BCA IV Sem Open Source Technology
BCA IV Sem Open Source Technology
BCA IV Sem Open Source Technology
End Semester Examination- May 2019
B.C.A. - IV Semester
Paper- Open Source Technology
Paper Code-BCA-405
Note: Attempt questions of all three sections as directed. Distribution of marks is given
with sections.
Section – A
(Objective Type Question)
1 X 10 = 10
Note: Attempt all question. Each question carries 1 mark.
2. How did open source software get started? How it is useful for small
Write down the advantages of open source software. What do you
mean by free software?
4. Write down the commands which are helpful to compared and altered
the content of files in Linux.
Write short notes on: File permission/Access rights
5. Define variable and constant. Discuss about the different data types
used in PHP.
Write down the printing process in PHP. Explain the purpose of break