PPHS Rules 2022

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EXTRA ORDINARY ISSUE, REGISTERED No. L-7532 The LAHORE MONDAY DECEMBER 26, 2022 PUBLISHE! ‘AUTHORITY GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION (156 of 2022) 3 26 DECEMBER 2022 Notification No.SOR(LG)8-5/2022, dated 24.12.2022 issued by the Local Government and Community Development Department, Is hereby published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary) for general information: — Price Rs. 10.00 Per Page (2997) 2 (22s 298 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 “GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dated: Lahore the, 24" December 2022 | No. SOR(LG)8-5/2022.- In exercise of the powers conferred under section 202 of the Punjab Local Government Act 2022 (XXXiII of 2022), Governor of the Punjab Is pleased to make the following rules: | 2. _ Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be cited as the Punjab Private Housing Schemes Rules 2022. (2) They shall come into force at once, (1) In the rules, unless the context or subject requires (a) “Act” means the Punjab Local Government Act 2022 (QXXKIIT of 2022); | (b) “Agency” includes a local government or office or authority ar company responsible for the provision of wuullity services; (©) “amalgamation” means joining of two or mare housing schemes; (d) “chamfer” means the flat surface made by cutting of sharp edge or corner of a plot to enhance the visibility at the turning point; | (e) “company” means a company registered under the ‘Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017); | (f) “conversion fee" means the fee levied by the local government for conversion of land use; (9) “cooperative society" means a society registered under ‘the Co-operative Societies Act, 1925 (VII of 1925); (h). “development works" means the planning and execution ‘of infrastructure of @ housing scheme such as roads, street lights, water supply, sewerage system, public ) parks, electricity, sul gas and such like amenities; (i) “District Planiing and Besign Committee” means a ' District Planning snd Design Committes constituted under the Punjab Land Use Pian (Classification, Reclassification and Redevelopment) Rules, 2020 or any other land use rules; THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 20222899 - J) “educational institution” includes a school, college, university, research or training center, library or a madrassah; 5 (k) “farm house” means a dwelling place on a plot having an area not less than four kanal in a farm housing scheme; (1) “Form” means a Form appended to the rules; (m) “horticutture” means the art or practice of garden cultivation, tree plantation, arranging of grass and flower beds; (m) “housing scheme" includes 8 private housing scheme, a farm housing scheme, a cooperative housing scheme or any other kind of housing scheme; {o) “infrastructure” means the services including road network, public parks, graveyards, street lights, water supply, drainage and sewerage system, electricity, telephone, gas, cable and power lines; (p)_ “Kanal” means a size of land equal to twenty marias; (q)} “landscape plan” means a pian showing visible feature In an open space In @ scheme such as walkway, green area, fountain, flower bed, grass and trees; {r) “land use plan” means a plan drawn up and approved by @ local government or any other authority competent to approve under any law which provides the actual and proposed land use to the extent of existing planned areas and non-planned areas and the land uses which are Permitted, permissible and prohibited in both planned and non-planned areas; (s) “maria” means a size of land equal to two hundred twenty-five square feet in Lahore district and two hundred seventy-two square feet in other districts; (8) “master plan" means the traditional method for presenting @ set of land usage allocation and contro! Measures In the form of a map in graphical form and is supported by written statements of goals and objectives, strategy, financial Implications and policies for planning and development of an area and includes a structure plan, an outline development plan, agro-ville plan, a spatial plan, pert-urban structure plan, site development zone structure plan, land use plan and a metropolitan plan, approved and notified under any law; eri-urban structure plan” means a plan notified under the Punjab Land Use (Classification, Reclassification and Redevelopment) Rules, 2020; (v)_ “property” means a plot or a building in a scheme; 2900 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 (w) “public bullding” includes a dispensary, post office, police station, local government office, educational Institution, hospital, clinic, mosque, fire station, community centre, ‘clubs and such other public bullding; (%) “public building area” means an area reserved in a housing scheme for public buildings; (y) “right of way” means the width of road between two oppasite properties; (z) “road” means @ road or street Including land within the right of way and all works, such as, carriage ways, cartways, foot paths, berms, side drains, culverts, bridges, ‘tunnels, fences, posts, signboards, plantation and lighting arrangements, intersections and medians; (aa) "rules means the Punjab Private Housing Schemes Rules 2022; (bb) “saleable area” means an area under the residential commercial and saleable share of public building area In @ housing scheme; (cc) “site development zone” means an area within the planned or non-planned ares of a local government with proposed land uses and notified by the local government for the future development of the local area; (dd) “sponsor” means a company or a cooperative society or a firm or an owner of land who intends to develop a housing scheme or who has developed a housing scheme after approval; (ee) “town planner” means a town planner registered with Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners; and (ff) "valuation table” means the valuation table noufled under the Stamp Act, 1899 (II of 1899). (2) Aword or expression used but not defined in the rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to It In the Act. housing schemes.- The following are the types of housing scheme having an area not less than five hundred kanal; {b) housing scheme having an area not less than- three hundred kanal but less than five hundred kanal; (©) housing scheme having an area not less than one hundred kanal but less than three hundred kanal; (4) housing scheme having an area not less than forty kanal ‘but less than one hundred kanal; ‘THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 _ 2901 (e) housing schema having an ares lass than forty kanal; (A) farm housing scheme having araa not less than one hundred kanal; and (9) apartment housing scheme having minimum area of twenty-five Kanal, 4, No development setivity without approval of housing echame.- The sionsor shall not initiate eny developmant activity without obtaining ed on uider rule 23 from the local government cancemad. 5. Status of per master plan.- (1) The local government Concer! trl lon 8 vhousing scheme in the aréa declared af residential ares in site development zone, structure plan or master plan or outline development plan or perl-urban structure (2) Tha local government concemed shall on the application of a sponsor of a housing scheme, within two weeks from tha date of racelpt of peer Intimate the spengor regarding status of the specific land use prescribed in the site development zona, structure plan or master plan or bulline development plan or pari-urben structura pl decor eg, 8 SPOR shall be submitted with coples of the following *| focuments: ” valid Computerized National Identity Card; Xb) document indicating focation of Khasra numbers marked on satellite Image duly cartifled by tha concerned Assistant Commissioner; and (c) proof of processing fae of ane thousand rupees. (4) The intimation under sub-rula (1) regarding seus ofthe land 88 prescribed In the master plan shall be valid im period of atx months 6. Application for approval of & housing schame.- (1) A sponsor shall submit an sppleation for apreval of tha Rousing scheme ts the focal government concerned, (2) In case re housing schema comprising of land owned by imora than five owners, 8 company, firm or & cooperative society, shall submit application for approval. (3) The application, eontstning completa postal and~ e-mail | addresses, shall be submitted along with the following documents! ‘(a) certified copy of valid Computerized National tdentity Card of the sponsor; (b) complete mailing address of the sponsor; «) a copy of last-pald utility bill or tenancy agreement for | he preperty mentioned in the mailing address as proof of residence; 2902 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 (2) wf (9) (h) wo (kK) ao (m) (ny a certified copy of-certificate of registration of the firm, ‘company or the cooperative society, if applicable; triplicate copy of jacation plan of proposed scheme signed by a town planner and sponsor indicating total area and salient features; layout plan, super Imposed on a khasra plan, with Proposed division of scheme into residential and commercial plets, road network, open spaces, graveyard and public buildings prepared and signed by @ town planner and the owner in accordance with the rules; certified title document such as registered sale deeif, mutation, fard-e-malkiat and any other relevant. document to establish ownership of the land, but na special or general power of attomey or agreement shall be entertained or accepted for the proof of the ‘ownership; ist of Khasra numbers, Khasra plan and boundary superimposed on satellite Image, location of site shown ‘on the master plan signed by town planner and sponsor triplicate copy of Khasra plan or aks shajra certified by the concerned revenue officer duly countersigned by ‘Collector of the Tehsil; soll investigation report for technical requirements prepared by a consultant, registered with Pakistan Engineering Council, engaged by the sponsor, for housing scheme having area hundred kanals and above; triplicate copy of non-encumbrance certificate issued by the Revenue Officer duly countersigned by the Collector of the Tehsil also certifying that the proposed area of the housing scheme Is not notified by the Collector for acquisition for any public purpose; no objection certificate from the Irrigation Department, Government of the Punjab, certifying that the proposed area of the housing scheme is not prone to flooding and the details of public water ways falling within the proposed area of the housing scheme; triplicate copy of topographic survey extended to a depth of one thousand feet around the housing scheme area; five hard copies and AutoCAD soft copy of layout plan superimposed on Khasta plan, with proposed division THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2903 ‘of scheme into residential and commercial plots, road Network, open. spaces, graveyard and, public building M 7h ©» plots and also: indicating the-amenity plots proposed to be transferred and mortgaged, Prepared and signed by ‘t a town planner and the spansor in accordance with the USE ian an v2) -goft, copy. of layout plan geo-referenced with the appropriate ‘coordinate system; and (p)* any. other: information, if required by the local . government concerned... “(4)” The Sparisor shail’ not use’ the “hime of already approved housi may spon: re entertain an incomplete application. | ¥ ing scheme but the words such like ‘Phase-T', 'Phase-Il or "Extension’ ‘be added with the name'of the housing. scheme; provided that the sor for the housing scheme Is the same, Evaluation criterta.- (1) The local government concerned shall not (2) The local ‘goVernment conceriied' Sail,” within -ten:-working doys. trom receipt of appiication, evaluate and process the application and technically scrutinize the lay out plan. " criteria for evaluation of the application: (3) The local government concerned’ shall apply the following {@) the site proposed for housing scheme form a contiguous’ "bleck “and fulfils the following requiréments; (>) the site falls on access road having minimum width of 40 feet; (c) itis not prone to flooding as certified by the Irrigation Department, Government of the Punjab; (d) itis not notified by the Callectar for acquisition for any public purpose; = (2) the housing scheme proposal Is in conformity with the approved master plan ¢r outline development plan, land use plan, agra-ville development: plan and other allied plans. The tecal government and the District Planning and Design Committee concerned shall exercise due diligence keeping In view the availability of infrastructure/ utility Services and future growth Potential if such plans are not available; ; (f) ovmmership or title of the land of proposed housing scheme vests with the sponsor; (g) soil Is suitable for development of a housing scheme; “THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 (h) for housing scheme less than hundred kanal, the sponsor does not own additianal land adjoining the land proposed; - (1) In case of housing scheme less than hundred kanal, the land is locked owing to the following: (I) surrounded by an existing bullt up area, planned rea or any housing schame; or (W!) separated from the vacant area by physical barriers such as proposed structure plan road, ‘main road, railway ting, canal, distributary er any ‘other public project, farm house or graveyard; or (IN) surrounded by the pockats of land which, If combined, do not form a housing scheme of ares having 100 kanal and above, (4) Chief Officer of the local government concerned ‘two working days from the recelpt of compl pplication, process of evaluation, forward the case to othe of No Gbjection Certificates submitted along with (5) The concarned agency shall, within eight working da verify No Objection Certificate or communicate Its observations ta tha local government concerned, (8) Chief Officer of tha local govarnmant concerned shall forthwith communicata the observations to the sponsor for rectification or action as ha deems fit. (7) Chief Officer of tha local government shall, within ten working days after recelpt of complata application, technically scrutiniza the layout pian it ‘accordance with the planning standards givan In Chapter-I11 of the all, within (8) Chief Gfficer of tha local government concerned shall, within two warking days from the recalpt of complete application, forward the ‘ownership documents to the Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) concathed who shall verify the ownership dacuments and report state land falling In the proposed area, after scrutiny and inform the Chief Officer of the local government concerned within seven working days. (8) The lacal gavernment concerned shall, after valuation, processing of application, verification of ownership documents and technical scrutiny of the [sy out plan, publish a public natica for inviting objections on Form-A in at lence two leading Urdu and one English daily national newspaper. (10) The sponser shall bear such cost of the publication of the public notice as the local gavernment concerned ray determing. (44) ‘The publle natice stall specify the following: (a) location of the scheme; THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2995 (b) total area of the scheme; (name and address of the sponsor; (d) list of Kkhasra number alongwith’ revenue estates or mauzas; and (@) the objections, if any, may be filed within ten working days from the date of publication with such authority as Is mentioned in the notice. (12) The local government concerned shail, within three werking days, forward the objections, if received, to the sponsor, for appropriate action oF response. (13) In case an objection is raised about the ownership of a portion ‘of land included In the hausing scheme and both the sponsor and objector claim ownership on the basis of title documents, the local government concerned shall exclude the disputed land fram the housing scheme. (14) Head of the local government concerned shall decide upon the response submitted by the sponsor within five working days of its submission in presence of the objector if he chooses to be present. 8, Technical clearance of layout plan.- (1) Planning Officer of the focal government concerned shall, within two working days, after the scrutiny of ownership documents and settlement of public objections, forward the lay out plan to the District Planning and Design Committee through the Chief Officer concerned. (2) District Planning and Design Committee shall, within ten working days, conclude its recommendation regarding technical clearance of the housing scheme and convey its recammendations, through minutes of the meeting, to the local government concerned, (3) . Chief Officer of the local government shail, within two working days, ferward the objections of the District Planning and Design Committee, if any, to the sponsor for appropriate action. (4) Upon clearance of the objection or recelpt of response from the sponsor, the matter shall be re-submitted to the District Planning and Design Cammittes (OP&DC) for consideration; (5) _ Ih ease of clearance of the lay out plan by the District Planning and Design Committee, the Planning Officer shall submit the layout plan forthwith for technical clearance ta the Chief Officer who shall accord technical clearance within three working days. (6) Planning Officer shall, within two working days of receipt of the order of the Chief Officer, intimate the sponsor about technical clearance of lay out plan. (7)_The sponsor shall submit the service designs ‘along-with N.0.C, from Environment Protection Department (EPD) within six months of the Issuance of technical clearance of the layout, plan to the local gavernment concerned. : [3900 THE: PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 3. Lay out plan of housing scheme.- The local government concemed shall ensure that a layout plan of a housing scheme Is prepared and technically cleared in accordance with the following technical requirements: (@) stale of scheme plan is 1: 1200 to 1: 2400; ‘ {b) scale of location plan is 1: 4800; (€) size and dimension of each plot are given; (d) plots numbers in the scheme are fixed in accordance with Form-F for all plots except roads; {e) chamfering of a corner plot up to one kanal by 5x5 feet end above one kanal by 10x10 feet; (size and dimension of public buildings and open spaces; (g) right of way of roads;. (h) parking area with parking layout; (i) dimensions of the housing scheme boundary; G) boundary of a Mouza or a revenue estate; (K) number and boundary of each Kasra In a Mouza; (1) area statement and percentage of: (residential use; (commercial use; ' (ill) open spaces or parks; ! (iv) roads; (¥) graveyards; (v1) public buildings; and (wil) other land uses; (m) aggregate of various categortes of plots with area and size; (n) area of existing graveyard, if any, excluding it from area Fequired for a graveyard under the rul | (0) location of pumping station, if anys (p) location of overhead water tank and tube well, if any; | (q) aggregate of various categories of plots to be mortgaged with red colour hatched; " (F) signatures of the sponsor and town planner; (5) provision for affixing seal and signature of the approving . | authority; ) i (t) cardinal sign indieating ‘north; 10. THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2907 (u) name of the housing scheme; and (v) names of the Mouza(s) Included in or related to housing Planning standards for housing scheme, scheme, (1) The local government concerned shall ensure that a housing scheme is planned and approved in accordance with the following planning standards and requirements (a) Planning standards: souning sousing Housing scheme farm Apartment aoelns wourna | smeause aoe seme fio,| band kanal td eWot tews|,,!°°,,) 3000 | $90 | (inimum Less than] less | thantoo less thar|'8s thar kanal | grea ts 25 40 Kamal] then | Kanal) "300 "500 and Kanal) wef Teh) sm |e rack [open Sue an 2] Soom | ow | | an 20 |i. 74m fon, 74| mn te Facility / Playground 2 | coverers| tw |e [ nna |i 20 an] on. 25 3 | commercial ox psi ans [ni i nc oe] Me | axe 4) Bi, | rin ans fn 2%] tin am [oan 25 [nm [mn a5] nn ste ot tex 20 fie vs 2 ar 2 | mow 4 png 2 tan 5 | sent | 0 me weed | ek | es eines treat | mn 29 pn 30) Min, 40 [in 30 | in 30m 0 5 Roads foet feet feat fest feet: feet | Min. 20 feat, beer Mi 0] ran 20 mara pt to 50 eral apa 1 [ae tS) mar [10 ara cvs coon S| 5 Hara [Management i plot ‘kanal. f e [tesateny | Atper requirements of concerned . Sachin of scpunen one ae 2908 __ THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 Nouting Schome farm Aparonee ety Yacaieg ‘Sr scheme Scheme 2 sand use sg | (Not tess | tor tp| 200%0 | 509 | ¢aninimum ass than] less | thanioo | #292! lees tian] Kanal | Sheng 25 “Staml| tan | rane PSL} So] | eh cS) | oa] |e Buildings no Rona wi. (eeatees a . a | entzance | Min. 30 lin, 30] 300 Kanal! Min. 60 | Min, 80 | Min. 80 and serves | feet feet | A Min.60 | feet fest naps Pa in te the Eons ‘so ta Bene so,| ror | ttm, vin, feta. 9) ran. | ran | oan | wn | secety | shin ft Mae! Mone Sar] si sine In case of spartment housing scheme, minimum 2% area of total scheme area shall also be provided for parking of vehicle of residents of apartment housing scheme. Explanatior Example: ‘The housing scheme shall, if it consists of combination of different types of housing schemes, be planned in independent blocks following the planning standards of each category for calculation purposes and in the plan. a the public bullding, open spaces or graveyard may be located either in blocks or in the scheme as a whole; and (the major roads shail be provided separately for farm housing scheme and the housing scheme. submits the scheme for land measuring 690 kanal, having 300 Kanal for farm housing and 300 kanal for private housing scheme, the calculations for the ‘pen spaces shall be as follow: If 8 Sponsor Sr. No. Land use Farm Housing Scheme (300 Kanal) Private Housing Scheme (300 Kanal) THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2909 I. Open Space [ 21 Kanal 21K (van. (min, 7%) 7%) tal requirement of open space shall be 42 Kanals; and 'b) Other requirements: The local government concerned shall ensure that the following additional requirements are met by the sponsor: () accommodation of roads proposed In the master plan, outline development plon, land use pian, structure plan, agro-ville development plan or other allied plans; (i location of a tube well, overhead reservoirs, pumping stations and disposal stations to be provided if required by Water and Sanitation Agency or any ather department or agency; (iil) location of fire hydrant on the maln water line in open space, comimercial center and at regular interval along a road; (iv) displaying of a guide map at an entrance and other prominent locations In a housing scheme and board at the corner of road Indicating plot numbers and name of the blocks; () green strip under high tension electricity’ tines as per requirements of the concerned department or agency responsible for electricity. This strip shall be transferred to the local government free of cost as prohibited area and it shall be exclusive of area reserved for parks, Howaver,75 % area under High tension line shall be refaxed from the area required for Parks/open spaces. In case such area is more than 50 % of required area for open spaces |. 07 %, than 3.5 % shall be Provided by the sponsored/ develaper of the scheme; (vi) In a housing scheme, except the housing scheme of having an ‘area upto forty Kanal, a suitable provision for place of worship shail be made; (vityappraval of design and specification of water supply, sewerage, drainage system, electricity and street fight network, raad network, solid waste management system In accordance with the rules from the department responsible for approval of the same, except In housing scheme having an area less than forty kanal where the sponsor shall: (2) provide internal infrastructure and services; and (b) provide septic tank in each plot, in case public sewerage system 15 not avallable; (vil) Minimum 20% of total residential area shall be provided for apartments or small plots (3Maria-SMaria) or combination of both except in 3 farm housing scheme or apartment housing scheme or housing scheme less than 40 kanal; ; 2910__ THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) PECEMBER 26, 2022 wa (ix) graveyard shall be provided: a) within housing scheme or. (b) within nearby vicinity (within a radius of 5 kilometer) subject to the conditions that: I. land Is owned by the same sponsor; r il. site has appropriate access; and il, site is In conformity with Master Plan and land use plan of a local government concerned if available; (x) In addition to the land uses mentioned in rule 10(1)(a), area(s) for recreational purpose (e.g. camping parks, amusement parks, botanical gardens, min! zoo, golf course, ‘sports ground, etc.) may be provided in the layout plan. Ancillary land uses (residential, commercial, public buildings etc.) may also be provided within these recreation areas subject to the conditions that these provisions do not violate overall ‘planning standards and other requirements of the housing scheme; » (xin the housing scheme, the sponsor shall plant at least ten trees per kanal.of gross area of housing scheme, which shall be native to the region preferably fruit trees having minimum height of three feet; (xii) minimum four feet wide foot-path In road having right of way ‘of sixty feet and above shail be provided on both sides of road; (Gilijatea designated as park stall be exclusive of the area under green belt, véigé, footpath, rouiidabdllt, gréen Island or median ete. within the right of way of roads. Green belts, Greeti Islatids and open spaces other than right of way shall be inclusive of the parks area; ~ (Qdv)minimum 30 feet strip in front of commercial area for parking; and ) Area urider set back / green belts shall be inclusive of the parks/open spaces. ii. Suibintesion of documents.- (1) A sponsor shall, after technical clearance of the housing scheme, submit three sets of services designs, both in hard dnd Soft format, approved by the agencies concerned, to the leeal government. (2) A-sponsor shail submit no objection certificate obtained from Environment Protection Departrnent, Government of the Punjab. 12, Water supply, sewerage arid drainage.- (1) A sponsor shall: (a) - engage services of a qualified public health and structural engineér, registered with Pakistan Engineering Council, for “310 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 (ix) graveyard shall be provided: (2) within housing scheme or (>) within nearby vicinity (within a radius of $ kilometer) Subject to the conditions that: |, land Is owned by the same sponsor; Hl, site has appropriate access; and lil. site is In conformity with Master Plan and land use plan of @ local gavernment concerned if available; (x) In addition to the iand uses mentioned in rule 10(1}(a), area(s) for recreational purpose (e.g. camping parks, amusement parks, botanical gardens, mini 200, golf course, Sports ground, etc.) may be provided in the layout plan, Ancillary land uses (residential, commercial, public buildings etc.) may also be provided within these recreation areve subject to the conditions that these provisions do not violate ‘overall planning standards and other requirements of the housing scheme; (in the housing scheme, the sponsor shall plant at jeast ten es per kanal of gross area of housing scheme, which shall be native to the region preferably fruit trees having minimum eight of three feet; (Call)minimum four feet wide foot-path in road having right of way Of sixty feet and above shall be provided on both sides of road; (uxliarea designated as park shall be exclusive of the area under green belt, Varad, footiath, roundabout, green island or Median gfe. within the right of way of roads. Green belts, Green islands and open spaces other than Hght of way shall be inclusive of the parks area; (xlvjminimum 30 feet strip in front of commercial area for parking; and ‘(Qw) Area. under set back / gréen belts shall be inclusive of the porks/open spaces, 11. Submission of documents.- (1) A sponsor shall, after technical Clearance of the housing scheme, submit three Sets of services designs, both In hard arid soft format, appréved by the agencies concerned, to the local government. (2) A sponsor shall submit no objection certificate obtained from Environment Protection Department, Government of the Punjab. 12. Water supply, sewerage and drainage.- (1) A sponsor shall: (8) engage services of a qualified public health and structural engineer, registered with Pakistan Engineering Council, for 2911 the preparation of detalled design and specifications of water Supply, sewerage and drainage systems; (b) “ensure that the design and specifications, are in accordance with law, rules, master plan and guidelines of the agency responsible for the approval; and my () ensure that water supply, sewerage and drainage lines are Provided '6n both'sides of road but, If provided only along one side of a toad, undérground eoniections for properties on the other side of road. shall be provided before road pavement. (2) A sponsor shall, in areas where public trunk sewer does not exist, abide by the fequirements of an agency maintaining a sewerage System anc shall ensure disposal of sewerage to the satisfaction of the agency. (3)__ A sponsor at his cost shall connect sewerage and drainage pystem of the scheme to a public trunk sewer wherever available subject to appraval of the agency maintaining a sewerage system. (4) After connecting the system to a public trunk sewer, the same may be taken over by the agency for operation, mainteniance and billing, (5) A sponsor shall submit four sets of the following documents or Grawings to the Idcal government concerned: (0) detailed designs and specifications of water supply and water quality testing arrangement, sewerage and drainage system; (b) number of tube wells, their copacity, chamber design, the detalls of bore hole and connection with water supply System, including tube well logs (strata chart), details of tube well machinery and installation detail; (c) number of overhead tanks, dapacity, design, structure design and design calculation detalls along with structural stability; ~ (a) design for ultimate disposal of the sewage; and (2) _lecation of septic or soakage well, where disposal is not available, 13. Road network and parking.- A sponsor shall! (a) engage the services of a qualified civil or structural engineer, registered with Pakistan Engineering ‘Council, for preparation of detailed design and specifications of road network including underpasses and bridges and parking areas; (by) ensure that the design. and specifications. are in accordance with law, master plan, land use plan and Suidelines of agency responsible for approval of the same; le 2912 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2027 Xe) ensure that foot paths are provided on both sides of a major road; ' (d) ensure that service road Is provided on both sides of a road with more than 80 feet right of way; and (8) submit to the local government concerned four sets of the following documents, or drawings: () design and specifications far a road network, bridge and foot path and parking in accordance with law, rules, master plan and guidelines of the agency responsible for approval of the same; (I). geometric design of road netwark and junctions; (lil) ~— design of appurtenance and structure; (iv) road drainage design; (v) landscape design for a road network; (vi) design of street furniture and fixtures; and (vil) detail of trattic control devices. 14, Electricity and street light plan.- A sponsor shal (a) prepare design and specification of electricity and street or publie lighting and the street or public lighting shall be designed through the most energy efficient lights as may be ‘specified by approving authority, agency or department; (b) submit these designs and’ specifications to concerned agency responsible-for the provision of electricity and street of public lights foF approval (c)- ensuiré/*that designs “are prepared by an electrical sengineér, registered with Pakistan Engineering Council, and approved by the agency ee fer provision of , Blectricity;. and, (d)... install ar provide energy efficient: ligts.tor street or pubite lighting as may be specified.,by. approving authority, agency or department at the time of approval... 15. Landscape plan.- A sponsor shall, submit to the local government ‘concétned, a landscape plan for parké,’ per’ spates, ‘playarounds, sports facility, Ineluding tree ‘plantation on, both sides "of" & road and In open space’: """." 46, Solld waste management plan.- Management plan which shall include a plan showing location of the proposed dust bins, storage plots or places aiid collection and disposal of solid waste along-with agreement with the ‘concerned Waste manageient company and In Its absence with the coficémed local goverriment Including the payment module. a7 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2913” 217. Gas supply charges.- (1) A sponsor shall, within one year of the approval of the housing scheme, deposit charges and costs for provision of gas (If available in the vicinity) In accordance with the requirements of Sul Norther Gas Pipeline Company under intimation to the local government concerned. (2) _In case of non-availability of gas in the vicinity, a sponsor shall provide to the local government concerned a certificate from Sul Northern Gas Pipeline Company. 28. Telephone.- A sponsor shall, within three years of the development of a housing scheme, ensure availability of telephone facilities under intimation to the local government concerned. 13. Underground services.- (1) 4 sponsor shall ensure that utility services such as water supply, sewerage, sul gas and cable fines are laid underground before construction of reads. * (2) In the area where topography does not permit laying of underground services, exemption may be granted by the lacal government concerned upon certification ef the concerned agency. 20. Processing of services designs.- On submission of the services designs as appraved by the concerned agencies: (a) the Chief Officer of the local government on the report of Planning Officer shall forward, within four working days, the design for verification to the agency or agencies responsible for its approval; (b), the concerned agency shall, within five working days, convey’ its verification or otherwise to the local government concerned under intimation to the sponsor; (¢) in case of refusal of verification of any service design by an agency, the sponsor may resubmit the approved service design to the local gavernment concerned; {d) upon resubmisston of service design by the sponsor, the same shall be got verified from the agency concerned; {e) upon receipt of verification of all services designs from the agencies concemed the local government concerned shall Inform the sponsor, in writing, within five working days; and (f) the sponsor shail forthwith submit a soft and hard copy of approved services design to the concerned local government. 21. Pre-requisites for approval of a housing scheme.- (1) The local ‘government concerned before approval of a housing scheme shall ensure fulfillment of the following requirements: (a) deposit approval fee; (b) deposit conversion fee under rule 28; | 2914” THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 fe) (a) (e) (fy (9) depesit fee for a public notice to be published in two Urdu and one English delly national newspaper giving Getalis of mortgaged plots and the salient features of the approved housing scheme and publish the same on the official website, if available; execute a transfer deed on Form-B, B41, B2 for free of cost transfer to the local government concerned in the ‘office of Sub Registrar, the total area reserved for roads, Parks, open spaces, sports facility/ playground, graveyard, parking, green strip (prohibited area), solid waste management and such other services and fifty Percent area of minimum limit of public building sites excluding the area of mosque-or worship; execute martgage deed on Form-C, C1, in favour of the local government concerned in the office of Sub Reglstrar to the extent of twenty percent saleable ares of the housing scheme or 10% of the saleable plots in case of farm housing scheme as security for completion of development warks; Verification of no: objection certificate from Environment Protection Department, Government of the Punjab; and verification of approved services designs, (2) The sponsor and the concerned lecal government before ‘approval of housing scheme, chall ensure that the mortgage deed and transfer deed are executed, registered and Incorporated in the revenue record in the following manner: . (a) (b) co the transfer of land reserved for roads, pubic bulldings, parks, open spaces, sports facility’ playground, graveyard, parking, green strip (prohibited area), solid waste management and such other services In the name of the local government concerned Is mutated in the revenue record; the mortgage of the plots in favour of the local government concerned is mutated In the revenue record; and the housing scheme Is Incorporated In the revenue record after approval of the District Collector. 22, Approval of housing scheme.- (1) After fulfilment of the above requirements, the local government concerned shall issue a formal letter of approval in Form-D. (2) The marketing or advertisement and sale of plots shall be allowed after accord of approval under sub rule (1) and upon payment of approval fee, penalty, If any, execution of transfer and mortgage deeds and Incorporation of the same in revenue record but the sponsor shall not THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022, 2918 be absolved of the responsibility to comply with the marketing requirements under any other law. (3) _ The sponsor shall not market or sell any mortgaged residential ‘plot unless it has been redeemed from the local government concerned , and the plot is released by executing a Redemption Deed. 23. Public notice.- The local government concerned shall, at the cost of the sponsor, publish In two daily national newspapers a public notice In Form E, giving details of mortgaged and residential plots and salient features ‘of the approved housing scheme and also publish it on the official website, 24, Fee.- (1) The sponsor shall depostt to the local government or the agency concemed, es the case may be, a fee for: (a) approval of @ housing scheme at the rate of rupees one thousand per kanal for the total hausing scheme area; (b) approval of service design and specifications for water supply, Sewerage and drainage at the rate of rupees five hundred per Kanal for the total housing scheme area; and (©) approval of service design and specifications for roads, bridges, underpasses and footpaths of a housing scheme at the rate of rupees five hundred per kanal for the total housing scheme area. (2) _ The sponsor shall deposit. to the agency concemed for approval of service design and specifications for electricity, gas, telephone and street or public lighting or any other related service design or No Objection Certificate at the rate fixed by the agency. 25. Fee for revised layout plan and service designs.- (1) A sponsor shall deposit the fee for appraval of a revised layout plan or service design of an already approved scheme at the rate of fifty percent of the fee mentioned in rule 25. (2) _In case the revision application is for newly added area In an already approved housing scheme, the fee shall be payable at the rate prescribed for a new housing scheme, 26. Fee for transfer, renaming or amalgamation of scheme.- A sponsor shall deposit 25% of the prevailing fee applicable for approval of a housing scheme under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of rule 25. 27. Fee for conversion of land use.-.A sponsor shall deposit fee for conversion of land under the Punjab Land use Plan (Classification, Reclassification and Redevelopment) Rules, 2020 or any other land use rules, 28. Penalty for Illegal development.- The local government ‘concerned besides any sther action, may Impose the penalty under the law'on @ sponser, If the sponsor: develops or continues to develop a housing scheme without approval or falls to develop a housing scheme |" 2916 __ THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 within the stipulated period after approval of the local government ‘concermed. 29. Action against violations.- The local government concerned shall take appropriate action under the law against a sponsor in case any provision of the rules is violated. 30. Default and action.- (1) Deputy Commissioner concerned, on report of Chief Officer of a local government, shall impose a ban on gale and purchase of plots in illegal scheme. (2) _ An agency responsible for provision of utility services such as Sui Gas, Electricity, Water Supply, Street Lighting, Sewerage and Solid Waste Management shall not provide its services in an illegal schema. (3) _On start of development work in Illegal scheme, a local government may without prior notice suspend work, seal the premises and demolish illegally developed structure or infrastructure. (4) _ In addition to the abova, the lacal government concerned-may take over the development works of the scheme and execute the development works from the sale proceeds of mortgaged plots. (5) IF the cost af development is more than the proceeds as mentioned in sub-rule (4}, the local government concerned may recover the extra amount from the sponsor as arrears of land revenue, 32, Advertisement and sale of plots.- (1) A sponsor shall not advertise plots or housing units In print or electranic media or In any other manner, without prior approval of housing scheme under rule 23 by tha local government concerned. (2) A. sponsor shall not ‘sell plots or housing units in print or electronic media or in any other manner, without prior approval of housing scheme under rule 23 by the local government concerned. (3) The local government concerned may within fifteen days after fulnliment of the conditions,’ prescribed for purpose, grant no objection certificate to a sponsor under sub-rule (1). (4) The contents of advertisernent shall Include: (2) total area of the housing scheme along with location plan; (b) total number of residential and commercial plots with area; (c) detail of public building sites; (d) detail of mortgaged plots (2) detall_ of parks, open spaces, sports facility, playgrounds; (A) period for completion of development works; (9) mame of approving authority and approval number and dat ‘THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 (h) procedure of allotment through balloting or otherwise: Gi and details of plots to be sold, 32. Execution of agreement.- (1) A sponsor shall execute a registered agreement with the allottee at the time of booking of a plot or constricted house. (2) The agreement shall also include the following terms and conditions: (2) the number ef the allotted property shall not be changed (b) (c) (d) (e) (g) (h) w Gy without prior consent, in writing, of the allottee; & sponsor shall ensure that an allottee becomes member of a resident association and is bound to pay management and maintenance charges on regular basis; allotment of a property shail not be cancelled without prior notice of at least 15 days, sent to the allottee through registered post Indicating the reasons for such cancellation; ‘the date of handing over possession of the property shall be indicated; notwithstanding anything in the contract, in case of delayed handing over of possession of the plot er property beyond the stipulated date, the sponsor shall be liable to Pay an amount equivalent to 2% per month of the amount paid by the allottee; In case the cancellation of property is due to the non- Payment of installment of the price of property, at least ‘one opportunity for making the required payment shall be given to the allottee; in case of non-payment of development charges, at least two opportunities for making the required payment shall be given to the allottee; in case of cancellation due to default of the allottee, ten Percent of the paid price of the property shall be deducted and the balance amount shall be refunded within six months of cancellation; development charges per plot shall be clearly defined in the terms and conditions and shall not be Increased without written permission of the lecal goverment concerned; and ‘on payment of full installments, the sponsor shall Immediately execute the sale deed in favour of the allottee: 7 2017 3018 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 wins sponsor shall submit to the local government concemed » cary of every booking agreement duly registered ond sale or plats, on monthly basis, 35._Execution of sale deed.- The sponsor, on receipt of full payment Of a plot or property, sholl Immediately execute the sole deed mi foo of the purchaser or allottee. ' i 34. Development of an approved scheme.- The sponsor shell: (a) execute all development works within the time mentioned as under: (0 wo years, in case of housing scheme of an area up to hundred kanal; (i) three years, In case of housing schemes of more than hundred kanal upto three hundred kanal; and (Hi) five years, in case of housing scheme of an aren above three hundred kanal; (P) undertake development works after issuance of approval Of the housing scheme. 35. Monitoring of development works.- (1) The local goverment oncemed shall ensure that there Is no deviation: from the approed housing scheme plan, (2) ihe local government concerned or agency whieh’ approved Setvice design end specifications or any person authorized by ether af them shall: (2) conduct, without prior notice, regular site visits to ensure that development works are being executed in conformity with approved design and specifications; (b) carry out hydraulic tests for sewer and water supply lines; (©) determine testing laboratory, types and numbar of tests to be performed; (4) complete testing and Inspection prior to back filling of treriches and paving road surface; (e) Intimate the sponsor to ‘rectify any deviations from Approved desion and specifications; and , (0) take action against the deviations or violations as per law. (3) Assponsor shail: . (2) Prior to commencement of development works, inform the "agency which approved design and specifications In writing Of his intentlari to commence the development works; (b) engage services of public health, structural and electrical enginigers, registered with Pakistan Engineering Council, to ensure -quallty “control and execution of works in go ‘THE PUNSAD GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2919 accordance with an approved design and specifications; and “a (¢) rectify”any deviations from the approved design and specifications as intimated under clause (e) of sub-rule §ay * + (4) ., Testing’ and Inspections carried out by the Agency which ‘approved design and specifications shall be at the cost of the sponsor, 36. Extension in time.- (1) If a sponsor falls to complete the developrnent works within the given time owing to reasons beyond his {2) [he local ‘government concerned may extend development Period for less than two years en payment of penalty as prescribed in cuts rule (1) proportionate to the period requested by the sponsor If ie te jausfied that the remaining development work can be completed in such lesser period. (3) Jn case of a housing scheme approved prior to the Enforcement of the rules; the local government concerned may, ona raen request of sponsor, allow extension for maximum of twa Years, {respective of the Ume lapsed, on payment of the sum of rupees ten fiousend per kanal per annum for the total area of the scheme but ne further extension shall be allowed. 37. Release of mortgaged plots, (1) A local government shat! felease mortgaged plots in following jpraportion on completion of development works as follows: [@) [water Supply, Sewerage and drainage: 25% (b) | roads work 25% (¢)_| electricity and street lights 25% (d) | sul gas or in case the service is not avaliable, a| 10% ‘certificate from the Sul Northern Gas Limited abdut nen-availability of the same for the _| Scheme (2) | Horticulture works 10% [(0__| Solld waste management system 5% nite lea! government concemed shall release the mortgage blots proportionate to development works after: 2920__ THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 (a) obtaining reports regarding completion of works from the concerned agency under the approved design and specifications; or (b) Im case of Electricity and Sut Gas obtaining report of ‘completion of works from the concerned agencies. 38. Management of housing scheme.- (1) After development works are completed and plots are handed over to allotees, plot owners’ / residents’ association of a scheme, incorporated under the Cooperative Societies Act 1925, shall be responsible for its management and maintenance. (2) The plot owners’ / residents’ association of scheme shall manage and maintain water supply, sewerage, drainage, street light, electricity, park, open spaces, sports facility, playgrounds, road, solid waste, parking and graveyard till such time that these services are taken ever by the Government, local government or its agency. (3) The plot owners’ / residents’ association of scheme shall make security arrangements and manage buildings of common use such as mosques and clubs. (4) The allottees or residents shall contribute proportionately for management and maintenance of the scheme 39. Cancellation of approved scheme.- (1) In case a sponsor Is unable to develop or complete an approved housing scheme within the stipulated tima, he may apply to the local government concerned for the cancellation of the housing scheme subject to the condition that he has net sold any plot in the housing scheme, provides such surety as the local government concerned deems appropriate and deposits the requisite fee for publication ef a public notice In two Urdu and one English newspapers at the cast of the spensor, (2) Subject to the conditions mentioned In sub-rule (1) and after hearing the public objections, if any, the local government concarned may cancel the housing scheme subject to the fulfillment of the following condition by the sponsor: (a) upon deposit of all outstanding dues Including fine; and (b) upon payment of fifty percent af the value of public building areas transferred to the local gavernment concerned as per the valuation table of the year of submission of application (3) Upon fulfillment of conditions faid dovin In sub-rule (2), the local government concerned shall be bound to transfer and redeem to the sponsor all the lands transferred and mortgaged in the name of the lacel government concerned under the rules. (4) Nothing jin this rule shall have the effact of absolving the sponsor of any lability or claim of a third person on account of the cancellation of the approved housing scheme. 2° THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2921 40. Committee for an approved housing scheme if sponsor is not available. In case a housing scheme was approved prior to the enforcement of the rules but has not been developed and the sponsor is not available, the persons interested, if any, may constitute a committee registered under the Cooperative Societies Act 1925 for purposes of approval of revised plan, release of mortgaged plots, development of the housing scheme and other allied matters. 41, Transfer of approved housing scheme, (1) The local government concemed may allow the transfer of an approved housing scheme from a sponsor to another spansor subject to fulfilment of the following conditions: (a) provisian of valid sate deeds of the housing scheme; (b) submission and execution of the agreement between the sponsors with the approval of the local government concerned that the sponsor shall abide by all the terms and conditions of the approved housing scheme; (c) public notice to be published in two national Urdu and one English newspapers for calling objections from the general public and settlement of the objections, if any; (@) payment of fee for transfer of the housing scheme; and (é) transfer of all assets, rights and tlabiiittes, (2)_ The transfer to the new sponsor shall not absolve the original sponsor of any lability arising at any stage. ~ 42. Amalgamation of approved housing schemes.- (1) The local government concemed may allow amalgamation of two or more approved housing schemes, on payment of fee prescribed in rule 27, subject to the follawing conditions (2) public notice to be published in two national Urdu and ‘one English newspapers for calling objections from the ‘general public and settiement of objections, if any; (b) payment of fee for amalgamation of housing schemes; (c) dearance of the outstanding dues, if any; and (4) transfer of all assets, rights and liabtitties. (2) The amalgamation of approved housing schemes shall not absolve the original sponsors from any liability artsing at any stage. 43. Revision of approved housing scheme. (1) The local government concerned may allow revision of an approved housing scheme on payment of fee prescribed in rule 27 subject to the following conditions: (@) fulfilment of all financial requirements (fees and Penalties) of the already approved area; 2922 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 (b) fulfilment of requirements under rules 6, 7, 8 and 9 to the extent of additional area, if any; () serutiny of housing. scheme plan as per planning standards; (d) public notice to be published In two national Urdu and one English newspapers for invitation: of objection regarding change In layout plan and ownership of additional land; - (@) technical clearance; (f)_ payment of approval fee or penalty or beth; (g) execution of mortgage deed and transfer ceed, if required; (Mv) approval of services designs, if required; 4) final approval; and @) No Objection Certificate Issued by Provincial Environmental Protection Agency. (2) For revision In the plan of an approved housing scheme, the sites earmarked for public amenities in approved housing schemes can be changed however, open spaces shail net be shifted to a different location in the revised layout pian, except If: fa) _ no plots have been sold in the scheme: or (b} the sponsor has provided no objection certificates from the buyers of sold plots facing the open space required to be changed after Issuance of public notice specifying proposed changes. (3) No revised scheme shall be entertained and approved unless the local government concerned has granted two years extension in the development period In accordance with the rules except In case of schemes where development works has already been completed. (4) The spensor shall not be allowed any extra time for executing the reviged scheme, However, in case of revision of an approved housing scheme, where development works have already been completed, the sponsor shall complete the development works as per revised plan in two years, Ifany, (5) If before the expiry of the development period, the sponsor submits the revised plan which includes an additional area, the local government concerned may, In accardance with the rules, grant extension in the development period but only to the extent of the additional area. (6) The sponsor shall, while revising the layout plan of the housing scheme, follow the existing planning standards or the planning standards under the rules under which the housing scheme was ‘THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2923 approved, In case of additlonel area, the existing planning standards shall be applicable. (7) _In case of open or unapproved pockets within the already approved scheme, the same sponsor shall submit the proposal along with already approved layout plan, (8) The ownership docurnents to the extent of proposed packets shall be scrutinized by the local government concerned on the pattern of tules of new housing scheme. (9) The scrutiny fee shall be charged of the unapproved pockets, (10) ‘The planning standards shall be applicable on the aggregated areas of open or unapproved pockets. (11) In case different sponsor want to develop a housing scheme on any portion of land lying vacant within or adjacent to an already approved scheme with access or right of way from approved scheme In addition. to other requirements, mutual consent of the sponsors shall be mandatory regarding already approved schemes whose right of way oF any other facility Is to be utilized or shared by the other housing scheme proposed in the pocket of land, (12) One time partial revision for maximum of 10% area of scheme shall be made subject to the following: (a) payment of penalties, If any; (b) submission of complete housing scheme plan showing boundary of area proposed for modification; (c) scrutiny of the housing scheme plan as per the planning standards; (4) no change in planning standards; (e) location of area or plot reserved for park, open spaces or public buildings or sparts facility shall not be altered; (f) public natice regarding changes in plan; (g) technical clearance; (nh) payment of approval fee for the revised area; (execution of mortgage deeds in case of change of mortgaged plots; (J) ‘execution of transfer deed in case of change in public bulidings transferred to local government concerned; (k) approval of services designs in case of any major change; and () fina! approval Note: in case, sponsor provide graveyard in his adjacent appraved ‘scheme, then partial revision of approved scheme for this particular 2924 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 purpose shall not cease the right of sponsar of one time partial revision, 44, Change of name of approved scheme. (1) A local government concerned may allow @ sponsor to change the name of approved scheme on payment of fee prescribed in rule 27 subject to fulfillment of the following conditions: (a) application for change of name of approved private housing scheme or farm housing scheme; and (b) public notice, at the cost of the sponser, for calling objections from the general public and settlement of the objections, if any. 45. Appeal,- (1) Any person aggrieved by an action taken under the rules, may, within sixty days, file an appeal before the Secretary. (2) _An appeal under the rules shall consist of an application signed iy the agarieved person and shall include a copy of the computerized national identity card of the aggrieved person, a copy of the impugned notification of order and any ather dacument relevant to the appeal. (3). The Secretary shall afford an opportunity of hearing to the aggrieved person himself, through an officer or a duly constituted ‘committee, and decide the appeal within ninety days and communicate its decision to the parties. 46. Repeal and savings.- (1) The Punjab Private Housing Scheme and Land Sub-division Rules 2010 are hereby repealed. (2) For purposes of finalization of applications for development of private housing schemes in which preliminary planning permission fee under rule 38 of the repealed Punjab Private Housing Scheme and Land Sub-division Rules 2010 had been deposited in bank account of a lacal government and preliminary planning permission had been issued, the local government shall, for the disposal of such applications, apply the planning standards contained in the repealed rules mentioned in sub-rule (. SECRETARY : GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT” (AKHTAR JAVAID) ‘Secretary ‘Government of the Punjab Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department ‘THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 2: Form-A [Rule 7(9)) Punjab Private Housing Schemes Rules 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE (Name, location and addiress of scheme) ‘The public is hereby Informed that M/s (Name of sponsor) (Address of sponsor) 5 ‘has applied to a __sfor approval of a scheme located, at Khasra____ Muza Testi having a total area of kanal mara square feet. Detail list of Khasra Numbers alongwith Mauza Is: | Any person having abjection against approval of the scheme or title of land may, within | fifteen days of publication of this notice, submit the same in writing to undersigned. Any abjection filed after due date shall not be entertained, This notice shall not be taken a commitment af for approval of the scheme, Name of the officer Designation eS - Address | Phone, 2926 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 Form-B [Rule 21(1}(4)] Punjab Private Housing Schemes Rules 2022 ‘TRANSFER DEED This TRANSFER DEED made at ‘on the — day of, in year by sponsor’ CHIC Nojs. of the Scheme Located at Mouza hereinafter called the ‘Transteror IN FAVOUR OF Jocal government hereinafter called the “Transferee” WHEREAS the Transfer | ® _absohte owner with possession of land measuring Se lt at | square feet. tearing Khasra NOs. in Mouza | Tehsil] Town District, AND WHEREAS ____has approved layout plan of scheme on | land of the Trneterr, wituang the res uncer revenue paths and water courses measuring a total of kanal marin measuring © 1001 OF care (eal A oll area of kanal maria ‘Square feet. (shown in the plan at annex I) Is reserved for public use as detailed below and thereinafter called the property: Sr. | Public Land Use Kanal | maria | Sq. ft. \ No, i 1, | Road 2.__| Park / Open Space / Sports Facility / playground | 3__| Graveyard _| | 4,_| Public building | 5. | Water Supply, Disposal station and pumping | station | 6.__| Solid Waste Management Site \ 2._| Parking 1 i Total: Schedule of area under the property Is at annex II, 3) THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2927 ~ NOW THEREFORE, this deed witnesses as follows: 4. That the transferor hereby warrants that he / she is the absolute owner of the Property and no person whatsoever has any charge, encumbrance, lien or mortgage ‘over the property and same Is free there from. 2. That In consideration of public welfare the transferor hereby transfers to the ‘Transferee free of charge all his / her rights, interests, easements, appurtenant hereto in the property and to hold the same to the transferee as absolute and lawful owner. 3. That the Transferor further agrees that all times hereinafter, ‘upon request and at expense of the Transferee, to execute or cause to be executed lawful deed and act whatever for better and more perfectly conveying and assuring the property for the Trensferee, its heirs, executors, administrators, assignees as shall be reasonably required by the Transferee and placing It in its possession or same according to true interests and meaning of this Deed. 4, That even after execution of this transfer deed the transferor will be responsible for maintenance. of area transferred till such time that the same Is taken over by an agency responsible for maintenance, 5. That the transferor shall abide by conditions Imposed in the Mortgage Deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Transferor has as here: into set his hand on the day and the year first above weltten, THE TRANSFEROR, Signed Name ENIC No. ‘Address WrTness 1 WITNESS 2 Signed Signed Name Name Q\IC No, CHIC No, Address . Address tr (2928 THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 Form-Bi, Punjab Private Housing Schemes Rules 2022 Layout pian of scheme {approved Layout Plan of the scheme showing land transferred through the Transfer = Deed) ¥ Form-22, Punjab Private Housing Schemes Rules 2022 ‘Schedule of the property 2 1, Park / Open Space / Sports Fact /payoround Area uniter | Block — | Dimension | Kanal Maras 3a. [ [ ‘Total Area —L 2. Public Ducng plots (Min. Plot ue (a é number | Block SO" Feanal [Mala] Sq . 1. ‘Total Area —. 3. Graveyard Plot Area: number} Beck — | Dimenson Kanal [Marla] Sq. fe © 2930_ THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 4. Other plots es . ae Block | Di a number Kanal [Maria | Sq. fe 1 | Total Area 5, Total area under roads Kanal 6. Total area under Parki Marla. | Sq. ft 231 ‘THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 Farm-C [Rule 21(1)(e)) Punjab Private Housing Schemes Rules 2022 MORTGAGE DEED THIS MORTGAGE DEED Is made at month of in the year Ms. Po Me —_,_ (hereinafter referred to as the mortgagor which expression, where the context 50. adits, shall Include heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatlves, assigns, and successors) of the ist part AND the local government of the second part, WHEREAS the: mortgagor applied for kanals sift, bearing khasra In Mouzas.. $e Tesi District, Re The scheme is approved and the mortgagor has agreed to mortgage twenty percent (ten percent in case ofa farm housing scheme) ofthe saleable area of the sald scheme ‘with local government. NOW this deed witnesses as follows: 1) As a security for provision of development works In the scheme, the mortgagor hereby grants, assures, demises and mortgages to local government following plats. Pot ea number] Block | Dimension [Naa Sa) Total Area ‘The moftgaged plots are also shown in red color en the scheme plan at annex C4. oF 2932_‘THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 2) The mortgagor shall pay stamp duties, registration charges and other incidental expenses for and in connection with this or any other document to be required In respect of redemption of this martgage deed. 3) The mortgagor shall submit and get” approved designs of services from the concerned design approving agencies and completes development work within the stipulated time period after approval of the scheme. 4) The mortgagor shall provide paved roads, sewerage system, drainage system, water sunply system, electriNeation and street lights, horticulture works,. solid waste management system, gas etc. within the scheme area, 5) The mortgagor or the plot owners shall pay the proportionate cost of constructicn of trunk sewers, sewerage disposal station on proportionate served area basis as and when demanded by the concemied design approving agency. 6) The local government shall release mortgaged plots, in prapartion to develapment. works, on obtaining fleld report from an agency, which approved design and ‘specifications about the satisfactory completion of work as follows: a, bwenty five percent of martgaged plots on one hundred percent completion of wabsr supply, sewerage and drainage works; b. twenty five percent af mortgaged plots on one hundred percent completion of row, bridge and foatpath works; c twenty five percent of mortgaged plots on one hundred percent completion of electricity and streetlight network; d. Fifteen percent of mortgaged plots on one hundred percent payment of gas charges; and e. ten percent of mortgaged plots on one hundred percent completion of horticulture ‘and solid waste management works. 7) On completion of development works, the operation and maintenance of the Infrastructure, public and utility services in the scheme shall be the responsibility of the residents and/or the plot owners tll such time that the same are taken over by the concerned agencies. 8) The focal government shall not be responsible for undertaking development warks in the scheme. If the mortgagor falls to do so and the local government decides to undertake development works, the mortgagor will provide additional funds, if so required, for the development works over and above the amount recelved from the sole of the mortgaged plots. 9) If at any stage, the land! under the scheme or any part thereof is required by the local government or the Government for any puiblic purpose, the mortgagor or his successor in interest or any other person claiming any right or interest in the sald land shall have no objection to its acquisition, ay local government's rights to execute the necessai | present It for registration THE PUNJAB GAZETTE (EXTRA ORDINARY) DECEMBER 26, 2022 _2933,| 10) The plots mortgaged to the local government shall be open to inspection at any ‘time by any officer deputed for the purpose. 41) The mortgagor and or all plot owners of the scheme shall pay to the local government the Betterment Fee as and when levied. 112) The mortgagor hereby covenants with the local government and guarantees that hne/she: ‘@, shall from time to time and all times hereafter comply with all rules, regulations and byelavrs framed by the local government under the respective laws. b. has exclusive and absolute ownership of the mortgaged property In which no one ‘else has any claim, concer, right or Interest of whatsoever nature. | ©. has @ legal right, full power, absolute authority to mortgage such property by way ‘of such mortgage deed. 6. has not, prior to the date of these presents, done, made, committed, caused or knowingly done any act under a deed or matter whereby the righf to so mortgage has been or may be Impaired. , hereby declares that the property offered as security for provision of development works Is free from all sorts of encumbrances and charges and undertakes that the sald | Property shall not be sold or charged without the prior appraval in writing of the local government, 5 £. shall not put the property in any other charge or otherwise transfer the same or ary part thereof in any way and would keep and hold the local government secured harmless and indemnified against all losses and damages caused to be suffered or | sustained by the local government as @ result of any defect In title or any claim.or demand preferred by any one with respect to the property or any part thereof. 4. shall keep the property mortgaged with the local government as security for the provision of development works to the satisfaction of the local government. 13) In case the mortgagor fails to provide the development works as required by the local government under the preceding clauses, the local government without: any further notice te of concurrence on the part of the mortgagor shall be entitled to: } a. take possession of the mortgaged property. ard b. sell or dispose of the said property or any part thereof together or in parcel on the account and at the risk of mortgagor elther privately or by publlc auction or by private contract on such terms and conditions 3s the local government shall think fit and proper, without the bid and intervention of a court af law and without prejudice to the

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