0 Microbial Surfactants in Nanotechnology - Recent Trends and Applications

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Critical Reviews in Biotechnology

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Microbial surfactants in nanotechnology: recent

trends and applications

Marcia Nitschke & Crisiane Aparecida Marangon

To cite this article: Marcia Nitschke & Crisiane Aparecida Marangon (2021): Microbial surfactants
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Published online: 24 Jun 2021.

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Microbial surfactants in nanotechnology: recent trends and applications

Marcia Nitschkea and Crisiane Aparecida Marangonb
Departamento Fısico-Quımica, Instituto de Quımica de S~ao Carlos (IQSC) – USP, S~ao Carlos, Brazil; bPrograma Interunidades
Bioengenharia (EESC/FMRP/IQSC), Universidade de S~ao Paulo (USP), S~ao Carlos, Brazil


The interest in nano-sized materials to develop novel products has increased exponentially in Received 10 December 2020
the last decade, together with the search for green methods for their synthesis. An alternative to Revised 25 March 2021
contribute to a more sustainable approach is the use of microbial-derived molecules to assist Accepted 9 April 2021
nanomaterial synthesis. In this sense, biosurfactants (BSs) have emerged as eco-friendly substi-
tutes in nano-sized materials preparation. The inherent amphiphilic and self-assembly character Biosurfactant; nanoparticle;
of BSs associated with their low eco-toxicity, biodegradability, biocompatibility, structural diver- nanomaterial; nanostruc-
sity, biological activity, and production from renewable resources are potential advantages over ture; nanobiotechnology;
chemically-derived surfactants. In nanotechnology, these versatile molecules play multiple roles. rhamnolipid; surfactin
In nanoparticle (NP) synthesis, they act as capping and reducing agents and they also provide
self-assembly structures to encapsulation, functionalization, or templates and act as emulsifiers in
nanoemulsions. Moreover, BSs can also play as active compounds owing to their intrinsic bio-
logical properties. This review presents the recent trends in the development of BS-based nano-
structures and their biomedical and environmental applications. Fundamental aspects regarding
their antimicrobial and anticancer activities are also discussed.


Introduction to create new products has increased exponentially in

the last years [5]. The synthesis of nanomaterials gener-
Nanotechnology is a general term used to describe the
ally involves chemical and physical methods that gener-
design, production, and application of structures at the
ate toxic by-products hazardous to both health and the
nanoscale level (usually <100 nm but not limited to)
environment [1,3]. An approach to reduce the possible
which can be explored in a diverse range of industrial
risks associated with nanomaterials is the use of green
fields from electronics to health care [1,2]. Manipulation methods for their synthesis, replacing hazardous chemi-
at the molecular level results in physical, chemical, cals with sustainable and environmental-friendly
magnetic, and structural properties that are not present reagents [6]. Therefore, the use of bionanotechnology
on the macroscale; representing an important tool for concepts to obtain nanomaterials using biological
the development of new functional nanomaterials [3,4]. methods emerges as a potential green alternative. The
Actually, the research and exploitation of nanomaterials literature describes several examples of nanomaterial

CONTACT Marcia Nitschke [email protected] Departamento Fısico-Quımica, Instituto de Quımica de S~ao Carlos (IQSC) – USP, Av. Trabalhador
S~ao Carlense, 400, PO Box 780, Zip code 13560-970, S~ao Carlos, SP, Brazil
*Present address: National Nanotechnology Laboratory for Agribusiness, Embrapa Instrumentaç~ao, XV de Novembro Street, 1452, Zip code 13560–979,
S~ao Carlos, SP, Brazil.
ß 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

biosynthesis by microbial cells [7,8] or by using micro- properties of BS are not within the scope of this review
bial and plant metabolites [9,10]. Strains of bacteria, however, there are several articles focusing on such
fungi, yeasts, and algae can synthesize metallic nano- general aspects available in the literature [16,19–21].
particles (NPs) even extracellularly or intracellularly [11] Although BSs have similar functions compared to
usually by the enzymatic reduction of metal salts of sil- synthetics, their origin impacts significantly on proper-
ver, gold, platinum, and iron amongst others [7]. ties. BSs are considered environmental friendly mole-
Although the use of microbes as nanofactories has sev- cules owing to their low eco-toxicity and
eral advantages, controlling such parameters as size, biodegradability [22]. Additional beneficial properties
shape, and polydispersity [9], combined with the com- including biocompatibility, structural diversity, bio-
plexity of downstream process [3], are challenges to be logical activity, and production from renewable resour-
overcome. An alternative to contribute to sustainable ces are potential advantages over their chemical
and green methods is to utilize microbial-derived mole- counterparts [20,23,24]. These versatile molecules can
cules to assist with the nanomaterial synthesis. be applied as emulsifiers, demulsifiers, wetting, and
Biomolecules that can self-assemble like proteins, pepti- foaming agents, solubilizers, viscosity reducers, and
des, lipids, fatty acids, DNA, or surfactants can act as cleansing agents in different industrial fields.
templates to nanostructures synthesis [12,13]. Traditionally, the BSs have been utilized in enhanced oil
Surfactants are required for the preparation of NP in recovery and bioremediation of oil spills in petroleum
traditional chemical methods as they reduce aggrega- industry and for the bioremediation of metals and other
tion and increase their stability [2]. However, their syn- pollutants [25]. However, their unique features are
thetic nature does not fit current market needs. In this attracting attention in cosmetics [26], biomedical [27],
view, the use of natural surfactants has emerged as an food [23], agriculture [28], and household and laundry
eco-friendly alternative to nano-sized material [29] sectors, to name a few. The demand for eco-
preparations. friendly and green surfactants increased considerably
during the last years because of the environmental and
health protection awareness of society. BS production
Why biosurfactants?
fulfills many principles of green chemistry thus, they
Microbial surfactants, also known as biosurfactants represent an important tool for innovation and sustain-
(BSs), are surface-active compounds produced by pro- ability [30].
karyotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, such as bac- Production costs are considered an important barrier
teria [14], molds, and yeasts [15]. Similar to synthetic to the widespread use of BS. However; the use of inex-
surfactants, they contain at least one polar (hydrophilic) pensive substrates [31], overproducing strains [32],
moiety together with an apolar (hydrophobic) group metabolic engineering techniques [33], effective down-
and such amphiphilic nature allows BS molecules to stream processes [34], and the co-production of BS with
align at interfaces of different polarities decreasing sur- other biomolecules are some strategies that have been
face and interfacial tension [16]. The polar groups pre- proposed to develop BS production competitively [35].
sent on BS usually comprise esters, hydroxyls, Actually, efforts to enhance the BS economy are show-
phosphate, carboxyl groups, carbohydrates, peptides, ing results. Rhamnolipids (RLs) production costs, which
or proteins, whereas the hydrophobic portion is satu- have been estimated in the past to be 1000 times as
rated or unsaturated fatty acids, hydroxy fatty acids, or expensive as the conventional surfactants, are now
fat alcohols [17]. Most BSs are anionic or neutral and 10–30 times higher than synthetics thus, they are
they are classified according to their chemical compos- becoming suitable for large-scale exploitation [36]. In
ition and molecular mass, as low (e.g. glycolipids and addition, refined applications (medical and pharmaceut-
lipopeptides) and high molecular weight (e.g. lipopoly- ical) are a potential approach to overshadow their eco-
saccharides and lipoproteins) surfactants. Low molecu- nomics considering that the benefits of using the BS
lar weight BS are more effective as surface-active can compensate their costs [37]. The microbial surfac-
agents than high molecular mass BS that are good tants market is valued at 17 million USD in 2020 and is
emulsifiers [18]. Table 1 summarizes the chemical struc- expected to reach 23 million USD by the end of 2026
tures and microbial origin of some BS discussed in [38]. At present, companies such Akzo Nobel, BASF,
this work. Clariant, and Evonik include BS in their portfolio, an
BS presents low surface and interfacial tension, low indication of their market trend in the near future. The
CMC, is able to adsorb at air/water, liquid/liquid, and use of heterologous expression techniques and enzym-
solid/liquid interfaces [19]. The physicochemical atic synthesis [39] leads to significant innovations in BS

Table 1. Classification, origin, and chemical structures of some microbial surfactants.

Class Type Origin

Glycolipids Rhamnolipids P. aeruginosa, Pseudomonas sp., Burkholderia sp.
Sophorolipids Candida bombicola, C. apicola, Torulopsis petrophilum
Trehalolipids Rhodococcus erythropolis, Mycobacterium sp.,
Arthrobacter sp.
Mannosyl erythritol Candida antarctica, Pseudozyma sp., Ustilago maydis
lipids (MEL)

Rhamnolipid (mono) Trehalolipid MEL

Lipopeptides Surfactin Bacillus subtilis
Iturin A B. subtilis
Fengycin B. subtilis
Lichenysin B. licheniformis

Iturin Fengycin Lichenysin

Polymeric surfactants Liposan Candida lipolytica
Emulsan Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Arthrobacter calcoaceticus
Lipoproteins Pseudomonas gessardii
Carbohydrate-protein Pseudomonas fluorescens, Debaryomyces polymorphus


market. The startup company GlycosurfV R (https://www. Although most studies report the use of chemical-
glycosurf.com/) offers bioinspired tailor-made glycoli- based surfactants, there is an ongoing demand to
pids designed for specific applications. The sugar moi- replace them by bio-based molecules as described
ety, carbon chain type, and length can be handled to above. In the next sections, we discuss the recent
attain the desired physicochemical/biological properties developments regarding the use of BS in nanomaterials
along with high purity, single homolog glycolipids that synthesis and their applications (Figure 1).
are prepared to fulfill client needs. Designing BS with
high purity and single composition can result in more Application of BS in nanotechnology
active/specific compounds that can be applied in low
BS in nanoparticles (NPs) synthesis
quantities rendering them even more competitive for
industrial purposes. Metal nanoparticles
The amphiphilic and self-assembly nature of surfac- Chemical and physical methods to produce NPs are
tants are very useful properties to obtain nanomaterials. widely described and some disadvantages pointed out

Figure 1. General overview of BS applications in nanotechnology.

include the generation of toxic chemicals, use of high were stable for 2 months and postulated that BSs acted
temperature and pressure, requirement of costly equip- as stabilizer preventing the formation of aggregates
ment amongst others [1]. The most utilized methods [45]. Spherical AgNPs were obtained using NaBH4 as
for the synthesis of metal NP are chemical reduction reducing agents in BSs reverse micelles further
and microemulsion-based methods. In such techniques, extracted into heptane. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa
surfactants are incorporated into the formulation as BS favored the synthesis of AgNPs stable for 3 months
capping agents to prevent particles from agglomer- without passivator addition [46].
ation even by the electrostatic or steric stabilization of BSs also play the role of both capping and reducing
NP surfaces [40]. Thus, surfactants are key elements to agents in NP synthesis.
stabilize NP growth, favoring their uniform dispersion in A lipopeptide surfactant produced by Bacillus subtilis
solution. The surfactant adsorption into metal NP surfa- ANR 88 using molasses as the carbon source was uti-
ces is the central event to stabilization and depends on lized for the synthesis of gold and silver NPs. The
the type of surfactant employed (ionic, nonionic, and AgNPs showed spherical shape in the size range of
polymeric) and the thickness of the adsorbed layer 4–18 nm, whereas gold NP was mostly hexagonal from
[40,41]. One of the most important issues to green NP 40 to 60 nm size. Authors conclude that the lipopeptide
synthesis is the use of non-hazardous reagents as was effective to stabilize and permits the synthesis of
reducing and stabilizing agents [42]. Therefore, some the NP in the absence of chemical reducing agents
efforts have been made to replace chemical surfactants being a potential candidate for green NP preparation
by BS in the development of metal NP. [47]. A BS extracted from corn steep liquor, spontan-
Surfactin was successfully applied as a stabilizing eously fermented by lactic acid bacteria, was applied to
agent in the formulation of silver (AgNPs) and gold NPs the synthesis of metal NPs using a one-step procedure
and their stability, size, shape, and polydispersity were induced by temperature. A mixture of gold nano-
dependent on the pH and temperature [43,44]. A glyco- spheres and nanoplates was observed after the reduc-
lipid from Brevibacterium casei MSA19 was utilized to tion of gold precursors induced by BS. Additionally,
prepare AgNPs by the microemulsion-based technique AgNP of pseudo-spherical shape were also obtained.
using reverse micelles. The authors evidenced that NPs The analysis of BS revealed the lipopeptide nature and,

according to the authors, the BS was essential to the synthesized nPMMA (core) – BS (shell) particles with
reduction as well to the stabilization of the NP [48]. A surfactin, RLs, and trehalose-lipids. The resulting
simple and green method for the synthesis of gold NPs 20–50 nm diameter spherical shape NPs were nontoxic,
using the glycolipid surfactant mannosylerythritol lipid biocompatible, exhibited strong antibacterial activity
(MEL) produced by Ustilago maydis CGMCC 5.203 was against B. subtilis and P. aeruginosa, and exhibited
proposed [49]. The MEL was utilized as a green reduc- potential as drug delivery systems. These studies
ing/stabilizing agent generating spherical and uniform pointed out BS-polymer hybrids as the next-generation
NP with potential bioactivity. Recently, a one pot delivery vehicles for biomedical applications. Surfactin-
greener synthesis of gold NP was proposed using soph- loaded polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) nanofibers were
orolipid as a reducing and capping agent resulting in obtained by gravity electrospinning. The nanofibers
gold NP with potential application in biomedicine [50]. containing surfactin were thinner and with lower crys-
Most studies regarding the use of BS involve the syn- tallinity than nanofiber with pure PVA. Surfactin-loaded
thesis of silver and gold NP since those metals have nanofibers prevented the adhesion of bacterial cells to
well-known biological activity and low toxicity; and, the polystyrene and that could be applied to prevent bio-
combination of such NP with BS can improve their bio- film formation in prosthetic devices [61]. Gelatin nano-
activity. However, BSs were also utilized for the synthe- fibers containing a lipopeptide BS were fabricated by
sis of NP of cobalt [51], cadmium sulfide [52], nickel electrospinning techniques. The percentage of water
oxide [53], zinc sulfide [54], zinc oxide [55], and iron uptake by the surfactin nanofibers, one of the most
oxide [56]. essential factors for wound healing and covering mate-
Some attempts to obtain metal NP by extracellular rials, was around 2.5 times higher than the commer-
biogenic synthesis using BS-producing microbes were cially available ones [62]. More recently, our group
also reported. In this case, microbial growth is per- reported the formulation of a biopolymer-BS NP useful
formed and the resulting culture medium is separated for biomedical applications. The combination of chito-
from cells and utilized as starting material for NP syn- san and RLs generated stable and monodispersed NP,
thesis after the addition of a metal precursor. Krishnan spherical in shape with an average size of around
et al. [57] described the synthesis of cubic shape AgNP 288 nm and positively charged. The addition of RL
with an average size of 15.40 nm using culture filtrates reduced the size and polydispersity index of chitosan
of a surfactin producing Brevibacillus brevis. The BS was NP and improved the antimicrobial activity against
responsible for the reduction and stabilization of the Staphylococcus aureus even planktonic or biofilms. The
resulting NP, which exhibited potential for the treat- low cytotoxicity and high antimicrobial potential dem-
ment of Gram-negative infection in wounds. Green syn- onstrated by the chitosan-RL NPs suggest that they can
thesis approach using a B. subtilis culture broth and be exploited to the design of novel strategies to control
microwave radiation resulted in AgNP with potential to S. aureus in pharmaceutical and food industries [63].
encapsulate surfactin synthetase ligands useful for drug In a similar study, Bettencourt et al. [64] proposed
design and development [58]. The properties of AgNP the preparation of chitosan-based NP as carriers for
obtained by the reduction of silver nitrate using bio- antimicrobial glycolipids. Stable NPs with an encapsula-
logical and chemical methods in the presence of a B. tion efficiency of 41.1% and 74.2% and average size of
subtilis surfactant have been compared. The presence 210.0 and 329.6 nm were obtained with sophorolipids
of surfactin significantly increases the stability of the and RLs, respectively. The RL-chitosan NP has better
AgNP in both bio and chemical protocols [59]. antimicrobial activity against S. aureus than sophoroli-
pid-chitosan NP. Authors attributed the reduced effects
Organic nanoparticles of the latter to the hiding of the positively charged
Although considerable research regarding the green groups or reducing charge density of biopolymer
synthesis of metal NPs are available, their application in caused by the inclusion of TweenV R 80 surfactant in the

organic NP synthesis is an emerging field. Different formulation. In conclusion, the synergy among chito-
from metal NP, where BSs are primary applied as stabi- san-BS is dependent on the kind of BS/biopolymer and
lizing and/or reducing agents, in organic NPs, BSs are the formulation system utilized.
usually functional agents to improve biological activity.
Interesting work conducted by Hazra et al. [60] pro-
Biosurfactant self-assembly structures
posed the use of BS to replace SDS in the green synthe-
sis of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMAA) NPs. Using an The ability of amphiphilic molecules to spontaneously
atomized microemulsion technique, the authors self-assemble in solution results in a variety of

Figure 2. Effects promoted by BS nano-sized structures in cell membrane.

supramolecular structures. BS micelles, lamellas, vesicles 100 nm were formed. According to the authors, the
[65], and several other forms such as sponges and lyo- presence of the BS increased the solubility of hydropho-
tropic liquid crystals [66] have been described. The self- bic curcumin molecules enhancing their fluorescence
aggregation of BS is dependent on pH, temperature, property. The uptake of such micelles was demon-
and ionic strength and this property is a useful tool for strated in both Escherichia coli and S. aureus also, a
the preparation of smart drug delivery systems [67]. quenching activity against P. aeruginosa was observed.
Besides, the similarity of some BS molecular aggregates The fluorescence presented by curcumin-sophorolipid
with cell membrane organization favors their fusion micelles permits their use as biomarkers in confocal
and uptake (Figure 2). microscopy and theranostic applications [70]. Similarly,
Nanomicelles were prepared by sonicating surfactin curcumin was loaded in sophorolipid micelles and NPs
in distilled water and PBS buffer for 15 min at 30  C. were formed by changing the pH to decrease the curcu-
The nanomicelles formed in water were spherical in min solubility. The sophorolipid-curcumin particles had
shape and smaller in size than those formed in PBS around 61 nm in size and a negative charge. The coating
where larger and amorphous aggregates were of curcumin with sophorolipid increased the bioavailabil-
observed and authors attribute the difference to the ity, owing to their ability to increase the solubilization of
ionic strength of the PBS buffer. The resulting nanomi- the curcumin in the mixed micelle phase [71].
celles inhibited the growth of tumoral cell lines (HeLa) Two recent patents claim the preparation of RL lipo-
in a time and dose-dependent mode [68]. The potential somes loaded with bioactive peptides to the develop-
of RLs as nanocarriers to drug delivery systems was ment of antimicrobial products for use in medicine [72]
investigated. The RLs formed spherical structures with and agriculture [73]. RL functionalized liposomes (rham-
average sizes ranging from 5 to 100 nm, low polydis- nosomes) were prepared and loaded with a bacteriocin.
persity, and stability over a wide concentration range. The addition of RL increased the encapsulation effi-
The authors demonstrated the size of the nanostruc- ciency of nisin, the size, and the physical stability of the
tures depends on the length of the hydroxyl-fatty acids nano-vesicles. The rhamnosomes demonstrated higher
component of RL, which in turn determines the packing antimicrobial activity than liposomes and enhanced the
parameters of the BS. The nanocarriers were nontoxic activity of nisin against Gram-positive and Gram-nega-
to human fibroblasts and good candidates for the der- tive resistant foodborne pathogens [74]. More recently,
mal delivery of drugs [69]. Curcumin was successfully the rhamnosomes were incorporated in a biopolymer
entrapped in micelles of acidic sophorolipids. Stable composite to develop nano-active packing for food.
micelles with ellipsoidal shape and average size around The coating exhibited broad-spectrum antimicrobial

activity against Listeria monocytogenes and E. coli repre- encapsulate active compounds such as vitamin C, E,
senting a new strategy to improve food preserva- and curcumin was recently reported. The nano-sized
tion [75]. delivery system was stable for 6 months and showed
improved bioavailability and distribution of the actives
through the skin suggesting good potential for cos-
BS in nanoemulsions
metic and dermatological applications [84].
Emulsions are applied in a wide range of industrial fields
such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food, chemicals, tex-
Other BS application examples
tiles, and petroleum [76]. Nanoemulsions are kinetically
stable dispersions of two immiscible liquids, stabilized by Polyaniline (PANI) is an electrical conductive polymer useful
a surfactant, with droplets size lower than 200 nm for a vast range of technological applications. PANI NPs
[76,77]. Because of their smaller size, nanoemulsions were synthesized using RLs as templates. The BS template
show advantages over conventional emulsions such as generated PANI nanotubes and nanorods with uniform
higher physical stability, transparent appearance, tunable size, morphology, and higher crystallinity and electrical con-
rheology, and increased bioavailability [78,79]. There is ductivity than those obtained without the BS. According to
increasing interest in developing long-term stable nanoe- the authors, the utilization of RLs as a soft template showed
mulsion using sustainable surfactants [80,81], which can advantages over synthetic surfactants, once they can be
be applied as vehicles to hydrophobic compounds, such readily removed under mild conditions [85].
as essential oils in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and foods Nanodiscs are membrane models composed of a
[82]. BS can replace synthetic surfactants in nanoemul- phospholipid bilayer held together by a membrane
sions formulation or/and act as an active or synergic scaffold protein (MSP). In this view, RLs were utilized to
agent once they present diverse biological properties. prepare nanodiscs using the MSP1D1. The formation of
Although microbial surfactants are good candidates for rhamnodiscs of di-RL and MSP1D1 was demonstrated
nanoemulsion preparation, few reports are available in showing strong dependence on BS: protein molar ratio
the literature. Joe et al. [83] described the development and such nanostructures can represent a novel insight
of surfactin-based nanoemulsions using cooking oils. to research in biomimetic membranes [86].
Surfactin–sunflower oil nanoemulsion showed the lowest A new method for the design of small polymer par-
particle size (72.52 nm) and was selected to further anti- ticles utilized as a reference in toxicity studies of pollu-
microbial studies. The formulation inhibited the growth tion caused by micro and NPs of plastics in the aquatic
of Salmonella typhi, L. monocytogenes, and S. aureus. environment was recently proposed. Polyethylene (PE)
Fungicidal activity against Rhizopus nigricans, Aspergillus micro and nanoplastics were obtained using Tween 60,
niger, and Penicillium sp., and sporicidal activity against Tween 80, and a BS from the algae Chlamydomonas
Bacillus cereus and Bacillus circulans were observed. The reinhardtii. Using the BS, the presence of an eco-corona
antimicrobial potential of the nanoemulsion was also at the surface of the particles was mimicked, improving
evaluated in food models. Authors report a significant their uptake by Daphnia magna. The obtained particles
reduction in the native bacterial and fungal populations can be used as model microplastics to evaluate the
present in raw chicken, apple juice, milk, and mixed vege- eco-toxicity of PE [87].
table. The surfactin-based nanoemulsion showed The BS can play multiple roles in nanotechnology: in
improved antimicrobial activity and potential for the the synthesis of NP they act as capping and/or reducing
development of preservatives for food applications. agents; they also provide self-assembly structures to
Bai and McClements [81] studied the physicochemi- encapsulation, functionalization, or templates and act
cal properties of nanoemulsions of RL and saponin with as emulsifiers in nanoemulsions. Owing to their intrinsic
medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), fish oil, corn oil, and biological properties, BS can also play as active com-
lemon oil. Authors conclude that RLs have similar inter- pounds and their inclusion in nanostructures affects not
facial properties as the commercially available natural only the physicochemical character but also biological
surfactant (quillaja saponin). RLs were able to form activity thereby, their range of applications (Table 2).
nanoemulsions with small droplet diameters with the
different oil types. The RL-coated droplets were stable
Impact of BS in biological activity of
to aggregation over a range of pH (5–9), salt concentra-
nanostructure materials
tions (<100 mM NaCl), and temperatures (2090  C)
showing potential for further applications. Formulation As discussed above, besides surface activity, one of the
of a surfactin-stabilized nanoemulsion designed to most important features demonstrated by BSs is their

biological activity. Antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-adhesive, membrane and pore formation helping the NP enter
antibiofilm, immunosuppressive, immunomodulating, the cell and binding to respiratory enzymes as LDH,
anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties have been blocking its activity. The gold-SL NPs demonstrated syn-
described and reviewed in the literature [27,92,93]. These ergic action with polymyxin and kanamycin showing
properties can also be exploited in nano-sized materials. potential for antimicrobial therapy in nanomedicine
[50]. A nonspecific synergistic effect of AgNPs in com-
bination with BS was also reported. The BS produced
Biomedical applications
by a B. subtilis strain increased the stability of biogenic
Antimicrobial activity AgNP and enhanced their antimicrobial activity against
BSs are able to inhibit the growth of several pathogenic phytopathogenic fungi and Gram-positive bacteria. In
and environmental strains of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, the presence of BS, the mycelium growth rate inhibition
algae, and viruses. Although the exact mechanism is was around 50%, while no effect was observed for
unclear, the antimicrobial action of BS is associated chemical synthesized AgNP (without BS) against most
with their amphiphilic character, which allows them to fungal strains. To study the mechanism(s) involved in
disturb the cell membrane (Figure 2), leading to antimicrobial activity, the conjugation of bacterial DNA
increased permeability, pore formation, metabolite leak- and the AgNP was observed. The DNA accumulated
age, and cell lysis [94,95]. The antimicrobial activity of more densely around biogenic NP suggesting a strong
BS nanostructures combination is, in general, attributed affinity between metal NP and chemical groups of DNA.
to the greater binding ability to the cell surface pro- The presence of BS probably favors NP-DNA interaction
moted by the surfactant. Moreover, BS particular activ- by increasing affinity to the cell surface and NP
ity against several microbes helps to improve the uptake [96].
antimicrobial action of nanostructures in a synergis- The activity of BS, especially against enveloped virus,
tic mode. is well-known and documented in the literature [97,98]
Chitosan-RL NPs were more effective than both RL although they are not exploited commercially to such
and chitosan NPs , against planktonic and biofilms of S. an application. This scenario may be modified by the
aureus. Authors conclude that the high local density of emergence of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic disease
polycationic chitosan in the hybrid NPs leads to greater which opened new opportunities to BS. In this sense,
electrostatic interactions and the release of RL close to some proposals to combat COVID were recently
the bacterial cell surface (Figure 3), which aids disrup- reported. Therapeutic formulations can include BS to
tion of the cell envelope and subsequent access of anti- help the emulsification of lung fluids with the conse-
microbials to their cell targets [63]. quent improvement of patient’s ventilation in an acute
An acidic sophorolipid diacetate synthesized by a respiratory syndrome [99]. Another study hypothesized
Cryptococcus sp. strain was employed to develop bio- that potential anti-inflammatory activity presented by
functionalized zinc oxide NP able to inhibit the growth BS may reduce the cytokine storm and inflammation in
of the pathogens Salmonella enterica and Candida albi- COVID patients [100]. BS are capable of inactivate virus
cans. The enhanced antimicrobial activity promoted by by solubilizing and disrupting the lipid envelope or by
the sophorolipid BS was associated with increased cell targeting capsid proteins [97,98]. Thus, as COVID-19 has
permeability and protein leakage. FTIR analysis of an envelope and also capsid and surface spike proteins
pathogens before and after treatment with the NPs it is expected that such pathogens can also be suscep-
indicated amino, thiol, and carbonyl groups as predom- tible to BS-based treatments [100,101]. Development of
inant contributors to the binding of functionalized NP BS:NPs, micelles, nanoemulsions, and other nanostruc-
to the cells. Furthermore, the presence of an increasing tures taking advantages of both “nano” properties and
number of thiol groups in the cell wall of S. enterica BS activity; even individually or combined with other
was correlated to higher activity demonstrated against bioactive compounds, may improve the delivery and
the bacterium compared to the yeast [55]. efficiency of proposed COVID-19 treatments. For
Antimicrobial potential of gold NP functionalized example, aerosol forms using BS-nano-sized delivery
with sophorolipid was recently reported [50]. The systems can be applied to directly reach the respiratory
uncapped gold NP did not exhibit antibacterial action, tract. Nevertheless, it is imperative to perform “in vitro”
however, their combination with the BS significantly and “in vivo” clinical experiments to confirm the effect-
improved bacterial inhibition with higher efficacy iveness of the proposed strategies. Toxicity tests, side
against Gram-negative bacteria such as Vibrio cholerae. effects, and mechanisms involved in BSs and their
The sophorolipid mediated the disturbance of cell nano-sized structures action must be determined.

Table 2. Role of BS in the formulation of nano-sized structures and their applications.

BS type Nanostructure type BS function Proposed application Reaction conditions References
Glycolipid Silver NP Stabilizing Green synthesis 0.1 g/L BS (n-heptane) þ1 mL AgNO3/ [46]
inorganic NP stir.10 min. room temp.þ 1 mL
NaBH4/30 min. Further extraction
with 10 mL ethanol and
MEL Gold NP Stabilizing Anticancer, 200 lL MEL (MeOH/ H2O 1:10) þ [49]
and reducing antioxidant 50 mL 3 mM HAuCl4 stir. 60  C –
30 min, pH 8.
Sophorolipids Gold NP Stabilizing Antimicrobial 40 lL SL (100 mg/mL) þ 10 mL [50]
and reducing HAuCl4 (400 lg/mL) þ few drops
NaBH4 (100 mM) pH 5.5 80  C
Surfactin NP Nanocarrier Anticancer Doxorubicin HCl (1.0 mg/mL) þ [88]
triethylamine (15 lL/mL) in CHCl3
40 min room temp. Drop into
Surfactin (2 mg/mL) þ ultrasonic
emulsification 5 min., stir.
40  C overnight.
Surfactin, rhamnolipids Organic (PMMA) NP Green Drug delivery, Patented atomized microemulsion [60]
and trehalose lipids emulsifiers, active antimicrobial technique. BS þ water, 200 rpm/
55  C. Add ammonium persulfate
follow methyl methacrylate
spraying. After 1 h at 55  C PMMA
NP extracted from the latex
with methanol
Rhamnolipids Organic (chitosan) NP Active Antimicrobial, Depolymerized chitosan (0.5 mg/mL in [63]
antibiofilm acetic acid) þ RL (0.5 mg/mL)
mixed 1:1 under stir. 700 rpm,
25  C/ 24 h. 3 mL sodium
tripolyphosphate (0.5 mg/mL)
added drop wise at 700 rpm.
Surfactin Organic (PMMA NP Nanoadsorbent Toxic metal removal Sonochemical emulsion [89]
polymerization. Aqueous solutions
methyl methacrylate (20%) þ
potassium persulfate (0.4 0%) þ
surfactin (4.0%) , 55  C/1 h. Power
output, 50% amplitude.
Frequency 22 kHz.
Surfactin Nanofibers Active Antibiofilm, Aqueous Polyvinyl alcohol 10% (w/v), [61]
anti-adhesive 85  C/1 h vortex. Sodium surfactin
solution (0.5–1.5%) was added at
28 C. Gravity electrospinning
technique under constant 12.5 kV,
collector plate charged at 5 kV,
relative humidity 4050%.
Lipopeptide Nanofibers Active Wound healing Gelatin solution 20% (w/w) þ BS [62]
(25%) mixing 3 h. Electrospinning
technique with 6 kV voltage, flow
rate, 0.5 mL /h30 min and 10 cm
distance of needle tip and
fiber collector.
Sophorolipid Micelles Encapsulation Biomarker, theranostic Curcumin (1 mg/mL) probe-sonicated [70]
for 40 min with acidic SL
solution (5%)
Rhamnolipid Liposomes Nanocarrier Antimicrobial 20 mg nisinþ 50 mg of [75]
active packing phospholipids þ RL (3:1 w/w) in
20 mL PBS pH 7. Heat 35  C ,
homogenized at 13,500 rpm, and
ultra-sonicated 15 min at 25 kHz.
Nanocarrier add to 1:1 (v/v) blend
j-carrageenan/ hydroxypropyl
Surfactin Nanoemulsions Emulsifier/active Antimicrobial Cooking oil (14%) þ ethanol (3%) þ [83]
Surfactin 20% (v/v) mixed, left 1 h/
86  C. Oil phase mixed with water
and centrifuged 10,000 g.
Rhamnolipid Nanoemulsions Emulsifier Cooking oil emulsion 10% Oil þ 90% aqueous RL (0.1–3.0% [81]
in 10 mM sodium phosphate, pH
7.0). Microfluidizer emulsions
obtained under different
homogenization pressures
(9–19 kpsi).

Table 2. Continued.
BS type Nanostructure type BS function Proposed application Reaction conditions References
MEL- A Liposomes Stabilizing/active Anticancer Soy phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol [90]
3:1 þ 10% MELþ 1% betulinic acid
all solved in chloroform and
evaporated 40  C/150 rpm. Lipid
film dispersed into PBS by
ultrasonic cleaner 15 min, follow
3 min in ultrasonic cell grinder.
C. parapsilosis BS Graphene quantum dots Active/bioconjugate Cancer diagnosis 25 mL of GQDs (85 mg/mL in PBS, pH [91]
and therapy 7.4) þ EDC (2 mg) þ NHS (3 mg)
at room temp./1 h. 300 lL BS
(1 mg/mL in PBS, pH 7.4)
conjugated to GQDs through
amine-carboxyl coupling reaction
1 h at RT under stirring. Then 3 mL
of BS-GQDs mixed with 30 lL of
Folic acid (1 mM PBS) 1 h stirring
and centrifugation
(6000 rpm/15 min)
Rhamnolipid Nanodiscs Self-assembly Biomimetic RL dissolved in 200 mM sodium [86]
with protein membranes cholate sonicated 10 min, 37 Hz
/30  C. Membrane scaffold protein
added to different ratios and
heated 130  C/1 h following
dialysis removal of sodium cholate
to self-assembly of nanodiscs
NPs: nanoparticles; BS: biosurfactant; PMMA: poly methyl methacrylate; MEL: mannosyl erythritol lipid; GQDs: graphene quantum dots; EDC: N-(3 dimethy-
laminopropyl)-N-ethylcarbodiimidehydrochloride; NHS: N-hydroxysuccinimide.

Another interesting approach to exploit BS-based surface promoted by the presence of BS. If repulsive
nanostructures is the development of antiviral protect- forces dominate, cell adhesion can be avoided [106].
ive clothes, masks, gloves, and coating films to minim- Once a biofilm is established, BS can act as a disrupt-
ize the lifespan of viral particles in surfaces and reduce ing agent. Biofilm removal involves the weakening of
their transmission. Antiviral adhesive coatings or cloth biofilm structure due to reducing surface and interfacial
fabric loaded with hybrid NPs (metal-BS, chitosan-BS) is tensions, thus favoring dispersion and disintegration of
a more feasible strategy to apply BS-nano-sized struc- the matrix [107,108]. NPs have also been applied to the
tures in the short-term, once their development does treatment of biofilms as vehicles to active antimicrobial
not demand extensive clinical studies. molecules. Generally, NP are surface-functionalized or
loaded with drugs to facilitate their penetration and
favor the controlled release inside the biofilm matrix
Anti-biofilm activity [109]. Reports in the literature regarding BS-based
Biofilms are defined as a microbial community sur- nanostructures on controlling biofilms are scarce. The
rounded by an extracellular polymeric matrix, which is presence of RL in chitosan NP helps the penetration
attached to biotic or abiotic surfaces [102]. Compared and release of RL to the lower layers of S. aureus bio-
to planktonic, the sessile lifestyle offers greater resisting films (Figure 3), suggesting that the BS can be exploited
power to physical and chemical agents since the matrix to the design of novel anti-biofilm nanostruc-
acts as a protective barrier that prevents contact with tures [63,64].
antimicrobials [103]. Biofilm-related infections are a
matter of concern once recalcitrance toward antibiotics Anticancer activity
can lead to treatment failure and infection recurrence The antitumoral activity of BS is also well recognized.
[104]. Microbial adhesion to surfaces is the first step of Most studies concerning anticancer effects of BS
biofilm formation hence, an interesting strategy to con- include the lipopeptide class. A review from Wu et al.
trol biofilms is to prevent adhesion. BS are able to mod- [110] emphasizes the potential of surfactin against sev-
ify or to form a conditioning film over abiotic surfaces eral types of tumors such as Ehrlich ascites carcinoma,
resulting in a delay or reduction of microbial adhesion breast cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, hepatocellular
and formation of biofilms [105]. These anti-adhesive carcinoma, and cervical cancer. According to the
properties are relative to changes in the electrostatic authors, induction of apoptosis and cell growth inhib-
and/or hydrophobic interactions between bacteria and ition are the main mechanisms reported to be

Figure 3. Conceptual image of the interaction of chitosan-rhamnolipid NP with S. aureus cell wall and biofilms.

responsible for the anticancer activity of surfactin. resulted in uniform particle size distribution and
However, cell cycle arrest, metastasis inhibition, oxida- improved stability of liposome particles. Furthermore,
tive stress, and mitochondrial damage have also been MEL-A improved cell apoptosis and the destruction of
associated with tumor anti-proliferative effects of BS mitochondrial membrane potential in HepG2 cells. The
[90,110,111]. Due to their small size, nanostructures can presence MEL-A facilitated the permeation and delivery
improve the efficacy of anticancer treatments once they of the drug and synergistically enhanced the anticancer
can increase drug accumulation in the tumor by activity of betulinic acid liposomes [103].
enhancing the permeation and retention effect A surfactin-based NP-loaded with the anticancer
[88,110]. In this view, studies aiming to improve anti- drug doxorubicin was synthesized by solvent-emulsion
cancer action of BS by combining them with nanostruc- method generating a core–shell structure. The NP
tures, have been described in the literature. RL- showed stronger cytotoxicity against doxorubicin-resist-
functionalized AgNPs effectively inhibit in vitro prolifer- ant human breast cancer cells (MCF-7/ADR) compared
ation of human breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF-7) to free doxorubicin. Enhanced cellular uptake and
comparatively to normal lymphocytes cells (PBMN). The decreased cell efflux were observed when tumor cells
difference observed in cell viability was associated with were treated with the NP. A superior tumor inhibition
more selective binding of the anionic NP to the tumor with fewer side effects was observed using in vivo
cell surface, which in turn, lead to membrane disruption model. In summary, surfactin nanocarriers may repre-
and oxidative stress [111]. sent a promising alternative to overcome multidrug
MEL-A BS produced by a Pseudozyma aphidis strain resistance in cancer chemotherapy [88].
was utilized together with betulinic acid to the formula- Advantageous properties of graphene quantum dots
tion of liposomes with anticancer activity. Liposome for- (GQDs) such as stable photoluminescence, low cytotox-
mulation containing soy lecithin-cholesterol (3:1), 10% icity, and high biocompatibility attracted great atten-
MEL-A, and 1% betulinic acid was tested against human tion in many fields, giving them the status of next-
hepatoma cells (HepG2). The incorporation of MEL-A generation nanomaterials [112]. Bansal et al. [91]

proposed the preparation of GQDs conjugated with a mode. The small size of NP permits their flow through
BS produced by Candida parapsilosis. The bioconjugate pores in oil reservoirs and the presence of BS helps to
was characterized as round-shaped homogenous dis- improve the recovery processes [113]. Adsorption of
persed structures with a 3.58 nm size range. emulsan BS into SiO2 NP forms a BS monolayer at the
Conjugation of GQDs with BS reduced significantly the particle surface making them more hydrophobic and,
viability of human breast cancer (MCF-7) cells, and fur- enhancing the recovery of oil [113].
ther decoration of the BS-GQDs conjugate with folic Silica NP and RLs were able to form and stabilize
acid enhanced their cell uptake and antitumoral activ- emulsions of tetradecane or crude oil in water and sea-
ity. The photoluminescence of bioconjugated GQDs water. The NP and BS acted synergistically generating
was adequate for targeting and imaging the cells thus, emulsions with smaller oil droplets and greater stability
they have potential application in cancer diagnosis to coalescence than emulsion stabilized by either NP or
and therapy. BS alone. Highly stable crude oil-seawater emulsions
Green synthesized gold NP obtained using MEL from were obtained with 2% silica NP þ 60 mg/L RL. The
U. maydis demonstrated a potential cytotoxic effect environmental-friendly combination of silica and RLs
against human liver hepatoma (HepG2) cells. Also, showed potential to be applied in the remediation of
DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging measurements con- oil spills [114]. In a similar study, oil recovery by simul-
firmed their antioxidant properties and the NP exhib- taneous flooding of silica NP and RLs was investigated.
ited antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and E. coli. A synergistic effect between BS and NP resulted in
The presence of MEL played an essential role to enhancing oil recovery favoring the release of trapped
develop metal NP for biomedical applications [49]. oil. Authors propose that the reduction of interfacial
Most studies focusing on the medical application of tension promoted by BS lowered capillary forces help-
BS-based nanostructures evaluate in vitro toxicity, how- ing the diffusion of NP and BS molecules through the
ever, in vivo toxicity and the environmental impact of pores, which in turn, modifies the wettability. In add-
such structures are not emphasized. This gap should be ition, the increase in viscosity of injected fluids pro-
properly covered by future studies. moted by the NP and BS was responsible for the
enhanced oil recovery observed [115].
Apart from the countless advantages and potential
Environmental applications
applications presented by nano-sized materials, their
Despite BS has been traditionally applied for environ- emergence gave rise to concerns. In fact, like any new
mental purposes, the development of BS-based nano- technology, questions about the impact of nanomateri-
structures for such applications is scarce. A unique als on health and the environment are still waiting for
example regarding environmental application of BS-NP answers. The smallest size and highest surface area,
was reported by Kundu et al. [89] which described the which can improve distribution in living organisms, are
synthesis of poly (methyl methacrylate)-surfactin NP by key advantages of nano-sized structures; on the other
ultrasound-assisted emulsion polymerization. The NPs hand, these features are also associated with improved
were efficient nano-adsorbent to the removal of heavy toxicity. Inhalation of NPs was related to pulmonary
metals from water. The metal ions adsorption mechan- problems. Moreover, dermal, nephron, and hepatotox-
ism involves the formation of chelates or electrostatic icity of some nano structures have been
interactions with NP showing selective affinity to Co2þ reported [116,117].
> Zn2þ > Ni2þ > Cr3þ >Fe2þ > Cu2þ > Cd2þ > Pb2þ Nano-sized materials are found in natural environ-
respectively, under single-component conditions. The ments such as water, soil, and air. This fact might be
NP preserved four adsorption–desorption cycles with- associated with their greater stability compared to bulk
out significant loss of adsorption capacity. The surfac- counterparts together with increasing commercial
tin-functionalized NP was also able to remove phenolic exploitation, making them prospective candidates to
compounds, exhibited antimicrobial activity against E. pollutants in a short time [118]. Therefore, the develop-
coli, and low cytotoxicity showing potential as an envir- ment of standardized and validated methods for quan-
onmental-friendly alternative to the treatment of waste- tification and identification of nano-sized materials in
water [89]. the environment is increasingly necessary for their safe
Few studies explore the combination of NPs and BS utilization [119].
to improve bioremediation of oil. In those examples, BS It is important to emphasize that although BS are, in
was not utilized in the synthesis of NPs, but are mixed general, considered to be low toxic and environmental
with them to enhance their action in a synergistic friendly, their formulations at nanoscale (especially

when combined with other materials) cannot simply be and the remediation of pollutants are prospective, since
assumed to be safe. To reach successful applications in in such applications, there are no concerns about their
nanotechnology, the issues relative to health and envir- oral intake safety. In conclusion, we can expect an
onment regarding BS-based nanostructures should also increasing demand for the development of BS nano-
be addressed. sized products in the forthcoming future.

Conclusions and perspectives Disclosure statement

BSs have emerged as green alternatives to the formula- The authors declare that they have no known competing
tion of nano-sized structures since their physicochemi- financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this article.
cal, self-assembly, and biological properties, combined
with their natural status, are advantageous over syn-
thetic surfactants. The use of BS in both, inorganic and Funding
organic (polymeric) NPs , nanoemulsions, micelles, and Authors thank to Fundaç~ao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado
liposomes were proposed in the last years to explore de S~ao Paulo (FAPESP) Grant n 2019/14405-9 for finan-
their properties not only as capping, reducing agents, cial support.
emulsifiers and nanocarriers but also as active agents.
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ing feasible, the traditional concerns about their relative ORCID
higher production costs are replaced by the lack of
robust information about their oral toxicity and impact Marcia Nitschke http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6107-4183
Crisiane Aparecida Marangon http://orcid.org/0000-0002-
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