Siblings Without Rivalry Info Sheet

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Parenting for healthy

sibling relationships [email protected]

This information sheet summarizes information from "Siblings Without

Rivalry", a fabulous parenting book by Adele Farber and Elaine Mazlish.
This book is great for advice on parenting your children to have healthy
relationships with each other for their sake and yours.

Don't compare allow them to express

It is normal for siblings to have
Comparison is not only the thief of
strong emotions toward each
joy, it is also the thief of loving and
other sometimes. It is important
healthy sibling relationships. It is
to allow siblings have their
important as a parent to make sure
feelings about each other
you avoid comparison between your
heard. If one child says
children even if it seems small and
something negative about
harmless. If you find yourself about
another one, don't dismiss their
to make a comparative statement
feelings by saying something
between siblings, instead only
like "you don't really mean
discuss the behavior that you
that." Instead, try to validate
like/don't like by:
and help them describe their
Describing what you see
feelings with a statement like "It
Describing how you feel
sounds like your brother really
Describing what you want them
hurt your feelings."
to do
When they fight Problem solving
Siblings will fight sometimes - it's After a difficult fight, problem solving
inevitable. is often necessary. When everyone
Normal bickering is OK to ignore. is calm, call a meeting with the
It is important to allow them to siblings. Establish ground rules, and
resolve smaller conflicts on their allow each child to respectfully
own. describe their feelings, allowing
If it gets a little more heated, it each child time to rebut. Once
can be helpful to intervene by everyone has a full picture of what
reflecting each child's point of is going on, focus on discussing
view solutions, and find one that
If the situation is dangerous, everyone can live with. Make sure
describe what you see, reiterate everyone gets to suggest solutions
rules, and separate - problem if they want to. After resolved, check
solve later back in later.

No Roles Equal is not best

Make sure to not allow your children
to be categorized into roles by Every child has different needs,
yourself, their siblings, or anyone desires and abilities. This is why
else. There is no "problem child" or they shouldn't be treated as
"athletic child" or "smart child."
equals, they should be treated as
Confining children into roles can
unique individuals. They should be
harm their identity formation - it is
shown love and attention based on
important for children to know that
they can become whatever and
their needs at thee time!
whoever they want, regardless of
their siblings!

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