7 Chakra Affirmations

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Root Chakra

Find your inner strength with affirmations...
I am loved by others.

I have everything I need within myself.

I let go of fear and anxiety.

I am connected to the grounding energy of my Root Chakra.

I prioritise my safety and security.

I am conneted to Mother Earth.

I respect my sacred body.

I am strong, energized, and empowered.

I live in the present.

I listen to my body's signals and rely on its intuition.

My human body is the foundation for life.

I have a strong support system around me.

I let go of all self-judgment and criticism.

Sacral Chakra
Express yourself with these affirmations...

I acknowledge and trust my desires.

I am safe expressing my creativity.

I honor my desires and follow my intuition.

I am open to pleasure and joy in every area of life.

I allow myself to express my sensuality without fear.

I embrace all aspects of who I am.

My feelings are welcome here, no matter what they are.

I have confidence in my creative abilities.

My relationships are full of love and acceptance.

I create healthy boundaries around myself for my

emotional safety.

I am in control of my sexuality.

I allow myself to receive pleasure without guilt or shame.

Solar Plexus Chakra
Find your confidence with these affirmations...

I will create the life I want.

I have the power of transformation.

I can overcome negative thought patterns.

I am a happy person.

I have clear boundaries with other people.

I make decisions with confidence.

I make a difference.

I have unlimited potential.

I have an inner well of confidence.

I have the ability to overcome my fears.

I deserve love and respect.

I have many skills and contributions to offer to the world.

Heart Chakra
Find connection with these affirmations...

My ability to love is limitless.

I am compassionate with myself and others.

My past experiences do not limit my future.

My soul is peaceful, and my heart is grateful.

I honor myself and my heart.

I embrace and appreciate inner peace.

I choose to be kind to myself.

I am thankful for all my life experiences.

I welcome love with open arms.

I am letting go of all the painful moments in my past.

I attract love, kindness, and friendship.

My heart radiates love and compassion.

I choose love over fear every day.

My Heart Chakra is open.

Throat Chakra
Find your true voice with affirmations...

I speak my truth with love and respect for myself and others.

I trust my inner voice to communicate my needs and desires.

My Throat Chakra is aligned with my highest good.

I can communicate my boundaries with ease and assertiveness.

I can speak for myself and others.

My feelings are welcome here, no matter what they are.

I release any fear or anxiety about speaking my truth.

My Throat Chakra allows me to express myself with ease.

My words inspire and uplift those around me.

My Throat Chakra is open, balanced, and healthy.

I am grateful for my unique voice and perspective.

I speak from a place of inner wisdom.

Third Eye Chakra
Find your insight with affirmations...

I have a strong, open, and clear mind.

I have a highly capable and imaginative mind.

I am aligned with my purpose.

I have faith in what the Universe has in store for me.

I acknowledge my intuition and have confidence in my journey.

I trust my intuition to guide me.

I am release anything that obstructs my inner guidance.

I possess mental strength and resilience.

I let go of uncertainty and embrace the energy of my Sixth Chakra.

I have a mindset that is open to all possibilities.

I trust my intuition and believe that I can handle anything

that comes my way.

I speak from a place of inner wisdom.

Crown Chakra
Connect with the divine with affirmations...
I am safe in the knowledge that I am connected to a higher power.

I exist in harmony with the Universe, allowing its energies to

heal and nurture my spirit from within.

I radiate love, peace, and joy from my Crown Chakra.

I am open to receiving divine guidance in my life.

I use my intuition to make wise decisions and manifest

abundance in my life.

I trust the divine timing of my life.

My Crown Chakra is activated as I connect with the infinite

potential of the Universe.

I honor my divine essence and trust in its unlimited power.

I am devoted to my spiritual path, no matter what.

All spiritual energies flow freely through me, creating joy and
balance within my life.

I am open to receiving messages from the Universe.

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