Portfolio Ad12

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COURSE: Advanced 12
SCHEDULE: 9:15 pm-10:45 pm
TEACHER: Moises Tenorio
STUDENT: Dayana Cardenas

What is the best modality to learn nowadays? Online classes are the
most feasible via to learn for students that revolutionized and
changed the old learning. Years ago, we couldn't even imagine that
technology would help us understand because of pandemic years,
we had to adapt, and virtual lessons were the most common and
necessary modality. It allows us to notice that there are notorious
differences between face-to-face classes with online classes. For
these reasons, we should take advantage of this new and exciting
modality that has grown well and is a big opportunity to stop
complaining and study anywhere with a flexible timetable.

To begin, while online classes started to be used to continue doing

activities without keeping in touch, face-to-face classes have
stopped during the pandemic. But it opens a new door because it
teaches us a new modality with many advantages. It allows you to
study in any place. Meanwhile, you can connect to the internet. So,
you wouldn't worry about time, spending money buying the ticket
to the bus or being aware of your clothes. In addition, it allows
students to study comfortably and be relaxed, entering the lesson
with just a click.

On the other hand, many students debate this modality because

they say face-to-face classes are traditional and fundamental
learning. So, analyzing, they notice some crucial differences. For
example, the presencial modality allows us to interact with other
people and be more participative. In consequence, it's more
challenging to get distracted.

To conclude, we can enjoy the diversity of modalities we have

nowadays. Although each has its advantages and disadvantages,
we should optimize the maximum this opportunity and learn
overall. Anyways, students said they needed clarification about
deciding on the best modality, meanwhile, face-to-face lessons are
practical and easier to use, and virtual classes are innovative,
allowing one to discover hundreds of interesting people.
Final copy:
How different could university be? Learning is important and
exciting, even when it changes. University is a crucial path in our life.
For many students, it depends on their life, which makes them study
hard to enter a recognized one. This year, I started studying at a
university, and the differences that I noticed between university are
notorious in contrast to high school because of the rules, location,
and evaluations.

First, the rules are a crucial part of the methodology of each institute.
For example, in high school, teachers used to be rigorous with any
diminutive thing like clothes, hairstyles, tattoos, jewelry, and even
strict with how the student interacted with their partners.
Meanwhile, in university, it totally changed. They don't have
problems with it and are more flexible because it is the student's

To continue, a problem I had was the location. I was getting used to

going to a nearby local where my neighbors were my partners, even
the teacher. It allows me to be social and a good child to expose.
However, in university was the opposite. I should take a two-hour bus
to a new place where I haven't stayed. To add, my partners looked
introverted, which made it difficult to start talking with any of them.
For these reasons, location is important to feel comfortable in the
place where you are.

The final difference is evaluation. In high school, the test was on each
final week of the month, and studying for them was difficult.
Because evaluation is the final proof of passing the course. And
similarly, the university needs good grades that are essential to pass,
but exist a little difference in the difficulty of the test depends on the
teacher. Some of them won't permit the student to sleep to study.

To conclude, differences between high school and university make

each one different and surprising. And even though both are places
to study is evident that each institute is for different kinds of people
steps. Meanwhile, high school is considered a second home and tries
to develop the student's personalities to make them mature and
train for the future. The university is for focused people, and they
have the role of teaching just for their career. But without doubts,
both of them are places that make new experiences and beautiful
At first, I haven´t listened to the indications
about the organization that the teacher talked
about to make the first draft, so I did the block
organization. When I presented my draft to the
teacher, he corrected my mistake and how I
should organize and change it. So I did the
point-by-point organization that is different for
the number of paragraphs and the information
in each one, and My final copy is well because I
have a good grade in writing 1.
Draft and final copy:
Laptops becoming popular in our modern society has
revolutionized how we work, learn, and communicate. This
essay explores the causes and effects of the widespread usage
of laptops. While laptops offer numerous advantages and
conveniences, their ubiquitous presence also brings inevitable
consequences that must be carefully considered.

It's a fact that the convenience it brings is paramount. Laptops

are lightweight and portable, allowing users to carry their work
or studies anywhere. This benefit has increased to help in
productivity and flexibility. Moreover, it has facilitated remote
work and distance learning opportunities. Another cause of
laptop usage is easy access to information and resources, and it
permits users can instantly access vast amounts of information
and online resources with learning opportunities. Furthermore,
it contributes to the democratization of education as
educational materials become widely accessible to people from
various backgrounds.

However, the widespread usage of laptops also brings about

some effects that need careful consideration. One significant of
them is the potential dependency and overreliance on it
because of its daily use. This overreliance can lead to weaning
away from physical activity, increased sedentary behavior, and
potential health issues like eye strain that appear in this case.
Furthermore, people should be concerned about privacy and
security. Privacy breaches, hacking, and identity theft risks have
become more significant. Individuals must protect their data,
practice online habits, and stay informed about potential cyber

In conclusion, the widespread usage of laptops has brought

significant positive changes, but people should be aware of the
possible negative consequences. Striking a balance between
utilizing laptops' benefits while mitigating their drawbacks is
crucial for individuals to make the most of this powerful tool in
the digital age. By harnessing the advantages of laptops and
taking necessary precautions, we can navigate the evolving
technological landscape and harness its potential for personal
and professional growth.

TThis paragraph is about my experience in this

course and how thankful I am to the teacher
because he allowed me to understand the
subject, even when it was complicated for me. In
this unit, we saw new vocabulary, including
phrasal verbs. We reviewed how to convert direct
speech into indirect speech, which is so frequent
in our daily talk when we add someone's phrase
saying by us. Most important, in my view, we
study and understand the difference between
writing an essay using ''point by point
organization'' or ''block organization'' because it is
helpful in our daily formal activities like school
essays or writings in jobs. While we learned, we
were talking about the different ways of learning.
That is an exciting subject because it refers to our
evolution and how we are even using this
method, which helps many of us continue
learning. I consider the unit provided me a
commendable learning experience.

In this unit, we talk about an interesting

subject that is nomophobia. Probably
many students have it. Even I have, so it
was important to talk and discuss.
Learning new vocabulary related to it is
important, like some phrasal verbs with
three words that I added to my language.
Moreover, we reviewed the transitive and
intransitive sentences, but I noticed that it
made a little difficult to identify when I
remembered that it was so easy to
intermediate. For this reason, I should
continue studying not only for the grade
but for my learning too. And this is the last
unit we checked, so it is memorable for
me, and I enjoyed this experience and will
continue looking. I´m thankful to the
patient teacher for explaining each
Assumption: To a belief or supposition made without
concrete evidence or proof.
It is important to question the validity of any assumption before
drawing conclusions.
Issue: To a matter or topic of concern or dispute that
requires attention or resolution.
Sentence: The issue of climate change demands immediate
global action.
Enhances: To improve or intensify the quality, value, or
effectiveness of something.
The use of technology enhances the learning experience for
Crucial: Extremely important or essential in a particular
situation or context.
Time management is crucial for success in online education.
Analyze: To examine or study something in detail to
understand its nature or significance.
Researchers will analyze the data collected to draw meaningful
Anticipation: To the act of looking forward to or expecting
something with excitement or apprehension.
The students were filled with anticipation as they awaited the
announcement of their exam results.
Subsequent: Occurring or coming after something in time
or order.
The report highlighted the subsequent steps to be taken in the
Via: Through a particular medium or channel.
The news was delivered via a press release.
Collaboration: To the act of working together with others to
achieve a common goal.
The project's success was a result of effective collaboration
among team members.
Significantly: In a notable or meaningful way.
The new policy has significantly improved employee
Virtual: To something that exists or is experienced through a
computer or online environment
Diversity: To the variety or range of different elements or
The university prides itself on its commitment to promoting
diversity and inclusivity.
Overall: Taking everything into account or considering the
entirety of a situation.
The team performed well overall in the competition.
Disappointed: Feeling unhappy or dissatisfied due to unmet
The students were disappointed with their exam scores.
Adjusted: Modified or changed to fit a new or different
The schedule was adjusted to accommodate the participants'
Dispute: To a disagreement or argument between two or
more parties.
The labor union entered into a dispute with the management
over wage negotiations.
Sector: To a specific area or field of activity or interest.
The technology sector has experienced rapid growth in recent
Adjustment: To the act of making changes or adaptations to
fit a new situation or condition.
The students had to make adjustments to their study habits for
the online learning environment.
Urge: a strong and persistent desire or impulse to act or do
Despite her exhaustion, she felt the urge to keep working late
into the night.
Compulsive: Describes an irresistible and repetitive behavior
or action that is difficult to control.
He had a compulsive need to check his phone for notifications
every few minutes.
Trigger: Refers to something that sets off or initiates a
reaction or response.
The sound of thunder can trigger anxiety in people with a fear
of storms.
Temptation: It is the desire or enticement to engage in
something that is generally considered unwise or
The aroma of freshly baked cookies was a strong temptation
she found hard to resist.
Conscious: To be aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and
She made a conscious effort to remain calm and composed
during the challenging situation.
Withdrawal: Refers to the physical and psychological
symptoms experienced when reducing or stopping the use
of a substance or behavior to which one has become
The sudden withdrawal from caffeine led to severe headaches
and fatigue.
Dependency: To a reliance on a substance, behaviorr, or
person to function or cope with daily life.
Her dependency on social media became a hindrance to her
productivity and well-being.
Dysfunction: To a state of impaired or abnormal functioning
in a person, system, or relationnship.
The dysfunctional communication within the team hindered
their ability to collaborate effectively.
Wean: To gradually reduce or eliminate dependence on
something, particularly by transitioning to alternatives.
The doctor advised her to wean off the medication slowly to
minimize any potential side effects.
Away from: Moving or shifting in the opposite directtion or
She decided to take a vacation to get away from the stress of
Diminishing: Reducing or decreasing in size, intensity, or
The impact of the new policy on employee morale was
diminishing over time.
Device: to a tool or instrument designed for a specific
purpose, often related to technology.
He relied heavily on his smartphone as a device for
communication and accessing information.
Relent: To become less severe, harsh, or strict.
After much persuasion, the manager finally relented and
granted the employee's request for time off.
Twitching: refers to sudden, involuntary, and brief
movements or contractions of muscles.
Her eye started twitching uncontrollably when she was under
Extra activities:

How do you envision education in the future? Do you think the

traditional classroom with one teacher, 20–25 students, and a
chalkboard is a thing of the past? What role do you think
technology will play in education in the future? What effects will
these changes have on the student?

I think the teaching methodology will be radically different in the

future. Technology has replaced many works, so the probability of
occurring in how we learn is high. Analyzing my learning at Icpna,
I consider online classes the beginning of diverse forms to study.

To start, it's a fact that the first advance in learning has been
virtual lessons. Because before the pandemic, school
methodology was the same and didn’t look to change. For
example, in high school, teachers didn’t allow me to use the
Internet for homework. Still, all changed for the necessity to
continue studying, and using technology was new and

However, nowadays, schools are using new platforms to add to

the learning and dynamic of the class. Some of them are Kahoot, a
website that elaborates tests online and allows students to take
them and participate. Also, there is "classroom," the app used to
write this writing that permits teachers to examine it directly and
add comments to correct it when it has been reported.

The technology revolution is assured. One significant renovation

will be creating a robot teacher programmed to give personal
lessons or an app in each cell phone that will have to include a
dynamic way of teaching. A hologram is possible, too. Moreover,
human teachers can’t teach each student for time and other
factors. In contrast, a machine program allows the personal
evaluation of the student.

I hope this change won't be late because it will help students. It’s a
beneficial form of learning. Any student has a problem with a
course and doesn’t necessarily say they are dumb. Indeed they
need to have a different plan to develop their intelligence because
exist for now eight kinds of intelligence, and each one is different.
So if this invention happens in the future, people could learn well
and have good professionals. Because all people have the
capacity, we need to find a way to develop and use it.
Opinion essay

Should all education be online?

Over the past decade, online education has emerged as a

transformative force in the realm of learning, presenting an
alternative to traditional classroom-based instruction. With
advancements in technology and widespread internet access,
online education has gained popularity, raising important
questions about its effectiveness and impact on students'
educational journeys. This essay will argue that online education
offers numerous benefits that make it a valuable and viable option
in today's digital age.

To begin, one of the most significant advantages of online

education is its accessibility. Geographical barriers are no longer
an impediment to learning, as individuals from remote areas or
with limited educational resources can access quality education.
For example, online platforms enable learners to study at their
own pace, accommodating various schedules and allowing
students to balance their education with work, family
responsibilities, or other commitments. This flexibility empowers
individuals to pursue higher education or acquire new skills
without sacrificing their current obligations.

The las, the breadth and diversity of online courses and programs
available today are unparalleled. Students can access a vast array
of subjects and disciplines that may not be available in their local
educational institutions. Whether it's learning a foreign language,
acquiring technical skills, or pursuing advanced degrees, online
education caters to a wide range of interests and career
aspirations. Additionally, it provides opportunities for lifelong
learning, enabling individuals to continuously update their
knowledge and stay relevant in a rapidly evolving world.

In conclusion, online education has the power to democratize

education and transform lives. As we embrace the potential of
online education, it is crucial to continue refining the
methodologies and support systems to provide an inclusive,
engaging, and effective learning environment for all learners. By
doing so, we can unlock the full potential of online education and
create a brighter future for education worldwide.

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