The document discusses the Lord's Prayer, explaining its origins and meaning. It analyzes each line and petition of the prayer, explaining what Christians are asking for from God when praying this prayer. Key areas covered include honoring God, seeking God's kingdom and will on Earth, asking for daily sustenance, forgiveness of sins, and not entering into temptation.
The document discusses the Lord's Prayer, explaining its origins and meaning. It analyzes each line and petition of the prayer, explaining what Christians are asking for from God when praying this prayer. Key areas covered include honoring God, seeking God's kingdom and will on Earth, asking for daily sustenance, forgiveness of sins, and not entering into temptation.
The document discusses the Lord's Prayer, explaining its origins and meaning. It analyzes each line and petition of the prayer, explaining what Christians are asking for from God when praying this prayer. Key areas covered include honoring God, seeking God's kingdom and will on Earth, asking for daily sustenance, forgiveness of sins, and not entering into temptation.
The document discusses the Lord's Prayer, explaining its origins and meaning. It analyzes each line and petition of the prayer, explaining what Christians are asking for from God when praying this prayer. Key areas covered include honoring God, seeking God's kingdom and will on Earth, asking for daily sustenance, forgiveness of sins, and not entering into temptation.
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The Lord´s Prayer a) gave us command to pray
Which God’s commandment relates to prayer?
Our Father who art in heaven The 2nd Commandment does not specifically mention prayer. It tells us that we should not Hallowed be Thy name, misuse the name of the Lord our God: You shall not take the name of the Lord, Your God Thy kingdom come, in vain /nebudeš brať meno Božie na darmo/ Thy will be done, on earth as it is on heaven. God tells us to call on Him in prayer, praise and thanksgiving. Give us our daily bread, b) gave us promise to hear our prayers And forgive us our trespasses, We can pray because God has promised to be our God. In the 1 st Commandment: As we forgive those who trespass against us, I am the Lord, your God. You shall have no other gods. He has decided for us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Find a command and a promise in these two biblical texts: Doxology: Psalm 91:15 For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, Watch video. I will deliver him and honor him. Answer the questions: 1. Why did people meet? They wanted to pray for rain Matthew 7:7 – 11 „ 2. How would you describe their prayer? Not genuine For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who 3. What attitudes towards prayer are depicted in the video? They didn’t knocks, the door will be opened.“ really believe that the rain would come(they didn’t believe God) „how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask 4. What was the point of the video? To show how some people pray, how him!“ they don’t take it seriously How do people approach prayer? Some people do take it seriously, but some only pray when they want something for themselves When do people usually pray? People who love God and believe in him pray in The most known prayer among Christians is certainly the Lord’s Prayer. It is the the morning, night whenever they feel like it. And again the people who don’t prayer that Christ taught to His disciples and through the Word He teaches us. take it seriously only when they want something What was the reason for asking for prayer? Praying became automatic routine, What kind of excuses people have for not praying? That they don’t have time, uncertainty what to say, how to act …etc. they don’t know what to say, how to pray, they don’t feel like God is listening… What would you suggest them to overcome these excuses? Just believe, God Jesus Himself gave us the MODEL/PATTERN for our prayers in the prayer. Luther loves you and listens to you. There are no excuses if you love him back says that in this prayer “all the needs that constantly beset us are gathered up, each one of which is so great that it ought to drive us to pray about it as long as Quite often it happens that we pray, but we don’t really believe it WORKS. We we live.” We certainly make our own prayers according to the LP. It is prayer to be agree that it is very important thing to pray but we seldom take the TIME to do it. prayed either alone as well with others in community of church. For many people to pray REGULARLY is quite a great challenge. What are the areas of our life which we pray for in the Lord’ s Prayer? List them. Martin Luther wrote in his Large Catechism (explanation of Christian faith and our feelings, God’s love for us, forgivness, confession of sins… teaching) that we ought to pray because God: There are two versions of the LP. 1) Matthew 6:9-13 We pray that we should not misuse God’s name as we are the ones who carry this 2) Luke 11:2-4 holy name and represent the Holy and Good Lord. Inheriting the family fortune The Doxology “For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory now and God’s kingdom is wherever God rules or reigns, where He takes charge. He has forever” became part of the LP ever since the 1 st century. taken charge of us in our Baptism. When we pray “Your kingdom come” , we are Praying this prayer is like being coached by the one who invented the game and asking God to continue to take charge of us and to keep His promise, bringing in who will judge the outcome. His rule or reign over all the earth. That is God’s goal: to make us and all things Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us – He prays with us and for us- remember Romans new. M.Luther says that it is longing, desiring for God’s kingdom and His 8:26 “we do not know how to pray as we ought, Spirit intercedes with sighs too righteousness and peace and that it may start with and within us. deep for words” That’s the basis for our confidence, and that’s why we can pray with complete Victory is certain- doing God’ s will, trust the Lord (as a small child trusts certainty that God hears us. We can pray to God as children speak to their loving to his/her parent) parents confidently and joyfully. We may address God as Father through the What is God’ s will for us? Read: IThessalonians 4,3 Baptism when God first promised to be our God. God dwells with us now, in the God has a ‘‘plan‘‘ for our life and he will fulfill every purpose He has for us. Word and the sacraments. The LP is not dead repetition , it is a person-to-person conversation with our God, the God of the promise, the God of Good Friday and Sanctification - Easter. God’s will is to bring out the new you in us and to bring in the new creation, God’ s kingdom. We pray that God strengthens our faith and keeps us firm in His Word There are 7 petitions: as long as we live. God is giving us the sacraments to renew us, give us hope and a) Spiritual 1-3 courage b) Physical 4-7 The structure of the prayer shows us how we should set up the priorities in our Every day a gift – 4th petition lives. We should seek for the spiritual needs and then ask for fulfilling our physical M.Luther doesn’t see only food we need to get to live, there are other ones. First we should worship and praise God, to focus on Him, this way we physical needs to be filled such as “food, clothing, home and property, work overcome our selfishness which focuses on our ego and then we don’t see things and income, a devoted family, an orderly community, good government, clearly. favorable weather, peace and health, a good name and true friends and neighbors.” Read: Matthew 6:33 It teaches us not to take our daily bread for granted and turns our attention to the one who provides for us – God. With this focus we don’t need to worry Praying for our Father 1st -3rd petitions we actually pray for God What are other areas of life we need to pray for acc. to ML? Honoring the family name Family, love, health… When we pray “Hallowed be Thy name” we are asking God to give us what is How God uses other people to provide the needs you need? commanded in the 2nd Commandment. That we will use God’s name as God He gives us people that makes us happy and make our days happier and intends it to be used, as a great and precious gift, not for swearing, cursing, lies, more exctiting deceptions, or as magic… As M.Luther said “whenever is taught in its truth and purity and we as children of Forgiveness as a gift– 5th petition God live in harmony with it.” Is it difficult for you to forgive? No. II Corinthians 12 vv.8-9 the ap.Paul and his prayer and God’s answer Why is it important to have our sins forgiven? Because everyone deserves go change to be better person if they realize God gives grace that never ends. When Jesus was tempted He fought the tempter what they did was wrong and sinful with God’s Word and promise of grace. He didn’t rely on His strength or power, as What is reconciliation? Do you know any example from the Bible? he very well could have. He said “it is written…” Matthew 4:4 It is showing forgivness in order to solve disagreement (Mark 11:25) The Word is the power God gives us in our weakness. It encourages us, comforts us, upholds us and uplifts us. As Luther points out, these petitions 4th, 5th, 6th are summarized in the Seventh Petition. There we pray for deliverance from the Evil One, from the Forgiveness is also something which is not easy to do. Luther said that this devil himself. We pray in these petitions that God would deliver us from all petition is challenge of our pride but also a test of our spiritual reality. God those things that would interfere with our relationship with Him. We pray doesn’t tell us not to feel guilty or ashamed. He says what He has done about our confidently in faith believing that He who did not spare his own Son, but gave guilt in Christ, that He carried it for us, He loves us, we are His but He doesn’t him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all diminishes our sin. But He forgives it because of His grace. God forgives us, so we things? should forgive our neighbors. He wants to pass the forgiveness through us to others. Amen – so be it; it confirms all the 7 petitions and gives us assurance that God will Deliverance – 6th and 7th petition hear our prayers - Deliver us from Temptation …God stands with us What is temptation? Give examples of some. What can a person do to Watch the video: overcome them? It is basically urge to do something bad or desire something bad v=A5lg6QeZOBE&list=PLIcePO_eJb2_EElTdFm1PFLNkH17EQcV- Examples: Adam and Eve fell into temptation and the lies. &index=70 We can overcome them by staying focused and aware. If we fall into one Write to each petition of the LP one or two key words which express that temptation there is a big chance we fall into more and more temptations. petition (according to the video) We need to realize that God is always with us and He loves us. We can’t let evil thoughts overcome the love. 1.Hallowed be thy name- God’s glory 2.Thy kingdom come- God is in our hearts There is nothing fake about temptations. They are real. The less dangerous ones – 3. Thy will be done as it is in heaven- faith and trust temptations to curse, lust, steal, or lie…The most dangerous ones –false belief 4. Give us this day our daily bread- help and despair, can look weak and harmless. The most dangerous come to rob us of 5. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us- the freedom and hope of the promise. Forgivness As Luther rightly points out, this is not a prayer that God would not tempt us. It is 6. Lead us not into temptation- God’s presence a prayer that God would give us the strength to resist the temptations of 7. Deliver us from evil- destroying evil a) Our own flesh, our own sinful being b) The world c) The devil We ask God for help to keep us in faith. Flesh- body, telo Devil –diabol Tempter – pokušiteľ /devil is a tempter/ Vocabulary: To Comfort – potešiť Approach - pristupovať To interfere – vmiešať sa, zasiahnuť Seldom – zriedka Confidently – s dôverou, /s istotou, smelo/ Regularly- pravidelne The Large Catechism – Veľký katechizmus; a book in which Dr.Martin explained the basic idieas of Christian faith and teaching Command – prikázať, prikazovať In vain – nadarmo Promise – zasľúbenie, Boží sľub Beset – sužovať, obklopovať / occupy/ Coach – viesť, učiť Invent – vynájsť Dwell – prebývať Sacrament – sviatosť Baptism – Svätý krst Good Friday – Veľký Piatok (sviatok pred Veľkou nocou, kedy si pripomíname ukrižovanie Pána Ježiša Krista – a day when we remember Jesus’ crucifixion) Easter – Veľká noc To honor – vzdať česť, úctu, ctiť si To inherit – zdediť Fortune – bohatstvo To long – dychtivo túžiť, prahnúť Righteousness – spravodlivosť God’s will – Božia vôľa Sanctification- posvätenie Devoted – oddaný Not to take it for granted – nebrať to ako samozrejmosť To provide – poskytnúť, postarať sa Focus – zameranie, /sústredenie sa na podstatu/ Reconciliation – zmierenie Forgiveness – odpustenie Grace – milosť Deliverance – vyslobodenie Temptation – pokušenie To resist – odolať