1how Has Covid

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1How has Covid-19 affected your life?

Covid 19 has a strong impact on our life. Firstly, This pandemic has affected
thousands of peoples, who are either sick or are being killed due to the spread of
this disease. COVID-19 is a new virus that is impacting the whole world badly
as it is spreading primarily through contact with the person. It is spread from
person to person among those in close contact within 6 feet. So far we haven’t
had any certain way to treat this disease. Therefore; it create high burden of the
functioning of the existing medical system. Secondly, It has been ceasing the
growth of world economy and the manufacturing of essential goods.
Furthernore it not only disrupts the supply chain of products but also causes
huge damage to national and international business. Covid 19 is the main reason
for poor cash flow in the market as well as significant slowing down in the
finacial development and expansion. It has an enormuos amount of influence
over the netizens. Due to the widespread of covid 19, It has also strained us a
lot. The enormity of living in isolation, changes in our daily lives, job loss,
financial hardship, and grief over the death of loved ones has the potential to
affect the mental health and well-being of many. Supposing this situation doén’t
terminate soon, almost everybody will get an array of psychological symptoms
such as lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities, difficulty concentrating,
sleep problems and generally feeling on edge or feelings of worthlessness or
excessive guilt….. so on. In short………..

2. How to speak confidently in public?

Speaking in public is a fear for a lot of people, whether it's giving a speech, a
toast at your friend's wedding, or being called on in class. Fortunately, you can
make speaking in public less anxiety inducing by following some of these types.
It may never be your favorite thing, but you'll be far less likely to throw up in
front of your audience.To begin with, Part of making yourself a comfortable and
dynamic public speaker is to make sure you know what you're talking about and
know it well. Lacking basic knowledge can make you anxious and uncertain
when you're speaking and that will come through to your audience. Moreover,
You must make out obviously who you're giving your speech to, because things
that might go over well with one sort of listeners are going to anger or bore
another sort. For example: you wouldn't want to be informal during a business
presentation, but you might be informal with a group of college students.
Furthermore, It is paramount to plan your speech prudently in detail as well as
Have a thorough grasp of evidences and stastistics in order to render your
speaking much more straightforward and stricter. On the other hands, it’s a
good idea to spend time practising at home such as talking in front of the mirror
or with your parents. While you don't necessarily have to memorize your speech
or talking points, it can be a great way to help you appear confident and easy in
your subject matter. Last but not least, To sustain your spectators’s interest and
attention you can also demonstrate your speech by body language, too(express
feelings). In short……..

3. What is more important, the appearance or the character of a person? Why?

I comply with the statement that Personality is more important than appearance.
In my opinion, outer beauty can never be a factor based on which an individual
should be judged. How we look, What’s the colour of our skin, Short or Tall, all
these traits are God-Gifted and we ain’t the one who can manipulate it. Outer
Beauty is the one that can be pretended. There are many ways in which a person
can look good, be it Dressing, Make-up, Surgery, or any other treatments but
Inner beauty can’t be fabricated. It reflects in the behaviour and attitude of a
person. A person may possess a very good and dashing appearance but if he
doesn’t have morals, ethics, and good personality, he will still be considered
evil. Sometimes personality is capable of ameliorating outlooks. When you
show your friendliness and approachability to someone via eyes, gestures,
verbalism, they will get excellent impression about you and you will be much
more graceful and attractive. Chronologically, human will get older and their
outlook is not permanent and ever lasting. On the contrary, the inner beauty still
remain no matter how you looks in the future. Nevertheless, in a world laden
with complications, there is a great need for outer beauty. In spite of the
necessity of character, nobody can deny that outlook plays an indispensable part
in our life. Several specific occupations such as tour guides, receptionist, flight
attendant or model require candidates to have a good looking appearance. In
short, ……...

4. Is there value in homework? Why/Why not?

Nowadays in many school homework is compulsory for every students. On the

contrary I think it is essential to remove assigment after classes. Firstly, Many
people believe that one of the positive effects of homework is that it encourages
the discipline of practice. While it may be time consuming and boring compared
to other activities, repetition is needed to get better at skills. Homework helps
make concepts more clear, and gives students more opportunities when starting
their career. Secondly, it can limit and restrict children’s creativity. Because
home assignments are mostly based theories and lessons taught by teachers,
students don’t need to make efforts to brainstorm to solve the problems. Each
pupil has their own talent so It is impossible to jugde a students via mass
exercises. The positive effects of homework have not been backed up enough.
While homework may help some students improve in specific subjects, if they
have outside help there is no real proof that homework makes for
improvements. It can be a challenge to really enforce the completion of
homework, and students can still get decent grades without doing their
homework. Finally, (in the past)students now not only study more than 10
subjects but also each subject is very complicated to gain mastery. Therefore
too much homework can strain render them overload stressful and dpressed. In
lieu of wasting time doing the things we are not good at, we can participate in
outdoor activities more in order to enhance our solf skills. In short……

5. What are the impacts of technology on our health?

Experts throughout both the developing and developed world have debated
whether the advent of sophisticated modern technology have helped to enhance
and improve people's social lives or whether the opposite has become the case.

On the one hand there is ample, powerful, almost daily evidence that such
technology can be detrimental especially to the younger generation who are
more easily affected by it’s addictive nature and which can result in people
feeling more isolated from the society. Twitter and Facebook have reduced
crucial face-to-face interactions dramatically. Through use of these appealing
and attractive mediums, people feel in touch and connected yet lack key social
skills and the ability to communicate. Secondly, dependence on such devices is
built up frighteningly easily which may have a damaging effect on mental
health and encourage a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, it is conclusively clear
that these technology advancements have decreased and diminished our real life
interactions. On the other hand, although there are significant downsides to
technological developments, its’ multifold advantages cannot be denied. This is
largely because the popularity of technology such as cellphones allows people
to connect freely and easily with no geographical barriers. People are able to
share any type of news, information, photos and opinions with their loved ones
whenever and wherever they want therefore keeping a feeling of proximity and
closeness. From the arguments and examples given I firmly believe that overall
communication and mans’ sociability has been advanced enormously due to
huge the huge technological progress of the past twenty years and despite some
potentially serious health implications which governments should not fail to
address, it is predicted that its popularity will continue to flourish in the future.

6. What’s the importance of extracurricular activities?

Secondary schools and colleges alike emphasize the importance of

extracurricular activities, but sometimes it can be difficult for students to see
just how the extra time and dedication will benefit them. From strengthening the
mind to promoting better time management skills, extracurricular activities can
help students succeed in much more than just their academic endeavors.
Fundamentally, extracurricular activities allow your child to learn something
that could stay with them for a lifetime. These activities can also work to build
professional skills that a classroom alone cannot always foster. A leadership-
oriented club, for example, will help students to learn essential skills in
management and delegation, while a debate or speech club will provide
additional public speaking practice for students. Secondly it provide student
with valuable time relaing reducing pressure after long hardworking hours at
class. They will have a chance to get approach to brand new kind of learning
method that includes observation, practise and experience. Extracurricular
activities produce knowledgeable and competent beings, who possess high
moral standards and the ones who are responsible and capable of achieving a
great extent of personal well- being, as well as being able to contribute to the
progress of the family, the society and the nation at large Disadvantages of
extracurricular activities are the failure in time management, which inversely
effect on academic and creates an imbalance. Being, an active student is
excellent rather than passive. Not every student that join the activities or
programmes can manage their student’s life. Proper time management can help
students in scheduling their study time, involvement in extracurricular and other
tasks. Moreover, the most important thing is students should be alert about the
trend of their schedule and proper use of it. Extracurricular activities, when
merged with academics, will help students learn effectively.

Kỉ niệm ko thể quên dc gắn bó

7. What are the pros and cons of online learning

The online method of study has several advantages. It is very convenient as both
you and your teacher can interact from the convenience of your respective
homes. You can also ask questions and raise queries as you use to do in the
classroom. Due to the rapid development of technology, online lessons can be
equiped with various type of amazing tools in order to remain students’s
concentration and interest. There will be a reservoir of image and videos which
are given to demostrate and explain for children, they are possible to freely
make presertation in the class. Generally the traditional lessons just focus on
writing but these online lesson have a great impact on many aspects

The online study method becomes more important in case of a natural calamity
of emergency. The perfect example in this regard is the recent COVID 19
pandemic that the world is still recovering from. To date, many schools are
running online classes, for the safety of students. Online study is indeed a safer
alternative to school education.

Apart from numerous advantages, the online method of the study also presents
certain disadvantages. It lacks the filled with enthusiasm kind of environment
presented by a classroom. The lively and joyful ambience of a classroom is
usually lacking in an online session. Teachers and students interact with each
other only on subject matters on one by one basis. Some students can take
advantage of smart devices to directly search the solution for the problems in
lieu of brainstorming. On the other hand, this kind of study absoulutely depends
on the living conditions especially the internet connection. Moreover,
overexposure to gadgets presents its own health hazards like headache, weak
eyesight and lack of concentration

8. Should public transport be made free? Why/why not

Public transport can be defined as a system of vehicles such as buses and trains
which operate at regular times on fixed routes and are used by the public .
Firstly , the disadvantages of using public transport is the risk of being the
criminal victim is high .Many criminal case is being reported is causes when the
public using this kind of transport . Raped and snatch crime is the most common
cases that causes by the public transport . It is also dangerous when a person in
a crowded train, many people aroud her will take advantage to snatch the wallet
unconsciously. In addition , when using the public transport , people cannot
have a comfortable journey to their destination . Some of the public transport
such as bus is usually dirty and smelly . It will make the passenger
uncomfortable due to that condition instead they using their own car .Beside
that . when there is too much passenger in a train or bus , it is impossible to
have a seat although they pay same fare as well as other people. Some special
people such as disabled person and old folks may be treated bad when they are
in the public transport . Moreover , people need to wait for a long time to have a
bus or train . People will waste their time during they waiting for the public
transport instead they used their own transport to go whenever they desired
anytime . As example , when a person is having an emergency such as death in
the family while he using a public transport , it will be take a long time for him
to reach his destination on the time .However, there is an advantage when using
the public transport in which it will prevent the environment from pollution
such as air or land . Furthermore, when using the public transport , the traffic
jam in a city also can be reduced at the same time because the causes of the
traffic jam is when there is too much vehicle entering the city. When there is too
much vehicle , the percentage or risk of an accident to occur is also high.
in short……

9. What do you think is the coolest inventions you’ve seen? Why?

Nowadays, the increasing popularity of mobile phones seem to be an unstoppable

trend. However, whether the social, medical and technical dilemmas it causes will
outweigh the benefits remains a controversial issue. My view is that despite the
detrimental aspects, we can not just discard the little tiny tools.

First, it is obvious that the mobile phones have tremendously promoted and
facilitated our communications, bridging the gap between people no matter how far
away they are separate from each other. With mobile phones, businessmen can
negotiate without bothering travelling long distance to meet; parents can know
where their kids are at any time. If we do not have the devices, communication
would definitely pose a significant obstacle to our social development.

Moreover, integrated with the cutting-edge Internet technologies, the mobile

phones can be treated as little computers in people’s pockets. After installing
varied apps, it can help navigate the route when driving, interact with friends with
text, images and videos, and even act as an office assistant dealing with emails and
office documents – the list is endless. Therefore, the mobile phones have become
an integral part of our life.

That is not to say that we could disregard the negative aspects. It has been reported
that some heart diseases, indulging in virtual world, invading the individual’s
privacy are caused by overuse of phones. But any way, to be honest, all powerful
technologies should be harnessed strictly under regulations.

In sum, mobile phones are just indispensable to our daily life; meanwhile, though
the pros clearly outweigh the cons, the problems should be handled by efforts.
Only by doing so can wen ensure that we can utilise the devices smartly, making
our society more convenient and interesting.

11.Is it beneficial to learn a second language? Why/Why not?

One of the most practical ways to make use of your spare time nowadays is to
start learning a new skill. People that always succeed are those that are keen to
learn something new every day - be it learning about other cultures or learning a
second language.

We live in a multilingual world, where connections are now more important

than ever. The world is becoming increasingly globalized and knowing a second
language can always give you an unfair advantage. A second language can
drastically change your career. Living in an interconnected world means that
more and more jobs are advertising positions where knowing more than one
language is essential. As more companies trade internationally and create
relationships with other countries, employees are often asked to travel for work,
enhance these relationships, or be relocated abroad. Besides having more
chances of landing a good job or advancing in your career, learning a second
language can also give you an insight into other cultures. You will be more
prepared and confident to travel the world and explore other people’s ways of
living. Lack of integration is a real problem for most countries. More often than
not, this is due to the language barrier. People outside of their home countries
end up being isolated, hanging out only with people from similar communities
where their language is spoken. Learning a second language opens up the
opportunity for being part of a community with a different culture, and learning
more about the world around us.

In short,……

12 Should students do volunteer work? Why/ Why not?

There is a popular trend, nowadays, among the pupils who are passed out from
the secondary education to volunteer in the humanitarian projects working in
the developing country before they continue their tertiary schooling. There are
both pros and cons for this current for the community as well as an individual.

On the one hand, there are some boons for this movement. Firstly, it provides
the cultural awareness among the teenagers who have just passed the secondary
schooling and are not much conscious about the traditional values. Secondly, by
living far from home they might confront with the situations which will get
them the maturity and ability to stay alone with strangers. Finally, such selfless
work is believed to be the means to increase the self-awareness and decrease the
ego. Thus, apart from making the students sensitive to the local community, it
serves as the mean to foster the cognizance.

On the other hand, there are some circumstances which may bring the curses
with these blessings. The first point to make is that the skills and the expertise
of the high-school passed person are not up to the mark which may adversely
impact the society. Sometimes, they are not serious about the gravity of this
philanthropy and may not pay attention and take it as just a way to weight their
CV. Furthermore, if the agency by which they join the program does not
provide proper knowledge of the customs and conventions, then a foreigner
might accidently harm local sentiments. In addition to this, living away from the
home may cause emotional disturbance and he or she may be caught in the
tropical diseases. Thus, if care is not taken, they may do something to the
community instead of something for the community.

I don't want to talk about wars and victories when I tell stories about Vietnam. I
understand that our country is far more than just stories from the past. Because
of technological advancements, I've had the opportunity to make friends from
all over the world. Our get-togethers are always a chance for cultures from all
over the world to meet. As a fan of Vietnamese history, I should have had no
trouble answering this question. But I paused. I don't want to tell them about
how our forefathers fought off invaders and built this country, but it's not
because I'm not proud of what we've accomplished. I am proud of my country in
many ways, not least of which is the solidarity that is so rare in other
places.Last year, all you could hear in Vietnam was the country's success over
the coronavirus and the resulting "Vietnamese pride."But this year, as this virus
shows its hands and plunges us into a crisis, I see something Vietnam should be
proud of: we are ready to work together. To combat the pandemic, everyone
works together as a community, leaving no one behind. We make a lot of
charitable donations, some volunteers still deliver essentials to covid patients,
and someone lends their car to transport new cases, which I'm very proud of.
Furthermore, I am proud that Vietnam has very distinct traditions and customs.
Vietnam must have dozens of traditional festivals and commemorative events
each year, such as Tet, Giong festival, and Tran temple festival....

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