21st Century Literature

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Region I

Division of Pangasinan II
Alcala, Pangasinan
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
S.Y. 2022-2023
NAME: __________________________________________________________ DATE _____________
Strand/Section ___________________________________________________ SCORE____________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Chant (Bulong) was used in witchcraft or enchantment especially in remote places in the Visayas.
a. Japanese Period b. Rebirth of Freedom c. Pre-Spanish Period d. Period of Enlightenment

2. Tagalog Zarzuela, Cenaculo and the Embayoka of the Muslims were presented in the rebuilt Metropolitan Theater, the
Folk Arts Theater and the Cultural Center of the Philippines.
a. New Society Period b. American Period c. 21st Century Period d. Period of 3rd Republic

3. Haiku, is short with a measure and rhyme consisting of 17 syllables which had favorable diminishing effect on Tagalog
a. New Society Period b. American Period c. 21st Century Period d. Period of 3rd Republic

4. English as medium of instruction was introduced in the schools as intellectual language of education in this period.
a. New Society Period b. American Period c. 21st Century Period d. Period of 3rd Republic

5. This is the period wherein the youth became vocal with their sentiments and demanded change in the government.
a. Spanish Period b. Period of Activism c. Pre-Spanish Period d. Period of 3rd Republic

6. This period is notable in the reawakening of the Filipino spirit when the 3 priests Gomez, Burgos and Zamora were
guillotined without sufficient evidence of guilt.
a. Post-EDSA 1 Period b. Period of 3rd Republic c. Period of Enlightenment d. Period of Activism

7. A factual story is written using literary devices and techniques.

a. Digi-Fiction b. Doodle Fiction c. Illustrated Novel d. Creative Non-Fiction

8. Drawings enhance stories in this form where illustrations and handwritten graphics are incorporated.
a. Digi-Fiction b. Doodle Fiction c. Illustrated Novel d. Creative Non-Fiction

9. The genre of speculative fiction dealing with concepts of time, travel, parallel universe, extra-terrestrial life, and futuristic
a. Digi-Fiction b. Doodle Fiction c. Science Fiction d. Creative Non-Fiction

10. It is a collection of stories presented in comic book formats.

a. Digi-Fiction b. Doodle Fiction c. Illustrated Novel d. Graphic Novel

11. Literature that uses hypertext mark-up (HTM) to connect to other parts of the piece.
a. Blog b. Flash Fiction c. Hyper Poetry d. Digi-Fiction

12. In English-speaking countries, these are stories with illustrations published in Japan.
a. Manga b. Digi-Fiction c. Graphic Novel d. Illustrated Novel

13. The persona in the poem “Padre Faura Witness The Execution of Rizal” was _______.
a. Danton Remoto b. Dr. Jose Rizal c. Padre Faura d. You

14. The mood of the poem was _______.

a. Mournful b. Delightful c. Joyful d. Mysterious

15. The speaker was shivering while standing in the roof because _______.
a. He was dizzy. b. It was cold. c. It was December. d. It was high.

16. In stanza 2 & 3 the persona recalled what transpired between him and Pepe. This literary device is called _______.
a. Prophecy b. Symbolic c. Flashbacking d. foreshadowing
17. Pepe came from Europe where winter was bitter. His face became ruddy because _______.
a. He was exposed to humiliation b. He was exhausted.
c. He was not accustomed to the weather d. He was exposed to sudden sun.

18. The characteristics of the star were used to compare with Jose Rizal was shimmering because _______.
a. he was well-known b. he was about to die
c. he studied astronomy d. his teacher was in the observatory

19. “My mother tells about her epic experience at the department store while buying a dress to wear for the party” is an
example of ____________ anecdote.
a. cautionary b. motivational c. inspirational d. reminiscence

20. What J. J. Wigley tells about in the “Home of the Ashfall”?

a. eruption of Mt. Pinatubo b. new found independence in Manila
c. story of “Hihintayin Kita sa Langit” d. his journey to becoming management trainee

21. When someone talks about his/her past and shares the joy of his/her experience, he/she intends to _______. a. inspire
b. caution c. reminisce d. bring cheer

22. An anecdote is a story with a point which means that______________________.

a. it reveals an issue b. it is easy to understand
c. it reveals truth about life d. it intends to provoke laughter

23. Which of the following statements about anecdote is TRUE?

a. Anecdote is an unusual story. b. It presents complicated story plot.
c. It deals with particular topic to talk about. d. Like other genres, it is interpreted in many ways.

24. What anecdote shares frightening stories of dangers that can be avoided by following regulations?
a. motivation b. cautionary c. reminiscence d. entertainment

25. Who is the writer of the short story “Sinigang”?

a. Marie Aubrey Villaceran c. Edith L. Tiempo
b. NVM Gonzales d. Manuel E. Arguilla

26. Where is the setting of the story?

a. farm b. house c. cemetery d. garden

27. Who is the main character in the story?

a. Sylvia b. Liza c. Lem d. Tita Loleng

28. What point of view was used by the author in telling the story?
a. Third Person b. Omniscient Third Person c. First Person d. Limited Third Person

29. Whose favorite dish is the “Sinigang”?

a. Liza b. Tita Loleng c. Liza’s mother d. Liza’s father

30. What type of conflict was shown in the story?

a. man versus man c. man versus himself
b. man versus nature d. man versus society
31. Ma’am Karen encouraged her students to read a lot and use techniques in understanding the text and improving their
knowledge. She is talking about
a. extensive reading b. scanning c. reading approach d. skimming

32. The line of the poem by Maya Angelou, “take the binders from your vision”, means that the __________
a. author has placed the binders to someone’s ears
b. author is persuading the people to see their real situation
c. author has a poor vision
d. author is crying

33. “take the padding from your ears, and confess you’ve heard me crying,” this line wants the readers to_____.
a. listen to their pleas b. cry with their difficulty
c. see what they see d. feel what they feel

34. Equality, and I will be free. If this happens, people will_____

a. put things in place to support people achieve similar outcomes
b. Lend things to people who are deprived of material things
c. Give similar materials to all people who need it
d. Allow someone to get what he wants.
35. In another world I want my children to tame grasshoppers
in the field, to play with their dolls in the living room,
to inhale the fragrance of flowers waving as wind blows, to see the birds measure the sky with their wings.
These lines expressed the earnest wish of a father. What do you think these wishes mean?
a. The family is living in a peaceful village.
b. The family is well- accepted by society
c. The family is suffering from war.
d. The family has the sickness.

36. Art Spiegelmen’s “In the Shadow of No Tower: 9/11” is an example of ________.
a. text tula b. flash fiction c. graphic novel d. text-talk novel

37. The following are 21st literary genres EXCEPT__________________.

a. Manga b. Flash fiсtion c. Graphiс fiсtion d. Korean telenovela

38. It is a сreative pieсe written in comic form.

a. comiс story b. storyboard с. flash fiction d. graphic fiсtion

39. Tara Campbell explains the various сolors of the sky in flash fiсtion story entitled_________________.
a. “Taylor Swift” b. “Unneсessary Things”
c. “Angels and Blueberries” d. “For sale: baby soсks, never worn”

40. Graphiс novel is also known as _____________.

a. digi-fiсtion b. flash fiсtion c. doodle fiсtion d. graphiс fiсtion

41. Information Technology (IT) is the use of __________ to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information.
A. printer B. projector C. computer D. scanner

42. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is generally accepted to mean all technologies and allow people and
organizations to interact in the ________world.
A. classical B. traditional C. digital D. none of them

43. To Copy, press (Ctrl+C); to Paste, press ________ on the computer keyboard.
A. (Shift+V) B. (Shift+P) C. Ctrl+P) D. (Ctrl+V)

44. It generates slides for presentation; used to design professional presentations.

A. Microsoft (MS) Word B. MS PowerPoint C. MS Excel D. MS Publisher

45. To produce a literary adaptation of a story, one needs to apply his ICT skills. ICT means _____.
A. Information and Communication Technology B. Information to Centralize Tutorial
C. Inclusive for Classroom Technology D. Important in Communication Technology

46. What component of the plot structure is always written at the end of a story?
A. falling action B. rising action C. resolution D. exposition

47. The words ‘dogs are man’s best friend’ is an example of a/an .
A. proverbs B. adage C. counsel D. Bible verse

48. What plot structure component is considered as the most exciting part of a story?
A. exposition B. climax C. falling action D. resolution

49. What do you call the plot structure component when the excitement becomes less and less as the conflict is resolved?
A. exposition B. climax C. falling action D. resolution

50. What is also known as the plot complication?

A. exposition B. climax C. falling action D. resolution

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