Module - Ii Research

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Module - II
Flow of the Presentation
 The Research Problem
 Characteristics of a research Problem
 Sources of Research problem
 Criteria of a good research Problem
 The research Objectives
 Statement of research

 The Hypothesis
 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
 Assumptions
 Significance of the study
 Scope and Limitations of the Study
 Definitions of terms
1st Set : Brainstorming

 When can you say that a problem is

really researchable ?

 What is your idea of a research

The research Problem
 a Problem is researchable when :
1. When there is no known solution to the problem.
2. The Solution can be answered by using statistical
methods and techniques;
3. There are probable solutions but they are not yet
4. The Occurrence of phenomena require scientific
investigation to arrive at precise solution.
The Research Problem
 should be stated vividly and explicitly expressed in
interrogative form for questions have the virtue of posing a
problem directly”.
( Kerlinger,1986)
 A good research problem should be SMART, that is, Specific,
measurable,Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.whether it
is historical,descriptive,experimental or case study.
2nd Set: Brainstorming

Anyone who can give a Study

Problem ?
 Out from the Study Problem you
give,State at least one Study
Example of a Research Problems

 The Study is on the problems met by science and

mathematics instructors and professors in the
State Universities and Colleges ( SUCs)in Region
( western visayas) in the school year 1994-1995

 The Study is on the acceptability,nutritive values,

and economics of canned milkfish ( chanos
chanos Forskal)with and without seaweeds.
1st Research Problem
 What are the problems met by science and
mathematics instructors and professors in the SUCsin
Region 6 ( western visayas) in the school year 1994-
1995 in relation to; (a)Administration and
supervision,(b) instructional materials
(c).teacher factor, (d). Student factor
 What is the most pressing problem met by the
science and mathematics instructors and professors
in the SUCs in Region 6(western visayas )in relation
to administration and supervision,instructional
materials,teacher factor ,and student factors.

 Is there a significant differences in the

mean rank levels of the problems met by
science and mathematics instructors and
professors in the SUCs in Region 6 (
western visayas ) in relation to (a)
administration and supervision,instructional
materials(c)teacher factor, (d) student
2nd research Problem

 What is the mean value of the odor,color,flavor,

texture ,and general acceptability of canned
milkfish ( chanos chanos Forskal) with and without
 What are the nutritive value of this products?
 Which of the products is more nutritious?
 Which is more economical,canned milkfish with
seaweeds or canned milkfish without seaweeds?
 Is there a significant difference on the
acceptability of color,flavor, and texture of canned
milkfish( chanos chanos Forskal)with and without
Characteristics of a Research Problem

 SPECIFIC – the problem should be specifically stated.

 MEASURABLE – easy to measure by using reseach
instruments ( questionnaire,tests,etc.) in collecting
 ACHIEVABLE – using correct statistical techniques to
arrive at precise results.
 REALISTIC - real –results are not manipulated.
 TIME-BOUND – is required in every activity because
the shorter completion of the activity the better.
Sources of Research
 Existing and past researches are rich sources of
research problems even using research replication
utilizing the same instruments but administered to
different group of subjects and area in order to
compare the similarities and differences of the
 Other sources of research problems are theses,
dissertations , and research journals.the
researchers of these materials recommend
problems for future research workers to
investigate into it.
Criteria of a Good Research Problem

 Relevant to the needs of the people
 Innovative
 Cost Effective
 Measurable and Time-Bound
 A research problem that is
interesting Attracts Attention of those
investigator who wish to further study
the problem.

 He / she is decided to conduct the

study till completion.
Relevant to the Needs of the People

 The 1st thing that a researcher

should consider in conducting a
Research is that;

 Researcher is conducting a
research not for themselves but for
the People.
 To make a good research , does not
necessarily mean a New Study.
 It can be a Replication; A re-statement
and a re-structuring of an old problem
to make it new.

 In this way, results will be more

relevant and useful to a greater
number of people.
Cost Effective
 For a research to be cost effective,consider
the 4M’s – Man,Money, Materials and
Machinery are needed in conducting a
 In conducting a research study,it should be
economical and effective in solving the
problems of the society.
 Consider also that it augment
social,economical and health conditions of the
people and many others.
Measurable and Time-Bound
 By using the following instruments, like
tests,questionnaires,rating scales,observation
schedules or interviews and statistical treatment
to arrive at scientific and meaningful results
and can be consider a good study.

 It can be completed within a time frame stated.

 the shorter the completion of the project, the

Funding Institution that grantsresearch

 NRCP ( National research Council of the

 DOST ( Department of Science and
 PCAMARRD ( Philippine Council for
aquaculture and Marine resources and
Research Development )
 IFS ( International Foundation for Science )
 JICA ( Japan International Corporating Agency )
The Research Objectives
 Statement of purpose for which the investigation
is to be conducted. ( ardales,1992)
 stated specifically in simple language in order
that the researcher finds them easy to measure
by using research instruments, in collecting data
and achieved when correct statistical technique
is used to arrived at real results ( not
manufactured ).
 Every activity to be done ,time framed is
required because the shorter completion of the
activity,the better.
 Research objectives also have the same
characteristics,SMART,with research problem.
Title: Problems Met By Science and
Mathematics Instructors and Professors
in state Universities and Colleges (
SUC’s) in Region 6( western visayas)In
School year 1994-1995
 Problem; The main problem of this study is to
determine the problems met by science and
mathematics instructors and Professors at the
SUC in Region 6( western visayas) school year
 Specifically it attempts to answer the following questions:
( 1-3 questions as stated in the previous slide)
The main purpose of this study is to determine the problems met
by science and mathematics instructors and professors at the SUC in
region 6 ( western visayas) in school year 1994-1995.
Specifically ,it attempts to answer the following objectives;
1. To identify the problems met by science and mathematics
instructors and professors at the SUC in Region 6 ( western
visaya in school year 1994-1995 in relation to ( a)
administration and supervision,(b) instructional
materials,(c.)teacher factor, ( d) student factor
2. To find out the most pressing problem
3. To determine the significant difference in the mean rank levels of
the problem
The Hypothesis

 Is a wise guess that is formulated and

temporarily adopted to explain the
observed facts covered bythe study.
 It guides the investigator in that it
describes the procedure to follow in
conducting the study.
 Is important because it tells the
investigator what to do,and how to go
about solving a research problem.
Types of Hypothesis

 Null hypothesis ( Ho) “ is a denial of an existence

of an attribute, a relationship or a difference of an
( Ardales,1992)
- It is always stated in a negative form.
 Alternative hypothesis ( H1) – is the opposite
extreme of the Null hypothesis, because this is
always stated in a positive form.
- it is an affirmation of the existence of an
observed phenomenon.
 Problem : Is there a significant difference in the mean rank levels
of the problems met by the science and mathematics instructors
and professors at the SUC in Region 6 ( western visayas ) in the
school year 1994-1995 in relation to (a).Administration and
supervision,(b).instructional materials (c).teacher factor (d.)
student factor?
 Null hypothesis ( Ho): There is no significant difference in the mean
rank levels of the problems met by science and mathematics
instructors and professors
Ho: x1 = X2 = 0
Examples of Hypothesis
 Null Hypothesis:
Problem : Is there a significant difference in the
mean rank levels of the problems met by Science and
Mathemathics instructors and professors at SUC in
Region 6 ( Western Visaya in School Year 1994-1995 in
relation to (a) Administration and
supervision,(b)instructional materials,© teacher
factor, and (d) student factor:
Null Hypothesis : There is no significant difference in
the mean rank levels of the problems met by science
and mathematics instructors and professors.
Theoretical Framework
 Shapes the justification of research problem/research
objectives in order to provide the legal basis for
defining its parameters.
 It is desirable for an investigator to identify key
concepts that are used in the study for better
understanding of the role of theory in research.
 Is a symbolic construction which uses abstract
concepts ,facts or laws,variables and their relations
that explains and predicts how an observed
phenomenon exists and operates.
Conceptual Framework
 presents specific and well defined concepts which are called contructs.
 its function is similar with theoretical framework because the constructs
used are derived from abstract concepts of the theoretical framework.
 Example:
Level Independent Intervening Dependent
variable variable variable
Theoretical Educational values performance
Conceptual B.S. M.S./M.A Age,C.Status Outstanding
PhD/Ed.D Social and very satisfactory
economic satisfactory
status,Attitudes Fair
towards work Unsatisfactory
 are presumed to be true statements of
facts related to the research problem.
 Clearly stated to give readers of research
papers,theses and dissertations a
foundation to form conclusions resulting
from assumptions.
 Not all studies have a section on
assumptions in their study because some
of these are included in the background
of the study.
Example of Assumptions

 Value-oriented,work-oriented, and production-

oriented curricula are needed to develop socially
and economically productive individuals.

 The work-oriented curriculum has profound

implication for home and school cooperation in
the development of desirable work habits and
practical skills,In- school experiences must be
followed up and encouraged at home.
Significance of the Study
 the discussion of the significance of the study is
presented either in the inductive or deductive
 In an inductive perspective, the researcher moves
from the particular to the general. And presents the
importance of the study from the target beneficiaries
,to the researcher himself,to the people in the
community,to the people in the province ,region and
the nation.
 In deductive perspective, general to the particular
,discussion of the importance of the study starts first
from the national level, to the researcher himself, and
the target beneficiaries.
Important contribution proven in Significance
of study
solving the problem and need
 bridging a knowledge gap
 Improving social, economic and health
 Enriching research instruments and
 supporting government thrusts
Scope and Limitation of the Study
 an important section in dissertations/theses and
research paper.
 It includes the coverage of the study area, the
subjects, research instruments, the research
issues and concerns, the duration of the study,,
and the constraints that have direct bearing on
the results of the study.
 data gathering employed the questionnaire
which the researcher admits has the limitation of
 Hence the questionnaire was supplemented by;
observation,interview and the analysis .
Definition of Terms
 this is the last section of a
thesis,dissertation,and research paper in chapter
 Thesis and dissertations do not include this
section of the study if there are more than fifteen
terms defined because this portion is for the
 It is advisable that the researcher should use
two ways in defining the terms to make the
meaning clear. The operational definition is
preferable when defining technical terms.
Two ways to define the key terms

 Conceptual definition – the definition of

terms are based on concepts or hypothetic
ones which are usually taken from the
 Operational definition – the definition of
terms are based on observable
characteristics and how it is used in the

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