Standard ISO 14001 2015 Easy Version

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by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 1 of 10

Standard ISO 14001 has been a widely used management-system standard by ISO, since its first publication in
1996. ISO first revised it in 2004 and then again in 2015 using the common clause sequence, text and
terminology stipulated for all management-system standards under Annex SL, Appendix 2, ISO/IEC Directives,
Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement, 2014.

The author has always noticed - throughout his 20 years of extensive experience as a management-systems
expert, consultant, trainer and auditor - that the users of this Standard, including consultants and auditors,
find this Standard quite difficult to fully comprehend, despite the fact that all the terms used have been well
defined and explained by the ISO. Main reason for this is that the text specifying the requirements in this
Standard by ISO sometimes uses quite complex syntax, sentence-structures, etc. Many diverse requirements
are sometimes included in single complex sentences. Onetime requirements (eg, to formulate the system) are
also at times mixed-up with the continuing requirements (eg, to implement the system). Latest year 2015
version of the Standard is also no exception.

As a result, all the requirements under this Standard, their mutual relationships, their intent, their mandated
content/coverage, etc, are not clearly understood and appreciated. This results in the EMSs in organizations
that remain patchy, and maybe not addressing all the wonderfully crafted requirements under this Standard,
or maybe not addressing all the requirements in the desired perspective and with desired equal-weightage.

The author has always been trying to address this issue by imparting clarity on the requirements of this
Standard through his training programmes.

Now, the author has attempted through this document to present an easily understandable version of the
standard ISO 14001:2015 for the use of all concerned, specially the consultants and auditors.

© Akhil K Garg .
by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 2 of 10

About this document

ISO has used verbal form ‘ shall’ in all their management-system standards to specify a ‘ requirement’ . All such
requirements in a standard have ‘ equal importance’ , and compliance to all such requirements is ‘ mandatory’ toclaim
compliance with that standard. In standard ISO 14001:2015, all such requirements are placed under 32 sub-clauses.
Following methods have been used in this document to make the standard ISO 14001:2015 easily understandable.
1. Clause numbers and clause headings in this document have been kept exactly the same as under the Standard by ISO.
Those representing ‘ only titles’ , not containing anytext (total 13), have been shaded here for their easy visual demarcation.
2. All ‘ requirements’ under reaming 32 clauses have beenfreely bulletized in this document for easy understanding. Word ‘ shall’
has not been used. Numbered bullets (eg, ‘ a’ , ‘ b’ , ’‘ cetc; and ‘ 1’ , ‘ 2’ , ‘ 3’ etc) are same here as undere th
Standard by ISO for
easy traceability. Additional bullets added here have been kept unnumbered.
3. Words used in the Standard by ISO to specify ‘ requirements’ have been kept largely the same in this document to prevent
any miscommunication. However, syntax, sentence-structures, punctuation and/or word-forms have been modified to impart
clear understanding, and/or to suit to the adopted syntax and bulleting; but without affecting the original meaning in any way.
4. For better connectivity among the ‘ requirements’ ,cross-references of clause numbers have also been added freely in this
document, wherever relevant, but not provided in the Standard by ISO.
5. All the ‘ requirements’ in the Standard by ISO have been suitably distinguished here under every clause, as follows.

Requirements ‘ to create EMS’(total 196 requirements) – specified by following terms used by ISO:
“DETERMINE” (implies a discovery process that results in knowledge, ref A.3 of the Standard) – required for 44 elements
“ESTABLISH” (term not defined or elaborated under the Standard) - required for 20 elements
“PLAN” (term not defined or elaborated under the Standard) - required for 10 elements
“DEFINE” (term not defined or elaborated under the Standard) - required for 3 elements
Mandate against above Requirements ‘ to create EMS’ – specified by following terms used by ISO:
“ Include” (term self-explanatory, so not defined or elaborated under the Standard) – 53 requirements under 10 clauses (4.1, 4.3,
4.4, 5.2, 7.2, 7.4.1, 7.5.1, 8.1, 9.2.2, 9.3)
“Consider” (means it is necessary to think about the topic but it can be excluded, ref A.3 of the Standard) – 28 requirements under 8
clauses (4.3, 4.4, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.4, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 9.2.2)
“ Take into account” (means it is necessary to think about the topic but it cannot be excluded, ref A.3 of the Standard) – 11 requirements
under 4 clauses (6.1.2, 6,1,3, 6.2.1, 7.4.1)
“ Document” (referred to as ‘maintain documented information’ under the Standard, ref A.3 of the Standard) – required for 27
elements, as listed at the last page here
Requirements ‘ to implement EMS’(total 132 requirements) – specified by following terms by ISO:
“Undertake / do / ensure / implement / maintain / improve / etc” – required for 117 elements
Mandate against the above implementation – specified by the following term:
“ Record” (referred to as ‘retain documented information as evidence of …’ under the Standard; the phrase ‘as evidence of….’ is not a
requirement to meet legal evidentiary requirements, its intent is only to indicate objective evidence needs to be retained - ref A.3
of the Standard) – required for 15 evidences, as listed at the last page here
Summary of Requirements
Number of Requirements
Main Clauses of Requirements ‘To Create the EMS’
Sub-clauses ’To Implement the EMS’
ISO 14001:2015
specifying Take into Document Execute, Record
specifying Requirements Determine Establish Plan Define Include Consider
Requirements account (list on last page) etc (list on last page)
4: Context of the Organization 4 7 2 7 16 1 4
5: Leadership 3 1 5 1 17
6: Planning 6 15 6 6 9 10 17 7
7: Support 9 12 2 10 1 36 6
8: Operation 2 2 7 2 1 8 20
9: Performance evaluation 5 7 2 2 2 31 3 19 6
10: Improvement 3 1 14 3

44 20 10 3 53 28 11 27 117 15
32 All total: 328
(Word ‘shall’ appears only 82 times in the Standard, but cover all these ‘requirements’)

Some other terms used by ISO in the Standard (also used here as such):
“Appropriate” (means suitable for/to and implies some degree of freedom, ref A.3 of the Standard) - appearing under 11 clauses (5.2,
6.1.2, 6.2.1, 7.2, 7.4.2, 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 8.1, 8.2, 9.1.1, 10.2)
“Applicable” (means relevant or possible to apply and implies that if it can be done, it needs to be done, ref A.3 of the Standard) - appearing
under 4 clauses (7.2, 7.5.3, 9.1.1, 10.2)
“Any” (implies selection or choice) - appearing under 3 clauses (8.1, 9.3, 10.2)
8 ‘ notes’ have also been given by ISO in the Standard(also included here as such) ‘ to assist the understanding or
clarifying the associated requirement’ .

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by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 3 of 10

Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version

Clause and Requirements:
 To create the EMS: (terms used by ISO) DETERMINE / ESTABLISH / PLAN / DEFINE
 To implement the EMS: (terms used by ISO) Undertake / do / ensure / implement / maintain / improve / etc
Mandate against the Requirement: (terms used by ISO) Include / Take into account / Consider / Document / Record

Clause 1 (scope), clause 2 (normative reference) and clause 3 (terms and definitions) under the Standard have not been included here for obvious reason.


4.1: Understanding the organization and its context
DETERMINE - external issues, and - internal issues; …. that:
- are relevant to the purpose of the organization, and - effect its ability to achieve intended outcome of EMS
Include in such issues, the environmental conditions:
- being affected by the organization, or - capable of affecting the organization.
4.2: Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
a. Interested parties that are relevant to the EMS;
b. Relevant needs and expectations (ie, requirements) of these interested parties;
c. Which of these needs and expectations become compliance obligations for the organization.
4.3: Determining the scope of EMS
• DETERMINE: - the boundaries of the EMS, and - the applicability of the EMS.
• ESTABLISH the scope of the EMS, based on the above.
• Keep the above scope of EMS available to interested parties (4.2).
o Consider, when determining the scope of EMS:
a. - External issues (4.1), and - Internal issues (4.1);
b. Compliance obligations (4.2);
c. - Units, - functions, and - physical boundaries . of the organization;
d. - Activities, - products, and - services . of the organization;
e. - Authority, and - ability . of the organization to exercise: - control, and - influence.
o ( Include in EMS required under 3rd para of this clause has been included under 4.4 below, since relevant there)
Document: Established scope of the EMS
4.4: Environmental management system
• ESTABLISH EMS to: - achieve the intended outcomes, and - enhance environmental performance of the organization.
• Implement the above established EMS.
• Maintain the above implemented EMS.
• Continually improve the above maintained EMS.
For establishing the EMS:
o Include:
- Processes needed in accordance with this Standard,
- Interactions of the above processes needed in accordance with this Standard,
- All - activities, - products, and - services . of the organization, as within the defined scope (required
under clause 4.3, but relevant here to list),
- Documents required by this Standard (required under clause 7.5.1.a, but relevant here to list);
- Records required by this Standard (required under clause 7.5.1.a, but relevant here to list);
- Documents of internal origin, as determined under 7.5.1, (required under clause 7.5.1.b, but relevant here to list),
- Records of internal origin, as determined under 7.5.1, (required under clause 7.5.1.b, but relevant here to list)
- Documents of external origin, as determined under 7.5.3 (required under clause 7.5.1.b, but relevant here to list),
- Records of external origin, as determined under 7.5.3 (required under clause 7.5.1.b, but relevant here to list).
o Consider: - the outcome of 4.1 and 4.2 (also required under clause 6.1.1.a & b); and
- the outcome of 4.3 (required under clause 6.1.1.c, but relevant here to list).
o Take into account determined compliance obligations (required under clause 6.1.3.c, but relevant here to list).
5.1: Leadership and commitment
Top management to demonstrate its leadership and commitment with respect to the EMS by:
a. Taking accountability for the effectiveness of the EMS;
b. Ensuring that the environmental policy and environmental objectives are established, and are compatible with the strategic
direction and the context of the organization;
c. Ensuring the integration of the EMS requirements into the organization’s business processes;
d. Ensuring that the resources needed for the EMS are available;
e. Communicating the importance of effective environmental management and of conforming to the EMS requirements;
f. Ensuring that the EMS achieves its intended outcomes;
g. Directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the EMS ;
h. Promoting continual improvement;
i. Supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.
NOTE: Reference to “business” in this International Standard can be interpreted broadly to mean those activities that are core to the purposes of the organization’s existence.

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by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 4 of 10

Clause and Requirements:

 To create the EMS: (terms used by ISO) DETERMINE / ESTABLISH / PLAN / DEFINE
 To implement the EMS: (terms used by ISO) Undertake / do / ensure / implement / maintain / improve / etc
Mandate against the Requirement: (terms used by ISO) Include / Take into account / Consider / Document / Record
5.2: Environmental policy
• Top management to ESTABLISH environmental policy within the defined scope of EMS (4.3) that:
a. Is appropriate to:
- the purpose of the organization,
- the context of the organization (4.1 to 4.4), and
- the nature, scale and environmental impacts of organization’s activities, products and services;
b. Provides a framework for setting environmental objectives.
• Top management to implement the above established environmental policy.
• Top management to maintain the above implemented environmental policy.
• Communicate above established policy within the organization.
• Keep above established policy available to interested parties (ref 4.2.a).
Include following in environmental policy:
o ( c under the clause) Commitment to:
- protect the environment
- prevent pollution, and
- other specific commitment(s) [ref NOTE below] as relevant to the context of the organization (4.1 to 4.4);
o ( d under the clause) Commitment to fulfil compliance obligations of the organization (6.1.3);
o ( e under of the clause) Commitment to continually improve the EMS to enhance environmental performance of
the organization.
Document: Established environmental policy
NOTE: Other specific commitment(s) to protect the environment can include sustainable resource use, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and
protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.
5.3: Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Top management to:
• Ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are: - assigned, and - communicated … within the organization.
• Assign the responsibilities and authorities for:
a. Ensuring that the EMS conforms to the requirements of this Standard;
b. Reporting to top management on: - performance of EMS, and - environmental performance of organization (9.1.1, 5th bullet)
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities (R&O)
6.1.1: (Actions to address R&O) General
• ESTABLISH process(es) needed to meet the requirements as under 6.1.1 to 6.1.4.
• Implement the above established process(es).
• Maintain the above implemented process(es).
• DETERMINE: - the risks, and - the opportunities ….. that relate to organization’s:
# Environmental aspects (6.1.2), # Compliance obligations (6.1.3), # Context (4.1), # Needs & expectations of interested parties (4.2);
…. that need to be addressed to:
o Give assurance that the EMS can achieve its intended outcomes,
o Prevent or reduce - undesired effects, and - potential for external environmental conditions to affect the organization, and
o Achieve continual improvement.
• DETERMINE the following, within the scope of EMS (4.3):
o Potential emergency situations, and
o Those emergency situations that can have environmental impact.
( Considerations for planning of EMS as required under 2 nd para a to c under this clause have been included under 4.4
above, since relevant there)
Document: Above established processes (total 11) – ref 1st bullet above.
Document: Determined risks and opportunities – ref 4th bullet above.
6.1.2: (Actions to address R&O) Environmental Aspects
• DETERMINE, within the defined scope of the EMS (4.3): - the environmental aspects, and - associated environmental impacts
..... that the organization can: - control, and - can influence; …. of its: - activities, - products, and - services.
• ESTABLISH criteria to determine those environmental aspects that have or can have a significant environmental impact (ie, a significant env aspect).
• DETERMINE significant environmental aspects by using above established criteria.
• Communicate above determined significant environmental aspects among various levels and functions of organization, as appropriate.
NOTE: Significant environmental aspects can result in risks and opportunities associated with either adverse environmental impacts (threats) or beneficial environmental impacts
For above determination of environmental aspects and associated environmental impacts (ref 1st bullet above):
o Consider a lifecycle perspective.
o Take into account:

© Akhil K Garg .
by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 5 of 10

Clause and Requirements:

 To create the EMS: (terms used by ISO) DETERMINE / ESTABLISH / PLAN / DEFINE
 To implement the EMS: (terms used by ISO) Undertake / do / ensure / implement / maintain / improve / etc
Mandate against the Requirement: (terms used by ISO) Include / Take into account / Consider / Document / Record
a. - change, and - planned or new developments, and - new or modified: - activities, - products, and - services;
b. - abnormal conditions, and - reasonably foreseeable emergency situations.
Document: Determined environmental aspects and impacts – ref 1st bullet above.
Document: Established criteria to determine significant environmental aspects – ref 2nd bullet.
Document: Determined significant environmental aspects – ref 3rd bullet above.
6.1.3: (Actions to address R&O) Compliance obligations
a. DETERMINE the compliance obligations related to organization’s environmental aspects (6.1.2);
a. Have access to the above defined compliance obligations;
b. DETERMINE how above compliance obligations apply to the organization.
NOTE: Compliance obligations can result in risks and opportunities to the organization.
( Taking-into-account for EMS as required under c of this clause have been included under 4.4, since relevant there)
Document: Determined compliance obligations and their applicability to organization
6.1.4: (Actions to address R&O) Planning action
a. PLAN to take actions, to address:
1. Organization’s significant environmental aspects (6.1.2);
2. Organization’s compliance obligations (6.1.3);
3. Organization’s risks and opportunities (6.1.1).
b. PLAN:
1. How to integrate and implement the above actions into organization’s EMS processes (6.2, 7, 8, 9.1), or other business processes;
2. How to evaluate effectiveness of above actions (9.1).
Consider the following for above planning:
o Technological options of the organization;
o Financial requirements of the organization;
o Operational requirements of the organization; and
o Business requirements of the organization.
6.2 Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them
6.2.1: Environmental objectives
• ESTABLISH environmental objectives at relevant functions and level of the organization, that are:
a. Consistent with the environmental policy (5.2); b. Measurable, if practicable;
• Ensure that the above established environmental objectives are:
c. Monitored; d. Communicated; and e. Updated, as appropriate.
For above determination of environmental objectives:
o Take into account:
- Organization s significant environmental aspects (6.1.2), and
- Associated compliance obligation (6.1.3); and
o Consider the - risks, and - opportunities . of the organization (6.1.1).
Document: Established environmental objectives
6.2.2: Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives
• PLAN, how to achieve the established environmental objectives (6.2.1).
• DETERMINE, under above planning:
a. What will be done;
b. What resources will be required;
c. Who will be responsible;
d. When it will be completed;
e. How the results will be evaluated;
e. Indicators for monitoring progress towards achievement of organization’s measurable environmental objectives (9.1.1).
Consider how above planned actions can be integrated into organization’s business processes.
7.1: Resources
• DETERMINE the resources needed to: - establish, - implement, - maintain, and - continually improve ….. the EMS.
• Provide the above determined resources.
7.2: Competence
a. DETERMINE the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under organization’s control, that affects:
- its environmental performance, and - its ability to fulfil compliance obligations (6.1.3);
b. Ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate: - education, - training, or - experience;
c. DETERMINE training needs associated with: - environmental aspects of the organization (6.1.2), and - EMS of the organization (4.4);

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by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 6 of 10

Clause and Requirements:

 To create the EMS: (terms used by ISO) DETERMINE / ESTABLISH / PLAN / DEFINE
 To implement the EMS: (terms used by ISO) Undertake / do / ensure / implement / maintain / improve / etc
Mandate against the Requirement: (terms used by ISO) Include / Take into account / Consider / Document / Record
d. Where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary competence;
d. Evaluate the effectiveness of the above taken actions.
NOTE: Applicable actions can include, for example, the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the re-assignment of currently employed persons; or the hiring or contracting of
competent persons.
Record: For evidence of competence (total 3) – ref ‘b’ & ‘d’ above
7.3: Awareness
Ensure that persons doing work under the organization’ scontrol are aware of:
a. The environmental policy (5.2);
b. The significant environmental aspects and related actual & potential environmental impacts associated with their work (6.1.2);
c. Their contributions to the effectiveness of the EMS;
c. The benefits of enhanced environmental performance;
d. The implications of not conforming with the requirements of EMS;
d. The implications of not fulfilling organization’ scompliance obligations (6.1.3).
7.4 - Communication
7.4.1: (Communication) General
• ESTABLISH the process(es) needed for: - internal communications relevant to the EMS, and - external communications relevant to the EMS.
• Implement the above established processes.
• Maintain the above implemented processes.
• Ensure that environmental information communicated through above process(es):
- is consistent with the information generated within the EMS, and - is reliable.
• Respond to relevant communications received on the EMS of the organization.
For establishing above processes:
o Include: a. On what, b. When, c. With whom, and d. How to communicate; and
o Take into account compliance obligations (6.1.3).
Record: For evidence of internal communication - ref 2nd/4th bullet
Record: For evidence of external communication - ref 2nd/4th bullet
Record: For evidence of responses on ext. communication - ref 5th bullet
7.4.2: (Communication) Internal communication
a. Internally communicate the information: - relevant to the EMS, and - changes to the EMS;
…. among various levels and functions of organization, as appropriate.
b. Ensure that the communication processes (7.4.1) enable persons, doing work under organization’ s control,to contribute to continual
7.4.3: (Communication) External communication
Externally communicate information: (also refer 7.4.1, 2nd and 3rd bullet)
• As relevant to the EMS,
• As per the established processes of the organization (7.4.1), and
• As required by compliance obligations of the organization (6.1.3).
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1: (Documented information) General
a. (‘ Inclusion under EMS’ as required under ‘ a’ ofsthi clause has been included under 4.4 above, since relevant there)
b. (‘ Inclusion under EMS’ as required under ‘ b’ of this clause has been included under 4.4 above, since relevant there)
b. DETERMINE internally documented information (documents and records) necessary for the effectiveness of the EMS. (also refer 7.5.3, 3rd bullet)
NOTE: The extent of documented information for an environmental management system can differ from one organization to another due to:
- the size of organization and its type of activities, processes, products and services;
- the need to demonstrate fulfilment of its compliance obligations;
- the complexity of processes and their interactions;
- the competence of persons doing work under the organization’s control.
7.5.2: (Documented information) Creating and updating
When creating and updating documents and records, ensure appropriate:
a. Identification and description (eg, a title, date, author, or reference number);
b. Format (eg, language, software version, graphics);
b. Media (eg, paper, electronic);
c. Review for suitability and adequacy;
c. Approval for suitability and adequacy.

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by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 7 of 10

Clause and Requirements:

 To create the EMS: (terms used by ISO) DETERMINE / ESTABLISH / PLAN / DEFINE
 To implement the EMS: (terms used by ISO) Undertake / do / ensure / implement / maintain / improve / etc
Mandate against the Requirement: (terms used by ISO) Include / Take into account / Consider / Document / Record
7.5.3: (Documented information) Control of documented information
• Control the documents and records: - required by the EMS, and - required by this Standard …. to ensure that:
a. These are: - available, and - suitable for use ….. where and when needed;
b. These are adequately protected (eg, from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity).
• Address the following activities, as applicable, for the above control:
- distribution, - access, - retrieval, - use, - storage, - preservation, including of legibility,
- control of changes (eg, version control), - retention; and - disposition.
NOTE: Access can imply a decision regarding the permission to view the documented information only, or the permission and authority to view and change the documented information.
• DETERMINE documented information (documents and records) of external origin, which are necessary:
- for the planning of the EMS, and - for the operation of the planned EMS.
• Identify as appropriate, and control the above determined external documents and records.
8.1: Operational planning and control
• ESTABLISH the processes needed:
o to meet the requirements of the EMS,
o to implement the actions identified to address risks and opportunities (6.1), and
o to implement the actions identified to achieve environmental objectives (6.2);
- ESTABLISHING operating criteria for the process(es), and
- Implementing control of the process(es), in accordance with above established operating criteria.
NOTE: Controls can include engineering controls and procedures. Controls can be implemented following a hierarchy (eg, elimination, substitution, administrative) and can be used
individually or in combination.
• Implement the above established processes.
• Control the above implemented processes.
• Maintain the above implemented processes.
• Control the planned changes, taking necessary action to mitigate any adverse effects.
• Review the consequences of unintended changes taking necessary action to mitigate any adverse effects.
• DEFINE, within the EMS, the type of control or influence to be applied to the outsourced process(es).
• Ensure that outsourced processes are controlled, or influenced, as per above defined controls and/or influences.
• Consistent with a lifecycle perspective:
a. ESTABLISH appropriate controls to ensure that the environmental requirement(s) of the organization is/are addressed in the design and
development (D&D) process for the product or service at each lifecycle stage;
b. DETERMINE appropriate environmental requirements of the organization for the procurement of: - products, and - services;
c. Communicate above environmental requirement(s), as relevant, to external providers including contractors;
d. Consider the need to provide information about potential significant environmental impacts of products and services, which are
associated with their: - transportation, - delivery, - use, - end-of-life-treatment, and - final disposal.
Document: Established processes of operational controls (total 3) – ref 1st bullet above.
Document: Defined controls/influences on outsourced processes – ref 7th bullet above.
Document: Established controls on D&D processes – ref 9th bullet ‘a’ above.
Document: Determined env requirements for procurements – ref 9th bullet ‘b’ above.
8.2: Emergency preparedness and response
• ESTABLISH process(es) needed to: - prepare for, and - respond to …. potential emergency situations as identified in 6.1.1.
• Implement the above established process(es).
• Maintain the above implemented process(es).
a. PLAN response actions, as a preparation: - to prevent, or - to mitigate … adverse environmental impacts from emergency situations (6.1.1).
b. Respond to actual emergency situations.
c. Take action to prevent or mitigate the consequences of emergency situations (also ref 2nd bullet above), which are appropriate to:
- the magnitude of the emergency, and - the potential environmental impact.
d. Periodically test the planned response actions (‘ a’above).
e. Periodically: - review, and - revise ….. the process(es) (1st bullet above), and planned response actions (‘ a’ ab ove), particularly
after: - the occurrence of emergency, or - the tests (‘ d’ above)
f. Provide, as appropriate: - relevant information, and - relevant training …. related to emergency preparedness and response
(1st bullet & ‘ a’ above) to: - relevant interested parties (4.2), and - relevant persons working under organization’ s control.
Document: Established processes and plans (total 2) – ref 1st bullet and ‘a’ above

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by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 8 of 10

Clause and Requirements:

 To create the EMS: (terms used by ISO) DETERMINE / ESTABLISH / PLAN / DEFINE
 To implement the EMS: (terms used by ISO) Undertake / do / ensure / implement / maintain / improve / etc
Mandate against the Requirement: (terms used by ISO) Include / Take into account / Consider / Document / Record

9.1 - Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (MMAE)
9.1.1: (MMAE) General
• Monitor and measure (M&M) the environmental performance of the organization.
• Analyse and evaluate environmental performance of the organization (also ref 5th bullet below).
a. What needs to be monitored and measured (M&M);
b. The applicable methods for MMAE, to ensure valid results;
c. The criteria against which the organization will evaluate its environmental performance;
c. Appropriate indicators to evaluate organization’s environmental performance;
d. When to perform the M&M;
e. When to analyse and evaluate the results from M&M.
• Ensure that calibrated or verified M&M equipment is: - used as appropriate, and - maintained as appropriate.
• Evaluate: - organization’ s environmental performance(also ref 2nd bullet above), and - the effectiveness of the EMS.
• Communicate relevant information on environmental performance: – internally, and - externally;
…. as per the identified communication processes (7.4.1), and …. as required by organization’ scompliance obligations (7.4.3).
Record: Results of monitoring/measurement – ref 1st bullet
Record: Results of analysis/evaluation – ref 2nd and 5th bullet
9.1.2: (MMAE) Evaluation of compliance
• ESTABLISH the process(es) needed to evaluate the fulfilment of organization’s compliance obligations (6.1.3).
• Implement the above established process(es).
• Maintain the above implemented process(es).
a. DETERMINE the frequency of evaluating compliance;
b. Evaluate the compliance, and take action if needed;
c. Maintain knowledge and understanding of organization’ scompliance status.
Record: Results of evaluation of obligatory compliance – ref ‘b’ above
9.2 Internal audit
9.2.1: (Internal audit) General
• PLAN the interval for internal audits.
• Conduct internal audits at above planned intervals to provide information whether the EMS:
a. Conforms to: (1) organization’ s own requirements for its EMS, and (2) the requirements of this Standard;
b. Is effectively implemented and maintained.
9.2.2: (Internal audit) Internal audit programme
• ESTABLISH the internal audit programme(s).
• Implement the above established internal audit program.
• Maintain the above implemented internal audit program.
a. DEFINE for each audit: - the audit criteria, and - the scope of audit;
b. Select auditors to ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process;
b. Conduct audits to ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process;
c. Ensure that the audit results are reported to relevant management.
Audit programmes (ref 1st bullet above) to:
o Include - frequency, - methods, - responsibilities, - planning requirements, and - reporting methods;
o Consider:
- Environmental importance of the concerned processes,
- Changes affecting the organization, and
- Results of previous audits.
Record: Implementation of established audit program – ref 2nd bullet
Record: Results of conducted audits – ref ‘b’ above

© Akhil K Garg .
by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 9 of 10

Clause and Requirements:

 To create the EMS: (terms used by ISO) DETERMINE / ESTABLISH / PLAN / DEFINE
 To implement the EMS: (terms used by ISO) Undertake / do / ensure / implement / maintain / improve / etc
Mandate against the Requirement: (terms used by ISO) Include / Take into account / Consider / Document / Record
9.3: Management review
• PLAN the interval for reviews of organization’s EMS.
• Top management to conduct reviews of EMS at above planned intervals to ensure:
- its continuing suitability, - its continuing adequacy, and - its continuing effectiveness.
o Include the following for the consideration (= agenda) of above management review:
a. The status of actions from previous management reviews;
b. Changes in:
1. - External issues, and - internal issues . that are relevant to the EMS (4.1),
2. - Needs, and - expectations . of interested parties (4.2), including compliance obligations (6.1.3),
3. Significant environmental aspects of organization (6.1.2),
4. - Risks, and - opportunities (6.1.1);
c. Extent to which environmental objectives have been achieved (6.2);
d. Information on the environmental performance of the organization (9.1.1, 1st & 2nd bullet), including trends in:
1. - Nonconformities, and - corrective actions (10.2),
2. Monitoring and measuring results (9.1),
3. Fulfilment of organization s compliance obligations (9.1.2),
4. Audit results (9.2.2);
e. Adequacy of resources (7.1);
f. Relevant communication(s) from interested parties, including complaints (7.4.1, 5th bullet);
g. Opportunities for continual improvement (10.3).
o Include the following for the outputs (= reporting) of above management review:
- Conclusions on the continuing - suitability, - adequacy, and - effectiveness . of the EMS;
- Decisions related to continual improvement opportunities;
- Decisions related to any need for changes to the EMS, including resources;
- Actions, if needed, when environmental objectives have not been achieved;
- Opportunities to improve integration of the EMS with other business processes, if needed; and
- Any implications for the strategic direction of the organization.
Record: Results of management reviews
10.1: (Improvement) General
• DETERMINE opportunities for improvements, through use of ‘performance evaluation’ (9.1, 9.2, 9.3).
• Implement necessary actions to achieve the intended outcome of the organization’ sEMS.
10.2: (Improvement) Nonconformity and corrective action
• Undertake the following, when a nonconformity occurs:
a. React to the nonconformity and, as applicable:
1. take action to: - control, and - correct it,
2. deal with the consequences, including mitigating adverse environmental impacts;
b. Evaluate need for action to eliminate the cause(s) of the nonconformity, in order that it does not: - recur, or - occur elsewhere,
1. reviewing the nonconformity,
2. determining the causes of the nonconformity,
3. determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur;
c. Implement any action needed;
d. Review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken;
e. Make changes to the EMS, if necessary.
• Corrective actions shall be appropriate to:
o The significance of the effects of the nonconformities encountered, and
o The actual/potential environmental impact(s).
Record: Nature of nonconformity
Record: Any subsequent actions taken on nonconformity
Record: Results of any corrective action
10.3: (Improvement) Continual improvement
To enhance environmental performance, continually improve:
- Suitability of the EMS, - Adequacy of the EMS, and - Effectiveness of the EMS.

Annex A, Annex B, Bibliography and Alphabetical index of terms under the Standard have also not been included here for obvious reason.


© Akhil K Garg .
by Akhil K Garg (October 2017) Standard ISO 14001:2015 Easy Version Page 10 of 10

DOCUMENTS required under ISO 14001:2015 (with clause references)

(Some may be combined with another document)
4.3 Established scope of the EMS
5.2 Established environmental policy of the organization
6.1.1 Established processes needed:
o 6.1.1: To determine risks and opportunities
o 6.1.1: To determine potential emergencies
o 6.1.2: To determine environmental aspects and associated impacts
o 6.1.2: To determine significant environmental aspects
o 6.1.3: To determine compliance obligations
o 6.1.3: To determine how above compliance obligations apply to the organization
o 6.1.4: To plan actions towards significant environmental aspects
o 6.1.4: To plan actions towards compliance obligations
o 6.1.4: To plan actions towards risks and opportunities
o 6.1.4: To plan how to integrate above actions into EMS
o 6.1.4: To plan how to evaluate effectiveness of above actions
6.1.1 Determined risks and opportunities that need to be addressed
6.1.2 Determined environmental aspects and associated environmental impacts
6.1.2 Established criteria to determine significant environmental aspects
6.1.2 Determined significant environmental aspects through above criteria
6.1.3 Determined compliance obligations and their applicability to the organization
6.2.1 Established environmental objectives
8.1 Established processes of operational controls:
o To meet EMS requirements
o To implement identified actions to handle risks and opportunities (ref 6.1)
o To implement identified actions to achieve environmental objectives (ref 6.2)
8.1 Defined controls or influences on outsourced processes
8.1 Established controls on design and development process for products and services
8.1 Determined environmental requirements of organization for procurement of products and services
8.2 Established processes and plans to prepare for potential emergencies (as identified through 6.1.1) to prevent
their adverse environmental impacts
8.2 Established processes and plans to respond to potential emergencies (as identified through 6.1.1) to mitigate
their adverse environmental impacts

RECORDS required under ISO 14001:2015 (with clause references)

(Some may be combined with another record)
7.2.b Competence of deployed persons in compliance with the determined necessary competence requirements
7.2.d Actions taken to bridge competence gaps
7.2.d Evaluation of effectiveness of actions taken to bridge competence gaps
7.4.1 Undertaken internal communications on EMS matters
7.4.1 Undertaken external communications on EMS matters
7.4.1 Responses made to communications received on EMS matters
9.1.1 Results of monitoring and measurement of environmental performance of the organization
9.1.1 Results of analysis and evaluation of organization s environmental performance and EMS
9.1.2 Results of evaluation of obligatory compliances
9.2.2 Implementation of established internal audit program for EMS
9.2.2 Results of internal audits conducted under EMS
9.3 Results of management reviews conducted under EMS
10.2 Nature of nonconformities occurred under EMS
10.2 Actions taken on occurred nonconformities under EMS
10.2 Results of corrective actions on occurred nonconformities under EMS

© Akhil K Garg .

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