD colours by Blue Max. HUD colours per ship can be custom
defined in a ships INI file under [HUDColor] in the FlightModels folder using an RGB scale
(example: AssaultGunboat.ini). In TFTC, by default, all flyable Imperial craft will now have a black
HUD colour.
● (XWAU Update 5) VR performance updates that should help fix jittering experiences when in the
cockpit. For the more details or questions please see the XWAU Forum section here:
● Updated the Gozanti cruiser with a new model by DTM.
● Updated all main Battle images in the Simulator, with significantly new and improved versions.
● Updated several ship models in the Pilots Room with new versions when inspecting them.
● Updated all 360 degree nebula skyboxes with new versions. They should be softer, more natural
looking and less intense.
● Updated lighting effects in most missions to reflect more accurately the types of light sources
and the updated Nebula changes.
● Updated several planets and moons with new higher resolution versions.
● Added a brand new voiceover set for all inflight dialogue by Admiral Harkov in Reimagined,
replacing the original TF version.
● Updated the sound effects with original TIE Fighter sounds for map briefing icons, inflight ship
targeting/selection, missile locking, missile warning and Player shield/hull impacts.
● Lowered volume of the ion cannon firing sound.
● Updated the Credits cutscenes with new entries.

General Fixes
● (XWAU Update 5) Updates to the XWA Config file to enable Use 3D Hardware, Hardware MIP
Mapping, 32 Channels sound and High Quality Sound. This is to avoid known crashing issues.
● (XWAU Update 5) Fixed issue where flying with the cockpit turned off would cause the Player
craft to receive far higher damage than it should.
● Fixed the number of points required for personal rank updates. Previously the thresholds were
far too high making it next to impossible to advance past Lt Commander.
● Fixed points bug with MC80A Chatnoir Cruiser in Classic.
● Fixed many more spelling and grammar mistakes across all missions.
● Fixed XWA issue where the condition “must be attacked” did not function if the AI targeted
warheads on a ship/object/message attached with this condition thus preventing it being
● Fixed minor issues with ships docking to Imperial Star Destroyers and MC80 Calamari Cruisers
that could end up in a ‘circle dance’ as they tried to dock.
● Fixed issue where the Tour of Duty button in the Simulator would be greyed out after trying a
skirmish, training or racing mission. This fix however has its own bug, which can cause a display
issue in the Simulator if you have a clean pilot and access the simulator (because the button
SHOULD be greyed out here but isn’t). This bug is not as bad as being unable to replay all your
completed campaign missions though!

TFTC Classic Missions

● Removed the Flight Group double numbering as example 'Alpha 1 1' from all craft in numerous
● Added Flight Group numbers to any ships missing them across the entire campaign.
● To account for the new torpedo changes in gameplay, all craft we previously altered warhead
loads or types on to balance the game have now had these loads restored to their original
amounts and types to match the original TIE Fighter. Example: B-W Red now uses Space Bombs
instead of Proton Torpedoes or Y-W Gold now has a full warhead load instead of half a load.
● Removed Player radio from numerous warhead reload ships across multiple missions. This is so
they don’t go and start attacking targets you designate to your wingmen. Additionally the role of
‘Reload Craft’ has been assigned to any of these ships where it may be missing so it's clear when
selecting these ships what their purpose is.
● Tweaked the delay times and triggers of multiple inflight messages across many missions to
improve message flow and apply any fixes as necessary.
● Updated waypoints and start positions of some flight groups across multiple missions to match
their original TIE Fighter positions.
● Fixed a couple of minor text errors in the B7M5 and B10M5 briefing cutscenes.
Battle 0 - Pilot Training
● B0M1 (Classic): Reduced AI skill of bonus X-Wing and Z-95 combat groups to Veteran.
● B0M1 (Updated): Fixed issue which caused containers to trigger Wingmen inflight audio events.
● B0M2 (Classic): Changed waypoints of multiple flight groups to match the original more closely.
● B0M2 (Classic): Changed arrival conditions of T/I Gamma’s 2 & 3.
● B0M3 (Classic): Added flight group numbers to CN/A Target.
● B0M3 (Updated): Added an extra group of T/Bs to assist you in attacking C/CRS Target 6 so it
doesn’t take so long to destroy it.
● B0M3 (Updated): Increased AI skill of T/B Gamma to Officer.
● B0M3 (Updated): Fixed issue with most of the enemy Z-95’s not launching from C/CRS Target 6.
● B0M3 (Updated): Updated target orders of all Z-95’s to engage all TIE Bombers, not just you.
● B0M4 (Classic): Reduced AI skill of Y-W Blue to Veteran.
● B0M4 (Updated): Fixed issue where Flight Officer tells you about requesting reinforcements
twice during inflight training.
● B0M4 (Updated): Reduced AI skill of A-Ws Red 1 and 2 to Veteran.
● B0M4 (Updated): Added new goal to destroy A-W Red 1 and 2 when they arrive.
● B0M4 (Updated): Goal to destroy L/CRS Liberty now only shows up after A-Ws Red 1 and 2 are
Battle 1 - Aftermath of Hoth
● B1M1: Reduced AI Skill of T/F Beta and Gamma to Veteran.
● B1M1: Set Team 5 as allied to Team 1 Empire.
● B1M2: Reduced AI skill of Y-Ws Petdur, Laire and X-W Derk to Veteran.
● B1M2: Set Teams 2 and 4 to allied.
● B1M3: Changed T/B Alpha 2 orders.
● B1M3: Reduced AI Skill of T/I Gamma to Veteran.
● B1M3: Reduced AI Skill of T/B Beta, Theta and T/I Delta to Ace.
● B1M3: Increased AI skill of SHU Xesre and Dunn to Veteran.
● B1M4: Increased AI skill of Y-W Gold (Medium) to Ace.
● B1M4: Reduced AI skill of X-W Red (Hard) to Veteran.
● B1M4: Some backend changes to various FG structures (example: merging single ship FGs as a
two ship FG).
● B1M4: Changed formation of TRNs Sigma 1 and Omega 1 to Line Astern Up.
● B1M5: Increased AI skill of GUN Rho, GUN Pi, X-W Blue, TRNs Mood and Leven to Ace.
● B1M5: Changed arrival conditions of A-Ws Gold and Yellow.
● B1M5: Updated multiple Rebel FG attack orders based on Imperial IFF.
● B1M5: IFF of hyperbuoys in Region 2 changed to make sure the Rebels don’t shoot at them.
● B1M5: Added wait orders to multiple flight groups to account for time taken for Player to
● B1M5: Updated GUN Rho departure conditions. It will leave once the Player completes their
primary goals.
● B1M5: Changed formations of CN/C C440 and SHU Escape 1 to Line Astern Up.
● B1M6: Increased AI skill GUNs Tau 1 & 2 and Nu to Top Ace.
● B1M6: Increased AI skill of Y-W Gold (Easy/Medium) to Ace.
● B1M6: Reduced AI skill of Y-W Gold (Hard), A-W Blue 1 (Medium\Hard), X-W Red 1 (All
difficulties), ATR Charity and all Mines to Veteran.
● B1M6: Reduced AI skill of GUN Mu to Ace
● B1M6: Added wait orders to multiple flight groups to account for time taken for Player to
● B1M6: Changed arrival delay conditions of X-W Red (All difficulties), Y-W Gold (Easy/Medium)
and A-W Blue (Medium/Hard).
● B1M6: Updated multiple Rebel FG attack orders based on Imperial IFF.
● B1M6: IFF of hyperbuoys in Region 2 changed to make sure the Rebels don’t shoot at them.
● B1M6: TRNs Sigma and Omega now have Heavy Rockets and changed status to half missiles.
● B1M6: Updated attack throttle speed of TRNs Sigma and Omega.
● B1M6: Updated start positions of CRL Lulsla and all mines to their original TF positions.
● B1M6: Changed formations of CN/C C440, TRNs Starway, Gargon and SHU Derris to Line Astern
Battle 2 - The Sepan Civil War
● B2M1: Changed arrival conditions of T/B Beta 4 and Delta 4.
● B2M1: Updated attack orders of M/CRV Falx and CARG Mangonel.
● B2M1: Updated special cargo text on CNVYR Asbo 1 to ‘Imperial Arms’.
● B2M1: SHUs Bezil, Gamu and Bredis will now arrive on all difficulties instead of just Hard.
● B2M1: Increased AI skill of SHU Gamu 1 to Officer.
● B2M2: Updated cargo text on TRNs Epsilon 1 & 2 to ‘Stormtroopers’.
● B2M2: The BONUS goal of inspecting PLT/1 Youst is now a Primary [SO] goal.
● B2M2: Changed withdrawal conditions on TRNs Epsilon 1 & 2 to abort mission at 50% hull.
● B2M2: Updated withdrawal condition of Ripoblus craft to leave the area when 25% of all
Ripoblus have been destroyed.
● B2M2: Reduced AI skill of TRNs Epsilon 1 & 2 to Ace.
● B2M2: Reduced AI skill of TRNs Omicron 1 & 2 to Top Ace.
● B2M2: GUN Rho 1 will now arrive when Player requests Reinforcements.
● B2M2: Changed arrival conditions of GUNs Rho 5 and Rho 9.
● B2M2: Changed arrival conditions of TRNs Omicron 1 and 2.
● B2M3: Updated cargo text on SHU Nazaar to ‘Technicians’.
● B2M3: Fixed BONUS goal regarding SHU Nazaar completing its mission.
● B2M3: Updated orders of SHU Nazaar back to their original TF version.
● B2M3: Changed IFF of buoy NAV/B1 B-143 to Ripoblus.
● B2M3: Changed arrival conditions of T/I Theta.
● B2M4: Increased AI skill of Z-95 Adam and E/S Calitana to Ace.
● B2M4: Updated cargo text on CARGs Glaive, Godendag and M/CRV Runka to ‘Imperial Goods’.
● B2M4: Changed departure conditions for CARGs Glaive, Godendag and M/CRV Runka so they
withdraw when Player completes their primary goals.
● B2M4: Changed departure conditions for CRL Falaricae, Z-95 Adam, Baker and Charlie, FRG
Shemsher, E/S Calitana and E/S Degio.
● B2M4: Changed arrival conditions for CRL Falaricae, Z-95 Adam and E/S Arabu, Berono, Calitana
and Degio.
● B2M4: Changed departure conditions for all Dimok and Ripoblus craft.
● B2M5: Changed escort positions of T/F Alpha’s 1 and 3.
● B2M5: Reduced AI skill of T/I Gamma and Z-95 Killam’s 1-4 to Veteran.
● B2M5: Increased AI skill of CRL Ben Het to Veteran.
● B2M5: Updated inflight Victory message conditions.
Battle 3 - Battle on the Frontier
● B3M1: Reduced AI skill of SHU Splinter to Ace.
● B3M1: Updated cargo text on all special Containers to ‘Station Parts’
● B3M1: Changed orders on T/I Beta to match original orders.
● B3M1: Changed second attack order on T/F Gamma.
● B3M2: Reduced AI skill of SHU Jiggs to Veteran.
● B3M2: Reduced AI skill of X-W Gold (Hard) to Ace.
● B3M2: Changed orders to T/B Alpha 2.
● B3M3: Reduced AI skill of X-W Red (Hard) and B-W Red (Hard) to Ace.
● B3M3: Increased AI skill of X-W Yellow (Hard) to Veteran.
● B3M3: Increased AI skill of SHU Escape to Ace.
● B3M3: Removed BONUS objective for destroying FRG Huntress.
● B3M3: Changed arrival delay conditions of CARG Bakkun, CNVYR Gorfan, FRT Ravn and M/CRV
● B3M3: Changed formation of CARG Bakkun, CNBYR Gorfan and SHU Escape to Line Astern Up.
● B3M4: Changed GUN Tau 2’s orders to include an escort order for the Player.
● B3M4: Updated cargo text on CN/B SI-78, CN/B SI-79, CN/C DI-49 and FRT Soonya to ‘Base
● B3M4: Reduced AI skill of X-W Blue (Hard), Rebel Y-W Gold (Hard), TRN Masser (Hard), SHU
Proto (Hard) and Pakuuni Y-W Gold (Hard) to Veteran.
● B3M4: Reduced AI skill of M/FRG Ludwick to Officer.
● B3M4: Changed departure conditions of TRN Masser (Hard), SHU Proto (Hard) and Y-W Gold
(Hard) so they leave after VSD Stalwart arrives back.
● B3M4: Changed formation of GUN Tau to Abreast Left.
● B3M4: Changed formation of SHU SHakker to Line Astern Up.
● B3M5: Added escort order to T/B Alpha 2 to escort any TRNs.
● B3M6: Reduced AI skill of SHU Clipper (Hard) and Y-W Gold Hard) to Veteran.
● B3M6: Reduced AI skill of M/FRG Ludwick to Officer.
Battle 4 - Conflict at Mylok IV
● B4M1: Increased AI skill of Z-95 Gold (Hard) to Officer.
● B4M1: Increased AI skill of T/F Beta and Gamma to Top Ace.
● B4M1: Changed Z-95 Gold 1 to 5 waves of 2 craft and changed its formation to Line Astern up.
● B4M1: Changed arrival time of Y-W Yellow.
● B4M1: Changed attack orders of T/B Eta, CRV Charger 1 and Charger 2.
● B4M1: Added flight group Z-95 Red (Hard) with Officer AI.
● B4M2: Reduced AI skill of Y-W Gold (Hard) to Veteran
● B4M2: Reduced AI skill of T/I Delta, Y-W Blue 1, Y-W Blue 4, SHU’s Pamir 1 and Pamir 2 to Ace.
● B4M3: Restored CN/A Order 3, Order 4 and Order 5 back to 100% shields.
● B4M3: Reduced AI skill of Y-W Grey (Hard) and Y-W Blue (Hard) to Veteran.
● B4M4: Fixed issue where the Player could not target incoming warheads.
● B4M4: Changed FRG Lendova to have 200% shields.
● B4M4: Changed orders of FRG Lendova to match original settings.
● B4M4: Increased AI skill of Y-W Gold to Ace.
● B4M4: Reduced AI skill of Y-W Red to Veteran.
● B4M4: Reduced AI skill of Y-W Scarlet to Rookie.
● B4M4: Removed warheads from Y-W Scarlet.
● B4M5: Changed waypoints of M/FRG Shamus so it doesn’t crash into FRG Xerxes.
● B4M5: Changed M/FRG Shamus to have 200% shields.
● B4M5: Reduced AI skill of M/FRG Shamus to Officer.
● B4M5: Increased AI skill of X-W Gold, Y-W Red, Y-W Vite, Y-W Strike and Y-W Blue to Ace.
● B4M5: Changed arrival conditions of A-W Blue and SHU Fornel.
Battle 5 - Battle for Honour
● B5M1: Reduced AI skill of M/FRG Osprey to Officer.
● B5M1: Reduced AI skill of T/I Theta and T/I Delta to Ace.
● B5M1: Increased AI skill of T/B H-Beta to Ace.
● B5M1: Changed formations of M/FRG Osprey and CRL Margaret to Vic (this affects how they are
positioned even though they are single ship flight groups).
● B5M1: Changed arrival conditions of T/A H-Delta.
● B5M2: Changed Primary [SO] goal of inspecting all cargo containers to just inspecting one of
them instead.
● B5M2: Changed arrival conditions of GUNs Nu an dTau, A-W Blue and T/A H-Beta (all difficulties).
● B5M2: Changed formations of VSD Protector to Vic.
● B5M2: Changed orders of B-W Reds 1-3 and YT-1300 Cimigo to account for the Player
hyperspacing to the region.
● B5M2: Changed attack orders of A-W Blue.
● B5M2: Reduced AI skill of A-W Blue to Ace.
● B5M3: Changed formations of VSD Protector to Vic.
● B5M3: Changed throttle speeds of all Heavy LIfters.
● B5M4: Added BONUS objective of SHU Toten completing its missions (500 points).
● B5M4: Changed formations of VSD Protector to Vic.
● B5M5: Restored PLT/1 DS 5 to 100% shields from 200%.
● B5M5: Added an extra 10 seconds to the wait orders of SHU Total, TRN Kolermigon and YT-1300
Geddawai before they take off from PLT/1 DS 5.
● B5M5: Changed orders of X-W Red and A-W gold to account for the Player hyperspacing to the
● B5M5: Added circle and evade order to A-W Gold.
● B5M5: Added extra departure conditions to TRNs Upsilon 1 & 2 so they will not leave until after
PLT/1 DS 5 is captured.
● B5M5: Changed arrival conditions of ISD Garrett, T/I Gamma, T/A Alpha, ATR Omega 1 and FRG
● B5M5: Reduced AI skill of PLT/1 DS 5 to Rookie.
● B5M5: Updated cargo text on ATRs Omega 1, 2 and 5 to ‘Stormtroopers’.
Battle 6 - Arms Race
● B6M1: Reduced AI skill of B-W Blue (Hard) to Veteran.
● B6M1: Changed speeds of CARGs Sela 1-3 to match original speeds.
● B6M1: Changed formation of CARGs Sela 1-3 to Line Astern Up.
● B6M2: Fixed issue with arrival of CN/B Xi 1-3 containers.
● B6M2: Changed arrival conditions of Y-W Blue and ESC Hininbirg.
● B6M2: Fixed issue with CRV Mar Dunn not dropping off their mines.
● B6M2: Added FRG Thunderer and a 3-ship flight T/I Gamma to Region 1.
● B6M2: Added wait orders to several ships to account for the Player hyperspacing to the region.
● B6M2: Split A-W Gold flight group and given different attack orders.
● B6M3: Fixed incomplete [SO] goal description.
● B6M3: Changed Primary [SO] goal of HLF U-3f14 completing mission into a BONUS goal instead.
● B6M3: Added Prevent goal for 100% of B-Wings being destroyed so mission fails if you don't
disable and capture at least one of B-W Red.
● B6M3: Reduced AI skill of X-W Blue and B-W Red to Ace.
● B6M3: Fixed issue where the FRTs could be destroyed after TRN Upsilon repaired them.
● B6M3: Changed orders of GUNs Tau and GUN Rho.
● B6M3: Added Fly Home order to ATR Storm Unit, TRNs Upsilon 1 and 2.
● B6M4: Restored 100% shields to Player and GUNs Tau 2-6.
● B6M4: Increased AI skill of ATRs Omega 5 and 6 to Veteran.
● B6M4: Fixed incomplete [SO] goal description.
● B6M4: Fixed arrival conditions of TUG U-14f1 so it now arrives when it should.
● B6M4: Added wait orders to several ships to account for the Player hyperspacing to the region.
● B6M4: Added Fly Home order to CARG Bugiboi.
Battle 7 - Treachery at Ottega
● B7M1: Changed formation of ATRs Lambda and Sigma to Line Astern Up.
● B7M1: Changed formation of Z-95 Blue and Scarlet to Vic.
● B7M1: Changed attack orders of T/B H-Beta.
● B7M1: Reduced AI skill of X-W Gold (Hard) to Veteran.
● B7M1: Increased AI skill of CARG Whell to Officer.
● B7M1: Increased AI skill of T/F H-Alpha and T/I H-Delta to Ace.
● B7M1: Increased AI skill of INT Harpax to Top Ace.
● B7M2: Removed duplicated BONUS goals for destroying Rebel fighters.
● B7M2: Changed arrival conditions of T/B H-Beta.
● B7M2: Changed formation of Z-95 Blue to Vic.
● B7M3: Changed BONUS goals of destroying M/CRVs Arditi, Falcon and BaKaar into a Primary [SO]
● B7M3: Added Primary [SO] goal of destroying ATR Upsilon.
● B7M3: Removed [SO] Primary Goal of defending ISD Garrett due to potential issues completing
the mission.
● B7M3: Fixed Issue with BONUS goal of INT Harpax must completing mission not working
● B7M3: Changed arrival conditions of GUN Mu.
● B7M4: Reduced AI skill of M/FRG Osprey to Rookie.
● B7M5: ISD Majestic will now leave the area after completing its wait order.
● B7M5: Removed invincibile status from ISD Glory.
● B7M5: Changed departure conditions of ISD Glory.
● B7M5: Changed orders of T/D Alpha 2 to escort the Player.
● B7M5: Reduced AI skill of ISD Majestic to Officer.
● B7M5: Reduced AI skill of T/As Z-Eta, Z-Zeta and Z-Iota to Veteran.
● B7M5: Reduced AI skill of E/S Haven and Hellcat to Top Ace.
● B7M5: Increased AI skill of ISDs Glory and Vanguard to Top Ace.
Battle 8 - Strategic Warfare
● B8M1: Changed orders of T/D Alpha 2 to Escort Player.
● B8M1: Changed departure conditions of T/D Alpha 2.
● B8M1: Changed arrival conditions of T/B Z-Eta.
● B8M1: IFF of hyperbuoys in Region 2 changed to make sure they aren’t shot at.
● B8M1: Reduced AI skill of T/A Z-Alpha (Hard) and T/B Z-Alpha (Hard) to Veteran.
● B8M1: Reduced AI skill of GUN Nu to Ace.
● B8M2: Added wait orders to all starting ships in Region 1 to account for Player hyperspacing in.
● B8M2: Changed orders of GUN Mu.
● B8M2: Reduced AI skill of GUN Mu to Ace.
● B8M2: Reduced AI skill of T/A Z-Zeta (Hard) to Veteran.
● B8M2: Changed orders of T/D Alpha 2 to Escort Player.
● B8M2: Changed departure conditions of T/D Alpha 2.
● B8M2: Added [SO] Primary Objectives that all E/S and ATRs must finish docking.
● B8M2: Changed arrival conditions of TRN Renegade, T/As Z-Alpha and Z-Zeta.
● B8M2: Adjusted hyperspace orders for T/D Alpha 2.
● B8M2: IFF of hyperbuoys in Region 2 changed to make sure they aren’t shot at.
● B8M3: Combined ATR Themors 1 and 2 into a single flight group instead of two separate groups.
● B8M3: Removed Primary goal of ATR Themor to finish docking.
● B8M3: Reduced AI skill of ATRs Java and Themor to Officer.
● B8M3: Reduced AI skill of CRV Z-Caplure to Veteran.
● B8M3: Changed orders for T/D Alpha 2, T/A Z-Gamma and CRV Z-Caplure
● B8M3: Changed arrival conditions of CRV Z-Caplure and ATR Java.
● B8M3: Changed departure conditions of T/D Alpha 2.
● B8M4: Added wait orders to all starting ships in Region 1 to account for Player hyperspacing in.
● B8M4: Changed arrival conditions of B-W Red, Z-95 Red and A-W Gold to account for the Player
hyperspacing in.
● B8M4: Reduced AI skill of B-Ws Red and Gold, Y-Ws Blue, Gold and Yellow and X-W Gold to Ace.
● B8M4: IFF of hyperbuoys in Region 2 changed to make sure they aren’t shot at.
● B8M4: Changed orders of T/D Alpha 2 to escort Player.
● B8M4: Reduced AI skill of M/CRVs Tatoo 1 and 2 to Officer.
● B8M5: Updated skin of PLT/2 RS-32 to a new Alliance version.
● B8M5: Changed orders of T/D Alpha 2 to escort Player.
● B8M5: Added Primary [SO] goal that TRN Lambda must complete docking.
● B8M5: Reduced AI skill of B-Ws Red and Gold to Veteran.
● B8M5: Reduced AI skill of E/S Sigma to Ace.
● B8M5: Changed arrival conditions of TRN Resupply.
● B8M5: Changed departure conditions of T/D Alpha 2.
● B8M6: Added new region for Player to hyperspace to once INT Grappler is destroyed. VSD
Sceltor will also hyperspace here.
● B8M6: Added new Primary goal that VSD Sceltor must escape.
● B8M6: Changed departure conditions of T/D Alpha 2.
● B8M6: Restored Player and T/D Alpha 2 to 100% shields.
● B8M6: Increased AI skill of INT Grappler and M/FRG Shadow to Officer.
● B8M6: Reduced AI skill of T/D Alpha 2 to Top Ace.
Battle 9 - TIE Defender Technology
● B9M1: Updated skin of PLT/3 R&D Lab to new Empire version.
● B9M1: Added new BONUS goal: 50% of T/D Delta must complete mission.
● B9M1: Added Primary goal: At least one of ATRs must finish docking.
● B9M1: Added new Secondary goals: 100% of TIE Bombers and 100% of TIE Fighters must be
● B9M1: Fixed issue with BONUS goal of 50% of T/D Delta completing their mission.
● B9M1: Restored Player and T/D Delta 2 to 100% shields.
● B9M1: Changed arrival conditions of A-W Red.
● B9M1: Increased AI skill of ATRs Omega and PLT/3 R&D Lab to Officer.
● B9M1: Updated cargo text of ATRs Omega 1-4 with ‘Stormtroopers’.
● B9M2: Updated skin of PLT/3 R&D Lab to new Empire version.
● B9M2: Removed Prevent goal of all Zaarin controlled T/Ds being destroyed.
● B9M2: Changed Primary goal to one of T/D Z-Alpha specifically must be captured rather than any
one T/D.
● B9M2: Removed BONUS goals for the 100% capture of T/Ds Z-Alpha, Z-Beta and Z-Gamma.
● B9M2: Fixed BONUS goals of ISD Ardaga and CUV 3f1 must complete mission.
● B9M2: Increased AI skill of ATRs Z-Lambda, Z-Sigma and Z-Omega to Veteran.
● B9M2: Reduced AI skill of PLT/3 R&D Lab to Officer.
● B9M2: Reduced AI skill of ISD Adarga to Veteran.
● B9M2: ISD Ardaga will no longer abort its mission when reaching a certain hp level.
● B9M3: Changed orders for SHU G’nabgib (1st appearance).
● B9M3: Updated skin of PLT/3 R&D Lab to new Empire version.
● B9M3: Reduced AI skill of PLT/3 R&D Lab to Officer.
● B9M3: Updated cargo text of TRNs Z-Sigma 1-6 with ‘Stormtroopers’.
● B9M3: Changed departure conditions of E/S Red Knight and Dragonfly.
● B9M5: Increased AI skill of R41s Eshowe, Gingin and Dhlovo.
● B9M6: Changed arrival conditions of Z-95s Adam 7-12, T/D Z-Alpha, CRL Sumpntodo and CUV Su
● B9M6: Changed formation of YT-1300 Dhoora to Line Astern Up.
● B9M6: Reduced AI skill of YT-1300 Dhoora, CARGs Mssan 1 and 2 to Rookie
● B9M6: Reduced AI skill of Z-95s Adam 1 and 2 to Ace.
Battle 10 - New Threats
● B10M1: Added new starting region for the Player to hyperspace in from. All starting flight groups
given a wait order to account for the Player hyperspacing into the mission.
● B10M1: Changed Primary [SO] objective of capturing YT-1300 Choora to disabling it instead.
● B10M1: Added BONUS goal to capture YT-1300 Choora.
● B10M1: Changed arrival conditions of INT Red Claw.
● B10M1: Updated cargo text of ATRs Omega 1 and 2 to ‘Stormtroopers’.
● B10M1: Removed TRN Omicron.
● B10M1: Reduced AI skill of YT-1300 Choora to Officer.
● B10M1: Reduced AI skill of TRKC Ayenzii an dY-W Boegis to Ace.
● B10M1: Increased AI skill of INT Red Claw and ATRs Omega 1 and 2 to Ace.
● B10M1: Increased AI skill of T/I Alpha, T/B Beta and R-41s Oldevai 8-12 to Ace.
● B10M2: Restored Player to 100% starting shields.
● B10M2: Changed orders on multiple flight groups.
● B10M2: Added and Fixed BONUS goal 'CUV Rover must survive until other bonus completed'
● B10M2: Added new BONUS goal that 100% of T/D Z-Beta 2 must be destroyed.
● B10M2: Changed formation of STRKC Z-Kopsh to Vic.
● B10M2: Increased AI skill of STRKC Z-Kopsh to Veteran.
● B10M2: Increased AI skill of T/I Alpha, T/D Z-Alpha and T/D Z-Delta to Ace.
● B10M3: Changed formation of CN/F N3G4 to Line Astern Up.
● B10M3: Added wait order to all starting flight groups to account for the Player hyperspacing into
the mission.
● B10M3: Changed skin colour of CRKC Jester.
● B10M3: Reduced AI skill of T/D Badi to Veteran.
● B10M3: Increased AI skill of GUN Nu to Ace.
● B10M4: Removed Prevent conditions of 100% GUN Mu and Nu being destroyed.
● B10M4: Restored GUNs Mu and Nu to 100% shields.
● B10M4: Changed orders of MIS Tau 2 to to escort Player.
● B10M4: Changed arrival conditions of TRNs Miner 1-3.
● B10M4: Changed departure conditions of ISD Grey Wolf.
● B10M4: Changed skin colour of CRKC Prism.
● B10M4: Reduced AI skill of GUN Mu and ATR Sigma to Ace.
● B10M4: Reduced AI skill of GUN Nu to Top Ace.
● B10M4: Increased AI skill of CRKC Prism to Veteran.
● B10M4: Increased AI skill of STRKC Nuance and T-W Vendorr to Ace.
● B10M5: Changed skin color of CRKCs Kingdom 1-3.
● B10M5: Changed arrival conditions of E/S Black Box.
● B10M5: Restored Player to 100% starting shields.
● B10M5: Reduced AI skill of Y-W Yellow, Z-95s Blue and and Gold and E/S Black Box to Ace.
● B10M5: Increased AI skill of CRKCs Kingdom 1-3 to Officer.
● B10M5: Increased AI skill of X-Ws Blue and Red and Y-W Blue to Ace.
● B10M6: Corrected the name of C/CRS Independence (it was spelt Independenc, this is a
character limit bug from the Original TF).
● B10M6: Updated cargo text of TRN Epsilon to ‘Stormtroopers’.
● B10M6: Reduced AI skill of YT-1300 Goldenrod to Officer.
● B10M6: Increased AI skill of ISD Grey Wolf to Veteran.
● B10M6: Increased AI skill of C/CRS Independence and STRKCs Lonsigar 1 and 2 to Ace.
Battle 11 - Hunt for Zaarin
● B11M1: Fixed issue with BONUS goals of TRNs Upsilon 1 and 2 not completing their mission.
● B11M1: Reduced AI skill of GUNs Tau 2 and Nu to Ace.
● B11M2: Changed arrival conditions of FRT Tallinn, CN/A Psi 1, T/D Z-Delta and GUN Rho.
● B11M2: Reduced AI skill of ATRs Rover 1-3 to Officer.
● B11M2: Reduced AI skill of T/D Z-Eta to Veteran.
● B11M2: Reduced AI skill of T/B Delta to Ace.
● B11M2: Increased AI skill of PLT/6 Supply Base to Officer.
● B11M2: Increased AI skill of INT Bomb and ISDs Thunderer and Imperator to Ace.
● B11M4: Reduced AI skill of T/D Z-Iota to Veteran.
● B11M4: Reduced AI skill of GUN Rho to Ace.
● B11M5
● B11M5: Fixed issue where the mission would fail when the CTRNS Nichevo 1-3 would hyper out
even though we need them to escape.
● B11M5: Restored Player to 100% shields.
● B11M5: Changed orders of T/B Iota and Zeta to attack Container Transports only if IFF is Traitor.
● B11M5: Changed orders of STRKCs Triumph and Indomitable.
● B11M5: Changed departure conditions of CRKC Yaai, FRG Thinin, T/D Z-Alpha and GUNs Z-Mu,
Z-Nu and Z-Tauso they actually withdraw when ISD Glory hyperspaces out.
● B11M5: Increased AI skill of T/Bs Zeta and Iota to Ace.
● B11M6: Reduced AI skill of SCT Sentry 1 and 2 to Rookie.
● B11M6: Reduced AI skill of PLT/5s V1 and V2 to Veteran.
● B11M6: Increased AI skill of T/As Z-Eta and Z-Theta to Veteran.
● B11M6: Increased AI skill of T/As Z-Zeta and Z-Iota and T/I Z-Gamma to Ace.
● B11M7: Reduced AI skill of MUTR Shadow to Officer.
● B11M7: Reduced AI skill of MN/T1s D-Array and V-Array to Ace.
● B11M7: Increased AI skill of CRKCs Z-Pata 1-3 to Veteran.
Battle 12 - Prelude to Endor
● B12M1: Reduced AI skill of CRV Keeper 2 to Rookie.
● B12M1: Reduced AI skill of M/CRV Hut’to to Officer.
● B12M1: Reduced AI skill of A-W Gray (Hard) to Veteran.
● B12M1: Reduced AI skill of Y-W Gold to Ace.
● B12M2: Reduced AI skill of ATR Sigma 2 to Officer.
● B12M2: Reduced AI skill of T/F Gamma, T/I Delta and T/B Zeta to Ace.
● B12M2: Reduced AI skill of T/A Alpha 2 to Top Ace.
● B12M2: Increased AI skill of X-W Red, Y-Ws Red and Blue, A-Ws Red, Rose, Purple, Aqua, Orange,
Yellow, Gold (Easy/Medium), Blue (Easy/Medium) and Gray (Easy/Medium) to Ace.
● B12M2: Increased AI skill of Y-W Gold to Top Ace.
● B12M3: Reduced AI skill of MUTR Botani 1-3 to Rookie.
● B12M3: Reduced AI skill of A-W Yme to Veteran.
● B12M3: Reduced AI skill of X-W Logan to Ace.
● B12M3: Changed arrival conditions of X-Ws Junker and Logan.
● B12M4: Reduced AI skill of ATR Omega 1 and M/CRV Timoth 4 to Officer.
● B12M4: Reduced AI skill of MIS Tau 2, GUNs Mu, Gnu and Nu to Ace.
● B12M5: Increased AI skill of ATRs Omega 1-4 and DREAD Doomer to Officer.
● B12M5: Increased AI skill of ATR Omega 5 to Ace.
● B12M5: Fixed issue with BONUS goal of ATR Omega not completing its mission.
● B12M6: Reduced AI skill of YT-1300 Nahosos to Rookie.
● B12M6: Reduced AI skill of M/FRG Kracken and FRG Viper to Veteran.
● B12M6: Changed arrival conditions of SHU Chanel, E/S Swen and CRV Deep.
● B12M6: Added Prevent goal on E/S Swen completing mission so it causes mission failure if you
don’t destroy it.
● B12M6: Added Prevent goal on any of the Rebel transports being destroyed.
● B12M7: Reduced AI skill of M/CRV Floran to Rookie.
● B12M7: Reduced AI skill of M/FRGs Barker and Smus and CRKC Lsumu to Officer.
● B12M7: Changed arrival conditions of X-W Red, A-W Red and STRKC Red Dog.
● B12M7: Fixed issue with Prevent goal which should cause mission failure if a Rebel starship
Battle 13 - The Emperor’s Will
● B13M1: Reduced AI skill of Z-Rho (Easy), T/Bs Z-Eta and Z-Theta to Veteran.
● B13M1: Reduced AI skill of T/A Gamma, GUNs Rho and Z-Nu, T/Is Alpha, Z-Tau, Z-Rho
(Medium/Hard) and T/Bs Z-Zeta and Z-Alpha to Ace.
● B13M1: LINER Excalibur now has 200% shields.
● B13M1: GUN Rho 1 will now reinforce the Player when requested.
● B13M1: Fixed issue where some craft didn’t appear in the Mission Craft list during the main
● B13M2: Reduced AI skill of E/S Lambda to Officer.
● B13M2: Reduced AI skill of T/I Z-Alpha 3 (Hard) to Veteran.
● B13M2: Reduced AI skill of GUN Mu to Ace.
● B13M3: Fixed issue where some craft didn’t appear in the Mission Craft list during the main
● B13M4: Increased AI skill of ISD Garrett to Ace.
● B13M4: Increased AI skill of PLT/4 Enin’sd to Officer.
● B13M4: Changed [SO] Primary goal condition so capturing the Missile Boat is tied to CARG
Omega 1 finishing its docking procedure.
● B13M4: Added new Primary Goal of destroying the container holding the Missile Boat after
docking completed.
● B13M5: Changed arrival condition of MUTR Z-200
● B13M6: Increased AI skill of ATR Z-Omega and Z-Lambda
● B13M7: Reduced AI skill of ISD Glory (1st appearance) to Veteran.
● B13M7: Reduced AI skill of ISD Glory (2nd appearance) to Ace.
● B13M7: Increased AI skill of FRG Maru Ki to Veteran.
● B13M7: Increased AI skill of ATR Z-Omega 5 and 6 to Ace.
● B13M8: Player and Wingman restored to 100% starting shields.
● B13M8: Reduced AI skill of M/CRV Divine Wind to Rookie.
● B13M8: Reduced AI skill of MUTR Z-500 2 to Officer.
● B13M8: Reduced AI skill of T/A Alpha 2 and T/B Beta 1-6 to Ace.
● B13M8: Increased AI skill of T/D Z-Delta 1-6, Z-Theta, Z-Zeta and Z-Iota to Ace.
● B13M8: Fixed issue with backdrops causing problems with the destroy 75% of IFF Traitor goal.

TFTC Reimagined Missions

Battle 0 - Pilot Training
● B0M3: Added an extra group of T/Bs to assist you in attacking C/CRS Target 6 so it doesn’t take so
long to destroy it.
● B0M3: Increased AI skill of T/B Gamma to Officer.
● B0M3: Fixed issue with most of the enemy Z-95’s not launching from C/CRS Target 6.
● B0M3: Updated target orders of all Z-95’s to engage all TIE Bombers, not just you.
● B0M4: Fixed issue where Training Officer tells you about requesting reinforcements twice during
inflight training.
● B0M4: Reduced AI skill of A-Ws Red 1 and 2 to Veteran.
● B0M4: Added new goal to destroy A-Ws Red 1 and 2 when they arrive.
● B0M4: Goal to destroy L/CRS Liberty now only shows up after A-Ws Red 1 and 2 are destroyed.
Battle 1 - Aftermath of Hoth
● B1M2: Fixed withdrawal conditions of all Rebel and Muugari fighters so they should now actually
leave the area a short while after the ISD Hammer shows up.
● B1M3: Fixed Primary goals reporting the wrong craft being destroyed (Rebel and Muugari Cargo
ships were swapped around).
● B1M3: Fixed orders of Y-W Gold and X-W Gold so they attack targets much sooner after they
● B1M4: Added an extra wave of X-Wings, A-Wings and Z-95s on Hard difficulty (11 ships total).
● B1M5: Added an extra wave of X-W Blue and A-W Green on Hard difficulty (5 ships total).
● B1M5: L/FRG Slicer will arrive after 50% of the Players primary goal is achieved on Hard difficulty
as opposed to 75% on Medium or Easy.
● B1M5: Fixed issue where GUN Mu would not withdraw once Primary goal to destroy Rebel
fighters was completed.
● B1M6: Added far more X-Wings to the reinforcement wave that will attack the ATRs once they
arrive. They will also have two waves. (18 ships total).
● B1M6: Reduced ATRs Sigma and Omega to 100% shields.
● B1M6: Increased AI skill of X-W Red to Veteran.
● B1M6: Increased AI skill of A-W Green to Ace.
Battle 2 - The Sepan Civil War
● B2M1: Added four more Ripoblus Escort Shuttles and four Cloakshape fighters to the final wave
of enemy attacks on Hard difficulty (8 ships total).
● B2M1: Fixed issue where TRN Epsilon doesn’t fly home when it should.
● B2M2: Fixed missing inflight message not playing on mission start.
● B2M4: Fixed issue where ACC Falaricae should arrive later in the mission instead of being
present straight away. This will stagger enemy V-Wing appearances making the mission easier.
● B2M4: All your wingmen will now stay on the battlefield until TRN Omega’s 1 and 2 have
hyperspaced to safety.
● B2M4: GUN Rho, if you called them in, will now leave when TRN Omega’s 1 and 2 have
hyperspace to safety.
● B2M5: Fixed issue where some TIE Bombers could end up attacking your own starships.
● B2M5: Added reinforcement request wave of six TIE Interceptors. Two will escort the Player, the
other four will engage enemy Y-Wings and other fighters.
● B2M5: An additional wave of reinforcement request TIE Interceptors will arrive on Hard difficulty
if the first wave is destroyed.
Battle 3 - Battle on the Frontier
● B3M1: Adjusted arrival condition of the 2nd wave of Rebels so at least one container be
inspected instead of an overall percentage of containers inspected. This should prevent Players
exploiting this to make the mission too easy.
● B3M1: Fixed goal issues with finding the right containers. The Player can no longer just find the
exact required containers by pressing the O key.
● B3M2: Fixed issue where victory message audio included a Classic line that shouldn’t be there.
● B3M2: Added extra waves of X-Wings and Z-95s on Hard difficulty (13 ships total).
● B3M2: Changed orders of T/I Eta to Protect instead of Escort.
● B3M3: Streamlined all convoy arrival Primary goals into a single Primary goal.
● B3M5: Minor adjustments to waypoints of all friendly capitals so they engage the Rebel fleet
more directly if the fight drags on.
Battle 4 - Conflict at Mylok IV
● B4M1: Fixed missing inflight message not playing on mission start.
● B4M2: Multiple adjustments and streamlining of orders on all friendly craft. Containers should
stay alive until inspection by the Player.
● B4M2: Streamlined goal orders so all transport craft must be destroyed as a single goal.
● B4M3: Changed Player squadron to TIE Interceptors and swapped Beta group to TIE Bombers.
This should make the mission more fun especially as we don’t often fly around in an Interceptor.
Briefing and audio updated to reflect this change.
● B4M4: Numerous AI skill changes made to both sides to improve the flow of battle and make
sure the Nharwaak aren’t wiped out so quickly.
● B4M4: Added a 3rd Nharwaak YT-1300 and changed all Nharwaak YT-1300s to have escort orders
on the Corvettes.
● B4M4: Fixed issue where Habeen fighters would shoot friendly TIEs when they shouldn’t.
● B4M4: Fixed issue where FRG Lendova would hyperspace out after all hostiles were destroyed.
● B4M5: Removed options to use Torpedoes, Space Bombs and Heavy Rockets so you can’t cheese
the FRG Xerxes so easily.
● B4M5: Removed protect order on FRG Lendova, changed to attack order.
● B4M5: Added two extra T/Is to the reinforcement request. T/I Alpha’s 5 and 6 have orders to
Escort the Player and will respond to orders.
● B4M5: Reduced AI skill of A-Ws Blue 3-4 to Veteran.
● B4M5: Reduced AI skill of A-W Blue 5 to Ace.
Battle 5 - Battle for Honour
● B5M1: Fixed issue where all Harkov capital ships were still IFF Imperial, causing their own
fighters to attack them.
● B5M1: Fixed issue where you could dock with the VSD Protector. Harkov doesn’t want you back!
● B5M1: Fixed issue where Gamma’s 2 and 3 would respond to your orders. Hot shot pilots like
yourself should not be able to give them orders!
● B5M2: Fixed duplicated BONUS goal issue with defeating the Pirate raiders.
● B5M3: Added attack orders to Harkov and Rebel fleets should the Player decide to go up to the
fleet rather than destroying the convoy. Previously they had no orders so would not attack you.
Battle 6 - Arms Race
● B6M1: Fixed issue where L/FRG Catalyst would not hyperspace out with ESC Hininbirg and L/FRG
● B6M2: Added cargo text ‘Admiral Zaarin’ to ISDII Glory.
● B6M3: Reduced AI skill of all Rebel Medium Transports to Rookie.
● B6M3: Adjusted arrival conditions of YT-1300 Lucky Day and TRN GEC U47 to stagger their
appearances a bit more making it a bit easier for the Player to try and grab them.
● B6M3: Added TRN Sigma, a two ship flight that will launch from the ESF Inferno if all ATRs are
lost. They will take over the role of capturing the stations.
● B6M3: Hidden prevent goal added if all transports are lost as you will be unable to capture the
● B6M4: Changed IFF colour of Nami forces from Blue to Purple.
● B6M4: Fixed issue where ISDII Glory had the incorrect skin applied.
● B6M4: Swapped two M/CRVs for the new Raider Corvette in the Omar system.
Battle 7 - Treachery at Ottega
● B7M1: The use of torpedoes, rockets and bombs has been removed from the Player so you can’t
cheese it by killing the Rebel Cruiser to clear the mission easily.
● B7M1: Added 16 more Rebel fighters to the enemy forces (12 X-Wings, 4 A-Wings, Ace AI) on
Easy and Normal difficulties. They will help to ensure the Player should not run out of fighters to
shoot at before Vader's forces arrive and increase the challenge. This group will NOT arrive on
Hard difficulty.
● B7M1: T/A Beta’s 7 through 12 and T/I Iota’s 5 through 12 will NOT arrive on Easy difficulty
(reduces friendly strength by 14 ships). This is to ensure that your allies don’t wipe out the Rebel
fighter fleet too quickly and ensure the battle lasts until Vader's forces arrive.
● B7M1: Reduced shield strength of M/FRG Osprey to 100% (was 200%). It was too easy for the
ship to survive on lower difficulties.
● B7M1: Fixed arrival conditions of Zaarin’s fleet to ensure it can only arrive once Vader’s fleet is
on the field and not before.
● B7M1: Fixed issue where R/CRS Warhawk, A/FRG Intrepid and all remaining Rebel fighters would
not withdraw if INT Harpax is destroyed.
● B7M2: The use of torpedoes, rockets and bombs have been removed from the Player so you
can’t cheese the enemy starships so easily.
● B7M2: Fixed issue where ISD Devastator would go into Hyperspace after mission completion.
● B7M2: Fixed issue where some of T/A Z-Alpha would sit at 0% throttle not attacking.
● B7M3: Fixed issue created by the v1.1 patch which caused all Decimator ship AI to jump to Ace
level when they should be much lower. This caused the mission to become impossibly hard and
● B7M3: Added extra waves T/A’s battling friendly TIE’s around Zaarins main fleet, this should
ensure the battle continues and gives someone something to shoot at until Zaarins fleet fully
● B7M3: Minor adjustments to Zaarins fleet positions and increased their speed from 4 to 7 MGLT.
This should mean the fleet looms closer and feels more threatening as the mission progresses.
● B7M3: All Zaarin fleet ships should hyperspace away sooner instead of hanging around for too
Battle 8 - Strategic Warfare
● B8M1: Added Zaarin controlled ISD and several TIE squadrons to arrive if both enemy M/FRGs
are destroyed. This is meant to force the Player to withdraw with overwhelming odds.
● B8M2: Fixed issue where if some of the mission critical freighters escaped, it would not cause
mission failure. Prevent condition regarding this has been removed as it is now tied to the
disable goal.
● B8M2: Replaced Arquitens cruiser Z-Hunter with a Raider Corvette.
● B8M3: Numerous adjustments to all GUN Tau waypoints so hopefully they don’t end up crashing
into ZA-13 stations and destroying them.
● B8M5: The use of torpedoes, rockets and bombs have been removed from the Player so you
can’t cheese the enemy starships so easily.

Training Scenarios
● Fixed issue where two of the T/I training missions weren’t showing up.
● Removed the double numbering as example 'Alpha 1 1' from all craft in numerous missions.
● Flight groups now have flight numbers (e.g.: Alpha 1, Alpha 2) in multiple missions.
TIE Fighter Training
● T1M1: Alterations to some message delays.
● T1M1: Reduced AI skill of bonus X-Wing and Z-95 combat groups to Veteran.
● T1M2: Reduced AI skill of A-W Blue to Veteran.
● T1M2: Changed Player to number 2 craft.
● T1M2: Y-W Gold 1 now has Heavy Rockets.
● T1M2: Changed arrival conditions of TRN Upsilon.
● T1M2: All TRNs and Heavy Lifters given fly home orders.
● T1M3: Reduced CRV Perfect AI to Officer.
● T1M3: Reduced AI skill of GUNs, Nu, Mu and X-W Gold to Veteran.
● T1M3: GUNs Mu and Nu will now arrive when Player requests reinforcements.
● T1M4: Reduced AI skill of A-W Gold to Veteran.
● T1M4: Reduced AI skill of GUNs, Tau, Mu and Nu to Ace.
● T1M4: Reduced AI skill of CRV Astin 2 to Officer.
● T1M4: GUNs Tau, Mu and Pi will now arrive when Player requests reinforcements.
● T1M4: Changed arrival conditions of Z-95 Blue, A-W Gold (all difficulties) and X-W Blue.
● T1M4: Changed mothership of T/B Zeta and Eta to ISD Punisher.
TIE Interceptor Training
● T2M1: Changed waypoints of SHU Yagmar.
TIE Advanced Training
● T5M1: Removed the double numbering as example 'Alpha 1 1' from all craft.
● T5M1: Changed starting position of TUG C.M. Cadiy.
● T5M2: Changed Player to number 2 craft.
● T5M2: Added PLT/1 Training in Region 2 and set as the Players mothership.
● T5M2: Added Hyperbuoy to Region 2 once all goals are completed so Player can return home.
● T5M2: Changed X-W Red arrival conditions.
● T5M2: Changed several message trigger conditions.
● T5M3: Changed orders of T/A Alpha 2.
● T5M3: Changed arrival conditions of GUN Tau.
● T5M3: Changed arrival conditions of T/B Eta, Zeta and Gamma.
● T5M3: Changed mothership of T/B Eta 1 to FRG Lightning.
● T5M4: Changed several message trigger conditions.
● T5M4: Reduced T/A Alpha 2 to a two ship flight group.
● T5M4: Changed orders of T/A Alpha 2.
● T5M4: Reduced AI skill of T/F Gamma and T/I Beta to Veteran.
● T5M4: Increased AI skill of X-W Red, Y-W Gold, A-W Blue to Ace.
● T5M4: Changed arrival conditions of Y-W Red, B-W Blue (all difficulties) and A-W Blue (all
TIE Defender Training
● T6M1: Added ISD Punisher to Region 2 and set as the Players mothership.
● T6M1: Added Hyperbuoy to Region 2 once all goals are completed so Player can return home.
● T6M1: Fixed mission briefing so it doesn’t skip or repeat any lines.
● T6M1: Removed a line from the briefing regarding shutting down engines after Player requests a
● T6M2: Reduced AI skill of SPC Nemset to Rookie.
● T6M2: Reduced AI skill of ATR Sigma’s 1 and 2 to Officer.
● T6M2: Adjusted speed of SHU Poltroons 2nd and 3rd orders.
● T6M3: Added ISD Punisher to Region 2 and set as the Players mothership.
● T6M3: Added Hyperbuoy to Region 2 once all goals are completed so Player can return home.
● T6M3: Reduced AI skill of CRV Slasher to Officer.
● T6M3: Reduced AI skill of TRN Omega 1 to Veteran.
● T6M3: VSD Elite will now arrive when Player requests reinforcements.
● T6M4: Reduced AI skill of M/CRVs Burk and James to Officer.
● T6M4: TRNs Dawn and GUN Mu 1 will now arrive when the Player requests reinforcements.
● T6M4: Changed trigger condition of one message.
Missile Boat Training
● T7M1: Added ISD Grey Wolf to Region 2 and set as the Players mothership.
● T7M1: Added Hyperbuoy to Region 2 once all goals are completed so Player can return home.
● T7M1: Changed orders of TUG E 2 to Circle Waypoints.
● T7M1: Added Prevent goal so at least one TUG must complete its mission or mission fails.
● T7M1: Removed CUV Arjun Jr from Players radio.
● T7M2: Reduced AI Skill of ATR Z-Omega, CTRNS Silver Bull and DSMF SpecWar Fab to Officer.

Known Oustanding Issues

● You may notice when looking at the 'poles' of the skybox map, you will find you're suddenly
fighting the game in keeping on target, almost like two magnets repelling each other when you
try to bring them together. This is due to a game engine issue that is present in all the
X-Wing/TIE Fighter series of games which is essentially some form of gimbal lock. Without
understanding how and where in the code of the EXE this issue occurs, it is not possible at this
time for us to fix it or even if it’s fixable at all.
● Using the film room to record something and then playing back can cause the game to crash.
This is an unfixable issue currently due to the differing versions of TFTC. We advise you use
modern capture software if you want to film something such as Fraps, Shadowplay or others.
● If you are awarded a Secret Order tattoo AND a Battle medal, the two images will overlap on
each other after the cutscene finishes. This is currently not something we’ve been able to fix.
● When entering the Simulator room on a new, clean pilot, you will see the Tour of Duty button is
enabled and it will shows a repeated ‘Mission 1’ image for the training. This will disappear after
you complete your first actual campaign mission.

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