Exp 0003
Exp 0003
Exp 0003
SAP AG 1999
SAP AG 1999
Enterprise Structures in
Sales and Distribution
Sales Order
SAP AG 1999
This unit covers the possibilities for representing the organizational structure of a company's sales
and distribution department in the SAP System.
You use various organizational elements and connect them together, as required.
SAP AG 1999
SAP AG 1999
Defining your organizational structure in SAP System is an important step. It requires thorough
analysis of how your organization wants to run your business.
The standard SAP System contains the IDES case company which is completely represented in the
SAP System. IDES stands for International Demonstration and Education System.
The instructor's demonstrations in the system and the exercises for this training course use this case
The consolidated group, the IDES Holding AG, is divided into several independently operating
subsidiaries. The companies that are relevant for this course are owned by these subsidiaries: IDES
AG in Frankfurt and IDES US INC in New York.
Chain Industr.
Reseller Service
stores Consumer
Distribution channel
Product line
SAP AG 1999
Hamburg Hamburg
Dresden Berlin
Shipping Standard Express
SAP AG 1999
This diagram shows the delivery structure within IDES AG, independently from the R/3 system
(using general business terms).
Before IDES AG confirms an order for a customer, they check from which warehouse distribution
center the material ordered is to be delivered and whether sufficient stock is available.
The goods delivery is usually organized at these locations. These facilities are not available at every
location where products are manufactured.
In order to fulfill very urgent customer requests, the warehouse distribution center in Hamburg can
arrange express deliveries.
R /3
Company code
Sales Area
Sales organization
Distribution channel
Storage location
shipping point
SAP AG 1999
Organizational units in the R/3 System represent the structure of an enterprise organization.
Organizational units represent the legal and organizational views of an enterprise.
The Sales and Distribution module uses some organizational units that can only represent sales and
distribution processes, such as sales organization, distribution channel, division or shipping point.
Other organizational units, such as company code or plant, are used in Sales and Distribution and in
other modules in the R/3 System.
You can represent your enterprise structure using organizational units based on your business
This is not a complete list of all organizational units relevant for the sales and distribution processes
in the R/3 System.
Company code
SAP AG 1999
For a company code, a complete independent accounting unit can be represented as the smallest
organizational unit in external accounting.
This includes entry of all accountable transactions and the creation of all proofs for a legally required
individual account closing, such as the balance sheets and the profit and loss statement.
Examples of a company code are: a company within a corporate group or a subsidiary.
Sales organization
responsible for
distributing goods and services
negotiating sales conditions
product liability and rights of recourse
SAP AG 1999
The sales organization is an organizational unit in Logistics that groups the enterprise according to
the requirements of sales and distribution. A sales organization is responsible for distributing goods
and services. Therefore, it is also liable for the sold products and responsible for a customer‘s rights
of recourse.
The sales organization is also used, for example, to take a regional, national or international
subdivision of the market into account.
A sales organization is uniquely assigned to a company code. More than one sales organization can
be assigned to a company code. If you use the Sales and Distribution module, you need at least one
sales organization.
You enter and update your own master data for a sales organization. In sales statistics, the sales
organization is the highest summation level. All items in a sales and distribution document, that is,
all items of an order, an outbound delivery or a billing document, belong to a sales organization.
S a le s o rg a n iz a tio n
is a m e a n s th ro u g h w h ic h s a le s m a te ria ls re a c h th e c u s to m e r
r e p re s e n ts y o u r s tr a te g ie s to d is trib u te g o o d s a n d / o r s e rv ic e s
to y o u r c u s to m e r
fo r e x a m p le : w h o le s a le tr a d e , re ta il tra d e , in te rn e t tra d e , ...
S AP AG 1999
A distribution channel is a means through which salable materials or services reach the customer.
Several distribution channels can be assigned to a sales organization. If you use the Sales and
Distribution module, you need at least one distribution channel. For example, it is used to:
Define responsibilities,
Achieve flexible pricing and
Differentiate sales statistics.
Sales organization
Division 1 Division 2
SAP AG 1999
S ale s
o rg an iza tio n 1 F ran kfu rt 2 B e rlin
D istrib u tio n
c h an n e l 2 R etail tra de 5 Intern et 1 W ho le sale
trad e
D iv isio n
2 M o to rcycle s 3 C om p uters 3 C om p uters 2 M o to rcycle s 1 P u m ps
S ale s 1 1 1 2 2
a re a s 2 2 5 1 1
2 3 3 2 1
S A P AG 1999
A sales area is a combination of the sales organization, distribution channel, and division. It defines
the distribution channel a sales organization uses to sell products from a certain division.
Each sales and distribution document is assigned to exactly one sales area. This assignment cannot
be changed.
A sales area can belong to only one company code. This relationship is created by assigning the sales
During the processing of sales and distribution documents, the system accesses various master data,
according to the sales area. This master data includes, for example, customer master data, material
master data, prices, and discounts. In addition, the system carries out several checks concerning the
validity of certain entries according to the sales area.
A simple organizational structure can be better than a complex one. For example, it simplifies
updating master data. Do not define complex organizational structures in order to have detailed
reporting options. Use fields on the master data screen.
1 2 2
1 1 2
( D e liv e r in g ) p la n t
P la n t 1 P la n t 2 P la n t 3
S to r a g e lo c a tio n
SAP AG 1999
The plant is a location where material stock is kept. In the R/3 System, a plant can, for example,
represent a production facility or simply a grouping of locations (storage locations) in physical
Plant and storage location are organizational units that can be used by all logistic areas of the R/3
Materials management is primarily concerned with the material flow. From a materials
management point of view, a plant is, above all, a location where material stock is kept.
In production, a plant can represent a manufacturing facility.
In sales and distribution, a plant represents the location from which materials and services
are distributed and corresponds to a distribution center. The relevant stocks are kept here.
If you sell a service, a plant can represent the location services are rendered from (that is, an
In sales and distribution, the plant has a central function:
You have to create at least one plant in order to be able to use the Sales and Distribution module.
A plant must be uniquely assigned to a company code.
The assignment between sales organizations and plants does not have to be unique.
The plant is essential for determining the shipping point.
Plant 2 Plant 2
SAP AG 1999
Shipping is an integrated module of sales and distribution processing. The shipping point is the
highest-level organizational unit of shipping that controls your shipping activities. Each outbound
delivery is processed by one shipping point.
The shipping point can be a loading ramp, a mail depot, or a rail depot. It can also be, for example, a
group of employees responsible (only) for organizing urgent deliveries.
You assign a shipping point in the SAP System at plant level. A shipping point is a physical place
and should be near the delivering plant. More than one shipping point can be assigned to a plant.
You can also assign several plants to a shipping point. This can also be appropriate for plants in
physical proximity.
code Company
IDES AG 3000
IDES AG New York
organization Sales
Frankfurt 3000
SAP AG 1999
Company code
1000 IDES AG
Company code
3000 IDES AG
Sales and distribution of IDES AG in Germany is organized at two sales facilities, each of which has
its clearly defined area of responsibility.
Structure in the SAP System:
1000 1IDESAG
Company code
12 Reseller
14 Service 2Chain 22 Industr.
stores 2
In the SAP System, sales and distribution processes are always uniquely assigned to a sales area.
To represent the different ways through which goods reach the customer, the appropriate distribution
channels were set up. In this course, the IDES AG sales areas that contain the following distribution
channels are used:
12 Resale
14 Service
To represent the different product lines , the appropriate divisions were set up. In this course, the
sales areas that contain the following distribution channels are used:
00 Cross-division
02 Motor cycles
08 Services
Sales areas were set up on the basis of these sales organizations, distribution channels, and divisions.
However, the combinations considered were those in which sales and distributions processes had to
be represented. These include:
Sales organization 1000, distribution channel 12, division 00
Sales organization 1000, distribution channel 12, division 02
Sales organization 1000, distribution channel 14, division 08
1000 1020
Frankfurt Berlin
Sales organization 1000
Com pany code
SAP AG 1999
Before IDES AG confirms an order for a customer, they check from which delivering plant the
material ordered is to be delivered and whether sufficient stock is available.
Every plant must be assigned to a company code.
The plants of IDES AG include, for example:
- Plant 1000 Hamburg - Plant 1400 Stuttgart
- Plant 1300 Frankfurt - Plant 1100 Berlin
In addition, delivering plants need to have assigned a sales organization and a distribution channel:
Plant 1000 Hamburg and plant 1400 Stuttgart are the delivering plants for sales organization 1000
and distribution channel 12.
Plant 1100 Berlin is the delivering plant for sales organization 1020 and distribution channel 20.
Plant 1300 Frankfurt ist not a delivering plant for sales and distribution.
The delivery is organized by various shipping points which are assigned to the delivering plants:
Shipping point 1000 Hamburg processes outbound deliveries from plant 1000
Shipping point 1100 Berlin processes outbound deliveries from plant 1100
SAP AG 1999
1-1-2 Which organizational unit can you use in the SAP system to represent a
sales facility or a sales subsidiary?
1-1-3 Which organizational units can you use in the SAP System to represent a
means to ship goods to the customer (for example, factory sales, whole sales
trade or retail trade)?
1-1-4 Which organizational units can you use in the R/3 System to represent
multiple product lines and to group materials (for example, vehicles,
accessories or spare parts)?
1-1-5 Which organizational units can you use in the R/3 System to organize and
process outbound deliveries from different places (for example, loading
ramp or rail depot)?
1-2-2 In a company, you can manufacture and store materials in different places.
Which organizational unit can you use in the R/3 system to represent a
production facility or a distribution center?
1-3-2 Can you assign more than one distribution channel to a sales organization?
1-3-6 In a sales organization, can you sell materials from multiple delivering
You can answer these question using the course material; you will
not need the SAP System.
1-4-2 Two sales facilities organize the sales and distribution process for IDES AG
in Germany (for this training course). Which organizational unit and number
is used to represent the two sales facilities in the SAP System?
1-4-3 Which distribution channels does sales organization 1000 use (for this
training course)?
1-4-4 Which sales areas were set up for sales organization 1000 (for this training
1-4-5 Which plants are assigned to company code 1000 IDES AG (for this
training course)?
1-4-6 Which shipping point processes outbound deliveries from plant 1000
Hamburg (for this training course)?
1-5-1 Check in the system, which sales organizations exist for sales order entry for
the USA: Write down three examples.
You enter a sales order using the following menu path: Logistics
Sales and distribution Sales Order Create. Place the cursor
on the input field for the sales organization and display the possible
input values using the F4 input help.
1-5-2 Check in the system, which distribution channels exist for sales organization
1000: Write down three examples.
Place the cursor on the input field for the distribution channel and
display the possible input values using the F4 input help.
1-5-3 Check in the system, which divisions exist for sales organization 1000 and
for distribution channel 12. Write down three examples.
Place the cursor on the input field for the sales organization and
display the possible input values using the F4 input help.
1-1-4 Division
1-2-2 Plant
1-3-2 Yes. You can assign more than one distribution channel to a sales
1-3-6 Yes. In a sales organization, you can sell materials from multiple
delivering plants. .
1-3-8 Yes. A shipping point can also be assigned to multiple plants. However,
this might only be appropriate when the plants are in physical proximity
to each other.
1-5-2 Place the cursor on the input field for the distribution channel and
display the possible input values using the F4 input help.
1-5-3 Place the cursor on the input field for the sales organization and display
the possible input values using the F4 input help.