WordNet-Based Information Retrieval

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WordNet-Based Information Retrieval

Using Common Hypernyms and Combined Features

Vuong M. Ngo Tru H. Cao Tuan M. V. Le
HCMC University of Technology HCMC University of Technology HCMC University of Technology
and John von Neumann Institute and John von Neumann Institute and John von Neumann Institute
VNU-HCM, Viet Nam VNU-HCM, Viet Nam VNU-HCM, Viet Nam

[email protected]

ABSTRACT To choose the intended sense of a word in a context, a Word

Text search based on lexical matching of keywords is not Sense Disambiguation (WSD) algorithm is employed. Supervised
satisfactory due to polysemous and synonymous words. Semantic WSD systems have high accuracy ([19]) but need manually sense-
search that exploits word meanings, in general, improves search tagged corpora for training. In IR, training corpora of a supervised
performance. In this paper, we survey WordNet-based information WSD algorithm need to be large, which are usually laborious and
retrieval systems, which employ a word sense disambiguation expensive to create. Knowledge-based WSD systems ([20], [18],
method to process queries and documents. The problem is that in [1]) were developed to overcome the knowledge acquisition
many cases a word has more than one possible direct sense, and bottleneck and avoid manual effort. Besides, for specific domains,
picking only one of them may give a wrong sense for the word. knowledge-based WSD systems have better performance than
Moreover, the previous systems use only word forms to represent generic supervised WSD systems trained on balanced corpora
word senses and their hypernyms. We propose a novel ([2]).
approach that uses the most specific common hypernym of the Traditional knowledge-based WSD algorithms typically rank
remaining undisambiguated multi-senses of a word, as well as concepts that represent senses of a word and assign the sense with
combined WordNet features to represent word meanings. the highest rank to the word. If there are more one sense with the
Experiments on a benchmark dataset show that, in terms of the same highest rank, the systems will randomly choose one of those
MAP measure, our search engine is 17.7% better than the lexical senses or choose all those senses. That is also applied to
search, and at least 9.4% better than all surveyed search systems WordNet-based IR systems using WordNet as the knowledge
using WordNet. base for WSD ([22], [12], [8], [25], [24], [6], [16]). However,
that may choose a wrong sense, whence many irrelevant
Keywords documents may be retrieved.
In this paper, we propose a new WordNet-based IR model in
Ontology, word sense disambiguation, semantic annotation,
which a word is represented by its most specific meaning as
semantic search.
possibly determined in a context. That is, in a context, after a
disambiguation procedure, if a word has only a sense with the
1. INTRODUCTION highest rank, then the word will be represented by that sense.
By today, a large amount of information is shared on the Otherwise, if a word has more than one sense with the equally
World Wide Web. The performance improvement of rich and highest rank, then the most specific common hypernym of those
huge information exploitation has been challenging research on senses will be chosen and the word will be represented by the pair
information retrieval (IR). To overcome the disadvantages of the of that hypernym and the form of the word.
keyword-based IR models, ontology, such as WordNet, has been The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the
widely used for semantic search. next section, we survey and classify WordNet-based IR research
Lexical search is not adequate to represent the semantics of works. Section 3 describes the proposed system architecture and
queries referring to word senses, for instance: (1) Search for methods to annotate and expand queries and documents. Section 4
documents about “movement”; (2) Search for documents about presents evaluation of the proposed model and comparison to
“movement belonging to change”; and (3) Search for documents other models. Finally, section 5 gives some concluding remarks
about “movement belonging to the act of changing location from and suggests future works.
one place to another”. That is because the word movement has
many different senses. In fact, the first query searches for 2. A SURVEY AND CLASSIFICATION OF
documents containing not only the word movement but also words WORDNET-BASED SEMANTIC SEARCH
that are its synonyms, e.g. motion, front, campaign, and trend, or
hypernyms, e.g. change, occurrence, social group, venture, and APPROACHES
disposition. For the second query, users do not expect to receive 2.1 WordNet Words
answer documents about words that are also labelled “movement”, WordNet ([17], [5]) is a lexical database for English
e.g. movement belonging to a natural event and movement organized in synonym sets (synsets). WordNet is reputed as a
belonging to a venture, but are not changes. Meanwhile, the third lexical ontology. Its version 2.1 contains about 150,000 words
query requests documents about a precisely identified word sense. organized in over 115,000 synsets. Each WordNet word (WW) in
The word movement means not only the action of changing a text may be annotated with its form (f), a direct hypernym of its
something but also the act of changing location from one place to sense, or its sense if existing in the ontology of discourse. That is,
another, e.g. the movement of people from the farms to the cities. a fully recognized WordNet word has three features, namely,

form, direct hypernym, and sense. For instance, in the text in movement_11 for the word “movement”. Then, the word
Figure 2.1, a possible full annotation of the WordNet word apple “movement” is presented by movement/event_1.
at (1) and (2) is the WW triple (apple, edible_fruit_1, #07739125- In summary, annotation of an ontology word having word
noun) while for the apple at (3) and (4) it is the WW triple (apple, form f can be one of the following formats: (1) word sense (s),
apple_tree_1, #12633994-noun), where Malus pumila and apple when the sense of the word is determined; (2) combined
are synonyms of the same WW sense whose identifier is information f/msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)), when the word
#12633994-noun. has more than one determined sense. The synonyms, hypernyms,
and hyponyms of an ontology word can be derived from its sense.
“To determine if an apple (1) is ready to be picked, place a cupped
hand under the fruit, lift and gently twist. If the apple (2) doesn't come 2.2 WordNet based Information Retrieval
away easily in your hand, then it's not ready to harvest.”1
“A round, firm fruit with juicy flesh; the tree bearing this fruit, Systems
Malus pumila, comes from the family Rosaceae (rose family). There are With general limitations of lexical search, semantic search is a
many, many types of apples (3) grown all over the world today and major topic of current IR research. A semantic search method
these can be divided into eating, cooking and cider apples (4).”2
often embeds semantic information in queries and/or documents
and may expand them with related information. Ontology is
Fig. 2.1. Text passages from the BBC3:
widely used in semantic search. WordNet is the ontology of
However, due to ambiguity in a context, performance of a interest in this paper. Depending on the purpose and structure of
WSD algorithm, or limitation of the ontology of discourse, an an employed ontology, IR systems will use appropriate methods
ontology word may not be fully annotated or may have multiple to exploit the ontology. Therefore, in this paper we only survey
annotations. As shown in Figure 2.2, the first, third, and eleventh research works using WordNet for query or document semantic
senses among more than 11 senses of the word “movement” have annotation and expansion.
the common hypernym change_3. So, with a context such as Query expansion is the process of adding to an original query
“movement belonging to change”, the word “movement” can be new terms that are similar to the original words in the query to
not fully annotated (movement, change_3, #*) or have three improve retrieval performance ([14]). The works [22], [12] and
annotations, i.e. (movement, change_3, #movement_1-noun), [8] expanded queries by using WordNet. Document expansion is
(movement, change_3, #movement_2-noun) and (movement, the process of enriching documents by related terms to improve
change_3, #movement_3-noun). retrieval performance. The works [25], [24], [6] and [16]
expanded documents by using WordNet.
act_2 Table 2.1 presents our survey about text IR systems using
WordNet features in comparison to our proposed one. In that, we
use the following notations: (1) s is sense of a word; (2) form(s) is
any form of a sense s; (3) hypernym(s) is any hypernym of a sense
change_3 happening_1
s; (4) hyponym(s) is any hyponym of a sense s; (5)
f/msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)) is the pair of a form f and its
movement_1 movement _3 movement _11 movement _2 …
respective msc_hypernym in a certain context; and (6) keyword is
a word that is not a stop-word or a WW.
movement As shown in the table, [22] expanded a query with all forms of
Fig. 2.2. Example about senses of the word “movement” every sense s occurring in it. Also, [22], [12] and [8] used all
forms of a sense and all forms of any hyponym of a sense in a
In this paper, we introduce the notion of most specific
query. Meanwhile, [25] used all forms of a sense to expand a
common hypernyms. The most specific common hypernym is a
document, and [24] and [6] additionally used all forms of any
semantic relation between a sense and sense set, denoted by
hypernym of a sense in a document. The work [16] used senses in
msc_hypernym. A sense s is said to be a most specific common
both queries and documents, and all forms of any hypernym of a
hypernym of a sense set {s1, s2, ...} if s is one common hypernym
sense in a document.
of the sense set and no common hypernym of the sense set is more
In [22], the authors showed that the use of synonyms,
specific than s. For example, event_1 is a msc_hypernym of the
hyponyms and their combination in queries derived from
four senses movement_1, movement_2, movement_3, and
description statements improved retrieval performance, but
movement_11. We note that a sense set may have more than one
reduced retrieval performance with queries derived from narrative
msc_hypernym. Besides, we write possible_senses(f) to denote
statements. In [12], after the sense of a word in a query was
possible senses of the form f in a certain context.
determined, its synonyms, hyponyms, definition were considered
In addition, f/msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)) is combined
by some rules to be added into the query. Meanwhile, [8]
information of a form and its respective msc_hypernym. We
expanded a query by using spreading activation on all relations in
propose to use this combined information when a word has more
WordNet and selecting only the words being important and found
than one sense determined by the WSD algorithm. For example,
in WordNet to represent the query content.
in a context, the WSD algorithm may determine the four possible
senses movement_1, movement_2, movement_3, and

1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/basics/techniques/growfruitand
2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A12745785
3 http://www.bbc.co.uk

Table. 2.1. Survey about search engines using features of query “search documents about rainfall”, rain as a synonym of
WordNet rainfall is added into the query. Therefore, documents about “a
rain of bullets” will also be retrieved. Similarly, with document
[22], Our
Paper Lucene [22] [12], [25] [24], [16] Searc expansion, for the document about “rainfall”, rain as a synonym
[6] h of rainfall is added into the document. Therefore, the document
DE_S DE_I will be retrieved by the query “search documents about a rain of
Lexical QE
DE yn d
DE_ bullets”. The drawback is similar with using only word forms of
IR Model yn_H MscH
Search _Syn
_Syn _Hyp _Hyp
yper hypernyms and hyponyms of senses.
er er
Especially, in case a word has more than one sense determined
The by a WSD algorithm, the above works choose randomly one sense
are used
from those senses, which may decrease the retrieval performance
in if that is a wrong choice. In contrast, in our system, such a word is
Query x x represented by the combination of its form and the msc_hypernym
s of the senses.
Doc x x
Besides, if a word w in a document has only one suitable sense
f/msc_hyperny Query x
s, then all forms, hypernyms, and form-hypernym pairs of s are
ses(f)) Doc x virtually added into the document. Otherwise, if it is uttered by a
Query x form f in a document and determined by the pair f/msc_hypernym
ym(s) Doc x
(possible_senses(f)), then f, msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)),
and all hypernyms of msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)) are
Query x virtually added into the document.
hyponym(s) Query SEMANTIC SEARCH
hypernym(s) Doc x 3.1 System Architecture
Query x x Our proposed system architecture is shown in Figure 3.1. The
form(s) WordNet Word Disambiguation-and-Annotation module extracts
Doc x x x
and embeds the most specific WW features in a raw query and a
Query x x x x x x x
keyword raw text document. The process is presented in detail in Sections
Doc x x x x x x x 3.2 and 3.2. After that, the text is indexed by contained WW
features and keywords, and stored in the Extended
Addition to [25], [6] used hypernyms and rules to filter senses
WordNetWord-Keyword Annotated Text Repository. Semantic
determined by the employed WSD algorithm to expand
document search is performed via the WordNet Word-Keyword-
documents. If there were still more than one suitable sense for a
Based Generalized VSM (Vector Space Model) module as
word after running the WSD algorithm and filtering, all of those
presented in Section 3.4.
senses were used. In [25] and [6], the authors constructed
concepts using the format Lemma-POS-SN, where Lemma was a WordNet Word-
form, POS was the part of speech, and SN was the sense number Raw Query Keyword Annotated Ranked
of the word. For example, if surface is a noun and has sense 1, Query Text Document
then it will be denoted by Surface-Noun-1.
In [24], the authors modified the index term weights that were
WordNet Word WordNet Word-Keyword
normally computed based on the tf*idf scheme. In a document, Disambiguation and Annotation Based Generalized VSM
the weight of an index term will be increased when the term had
semantic relations with other co-occurring terms in the document.
The authors used WordNet to determine semantic relations
between the terms. In [16], each WW was replaced by the new Raw Text
...... WordNet Extended WordNet Word-
format Sense|POS. For example, if surface is a noun and has ...... Keyword Annotated
offset 3447223, then it will be denoted by 3447223|Noun. The ...... Text Repository
authors also used forms of hypernyms of a word in WordNet to ......
increase performance of the system.
Like all systems expanding queries, the above query WordNet Word WordNet Word Extension
expansion systems spend time for searching related terms in an Disambiguation and Annotation and Indexing
ontology and matching between the new query and documents. Fig. 3.1. System architecture for WordNet based semantic
Meanwhile, in document expansion systems, searching for related search
terms is offline and the query is not changed. Hence, our search
applies document expansion.
Moreover, since the above-surveyed papers use word forms to
3.2 Word Sense Disambiguation using
represent word senses, it may reduce the precision of system. WordNet
Indeed, a query containing a word having form f and sense x could Word sense disambiguation is to identify the right meaning of
also match to documents containing a word having the same form a word in its occurrence context. Lesk's algorithm ([11]) was one
f but different sense y. For example, with query expansion, for the of the first WSD algorithms for phrases. The main idea of Lesk’s

algorithm was to disambiguate word senses by finding the overlap in function in Lucene4, which is a general open source for
among their sense definitions using a traditional dictionary. The storing, indexing and searching documents [7].
works [13] and [4] proposed to use WordNet for Lesk's algorithm. 2. Disambiguating and annotating WordNet words in the
Following [13], we modify Lesk’s algorithm by exploiting document by using our WSD algorithm introduced in
associated information of each sense of a word in WordNet, above sections.
including its definition, synonyms, hyponyms, and hypernyms. By
3. Extending the document with implied information:
comparing the associated information of each sense of a word
with its surrounding words, we can identify its right sense.  If the sense s of the word is determined, then s and its
However, if a word has two or more suitable senses, then our expanded features form(s), hypernym(s),
WSD algorithm will find msc_hypernyms of the senses in form(hypernym(s)), form(s)/hypernym(s) are added to
hypernym hierarchy of WordNet. We use WordNet version 2.1 for the document.
the WSD algorithm. Figure 3.2 describes the difference between  If the word has more than one sense with f and
the traditional KB-based WSDs and our KB-based WSD. msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)) as its apparent form
and the most specific common hypernym, respectively,
Choose msc_hypernyms of then f and f/msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f))
Choosing the Choosing all the senses and combine the
first sense in the senses in the
and their expanded features
msc_hypernyms with the
sense list sense list word form W form(msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f))),
Tradition Tradition We msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)),
A word form Si Sj … Sk
W in a f/hypernym(msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)))
sentence or Highest Score Senses are added to the document.
a paragraph Filtering
4. Words not defined in WordNet are treated as plain
Word Sense Disambiguation Algorithm
5. Original WordNet features, implied WordNet features and
plain keywords are indexed.
S1 S2 S3 … Sn

3.4 Vector Space Model with Combined

WordNet Words and Plain KeyWords
Knowledge Base
In many cases, there are some words that are plain keywords
Fig. 3.2: Difference between the traditional KB-based WSDs and or not updated yet in the exploited word ontology. We propose a
our KB-based WSD VSM that combines WordNet words and plain keywords. That is,
we unify and treat all of them as generalized terms, where a term
3.3 Query and Document Annotation and is counted either as a WordNet word or a plain keyword or but not
Expansion both. Each document or query is then represented by a single
The system processes queries for WordNet-based searching in vector over that generalized term space. the weights of the
the following steps: generalized term are calculated as the in traditional tf.idf scheme.
1. Removing stop-words in the query. We implement the above VSM by employing and modifying
Lucene. In fact, Lucene uses the traditional VSM with a tweak on
2. Disambiguating and annotating WordNet words in the
the document magnitude in the cosine similarity formula for a
query. We semi-automatically carry out this task for the
query and a document. But this does not affect the ranking of the
documents. In Lucene, a term is a character string and term
3. Representing each recognized WordNet word: occurrence frequency is computed by exact string matching, after
 If the sense s of the word is determined, then the word keyword stemming and stop-word removal. Here are our
is represented by s. modifications of Lucene for what we call S-Lucene for the above
VSM: (1) indexing documents over the generalized term space;
 If the word has more than one sense with f and
(2) modifying Lucene codes to compute dimensional weights for
msc_hypernym(possible_senses(f)) as its apparent form
the vectors representing a document or a query; and (3) modifying
and the most specific common hypernym, respectively,
Lucene codes to compute the similarity degree between a
then the word is represented by
document and a query.
4. Words not defined in WordNet are treated as plain 4. EXPERIMENTS
keywords. 4.1 Dataset and Performance Measures
A document is automatically processed in the following steps: Evaluation of a retrieval model or method requires two
1. Removing stop-words in the documents by using a built- components being a test dataset and quality measures ([3], [15]).

4 http://lucene.apache.org

The L.A. Times document collection is employed, which was used of the precision and F measures. The MAP values in Table 4.2
by 15 papers among the 33 full-papers of SIGIR-2007 and SIGIR- and the two-sided p-values in Table 4.3 show that taking into
2008 about text IR using TREC dataset. The L.A. Times consists account latent ontological features in queries and documents does
of more than 130,000 documents in nearly 500MB. Next, queries enhance text retrieval performance. In terms of the MAP measure,
in the Adhoc Track-1999, which has answer documents in this Semantic Search performs about 17.7% better than the Lexical
document collection, is used. So, there are 44 queries of 50 Search model, and about 37% and 127.1% better than the
queries in this Track chosen. Each query has three portions, QE_Syn, and QE_Syn_Hypo models, and 9.4%, 19.2% and
namely, the title, description and narrative ones. Since a query 23.2% better than the DE_Syn, DE_Syn_Hyper and
title is short and looks like a typical user query, we only use query DE_Id_Hyper, respectively.
titles in all experiments, as in [22], [12], [8], [25], and [6], for Table 4.1. The average precisions and F-measures at the eleven
instance. standard recall levels on 44 queries of the L.A. Times
We have evaluated and compared the IR models in terms of
precision-recall (P-R) curves, F-measure-recall (F-R) curves, and Recall (%)
Measure Model
single mean average precision (MAP) values ([3], [10], [15]). 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Meanwhile, MAP is a single measure of retrieval quality across Lexical Search 51 42 34 28 25 22 16 13 10 9 8
recall levels and considered as a standard measure in the TREC QE_Syn 46 35 30 23 21 18 15 13 8 7 6
community ([23]).
QE_Syn_Hypo 34 22 20 15 14 12 8 5 3 2 2
Obtained values of the measures presented above might occur
by chance. Therefore, a statistical significance test is required DE_Syn 51 45 37 30 27 23 18 14 12 10 10
([9]). We use Fisher’s randomization (permutation) test for DE_Syn_Hyper 46 40 34 29 25 22 16 13 11 10 9
evaluating the significance of the observed difference between DE_Id_Hyper 51 40 35 26 22 19 13 11 10 8 8
two systems, as recommendation of [21]. As shown [21], 100,000
DE_MscHyper 62 49 41 33 28 24 18 15 11 10 9
permutations were acceptable for a randomization test and the
threshold 0.05 of the two-sided significance level, or two-sided p- Lexical Search 0 13 19 20 21 22 18 16 12 11 10
value, could detect significance. QE_Syn 0 12 17 18 19 19 17 15 11 9 9
QE_Syn_Hypo 0 9 13 13 13 13 10 8 6 4 4
4.2 Testing results F-measure
We present experiments about search performance of our DE_Syn 0 13 20 22 24 23 20 17 15 13 12
system in comparison with the surveyed WordNet–based systems DE_Syn_Hyper 0 13 19 22 22 22 18 16 14 12 11
by seven different search models: DE_Id_Hyper 0 13 19 21 20 19 14 13 11 10 10
1. Lexical Search: This search uses Lucene text search DE_MscHyper 0 14 21 24 24 23 20 17 14 12 11
engine as a tweak of the traditional keyword-based VSM.
2. QE_Syn: The search uses synonyms of WordNet to Average P-R curves Average F-R curves
expand queries only.
3. QE_Syn_Hypo: The search is similar to QE_Syn but it
uses both synonyms and forms of hyponyms to expand F-measure (%)
Precision (%)

4. DE_Syn: The search uses synonyms of WordNet to
expand documents. It employs the traditional KB
WordNet-based WSD as presented in Section 3.2.
5. DE_Syn_Hyper: The search is similar to DE_Syn but it
uses both synonyms and forms of hypernyms to expand
6. DE_Id_Hyper: The search uses the sense of a word to
represent the word and forms of hypernyms of the sense to Recall (%) Recall (%)
expand documents.
7. DE_MscHyper: This search uses our proposed model and
Fig. 4.1. Average P-R and F-R curves of Lexical Search, QE_Syn,
system presented in Section 3.
DE_Syn, DE_Id_Hyper and DE_MscHyper models on 44 queries
In QE_Syn and QE_Syn_Hypo query expansion models, the sense of TREC
of a word in a query is semi-automatically determined to get high
precision. In DE_Syn, DE_Syn_Hyper and DE_Id_Hyper Table 4.2. The mean average precisions on the 44 queries of
document expansion models, Lesk’s algorithm is modified to TREC
automatically determine the sense of a word as for our
DE_Msc Lexical QE_Syn_ DE_Syn DE_Id_
DE_MscHyper model. However, when a word in a context has Model
Hyper Search
_Hyper Hyper
many suitable senses, the other document expansion models will
choose the first ranked sense in the senses to represent the word. MAP 0.251 0.2133 0.1832 0.1105 0.2295 0.2106 0.2037
Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1 plots present the average precisions Improvement 17.7% 37% 127.1% 9.4% 19.2% 23.2%
and F-measures of Lexical Search, QE_Syn, QE_Syn_Hypo,
DE_Syn, DE_Syn_Hyper, DE_Id_Hyper and DE_MscHyper
models at each of the standard recall levels. It shows that
DE_MscHyper performs better than the other six models, in terms

Table 4.3. Randomization tests of DE_MscHyper with the cream cone. In Proceedings of ACM SIGDOC-1986, pp.
Lexical Search, QE_Syn, QE_Syn_Hypo, DE_Syn, 24-26 (1986)
DE_Syn_Hyper and DE_Id_Hyper models [12] Liu, S., Liu, F., Yu, C., Meng, W. An effective approach to
document retrieval via utilizing WordNet and recognizing
|MAP(A) – Two-Sided P-
Model A Model B N– N+ phrases. In Proceedings of ACM SIGIR-2004, pp. 266-272
MAP(B)| Value
Lexical Search 0.0377 1335 1453 0.02788 [13] Liu, S., Yu, C., Meng, W.: Word Sense Disambiguation in
QE_Syn 0.0678 1181 1195 0.02376 Queries. In Proceedings of ACM CIKM-2005, pp. 525-
QE_Syn_Hypo 0.1405 161 153 0.00314 532 (2005)
DE_MscHyper [14] Lu, X. A., Keefer, R.B.: Query Expanson/Reduction and Its
DE_Syn 0.0215 11878 11574 0.23452
Impact on Retrieval Effectiveness. In Proceedings of
DE_Syn_Hyper 0.0404 3763 3826 0.07589 TREC-1994, pp. 231-240 (1994)
DE_Id_Hyper 0.0473 2187 2268 0.04455 [15] Manning, C.D., Raghavan, P., Schütze, H.: Introduction to
Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press (2008)
[16] Mihalcea, R., Moldovan, D.: Semantic Indexing using
5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS WordNet Senses. In Proceedings of the ACL-2000
We have presented a generalized VSM that exploits all workshop on Recent Advances in Natural Language
ontological features of WordNet words for semantic text search. Processing and Information Retrieval, pp. 35 - 45 (2000)
That is a whole IR process, from a natural language query to a set [17] Miller, G. A., Beckwith, R., Fellbaum, C., Gross and
of ranked answer documents. The conducted experiments on a Katherine Miller. WordNet: An on-line lexical database. In
TREC dataset have shown that our WordNet features exploitation International Journal of Lexicography, Vol.3, pp 235-244
improves the search quality in terms of the precision, recall, F, (1990)
and MAP measures. [18] Navigli, R. and Lapata, M.: Graph connectivity measures
For future works, we are considering combination of WordNet for unsupervised word sense disambiguation. In
and other ontologies to increase the number of WordNet words Proceedings of IJCAI-2007, pp. 1683-1688 (2007)
that can be covered. Also, we are researching rules to determine [19] Pradhan, S., Loper, E., Dligach, D., and Palmer, M.:
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