CJM Sepsis

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Clinical Judgment Model Concept Map

Title: _Recognizing Sepsis vSimulation_ Name:_Brittany Ferreira_ Date:__21/09/23___

Recognize Cues • History of fatigue, fever and malaise for 3
Filter information from different weeks (temps 101-104F)
sources (eg: signs, symptoms, medical • Pale, diaphoretic
history, etc) • BP – 113/80, Temp – 101F, HR – 110,
SpO2 – 95%, RR – 18, 0/10 pain
• Dizziness
• Concentrated tea-coloured urine output
• BP – 99/60, HR – 130, Temp – 102.5F
Analyze Cues • BP is low (hypotensive), HR is high
Organizing and linking the recognized (tachycardic), he is febrile
cues above to step to the client’s clinical • HR is most likely elevated because of the
presentation. Candidates should fever and to compensate for the dropping
establish probable client needs, blood pressure
concerns, or problems. • Dizziness is due to the hypotension
• Pallor and diaphoresis most likely due to the
fever and hypotension, no perfusing well
Prioritize Hypothesis • Hypotensive shock
Evaluating and ranking hypotheses • Sepsis
according to priority (urgency, • SIRS
likelihood, risk, difficulty, time, etc.)
Generate Solutions • Patient needs PIV access for IV fluid
Identifying expected outcomes and administration for hypotension to avoid
using hypotheses to define a set of further decompensation
interventions for the expected outcome • Blood cultures will be needed to rule out
bacterial infection (sepsis)
• Due to his history of prolonged
fevers/fatigue/malaise, and current
presentation of hypotension, tachycardia and
being febrile, antibiotics should be started in
case of sepsis.
Take Action • Start PIV access to administer fluid bolus to
Implementing the solution(s) that help increase blood pressure
addresses the highest priorities. • Take blood cultures (and other necessary
Important to recognize that sometimes bloodwork like CBC, electrolytes, etc)
no action is an action itself • Give first dose of IVF antibiotics
Evaluate Outcomes • After fluid bolus, assess blood pressure (did
Comparing observed outcomes against it increase, stay the same, or decrease
expected outcomes further?)
• Wait for blood culture results to come back
• Monitor fevers

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