Hsslive Xi English March 2020 QN

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Reg. No.

Name : ..


Part - I Time :2% Hours

ENGLISH Cool-off time : 15 Minutes
Maximum : 80 Scores

Genersl Instructions to Condidates :

o There is a 'Cool-off time' of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time.

o ljse the'Cool-off time'to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
. Read questions carefully before answering.

o Write answer to the specific number of questions as instructed.

o Electronic devices are not ailowed in the examination hall.

(Questions 1-4: Answer the questions as directed) (4x l=4)
Read the excerpt from 'The Serang ofRanaganji' and answer the questions that follow.

"i{ow shall I describe the solace which flowed towards me from him as he stood there
in meditation, with his long arms folded on his bare chest,'.motionless as a statue ?

gWhen a sick man groaned faintly;(he would step forward, dithout sound,l to succour

r , 1 What makes the narrator feel solaced ?

2. What is the figure ofspeech used in the expression 'motionless as a statue' ?

3. Pick out two expressions that describe the physical features of the character in the

4. Find out the word in the passage which means 'give assistance or aid to'.

FY.Ol P.T.O.
(Questions 5 - 9 : Rewrite as directed.)

Use appropriate fbrms of the words given in the brackets to fill in the blanks.

C'arnbridgc'. (l)

did". (l )

1. C'ornplete the following sentences to know how Gupta would report his conversation
with Maggie.

Gupta asked, "What is it, Maggie ?"

Maggie replied, "Come into the sitting room and I will tell you."

I asked Maggie

Maggie replied Q\

tt. Complete the fbllowing passage with suitable rvords selected from those given in the
box. Q)

A lthough But Nevertheless

Hawking joined University College, his father's college and the oldest at Oxford.
(a) , for about a year and a half, he was lonely and bored. (b) halfway

through his second year, he began enjoying Oxford.

9. Identify the errors and edit appropriately.

Hawking was conf-rdent that he can get through successfully. But he ended up
disastrously in the borderline between a first and a second. (2)

FY-01 2
(Questions l0 - 13) : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
follow : (4 x | = 4l
Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with your point of view.
According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, there are three basic tools of
persuasion : ethos, pathos and logos.

Ethos is a speaker's way of convincing the audience that he/she is a credible

source. Pathos is the speaker's way of connecting with an audience's emotions. Logos
is the use of facts, information, statistics, or other evidence to make his/her argument
more convincing.

Although ethos, pathos and logos - all have their strength, they are often most
effective when they are used together. Indeed' most speakers use a cornhination of
ethos, pathos and logos to persuade their audience.

10. Find out the word from the passage which means'able to be believed'.

II . According to the passage, the most eff'ective tool of persuasion is

12. Define persuaslon.

13. Give a suitable title to the passage.

(Questions 14-16) : Answer all questions. Each carries 2 scores. (3 x2 = 6)

14. "Was there ever a scene so awfully grand ?" What was the awfully grand scene that the
narrator mentions in the poem 'The Wreck of the Titanic' '/

15. 'My objection to it is that it stops the brain.'Max Beerbohrn commented like this about
'walking for walking's sake'. What made him say so ?

16. What does Rudyard Kipling say about one's attitude to'success and failure' in his poem
,lf ?
FY-01 3 P.T.O.
(Questions 17 - 18) : Answer in two or three sentences. Each carries 3 scores.
17 . You have a differently abled friend like Greta. You felt empathetic to him/her, after
having read the story 'Conceptual Fruit'.
You think that computer knowledge can help him/her in future. So, you decide to send
him/her a text message to communicate this idea. Draft the text message.

18. 'Country life has its advantages,' says Nicholai in the story'Gooseberries'. Mention the
advantages of life in a country side.

(Questions 19-23) : Answer any 3 questions in about 80 words. Each carries 4

scores. (3 x 4: 12)

19. H.W. Longfellow picturises the beauty of hills and valleys bathed in the glorious light
of sun in his poem, 'Sunrise on the Hills'. Describe the beauty of the hills and valleys
as presented in the poem.

20. Prepare a profile of Kamala Surayya, an Indian En-elish poet and Malayalam author,
based on the given hints.

Kamala Surayya (31" March 1934 - 31" May 2009)

Pet name Amy
Other name Madhavikutty
Married name Kamala Das
Born at Punnayurkulam
Notable works My Story
Summer in Calcutta.
Au'ards Sahitya Academy Award,
Ezhuthachan Puraskaram,
Muttathu Varkey Award,
Vayalar Award.
Asan World Prrze.

2t. Mr. Gupta in the story 'The Price of Flowers' is a typical representative of Indians who
can accommodate all others regardless of their caste and financial status. What other
qualities do you notice in him ?

Attempt a character appraisal of Mr. Gupta. '

22. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam exhorts the youth to be unique. How can you be unique when
everyone wants you to foliow others ? Write about your vision.

24. Internet is the greatest gift of technology as it helps to get the world opened up at our
finger tips. But today, even school children are misled by cyberspace. In order to
sensitise the students about the pros and cons of cyberspace, your school has decided to

conduct a debate on the topic 'Internet is the greatest villain of the 2 1 't century' .

Draft four points in support of the topic.

(Questions 24 - 29): Answer any 4 questions in about 120 words. Each carries 6

scores. $x6-24)

24. Think of a place you have recently visited, and prepare a travel essay based on your

fHints : Physical features - culture - life style - educational value - practical problems
- personal impressions.]

25. 'Failure is fatal :it is the courage to continue that counts,'says Winston Churchill.
Failure is indeed a stepping stone to success. The young seagull's story teaches us this.
Prepare a write-up highlighting this view, based on your reading of the story'His First

26. A.J. Cronin, the physician of the ship Ranaganji was extremely impressed by the
service of Hasan. So, he decided to recommend him for a promotion. He plans to send
an e-mail to the Director of the shipping company explaining his dedication and selfless

service. Draft the e-mail for him.

FY-01 P.T.O.
21 . You are the reporter of a local television channel. You are asked to be present at
Belgium to give live report of the balloon landing. Draft the live report.

[Hints : time of descent - response of animals and the people - appearance of the
balloon - excitement of the passengers]

,r Technology is a blessing so long as it is man's slave. Unfortunately, today's young

generation is too much addicted to technology. So it becomes their master. It's
hightime we sensitise the young generation about the negative impact of technology.
Write a letter to the editor to communicate your views to the public.

[Hints : addiction - time consuming - degeneration of values - imitate violence]

29,. In the anecdote The Sacred Turtles of Kadavu, the fisherrnen who attacked the women

continued their journey as if nothing happened. But the victims lost their identity. Most

often, the same happens in the present day society too. Women who are molested lose

their identity and are bound to live in seclusion, whereas the culprits live in dignity.
Create a blog about this social injustice.

(Questions 30 - 33) : Answer any 2 questions in about 180 words. Each carries 8

scores. (2xg_16)

30. The recent occurrences of flood and landslides in our state give us a warning that
Kerala is vulnerable to disasters. It is a reality that we cannot prevent disasters, but we

can mitigate their impact by proper management.

Prepare an essay on the'Role of Local Communities in Disaster Manasement'

[Hints : educate to manage rescue measures - escape techniques preventive

measures - planning - follow rules and regulations.]
31. In connection with the I 50th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, an elocution
competition is being conducted for Higher Secondary Students.
Prepare a speech about 'Mahatma Candhi and his thoughts' to be delivered there.

[Hints : Simplicity - strength of personality - power of thoughts - dreams about India]

tE. World Health Organisation opines that "Good Health is a state of complete physical,
social and mental well being, and not the absence of diseases." The unit 'Harmony of
Life' emphasises this. Based on your study of the unit, prepare an article for your
school magazine about 'Holistic Concept of Health,.
[Hints : Pursuing one's dreams * self-satisfaction - good sleep - physical exercise -
healthy food - good social relationshipl

3{. Read the following poem and prepare an appreciation :

Death is Here and Death is There.

Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Death is here and death is there,
Death is busy everywhere,
All around, within, beneath,
Above is death - and we are death.
Death has set his mark and seal
On all we are and we feel,
On all we know and all we fear,

First our pleasures die - and then

Our hopes, and then our fears - and
These are dead, the debt is due,
Dust claims dust - and we die too.

All things that rrye love and cherish,

Like ourselves must fade and perish;
Such is our rude mortal lot -
Love itself would, did they not.


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