Manahil 1
Manahil 1
Manahil 1
Assignment NO 1
What is Hadith?
A Hadith in Islam refers to a report or narration of the sayings,
actions, approvals, or characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). These narrations serve as a significant source of guidance
and religious authority in Islam, and helps Muslims understand how
to apply Islamic principles in their daily lives.
Compilation of Hadiths
The compilation of Hadiths in Islam has a rich and extensive history.
Over the centuries, Muslim scholars and Hadith compilers worked
diligently to collect and categorize Hadiths.
1. Imam Bukhari
2. Imam Muslim
3. Imam Abu Dawood
4. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Types of Hadith
In Islamic scholarship, Hadiths are classified into several categories
based on their authenticity, chain of transmission, and content.