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Infor LN Studio Administration

Guide (Cloud and On-premises)

Release 10.8.x
Copyright © 2022 Infor

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Publication Information
Release: Infor LN 10.8.x
Publication Date: September 1, 2022
Document code: ln_10.8.x_lnstudioag__en-us


About this Guide..........................................................................................................................5

Contacting Infor.................................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 1: LN Studio overview......................................................................................................6

Chapter 2: Installation and configuration......................................................................................7

First installation.................................................................................................................................................7
Preparing the installation..............................................................................................................................8
Installing LN Studio........................................................................................................................................8
Selecting the workspace..............................................................................................................................10
Defining connectivity settings.....................................................................................................................10
Specifying additional settings for multi-tenant cloud development........................................................13
Installing LN Studio updates...........................................................................................................................16
Chapter 3: Administrative tasks..................................................................................................17
Preparing for multi-tenant cloud development.............................................................................................17
Defining a development environment............................................................................................................18
Defining an application....................................................................................................................................19
Code freeze procedure.....................................................................................................................................19
Intermediate code freeze.............................................................................................................................20
Final code freeze...........................................................................................................................................22
Chapter 4: Application preferences..............................................................................................25
Preferences - BFlow.........................................................................................................................................25
Preferences - Templates..............................................................................................................................26
Preferences - Editor..........................................................................................................................................27
Preferences - Code Assist.............................................................................................................................28
Preferences - Folding...................................................................................................................................29
Preferences - Syntax.....................................................................................................................................30

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Preferences - Templates..............................................................................................................................31
Preferences - Launching..................................................................................................................................32
Preferences - Multipage...................................................................................................................................33
Preferences - Workbench.................................................................................................................................33
Preferences - Infor LN Configuration Management........................................................................................34
Chapter 5: Integration preferences..............................................................................................36
General preferences.........................................................................................................................................37
Business Interface Test Tool preferences.......................................................................................................37
Color preferences.............................................................................................................................................37
Defining a set of default libraries.....................................................................................................................38
Defining a default set of related software projects........................................................................................38
Preferences of Infor LN Studio Implementation Generator...........................................................................39
Chapter 6: Connectivity preferences............................................................................................40
Connection Points Configuration....................................................................................................................40
Log Configuration.............................................................................................................................................40
Chapter 7: Infor LN Project Server...............................................................................................42
Infor LN Project Server.....................................................................................................................................42
Defining a software project..........................................................................................................................42
New Development Environment.................................................................................................................43
Create a new Application.............................................................................................................................43
Create a Software Project............................................................................................................................47
Create a new Activity....................................................................................................................................48
Compile activity overview............................................................................................................................49
Project Server View Filter.............................................................................................................................49
Project Server perspective...........................................................................................................................50
Application Explorer view............................................................................................................................50
Software Project Explorer view...................................................................................................................52


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About this Guide

About this Guide

Document Summary
This document describes how administrators can install and configure Infor LN Studio and Infor LN Project

Related documents
You can find the documents in the product documentation section of the Infor Support Portal, as described
in "Contacting Infor".
• Infor LN Studio Application Development Guide

Contacting Infor
If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at https://concierge.infor.com/ and create
a support incident.
The latest documentation is available from docs.infor.com or from the Infor Support Portal. To access
documentation on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend that
you check this portal periodically for updated documentation.
If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact [email protected].

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 5

LN Studio overview

Chapter 1: LN Studio overview

LN Studio is a development platform for LN and is implemented in the Eclipse framework.

Eclipse is a Java based development environment with many plug-ins available. LN Studio adds several
plug-ins to Eclipse that supply additional functionality such as editors, views, wizards, and perspectives.
You can use LN Studio to perform these actions:
• Create and edit LN software components through the Eclipse workbench. You create components through
the Create a New Infor LN Software Component wizard. You can edit components through various
multipage editors.
• Run and debug sessions through the Eclipse workbench.
• Create and test Infor Business Interfaces.
Caution: The Java Connector Architecture (JCA) JCAAdapter4ERPln.jar library that is embedded in this
product is copyright and proprietary to Infor and contains interfaces and/or APIs that are strictly private to
Infor. These interfaces and/or APIs cannot be used by external applications, devices, and/or software libraries.
Usage of the JCA library will be monitored and, if used illegal, will cause a non-compliancy situation.
Note: A number of screenshots in the documentation may be based on previous application releases. They
can differ slightly from your application screens. However, the described functionality is similar.

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Installation and configuration

Chapter 2: Installation and configuration

First installation

This section describes the prerequisites to run LN Studio.

To use LN Studio, you need these licenses:
• A license for the Adapter for LN. Take care of the following:
• If you already have an Adapter for LN license for product ID 7013, you do not need a new license.
• If you do not have a license yet, obtain a license for product ID 7056.
• An LN Development license, product ID 10146. This is required if you want to create or modify tables,
domains, UI scripts, functions, or libraries. This license is also required if you want to modify and generate
Business Interface implementations.
To obtain a license, add the corresponding product ID in the Infor Solution License Manager (SLM) and request
a license for it.

Prerequisites for the LN server(s)

For the LN server the following is required:
• Infor Enterprise Server 8.5 or later.
• Infor Enterprise Server AddOn 8.5 or later.
Note: The development repository and the development projects and activities, that are defined in Project
Server, can reside on the same LN server. However, you can also configure a dedicated server to store the
project data. The prerequisites for such a dedicated project server are:
• Infor Enterprise Server 8.5 or later.
• Infor Enterprise Server AddOn 8.5 or later.
Note: On the LN server(s), the FGL_STUDIO_ENABLED environment variable must be set to 1.

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Installation and configuration

Prerequisites for the client PC

Prerequisites for the client PC are as follows:
• 2 GB RAM memory (recommended)
• Microsoft Windows 7 or later
• Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 11 (Java 11), 64-bits
You can download the JRE software from the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/latest/corretto-11-ug/
downloads-list.html website.

Preparing the installation

Note: This section is intended for system administrators.

Preparing the first installation

Before users can install LN Studio, the system administrator must complete these steps:
1 Download or copy the InforLNStudio_<version number>.nnn-x86_64.zip file, which contains the LN Studio
You can download this file from solution 1561993 on the Infor Support Portal.
nnn represents a build number, such as "0023".

2 Ensure users can access the zip file. For example, put the file on a network share.

Preparing the installation of updates

Before users can install updates of the LN Studio software, the system administrator must complete these
1 Download a new LN Studio zip file from the Infor Support Portal.
2 Ensure the users can access the zip file.
3 Notify the users that new updates are available.

Installing LN Studio
This section describes how you can install LN Studio.
• For information on the prerequisites for the installation of LN Studio, see Prerequisites on page 7.
• Before you can install LN Studio, the system administrator must give you access to the zip file with the
LN Studio software.
To install LN Studio:
1 Create an installation folder.

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Installation and configuration

Create a new folder on your machine.

The recommended installation directory is: C:\Infor\LN\LNStudio.
Note: On Windows 7 or later, do not install LN Studio in a Windows protected folder, such as C:\Program
Files or C:\Program Files (x86).
2 Open the InforLNStudio_<version number>.nnn-x86_64.zip file, which contains the LN Studio software,
and extract all contents of the file to the new installation folder.
nnn represents a build number, such as "0023".

Post installation steps

1 Select the workspace.
See Selecting the workspace on page 10.
2 Configure static connection points.
When you have installed LN Studio, you must configure these static Connection Points:
• Project Server
• Debug
See Defining connectivity settings on page 10.
3 Configure dynamic connection points.
For each LN server, on which you want to perform administrative tasks, you must configure the following
dynamic connection point:
For each software project you develop software in, you must configure these dynamic connection points:
• Development Address
• Runtime Address
Note: You cannot define these connection points in advance. When working in LN Studio, a prompt is
displayed whenever such a connection is required, but not yet configured. At that moment a wizard to
configure the required connection point is started.
4 Configure connection points for Business Interface development.
To use interface projects, configure these connection points:
• RuntimeRepositoryConnection
• TestServerConnection
See Defining connectivity settings on page 10.
Note: These connection points are not required if the interface project is using "related software projects".
5 Define LN Studio preferences for Application development.
a Select Window > Preferences.
b In the left pane of the Preferences window, select Infor LN Studio Application. For details about
the preferences, see the "Application Preferences" section in this guide or the dialog's online help.
6 Define LN Studio preferences for Business Interface development.
a Select Window > Preferences.

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Installation and configuration

b In the left pane of the Preferences window, select Infor LN Studio Integration. For details about
the preferences, see the "Integration Preferences" section in this guide or the preference page's
online help.

Selecting the workspace

To select the workspace:
1 To start LN Studio, run the eclipse.exe executable in the LN Studio installation folder.
The Workspace Launcher dialog box is displayed.
2 Specify this information:
The location of the workspace. The workspace is the directory, usually on your own PC, where your work
is stored.
It is discouraged to locate the workspace in the directory where the LN Studio software or the Eclipse
software is installed. It is better to select a different directory, for example under C:\data. This results
in a better overview of the directory structure on your desktop, and makes the workspace independent
of the versions of the LN Studio and Eclipse software.

Use this as the default and do not ask again

Select this check box to prevent that the Workspace Launcher dialog box is displayed again.

3 Click OK.
4 Allow installation of BW and Dynamic Form Editor.
LN Studio requires Infor BW activation for the development and runtime addresses. LN Studio also
requires the Infor LN Dynamic Form Editor (DFE) to develop session forms.
If BW and DFE are not installed on your computer, or older versions are installed, an automatic installation
of these components is performed when you start LN Studio for the first time.
If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, confirmation dialog boxes are displayed during the BW and DFE
installations: you are prompted to allow the BW and DFE setup programs to make changes to your
Click Yes in both dialog boxes.

A single Workbench window is displayed.

Note: If you want to select another workspace after the Workbench is started, select File > Switch Workspace
> Other.

Defining connectivity settings

This section describes the procedure to define connectivity settings for the LN Studio.
Infor LN Studio uses Connection Points to connect to the LN server that contains the LN applications and the
development repository, and to the server on which the software projects are stored.

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Installation and configuration

This table shows the static connection points you must configure to define the connectivity settings:

Connection point Description

ProjectServer This connection point is used to connect to the Project Server. The Project
Server contains projects and activities that are used in the Infor LN Studio.
The Project Server connection point is used, for example:
• When a project manager creates a new project, or a new activity in the
Software Project Explorer view.
• When a software engineer starts the Open an Activity wizard from the Activ-
ity Explorer view.
Debug When a software engineer debugs a session from the LN Studio, the debugger
on the LN server uses this connection point to send messages to the LN Studio
on the client PC.
RuntimeRepositoryCon- This connection point is used for exchanging business metadata with the appli-
nection cation server. This connection is not required if the interface project is using
"related software projects".
TestServerConnection This connection point is used when testing Business Interface implementations.
This connection is not required if the interface project is using "related software

Configuring static connection points

To configure the connection points:
1 Display the standard connection points
a On the Eclipse Windows menu, select Preferences. The Preferences dialog appears.
b In the tree that is displayed in the left pane of the dialog, select Infor LN JCA Connectivity. The Infor
LN JCA Connectivity dialog is displayed. The dialog shows the standard Debug and Project Server
connection points, which were defined by LN Studio by default.
The Infor LN JCA Connectivity dialog is part of the connectivity plug-in. For details, see the dialog's
online help and to the online help of the Infor Connectivity plug-in.
2 Configure the connection points
To configure a connection point, select the connection point and click Edit. The Configure Connection
point wizard starts. Specify the properties for the connection points and close the wizard.
This table shows points of attention per static connection point:

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Installation and configuration

Connection point Points of attention

ProjectServer Select the appropriate activation type:
• To connect to an on-premises installation of LN, select the BW, Rexec, or Baan-
Login activation type, and specify the corresponding settings.
• To connect to a multi-tenant cloud installation of LN, specify the HTTP-OAuth2
activation type after setting up a "Cloud Environment".
To connect to a single-tenant cloud installation of LN, specify the HTTP-Basic
activation type.
See "Specifying additional settings for cloud development".
The company number for this connection point must be 000.
The application and project data accessed through these connection points can
reside in the same LN environment. If so, you can share these connection points.
As a result, only one bshell is used to connect to the server, instead of two, which
improves the performance.
Debug Select the Socket-In activation type.
Select a free local port number, such as 10100.
RuntimeReposito- Select the BaanLogin (recommended), Rexec, or BW activation type, and specify the
ryConnection corresponding settings.
The company number for this connection point must be 000.
TestServerConnec- Select the BaanLogin (recommended), Rexec, or BW activation type, and specify the
tion corresponding settings.

The Configure Connection point wizard is part of the connectivity plug-in. For details, see the wizard's
online help and the online help of the Infor Connectivity plug-in.
• You can use the Preferences dialog box to set various other user preferences for the LN Studio workbench.
See "Application preferences", "Integration preferences", and "Connectivity preferences" in the Infor
LN Studio Administration Guide.
• To run or debug sessions after creating or modifying the Debug connection point, you must restart LN
• In a multi-tenant environment you cannot debug with LN Studio. You can use the Debug Workbench, see
the Debug and Profile 4GL (ttadv1123m000) session.
• In a multi-tenant environment you cannot run or debug BFlows with LN Studio. You can run BFlows in
the LN UI to see the result.

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Installation and configuration

Specifying additional settings for multi-tenant cloud

You can connect to an LN installation in the cloud. To achieve this, you must set up an HTTPS connection to
an LN UI server where the LN Client Service is enabled. The required authorization settings are usually stored
in a .ionapi file. Your administrator can distribute this file in multiple ways:
• Send the file by email.
• Publish the file on a network share or on an HTTP server in your local intranet.
The settings in the .ionapi file are used to define a "Cloud Environment".

Adding a cloud environment

1 Select Window > Preferences.
2 In the tree in the left pane of the dialog box, expand Infor LN JCA Connectivity and select Cloud
3 Click Add. The Configure Cloud Environment wizard starts.
4 If the .ionapi file is present on your file system or on a network share, select Import from file. Then click
Browse to locate the .ionapi file. Alternatively, specify the path to the .ionapi file directly in the text
If the .ionapi file is published on an HTTP server, select Import from URL and specify the URL to the file.
5 Click Import. The remaining fields on the wizard page are filled with settings from the .ionapi file.
6 Optionally, change the Environment Name. Leave the rest of the settings unchanged. Tip: copy the value
of the Gateway URL to the clipboard; you need this later on.
7 Click Finish.

Adding a server certificate to the trust store

Because you are creating a Secure HTTPS connection to LN UI, LN Studio must know whether the server is
trusted. Therefore, you must register the trusted server certificates in a trust store. The trust store is a file in
"Java Key Store" format. This file contains a "global" configuration that is valid for all workspaces. Therefore,
the file is located outside of the LN Studio installation folder, and outside of the workspace folder. A good
location is your "home folder".
To add a server certificate to the trust store:
1 Select Window > Preferences.
2 In the tree in the left pane of the dialog box, expand Infor LN JCA Connectivity and select Trusted SSL
3 If you do not yet have a trust store, complete these steps:
a Click Browse. Browse to the folder where you want to create the trust store, such as C:\Users\<Your
Name> .

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Installation and configuration

b Specify the file name. Use a .jks extension for the file name. For example, specify
c To complete the browse dialog box, click Open or press Enter.
4 Optionally, specify a password for the trust store. If you leave the field blank, a default password is used.
5 Click Apply. If the trust store did not yet exist, you are prompted whether you want to create a new one.
Click Yes.
6 The certificates in the chosen trust store are listed in the Certificates table, and the Add button is enabled
now. If you have a copy of the certificate in a file, you can click Add to add that certificate. Usually, this
is not the case, so you must use another way.
7 In the Check Trusted URL field, specify the HTTPS URL of the LN UI server you want to use. You can go
back to the Cloud Environments preference page, select the configured cloud environment, click Edit,
and copy the Gateway URL. The Gateway URL is the first part of the URL to the LN UI server.
8 Click Check. Usually, a "Check failed" dialog, which suggests to import the certificate presented by the
server, is displayed. Click Yes. The Import Certificate dialog box is displayed.
9 In the Import Certificate dialog box, the Server Certificates drop-down list may contain more than one
The HTTPS server presents a chain of certificates, starting with its own certificate. Next is the certificate
of the Certification Authority (CA) that issued the server certificate, followed by the issuer of the CA
certificate, and so on. The last certificate in the chain is usually a "root CA certificate", issued by itself.
You must import the last certificate. This certificate is already selected in the drop-down list. Details of
the selected certificate are displayed in the dialog box.
10 In the Alias field, specify a short name for the certificate. This alias is stored in lower case in the trust
store. Click Finish. The certificate is now present in the Certificates table.
11 Click Check again. A "Check succeeded" dialog box is displayed.
12 Click OK. The Preferences dialog box is closed.

Configuring connection points

You must configure these connection points:
• The static connection point for the Project Server
• The dynamic connection points for Administrator, Development Address, and Runtime Address.
These connection points must use an HTTPS connection to an LN UI server that provides access to an LN
environment in the cloud.

Example - Project Server connection point

For example, to configure the Project Server connection point:
1 Select Windows > Preferences.
2 Select Infor LN JCA Connectivity.
3 In the table with connection points, select ProjectServer and click Edit. Alternatively, double-click the
row with ProjectServer. The Configure Connection point wizard starts.
4 In the Activation Type drop-down list, select HTTP-OAuth2 and click Next.

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Installation and configuration

5 Select the correct Cloud Environment from the drop-down list.

6 The Service Endpoint URL is automatically filled with the URL for the LN UI server.
7 For a project server connection, ensure the Company field contains 0.
8 To complete the configuration, click Finish.
9 To test the connection, select the connection point and click Ping. A dialog box containing a login page
is displayed. During normal usage of LN Studio, this login page is displayed the first time a connection
to the cloud is established.
Follow the instructions on the page. These instructions are provided by the authorization server of the
cloud. If everything is okay, the connection test succeeds. If the test fails, errors are reported: the
configuration is incorrect, or you specified invalid credentials on the login page.

Specifying additional settings for single-tenant cloud development

You can connect to an LN installation in the cloud. To achieve this, you must set up an HTTPS connection to
an LN UI server where the LN Client Service is enabled.

Configuring connection points

You must configure these connection points:
• The static connection point for the Project Server
• The dynamic connection points for Administrator, Development Address, and Runtime Address
These connection points must use an HTTPS connection to an LN UI server that provides access to an LN
environment in the cloud.

Example - Project Server connection point

For example, to configure the Project Server connection point:
1 Select Windows > Preferences.
2 Select Infor LN JCA Connectivity.
3 In the table with connection points, select ProjectServer and click Edit. Alternatively, double-click the
row with ProjectServer. The Configure Connection point wizard starts.
4 In the Activation Type drop-down list, select HTTP-Basic and click Next.
5 In the Service Endpoint URL field, specify the URL for the LN UI server. Your administrator can supply
the correct value.
The LN Client Service should be enabled. For details on how to enable the LN Client Service, see the Infor
LN UI Administration Guide.
6 In the LN UI Environment field, specify the name of the environment as defined on the LN UII server.
Your administrator can supply the correct value.
7 For a project server connection, ensure the Company field contains 0.
8 Leave the Command field blank, unless your administrator has instructed otherwise.
9 In the User and Password fields, specify the correct values.

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Installation and configuration

10 To complete the configuration, click Finish.

11 To test the connection, select the connection point and click Ping.

Installing LN Studio updates

This section describes how you can install updates for LN Studio.
Note: Before you can install updates, the system administrator must provide a new LN Studio zip file.
To install updates:
1 Open the InforLNStudio_<version number>.nnn-x86_64.zip file, which contains the new software.

nnn represents a build number, such as "0023".

2 Extract all contents of the file to your existing LN Studio installation folder, such as C:\Infor\LN\LNStudio
. Ensure the Overwrite existing files check box is selected!

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Administrative tasks

Chapter 3: Administrative tasks

Preparing for multi-tenant cloud development

To connect to an LN environment that runs in the multi-tenant cloud, you must perform some special actions.
You cannot use BW, Rexec, or BaanLogin to connect to the LN system. Instead you must use HTTPS to connect
to an LN UI server in the cloud. The LN UI server provides access to the LN environment. The HTTPS connection
requires OAuth 2.0 authentication. All LN Studio users must know the OAuth 2.0 related settings, otherwise
they cannot establish a successful connection.
To prepare for multi-tenant cloud development:
1 Register LN Studio as authorized app in the cloud. To perform the registration, use the ION API application
within the Infor Ming.leTM portal. See the Infor ION API Administration Guide.
a Add a non-Infor authorized app of the Web Application type.
b Add a description. Specify LN Studio.
c Set the Redirect URL to oob://localhost/lnstudio.
d You can set the Authorized Javascript Origins to http://localhost.
e Download the credentials.
This results in a file with .ionapi extension. All LN Studio users require this file to create a connection
to the cloud.

2 Verify that the settings in the .ionapi file are correct. To do that, configure your Project Server connection
See Specifying additional settings for multi-tenant cloud development on page 13.
a Create a cloud environment using the .ionapi file.
b Start the Configuration wizard for the Project Server connection point.
c On the second page, specify the correct LN UI environment name.
d Verify that the wizard specified the correct Service Endpoint URL. If not, you must instruct the LN
Studio users to specify a correct value here.
e Finish the wizard and verify that the ping succeeds.
3 If the .ionapi settings are correct, distribute this file to all LN Studio users. You can distribute the file
through email, or you can publish the file on a network share or on a local HTTP server. The .ionapi file
contains sensitive information, so ensure it is not visible to unauthorized persons.
4 Supply the LN Studio users with the information they require to configure a cloud connection. As a
minimum, they must know the location of the .ionapi file and the name of the LN UI environment.

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Administrative tasks

Defining a development environment

This topic describes how to define a development environment. For each development environment, you
can define one or more Applications.
To define a development environment:
1 Start LN Studio
2 Open the Project Server perspective.
Select Window > Open Perspective > Other. A list of perspectives is displayed. Select Project Server
and click OK.
The Application Explorer is displayed.
3 Specify the development environment properties
On the view's toolbar, click Create a new development environment. The New Development
Environment dialog is displayed. In this dialog, specify the development environment properties, such
as Hostname and BSE path. See the dialog's online help.
Save the environment and close the dialog. The new environment is displayed in the Application Explorer
4 Configure the Administrator connection point for the new environment
Complete these steps:
a Click on the triangle icon of the new development environment. Two sub folders, Applications and
Localizations, are displayed.
b Click on the triangle icon of the Applications or Localizations folder. You are prompted to configure
an Administrator Connection Point.
c In the question window, click Yes.The Configure Connection point wizard starts.
d Specify the properties for the connection point.
Points of attention
• Select the appropriate activation type:
• To connect to an on-premises installation of LN, select the BW, Rexec, or BaanLogin activation
type, and specify the corresponding settings.
• To connect to a multi-tenant cloud installation of LN, specify the HTTP-OAuth2 activation
• To connect to a single-tenant cloud installation, specify the HTTP-Basic activation type.
• Select company number 000.
• The application and project data can reside in the same LN environment. If so, you can share
the Administrator and ProjectServer connection points. As a result, only one bshell is used to
connect to the server, instead of two. This improves the performance.
For details, see the wizard's online help.

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Administrative tasks

Defining an application
This topic describes how to define an Application. For each application, you can define a project in which the
software engineers can develop their software components.
Note: Before you can define an application, you must define one or more development environments and
the corresponding Administrator Connection Points.
See Defining a development environment on page 18.
To define an LN application:
1 Start LN Studio
2 Open the Project Server perspective.
Select Window > Open Perspective > Other. A list of perspectives is displayed. Select Project Server
and click OK.
The Application Explorer is displayed.
3 Specify the application properties
Complete these steps:
a In the view, right-click the development environment for which you want to define an application.
b On the shortcut menu, select New Application. The New Application dialog is displayed.
c Specify the application properties, such as application name, description, and release.
For details, see the dialog's online help.
Note: You can now define one or more projects for the new application. See Defining a software project on
page 42.

Code freeze procedure

A code freeze is performed when the development process reaches a certain milestone. Development is
stopped in the current VRC and started in a new derived VRC. Certain activities might still be open and
developers may want to continue working in the new VRC, on the components in these activities.
The code freeze procedure handles the move of these components and the update of the involved activities
and configuration management settings.
Two types of code freeze are distinguished:
• Intermediate code freeze.
An existing software project is linked to a new VRC, which is used as the export VRC for the application.
See Intermediate code freeze on page 20.
• Final code freeze.
A new application and project and a corresponding VRC are created. All activities are moved to the new
See Final code freeze on page 22.

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Administrative tasks

Intermediate code freeze

When you perform an intermediate code freeze, the current project is linked to a new project VRC, which is
used as the export VRC for the application.
• The code freeze creates new activity VRCs derived from the new project VRC and, if SCM is active, new
private VRCs derived from the new activity VRCs.
• All involved activities stay linked to the current project.
• The application and its Base VRC do not change.

This diagram shows a VRC structure before an intermediate code freeze. SCM is active.

This diagram shows the VRC structure after an intermediate code freeze.

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Administrative tasks

The new VRC structure contains:

• A new project VRC and a new SCM project VRC.
• New activity VRCs derived from the new project VRC.
• New private VRCs derived from the new activity VRCs.

Intermediate code freeze procedure

1 Create new project VRC.
Start the Package VRCs (ttadv1511m000) session and create a new project VRC. Then, start the
Directories of Software Components (ttadv1115m000) session and specify the directories to store the
software components of the new VRC.
2 If SCM is active for the old project VRC, activate SCM for the new project VRC.
a Start the (De)activate SCM and Component Management by Package VRC (ttscm0501m000)
session. The session shows a list of VRCs.
b Select the project VRC. On the appropriate menu, select Activate SCM (and CM). The Activate SCM
and Component Management by Package VRC (ttscm0110s000) session starts.
c Select the new SCM VRC and click OK.
See "To use the Software Configuration Management system (SCM)" in the LN Web Help.
3 Generate new VRCs for the involved activities.
a Start the Code Freeze (ttadv1222m000) session.
b Clear the Final Code Freeze check box.

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Administrative tasks

c In the Source VRC field, select the old project VRC.

d In the Target VRC field, select the new project VRC.
e Select the full range of activities.
f Select the Update Export VRC in Base VRC's check box, so the new project VRC becomes the export
VRC of the application's base VRC.
If this check box is cleared, you must use the Base VRC's (ttpmc0110m000) session to assign the
new project VRC as the export VRC.
Note: LN Studio users must not recover their activities before the new project VRC is assigned as
the export VRC.
g Click Move. The session performs these actions:
• Creates new activity VRCs, derived from the new project VRC.
• Creates, if SCM is active, new private VRCs derived from the new activity VRCs.
• Moves components from the old activity and private VRCs to these new VRCs.
• Removes the old activity and private VRCs.

4 Inform the LN Studio users the code freeze is finished.

The users must recover their workspace.
• Note: This recovery must be performed after the new project VRC is assigned as the export VRC for
the application's base VRC. See step 3 in this procedure.
• The users must select the Recover existing activity files check box in the Recover activity dialog
See Recovering an activity.

Final code freeze

When you perform a final code freeze, you must create a new application and a new project. The new project
is linked to a new project VRC, which is used as the export VRC for the application.
• The code freeze creates new activity VRCs derived from the new project VRC and, if SCM is active, new
private VRCs derived from the new activity VRCs.
• All involved activities are moved to the new project.

Final code freeze procedure

1 Create new project VRC.
Start the Package VRCs (ttadv1511m000) session and create a new project VRC. Then, start the
Directories of Software Components (ttadv1115m000) session and specify the directories to store the
software components of the new VRC.
2 If SCM is active for the old project VRC, activate SCM for the new project VRC.
a Start the (De)activate SCM and Component Management by Package VRC (ttscm0501m000)
session. The session shows a list of VRCs.

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Administrative tasks

b Select the project VRC. On the appropriate menu, select Activate SCM (and CM). The Activate SCM
and Component Management by Package VRC (ttscm0110s000) session starts.
c Select the new SCM VRC and click OK.
See "To use the Software Configuration Management system (SCM)" in the LN Web Help.
3 Define new base VRC.
Start the Base VRCs (ttpmc0110m000) session and create a new Base VRC. In the Export VRC field, select
the new project VRC.
4 Start LN Studio and define a new application.
Note: Take care of the following when you specify the properties of the new application in the New
Application dialog box:
• In the Release field, select the new base VRC created in the previous step.
• If SCM is active for the new project VRC, select the Use SCM check box. If SCM is not active, clear the
check box.
• In the lower part of the dialog box, specify the appropriate packages and languages.
See Defining an application on page 19.
5 Start LN Studio and define a new software project.
Note: In the Application field in the Create a Software Project dialog box, select the new application
created in the previous step.
See Defining a software project on page 42.
6 Move activities to the new project.
a Log on to the project server and start the Final Code Freeze (tlprj1220m000) session.
b In the Source Project field, select the old project.
c In the Target Project field, select the new project.
d Select the full range of activities.
e Click Move. The session moves the activities to the new project.
7 Generate new VRCs for the involved activities.
a Start the Code Freeze (ttadv1222m000) session.
b Select the Final Code Freeze check box.
c In the Source VRC field, select the old project VRC.
d In the Target VRC field, select the new project VRC.
e Select the full range of activities.
f Click Move. The session performs these actions:
• Creates new activity VRCs derived from the new project VRC.
• Creates, if SCM is active, new private VRCs derived from the new activity VRCs.
• Moves components from the old activity and private VRCs to these new VRCs.
• Removes the old activity and private VRCs.

8 Inform the LN Studio users the code freeze is finished.

For each activity involved, users must complete these steps:
a Delete the activity, including all files, from the local workspace. To do this, right-click the activity in
the Activity Explorer and select Delete. A confirmation question appears. Select Also delete contents
and click Yes.

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Administrative tasks

b Open the activity again.

Note: In the Open an Activity - Select Project dialog box, the users must first select the new software
project from the list, and then select the activity.
c Recover the activity.
Note: The users must select the Recover existing activity files check box in the Recover activity
dialog box.
See Recovering an activity.

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Application preferences

Chapter 4: Application preferences

Under Infor LN Studio Application in the preference pages, you can specify preferences related to application
development. To open the preference pages, in Eclipse, select Windows > Preferences.

Preferences - BFlow
Use this dialog window to specify your BFlow preferences.
Clear console before launch
If this check box is selected, the LN Studio Console is cleared before a BFlow run or debug configuration is
Note: In a multi-tenant environment you cannot run or debug BFlows with LN Studio. You can run BFlows
in the LN UI to see the result.

BFlow events log level

Select the global log level for BFlow events. Use this setting to control the type and amount of log events
received from the server that are displayed in the console.
To improve the performance when running BFlow cases that have many steps, select a log level that generates
fewer log messages.
This table shows, per log level, the log messages that are received.

Log Levels
Minimal Medium Full Debug
Log Messages
STATE ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
NOTICE ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
WARNING ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
ERROR ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
STEP ✔ ✔

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Application preferences

Log Levels
Minimal Medium Full Debug
Log Messages
INFO ✔ ✔

Preferences - Templates
Use this dialog window to create, edit, and remove BFlow templates.

Overview window
Use the check boxes to enable and disable templates. If a check box is selected, you can select the
corresponding template when you create a BFlow step in the Create a New Infor LN Software Component
Use these buttons to manipulate and configure templates:

Button Description
New Opens a dialog box to create a new template.
Edit Opens a dialog box to edit the currently selected template.
Remove Removes all selected templates.
Restore Re- Restores any predefined templates that have been removed.
Revert to De- Restores any predefined templates to their default configuration.
fault This action does not modify user-created templates.
Import Imports templates from an XML file in the file system.
Export Exports all selected templates to an XML file in the file system.

Edit Template dialog window

The name of the template.

Indicates the type of template. For BFlow templates, the context is always BFlowTest.

Automatically insert
Has no meaning for BFlow templates.

The description of the template.

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Application preferences

The pattern of the template. This is the text inserted in the Create a New Infor LN Software Component
wizard when you select the template.
In the template pattern, you can use predefined template variables. Variables are resolved to their concrete
value when the template is evaluated in its context. You can specify variables using simple or full syntax. If
there are multiple possible matches for a variable, they are presented as proposals to the user.
To add a variable to the template pattern, click Insert Variable and select the desired variable from the list.
You can select general and LN-specific template variables.

Preferences - Editor
Use this dialog window to specify your script editor preferences.
These settings only apply to the LN Studio Script Editor.
Marker Identifier
Determines the text that is added in the source code, when you add maintenance comments.
Allowed values

Activity Name The name of the current Activity.

Activity Requirement The ID of the business requirement to which the current activity belongs.
Project Name The name of the current Software Project.
Project Requirement The ID of the business requirement to which the current project belongs.

Marker Identifier = "Activity Name", and your current activity is "myactivity".
In the Script Editor, you mark lines as new. The following maintenance comments are added:
• Behind the first new line: " |#myactivity.sn ".
• Behind the last new line: " |#myactivity.en ".
See "Comments" in the Infor LN Studio Application Development Guide.

Show Mark Occurrences

If this check box is selected, Mark Occurrences is enabled, so occurrences of the selected element are marked
in the source code. See "Mark Occurrences" in the Infor LN Studio Application Development Guide.

Highlight Matching Brackets

If this check box is selected, the script editor can highlight matching brackets in the source code.
Usage: Place the cursor directly behind a bracket. The corresponding bracket is highlighted automatically.
This functionality applies to the following types of brackets:
• Parentheses: (, ).
• Braces: {, }.

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Application preferences

Remove Trailing Whitespaces on Save

If this check box is selected, the script editor removes trailing whitespaces (space and tab) of each line in the
source code during save actions.

Delay key manager

The number of milliseconds after which the editor's parser will react to the last key-event.
This only works if the editor is in asynchronous mode.

Max LOC of syn. behaviour

The maximum number of lines of code for which the editor can run in synchronous mode. For the remaining
lines, the editor switches to asynchronous mode.
In synchronous mode, the parser directly reacts to each key-event. As a result, all changes are colored
If you enter 0 in this field, the editor always runs in asynchronous mode.

Max LOC of parser

The maximum number of lines of code the parser can handle.
If a script has more lines, the parser does not react anymore. Therefore, all editor functionality that requires
the parser's output drops out. This enhances the performance when editing very large scripts.

Max LOC of syntax highlighting

The maximum number of lines of code to which syntax highlighting can be applied.
If a script has more lines, the parser does not react anymore. Therefore, all editor functionality that requires
the parser's output drops out. This enhances the performance when editing very large scripts.

Background Color
Use this field to set the background color for your editor.
Choose one of the following options:

System De- The default background color is white.


Custom Choose the color from a basic color schema or define custom colors.

The editor only uses this color for source code of checked out components. If a component is not checked
out, the source code is read-only and the editor uses the ReadOnly color.

Use this field to set the background color for read-only source code, such as source code of components that
are not checked out.
Choose the color from a basic color schema or define custom colors.

Preferences - Code Assist

Use this dialog window to specify your Code assist preferences.

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Application preferences

These settings only apply to the LN Studio Script Editor.

See "Code Assist" in the Infor LN Studio Application Development Guide.
Code Assist
Enable Code Assist
Select this check box to enable the code assist feature.

Present proposals in alphabetical order

If this check box is selected, Code assist presents the list of suggested completions in alphabetical order.

Automatically insert
If this check box is selected, and if there is only one completion proposal for the string you entered in the
Script Editor, code assist will automatically insert the proposal at the cursor position.
In the Script Editor, you type " she " and press CTRL+SPACE. Code assist automatically inserts the following
text, because this is the only completion proposal available: " shell(command,mode) ".

Completion proposal background

The background color for the completion proposal.

Completion proposal foreground

The foreground color (text color) for the completion proposal.

Auto Activation
Enable auto activation
If this check box is selected, Code Assist starts automatically when you type the auto activation trigger

Auto activation delay

The delay in milliseconds between the moment you type the auto activation trigger character, and the
moment Code assist starts automatically.

Auto activation trigger Char for Infor LN

The character that triggers the auto activation of Code assist. The default is a dot (.).

Preferences - Folding
Use this dialog window to specify your Folding preferences.
These settings only apply to the LN Studio Script Editor.
See "Folding" in the Infor LN Studio Application Development Guide.
Enable folding
If this check box is selected, you can fold and unfold the selected region types when you open a new editor.
If this check box is cleared, you cannot fold and unfold any region type in the script editor.

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Application preferences

Collapse all selected region types when opening the Editor

If this check box is selected, all selected region types are collapsed automatically when you open the script

Folding these region types:

If this check box is selected, folding is enabled for functions.

If this check box is selected, folding is enabled for header comments.

If this check box is selected, folding is enabled for macros.

If this check box is selected, folding is enabled for script sections, such as the declaration section, the
before.program section, and field sections in a UI script.

Preferences - Syntax
Use this dialog window to specify syntax coloring preferences.
These settings only apply to the LN Studio Script Editor.

The script editor does not recognize syntax patterns because no syntax parser is available in this release.
Therefore, if a variable has a name identical to a keyword such as "domain", "function", or "case", the variable
is colored as a keyword. For example:
• You add the following code to the declaration section of a UI script: long case.
• case is colored as a keyword, because the editor does not recognize it as a variable.

Syntax Coloring
Specify the syntax coloring settings for various elements in the program text.
To specify the syntax coloring settings for an element:
1 Select the element from the list.
2 Specify whether the element must be bold and/or italic.
3 Click the color button.
4 Select the color from a basic color schema or define custom colors.

Shows a preview of your syntax coloring settings.

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Application preferences

Preferences - Templates
Use this dialog window to create, edit, and remove templates.
These settings only apply to the LN Studio Script Editor.
To insert a template in the script editor, use the Code Assist feature.

Overview window
Use the check boxes to enable and disable templates. If a check box is selected, you can use Code Assist to
insert the corresponding template in your source code.
Use these buttons to manipulate and configure templates:

Button Description
New Opens a dialog box to create a new template.
Edit Opens a dialog box to edit the currently selected template.
Remove Removes all selected templates.
Restore Re- Restores any predefined templates that have been removed.
Revert to De- Restores any predefined templates to their default configuration.
fault This action does not modify user-created templates.
Import Imports templates from an XML file in the file system.
Export Exports all selected templates to an XML file in the file system.

Edit Template dialog window

The name of the template.

This is a standard Eclipse option that is not used by LN Studio.

Automatically insert
If this check box is selected, code assist automatically inserts the template at the cursor position, if the
template is the only completion proposal for the string you entered in the Script Editor.

The description of the template.

The pattern of the template. This is the text inserted in the editor when you select the template.
In the template pattern, you can use predefined template variables. Variables are resolved to their concrete
value when the template is evaluated in its context. You can specify variables using simple or full syntax. If
there are multiple possible matches for a variable, they are presented as proposals to the user.

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Application preferences

To add a variable to the template pattern, click Insert Variable and select the desired variable from the list.
You can select general and LN-specific template variables.
This table shows the general template variables:

Variable Description
${cursor} Specifies the cursor position when you leave the template edit mode. This
is useful if the cursor must jump to another place than to the end of the
template, on leaving template edit mode.
${date} The current date.
${dollar} The dollar symbol '$'. Alternatively, you can use two dollar signs: '$$'.
${line_selection} The content of all currently selected lines.
${time} The current time.
${user} The user name.
${word_selection} The content of the current text selection.
${year} The current year.

This table shows the LN-specific template variables:

Variable Description
${name} The name of the function which is used above this variable
${input_arg} The arguments of the function which is used above this variable.
${returnType} The return type of the function which is used above this variable.
${output_arg} Place holder

Preferences - Launching
Use this dialog window to specify your launching preferences.
When you launch a software component, the LN Studio checks whether the release of the corresponding
application matches the package combination in which the component is executed. If they do not match,
you may encounter problems during debugging.
In this dialog, you can specify whether/how the launch should continue if release and package combination
do not match.
• The application release is specified in the Create a new Application dialog. The release is identical to
the Base VRC on which the software development is based.
• The package combination depends on the runtime address connection points of the application's software
projects. A runtime address connection point is linked to a .bwc file. You can find the package combination

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Application preferences

in the user data of the user account specified in this .bwc file. To view the user data, run the User Data
(ttaad2500m000) session. Alternatively, look in the Command field of the BW Configuration Properties
Default Launch Mode
Specify how sessions are started by default.
Select an option. In the Configurations dialog, the corresponding launch mode is selected automatically.
Allowed values
• Launch in BW
• Attach to running Web UI

Continue if release does not match package combination

Use this field to specify whether/how the launch will continue if release and package combination do not
Select one of the following options:

Al- The session is launched anyway.

Nev- The session is not launched.
Prompt A warning is displayed and you can choose whether you want to launch the session.

The default option is Prompt.

Preferences - Multipage
Use this dialog window to specify preferences for the Multipage Editors.
Display the TDE overview page for all editors
If this check box is selected, a TDE Documentation tab is displayed in all multipage editors. This tab shows
an XML tree with the technical information on the software component's Technical Data Entity.
The information displayed in the TDE Documentation tab is primarily intended for support and
troubleshooting purposes. Therefore it is recommended to display the tab only in case of problems.

Path for Additional File attachments

The directory where LN Studio stores the additional files that you edit in the Additional File Editor.

Preferences - Workbench
Use this dialog window to specify whether the editor is opened automatically each time you add a new
resource to your workspace.

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Application preferences

The script editor can start automatically, for example:

• When you use the Get command in the Component Explorer view to add a component to your workspace.
• When you use the Open Declaration (source) command in the script editor to view detailed information
on a function that is called in your source code and not present in your workspace.
• During debugging, when you step into a function that is called in your source code, but not already
present in your workspace.
Automatically open the editor for a new resource
Use this field to specify whether the corresponding editor is opened automatically for a new resource.
This table shows the available options:

Al- The editor starts automatically each time you add a component to your workspace.

Nev- The editor does not start automatically when you add a component to your workspace.

Prompt When you add a component to your workspace, the following question is displayed:
"Open editor for the new software component?"
Click Yes or No to answer the question.
Optionally, click the Remember my decision check box in the question window. Depending on
your answer to the question, this will change the Automatically open the editor for a new resource
preference setting to "Always" or "Never".

The default option is Prompt.

Automatically check components after a change

If this check box is selected, LN Studio automatically verifies software components each time a component
is saved.
If this check box is cleared, components are not verified automatically. You must start the verification manually
through the Verify Component command in the shortcut menu in the Activity Explorer view.
For details, see "Verifying software components" in the Infor LN Studio Application Development Guide.

Preferences - Infor LN Configuration Management

Note: This page is not located under Infor LN Studio Application preferences, but under Team preferences.
Use this dialog window to specify your Configuration Management preferences.
Checkout while editing
Indicates whether LN Studio must prompt you to checkout a software component when you edit the
component in the corresponding editor.
Select one of the following options:

Nev- You cannot check out a component while editing. To change a component, you must first check
er out the component and then start the corresponding editor.

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Application preferences

Prompt You can check out a component while editing.

If you try to change a component, which is not yet checked out, you are prompted whether you
want to check out the component.
If you click Yes, the component is checked out so you can change it.
If you click No, the component is not checked out so you cannot change it.

The default option is Prompt.

Append version information to resource name
If this check box is selected, LN Studio appends the version and release information of the application to the
resource names displayed in the Activity Explorer view.
For example: 7.6_a4

Show image decoration for dirty resources

If this check box is selected, LN Studio displays a decorator in the Activity Explorer view for each resource
not in sync with the LN server.
A resource is dirty if the version stored in your local workspace differs from the version on the LN server.
Resources can become dirty if the Build Automatically option is turned off: When you save changes you
make to a resource, the changes are saved in your local Eclipse workspace. However, the software component
on the LN server is not updated.
You must build the component to synchronize the local resource and the LN server. The decorator
disappears automatically.

Text decoration for dirty resources

The character entered here is displayed as a prefix to the names of dirty resources in the Activity Explorer
A resource is dirty if the version stored in your local workspace differs from the version on the LN server.
Resources can become dirty if the Build Automatically option is turned off: When you save changes you
make to a resource, the changes are saved in your local Eclipse workspace. However, the software component
on the LN server is not updated.
You must build the component to synchronize the local resource and the LN server. The prefix disappears

End Activity Behavior

By default, close the activity
If this check box is selected, the activity is ended completely when you run the End Activity command in the
Activity Explorer. The activity disappears from the Activity Explorer.
If this check box is cleared, the activity is ended partially when you run the End Activity command in the
Activity Explorer. The activity is still present in the Activity Explorer.

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Integration preferences

Chapter 5: Integration preferences

This section describes the configuration of Infor LN Studio related to the development of Business Interfaces.
These preference pages are available:
• Infor LN Studio Integration
This page contains some general preferences.
• Business Interface Test Tool
On this page you can set the configuration for testing Business Interface Implementations.
• Colors
With the Colors preferences of LN Studio Integration, you can set the colors of the graphical modelers
and textual editors that you use for Business Interface modeling.
• Default Libraries
On this page you can specify some libraries that will automatically be included in new Interface projects.
• Default Related Software Projects
On this page you can specify a set of related software projects.
• Generators - Infor LN Implementation
With the Infor LN Implementation preferences of the Generators, you can set the VRC of the LN server
for which you generate the Business Interface Implementation.

To navigate to the preference pages of LN Studio, select Windows > Preferences. In the Preferences window,
expand the Infor LN Studio Integration folder and select one of the preference options.
Note: To generate proxies for old BDEs (version 6.1 only!)
The Business Interfaces you develop with LN Studio do not use proxies. However, to remain backwards
compatible, LN Studio still contains functionality to generate BDE Proxies for the business interface definitions
(BIDs) that you created with Integration Studio 6.1.
You can configure the involved Proxy Generators using the .NET Proxy and Java Proxy preferences of the LN
Studio Generators. For detailed information, see the online Help of LN Studio.

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Integration preferences

General preferences
Use this page to specify the location of the "output" and "model" folder in the Integration project. The default
values should suffice for most users.
The page contains these additional settings:
Automatically save dirty editors before refactoring
If this check box is selected, editors with unsaved changes are saved automatically when performing a
refactoring action. If this check box is cleared, a warning window is displayed when you try to perform a
refactoring action.

Validate on differences between base and specialized Interface Definitions and generate warnings
If this check box is selected, an automatic check is performed when you save a specialized interface definition.
This reduces the performance. Optionally, to improve performance, clear this check box.

Prefer objects in libraries when automatically fixing references during import

During an import, duplicate datatypes can be found because the same datatypes can exist in the importer
and in the libraries. If this check box is selected, in case of duplicates, the importer creates references to the
datatypes from the library, rather than to the datatypes in the importer.

Number of import from folders in history

The number of entries in the list in the Import page.

Business Interface Test Tool preferences

Use this page to set the configuration for testing Business Interface Implementations.
Allow a manual change of the request xml for a Test
If this check box is selected, you can manually edit the XML documents, which are used as a request for a
Business Interface, such as a SyncBOD or a Request BDE message.
If this check box is cleared, you cannot edit the XML request documents LN Studio generated from the
specified test parameters.
Note: We do not recommend that you manually edit a generated request. because this can result in an
incorrect request and might cause problems when you execute the test. Therefore, this check box is cleared
by default.

Color preferences
Use this page to customize the colors that are used in the graphical modelers and text editors used for Business
Interface modeling. Select the Graphical Modelers tab to define the colors of the graphical elements in the
modelers. Select the Editors tab to define the colors of the text-based editors. You can change any color by
clicking on the colored button. A Color dialog box, in which you can select the desired color, is displayed.

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Integration preferences

Defining a set of default libraries

When creating an interface project, default libraries are automatically included in the project.
To define default libraries:
1 In Eclipse, select Windows > Preferences.
2 In the left-hand navigation pane of the Preferences window, select Infor LN Studio Integration > Default
3 To add a library, click Add. A file selection dialog box, in which you can navigate to an existing library, is
4 Select the library and click Open.
You can include the default libraries in two different ways. If you select the Link the Libraries to the project
option, the new Interface project will contain links to the default libraries. If you select Copy the Libraries
to the project, the new Interface project will contain copies of the libraries.
To remove a library from the set of default libraries, select the library in the list, and click Remove.

Defining a default set of related software projects

You can define a default set of related software projects. When you create a new interface project, these
default projects will be linked as related software projects. The related software projects are relevant when
developing business interface implementations. When you generate Infor LN implementations, you can
generate the libraries for those implementations in activities of these related software projects.
Note: The following procedure is optional. We recommend that you define related projects, but this is not
To define the default set of related software projects:
1 In Eclipse, select Windows > Preferences. The Preferences window is displayed.
2 In the left-hand navigation pane of the Preferences window, select Infor LN Studio Integration > Default
Related Software Projects. The Default Related Software Projects dialog box is displayed.
3 To add a related software project, click Add.
4 Specify this information:
Select a software project from the list.

Is Integrated
If this check box is selected, you can use components of the software project when you are editing hooks
in a business interface definition. For example, in the hook editor, you can use the Open Declaration
command to open components of the related software project.

5 Click OK.
To remove a software project from the list, right-click the entry in the list and select Delete.

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Integration preferences

Preferences of Infor LN Studio Implementation Generator

This section describes the preferences of the LN Studio Implementation Generator. With this generator, you
can generate the runtime code for an implementation on an LN application server.
Before you can generate Business Interface runtime code, you must specify the version, in other words, the
VRC in which the Business Interface runtime will be created. You must set the version on the Preferences page
of the LN Studio Implementation Generator. To access this page, in the Preferences dialog box, select Infor
LN Studio Integration > Generators > Infor LN Implementation. To open the Preferences dialog box, select
Window > Preferences.
The Major Version, Minor Version and optional Subordinate Version refer to what is called the Base VRC in
LN. To view the available base VRCs, run the Base VRCs (ttpmc0110m000) session in LN. If no base VRC exists
that corresponds to the VRC in which you must generate the Business Interface runtime, you must create a
base VRC in LN.
To determine the actual package VRC that is used, the LN Studio Implementation Generator uses these criteria:
• Takes the package from the value specified for the Implementation Identifier property of the Business
Interface Implementation.
• Takes the VRC from the Export VRC, as defined in the Base VRCs (ttpmc0110m000) session.
Note: To develop in the resulting package VRC, you must have sufficient authorizations. In Infor development,
the VRC that you must use is a VRC that is open for development or maintenance. In a customer environment,
the VRC is a customization VRC, such as B61C_a_cust.
This table shows the preferences of the LN Studio Implementation Generator:

Preference property Description

Major Version Version number of the Base VRC.
Minor Version Release code of the Base VRC.
Subordinate Version Customer code of the Base VRC.

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Connectivity preferences

Chapter 6: Connectivity preferences

Under Infor LN JCA Connectivity in the preference pages, you can specify preferences related to JCA
connectivity. To open the preference pages, in Eclipse, select Windows > Preferences. The main preference
page contains the configuration of the connection points. There is a sub-page for configuring the logging

Connection Points Configuration

This page contains the connection points that are required to connect to one or more LN servers. Some
connection points are static and are always present in the list: ProjectServer, Debug,
RuntimeRepositoryConnection, and TestServerConnection. Other connection points are dynamic. Dynamic
connection points are added, by starting a wizard, at the time they are required. You cannot add new connection
points on this preference page.
To change the settings of a connection point:
1 Select the connection point in the list.
2 Click Edit. The configuration wizard starts.
3 On the first wizard page, you can either choose to share the connection and specify the shared connection
point, or choose an activation type. The available activation types depend on the connection point you
are configuring.
4 Depending on the choices on the first page, you may need to click Next and complete a second page.
5 Specify the required data for the selected activation type.
6 On the final wizard page, click Finish.
To test a connection point:
1 Select the connection point in the list.
2 Click Ping. A dialog box shows whether the test succeeded.

Log Configuration
Use this page to specify the settings for logging the connection-related information to a log file. In case of
problems, a support engineer may ask for this information.

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Connectivity preferences

You can specify these preferences:

Enable logging
If this check box is cleared, no logging takes place. Select this check box to activate logging.

Specify the complete path of the log file. The file name must end in ".log". Use the browse button to select
the folder in which the log file must be stored.

Application log level

Select the log level. This influences the amount of messages that are logged. These levels are supported:
• Error
Only errors are logged.
• Info
Errors and informational messages are logged.
• Debug
Errors, informational messages, and debug messages are logged.

Limit file size

If no limit is specified, the log file grows when new messages are logged. If you specify a limit, by size or by
time, the log file does not grow indefinitely.

On size
If this check box is selected, the log file does not grow beyond a maximum size. If the maximum size is reached,
the existing log file is renamed by appending ".1" to the name, and a new log file is opened. Existing log files
that have previously been renamed are renamed to the next higher number: the ".1" file is renamed to ".2",
the ".2" file is renamed to ".3", etc. If the maximum number of log files is reached, the oldest one is deleted.
• Maximum size
Specify the maximum size of the log in MB.
• Maximum number
Specify the maximum number of log files that must be preserved. Example: if you specify "2" in this field,
at most 3 log files will be present in the log file location: the current log file and two older log files with
the extensions ".1" and ".2".

On time
If this check box is selected, the log file is renewed periodically. If the specified interval has elapsed, the
existing log file is renamed by appending a timestamp to the name, and a new log file is opened. Select one
of these intervals:
• Daily
• Half-daily
• Hourly

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Infor LN Project Server

Chapter 7: Infor LN Project Server

Infor LN Project Server

Infor LN Project Server is used to maintain Software Projects and Activities for Software Engineers that develop
software in LN Studio.
Project Server functionality is available in the Project Server perspective in LN Studio.
Note: A number of screenshots in the documentation may be based on previous application releases. They
can differ slightly from your application screens. However, the described functionality is similar.


Defining a software project

This topic describes how to define software projects and activities. The projects and activities are stored in
Project Server.
To define a software project:
1 Start LN Studio
2 Open the Software Project Explorer view
On the Windows menu, select Open Perspective, and then click Project Server.
The Software Project Explorer view is displayed in the Eclipse workbench.
3 Specify the project data
Complete these steps:
a On the view's toolbar, or on the shortcut menu, select New Software Project. The Create a Software
Project dialog box is displayed.
b Specify the project properties. See the online help of the dialog box.
c Save the project and close the dialog box.
4 Add one or more activities to the new project
Complete these steps:

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Infor LN Project Server

a In the Software Project Explorer view, right-click the new project and select New Activity. The
Create a new Activity dialog box is displayed.
b Specify the activity properties. See the online help of the dialog box.
c Save the activity and close the dialog box.
The users, to which the activities are assigned, can now start developing software in the new project. They
can select the assigned activities in the Application perspective in the LN Studio workbench.


New Development Environment

Use this dialog to define a new development environment.
The name of the development environment.

The TCP/IP hostname or IP address of the LN server.

BSE path
The directory on the application server where the LN Software Environment resides.

The logical name of the bshell, as specified in the ${BSE}/lib/ipc_info configuration file.

Create a new Application

You can use the New Application dialog box to create a new application.

New Application window

To open the New Application dialog box, complete one of the following steps:
• Right-click the Application Explorer view of LN Studio and, on the shortcut menu, select New Application.
• Click the New Application button on the Application Explorer's toolbar.
To create a new LN Studio application, in the New Application dialog box, fill in the required fields and click
OK. The new application is created in the currently connected LN server as indicated by the Administrator
Connection Point in the Infor LN JCA Connectivity window.
The following section describes the fields of the New Application dialog box.

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Infor LN Project Server

Note: To view or modify the properties of an existing application, use the Application Properties dialog box.
This dialog box is identical to the window described here, except for the Application name field. When you
create a new application, specify an application name. When you modify an existing application, you cannot
change the application name (read-only field).

Use the upper part of the dialog to specify basic application properties.
Application name
The name of the application.
When you create a new application, it is mandatory to specify an application name.
Allowed values
The application name identifies the application. Therefore, the application name must be unique in the
context of the connected LN server. The name can be any ASCII text with a maximum length of 30 characters.

The description of the application.
Specifying an application description is optional.
Allowed values
The description is a (multi byte) text with a maximum length of 50 characters.

The release of the application.
For LN applications, the release is identical to the Base VRC on which the software development is based.
See Applications.
Specifying a release is mandatory.
Note: An LN Studio application is linked to the Base VRC of a PMC module. Within the PMC module, the
package VRCs are linked to the export VRC of the PMC Base VRC.
Allowed values
To specify a value for this field, select a release from the drop-down list.

This field is not yet implemented.
Note: You can access the field and select a value from the list. However, this value is ignored by the LN Studio.
Therefore, you are recommended to leave this field empty.

InContext Reference Model

The application's InContext Reference Model.
Related topics
• "InContext Modeling" in the Infor LN Studio Application Development Guide
• Infor Enterprise Server InContext Modeling Development Guide

If this check box is selected, the software components developed or modified in LN Studio are managed with
the Software Configuration Management (SCM) tool of the connected LN environment.

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Infor LN Project Server

Use SCM to perform version management for packages linked to the application, or for the individual activities
of the application. To use SCM for the version management of the packages, SCM must be enabled for the
associated Project VRC on the LN server. If SCM is not enabled, you cannot add a package from this VRC to
the application.
See "Activity based development" in the Infor LN Studio Application Development Guide.

Use this tab to link packages to the application.
A package linked to the application.
In LN Studio, you can link packages to an application. These packages must have a VRC that corresponds
with the Export VRC of the Base VRC of the PMC module. This must also match the Base VRC of the application.
This Export VRC contains the application data with the linked packages. LN Studio will automatically create
such an Export VRC, if no such VRC is available.
The Packages field displays a table with the packages that have been linked to the application. These
packages have the same Base VRC as the application. The table shows the name of the packages and the
package description. An additional field indicates whether the package is used.
To link packages to the application:
1 Click Add. An empty package record is added to the Packages grid. Then, in the Package field, select a
package from the drop-down list. This list contains all the packages linked to the application's Base VRC.
After you select a package, the package name and description are displayed in the grid.
Note: To add all packages at the same time, click Add All.
2 To indicate whether a package is used in the application, select or clear the corresponding Active check
box in the grid.
Note: You require special authorization to create or modify applications linked to a Base VRC of a standard
LN release. To make a customization for a particular customer, copy the application to the customer's

The description of the package.
This field is read-only. The specified description is derived from the selected package.

If this check box is selected, the package of the application is changed or modified in LN Studio.
Allowed values
The check box is cleared.

Use this tab to link software languages to the application.
A software language linked to the application during development time.

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Infor LN Project Server

If you use the Language Translation Support functionality, to translate labels or other user interface
components, do not add secondary software languages to an application. Only use secondary software
languages for small translations performed by a software developer, outside the framework of the LTS
export/import mechanism.
The term "software language" refers to a language used by the application to communicate with the
application user. Therefore, when you run the application, the text on the buttons, commands, menus,
messages and so on, are expressed in one of the software languages linked to the application.
You can link multiple languages to an application, depending on the language packs installed on the
application's LN environment.
An LN Studio application can have two types of languages: primary and secondary. Each application must
have only one primary language. This is the development language and used to display the editable
components throughout the user interface of LN Studio. If any references are made to another component,
this reference is expressed in the primary language. By default, the primary language is 2. If you do not specify
a primary language, English is used.
Apart from the primary language, an application can possess multiple secondary languages. These can be
considered as translations of the expressions in the primary language. You can view and modify these
translations in the editor of the concerned software component. The translations are used when running
the application in a mode for a particular secondary language, determined by the language of the user.
The Languages field displays a table with all languages linked to the application. These languages must be
installed on the LN server connected to LN Studio through the Administrator connection point. The table
shows the name of the languages and the language descriptions. An additional field indicates whether the
language is a primary or secondary language.
To link a new language to the application, complete the following steps:
1 Click Add. An empty language record is added to the Languages grid.
2 In the Language field, select a language from the drop-down list. This list contains all the packages
installed on the connected LN server. After you select a language, the language code and language
description are entered in the grid.
3 To indicate whether the language acts as primary language, select or clear the Primary check box.

The description of the language.
This field is read-only. The specified description is derived from the selected language.

If this check box is selected, the current language will act as the primary language of the application. If this
check box is cleared, the current language is a secondary language.
If you set the primary language of the application, any language that was previously the primary language
will automatically be marked as a secondary language.
Allowed values
The check box is cleared.

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Infor LN Project Server

Use this field to specify additional information.

Create a Software Project

Use this dialog box to create a Software Project.
Project name
The project name.

The project description.

Requirement ID
The ID of the business requirement to which the project belongs (requirements are usually stored in a
requirement management or defect tracking system).

Partial End Allowed

If this check box is selected, you can partially end the activities linked to the project. When you end an activity,
you can select the components for which the activity is ended. These components are checked in to the
project VRC, while the other components stay available in the activity VRC.
See Developing software components.
If this check box is cleared, you can only end activities in their entirety.

Sharing Activities Allowed

If this check box is selected, each activity linked to the project can be assigned to multiple users.
If this check box is cleared, each activity can be assigned to only one user.
When you open a shared activity, the components developed by other users are not displayed automatically.
To display these components, recover the activity. See the online help of the Recover activity dialog.
If sharing activities is used in combination with activity context, all assignees of an activity must use the same
context. Otherwise, the assignees will get different results when they recover an activity, or when they launch
or debug a session.

Integration With PMC

If this check box is selected, you can create delivery activities in the project, and deliver components from
Project Server. When you end a development activity, you are prompted to deliver the activity and create a
PMC solution.
See Delivering software components.
If this check box is cleared, the PMC integration is disabled. You cannot deliver the components from Project
Server. You can perform the PMC delivery from the LN server instead.

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Infor LN Project Server

Development Environment
The LN environment in which the software for the project is developed. Select the environment from a
drop-down list.

The application to which the project belongs. Select the application from a drop-down list.

Use this field to enter additional documentation about the project.

Create a new Activity

Use this dialog box to create an activity.
Project name
The software project to which the activity belongs. Select a project from the drop-down list.

The description of the selected project.

Specify an activity name.

Specify an activity description.

Select an activity type from the drop-down list.
If the activity is intended for software development, select one of the following types:
• Enhancement
• Change request
• Miscellaneous
• Defect (intern)
• Defect (extern)
If the activity is intended for software delivery through PMC, select the "Delivery" type.
Note: You can only select the "Delivery" type if the Integration With PMC check box is selected in the
properties of the project to which the activity belongs.

Requirement ID
The ID of the business requirement to which the activity belongs (requirements are usually stored in a
requirement management or defect tracking system).

The software engineer who owns the activity. Select a software engineer from the drop-down list.

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Infor LN Project Server

The owner can open the activity, develop components in the activity, reassign the activity, and end the

The software engineers to which the activity is assigned. The assignees can open the activity and develop
components in the activity. However, only the owner can end the activity.
To add an assignee, click Add and select a software engineer from the drop-down list.
The Assignees grid is only available if the Sharing Activities Allowed check box in the software project's
properties is selected.
If sharing activities is not allowed, the Add button is disabled, and the system automatically adds the owner
of the activity as assignee. This change is displayed only after you re-open the dialog box.

Specify documentation about the activity.

Saves the new activity and closes the dialog box.

Finish and Open

Saves the new activity and closes the dialog box. Automatically switches to the Application perspective and
opens the new activity in the Activity Explorer view.

Compile activity overview

This dialog box shows an overview of the components that were compiled, for example when you closed an

Project Server View Filter

Use this dialog box to specify filter criteria for the Software Project Explorer view. To apply the filter, click
OK. The filter criteria are stored. The next time you open the view, the filter is applied automatically.
Show Projects with status
Select one or more project statuses. The view only shows projects that have one of these statuses.

Show empty projects

Use this field to easily recognize empty projects in the view.
If this check box is cleared, a + sign is displayed before all projects in the view.
If this check box is selected, the + sign is not displayed before empty projects.

Show Activities with status

Select one or more activity statuses. The view only shows activities that have one of these statuses.

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Infor LN Project Server

Show Activities of all users

If this check box is selected, the view shows activities of all users. If this check box is cleared, the view only
shows your own activities.

Name starts with

If you select the check box, you can specify one or more characters. The view shows activities whose names
start with the specified characters.
Note: The filter is case sensitive.


Project Server perspective

The Project Server perspective provides functionality for project managers and administrators.
This table shows the views in the perspective:

Software Project Explorer Project managers use this view to maintain software projects and activities
view on the Project Server.
For details on the procedure to define projects and activities, see Defining a
software project on page 42.
Application Explorer view Administrators use this view to create and maintain the applications for
which the software projects are defined.
For more information on the administrator's tasks, see the Infor LN Studio
Administration Guide.


Application Explorer view

Use the Application Explorer view to add, maintain, and remove development environments and applications.
An application is a software application developed in the LN Studio. Each application is linked to a Base VRC.
For each application, one or more projects can be defined, in which the software engineers develop their
software components.

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Infor LN Project Server

A development environment is a BSE environment on an Infor LN server, in which the software engineers
develop software components.
The Application Explorer view is part of the Infor Project Server perspective.

The toolbar of the Application Explorer view includes the following buttons:

Properties Starts a dialog box where you can view or modify the properties of the
selected item.
Create a new development en- Starts the New Development Environment dialog box. Here, you must
vironment enter the properties for a new development environment.
New Application Starts the Create a new Application dialog box. Here, you must enter
the name, release, and other properties for a new application.
Menu Contains the New Application command.

Note: The remaining buttons are standard Eclipse commands. For details on these buttons, see "User interface
information" in the Workbench User Guide.

Shortcut menu
To open the shortcut menu, right-click on a resource in the view:
This menu provides the following LN Studio-specific commands:

New Development Environ- Starts the New Development Environment dialog box. Here, you must
ment enter the properties for a new development environment.
New Application Starts the Create a new Application dialog box. Here, you must enter the
name, release, and other properties for a new application.
Properties Starts a dialog box where you can view or modify the properties of the
selected item.
Delete Removes the selected item.

For details on the remaining commands, see "User interface information" in the Workbench User Guide.

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Infor LN Project Server

The following icons are displayed in the Application Explorer view:

Software Project Explorer view

The Software Project Explorer view provides a hierarchical view of the projects, activities, and modified
software components in the Project Server. See the following figure for an example.

This table describes the different nodes in the previous figure:

Nr. in figure Description

1 Project
2 Development Activity
3 Modified LN software component
4 Delivery Activity

The toolbar of the Software Project Explorer view contains the following buttons:

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Infor LN Project Server

Properties Shows the properties of the selected project or activity.

For details on the project and activity properties, see the description
of the Create a Software Project and Create a new Activity dialog
New Software Project Adds a project on the project server.
New Activity Adds a new activity to the selected project.
Compile closed activity at devel- Compiles the software components in the selected closed activity.
opment system Use this command if the automatic compilation during the ending of
the activity has failed, and the problem that caused the compilation
error is solved.
• Activity B is part of the context of activity A. A UI script in activity
A calls a DLL that belongs to activity B. The DLL is not compiled
• Activity A is ended by its owner. The compilation of the UI script
fails, because the DLL in activity B is not compiled. Activity A is
closed anyway.
• Activity B is ended by its owner. The DLL is compiled automatically
and the activity is closed.
• The owner of activity A can now use the Compile closed activity
at development system option to compile the UI script in the
closed activity A.
Delete selected item Deletes the selected project or activity.
• You cannot delete a project, if the project status is Created or Act
• This option does not undo the software modifications performed
within the project or activity that are already checked in.
Menu Contains these menu items:
• New Software Project
• New Activity
• Compile closed activity
• Filters
This command starts a dialog box where you can specify filter
criteria for the Software Project Explorer view.
See Project Server View Filter on page 49.

Note: The remaining buttons are standard Eclipse commands. For details on these buttons, see "User interface
information" in the Workbench User Guide.

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Infor LN Project Server

Shortcut menu
To open the shortcut menu, right-click on a resource in the view.
This menu contains most of the toolbar commands.

The following icons are displayed in the Software Project Explorer view:

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3GL script Activity

A Program script that can be linked to sessions without forms, An activity in which software components are developed or
or not linked to a session. 4GL statements and sections cannot delivered. Each activity is part of a Software Project and
be used in 3GL scripts. The entire program flow and the main assigned to a user (software engineer). Activities and software
function must be specified. projects are stored on the Project Server.
This table shows the types of activities you can define:
4GL engine
The program that provides default functionality for a session For software • Enhancement
to prevent application programmers from developing a session development • Change Request
from the beginning. The 4GL Engine, formerly called standard • Miscellaneous
program (STP), is used because sessions are alike. The 4GL • Defect (intern)
Engine also provides a mechanism to change the 4GL Engine's • Defect (extern)
default behavior, and to program dedicated functionality for
a specific session. When a session is started, a separate 4GL Use these types to develop software
Engine instance is activated to handle the session. components.
Synonym: standard program For software Delivery
delivery Use this type to group development ac-
4GL script tivities and to deliver the corresponding
An event-oriented Program script linked to a session. The software components through a PMC
instructions can be specified in program sections, form solution.
sections, field sections, main table input/output sections,
choice sections, zoom from sections, and functions. During its life cycle an activity can have these statuses:
• Created – The activity is created in Project Server.
• Opened – The activity is opened, at least once, in the
Activity Explorer.
• Cancelled – The activity is cancelled. To re-use the activity,
you can open the activity again through the Activity
• Closed – The activity is closed through the End Activity
command in the Activity Explorer.
• Finalized - The activity is delivered through a PMC
Project Managers can create software projects and activities
through the Software Project Explorer.

Activity VRC
A VRC that contains software components for an activity. The
activity VRC is generated automatically when you open the
activity for the first time.
By default, the components in this VRC are only accessible for
the software engineer to which the activity is assigned.
Optionally other software engineers can access these
components if they put this activity in the activity context of
their own activity.

Additional file
A generic component, such as an XML schema file, a GIF image,
and so on. From LN 6.0a onwards, additional files are stored
in a specific package, module, and package VRC.

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Administrator Business Object

The administrator creates and maintains the applications for A Business Object is an object understood by the business,
which the Software Projects are defined. such as a purchase order or an organizational unit. A Business
Object has information stored in the Business Object attributes,
Application such as the purchase order number or the organizational unit
name. A Business Object also contains a set of actions, known
A software application is a consistent set of packages that
as Business Object methods. These can manipulate the
functionally belong together, and developed in the LN Studio.
Business Object attributes, such as create purchase order and
Each application is linked to a Base VRC, which determines the
list organizational units.
environment on the LN server in which the application's
software components are stored. For each application, one or From a development perspective, a Business Object is a
more projects can be defined, in which the software engineers collection of tables and functions that manipulate tables
develop their software components. implemented simultaneously as one group during the
development phase. A Business Object is identified by the
appropriate menu combination of a package code, module code, and Business
Object code.
Commands are distributed across theViews, References, and
Actions menus, or displayed as buttons. In previous LN and
Web UI releases, these commands are located in the Specific Business Object Interface
menu. Business Object interfaces provide a connection between
partner applications, third-party applications, and the LN
Array software. They also connect LN functional components.
Business Object interfaces are developed for situations where
A list of data items of the same type with the same name. An
the LN software acts principally as a server, and a client
element in the array can be referenced by an expression
software invokes the methods in the objects.
composed of the array name and an index expression.
Multilevel arrays are used for data storage in tables.
BW Configuration
Base VRC A configuration that contains data to connect a client PC to an
LN server. You can maintain configurations with the Infor BW
A way in PMC to identify products in a unique way. Updates at
Environment and Configuration Selector ( BECS). A
the distributor side are provided with the base VRC identifier.
configuration is stored in a file with a .bwc extension.
A base VRC can contain the code of the physical VRC in which
the related master product is installed, for example, B61_a.
However, it can also be a code unrelated to a physical VRC, for C
example, 7.6_a_tt. At the recipient side, every update VRC is A structured programming language. C is a compiled language
linked to a base VRC identifier. The installation process checks that contains a small set of built-in functions that are machine
if the base VRC identifier of the update matches with the base dependent. The rest of the C functions are machine
VRC identifier of the update VRC. If not, you cannot install the independent and contained in libraries that can be accessed
update in that update VRC. from C programs. C programs are composed of one or more
functions defined by the programmer.
Base VRC combination
A Base VRC combination is defined at the PMC distributor side Chart
and consists of a set of related base VRCs. A base VRC A graphic or diagram that displays data or the relationships
combination controls the creation of co-requisites between between sets of data in pictorial, rather than numeric form.
base VRCs. You can only define co-requisites between base The data can be presented in a graph, a line, or a pie, and can
VRCs that are part of the same base VRC combination. Base include titles, legends, and footnotes.
VRC combinations prevent the unwanted creation of
co-requisites between base VRCs. Chart application
A program used to send data from an LN session to the Chart
Manager. A chart application is linked to a package VRC to
customize the attributes specified in the chart.

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 56


Chart type Collection

The chart type determines what the chart looks like. In PMC, a collection is a group of individual solutions. At the
For example, it defines the type of graph, thickness of lines, PMC distributor side, you can perform grouping in various
size of bars, and colors. The following default chart types are ways. For example, manual grouping based on a functional
present in LN: topic, or grouping based on solutions created in a particular
period and so on. You cannot define dependencies between
• Bar collections. At the recipient side, the entity collection is not
• Layer available. When a collection is scanned, the individual solutions
• Line are added to the PMC registry and can be processed
• Pie individually.
• Scatter
• Stacked bar Combined field
Two or more child fields of the same Table.
Check in
A process that releases a checked out software component Connection Point
within an activity. A logical endpoint in the JCA connectivity architecture. A
connection point mainly contains an identifier and connection
Check out properties, such as host name, user, password, BSE, and bshell
A process that locks the software component for other name. Client applications use the identifier to connect to a
developers. During the check out phase, the component can particular server.
be updated and tested. LN Studio uses these connection points:
• ProjectServer
Child field • Administrator
A table field that is part of a combined field. A combined field • Debug
contains two or more table fields, which are the child fields of • Development Address
the same table field. • Runtime Address
• RuntimeRepositoryConnection
Class • TestServerConnection
In Object Oriented Programming, a class is a generalized
category that describes a group of more specific items, called
objects, that can exist within it. A class is a template definition
of the methods and properties (variables) in a particular kind In general, co-requisites are defined between solutions of a
of object. Therefore, an object is a specific instance of a class standard product and derived products. Co-requisites
that contains real values instead of variables. The class is one guarantee that related products are updated simultaneously
of the defining ideas of object-oriented programming. under the condition that the update VRCs of the related
products are linked to the same VRC combination. The order
The important ideas about classes are as follows: of installation is not relevant. The solutions can have the same
• A class can have subclasses that can inherit all or some Base VRC, or different base VRCs.
of the characteristics of the class.
• In relation to each subclass, the class becomes the Data Access Layer
superclass. A Dynamic Link Library linked to an LN database table.
• Subclasses can also define their own methods and
variables that are not part of their superclass.
Data Type
• The structure of a class and its subclasses is called the
The internal representation of data, such as a string, long,
class hierarchy.
double, date or UTC.

Code assist
Code assist provides a list of suggested completions for partial
character strings in the LN Studio Script Editor.

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 57


Debugging Domain
The process of identifying and addressing the cause for A domain describes the properties of table fields. The main
defective behavior of a system. property of a field is the data type, such as string, long, double,
These debugging techniques are available: date, UTC. Other properties are the length of a string, the
alignment of a string, and the date and time format.
• Definition of conditions that suspend a running process,
so you can inspect it more closely Domains indicate the valid values for an attribute and are used
to define the scale division of the axes or to verify data.
• Navigation through a suspended process, to discover the
flow and identify any problems
• Inspection, to validate the state of the process and Dynamic form
identify any problems A form with a dynamic form definition.
The developer does not need to determine exactly where fields
Debug target must be placed, or what they must look like. Instead, the
An execution context, such as a process or virtual machine, developer defines the following:
that can be debugged. In Infor 4GL, a debug target represents • The form contents.
a session started in debug mode. • The form structure.
• The sequence of the objects on the form.
At runtime, the dynamic form displays only those fields for
In PMC, the relation between solutions. Dependencies are which the user is authorized.
defined at the PMC distributor side and are part of the meta
data of a PMC solution and guarantee that PMC solutions are
installed in the correct configuration and sequence at the PMC Dynamic Link Library
recipient side. A way to share common functions between programs. This
library contains functions for common use. The library can be
The following values indicate the dependency type between
linked to the object as a function call at run time. Implementing
a dynamic link library reduces the size of objects to a minimum,
These dependency types are available: because dynamic link libraries are not included in a program's
• Pre-requisites object.
• Co-requisites
• Post-requisites Dynamic session
A session with a dynamic form definition.
You can only install solutions that are dependent on other
solutions if the other solutions are already present, or are also Depending on settings, a dynamic session can start as one of
installed. the following:
The same dependency types exist between Patches. However, • A details session.
to keep the descriptions readable, only solutions are • An overview session.
mentioned, but patches are meant as well. One exception
In the dynamic form definition, the developer does not need
applies: the post-requisite type is not applicable to patches.
to determine exactly where fields must be placed, or what they
must look like. Instead, the developer specifies this
Details session information:
A dialog box that shows all the details (fields) of the line • The form contents.
(record) selected in the associated overview session. Use a
• The form structure.
details session to view, enter, or change the data of one record.
• The sequence of the objects on the form.
A details session can contain a number of tabs to group related
fields. At runtime, the dynamic form shows fields for which the user
is authorized.
Development VRC
In PMC a physical VRC, derived from the Export VRC, in which Eclipse
checked-out software components are temporarily stored Eclipse is an open platform for tool integration built by an open
during a change process. community of tool providers. Operating under an open source
paradigm, with a common public license that provides royalty
free source code and world wide redistribution rights, the
Eclipse platform provides tool developers with ultimate
flexibility and control over their software technology. Eclipse
is used as a platform for LN Studio.

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 58


Eclipse Task Form field

Eclipse tasks are displayed in the Tasks view. Each Eclipse task A field shown on a form. A form field is selected from the
represents an action that must be performed, such as to modify available fields of an input table and its reference tables.
a particular line in a script. If a task is associated to a line in an
Infor 4GL script or library, double-click the task to edit the Function
script or library. The editor opens the script or library at the
A piece of program code that makes up part of a program script.
involved line.
A function is a self-contained software routine that can perform
Create Eclipse tasks through the Tasks view and the LN Studio
a task for the program in which the function is written, or for
script editor.
another program.

Editor Group
An editor is a visual component within the LN Studio
A set of form objects grouped together, such as form fields and
workbench used to edit or browse a resource, such as a
child groups.
Program script or a library. Modifications made in an editor
follow an open-save-close life cycle model. Multiple instances
of an editor type may exist within a LN Studio workbench Group-by field
window. A field on an overview form positioned above the grid. The
Group-by field determines what is shown in the grid of an
Export VRC overview form. Only the records that belong to the Group-by
fields are shown in the grid, such as all orders that belong to
The physical VRC from which components that belong to a
a specific customer. The name of the customer is shown in the
PMC solution must be exported at the PMC distributor side.
Group-by field, the records are shown in the grid.
Each base VRC has an export VRC linked, so components for
different products are exported from different physical VRCs.
Feature Pack One or more table fields used to sort and search records in a
table. A table must have at least one index. The first index is
See Service Pack.
always the primary key.

Field Infor 3GL

In table definitions, a field refers to a column. In a session, a
A third-generation proprietary programming language that is
field is a specified area of a record used for a particular category
a mix of Basic and C.
of data.

Infor 4GL
A fourth-generation programming language designed for
A data type name used to declare variables that can store
interacting with the programmer used with relational
floating-point numbers. A floating-point number is a number
databases. 4GLs are event-driven.
containing a decimal point, with a maximum of 15 significant
digits (8 bytes).
Installation run
Folding In PMC, a group of solutions that were installed together. This
can be a range of solutions, a solution with pre-requisites, or
The LN Studio script editor supports folding of code regions.
a combination of both.
If you hover over a folded element, the hidden code is
Integrated session
Form The session and the session's form are integrated into one
object. The form is a subcomponent of the session.
A screen that appears when a session is started. A form
interacts with the database, and provides the user interface When you perform an operation, such as copy, delete, check
used to manipulate the data on the form. in, or check out, on an integrated session, you also perform
the operation on the integrated session's form.
Form command A non-integrated session's form is a separate object.
A form command starts a session, function or (sub)menu by
means of which a user can carry out a particular task.
A form command, as opposed to standard menu commands
such as the Exit command, must be especially defined for a
session tab.

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 59


Label Message
A code that is used instead of language-dependent text in A notification that informs you about something. A message
forms, reports, and menus. A label consists of a name and a attends you to an event, error, warning, and so on. Messages
content description. The content of a label can differ by usually appear in a message window or are logged in a file. If
language, but the label name remains the same for all displayed in a window, a message requires a confirmation:
languages. Click OK. Messages are different from questions, as questions
always require a choice response.
Language number
A conversion of the language code to a number between 0 and Module
61. The language number eliminates problems caused by the A part of a package consisting of a number of related software
use of uppercase and lowercase language codes. components, such as sessions, tables, program scripts, reports,
This table shows how the language code corresponds to the forms and menus. For example, the General Ledger module in
language number: Financials.
A module code consists of three characters. For example, the
Corresponding language General Ledger has the code "gld".
Language code range number range
0 to 9 0 to 9 Obsolete solution
Obsolete solutions are an administrative aid to manage the
a to z 10 to 35 synchronization of updates at the PMC recipient side when
A to Z 36 to 61 you install a Service Pack. An obsolete solution does not contain
software components.
For example:
Original VRC
• Language code b = Language number 11 The VRC that contains the software components that have to
• Language code B = Language number 37 be modified. If SCM is active, these components are changed
in the Private VRC. If SCM is not active, these components are
Library changed in the Activity VRC.
A collection of files, computer programs, or subroutines.
Overview session
LN Studio A session that lists the available elements or records of one
A platform for activity based development of LN software. LN type, and some of their details (fields). Use an overview session
Studio is implemented in the Eclipse framework and makes to view, sort, add, change, copy, and remove records.
use of the Software Configuration Management functionality When you add or change a record a details session usually
on the LN server. The LN Studio workbench contains various starts. Sometimes, you can add and change records directly
powerful features, such as an advanced script editor, various using the overview session.
multipage editors, an outline view, a task list, and commands
to debug and run software components.
A set of related modules that implements a complete part of
Long the functionality, such as Enterprise Planning, Financials, or
A data type specified in LN as any whole number from Warehouse Management. Packages are designed to function
-2147483648 to 2147483647. as independent as possible, to enable a customer to implement
only particular packages.
Menu A package code consists of two characters. For example, tt is
A list of options from which a user can perform a desired action, the code of the Tools package.
such as starting sessions, other menus, and queries. A start-up Each package has a unique VRC version structure.
menu is defined for each user. Using this start-up menu, the
user can access all sub-menus attached to the start-up menu

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 60


Package combination Perspective

A combination of several different packages with specific VRCs. A perspective is a group of views and editors in the Eclipse
A package combination represents a complete usable version workbench. Each perspective provides a set of functionality
of LN. aimed at accomplishing a specific type of task or works with
In the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session, each user is linked specific types of resources. For example, the Application
to a package combination. This determines which version of perspective combines views you would normally use while
the software the user can use. editing 4GL scripts and libraries. The Debug perspective
contains the views you would use while debugging programs.
In the Companies (ttaad1100m000) session, each company As you work in the workbench, you will probably switch
is linked to a package combination. This indicates which perspectives frequently.
version of LN is appropriate to handle the data in that
company. In LN Studio, these perspectives are used:
• Application
Package VRC • Debug
A version of a package, such as tc B61O a cus1. Usually, one • Integration
version of a software component, such as a session, a table, • Integration Test
or a form, is stored in one particular package VRC. • Project Server
A developer can usually only modify software components in
a particular package VRC. PMC distributor
The code of a package VRC consists of these components: The functional part of PMC that manages the creation of
Updates. PMC Distributor is especially used by software vendors
• Package code, such as tc who create updates.
• A version (VRC) code, such as B61O a cus1, built up of
these components: PMC recipient
• Version The functional part of PMC that manages the installation of
• Release Updates. Customers, who install updates in particular use PMC
• Customer recipient.

In PMC, a patch is a collection of Solutions. In general a patch
contains solutions created in a larger time period. The patch
entity is both known at the PMC distributor and PMC recipient
side. Patches are an indivisible set of solutions. You cannot
install or uninstall individual solutions that belong to a patch
at the PMC recipient. You can only install or uninstall patches
as a whole. Yo can define dependencies between patches.
Patches leave the Base VRC that is linked to the update VRC at
the PMC recipient unchanged. The existing PMC registry
remains and is extended with data of the newly installed patch.
Patches only permit the most recent version of software
components to be maintained. Patches in general mainly
contain corrective solutions.
In PMC versions earlier than LN 6.1, the synonym Service Packs
was often used for patches.

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 61


PMC version Private VRC

PMC uses a version number in the solution dumps to ensure This VRC is derived from the activity VRC and contains checked
that the PMC software at the recipient side can process these out components the software engineer is working on. The
dumps. If the PMC version at the recipient side is too low to components in this VRC are only accessible by the software
process a particular dump, then an error message is displayed. engineer to which the activity is assigned. The private VRC is
In this error message, a solution number is displayed. You must generated automatically when you open the activity for the
first install this solution, before you can process the original first time.
solution dump. Private VRCs are only used if SCM is active for the application
This mechanism enables you to change the format of the PMC to which the activity belongs.
dumps when you must include new functionality.
The PMC version is linked to every update. This guarantees Product Maintenance and Control
that various formats of PMC solution dumps are handled by Product Maintenance and Control (PMC) is a tool that helps a
the correct version of the PMC software. After installing solution customer manage the updates of the Infor LN system.
2177498, the PMC version of the client can be found in the With the PMC tool, you can check all patches against the
Parameters (ttpmc0100s000) session. customer's Infor LN system to verify their completeness, check
Note: Dumps created for a higher PMC version cannot be any potential interference with the customization, and detect
processed at the recipient side if the recipient has not been dependencies.
upgraded to that PMC version. Dumps of lower PMC versions These capabilities ensure the complete and accurate
can always be processed. installation of each software patch and Service Pack. Using
The PMC version to be used at the distributor side depends on the PMC tool also enhances the quality of the customer
these factors: support.
• The Enterprise Server version (Infor LN Tools version) at PMC consists of a PMC distributor part and a PMC recipient
the distributor side part.
• The functionality you want to use in PMC
• The Enterprise Server version of the customers for which Programmer's Guide
you are creating PMC solutions The Infor ES Programmers Guide (Infor Support Portal KB
22924522). Access this guide through the LN Studio online help.
You can edit the PMC version at the distributor side in the Base
VRC Combinations (ttpmc0111m000) session.
Program script
A sequence of instructions used to program a number of
Post-requisite actions that must take place in addition to the standard
Post-requisites are mainly meant to prevent the installation program. The different program script types available are 3GL
of bad solutions. In Project Server, a post-requisite is a link scripts and 4GL scripts.
from a more recent, correct, solution to an earlier, bad,
solution. Synonym: UI script

Pre-requisite Project Manager

Pre-requisites mainly steer the sequence in which solutions Project managers create and maintain the Software Projects
are installed. In general a pre-requisite is the link from a more and Activities in which the software components are developed.
recent solution to a predecessing solution. Pre-requisites are The Project manager assigns each activity to a Software
the most common type of dependencies. A pre-requisite Engineer.
dependency exists between two solutions if one solution must The projects and activities are stored on the Project Server.
have been installed before the other solution is installed. In
that case, the first solution is a pre-requisite for the other Project Server
solution. Typically, pre-requisite dependencies exist between
The Project Server contains the Software Projects for LN Studio.
a solution and a previous solution, if these solutions have one
Each software project contains one or more Activities in which
or more components in common. Pre-requisite dependencies
the Software Engineers develop their software components.
can only be created to solutions in the same Base VRC.

Primary key
The unique identification for a record in a table.

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 62


Project VRC Referral table

The VRC that contains all finished software components for a The table that has a field that refers to another table.
Software Project. From this VRC, deliveries to customers are Example:
performed when the project is completed.
• One of the fields of the Items – General table is the
The project VRC is the Export VRC linked to the Base VRC of the Country of Origin (coor) field. This field can contain a
Application to which the project belongs. This VRC also contains country code, but can also be left empty. LN stores
finished software components for other projects defined for country codes in the Countries table. To control this
the same application. connection, the Country of Origin table field in the Items
– General table has a reference to the Countries table.
Query • Items – General is the referral table and Countries is the
The process of extracting information from a database and reference table.
presenting it in a report.
Question A report is used to present data from the database, usually on
A notification that requires a choice response. For example, a paper. The report can be sent to a device, such as a physical
question can prompt you to confirm or cancel a delete action. printer, a display, or a file.
If you do not respond to a question, the process that prompted
the question cannot continue. Questions are distinguished Revision Control System
from messages. Messages offer no choice and do not
A tool used by LN Tools to store revisions of scripts, libraries,
necessarily require a response.
includes, and report scripts.

Reference mode rule

The way in which a reference restricts the contents of a table
A criterion to measure the quality of software components.
The rules used by VSC are based on the Infor LN Software
A reference can have one of the following reference modes:
Coding Standards (SCS), the Infor LN Software Programming
• Mandatory Standards (SPS), and the Infor LN Performance Guide.
The field must contain a code found in the reference table. These are examples of rules:
• Mandatory unless empty • A table code must have the following structure: pp mmm
The field can be empty. If not, it must contain a code s xx, where pp is the package code, mmm is the module
found in the reference table. code, s is the submodule code (only when numeric), and
xx is the sequence number.
• Not mandatory
• A message called in a script should not be expired.
The field can be filled with a code not found in the
• A query that performs an update must have a 'with retry'
reference table. The reference speeds up queries.
Most rules are hardcoded in the VSC software. However, some
Reference table rules used to analyze scripts are implemented as source analyze
The table to which some table field refers. codes.
• One of the fields of the Items – General table is the rule database
Country of Origin (coor) field. This field can contain a A database with detailed information about rules.
country code. (The field can also be left empty.) LN stores The rule database contains this information:
country codes in the Countries table. To control this
connection, the Country of Origin table field in the Items • Detailed information about the rules implemented in VSC.
– General table has a reference to the Countries table. • Information about rules that might be added to future
• Items – General is the referral table and Countries is the VSC versions.
reference table. This database is intended for internal use by the LN
development department. It is therefore not delivered with
the VSC software.

SCM group
A Software Configuration Management group in LN that
identifies a development group with a separate development

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 63


Service Pack Software Configuration Management

In PMC, a Service Pack is a collection of solutions. In general, With software configuration management, developers can
a Service Pack contains solutions created in a larger time modify and test their own revision of a software component.
period. In PMC the term 'patch' is also applied for Service Using a check out and check in functionality, a software
Packs. The patch entity is both known at the PMC distributor component is locked for other developers. This guarantees no
and PMC recipient side. A property in the patch entity makes more than one developer can modify the same software
the difference between patches and Service Packs. Service component simultaneously.
Packs are an indivisible set of solutions. You cannot install or
uninstall solutions that belong to a Service Pack at the PMC Software Engineer
recipient. You can only install or uninstall Service Packs as a
Software engineers develop software components through
whole. You can define dependencies between Service Packs.
the LN Studio. Before editing a component, engineers must
Service Packs are intended to enable you to maintain multiple
first open an Activity the Project Manager assigned to them.
Base VRCs in parallel. Service Packs change the base VRC that
is linked to the update VRC at the PMC recipient. The existing
PMC registry for the update VRC is moved to history and a new Software Project
registry is started for the update VRC. This type of patch in A software project for LN Studio. Each software project contains
general contains a significant amount of functional changes. one or more Activities in which the Software Engineers develop
Note: their software components. Each software project is linked to
an Application. Multiple projects can be defined per release.
Service Packs as described in the preceding definition do not
Software projects are stored on the Project Server.
exist in PMC versions earlier than LN 6.1.
During its life cycle a project can have these statuses:
Session • Created
A part of LN the user can start to run an application's • Active
functionality. Usually, a session is linked to a main database • Cancelled
table and a program script. In addition, a session uses zero or • Closed
more forms, reports, and charts. • Finalized
The code of a session consists of a package code, a module
Project Managers can create software projects and activities
code, four digits that indicate the main table number and the
through the Software Project Explorer.
session type, an m or an s, and three additional digits, such as
Countries (tcmcs0510m000).
Software component In PMC, the smallest, indivisible type of update. A solution is
identified both at the distributor and recipient side by a unique
The LN software consists of these separate software
solution code. The term individual solution is also frequently
used and has the same meaning.
• Message Note:
• Report
In the PMC software the term solution is often used as an
• Label
alternative for the term update. A solution can then be an
• Function individual solution, which is the smallest, indivisible type of
• Business Object an update, or a patch.
• Chart
• Integrated session Solution status distributor
• Additional file The status describes the progress of the maintenance of
• Question solutions.
• Session
• Domain
• Table
• Menu
• Form
• Program script
• Library

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 64


Solution status recipient Superseding solution

The following statuses indicate the progress of the installation A superseding solution is a solution that contains at least the
or uninstallation of a solution or Patch. same software components as contained in one or more
These statuses are only used at the recipient side, and must Superseded solutions and can contain additional software
not be confused with the Solution status distributor at the components that are not part of any superseded solution.
distributor side. A solution supersedes another solution if the following
• Available conditions are met:
The solution or patch is scanned and available on the • The superseding solution contains at least all the
system. components of the other solution.
• The superseding solution contains newer versions of these
• To Install components.
The solution or patch is checked and is ready to be • The superseded solution is not yet installed. If the
installed. superseded solution is already installed, speaking of a
• Saving superseding solution is illogical.
A backup of the components is being saved.
This status is not applicable for patches.
A data structure used to store data that consists of a list of
• Installing records. Each entry is identified by a unique key and contains
During the installing process the solution or patch has a set of related values. A table contains a number of table fields
this status. that belong to a specific domain.
A table code consists of a package code, module code, and
• Installed
three digits.
The solution or patch is installed.
• To Uninstall Table: tc mcs010 Countries
The solution or patch is checked to be uninstalled.
Code Label Length Data Type
• Uninstalling
During the uninstalling process, the solution or patch has ccty Country 3 String
this status. dsca Description 30 Multibyte String
meec EU Member 5 Enumerated
source analyze code State
A code used by VSC to perform user-defined checks on scripts,
such as UI scripts, DLLs and DALs. ...
Each source analyze code is linked to an expression text and
to a warning message. The expression text contains a search
pattern, which is used to find errors. Thread
A sequential flow of execution in a debug target. A thread
See "Source Analyze Codes" in the Web Help on the LN server.
contains stack frames. Because Infor 4GL is single-threaded,
each debug target only contains a single thread that represents
Stack frame the debugged session.
An execution context in a suspended session containing local
variables and arguments. In Infor 4GL terms, a stack frame UI script
represents the function calls of the sources (scripts and
See Program script.
includes) related to the debugged session.

String Undo check out

A command that unlocks a checked out software component.
A data structure that contains a number of characters that
represent readable text.
Universal Time Coordinated
Superseded solution A time/date format. LN stores dates and times in UTC format.
It stores date and time in a single Long integer called the UTC
A superseded solution is a solution for which can be said that
long format. This integer represents the number of seconds
all software components are also contained in another
since 0:00 hour, January 1, 1970 (in UTC).
so-called Superseding solution.

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 65


Update Version - Release - Customer

In PMC, an update is a set of changed software components, The version - release - customer (VRC) code is an identification
including PMC metadata, which is required to install the update of a stage in the development of the LN software, such as B61_
in a safe and correct way. An update can contain corrective a_ams.
changes or functional enhancements.
A VRC code consists of these components:
Updates can be delivered in four different configurations:
• Version
• Solutions
A stage in the development in which a major part of the
• Collections software is modified.
• Patches
• Service Packs • Release
A stage in the development in which a minor part of the
Update VRC software is modified.
A physical VRC at the PMC recipient side in which updates are • Customer
installed. Every update VRC has a base VRC linked. An extension, localization, or customization of the
software for a single customer or a small group of
verification code customers.
A code that identifies a selection of VSC checks for software
components in one or more package combinations. A VRC can be derived from a preceding VRC. Every software
component contained in the preceding VRC, and not explicitly
A verification code is usually linked to one or more verification modified or set to expired in the current VRC, is available in
filters. the current VRC.
Synonym: package VRC
verification filter
A selection of VSC checks for which warnings must be
A view is a visual component within the LN Studio workbench.
A verification code is usually linked to one generic verification It is used to navigate a hierarchy of information, open an editor,
filter and one or more specific verification filters. or display properties for the active editor. Modifications made
The generic filter defines the checks executed to verify all in a view are saved immediately. Usually, only one instance of
software components in all packages. Depending on the filter a particular type of view may exist within a workbench window.
settings, the checks in the generic filter can generate two types These are typical LN Studio views:
of warnings:
• Activity Explorer
• "Filtered to Handle" warnings. You must solve or accept
• Software Project Explorer
these filtered warnings immediately.
• Component Explorer
• "Non-filtered" warnings you do not have to handle
Specific filters are used to reduce the number of "FiItered to
A message that explains an error found during a VSC check.
Handle" warnings for a specific package, module or VRC. Each
specific filter is derived from the generic filter, and therefore Depending on the verification filter settings, VSC generates the
executes exactly the same checks as the generic filter. In a following:
specific filter, indicate for each check whether you want to • "Filtered to Handle" warnings. You must solve or accept
generate "FiItered to Handle" warnings or "Non-filtered" these filtered warnings immediately.
warnings. • "Non-filtered" warnings you do not have to handle
Note: You cannot disable checks, or add extra checks in a immediately.
specific filter. If you select a check which is not present in the
generic filter, VSC ignores this check. Zoom session
The session in which you can browse through the available
Verify Software Components records and select a record. A zoom session is an overview
A utility to perform a quality check on the software components session in read-only mode.
developed or changed in Infor LN. Use a zoom session to enter the code of an existing record,
such as an item, order type, or warehouse in another session.
To start a zoom session, click the browse arrow button behind
the field or press CTRL+B.

Infor LN Studio Administration Guide (Cloud and On-premises) | 66

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