Module 4 B (NITTT Previous Year Questions)
Module 4 B (NITTT Previous Year Questions)
A) Instructional media can bring the outside world into the classroom.
B) Instructional media can bring dynamism to a presentation.
C) Instructional media saves the classroom time of a teacher.
D) Instructional media are difficult to prepare and procure.
A) metacognitive knowledge
B) factual knowledge
C) conceptual knowledge
D) procedural knowledge
3) Arrange the following steps of learning practical skills in their correct sequence
A) Know
B) Does
C) Know-how
D) Show how
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7) While designing any media with visuals, it is better to keep subtitles and visual components nearer. This is…
8) The barrier which interrupts the communication process due to similar-sounding words is ……….
9) Out of the following, which can be taken as a disadvantage of the Case method?
10) Identify one of the assumptions based on which deductive methods are classified.
11) During teaching, the use of more than one teaching method brings in………….
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A) Blind students
B) Deaf Students
C) Speech Disability students
D) Normal students
14) The most important feature of the Interactive panel is that it …….
15) For effective planning of Laboratory, instructions teacher should keep in focus
A) Examination
B) Learners
C) Teacher
D) Learning Environment
17) Which of the following is suitable for the development of metacognitive knowledge?
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18) Which of the following is NOT a skill planned to be developed in students through laboratory work?
19) Which of the following is suitable for the development of factual knowledge?
A) Principle of questioning
B) Principle of readiness
C) Principle of Exercise
D) Principle of intensity
A) Learning outcomes
B) Steps to be followed in sequence
C) Teacher activity
D) Student activity
23) Changing the overt behaviour of the learners is the essence of………
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25) The instructional method which permits more active involvement of students in the learning process as compared to
the teacher is ……
A) Lecture
B) Demonstration
C) Question Answer
D) Role Play
27) Instructional media used by the students for self-learning are called……...
A) Static Media
B) Exposition Media
C) Dynamic Media
D) Inquisition Media
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A) Sakshat
B) Coursera
C) Amazon
A) synergy
B) creativity
C) monotony
D) social bonding
33) Curriculum analysis at micro-level or topic level helps the teacher to…...
A) Self-centred strategy
B) Teacher-centred strategy
C) Student-centred strategy
D) Mixed strategy
A) WordPress
B) The Hot Potatoes
C) Socrative
D) QuestBase
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A) mentor.
B) counsellor.
C) class administrator.
D) facilitator.
40) Identify the instructional method, which provides a lot of autonomy to the student to control his/her learning.
A) Online learning
B) Group discussion
C) Role Play
D) Educational Games
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43) Select the principle that supports the statement ‘Students learn deeply when appropriate pictures are added to the
text than from text only’
44) Which family of teaching model stresses the development of the unique personality of the learner?
45) Which one of the following statements is NOT related to the concept of instruction?
A) It is a set of events
B) The teacher designs it
C) It supports the internal process of learning
D) It is internal to the learners
A) the students
B) the curriculum designers
C) the teachers
D) the examiners
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48) Before starting the laboratory session which of the following is NOT essential activity to be done by the teacher.
49) Which of the following is suitable for the development of procedural knowledge?
50) During the classroom session, when a student remains physically present but mentally out of the class, the barrier
which hinders the process of learning is.……
A) disinterest
B) imperceptions
C) referent confusion
D) daydreaming
51) Verbal illustrations that are used to make the presentation of an instructional session lively does NOT include …...
52) While carrying out curriculum analysis, identification of project work is at…
A) macro-level
B) meso level
C) micro-level
D) mini level
53) While designing a presentation slide one should use limited visuals and text on it because…...
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54) Identify out of the following, the activity which is normally NOT done in organizing a lecture.
56) When digitally created content overlays into the user’s real-world environment, it is known as ……. _____
A) virtual reality
B) virtual game
C) mixed reality
D) augmented reality
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60) Which of the following is NOT a desirable point to design a flip class?
61) The “feedback mechanism”, as per Johari window help the trainee teachers to …...
62) The reason which does NOT contribute in using different types of instructional methods is……
63) The effective presentation skill development model suggests the …...
64) Out of the four options, which is NOT the role of the teacher in the panel discussion?
65) For better learning, the redundant portion should be edited from the visuals. This is …………
A) Multimedia Principle
B) Coherence Principle
C) Spatial Contiguity Principle
D) Temporal Contiguity Principle
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66) One of the events of instruction i.e. "Gaining attention" facilitates the …….
68) Identify the incorrect statement related to instructional methods out of the given statements.
70) Your mentor gives you feedback to enhance students' participation during the session, you would NOT ……...
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A) complex to simple
B) known to abstract
C) whole to part and part to whole
D) concrete to unknown
74) The knowledge dimension that is applicable for both cognitive and psychomotor domains is……
A) factual knowledge
B) conceptual knowledge
C) procedural knowledge
D) metacognitive knowledge
75) As per dual-channel assumption, for better learning, any instructional media should have ………
76) Identify the option that gradually reduces the role of the teacher during experimentation/ laboratory experiences.
77) …………. is used to project 2D/ 3D objects, opaque pictures placed on its stage.
A) Overhead Projector
B) Slide Projector
C) Multimedia Projector
D) Document camera
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79) Functional and Academic improvement of the classroom can not be done by…….
A) Library Automation
B) Virtual Learning Environment
C) Inventory Management
D) Student Administration
82) While giving feedback which of the following help in improving the performance
A) Constructive
B) Timely
C) Meaningful
D) Negative
A) (A) only
B) (A) and (B) only
C) (A), (B) and (C) only
D) (B), (C) and (D) only
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83) Identify the correct sequence of knowledge dimension of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy……
88) Select the sources from which feedback on instructional session help in improvement
A) Self-feedback
B) Peer feedback
C) Students’ feedback
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D) Parents’ feedback
E) Mentor/Seniors’ Feedback
A) an external, an Internal
B) analysis, synthesis
C) an internal, an external
D) understanding, teaching
90) The process of getting multiple outputs from one input is………and getting one output from multiple inputs is………
A) Analysis, Synthesis
B) Synthesis, Analysis
C) Analysis, Evaluation
D) Manufacturing, creating
91) Qualitative improvement of teaching and learning can be done using ICT by ……...
A) Resource Management
B) Virtual Learning Environment
C) eGovernance
D) Student Administration
92) Skill development training can be given to the learner with cheaper cost and lower life risk, by using….
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95) As per the Engineering Model of Communication, the reason for the distorted message perceived by the receiver is
99) Identify the activity that needs to be performed by the teacher before the industry-based session
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