Exercise Pregnancy

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Exercise in Pregnancy

Irene Alton

An increasing number of adolescent females are partic- or medical complications can safely exercise with few
ipating in recreational and competitive sports, strength restrictions during pregnancy.1, 3
training and other fitness activities. During pregnancy
• Adolescents who are trained athletes prior to preg-
they may want to remain physically active and con-
nancy can continue to exercise throughout pregnancy
tinue some of these activities. Other adolescents who
with modifications made as needed.4
were previously sedentary may want to begin an exer-
cise program as part of a healthy lifestyle. • Adolescents who were not exercising regularly prior
to becoming pregnant can safely begin an exercise
program during pregnancy.1
• Observational and interventional studies support the DURING PREGNANCY
tolerance and safety of moderate exercise in healthy
pregnant individuals.1 Physical exercise enhances muscular strength, endur-
ance, flexibility and cardiovascular health. Additional
• The fetus is protected from potentially harmful effects
benefits of exercise during pregnancy,1, 4-6 which may be
of maternal exercise (e.g., hyperthermia, decreased
especially important to the adolescent, are listed in
uterine blood flow and oxygen delivery, decreased
Table 1.
carbohydrate availability and uterine contractions) by
maternal physiologic adaptations to pregnancy.1, 2

• Exercise in normal (uncomplicated) pregnancies has PHYSIOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS

not been associated with compromised fetal growth AFFECTING EXERCISE DURING
and development, premature labor or delivery com- PREGNANCY
Physiologic changes associated with pregnancy may
• Mild to moderate exercise in pregnancy has been
affect exercise tolerance and safety and must be consid-
associated with a neutral or beneficial effect on preg-
ered when modifying or developing prenatal exercise
nancy outcome.1
• Healthy, well-nourished adolescents without obstetrical


• Hypoglycemia can occur more readily, especially in

TABL E 1 later gestation, or with prolonged, strenuous exer-
Potential Benefits of Exercise cise, since carbohydrate utilization is greater in
During Pregnancy pregnancy.1, 3, 7

• Increased resting oxygen consumption lowers oxy-

Fewer physical discomforts (e.g., fatigue, nausea, gen availability for aerobic exercise in pregnancy.3
leg cramps, backache, constipation, round ligament
pain, shortness of breath)
Decreased incidence of operative delivery, GUIDELINES FOR EXERCISE
gestational hypertension and preeclampsia DURING PREGNANCY
Improved blood glucose control in gestational
diabetes • Prenatal exercise programs must be individualized
according to the adolescent’s health status, interests
Shorter active phase of labor
and fitness level. Desirable components include aer-
Improved self esteem and body image obic conditioning, strength training and flexibility
Decreased stress and anxiety and improved sleep exercises.1

Less isolation from nonpregnant peers • Regular exercise (at least three times per week) is
Increased placental weight, blood flow and infant preferable to intermittent activity or a sudden increase
birthweight in exercise level, which can result in muscle strain.3

Maintenance or improvement of fitness level • Exercise sessions should begin with a warm-up and
Less likelihood of excessive weight gain end with a cool-down and relaxation period (e.g., 10-
15 minutes of slow walking or stationary cycling on
Fewer stretch marks low resistance followed by gentle stretching). This
Improved posture will reduce the risk of ligament and back strain,
Faster postpartum recovery ensure a safe cardiovascular response, normalize
metabolic rate and respiration and prevent pooling
of blood in exercising muscles.7 After exercise, the
adolescent should rise gradually from the floor to
• Beginning early in pregnancy, relaxin softens and prevent dizziness.
stretches connective tissue, resulting in laxity and
• Exercises that require lying on the back should be
instability of ligaments and joints and increased risk
avoided after the first trimester.3
of sprains and strains.7
• Exercise intensity should be light enough to allow
• The enlarging uterus and breasts and growing fetus
conversation and prevent shortness of breath,
shift the center of gravity, resulting in balance prob-
fatigue, pain, and exhaustion.3, 8 Since resting heart
lems, increased lumbar lordosis (sway back), and
rate increases and maximum heart rate decreases in
greater strain on the lower back and hips.7
pregnancy, monitoring target heart rate to determine
• Weight gain may place additional stress on joints exercise intensity is of limited usefulness.1
and make movement more difficult.1
• Fatigue and discomfort may be less likely if exercise
• In later pregnancy, edema may limit range of motion intensity is decreased in later pregnancy (e.g., exer-
and cause nerve compression.1 cising more slowly with fewer repetitions, or engag-
ing in less strenuous activities such as doubles tennis
• Pressure exerted on the vena cava by the enlarging
instead of singles, walking instead of running).
uterus may result in decreased cardiac output and
reduced blood flow to the uterus when exercising on • Exercise sessions should be short enough to prevent
the back after the first trimester.8 Symptoms may hypoglycemia, fatigue and discomfort (e.g., 20-30 min-
include dizziness and shortness of breath. utes of moderate aerobic activity, 3-5 times per week).1

• Running may require shorter distances, slower • Water skiing could result in forceful entry of water
speeds, flatter terrain and more frequent rest periods. into the uterus, which could result in miscarriage.9

• Strength training should be limited to 2-3 times per • Scuba-diving may be associated with decompression
week using light weights (2-5 kg) and fewer repeti- disease, gas embolism, and in the first trimester, risk
tions. Heavy free weights or heavy resistance on of fetal malformation.10
weight machines could increase the risk of spinal disc
injury 7 and intra-abdominal pressure. Straining and
breath-holding should be avoided.7 EXERCISE ENVIRONMENT
• Exercise activities that do not require a high degree of
• Particularly during the first trimester, overheating
balance and coordination, quick movements, or
(which may have teratogenic effects on the fetus)
involve the risk of falling or fetal trauma are consid-
should be avoided. Exercise should not be done while
ered safe during pregnancy. (See Table 2).
febrile or in hot, humid weather. Saunas or hot tubs
may also increase the risk of hyperthermia and should
TABL E 2 be avoided.7 Exercising in light clothing during a
Examples of Activities cooler time of day outdoors, or with a fan indoors will
Considered Safe During Pregnancy help prevent dehydration and hyperthermia in hot
weather.3, 8

Walking Rowing • A tightly carpeted or wooden floor will reduce the

Power walking Dancing risk of slipping.
Jogging Prenatal exercise classes • Walking or running on a cushioned track or grass will
Running Cross country skiing
increase comfort and reduce the risk of injury.
Swimming Snorkeling
Water aerobics Tennis • Well-cushioned shoes that provide good support will
Water jogging Bowling aid balance and increase comfort.
Low impact aerobics Golfing
Stationary cycling Light weight training
• Ample fluid intake is essential to prevent dehydra-
• The pelvic tilt will help strengthen abdominal mus-
tion, which occurs more readily in pregnancy (10-12
cles, and decrease round ligament pain and lumbar
cups per day, including 2 cups before exercise, 1 cup
lordosis. Instruct the adolescent to stand, lie or sit
every 15 minutes during, and 2-3 cups after exer-
with feet hip-distance apart and knees slightly bent,
cise).8 Thirst may be depressed during exercise and
while the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks are
cannot be relied upon to assure an adequate fluid
contracted. The pelvis is thrust forward and the pelvic
intake. Clear, light-colored urine is an indicator of
bone is rolled upward.
adequate hydration.
• Exercises which strain the lower back, stress liga-
• An increased intake of carbohydrate will reduce the
ments, cause knee trauma or promote separation of
risk of hypoglycemia. Complex carbohydrates (e.g.,
the of the symphysis pubis (junction of pubic bone)
bread, pasta, cereal) or milk, fruit or fruit juice should
should be avoided. These include full sit-ups, sitting
be consumed 1-2 hours before, and within 1 hour
cross-legged, double leg lifts, side leg swings, toe
after exercise.
touches, squatting, deep knee bends and bridging
(lifting buttocks off floor from lying position).7 • Energy intake should be adequate to support exercise
and promote optimal weight gain and fetal growth.
• Jerking motions, hopping, jumping, twisting or sud-
Weight loss should not occur with exercise during
den changes in direction are contraindicated. Joints
pregnancy. The energy required for weight-bearing
should not be extended beyond the normal range of
exercise (e.g., walking, running) increases with gesta-
tional weight gain.

EXERCISE PRECAUTIONS – Frequency of exercise

– Duration of exercise
The adolescent should be cautioned to stop exercising – Intensity of exercise
and contact her health care provider if any of the fol-
• Current exercise patterns (assess as above)
lowing occur:7
• Goals and expectations for continuing or beginning
• Dizziness
physical activity during pregnancy
• Muscle weakness
• Shortness of breath
• Chest pain or tightness
• Vaginal bleeding or fluid loss
• Uterine contractions
The following information should be provided to ado-
• Headache
lescents who wish to begin or remain physically active
• Abdominal pain
during pregnancy:
• Absent fetal movement
• Potential benefits of exercise during pregnancy
• Physiologic changes associated with pregnancy that
CONTRAINDICATIONS TO EXERCISE affect exercise comfort and safety
• Guidelines for exercise during pregnancy and the
Adolescents with any of the following conditions postpartum period
should be advised not to exercise during pregnancy:3, 7, 8 • Nutrition guidelines for exercise during pregnancy
• Advice to avoid or discontinue exercise if any of the
• Pregnancy-induced hypertension
above contraindications are present
• Preterm rupture of membranes
• Warning signs that exercise sessions should be
• Preterm labor (current or previous)
• Incompetent cervix/cerclage
• Persistent second or third trimester bleeding
• Intrauterine growth retardation
• Severe anemia
• Placenta previa

Adolescents with chronic hypertension or active thy- • Musculoskeletal and cardiovascular changes associ-
roid, cardiac, vascular or pulmonary disease should ated with pregnancy gradually reverse during the
be evaluated individually to determine if exercise is postpartum period and continue to affect the safety
advisable.3 and comfort of exercise.7

• Ligaments and joints remain softened and at increased

risk of injury for up to 12 weeks after delivery.7
• Cardiovascular changes may continue to affect exer-
Obtaining the following information at the initial visit cise tolerance for 4-6 weeks postpartum.3
will be helpful in providing guidance to the adolescent
• The adolescent should be advised to gradually return
who exercises during pregnancy.
to her prepregnancy exercise level as tolerated.3
• Prepregnancy exercise program, including:

– Types of exercise such as competitive and recre-

ational sports activities, strength training, other
school or leisure-related activities (e.g., cheerlead-
ing, walking, swimming, cycling, exercise/dance

1. Sternfeld B. Physical activity and pregnancy outcome.
Review and recommendations. Sports Med 1997;23(1):33-47.
2. Clapp JF, 3rd, Simonian S, Lopez B, Appleby-Wineberg S,
Harcar-Sevcik R. The one-year morphometric and neurodevelop-
mental outcome of the offspring of women who continued to exer-
cise regularly throughout pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol
3. Exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
ACOG Technical Bulletin Number 189—February 1994. Int J
Gynaecol Obstet 1994;45(1):65-70.
4. Horns PN, Ratcliffe LP, Leggett JC, Swanson MS. Pregnancy
outcomes among active and sedentary primiparous women. J
Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 1996;25(1):49-54.
5. Koniak-Griffin D. Aerobic exercise, psychological well-
being, and physical discomforts during adolescent pregnancy. Res
Nurs Health 1994;17(4):253-263.
6. Kardel KR, Kase T. Training in pregnant women: effects on
fetal development and birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;178(2):
7. Artal R, Buckenmeyer PJ. Exercise during pregnancy and
postpartum. Contemporary OB/GYN 1995;May:62-90.
8. Wang TW, Apgar BS. Exercise during pregnancy. Am Fam
Physician 1998;57(8):1846-1852, 1857.
9. ACOG Technical Bulletin. Exercise during pregnancy and
the postnatal period. No. 87. American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists, 1985.
10. Camporesi EM. Diving and pregnancy. Semin Perinatol

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