Riojas: The Most Distinguished Surname

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Alcazar of Segovia Castle

The Most

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Table of Contents
Surname History
Origins 3
Ancient History 3
Spelling Variations 3
Early History 3
Early Notables 4
The Great Migration 4
Current Notables 5

Surname Symbolism
Introduction 7
Motto 7
Shield 8
Crest 11

Further Readings and Bibliography

Appendix - Notable List 12
Appendix - Settler List 13
Bibliography 14
Citations 17

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The noble Spanish surname Riojas, is of toponymic origin, deriving from a place name
where the original bearer resided or held land. The surname Riojas thus means "one who
hailed from La Rioja."The region of La Rioja takes its name from the river Oja which
flows through it. Over time, the Spanish word "rio," or "river," became fused with the
name of the river, resulting in Rioja.

Ancient History
The surname Riojas can find its roots in the history of the powerful kingdoms of Castile
and Leon. The proud and austere character of the people of this area has endured, having
greatly influenced the culture of the New World. The name Riojas was traced to its
source in the region of La Rioja, in Northern Castile.

Spelling Variations
Spanish surnames have undergone comparatively few spelling changes. The variations
Riojas and Riojanado, however, stem from the same heritage.

Early History
The area of Spain once held by the powerful kingdoms of Castile and Leon, lies in the
high river etched central plateau of the Iberian peninsula. The Cantabrian mountains
border this vast region to the north while the rugged Sierra de Guaderrama and the Sierra
de Gredos rise in the middle of the region and divide Old Castile in the north from New
Castile in the south. It was into this central tableland that the Iberian tribes of the
southern Spanish peninsula were pushed by Punic expansion in the 6th and 5th centuries
B.C. In this region they intermingled with the Celtic tribes of the north, and formed
Celtiberian tribes. Though some were connected ethnically, the various tribes were not
homogeneous, having different customs, languages, and religious practices. The coming
of Rome, brought great changes in the civilization of the peninsula.
The Punic Wars, fought between Carthage and Rome in the 3rd century B.C., ended with
the complete destruction of Carthage, and spread of Roman control throughout the
western Mediterranean. Centuries of close association with Rome laid the foundations
upon which the culture of Spain would develop. Spanish language, literature, law,
administration and religion were largely shaped by Spain's inclusion in the Roman Empire.
Following the decline of the Roman Empire, in the 5th century A.D., the Visigoths
invaded the peninsula. Several centuries later, in the year 711, Spain was invaded by the
Moors from the south. Muslim victory was complete by the year 718.
The Christian reconquest of Spain began in the 8th and 9th centuries and slowly moved
southward, reclaiming most of the northern parts of the peninsula. The name Castile, in
fact, was inspired by the many castles built by the Christian nobility during this time, as
they fortified their conquered territories, and kingdoms began to be built. However,
Castile was not yet a kingdom in its own right at this time, but was a province of the

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kingdom of Leon. During the reconquest the kings of Asturias gained control of the
territory of Leon and created a kingdom which extended its power over Galicia, part of
Castile, Navarre, and the Basque Province. The kingdom of Asturias and Leon was not
powerful enough to prevent the nobility of Navarre and Castile from establishing
independent kingdoms. The Castilian noble Fernan Gonzalez was a key figure in the
achievement of autonomy in the 10th century.
Sancho III of Navarre annexed Castile, along with other major territories, and created a
kingdom that included almost all of Christian Spain. Upon his death in 1035, this kingdom
was split between his sons. Castile was made a kingdom for his son, who became Ferdinand
I. Only two years later, in 1037, Ferdinand captured Leon and united the kingdoms.
However, on his death in 1065 they were again separated. Under Alfonso VI the two
kingdoms were united again, and again, because of dynastic disputes, separated in the 12th
century. In 1230, Ferdinand III finally fully united Leon and Castile.
In the 13th and 14th centuries, the Castilian kings had acquired the surrounding lands
including Navarre, and Castile was quickly becoming the dominant Christian power in
Spain. The Castilian royalty continued to have trouble with the turbulent nobility of
Castile, and was often involved in dynastic disputes and even civil war. Peter the Cruel
reduced the power of the nobles greatly in the 14th century, but it was not until the 15th
century, when Isabella I won a civil war and came to the throne that Castile was really able
to assert royal authority.
In 1469, Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Aragon was married to Isabella I of Castile. Their
marriage brought about the unification of Aragon and Castile upon their accession in 1479,
and was the beginning of a united, glorious Spain. Castile was the dominant and central
power in the kingdom, being the core of the monarchy and housing its capital Madrid.
The Castilian dialect became the standard literary language of Spain.
The Riojas family originated in the north of the ancient kingdom of Castile, in the region
of La Rioja. During Roman times, the region comprised part of the province of
Tarragona. It was later ruled by the Visigoths, taken by the Arabs during the eighth
century, and retaken by the kings of Navarra, who established their court at Najera.
Fernando I and Alfonso V subsequently incorporated the region of La Rioja into the
Kingdom of Castile. The Riojas family was able to branch out and establish themselves in
communities throughout Spain and the Iberian peninsula. They were ennobled by the
Order of Calatrava in 1690, and there is mention of the Riojas family in the records of the
Order of Carlos III.

Early Notables
Among prominent bearers of the family name in this era was Domingo de la Rioja, a
distinguished Spanish sculptor in the seventeenth century; and Francisco de Rioja (1583-
1659), a poet who was born in Spain near Seville.

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The Great Migration
The Muslim surrender of Granada in January 1492, freed Ferdinand and Isabella to begin
the work of expansion. The same year, Christopher Columbus voyaged to the west. These
events opened an era of exploration and conquest which made Spain one of the most
powerful European countries for several centuries. The discovery of America by
Columbus, was closely followed by the exploration of the South American coast, and the
conquest of Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico. In 1494 the Treaty of Tordesillas established
Spain's exclusive rights to the western half of South America. By the first decades of the
16th century settlements were founded in Paraguay and Colombia. At the same time Spain
held possessions in Asia and Africa.

There are 3 settlers with similar origins in the Appendix.

Current Notables
Contemporary notables of the surname Riojas include Eugenio de Rioja (b.1922), a
Spanish journalist; and José Antonio Pérez-Rioja García-Sierra (b.1917), a Spanish

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In Spain, the age-old practice of representing important people with symbols evolved with
feudal society into an extensive armory to distinguish members of the upper class, whether
at court or on the battlefield. Spain’s status as a European power made heraldry
particularly necessary for identification in foreign countries and involvement in
international politics.

An Achievement of Arms such as the Riojas arms

depicted on the left typically consists of these parts: the
Escrolls, displaying the family motto and name, the
family crest (if any) seen above the helmet, the actual
Coat of arms (also known as 'arms,' or 'the shield'), the
Helmet depicted below the crest, the Torse on top of the
helmet, and the Mantle draped from the helmet. Each of
these elements will be described below. Supporters were a
Achievement of Arms of later addition to the Achievement; they are somewhat
rare, and are usually personal to the grantee.

The mantle was spread over and draped from the helmet
and served as a protection, 'to repel the extremities of
wet, cold, and heat, and to preserve the armour from
rust.' The numerous cuts and slits suggest that it had
been torn and hacked on the field of battle. The style or
design of the mantling is up to the individual heraldic
artist, and it is usually depicted in the main color and
Mantle of Riojas
metal from the shield. The helmet (or Helm) varied in
shape in different ages and countries, often depicting
rank. The Esquire's Helm, as depicted here, is generally
shown silver, with a closed visor and facing to the dexter
(its right). On top of the helmet is a Torse or wreath
which was formed by two pieces of silk twisted together.
Its purpose was to hold the crest and mantle on the Helm.

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The motto was originally a war cry or slogan. Mottoes first began to be shown with
arms in the 14th and 15th centuries, but were not in general use until the 17th century.
Thus the oldest coats of arms generally do not include a motto. Mottoes seldom form
part of the grant of arms: Under most heraldic authorities, a motto is an optional
component of the coat of arms, and can be added to or changed at will; many families
have chosen not to display a motto.
The coat of arms displayed here for the surname Riojas did not include a motto.

Shields (or Escutcheons) at first were painted simply with one or more bands of color or
'ordinaries'. Later, the ordinaries were used in conjunction with other figures or
symbols. The Coat of Arms for the surname Riojas can be described as follows:

A silver shield with a green tree on water blue and silver,
with a blue crescent, points down.

The Riojas Shield

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Silver, known by the French term "argent," is one of the
two metals used in heraldry. It is usually represented on a
shield by the colors gray or white. This metal represents
nobility, peace and serenity. It is associated with the
qualities of purity and chastity, because the metal
withstands the test of fire.
silver shield

Symbolic Virtues: It guards innocence and gives celestial

happiness. It denotes virginity in maidens and chastity in
widows. It also lends justice to judges and represents the
virtues of Humility, Innocence, and Happiness.
Celestially, the color represents the moon.

Precious Stone: Pearl

Planet: Moon
Obligations: Help maidens and orphans.

"Vert" (from the French word for green) signifies
felicity and pleasure. It was symbolic of joy, youth and
beauty. Green was also associated with the spring. The
bearer of the green is obliged to defend the peasant and all
who work on the land. It is expressed in engravings by
green lines in bend, or slanting to the right.

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The tree is a symbol of antiquity and strength. Many
types of trees are blazoned on shields and crests, but they
are generally not depicted accurately. The type of tree
can relate to the characteristics of an early bearer of the
family name, or perhaps to the land held by that family.
The oak tree was sacred to the ancient Greeks and the
Celts; the cedars of Lebanon are referred to in the
scriptures as trees of stately beauty; the lime or linden
tree was sacred to the Germans; the poplar is a symbol of
great strength; the cypress tree is a symbol of death,
because once cut, it never springs up again from its
roots; evergreens, like the pine and the yew, symbolize
of death and the hope of eternal life; the ash tree was
venerated by the Scandinavians. Trees allude to home or
property, and they are also generally considered a symbol
of life and strength. Sometimes a hurst of trees, or a
wood is found on a shield. Also, a tree stump or tree
trunk may be used as a symbol of re-growth and rebirth,
especially when it is borne with branches spouting new

Water, or the ocean, signifies travel and adventure over
some great body of water. It is also a symbol of the
generation of life.


Azure (derived from the French word for "blue")
represents the color of an eastern sky on a clear day. It
also corresponds to the metal tin. The word, “azure”
was introduced from the east during the Crusades. It
signifies piety and sincerity, and is equated with
autumn. In engravings it is represented by horizontal

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The crescent stands for one who has been "enlightened
and honored by the gracious aspect of his sovereign." It
is also borne as a symbol of the hope of greater glory.
Knights returning from the crusades introduced the
crescent, the badge of Islam, into the language of
heraldry. The heraldic crescent has a very deep base and
curving horns that quickly sharpen to points close
together. Crescents also represent the moon that lights
the night sky for travelers, though it does not resemble
the shape of a crescent moon very closely. In English
arms it was also a mark of cadency signifying the second
son. The reversed crescent is a crescent with the horns
turned down. The term increscent indicates a crescent
with the horns facing the observer’s left, and decrescent
is a crescent facing the observer’s right.

The Crest
The Crest was worn on top of the helmet, and was usually made of wood, metal, or
boiled leather. It provided the double advantage of easy identification and the addition of
height to the wearer. If a family had no crest, and many chose not to, plumes (feathers)
were often displayed instead.

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Appendix - Notable List
• Gustavo Riojas Santana, Mexican founder of The Party of the Nationalist Society
in 1998
• Hansell Argenis Riojas La Rosa (b.1991) Peruvian professional footballer
Surname Variants of Riojas
• Amalia S. Rioja, American Democrat politician, Delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Illinois, 1996, 2000 (alternate), 2008

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Appendix - Settler List
American Settlers
Surname Variants of Riojas
• Bartolome De Rioja, who landed in New Spain in 1834 [1]

• Francisco De Rioja, who arrived in New Granada in 1849 [1]

• Luis De Rioja, who landed in Florida in 1863 [1]

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Here is a listing of some of the sources consulted when researching Spanish surnames. The
resources below directly or indirectly influenced the authors of our surname histories. We
have most of these titles in our library, others we have borrowed or had access to. Source
materials have been chosen for their reliability and authenticity. Our research into
surnames is ongoing, and we are continually adding to our source library. For each
surname history, we seek and refer to sources specific to the surname; these are generally
not included in the list below.
Atienza, Julio De Atienza. Nobiliario Espanol: Diccionario Garcia Carraffa, Alberto and Arturo: Diccionario Heraldico y
Heraldico De Apellidos Españoles Y De Titulos Nobiliarios. Genealogico de Apellidos Espanoles y Americanos. Madrid: A.
Madrid: Aguilar, 1959. Marzo, 1919-63. 88 volumes.

Carr, Raymond. Spain, 1808-1975. 2nd Ed. Oxford: Oxford Elster, Robert J. International Who’s Who. London : Europa/
University Press, 1982. (ISBN 9-78-019822-1272) Routledge, Published annually since 1935.

de Cadenas, Vicente Y Viicent. Heraldic Patronimica Espanola Kamen, Henry. European Society, 1500-1700. London:
Y Sus Patronimicos Compuestos. Madrid: Hidlguia, 1976. Hutchinson, 1984. (ISBN: 0-09-156991-5)

de Cadenas, Vicente Y Viicent. Caballeros de La Orden de Rietstap, J. B. Armorial General. Baltimore: Genealogical
Santiago, Siglo XVIII. Madrid: Hidalguia, 1996. (ISBN 8-48- Publishing, 1965.

Dominguez, C. Diccionario Hispano de Apellidos y Blasones. 4 Rolland, and H.V. Rolland. Illustrations to the Armorial
Vols. 2001 General by J.B. Rietstap. Ramsbury: Heraldry Today, 1967.
(ISBN 0-900455-209)

Cottle, Basil. The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames, 2nd ed. Magnusson, Magnus. Chambers Biographical Dictionary. 5th ed.
London: Penguin, 1978. Edinburgh: W & R Chambers, 1990

Hanks, Patricia. And Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Robb H. Amanda and Andrew Chesler. Encyclopedia of
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988. (ISBN 0-19-211592-8) American Family Names. New York: HaperCollins, 1995 (ISBN

Reaney P.H. And R.M. Wilson. A Dictionary of Surnames.

London: Routledge, 1991.

Brooke-Little, J.P. An Heraldic Alphabet. London: Robson, Puttock, Colonel A.G. Dictionary of Heraldry and Related
1985. (ISBN 0-86051-320-3 PB) Subjects. London: John Gifford, 1970.

Elvin, C.N. Elvin’s Handbook of Mottoes: Revised With Rolland, V. & H. V. Rolland: Illustrations to the Armorial
Supplement and Index by R. Pinches. London: Heraldry Today, general by J. B. Rietstap. Baltimore: Heraldic Book Co., 1967 (6
1971. (ISBN 0-900455-04-7)Foster, Joseph. Dictionary of volumes in 3).
Heraldry: Feudal Coats of Arms and Pedigrees. London: Bracken
Books, 1989. (ISBN 1-85170-309-8)

Fox-Davies, Arthur. A Complete Guide to Heraldry. New York: Uden, Grant. A Dictionary of Heraldry. London: Longmans,
Bonanza, 1978. (ISBN 0-517-26643-1) 1968. (ISBN 582-15471-9)

Fox-Davies, Arthur. Heraldry: A Pictorial Archive for Artists & Von Volbroth, Carl-Alexander. Heraldry: Customs, Rules and
Designers. New York: Dover, 1991. (ISBN 0-486-26906-X) Styles. London: New Orchard, 1991. (ISBN 1-95079-037-X)

Koller, K. and A. Schillings. Armorial Universal. Brussels: Williamson, David. Debrett’s Guide to Heraldry and Regalia.
Libraire Encyclopedique, 1951. London: Headline Book Publishing, 1992.

Pine, L.G. Heraldry and Genealogy. London: Teach Yourself Woodcock, Thomas and John Martin Robinson. The Oxford
Books, 1970. (ISBN 0-340-05614-2) Guide to Heraldry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
(ISBN 0-19-285224-8)

Bentley, Elizabeth P. Passenger Arrivals at the Port of New Maduell, Charles R., compiler. Index of Spanish Citizens
York, 1820-1829. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Entering the Port of New Orleans between January 1840 and
Co., 1999. December 1865. New Orleans: the compiler, 1966

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Colletta, John P. They Came In Ships. Salt Lake City: Samuelsen, W. David. New York City Passenger List Manifests
Ancestry, 1993. Index, 1820-1824. North Salt Lake, Utah: Accelerated Indexing
Systems International, 1986

Conrad, Glenn R. The First Families of Louisiana. Baton Spain, Archivo General De Indias, Sevilla. Catalogo de Pasajeros
Rouge, LA: Claitor’s Publishing, 1970. a Indias durante los Siglos XVI, XVII, XVIII. Edited by the
docents of the General Indian Archives under the Director of the
Archives, Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata. Sevilla Spain:
Imprenta de la Gavidia. 3 vols. Vol. 1, 1509-1534. 1940. 515p.

Diez, Ma. Del Carmen Galbis. Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Chronological list of passengers to Spanish America (including
Durante los siglos XVI, XVII, XVIII. Archivo General de Florida and Louisiana, 1538-1559). From documents in the “Indian
Indias Sevilla. Murcia, Spain: Ministerio de Cultura. 1986. Vol. Archives“ in Sevilla, 1509-1790.

Filby, P. William an d Mar K. Meyer. Passenger and Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Galveston, Texas 1896-1951.
Immigration Lists Index. In Four Volumes. Detroit: Gale National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Research, 1985. (ISBN 0-8103-1795-8)

Baxter, Angus. In Search of your Canadian Roots: Tracing your Colombo, John Robert. Colombo’s Canadian Quotations.
Family Tree in Canada. Toronto: MacMillan, 1989. (ISBN 0- Toronto: Colombo and Company, 1974.

Beddoe Alan. Canadian Heraldry. Ottawa: Royal Heraldry Cook, Ramsay, Real Belanger and Jean Hamelin. Dictionary of
Society of Canada, 1981 Canadian Biography: 1921 To 1930. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press, 2006 (ISBN 0-80-209087-7)

Bercuson, David J. and J.L. Granatstein. Collins Dictionary of Jackson, Ronald Vern, et al. Canada 1800-1842 Census -
Canadian History: 1867 to Present. Toronto: Collins, 1988. Miscellaneous. North Salt Lake, Utah: Accelerated Indexing
(ISBN 0-00-217758-7) Systems International, 1989.

Canadian Almanac and Directory -Annual editions. Toronto: Maclean. Rose, George. A Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography
Grey House. Being Chiefly Men of the Time: a collection of persons
distinguished in professional and political life: leaders in the
commerce and industry of Canada, and successful pioneers.
Toronto: Rose, 1886.

Canadian Who’s Who. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Myers, Jan. Canadian Facts and Dates. Richmond Hill:
Published annually Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1991. (ISBN 1-55041-073-3)

United States
Best, Hugh. Debretts Texas Peerage. New York: Coward- Egle, William Henry. Pennsylvania Genealogies: Scotch-Irish
McCann, 1983 (ISBN 0-69-811244-X) and German. Harrisburg: L. S. Hart, 1886.

Bolton, Charles Knowles. Bolton’s American Armory. Library of Congress. American and English Genealogies in the
Baltimore: Heraldic Book Company, 1964. Library of Congress. Baltimore: Genealogical publishing, 1967.

Bradford, William. History of Plymouth Plantation, Matthews, John. Matthews’ American Armoury and Blue Book.
1620–1647. Edited by Samuel Eliot Morrison. 2 vols. New York: London: John Matthews, 1911.
Russell and Russell, 1968.

Browning, Charles, H. Americans of Royal Descent. Baltimore: Vermont, E. de V. American Heraldica: A Compilation of Coats
Genealogical publishing, 2004 (1911). (ISBN 9-78-080630-0542) of Arms, Crests and Mottoes of Prominent American Families
Settled in This Country Before 1800. New York: Heraldic
Publishing Company, 1965.

Crozier, William Armstrong Ed. Crozier’s General Armory: A Zieber, Eugene. Heraldry in America. Philadelphia, 1895. Repr.
Registry of American Families Entitled to Coat Armor. New 1977, Genealogical Publishing Co.
York: Fox, Duffield, 1904.

Davison, Graeme, John Hirst and Stuart McIntyre Eds. The Gillen, Mollie. Yvonne Browning and Michael Flynn. The
Oxford Companion to Australian History. South Melbourne: Founders of Australia: A Biographical Dictionary of the First
Oxford U. Press, 2001. Fleet. Sydney: Library of Australian History 1989.

Fraser, John Foster. Australia: The Making of a Nation. King, Jonathan. The First Fleet: The Convict Voyage That
London: Cassell, 1911. Founded Australia 1787-88. London: Secker & Warburg 1982.

Flynn, Michael, The Second Fleet, Britain’s Grim Convict

Armada of 1790. Sydney: Library of Australian History, 1993.
(ISBN 0-908120-83-4)

New Zealand
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Volume one: 1769-1869. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: Volume Two: 1870-
Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1990. 1900. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1993.

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Extra Credit goes to Miguel303xm atázar_de_Segovia_1-7-07.JPG for the picture on the cover.

1 ^ Filby, P. William, Meyer, Mary K., Passenger and immigration lists index : a guide to published
arrival records of about 500,000 passengers who came to the United States and Canada in the
seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. 1982-1985 Cumulated Supplements in Four Volumes
Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research Co., 1985, Print (ISBN 0-8103-1795-8)

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