02 Chapter 05 Maintenance

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Qreeemintrae Mirtnance Fie | Poe Training © Manteno Maintenance MAINTENANCE PRACTICES contacts Page Inoacton a (Sperating factors atlecing maintenance a Devioing a mainonaree progam 8 “Typos ofinpoctene ° Maeterance nara calelation 2 ‘Standby nspctons 2 Rumingnpoctons 2 Disaesoriy nspecsons 38 Standard prectoss e Mantenance ot acestory equipment 8 Combuston nepecton & Hetcas Pat nepecton 0 Hier epocton 13 Pars planning 06 © Copyright august 005 en asad nec] DONT BUMP YOUR HEAD WEAR A HELMET jo iL PART OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE IS DERIVED FROM GE PAPER “GER 620 ‘HEAVY DUTY GAS TURBINE OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS" Simanserrave sens Nairtenance Fie | Pose Training © Maintenance - Meinenance| 2 toot ‘To ctive maximum gas uineavalabity an ower ust understand not ony te ‘upment he operates but lo to factor foci Thi nous the Wang {pertng and martorance persone, folowing tt marufacurorsrocmmendatons, "gular spactons, ad he stocking of sare pats fx mmedits replacement. The recording of operating daa and ana is at essai to preventive nd panned shuld be recognized that, who he manufacture provi genera manersncs ‘ecarmmendators, isthe equprrant user who has the mar impact upon tho oper ‘mantenanee and oprain of equipment Inspection neal oop urbe erie ‘ono fed fr every mst, but are developed trough an tractive rowes by each ‘Ser based on pat experince and vende ndcate by Key tine aco. ‘The equipent avail and rebitly are mainly adres rest of epraing end Imantenance pane, Amaitenanes program, which opbmies both mafenanc ost nd Saudi, ers, vale wo Ever gas urine Is delvored wih sot onstruction manuals. One of hem she “inspedion and Mantenance nsacion” manual Tis manuel sould be te gadelie for ‘tthe manenance werk. The flowing jets ae ascend + erodveton 1 Stancas practoos ‘ually cont and sytem maintenance Schoded trtine mantnance amaueionInspecton Hot Gas Pat Inspector ‘The manuals re clare wih ot of hatations nd ge aun of negation fos n ‘hase forme Gamage or wer canbe noted uramaguowsy. Fara mantonance jo plase ‘olerto te inpesion and aitanence lnstuetons mana Tis chapor and the classroom instuctons fered with are designed Sequin stan wth eeapad good pracie lor the maitansne ‘capment and syions ‘The manulacurers operating ané maintenance specications are the oy reiale guide many specie stance; ad where they ao ho compe, tho Imanvostrersvold be coneuted ata and procures ivan in ths manual may ifr om te data ar bce plete yu ere vay cna you rartan prea veectme Nairtonance ie | Pago Training Naintenance. antonanee] ‘Sperling acta ferting maintenance Thor are many factors tat cn infuonoeequipmont if and these must be ueerstod and sccouriod form the owners maitonanoe planing, The Key sane factors ae FUEL FIRING TEMPERATURE STEAM WATER IMJIECTION STARTING FREQUENCY tOap cveue MAINTENANCE PRACTICES fue. Fuels bumed ngs trtnes ange om lean natural gas o resus ang impact ‘mantnance a mueteogin equ 1 ‘The fet fhe type of fo on pats eis associat with the rsiant energy ithe onbuston procs nd the ey to alomze te various ud fos. Thor, natal {ee wc dows rs requ slomaation, ha Be lowest evel fda enery sr wil Frouco tho lngost if of pars. Natura gos nas boon the Yctonal ful for uso wih gas turbines in nut xplatons. [Lmtaton on the svalsle supply of natural gas with he esa Mrease ss, have Toate consideration of qui ols oa grater dopo than at any te ne pas (thd te, SP tate wl produce he net ight, and ode od rd rest oi, wth th senda higher rant energy and more ici stoma, wil prosuce shor pats nes "Natura gas noods ory airman of reparation and eatment. Tho gas mustbe doves tone urine at ea possi, and must be sipped fe fan quit revert ome ot {he flowing protiers: + Hotspots inthe turbine combustors anh pats, eased by bung qu touching these pars Temperature speed Erotion af he nozzoe Fouling of re rez ‘Specitcations on fel gases have boon sot fot that canbe tlt in he ga tri. ‘Thase spctestons dane parmissise urls Reo thenscton mana colete sting ofthe spectatons “Wer gases shal not be exuded fel fr gas uti, b when used, pesos shal ‘be made to avid o> sudan a hange mating valve cng saring an oming. ‘Tha ul Sow range ofa gaeturtine fom tut los oh of may be ae igh 2648 1, and {he el ow range ea ge ae Now mey be & 5. Inder to keep go ‘orloance ofthe conbuston systom the el conpostion shou be chockoerguarty ‘nd dovtons shoul be iwestgated and coveted Oraeaseresysens Maintenance Fie | Page Training © - Fo 3, kat a ing lnmparatu fact MSEON18 MS7ON1EA 4SSOOIE prereset Maieranco Fie | Page Training oe Minton Mantenarce| 8 hee rng temperature reduces not sph pat ee whi lowe hing tamporatze Increases prs Wes. This provides an opporunty o balance he negate oflecs f peak los operation by periods of aperaon spat ed. However le pcan to recognize hat the noninaar bohm Seserbed above wil not real na ane erone balance equl Images of ver and under fing operation, Rae, twos tke si hours of opraon at 58°C unser base coniton to corponsale or ene hour operation at 5" ovr baseload ers. ti also importante recognize hat aren i ioad oes no lays ean & ‘eaucon ining tempore. in eat ecovar aplatons whee steam geneation es ‘real pant effctency, lad fret reduoed by Gouin varie it quige vanes to reduce Inet afow whae maraning maximum exhauslterperatr. See gure peer Fpwe 4, fing amputations hes acer simecte operation For these applications, ing lemperature does not decease unt oad seduce blow spproxmaiay 80% of aoa ouput Convery a trinerrringin spe cyce mote ‘ara tut open et gue vanes dung ad reducson 60% and wl exoeinoe over $111 "C reduton ng temperature atts clput ove The hat gs pat pats ‘ects for these fleet modes of peraon ao cbvcusly aie ret Fring temperate eet on hogs ph maintenance, 9 desorbed above, ate to dean burnng fue, such as natural gas ae gt tists, where crop rote ofa gas path ‘omponent ite prin err an ls tha machani hat Getermnas fe hat a path ‘mantenance teva! pact ian as-besing neavy fas carsion and depots ave the primary infunee and a ‘foretralaionsip wit fring tomperatr eis. rennet Neirtnanes Fie | Page Training © Maintenance Maintenance] STEAMWATER RECTION Water o tam ection fr amisins con or power augmeniaon can inset parts wes thd marlananc rls evan when the wale steam meets GE speiioars This, "oats to to fet of te add wator on the Rot gas oat Yarefrpropris.neroasad heat vretereads to higher metal ienpeates on raced par ves of hebuckts sed orzo Pars ife impact om stam or war intin i rol tthe way the tines cons ‘The conl system on mas babe oad applcaonsreaues ring temperature so wale ‘jected. Thi courtor the elt of the hha hal Wana on the gas ise a ros no |npacton bucket Ha. On same hstalatone, however he cara ystems dened ‘manta ing lenperaure canst’ wth wator econ lvl This esul i cena nt ‘Supt butt decreases pars ite as preveusydesenbed, Units contoed in way ae ‘oreray i poaking apicatine where anual operating hour row or what operators ve detained hal reduced parts He's ustod by the power savartge, GE desomboe ‘hoo two modes of operation as dey can eave opraton and a contol cave ‘operat, eepecvaly. ona vote sestensmuecion [AU TEMPERATURE (i) ‘COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE (CPO) Pure, eget cont cy wel cont en he turin runing hou stam ncn snd at baseload then he ing ‘onpertue wi be 1104". When sca injection is ted ang nothing is hanged nthe {att eve (Dry Cano) then tho peraton point wil go down ante charac. The ‘ef he at ha the compressor charge pressure wil increas a so at soars Injected The naw operating port lead on he sare eter however, the ig {imperatives ower becaute the flowing medurn has ser Nemaaync properties Ty 080°C: nen he ing temperatures kop constant at 1104 C (Wel Cont) he tine of the ht arts ibe read This prserid by the stern Te for 1104 "Cat 3 stam ‘econ Orascom, Natrenance Fie | Page Training © Naironanco Marionance| 10 ‘An atonal fectr associated wth water or tam jection relates to the high: ‘erode lang on te urine comgonents that rests from he jected water inerensing te cele prestre rato. Tis editona dng increases the dowrateom atocton rat of th sococ and the tga nzzos, whith reduces he repar heal or ‘have component, However, ts ttoucten ot GTD-222, anew high resp sean age ‘we andre note soy, wil minimize or aliminate th ator Martananco factors relat to waor tn for units operat on dry caniolange om ‘efor unt equippad wi GT 22 scond. and hid stage nzzes to aac of 5 for ‘ts oguppes with FSX 418 nazzes ara rjectng 5% walt For wet contol cave ‘operation, anterance actors approxinay Me a 5% water econ. ovouceEEECIS Each stat and stop ofa gs rb subects its hag path prs to gic ermal ‘oe. Anyfompertire change rst n expansion or oration fe Nt ps. THN ‘wale sectone fi alow the amperature Mucus esi han Pick walled pts and tus intora sressas wil cz a very leper change. The conta system ls oagnad Innmiz ts fet Emergoncy stops n parla cont fo extreme marl stresses ‘rd the reason oho gas ph pate Into previous discussion, operating factors tat impact the hours ase manerance ‘Shara woe descrbd. Fr tesla based maintenance emer operating acars ‘Seseiatod wih he oye elects produces cing statue opeatn and suo of he {urine must be consdores, Operating conations ater than he sland sara and ‘hudoun sequence can polanaly reduce tbe Gi fe of he het gas path components ‘Sc tresnt, wil que more quent maintenance an part retain sdlot Feplcarant Luan of, ccneraton adna nloasng and suldown a produce gas empire ‘ranges tat produce coneopending mala tera changes. Fr epi anges nga tepertite, te edges ofthe bucal oraz respond mare qu tan the ckr Suk Foues. rl Neneree me Trico | tones |store Page “These grants, nn prose hema stresses hat, when cycles, wil evertsay odo Cracking Light ot and acoveraton produce Wansin compressive sane nfs buck a= thea responding losing edge raat up more eu than he theker blk secon of te fo Atl iad ondone tn bake reachos ts masimum metal emperatoe nd 8 ‘amps sain produad tom the nomal saad tata emperatre acetal eit Inte cooid part At shutdown, te condone revere wher the far reporting edges ‘ool more guy hon te bulk ecson whic ests ina fons sran in fe ead 609 ‘Thaqal mecha! eigue estng has urd al he nanBer of jlo thal afr can snthstand beter racking song stunned by leo ssn range andthe mim ‘natal tempore exporencea. Any cperating conn tat sigheaty nesses the Sam feng andr the moun metal tmperture ovr the rma cee canton wl ‘rede the fatigue ile and nessa the starts based mainlenanes actor. {The signiicant increase nto al enge for @ ip cys feauts ae elect at equates {Beign normal sarstop cyclen “ep opr od wl Rave a reduced impact because ofthe lowor etl epartures at {ho ination ofthe ep event Figure 7 states that while a bp fom as gree han 80% hasan 8 maberance ‘sovey facto, tip fom ful speed noload weuldhavee maonance sever actor ot Pure 7, msnenance seus ators am nt PASAE/ MSTEA MSE) (preserves Maintenance Fie | Page Training © Maintenance Mactenarce| 12 Smart tps rom on, emargency sas na fast acing wnat the tart based Inantenance nara The again ete fo th nreaeed stain range that atid wh those evens Emergency tarts whace uns are brought om sande fl lading than erates ‘nllhave oars if efloctequlo 29 oma tart cycles anda normal stat wit fae! leading wl roduc a maintenance factor of to. iets descr above wil decease te stars-based maintenance era, part lond operating sos woul allow to an extonaan of he maintenance naval Pure Ble 2 {ucalne at cou be usedin consider hs ype of operation. Fox example, to Speratng cytes to maar loa lov oss than 6% would equate oor stato 3 toma greater ban 60% on, sated anaar way. wold have amantenanes acer OS, i i” i Fw 8, mainlananc aco of tt cyte meximum a ve MSGBIMSTEAMSSE) ‘The load yee of he gas turbine, up os continuous duty ating wi have tle fect on he Ie part provides dos rot rogue requ and api loa changes. The let of ep ‘a requet oad enanges on unt wl be safe elect of rguont tarts and tops. Op rververunme tote Mantenance Fie | Page [taining -Matenance aetonance] 13 ‘yt ns on i ars “Te ee fects associate wih start, operation and shutdown net oly af the ot {35 path comporans, ut also th roo suture mantonanco and essen Fequrements Maintenance fcr depending on te ype of operation andthe oor design ‘rus be delomined and incorporate io the operetre mantenance panning. Disaseer ay {ana nepocton of a rotor components sequal wren th socumulted ata slats reach inspection bi Forth oor, the thermal conten when tho startup saquence is iad i alr tor in ‘tring he rar martenanc new, and ind! lor eamoanerts Rotors hat. {a col at startup devo ansiont thormal sesso a Me rhe s brought nine Large ‘ore develo lager tera sass than sma cor nt sue stare Sequence, High Pra esee wil educa mannorance erat and echnical thermal fanquele, im We large ters lessons learns, tam team Ketine and recent ga tin ‘rperionce, sould be factored ino the startip cont fore gas tne and/or ‘martnance factors shed be detrmied. depending ante ype of operation to quay ‘heotreeduetons. nhs way the oor component inspection, repair ans pacement Irena can be adustod ‘Te concep of oar maintenance is apes tal gastrin rotors, but oly the [MSTOOTF | 9001F and FA rotors willbe ascussed in deta The lor martcnancs for ‘Stora stat a uncson ote auntie lowing 3 pros peed of peratan Aa the oman increases, te rl meal temperature approaches ambient contre and the ‘haa! fetgue meat durng a subsequent tatup incest. The ost ang oan ‘ates the ovralolar impact For example ol sat grad wh ator mantorance fcr of wo, anda ot sat wih a martorance factor fs at ano ROTOR MAINTENANCE FACTORS MS 7241/8381" Design STARTS. rast start | NORMAL START Hotta fectoe* (1 hours down) 10 os Wir factor (4—2Dhours down) 18 oo Warm 2factor (20-40'pous down)] 28 4 (Cod stat factor > <0 ours down) 40 20 ‘ep fom oad factor 40 40 Hosta factor (0~1 our down) 40 20 7, ihe factors may apy ery B36 unis |__= orrestars ss thant tourer at rom load use cold fc, + Fats are «uncon of actin hema congton at tar, |__2. ‘Tes tom od and fst stars reduce maintenance ners Fos starts and fst acing increse hrmal gradients and are are severe dy for be rot 1 om ad and specally ip olowes by moda retarsrdce he rte airinance rival. The same apps for a restart win te hour of «ht shuldown, Reet {Sto able baw Far aher modal we retro the apd TI. (ectiealInmaton| tenes). Oprsensernesree, Mairenance Fie | Pope Training © Maintenance Matenance| 14 “he slgncanc of wath of hee acoso the maintenance requirements of thrckr ‘Segond one ype operation, Thee ar tes general pes of operat tha re pia ‘frost gas trie apeatns. conus OUT + Bealingunis hve a relatively igh sang requency and alow nunber of ars per start Operaton flows soasoal domang. Peaking it ‘ener ee Nigh percentage of od eas, + ot duns star cay wih ont wookore shutdowns, Twelve fo sxeen hour dys yc which rauts ina wa ror cnation forage porertage of starts Col starts ae porary Seen ey ata 2 Martnance adage o she a two-3y weekend age + Contaunusuity nts S003 high rie f hors pr sat and most ats are {ld because outages ere goneraly maiterance even. Whi the 2ecerge ‘tea sats igh, he eal rambo of starts atom. The tr ratonaecs| Interval on continous yrs ibe delemined by sericeheu reer an In he nxt tabi the opeatng profes on he high end ofeach of hese vee gore ‘agai of ga tudineappiotons are sto. These dy cys have cert ‘Sombinatons ofhot warm an ol stat bury ovcte, peaxins | cycuc | connuous Hotstat (down <4nours) | 3% % 10% Warm (downs 20roure)| 10% 2% cA ‘Warm 2 (down 2040 hous) | 7% ox 5% Coldetat “oon ao hous} | 50% * oom eure Start ° ‘6 “0 Hours Yeo 60 4900 200 Slats por year 450 ‘00 2 Percentage ps a % 20% Numer of ps per yo 3 3 * “Typical maintenance ector W te WA {Stats based + Operloral poe s appicton spaci= |__2 inipscton eras apmicaton peste Maintenance Fic | Pape Ge 4 © Datilte & Gnide 23 + Poss Lond 1 WaterSieam jection S Beyconial” 1(G7O222) © WetContol — 1.9(6% He0 GTD-222) Sa aces + Tip tomtutiond 8 2 Faetond 2 2 Emargeneystet 20 Mirtonance factors greater than on raduce the ot gas pa inspection ital fom 24,000 now dal case fr connucus base ood, gos sro wate or stew econ and no DUN Tadeo the appation specie manenance intra the maintenance factor Is cided nto 24,000 at shown nthe equation ‘Tests based hot gas ph ctaron fase determines om an aquaton, Ash he hours bod tora, an appicaton specie stars bass ot gos pam inspec irra ‘aeulate rom the matotenana face fata detained an the umber of ps ey ‘oig epeenced. he lod evel ane losing ate [ WANTENANGE INTERVAL HOURS BASED. 24000 NNAINTENANCE ITERVAL-HOURS BASED = aa cop oR MAINTENANCE INTERVAL - STARTS BASED 2 Omer ve ie] Poe Sanne nen vente] 1s ted inte folowing abe [BASELINE UNIT ACHIEVES MAINTENANCE FACTOR FOR THE ROTOR OF 1 yale Day Stars pr Week Hours per Sian (Outage por your Mairtenance Woks per year Stas por year Tips pe yar Mainerance for & -efeese Cold stots pr your (down > 40 hours) a 39 Warm? starts por year (down 2016 4D hows) 135 248 Wim sans per year (dwn #0 20) 62% ‘3 Hot stans per year 1% ‘ROTOR MAINTENANCE INTERVAL - HOURS-BASED EQUATION ROTOR MAWTENANCE FacToR =M*2"P 2 144000 ROTOR MAINTENANCE INTERVAL croft {Fo = Rourson tuning ge Ts equation descbos the procedure to dotomin he hours base maintenance faces. Peak dd operation ihe primary mantananca actor fore MS 7001 O0OTF and FA. ‘Soa oor an wl educe the lr manenance intra. The same ls appleiee the ‘ours. the turing gar. Tis imple that he rotor shoul et be on te uring gest {Grecessay. For aor tars than the MS. 7001 Q001F and A lass rotor manienance ‘hoad be poorned at itoval a roconenerdedin the T's Tremassen Turina Systomsrecormendatons. hore ne rocammendatons have been made, lr ‘nbpocton should be made at 5 00 tats 20 000 Nous ‘ROTOR MAINTENANCE INTERVAL . STARIS-BASED EQUATION IN Fay May 2Fag "Na oF (Nera Ne) ROTOR MAINTENANCE FACTOR = FON) 000 (to exons 00 stars) ROTOR MANTENANCE INTERVAL = are cron cet Orwnesirtana seas Mantenance Fic | Pape Training © Martanance- Msntorance| 25 Wire Fast Nowmat y= Mot start factor (down 1 4 hours) os Fy = Warm tat factor (down 4~20 hours) 08 Fao = Warm 2 tat str (down 2040 hore) 28 ta Fr = coaster tacor 4020 F, = Factor starts wihin he "hour ater hot shutdown 40 20 Fr = Tp tromoad tater 40 40 Ne = Number tna tts MS 7241 & MS 9351 Designs ‘his squaton desrbos the delamination af he sats base maintenance exten or ‘ors of MS 7261 and MS 35% designs. Formactnes oer han MSTOO'/ RO1F and FA ‘hor actors may be appicab, eer TL. HOTLGAS PATH MAINTENANCE INTERVAL . HOURS.SASED EQUATION. 26000 NAINTENANCE INTERVAL = AO oe MAINTENANCE FACTOR - FACTORED HOURS NCE FACTOR=""pcTUAL HOURS. Factored Hours =(K+M*1)"(G+Ag*D + Ay *H+6P) ActualMours=(6-+0 +H +P) Genus base fod operating hous on gas ft 1D Snva ase led operating nour on cate ul HS Srna perting hours on hay = gral peak os operetng hous ‘A, face for ata tet (a a of her 15) XS heawy he seventy oir (esioual= 31 4, Crude = 203) t orcant walosteam acton referenced ota ow Mak Materia seon constants: se tale blow | | conter | steaminjecton | Nes Ne mate o | a by <22% oro222 Fsxite o | 4 oy 32 rozz ore | o6 | by 222% Foxe ore | | et > o% croz2 oss | 1 | Wet 3m Fox NuINe = 2° and tage nozale mate OP raasirtene ses Marenance Fie | Page Training © Maintenance Manionanca| 26 HOLGAS PATALMAINTENANCE INTERVAL . STARIS-BASED EQUATION. (aeseo01 7001 9001), MAINTENANCE INTERVAL = 2 MANTENACE FACTOR MAWTENANCE FAcToR =FACTORED STARTS 1OE FACTOR = ACTUAL STARTS: Factored Starts -05°NA NB 1 3°NPs 20° 62°F Day ‘etal Stas «(NAN “NP EST) avin sats based maitenance etal (model size dependent) ‘nos! nonboro rt od stat op eyes (= 6% os) Snnusi nunbar et ormal ese ld stat! slop eyes nual numberof peakood eat op eyes arual numberof orgy stars nual numberof at 20d star, eu numb of ps tip sovoty face, = oad) ube ofp catego (1.2, fl bad, pat ad, tc) Lea mean aba ons * numberof base lend tips + ay palood “numberof pak oad toe + ate >aanmggze Model Seis | mode Saree s Ms68 MSTEA, 1200 | soe Poy MseeA a0 | MTF 7FA/oF 9A | 90) ‘As previously described, he hours and starts operating spectum for he appeon ‘evauctod agaist th ecorerended ol gas path neal fr starts and hours. The ining ‘ntloron (hours or tarts) determines the maintanancs interal ‘Aso the major inspection ital may be determined fom he pven equates. mene Mntenanee Fic | Page raining © Martenance - Maintenance] 27 ATTENTION! FOR USERS OF DLN-10 MACHINES USERS OF UNITS THAT ARE EQUIPPED WITH THE DLN-1.0 COMBUSTION SYSTEM MUST BE AWARE THAT RUNNING ON EXTENDED LEAN-LEAN MODE WILL AFFECT THE MAINTENANCE INTERVAL OF THE DLN-1.0 COMBUSTION. (COMPONENTS ‘THE RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE FACTOR FOR EXTENDED LEAN-LEAN OPERATIONS 10. “TS MEANS THAT 1 HOUR OPERATION ON EXTENDED LEAN-LEA MODE IS EQUIVALENT TO To HOURS OPERATION ON PREMIX MODE REFER TOTIL 1294181 ‘An M88 userhas accursed operating data snc he ast ht gas path Inspection and ‘oul ike fo estmale when the not one shud be acheaad The users ao ofthe GE pubseatons atthe normal HGP inte Is 24,000 Rous feperating on nature p88, no Mater or team ict baseload. As, thor 1200 stat teal, based entra ‘Sate, no ips. no emergency sas “The all operaton oto wnt snes ho last HGP inspection are TGs" Sao0 =" nmual hows on natural gaa, ea io 1D = 350" = ral hous on bgt setae TH 0% = Sinual nore on heavy ua f 16 = fear ford (14% Hn DR 22° sector torheney fa ‘20 = annual ows on pesk oad 24 = Steam jection ae (12000 kg) {00 = annual number ot nomal state “0 ° ‘nual numberof peak ad starts ‘nnval numberof patio starts ‘rnual numberof emergency stats 5 = snus nanbe of fot oad stars 20. = Srnusi nombero is rom lod (eB) Samggg-ere roe 2 and 3 tage noes ar FSX-414 mari The unit operates onthe ry contro, Sta steam mecton ata of 24% the value of Mis0.1Band BOS, ‘computer program fe caculaton on GE gas turbines hs boon devebped. One of the optons the calelaon the manienance itera On te ext page printed ‘epat, generat wit ts proafam, can bo seen, Pese remember athe maintenance nea scaled is nly gudtine and ‘mat oer actos also have inluence on te marenance mera. ‘nts program he combusten inspection intervals have been ealeate st wore ‘hot ge ph nepacton Dy renserom syns fmeaes 5 Training | Martnance Mahionance| 28 ‘THOMASSEN TURBINE SYSTEMS CUSTONER TRAINING DEPARTMENT, AEDEN REPORT DATE: o201-2002 Maintensnce Planning (cas TURBINE DATA: as titre ype uscoors Nowomserat (A. Boro) e ‘ATGTD222/ FSKAN, B= G1D-222, C= FSX414) “ype ep. contel (ORY & WET), ry Wiig yarogen in sa ft ‘4 ‘Weigh yerogen n heavy fl 10 ‘runt seam nection RO) +2000 [STANDARD INTERVALS FOR INSPECTIONS; Standra hous fr COM inapecon| ‘2000 ‘Stand srt fo COM inepocton ‘200 ‘Standard hour for HGP inspcton 24000 ‘Standard stars fr HGP inspeston ‘00 ‘Stand hour for MA apecton 48000 ‘Standard sar for MAJ nepecon "2400 DDATA FOR ONE YEAR OPERATION: Hovriyearbeee load gat us (ey: 200 ouster tase oad eel ue fray: “380 fra) ° (a 95): “to i ea, ° 2) 5 (2) ° (Fe) ° m Odense ses Maintenance Fie | Page: Training © = Maintenance - Meintonanes| 29 ‘CALCULATION WITH: HOURS CRITERION: Factor sso ft actor A) 16 Factor heavy fel aco: A) 30. Perceniage seam jection taco) 2a ‘Steam oct factor 060, ‘Steam jection factor M O38. ‘tus roning hoursyear 3670, Factorod runing houtsyoar 413 Mantenance factor (outs terion) 128 Interval COM inspecton (hours) 9547 Intoral HGP inspection hours) 19004 Interval MAJ inspection (ous) e188 ‘Tine span Between COM inspection (yer) 28 ‘Tie span between HGP inspectons (year) 52 Time span between MAJ mspactons (year) ‘oa [CALCULATION WITH STARTS CRITERION: ‘castor 1s Fenced oor Be ttre tat) in ier St neni ar) ie ial Ho psn) & ier A npn tr) oe {io pute ol fapcon (rm a ‘ie spentatann hepa oa) a ‘te jenteaenn aeons 3 ected fen Ol apcn Hours, aeyean nrc cneer sat races inne GS Fcormorio saron i specs Saas (3}ean} End of Report ‘THiS REPORT IS FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Pure 13, poe po nantnance ntact sega nna SS 5 Page Training | Mantnancs Mantenance| 30 ‘Stand nspectons GENERAL ‘Slandbyinspctonsincude route sening of accessory systems and device clbraton. “ho standby inspector ae pero on a gos tstnes bu param parc ogae lunes usedin peaking ander cuy service where sting eal pmary oncom Neglect hs ype of mantenance wl resin rdcnd avail ard neeares “This maintenance inode! Guang OL rere [GHECAING OL AND WATER LEVELS ‘ak SALES OF OL AND WATER TO ANALYZE THEIR CONOMTION Giecre The SonornoN OF GAUGES ako INDIEATORS EHEGhNe The FASTEN Oe PING, WIRES SUNETION BOXES ‘GteGuna spezoTRowe PANEL LlcMTS, RELAYS SETTINGS GtechNG PRESSURe SwTCNES START EMERGENCY POMP GieGhna The STATING SYSTEM ‘This servicing canbe patomed in of oak periods wehout mtrpng Be avait of he {urine A prod tos ran an essential prt ofthe sandy inepecton. Each gs turin is supped wit an nsructon manual ta catsine he informdon ant ‘Sawings noessay to pore fave parde checks. The most we information ne Iefucton manual fo standby martonance i + INSPECTION AND MANTENANCE NSTRUCTIONS {CONTROL seecircaTions (SETTING LT & ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES) INOTOR CONTROL CENTER DRAMINGS. “Tse documents prove ho calorations operating is, operating characterise and _sequocng of t canal devas. Operation ané mantonanenpreonna shoud use th Intonation equa. Cau asrernco to rin operating maintenance ean 3 Rave a ‘Spica eet on redung oveal martnance dss an mang hgh rae, ‘Special inspectons can bo used fo fuer pan parioe maintenance witout brung saleby i ase rocommended hal viel pects be permed weno Here a porsonal te ut tis essontal that good rcor is op of linspecions made and ofthe maintenance work povlrmedin cree eta sound maintenance progam, ‘Slay inspoton i provisions have been bitin the hesy-dty gas utr o facttaie he condicng of spoil inspocon preeadurea, The most nota nspecton is le BORESCOPE INSPECTION. However the importance os norma ial ipecton oud not be overoked.n sane aangements tay als be fester and eas to reve ‘fu nazze ar rapet veal rather han to oe tha boescop, (DP reeeseriame men Maintenance Fie | Page Training © Maintenance Mactenance| 31 ‘Analyzing the codon of sisting ol (fer tothe super recommendations) on @ ‘gular basis east! forthe well Ding of te machine Ins way the deeroatin of ‘th lubneatng ol can be montred and proventve acon canbe taken, Furhrmore te ‘Salas may indicate a rebiom the ibeang ol sistem, emscona inspections ‘Tho gas turtine ncapraes rovisons In both rine an compressa casings or su Inepoctn oan intrest compressor role sage or stages, Sst, second a i ne buckets, and nazzepaonsby means of th opal orescope “These provons, consisting of radial aligned holes trough the casings and era aiorary turbine svous, se dosxod to alow tho panaveton oan optical baescope ino the gas 0” arow ‘An fective brescope inspection program results In opeing a tute wnt ont when cose to vopat or repiscs pat, ‘Tha nat tbl shows a borescpe inspection program should be ecapized tel he Inspection itervas ae based on average unt operating modes. Acusien oltese iniervas may be made based on experence ana he maa unit od of operation, and ‘onthe hls ued FUEL. INTERVAL ‘Gas oR [AT COMBUSTION INSPECTION OR ANNUALLY, DISTILLATE ‘Nidcneven occues Has Powe ¥,borscone inspection program “The required equpmant consists of igi borescope wt igh qual igi ne syst plas ene tbe bun ivoduce igh te bareeope ip rom an oxoma ig projector & ‘he asi equipment need for sua nspecton ote ture ae comoresso” The ‘combuston system including the anston paces can only be inspected using exible ‘hero beescope [ © mmnsertanae sens Training (GP tems eas, Maintenance | Fie | Page Training © Mantenance- Meinanance| "33 ‘The id Brescope ges a righor vw due to minmum ss of ght nto ers system. ‘Tha obo borescope pei o aks nspecons down otuous paths tal we ot vise wth tard borescopa, However, to ber gase cabo sous be veatod whee, ‘ecaue fequent bending and stg causes caching ta Ra Pn Nbr gas wes an {hs roducos the bgtness. of vow ‘cpa technician sing tis equpment needs about one dy to make via ‘osovatons of te hoa of te gas turbine ano record the observed deals. The frevausfgures (15 and 16) row exarpes of borescope sats consstng oa eld ht Surce tener ight ranamtig cable end an ey pace wih gine sym pu {Shand an aye pose win exten eat anc ip acting kd (gue 16). ciiona usta squpment desirable to supplement the bac equpmentincudes: ovescope support euro ature, cara ttacnents ang carer and a febvison mera nh recording capably and plybeck mono. n Be hands of qualfes technician, the boreseope allows raps specion of he flowing areas wih minimum ‘ago to, manpower and oss of producto: AREA: (CHECK FOR: FOREIGN OBJECT OAUAGE Connosion TRALING EDGE TNS (COMPRESSOR BLADES, Eee mae ‘COMBUSTION SYSTEM {Une Teawsimion Piece) StocKE® Counc HOLES TRALING EDGE BOWNG BueNINS ‘TURBINE NOZZLES TURBINE BUCKETS + FOREIGN ORCTONUAGE (OD mennrtnoete Training Mantenance Fie | Pope Sianeance cose “Te ing of sassy outage now becomes 2 udgment based on knowr machine ancton rather tan the atria ppreach based upon apart Tacs and vege (Dp newsserue sya, Maintenance Fie | Pape Training © ROTOR BOW OLETO ‘neaoa cootooen UNBALANCE Rpm DEFOSTS AFTER *_puoKers MISALIGNMENT ffeil BRATION ‘Ad Gearaox Goucrwess"os) | ottono tou + rox rontoose resonance | 1am Sng wo Loose Siowonrs a (ree cam trae asroormame | fovcrsaoes-nom | + SHECKCONBLETON Foress re orc + Seocusr uve roach oa Toowean | commen | > Seexeuram, + Ox ynte ATLoW oisrurseo | usssrimwssnpmor | | SNE nm Bean Hes reeceney Fechowoxcre Cimtcanion — | (rovrawmowcauyy vararion Urcaron gure 28, posse caus of watians [a eintenanee Fie | Pago Training © Maintenance Maintenance] 45 Figure 29 vs en example of cara bine wih he above mentioned ssalyzee apparatus. hose caprams ar recorded at rogur intervals and compared wih ach ‘hor, hey are of much apn pnporing a Wuble oa, Howover, shuld be si thet he ‘Srrectinlrpeaton ofthe aga rues much experence adn fot alaing ‘qupmont spl ob seceigramion rg) = seme ur 29, lag obsidian ays apparatus (ample ony. oo SOO) Oreenee Maintenance Fl Pago Training © airenance Mantenanc] 46 FUEL FLOW AND PRESSURE. “Ta tut yet shouldbe observed fr the general fs ow versus oad laos. Fuel rvsure tvough te aytam shouldbe observed and operstos shouldbe amar wih roma! hctustons. ‘sing normal operation the tu gs pressure (tthe combustion chambers lary ‘ver a wide range, The sian gb pros ely flow ter ofa bt Nghe wane ‘Smprasoratharg pees eo smo 2a), wea alba he gos presse may De ‘Several bar above compressor dscharpe pressure ‘ian a change in oad or pees ther wl aways bea change in press ps0 nol ‘Say ony lo recognize whee’ dovaton i gas pressures caused by cargos n ‘Sporting contons by some malnesning component ‘Unusual changes in el pressure can nda that “THE FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM IS NOT FLNCTIONNNG PROPERLY THE FUELNOZZE PASSAGES AE PLUGGED “THE FUEL METERING ELEMENTS ARE OMAGED OR OUT OF CALIBRATION (Gers anrstors potion vrata, sare aves). SHE epezoronte GonTMOx SYSTEA 6 OUT OF CALIBRATION smraner [°7] [7] exons eros UT | wo wor @) wor EJ owe vane ‘servo vaLvE ih A acer Figure 0, he gas fuel stem (OD mame ses Training © Maintenance Maintenarc| Naintnance Fic | Pago ‘Ta meat portant conta functon ta be observe ie he eshauet temperature cont ua ‘oretide) system ad he backup over lerpertue bp spt, Route vesfeatn ofthe ‘operation and caloaton of tase evens wl mnmize wear ont hopes pan pars ‘The tral omperatice it i the el lage nozzle ai cae the “ng! tompertio. This lomperatur ls not ase roc athe Fret sage nozzs soe te "gh temperatures sharon sensor He an age taperaue grains exst oad the ‘rng lomporaur i calcltod by mesaurng lubine seat emperture and compressor \Sschargo pressure, which num ropresonts he possi op feough th utp. TS ‘Seo conect for ambent tgersre + Temperature contr (Spoedtonc Mark V and V}: The tompertie conto mode radues the ul supply tthe Qos tinea Ni adn oar a preven oveeaing ‘fe fot gs path prs When on temperature contol, the gas ube operating ‘nits maximumiood + Tempera proacon (Speen Mark V and Vp This sytem uses oa ‘manoured exaust mperstre ae meosued byte 18 bermocouples a sot, {te temperature is compare in each compulee “ST> wih heli, A lar op ‘flow hon bit re mt. ‘+ Temperature spread protection Speedtonic Mark V ad VTi yar detorines, “onthe bal of operational conatios, he alewabie spread and compere the data ‘io theres mossuredsposd. The nuroar of dtectve Demetapos and at poston ray cause alarm or “roa sap sia. The sys does nthncton Sting th startup prave and rng rape changes nual surly. Dug these prods a short bathigh spreads slowed. Ti protection nthe caput So caled “Combustion Monitor “+ Thevavatons in tine exhaust tamperative shoud be measured snd coded fo refrence. An nerease in tomperatie spread (highest rnus lowest hermecole Tempertie rang) nda * (Geponte canage fn male, Ssae eo ea an ne) FUEL OSTRIBUTION PROBLEMS ove rasa ehane) 1 POOR CONDITION OF TRANSITION PECES ORNOEALES 1rne probit corte, the le of downsteam pats wl be reduced. Extended ‘utags may be aod by the ery recagron and earecton of increasing exhast Tomperatiospreaa Ca Martenance Fie | Page Training © * Souanats Was PERSON MORKING ON UNT | (OD mencertunae ses Maintenance Fie Training ° = Maintenance - Mainenar| TO PROPERLY TIGHTEN NEW SWAGE-LOCK STOP-COLLAR FITTINGS, SNUG int" re ston COLLAR JUST STOPS TURNING + USE HIGH TEMPERATURE (i) ANT-SEZE COMPOUND ON AL BOLING THREADS: PREVENT CONTACT TO THE NNER GAS PATH + URELGGIITESEAZACT One TREAD NTS No TenLon + USE ow coMPouNo (er PERFECT SEAL) ONLY ON 25 CMOF SUREACE OF HOABONTAL JOWNT OF AY JONTS + USEINGTaNT SEA. LOcKTIFE PLAShiG GASKET ON ALL OL-TD.AIR OWNS. NEVER ON VERTICAL SOWTS OF NON BOLTED + GASKET TAPE USED BETWEEN EXSALIS SN. OR PLENUMLIOINTS + Ustfen-tarstucone muse ADieSive SEALANT ON ONT. ‘80.7 AN $109 TORU EBL ANSLSEIZE COMPOUND 1 ToRaue To SPecired TORQUE OR SPECIFIED ELONGATION Qremsvertene sis | Nairtonance Fe | Page Training © Naintenance. tenance] 60 Mantnance of acesson-onupment ‘Arno tama of turning’ malntonance shou be completes rng scheduled operations ‘hutcn paris. These ems nude er changes, resuteswich ana gan ‘placement ep of minor ibe ollesks, andrepackng valve seme. Oe, ttn ‘perting personnal can dots work Large toms ae systoms shou be maintained during a preplanned diatsemtiy nepecton, Imaetarance eft re concetaoa on ony "age Tango” gas tine hardware ‘uring planned outage cous ea o protons and dels during startup an operaton. 3y trang and corecng accossory equpment aus dug a oulabe, veal aiienance ‘tas edced and vata e nseared sey pct tor es pnt none ne ge ‘ueminr ten rermcseemen sire ears noes ewes ane uonenrn tey Sat om cairomont LEER et a SSE Seen 2] a “ COUPLINGS STARTING: » = MOTOR, ATOM.AR : —s que 36, va male cotrnsnrs ounschacled stutsoun ‘A inicaton guidance cats Included In gas tubes manuals, They sre 3 {Guidance forth inspeckon an ubcaon maintenance othe accessory eaumet. Refer {0 he nsrucon maval or nepectonpocodires ae he vendor nsractons

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