QBE Fijis Key Disclosure Statement For The Financial Year Ended 2022

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for the year ended: 31 December 2022

Introductory Statement
The purpose of this disclosure statement is to provide policy holders, potential policy holders and other
market participants with information about the financial condition of QBE Insurance (Fiji) Limited as
required by the Reserve Bank of Fiji.

Corporate Information
The full name of the insurer is QBE Insurance (Fiji) Limited operating as a General
insurance business.
QBE Insurance (Fiji) Limited commenced its operations in Fiji in the year 1974
and is licensed and supervised by the Reserve Bank of Fiji under the Insurance Act of 1998.
The full name of the ultimate parent company of QBE Insurance (Fiji) Limited is
QBE Insurance Group Limited, which is domiciled in Australia

Current Year Prior Period

Fiji Operations:
Net operating profit/(loss) after tax ($'000) $ 10,818 $ 18,574
As a percentage of average total owner's fund 28.50% 80.11%
As a percentage of average total assets 12.75% 27.93%
Global Consolidated Operations:
Net operating profit/(loss) after tax (F$ equivalent) Not Applicable Not Applicable
As a percentage of average total owner's fund Not Applicable Not Applicable
As a percentage of average total assets Not Applicable Not Applicable

SIZE - as at end of year

Fiji Operations:
Total assets ($'000) $ 92,772 $ 76,926
The percentage change in total assets over 12 months 20.60% 37.22%
Global Consolidated Operations:
Total assets (F$ equivalent) Not Applicable Not Applicable
The percentage change in total assets over 12 months Not Applicable Not Applicable

SOLVENCY REQUIREMENT as at end of year

Fiji Operations:
Adjusted Net Assets ($'000) $ 41,277 $ 30,106
Minimum Required Solvency Margin ($'000) $ 3,597 $ 3,370
Solvency Surplus ($'000) $ 37,679 $ 26,736
Total Owners' Fund ($'000) $ 43,411 $ 32,491


Fiji Operations:
Unearned Premium Provisions ($'000) $ 16,237 $ 14,575
Admitted Claims ($'000) $ 25,916 $ 22,245
Incurred But Not Reported ($'000) $ 2,886 $ 3,424

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Current Year Prior Period

REINSURANCE - as at end of year

Fiji Operations:
Reinsurance Outwards ($'000) $ 7,656 $ 6,041
Reinsurance/Gross Premium 29.86% 26.39%
Balance Sheet
($'000) ($'000)
Investments $ 36,398 $ 37,513
Loans $ - $ -
Other Curent Assets $ 53,292 $ 36,723
Fixed Assets $ 1,873 $ 1,639
Intangible Assets $ 141 $ -
Other Assets $ 1,068 $ 1,051
TOTAL ASSETS $ 92,772 $ 76,926
Underwriting Provisions $ 46,291 $ 40,697
Other Provisions $ 690 $ 491
Borrowings $ - $ -
Other Liabilities $ 2,380 $ 3,247
TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 49,361 $ 44,435
NET ASSETS $ 43,411 $ 32,491
Total Owners Funds $ 43,411 $ 32,491
Underwriting and Profit & Loss Statements

Net Premium Income $ 17,986 $ 16,849

Net Earned premiums $ 16,988 $ 15,620
Net Claims Incurred $ 2,217 $ 1,541
Underwriting expenses $ 6,680 $ 5,678
Underwriting surplus/deficit $ 8,091 $ 8,401
Non-underwriting income $ 4,560 $ 10,359
Management/Adminstration Expenses $ 190 $ 141
Other Extraordinary Items $ - $ -
NET PROFIT BEFORE TAX $ 12,461 $ 18,619
Taxation Expense $ 1,643 $ 45
NET PROFIT AFTER TAX $ 10,818 $ 18,574

Availability of Disclosure Statements

Additional information on QBE Insurance (Fiji) Limited’s financial condition is available for inspection at our
office in Suva.
Copies of QBE Insurance (Fiji) Limited’s disclosure statement are available at all branches and offices and at our
website; www.qbepacific.com

Extract from Audited Financial Returns

We QBE Insurance (Fiji) Limited confirm that the Disclosure Statement has been completed in accordance with the
Notice and that the information contained has been properly taken where applicable, from the information
contained in the audited financial returns pursuant to Section 60 of the Act.

…………………….. ………………………...
Director Principal Officer

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