Auditing Theory Prelim Quiz
Auditing Theory Prelim Quiz
Auditing Theory Prelim Quiz
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of your choice in capital letters before the
corresponding number. Each choice has an equal chance of being right but you must go
32. The senior auditor responsible for 36. Evaluate the following statements:
coordinating the field work usually I. Audit planning precedes conclusion and
schedules a pre-audit conference with the reporting.
audit team primarily to II. Audit planning precedes substantive
A. Give guidance to the staff regarding testing.
both technical and personnel aspects of Which is/are true?
the audit. A. I only
B. Discuss staff suggestions concerning B. II only
the establishment and maintenance of time C. Both I and II
budgets. D. Neither I nor II
C. Establish the need for using the work
of specialists and internal auditors. 37. Which of the following information may
D. Provide an opportunity to document assist the engagement partner in
staff disagreements regarding technical determining whether conclusions
issues. reached regarding acceptance and
continuance of client relationships and
33. The audit plan generally is modified audit engagements are appropriate?
when I. The integrity and ethical values of the
A. Results of tests of control differ from principal owners, key management and those
expectations. charged with
B. An engagement letter has been signed by governance of the entity.
the auditor and the client. II. Whether the engagement team has the
C. A significant deficiency has been competence and capabilities, including
communicated to the audit committee of the sufficient time, to perform
board of directors. the engagement.
D. The search for unrecorded liabilities A. Both I and II
has been expected during the planning of B. I only
the audit. C. II only
D. Neither I nor II
34. Which one of the following is a true
statement about the required risk 38. Which of the following is/are should
assessment discussion? be included in the engagement letter?
A. The discussion about the susceptibility I. Objective of the audit of the financial
of the entity’s financial statements to statements
material misstatement must II. Identification of the applicable
be held separately from the discussion financial reporting framework for the
about the susceptibility of the entity’s preparation of the financial statements
financial statements to fraud. III. Reference to the expected form and
content of any report
A. I only
B. II only clients.
C. Both I and II A. I only C. Both I and II
D. I, II, and III B. II only D. Neither I nor II
39. Which of the following statements 43. Evaluate the following statements
is/are correct? regarding enhancing auditor’s
I. A Company shall neither allow or independence.
require its independent auditor to prepare I. Appointing a partner of the CPA firm
its financial statements and/or conducting the audit to the corporation’s
any of its supporting documents audit committee.
II. The engagement letter shall contain a II. Having the independent auditor report
provision that the disclosure of certain to an audit committee of outside members
information to the SEC shall not of the board of
constitute a breach of confidentiality nor directors
shall it be a ground for civil, criminal Which is/are appropriate?
or disciplinary proceedings against A. I only
the independent auditor B. II only
III. A Company may request its independent C. Both I and II
auditor to conduct reconciliation of D. Neither I nor II
certain account balances as
long as it is included in the engagement 44. Evaluate the following statements
letter regarding the engagement letter.
A. I only I. State whether the CPA will perform
B. II only audit, review or compilation services.
C. Both I and II II. State any restriction to be imposed on
D. I, II, and III the CPA’s work.
Which is/are included in the engagement
40. Which of the following statements letter?
is/are correct? A. I only
I. A successor auditor should make B. II only
specific inquiries of the predecessor C. Both I and II
auditor regarding disagreements D. Neither I nor II
which the predecessor had with the client
concerning auditing procedures and 45. Evaluate the following statements
accounting principles regarding the engagement letter.
II. If a client refuses to permit the I. Remind management that the primary
predecessor to respond to the successor’s responsibility for the FS rests with
inquiry, then the successor management.
auditor should inquire as to the reasons II. Provide a written record of the
for such refusal and consider the agreement with the client as to the
implications of this in deciding services to be provided.
whether to accept the engagement or not. Which is/are the primary purpose(s) of the
A. I only C. Both I and II document?
B. II only D. Neither I nor II A. I only
B. II only
41. Where the client is changing auditors, C. Both I and II
PSA requires communication between the D. Neither I nor II
predecessor and successor auditors. The
burden of initiating the communication 46. Which of the following is least likely
rests with: to be included in an audit engagement
I. The client letter?
II. The predecessor auditor I. Identification of specific audit
A. I only C. Both I and II procedures that the auditor needs to
B. II only D. Neither I nor II undertake.
II. A reference to the inherent
42. Which of the following statements limitations of an audit that there is an
is/are correct? unavoidable risk that some material
I. Independence must be considered in misstatements may remain undiscovered.
deciding whether to accept a company as an A. I only
audit client. B. II only
II. Only partners and managers are C. Both I and II
required by the Code of Ethics to be D. Neither I nor II
independent from their assurance
47. Which of the following is least likely II. Recent change of middle management and
to result into the auditor sending a new rank and file organizational structure
audit engagement letter? A. I only
I. Revisions or special terms of the B. II only
engagement. C. Both I and II
D. Neither I nor II
48. If a change in the type of engagement 50. Which of the following statement(s)
from higher to lower level of assurance is is/are correct concerning the auditors’
reasonably justified, the report based on objective with respect to opening balances
the revised engagement: in conducting an initial audit engagement
I. Should qualify the opinion due to a I. To obtain sufficient appropriate
scope limitation. evidence about whether the opening
II. Omits reference to the original balances contains misstatements
engagement. that materially affect the current
A. I only period’s financial statements.
B. II only II. To obtain sufficient appropriate
C. Both I and II evidence about whether appropriate
D. Neither I nor II accounting policies reflected in
the opening balances have been
49. If a change in the type of engagement consistently applied in the current
from higher to lower level of assurance is period’s financial statements, or
not justified, the auditor should: changes thereto are appropriately
I. Qualify the report on the original accounted for and adequately presented and
engagement. disclosed in accordance
II. Refuse to agree to management’s with the applicable financial reporting
request on the change of engagement and framework
continue with the original engagement. A. I only
A. I only B. II only
B. II only C. Both I and II
C. Both I and II D. Neither I nor II
D. Neither I nor II
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