Cybersecurity Career Blueprint Ebook - 945016

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High-demand roles — and how to get there

Why cybersecurity?...............................................................................................3

What is the employment outlook?......................................................................4

Which role is right for you?..................................................................................5

Cloud Security.......................................................................................................6

Cybersecurity Leadership....................................................................................7

Entry-level Cybersecurity.....................................................................................8

Governance, Risk and Compliance.....................................................................9

Network Security.................................................................................................10

Security Operations ...........................................................................................11

Software Security................................................................................................12

Next steps............................................................................................................13
Around the world, organizations are investing an increasing amount of time,
money and talent to detecting and mitigating cyberattacks. The result is a boom
in demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals.

Whether you’re just starting out in your professional career or looking to do

something new, here are four reasons to plan your future in cybersecurity.

1. Work where life lands you with near limitless employment potential.
Whether you feel the itch to travel and experience different cultures
or want to stick closer to home, cybersecurity will take you there.
The demand opens near limitless opportunities for skilled professionals
around the globe.

2. Choose any industry that intrigues you. Every industry needs skilled
cybersecurity professionals to protect their networks, data and online
transactions. It’s not just government agencies, healthcare and financial
institutions dealing with bad actors, even sectors that haven’t traditionally
focused resources on cybersecurity now find themselves under threat.

3. Work in the area of cybersecurity that interests you most. There are many
different career pathways in cybersecurity. This dynamic, rapidly evolving field
offers the opportunity to model your career to match your interests.

4. Find job security in a field that’s future-proof. Cybersecurity is expected

to see continued extensive job growth in the long term. By 2025, 3.5 million job
openings are expected in the field.1 And with technological advances showing
no sign of slowing, the need will continue in the years ahead.

Cybersecurity Ventures, Cybersecurity Jobs Report
Demand for cybersecurity talent will continue to grow as
organizations struggle to protect their critical assets from threat
actors around the world. Currently, the world needs 3.4 million
more cybersecurity professionals to meet global demand.2

Cybersecurity is a broad discipline that attracts people with

a diverse set of experiences. It’s easy to focus on the technical
aspects and believe that lacking an IT background is a
dealbreaker for those hoping to enter the field. However,
just over half (55%) of participating cybersecurity professionals
transitioned from an IT role. Among those who didn’t get into
cybersecurity via IT, 21% started their careers in another
field, 13% got into cybersecurity after receiving a cybersecurity
education and 8% explored cybersecurity on their own.3

These findings demonstrate that there are many pathways

for professionals to enter the field.

2022 Cybersecurity Workforce Study
Cybersecurity Career Pursuers Study

As you explore careers in cybersecurity, you’ll find that it’s not a homogeneous field limited to a handful of roles. Rather, cybersecurity
covers a variety of functions and responsibilities, and is reliant on teams with diverse skills, experiences and ideas.

If you’re unsure where to start your journey, become an ISC2 Candidate. As the world’s largest association of cybersecurity
professionals, we’ll guide you every step of the way as your partner throughout your entire career.

This eBook is designed to help you identify cybersecurity job roles that fit your interests. For each area of focus, you’ll find information
to help guide you on your journey.

Cloud Cybersecurity Entry-level Governance,

Security Leadership Cybersecurity Risk and

Network Security Software

Security Operations Security

As more critical data and assets move to the cloud,
they’ve become prime targets for cybercriminals. ISC2 Cloud Security Certificates
Organizations worldwide need cloud security ISC2 Cloud Security Certificates focus
professionals who understand the evolving on vendor-neutral cloud security
complexities to identify and mitigate security risks principles and practices to help you
and opportunities for errors. Today, most are stand out in the field. Online
operating under a multicloud strategy that uses on-demand certificates include:
two or more cloud service providers. • Cloud Basics
• Moving to the Cloud
Cloud security job roles include these and more: • Working in the Cloud
• Cloud Architect • Security Architect
• Security Analyst • Security Engineer ISC2 Security Engineering Certificates
• Enterprise Architect ISC2 Security Engineering Certificates $137,100
demonstrate your knowledge of designing protocols average CCSP
Learn More U.S. salary
and mechanisms to protect critical data and assets
against cyberthreats.
Online on-demand certificates include:
CERTIFICATION • System Security Engineering Planning and Design
Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) • System Security Engineering Foundations
CCSP demonstrates that you have the advanced • System Security Engineering Operation
vendor-neutral knowledge and technical skills to
design, manage and secure data, applications ISC2 Cloud Security Skill-Builders
and infrastructure in any cloud environment. Acquire valuable skills as you pursue a career in
It positions you as an authority in cloud security, cloud security with ISC2 Cloud Security Skill-Builders,
highly proficient in staying on top of the short-format learning created by industry experts,
latest technologies, developments and threats. available on demand.

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(ISC)2 Candidate Certified Learning

“Adding the CCSP to my LinkedIn profile brought an almost immediate increase in

contact requests. It also opened a whole range of new opportunities to me.”
Calvert Marshall, Security/Architecture Consultant, Basel, Switzerland
LEADERSHIP ISC2 CISO Leadership Certificates
Today’s cybersecurity leaders embed security across Prepare for the path to excellence
operations, rapidly respond to threats and advise senior from an executive management point
leaders. They stay in front of cybersecurity trends from of view with ISC2 CISO Leadership
a technical standpoint, implement security planning into certificates.
broader organizational objectives and build a strong • Introduction to NIST Cybersecurity
security and risk-based culture. With the many challenges Framework
of the role come substantial rewards, personally, • Building a High-Performing
professionally and financially. Cybersecurity Team
• Purple Team Playbook
Cybersecurity leadership job roles include these and more:
• Gaining Support for Your Security Program
• Chief Information Officer
• Incident Management: Preparation and Response $140,230
• Chief Information Security Officer average CISSP
• Chief Technology Officer ISC2 Healthcare Certificates U.S. salary
• Compliance Manager/Officer Gain the knowledge and skills to navigate a complex
• Directory of Security regulatory environment with ISC2 Healthcare certificates.
• Healthcare Essentials: Information Security in Healthcare Settings
Learn More • Privacy and Security for Healthcare Organizations
• Risk Management and Risk
CERTIFICATION ISC2 Cybersecurity Leadership Skill-Builders
Certified Information Systems Security Professional Acquire valuable skills as you pursue a career in cybersecurity
CISSP demonstrates you’re a leader with the knowledge leadership with ISC2 Cybersecurity Leadership Skill-Builders,
to design, implement and manage a best-in-class short-format learning created by industry experts, available on
cybersecurity program in any environment. It’s the most demand. with ISC2 Cloud Security Skill-Builders, short-format
globally recognized standard of achievement learning created by industry experts, available on demand.
in the industry.

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(ISC)2 Candidate Certified Learning

“After certification, I saw so much interest in my CV and got interviews. CISSP enabled
me to negotiate a better independent contractor daily rate and annual salary.”
Chinyelu Philomena Udeagwu Karibi-Whyte, Cybersecurity Consultant, Capgemini, Paris, France 7
ENTRY-LEVEL • College students or recent graduates
• Board-level executives seeking
CYBERSECURITY foundational knowledge in cybersecurity

If you thrive on solving problems, are driven to help As part of our One Million Certified
people and are excited at the prospect of working in in Cybersecurity pledge to help close
a constantly evolving field, you already have a lot in the workforce gap, ISC2 Candidates
common with today’s cybersecurity workforce. gain access to free Official ISC2
Cybersecurity professionals say the most important Online Self-Paced Training and a
way to enter the field successfully is through free exam for CC.
certification, which they point to as an achievement
and a proof point that validates their skills. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL
Entry-level cybersecurity job roles include these
ISC2 Certificates
and more:
ISC2 Certificates turn a laser focus on
• Security Analyst average CC
• Industrial Controls Analyst specific subject matters. And with courseware U.S. salary
• Risk Analyst created on the hottest topics by cybersecurity’s
• Incident Responder most respected certifying body, you’re assured
• Forensic specialist/analyst the most current and relevant content.

Learn More ISC2 Entry-Level Cybersecurity Skill-Builders

Acquire valuable skills as you pursue a career in
CERTIFICATION cloud security with ISC2 Entry-level Skill-builders,
short-format learning created by industry experts,
Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)
available on demand.
CC is a great fit for:
• IT professionals
• Career-changers

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Become an Get Keep Earn Advanced
(ISC)2 Candidate Certified Learning Certifications

“I’m switching career paths to move into cybersecurity.

Certified in Cybersecurity is a great way to demonstrate my knowledge.”
Eric Turner, Cybersecurity Analyst, First Merchants Bank, Daleville, IN 8
GOVERNANCE, RISK management, risk management and
regulatory compliance within the
AND COMPLIANCE organization. It shows you’re able to use
various international frameworks to
Governance, risk and compliance (GRC) cybersecurity
manage risk and authorize and
professionals play a vital role in organizations,
maintain information systems.
aligning IT goals with objectives as they manage
cyber risks and achieve regulatory needs. They
enable key stakeholders to make informed decisions
around data security and privacy. GRC experts help
ensure organizations operate in a transparent, ISC2 Risk Management
responsible and compliant manner while Certificates
mitigating risks. ISC2 Risk Management Certificates
GRC job roles include these and more: provide an understanding of how to
• Cybersecurity Compliance Officer assess and analyze risk, while taking a deeper $118,980
• GRC Architect dive into standards and risk methods to ensure average CGRC
• Cybersecurity Risk and Compliance cybersecurity practitioners are ready for success. U.S. salary

Project Manager Online on-demand certificates include:

• Cybersecurity Risk and • Conducting Practical Risk Analysis
Controls Analyst • Exploring Risk Standards
• Enterprise Risk Manager • Practical Risk Methods

Learn More ISC2 Governance, Risk and Compliance


CERTIFICATION Acquire valuable skills as you pursue a career in

Certified in Governance, Risk and Compliance (CGRC) cloud security with ISC2 Governance, Risk and
CGRC demonstrates that you have the knowledge Compliance Skill-Builders, short-format learning
and skills to integrate governance, performance created by industry experts, available on demand.

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(ISC)2 Candidate Certified Learning

“I immediately got a raise and promotion after earning CGRC certification.

I also gained the knowledge and skills needed to perform my job as a security analyst.”
Ernest Blankson, Senior Risk Advisor, Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Washington, D.C., USA
NETWORK SECURITY and procedures. You’re key to
protecting the confidentiality, integrity
Network security professionals protect the and availability of data for individuals
confidentiality, integrity and availability of and organizations.
information across the network. They’re expert
at applying strategies, processes and technologies CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL
that guard against unauthorized access and DEVELOPMENT
harm. Primary responsibilities in this role include
configuring and maintaining firewalls, VPNs, ISC2 Certificates
LANs, email and web protocols; testing hardware ISC2 Certificates turn a laser focus on
and software for potential vulnerabilities; and specific subject matters. And with
setting security policies and protocols. courseware created on the hottest topics
by cybersecurity’s most respected
Network security job roles include these and more:
certifying body, you’re assured the most
• Network Security Engineer current and relevant content.
• Network Security Designer average SSCP
U.S. salary
• Network Security Manager ISC2 Network Security
• Network Defense Analyst Skill-Builders
• Network Cyber Planner Analyst
Acquire valuable skills as you pursue
• Network Cyber Planner
a career in network security with
Learn More ISC2 Network Security Skill-Builders,
short-format learning created by
industry experts, available on demand.
Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)
SSCP demonstrates you have the knowledge and
skills to implement, monitor and administer IT
infrastructure using information security policies

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(ISC)2 Candidate Certified Learning

“The SSCP has helped tremendously by deepening my knowledge of information security

and has given me new opportunities to further my career within my organization.”
Adam Gorecki, Information Systems Security Analyst, Mountain View County, Alberta, Canada 10
SECURITY OPERATIONS infrastructure using information security
policies and procedures. You’re key to
Security operations professionals are the first protecting the confidentiality, integrity
to sound the alarm on intrusion attempts by bad and availability of data for individuals
actors. Organizations rely on them for security and organizations.
monitoring, security incident management,
vulnerability management, security device CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL
management and network flow monitoring. DEVELOPMENT
Security operations teams are responsible for ISC2 Security Administration
maintaining the overall security posture of and Operations Certificates
an organization’s systems, network and data.
ISC2 Security Administration and
Security operations job roles include these Operations Certificates focus on
and more: the knowledge and skills needed to $98,530
install, administer and troubleshoot average SSCP
• Incident Responder
security solutions. Online on-demand U.S. salary
• Security Investigator
certificates include:
• Advanced Security Analyst
• SOC Manager • Responding to a Breach
• Security Engineer/Architect • Malware Analysis
• Crowdsourced Security
Learn More • Cryptography

ISC2 Security Operations Skill-Builders

CERTIFICATION Acquire valuable skills as you pursue a career
Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) in security operations with ISC2 Security
SSCP demonstrates you have the knowledge and Operations Skill-Builders, short-format learning
skills to implement, monitor and administer IT created by industry experts, available on demand.

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(ISC)2 Candidate Certified Learning

“Earning the SSCP has completely elevated my career. If you’re considering this
certification, pursue it all the way. It shows that you’re serious about cybersecurity and positions
you to deliver expert consultation and analysis to your organization and community.”
Kreesan Govender, Information Security Officer (Card and Payments), Standard Bank Group, Johannesburg, South Africa 11
SOFTWARE SECURITY to effectively design, develop and
implement security practices within
Software security professionals protect the entire each phase of the software lifecycle.
software development lifecycle (SDLC) — from
planning, design and release to maintenance, CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL
updates and replacement. They’re internationally DEVELOPMENT
recognized for being highly skilled in ISC2 Certificates
authentication, authorization and auditing
ISC2 Certificates turn a laser focus
throughout the SDLC using established best
on specific subject matters. And with
practices, policies and procedures.
courseware created on the hottest
Software security job roles include topics by cybersecurity’s most
these and more: respected certifying body, you’re
assured the most current and relevant
• Software Architect
• Software Engineer content.
average CSSLP
• Software Developer U.S. salary
• Software Program Manager ISC2 Software Security Skill-Builders
• Penetration Tester
Acquire valuable skills as you pursue
a career in software security with
Learn More ISC2 Software Security Skill-Builders,
short-format learning created by
industry experts, available on demand.
Certified Secure Software Lifecycle
Professional (CSSLP)
CSSLP demonstrates that you have the
advanced knowledge and technical skills

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(ISC)2 Candidate Certified Learning

“The CSSLP has brought me numerous job offers from international

companies around the world. Being a member of ISC2 has also been valuable,
providing access to useful benefits and development resources.”
Reimo Reisberg, Lead Developer, Helmes, Tallinn, Estonia 12
Step 1:
Become an (ISC)² Candidate
Begin your journey by joining ISC2, the world’s leading cybersecurity professional
organization, more than 365,000 members, associates and candidates strong. You’ll gain
access to exclusive benefits, including free online self-paced training and a free exam
for Certified in Cybersecurity, our premier entry-level certification.
Additional benefits include:

• 20% savings on online certification training courses

• Discount pricing for ISC2 events and industry events, including ISC2 Security Congress
• ISC2 Local Chapters – join or start one
• Discounted learning resources
• Volunteer opportunities
• Peer-to-peer networking and exchange of best practices
• Professional recognition and award programs
• And more!

Sign up now. Your first year is free — no cost to you.*

Step 2:
Get certified
Explore our portfolio to learn how certification can support you at every step of your career.
ISC2 cybersecurity certifications are recognized worldwide as the highest standard of
excellence in the cybersecurity profession.

All ISC2 certifications require paid work experience, with the exception of Certified in Cybersecurity.
If you don’t yet have the experience, you can become an Associate of ISC2 after successfully passing the exam.
Then you can work toward earning the experience needed for the certification.

*If you choose to renew after the first year, U.S. $50 due annually.
Step 3:
Keep learning
Cybersecurity never stands still — it’s a constantly evolving field
that requires continuing professional education.

Stay in front of the hottest topics and trends impacting

cybersecurity as you prepare for certificationwith ISC2 Skill-Builders,
short-format learning created by industry experts, available
on demand. (ISC)² members earn CPE credits.

Advance your cybersecurity skills and follow pathways toward

gaining the competencies you need for certification with
ISC2 Certificates. Each turns a laser focus on a subject matter
rated high in importance by employers worldwide.
(ISC)² members earn CPE credits.

Become an ISC2 Candidate

About ISC2

ISC2 is an international nonprofit membership association focused on inspiring a safe and secure cyber world. Best known for our
acclaimed Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) certification, we offer a portfolio of credentials that are part of a holistic,
pragmatic approach to security. Our association of candidates, associates and members, more than 365,000 strong, is made up of certified
cyber, information, software and infrastructure security professionals who are making a difference and helping to advance the industry.
Our vision is supported by our commitment to educate and reach the general public through our charitable foundation – The Center for Cyber
Safety and Education™. For more information on ISC2, visit


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