Social Marketing
Social Marketing
Social Marketing
Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing along with other concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioural goals for a social good. Although 'social marketing' is sometimes seen only as using standard commercial marketing practices to achieve non-commercial goals, this is an over-simplification.The primary aim of 'social marketing' is 'social good', while in 'commercial marketing' the aim is primarily 'financial'. This does not mean that commercial marketers can not contribute to achievement of social good.Increasingly, social marketing is being described as having 'two parents' - a 'social parent' = social sciences and social policy, and a 'marketing parent' = commercial and public sector marketing approaches.Beginning in the 1970s, it has in the last decade matured into a much more integrative and inclusive discipline that draws on the full range of social sciences and social policy approaches as well as marketing. Social marketing was "born" as a discipline in the 1970s, when Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman realized that the same marketing principles that were being used to sell products to consumers could be used to "sell" ideas, attitudes and behaviors. Kotler and Andreasen define social marketing as "differing from other areas of marketing only with respect to the objectives of the marketer and his or her organization. Social marketing seeks to influence social behaviors not to benefit the marketer, but to benefit the target audience and the general society." This technique has been used extensively in international health programs, especially for contraceptives and oral rehydration therapy (ORT), and is being used with more frequency in the United States for such diverse topics as drug abuse, heart disease and organ donation.1
Social marketing applies a customer oriented approach and uses the concepts and tools used by commercial marketers in pursuit of social goals like Anti-Smoking-Campaigns or fund raising for NGOs.
These included the Government of Pakistan developing its anti-tobacco campaign and "SunSmart" (1988), its campaign against skin cancer. Dancesafe followed the ideas of social marketing in its communication practices. On a wider front, by 2004, Government in the Pakistan announced the development of its first social marketing strategy for all aspects of health. Two other public health applications include the CDC's CDCynergy training and software application, and SMART (Social Marketing and Assessment Response Tool). Social marketing theory and practice has been progressed in several countries such as the U.S, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK, and in the latter a number of key Government policy papers have adopted a strategic social marketing approach. eg: 'Choosing Health' public health white paper 2004; 'It's our health! independent national review of social marketing 2006; and 'Health Challenge England' policy paper, all represent steps to achieve both a strategic Social media marketing is the process of promoting your site or business through social media channels and it is a powerful strategy that will get you links, attention and massive amounts of traffic. There is no other low-cost promotional method out there that will easily give you large numbers of visitors, some of whom may come back to your website again and again. If you are selling products/services or just publishing content for ad revenue, social media marketing is a potent method that will make your site profitable over time. Those who ignore the efficacy of social media usually fall into three categories; the ones who dont know much or anything about social media, the ones who are interested but dont know how to use it and those who dont believe in the value that a social media strategy can bring to any site or business.3
Total Market
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Social Marketing
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Imported Brands
Present age is very fast & every Organization is working hard to grab its market share. Thats why every organization is taking more & more interest in their marketing. In Pakistan every large or small organization wants a big market share. Few of the organizations have started social marketing. Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing along with other concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioural goals for a social good. There are many organizations in Pakistan which are doing social marketing. Their social marketing program includes sponsor seminars in different universities n other places, sponsor different co curricular activities, sponsor bazaar etc. Some organizations do social marketing by printing of banners for public service messages. Many organizations do social marketing to promote healthy life style. And there are so many examples more. Some examples are as follows:
Iodine is a natural element required by the human body for proper physical and mental development. While most people receive enough iodine from their daily diets, more than one billion people worldwide are at risk of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) because their soil lacks iodine and because they lack other access to foods rich in iodine. To help solve this problem, UNICEF designed a new social marketing program with technical assistance from PSI. UNICEF implemented the program in the highly endemic northern regions of Pakistan with continuing technical assistance from PSI. Based on the success of this intervention, UNICEF subsequently expanded the project by contracting PSI's local NGO partner, Social Marketing Pakistan (SMP), to implement the project on a national scale. In
consultation with the Government of Pakistan and with continuing support and funding from UNICEF and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Pakistan Iodized Salt Project works with the salt industry to ensure a sustainable supply of iodized salt while simultaneously creating demand among consumers.
Govt. of Pakistan:-
Govt. of Pakistan also do social marketing at many places. The objective and purpose of doing social marketing is to contribute to the efforts being made through the public sector, expand coverage for provision of services and make contraceptive product available at market place at relatively reduced rates.
Green Star:-
Greenstar Social Marketing Pakistan (Guarantee) Limited (originally called Social Marketing Pakistan) was established by Population Services International (PSI) in 1991 as a nonprofit devoted to improving quality of life among low-income people. A non-governmental organization, Greenstar works through the private sector and with the Government of Pakistan, empowering healthier choices and improving access to affordable, high-quality health products and services..
Future Group-Pakistan:-
Key Social Marketing (KSM) was established in 1996 by the Futures Group with funding from DFID. Since 2003 the project receives funding from USAID under the "Improved Pakistani Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services". KSM uses the Manufacturer's Model which encourages greater involvement and contribution of the private commercial sector to help increase the use of modern contraceptive methods. Use of this model reduces dependence on donor commodities and thus enhances contraceptive security and program continuity4
The debate over the scope of social marketing is far from settled, but the desire for change among marketers is apparent. It is urgent that marketers determine what the scope of their field should become as a necessary first step in developing an adequate definition. The effort so far has been somewhat haphazard with a variety of authors-extolling the virtues of their viewpoint. To achieve this purpose, four norms are developed which seem suitable for testing the scope and definition of social marketing. They include the level of abstraction norm, the norm of correspondence, the pragmatic norm, and the norm of simplicity. These four norms are first used to test two extreme positions and then to test a third compromise definition of social marketing. Future is very bright for this kind of marketing. Because by doing social marketing, the image of organization becomes better & better in the eyes of customer. When some one sees a banner of no smoking and a logo of any company on it. It promotes the company. The person creates a image in his mind that this organization is doing public service. By doing social marketing sales of the organization also increases which results in profit of organization. Some companies do social marketing and their mission is to create a self awareness about health among people. Like safeguard, they also do social marketing for health awareness. They started making cartoon films for children in which there is a message for children to always remain clean & neat. The result is that the sales of safeguard increases in a large number. Other purposes of doing social marketing is to create a better image of organization, to attract the new customers, to get a fame in the country etc. Market research is a critical component of social marketing. Market research is used to conduct market consumer, and institutional analyses; to develop market objectives, plans, and strategies; to test and refine marketing plans; and to implement and evaluate marketing programs. A variety of techniques are used in conducting market research. Qualitative techniques are generally used to collect preliminary or exploratory information and include focus groups and indepth interviews. Semiquantitative techniques include panel studies, central location intercept interviews, and field tests. Quantitative information is colleted by surveying large representative sample populations. When consumers buy a product they are purchasing a benefit bundle which includes the product's physical, service, and symbolic attributes. Product acceptability and differe ntiation from other products is achieved by adopting appropriate design, packaging, promotional, pricing, and distribution strategies. Social marketing is a problem solving, technical,
managerial, and behavioral process, and social marketers need a combination of problem solving, technical, behavioral, communication, and management skills to design, develop, and operate successful marketing programs.5
Contact Us
Mr. Tanveer Soni Islamabad General Manager of Pepsi Co. Pakistan 03455273272 [email protected]
Sales Office Pepsi Sales Office, Khawar Center, near SP Chowk, Multan, Pakistan.