CIE 047 - Lesson 6&7

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CIE 047

Geotechnical Engineering 1
(Soil Mechanics)
Lesson 6 and 7


Introduction to Soil

Soil Compaction
Soil Compaction is the process of densification-reduction in void ratio-of a soil
through the expulsion of air. This is normally achieved using mechanical compactors.

Principles of Compaction
• The degree of compaction of a soil is measured in terms of its dry unit weight.
• When water is added to the soil during compaction, it acts as a softening agent on
the soil particles. The soil particles slip over each other and move into densely
packed position.
• Water is added in increments to the soil while being compacted up until a point
where it reaches its maximum unit weight (its highest point in the compaction
• The moisture content at that instant is called the Optimum Moisture Content

Principles of Compaction

Soil Compaction
Soil Compaction Tests
1. Proctor Compaction Test (Standard Proctor Test)
2. Modified Proctor Test
3. Sand Cone Method
4. Rubber balloon Method
5. Nuclear Method


Laboratory Soil

Proctor Compaction Test
Standard Proctor Test
The Proctor Compaction Test is a laboratory
method of experimentally determining the
optimum moisture content at which a given soil
type will become most dense and achieve its
maximum dry density. In the Proctor test, the
soil is compacted in a mold that has a volume
of 944 𝑐𝑚3 . The diameter of the mold is 101.6
mm. During the laboratory test, the mold is
attached to a baseplate at the bottom and to
an extension at the top. The soil is mixed with
varying amounts of water and then compacted
in three equal layers by a hammer that delivers
25 blows to each layer. The hammer has a mass
of 2.5 kg and has a drop of 30.5 mm.

Modified Proctor Test
Modified Proctor Test
Modified Proctor Test is a variation of the Standard Proctor Test. It
has a higher compactive effort because of the additional layers,
increased weight of the compaction hammer, and the increased
drop of the compaction hammer compared to the Standard
Proctor Test.

Proctor Compaction Test
• For each test, the moist unit weight of the compaction, γ, can be calculated as:
W = weight of the compacted soil in the mold
𝑉𝑚 = volume of the mold ( 944 𝑐𝑚3 )

• For each test, the moisture content of the compacted soil is determined in the laboratory. With
the known moisture content, the dry unit weight can be calculated as:
𝛾𝑑 =

Note: The values of 𝛾𝑑 determined can be plotted against corresponding moisture contents to
obtain the maximum dry unit weight and the optimum moisture content of the soil.

Proctor Compaction Test
Zero Air Void Unit Weight
For a given moisture content, the theoretical maximum dry unit weight iso obtained
when no air is in the void spaces- that is, when the degree of saturation equals 100%.
𝐺𝑠 𝛾𝑤
𝛾𝑧𝑎𝑣 =
1 + 𝑤𝐺𝑠

Proctor Compaction Test

Sample Problem 1
The laboratory test results of a Standard Proctor Test are
given in the following table:
a. Determine the maximum dry unit weight of
compaction and the optimum moisture content.
b. Calculate and plot 𝛾𝑑 versus the moisture content for
the degree of saturation, S = 80, 90, and 100%
respectively. Gs = 2.7.

Sample Problem 1
Dry Unit Weight

Volume of Weight of Soil Moist Unit Moisture Dry Unit

mold (𝑐𝑚3 ) (N) Weight Content (%) Weight
944 16.81 10

944 17.84 12

944 18.41 14

944 18.33 16

944 17.84 18

944 17.35 20

Sample Problem 1
Zero Air Void Dry Unit Weight

Gs S = 80% S = 90% S = 100%
Content (%)
2.7 10

2.7 12

2.7 14

2.7 16

2.7 18

2.7 20

Sample Problem 1


Field Soil Compaction

Field Compaction
Most of the compaction equipment in the field is done with rollers. The most common
types of rollers are:
1. Smooth-wheel rollers (or smooth-drum rollers)
2. Pneumatic rubber tired rollers
3. Sheepsfoot rollers
4. Vibratory rollers

Field Compaction
Smooth-Wheel Rollers
Smooth-wheel rollers are suitable for proof
rolling subgrades and for finishing operation
of fills with sandy and clayey soils. These
rollers provide 100% coverage under the
wheels, with ground contact pressure as
high as 310-380 kPa. They are not suitable
for producing high unit weights of
compaction when used on thicker layers.

Field Compaction
Pneumatic Rubber-Tired Rollers
These tires are closely spaced four to six in
a row. The contact pressure under the tires
range from 600 – 700 kPa, and they
produce about 70-80% coverage.
Pneumatic rollers can be used for sandy
and clayey soil compaction. Compaction is
achieved by a combination of pressure and
kneading action

Field Compaction
Sheepsfoot Rollers
Sheepsfoot rollers are drums with a large
number of projections. The area of each
projection may range from 25 to 85
These rollers are most effective in
compacting clayey soils. The contact
pressure under the projections can range
from 1400 – 1700 kPa.

Field Compaction
Vibratory Rollers
Vibratory rollers are extremely efficient in
compacting granular soils. Vibrators can be
attached to smooth-wheel, pneumatic
rubber-tired, or sheepsfoot rollers to
provide vibratory effects to the soil. the
vibrations are produced by rotating off-
center weights.

Field Compaction
Factors Affecting Field Compaction
1. Thickness of lift (layers of the soil)
2. The intensity of pressure applied by the compacting equipment
3. The area over which the pressure is applied
4. The number of roller passes. In most cases, about 10 to 15 roller passes yield the
maximum dry unit weight economically attainable.

Field Compaction
Specifications for Field Compaction
In most specifications for earthwork, the contractor is instructed to achieve a
compacted field dry unit weight of 90 to 95% of the maximum dry unit weight
determined in the laboratory by either the standard or modified proctor test.

Field Compaction

Sand Cone Method

Sand Cone Method
1. Gather the sand cone apparatus and other materials needed (trowel, pan, etc.).
2. Remove the base plate and put some Ottawa sand in the apparatus, and then weigh it.
3. Find the convenient spot where the soil surface is free from unnecessary objects.
4. Place the base plate in the surface.
5. Excavate a sample and make sure that the surface of the excavation has the same area as
the hole of the base plate.
6. Weigh the moist soil from the hole (W2), and perform moisture content test on the sample of
the soil.
7. Place the sand cone apparatus upside down. The valve is closed.
8. Carefully open the valve to let the Ottawa sand fill the hole.
9. Wait until the Ottawa sand gets to a resting condition. After this, close the valve, and remove it
from the baseplate.
10. Weigh the sand cone apparatus, the valve and the remaining Ottawa sand inside (W4).
11. Weigh the oven-dried soil sample (W3).
Sand Cone Method

Rubber Balloon Method

Nuclear Method

Backfill Rating
Suitability Number
The suitability number is calculated to assess whether a soil is good enough for backfill material. A
backfill is something that is returned to the excavated site.

Backfill Rating
Suitability Number

Sample Problem 2

Sample Problem 2

Sample Problem 3
Following are the details for the backfill materials used in a vibroflotation (a special compaction
technique) project: D10 = 0.36 mm, D20 = 0.52 mm, D50 = 1.42 mm. Determine its suitability
number. What would be its rating as a backfill?

Thank You!!!


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