PEO 2023 Final & Grand Final Round - Announcement

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PEO 2023 Journey

4 Sept 6-7 7-12 13

Sept Sept Sept

Registration Closed ELSA Activation Video Assessment VS Announcement


18-19 27 28-30 10 - 11
Sept Sept Sept Oct

Elimination Round ER Announcement Accommodation Prep Final & Grand Final

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Final Round
10th October 2023 (Only for Team Category)
Final Round Outlook
A creative performance and Impromptu session that push the participants to present the
best idea with creative and smart way. It is the last round for the teams before Grand Final

Location MLEB TMII : Format Role Play Creative Performance

- Auditorium 5D and Impromptu session
- Ampere Room
Assessed Content (50%), Creativity and
Participants 24 Teams Values Audience Engagement (30%), and
English Proficiency (20%)

How many Theme Deliver Ideas on how to become a

6 Teams top 400 Global Fortune
will proceed?
Role Play Creative Performance
A team should do role play performance and present the idea based on the topic. Choose
one of role play option and make it creative and comprehensive

Role Play Option What We Prepared?

- You were the BOD’s of PLN and need - Stage
to deliver ideas on a townhall to all - 3 set microphone
employees - Screen to share your deck
- You were the BOD’s of PLN and invited - Clicker
to talk on a television show delivering *Other needs outside the list must be prepared by participant
- You were the BOD’s of PLN and How It Works?
assigned to ensure Mr President about
the Ideas - 8 Minutes performance
- 5 minutes Q&A session with the judges
Assessed Values
Deliver Ideas on how to become a top 400
Content (50%), Creativity and Audience Engagement
Global Fortune
(30%), and English Proficiency (20%)
Impromptu Session
A team should giving a statement about a random topic

How It Works? What We Prepared?

- Group leader will take a topic from - Stage
fishbowl - 3 set microphone
- There will be a word related about
energy issue
- The teams should give a statement Value assessment?
about the topic on 3 minutes - Statement Content (70%)
- All team members must have a chance - Public speaking & English Proficiency
to give statement (30%)

Related with PLN business topic
To Be Highlight?
1. The Final Round will be held offline in Museum Listrik & Energi Baru (M-LEB) TMII.
2. Participant should come on time at 7.30 WIB at parking pool gate 3
3. The committee will provide 2-3 shuttle to pick up participants from parking pool to M-LEB
4. The agenda will start at 08.00 AM starting with opening session around 30-45 minutes.
5. The competition will be divided into 2 group, first group will compete at 5D Auditorium and second group will compete at
Ampere Room.
6. Due to the limitation of room capacity, only participants who can enter the room.
7. The supporter can see the performance from suporter area or online streaming by PLN Virtual space.
8. Team/individual will be called by MC based on order that has been made before.
9. The performance time is 8 minutes in maximum, there will be timer on stage.
10. The committee will stop the performance directly if the time is up.
11. There will be a 5 minutes Q&A session with judges
12. Impromptu session will be held 3 minutes for each team.
13. Due to the time limitation, all teams should prepare for grand final especially for motion preparation
Final Round Rundown
Final Round
No Time Activity PIC Description
- MC - Participant introduction parade
- Event - Opening speech
1 08.00 - 09.00 Final Round Opening Organizer - Rules explanation by MC
- MC - Opening by MC
- Event - Explain the rules
2 09.00 - 09.15 Opening Organizer - Introduce the judges
- Bumper video in every team transition
Live performance - MC - Live performance duration: 10 minute
3 09.15 - 12.00 contest ( 9 teams) - Judges - Judges comment: 5 Minute
- Screensaver on LED using animation
4 12.00 - 13.15 BREAK - MC - Lunch and praying time
- Bumper video in every team transition
Live performance - MC - Live performance duration: 10 minute
5 13.15 - 14.15 contest (3 teams) - Judges - Judges comment: 5 Minute
Impromptu Session (12 - MC - Bumper video in every team transition
6 14.15 - 16.15 teams) - Judges - Impromptu duration: 3 minute
- Closing statement by MC
PLN English Olympiad 2023 Playbook. 7 16.15 - 16.30 Closing - MC - Closing with bumper closing video
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Concept : 5D Auditorium

PLN English Olympiad 2023 Playbook.

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Concept: Ampere Room

PLN English Olympiad 2023 Playbook.

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Supporter Area

PLN English Olympiad 2023 Playbook.

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Grand Final
11th October 2023 (Team & Individual Category)
Debate Contest (Team)
Debate Contest is the format of the Grand Final for Team Category with Asian
Parliamentary Concept

Location PLN Auditorium Format Asian Parliamentary Debate system

(1 VS 1 team)
Participants 6 Teams from Final Round
Assessed Matter (40%), Method (30%),
How many Values Manner (30%)
3 Teams
will win?
Time Elimination
Theme Related with PLN Business 5 minute/ speaker and 3 minute for
7 minute/speaker and 4 minute for
PLN English Olympiad 2023 Playbook. closing
How it Works?

● Mainly used in Asian English Debate competition

● There are 2 teams: The government and
opposition teams. Each team consist of 3 speakers
● Debate will be started and ended by government
● On elimination round each speaker is given 5
minutes for speech. After all Speakers had their
speech, there will be a reply speech from each
team for 3 minutes
● On Final round, speaker is given 7 minutes for
speech and 4 minutes for reply speech
1. VP from PLN
2. VP from PLN
3. Aie Natasha, Debate & Public Speaking Specialist
4. Amber, English Proficiency Expert
5. Christine, Public Speaking and Speech Researcher
Elimination Round (5 Minutes Speaking Time & 3 Minutes Reply Speech)
1. PLN must focus on going beyond the kwh business as one of the main sources of income in the next 5
2. Gas as a primary energy base material makes more sense than dependence on renewable energy
3. PLN must enter the Electric Vehicle business rather than just providing supporting infrastructure
4. Providing electric vehicle infrastructure is the best way to encourage the electric vehicle ecosystem
5. The Indonesian Government subsidies for Electric Vehicles are effective
Final Round (7 Minutes Speaking Time & 4 Minutes Reply Speech)
1. Carbon Pricing is an effective way to combat climate change
2. Developing Countries should Focus on Energy Access than Environmental Sustainability
3. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is A Viable Solution for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
TedX Style - PLN TALKS (Individual Cat.)
The format of Grand final for individual category is a live pitching presentation using
TedX Style concept

How It 10 Minutes Presentation + 5

Location PLN Auditorium Works? minutes QnA
Participants 5 Individuals
Need to be Presentation Deck, Smart
prepared? Casual Outfit
How many
3 Winners
will proceed?
Assessed Content (60%), Public speaking
Values (30%), Audience engagement
Theme Craziest idea to boost the
“growth” of PLN
PLN Talks: How It Works?
Concept :
1. a short idea sharing session, carefully prepared talks,
demonstrations and performances that are idea-focused,
and cover a wide range of subjects to foster learning,
inspiration and wonder, especially - Craziest idea to
boost the “growth” of PLN
2. is not organized by or for special-interest political, religious
or commercial groups.
3. PLN talks should be less than 10 minutes long and are
typically delivered by a single presenter. Any video
submitted outside of this format may not be published on
the PLN / PEO YouTube channel.
4. Speakers cannot promote their own products, books, or
businesses, or those of a company which employs them.
Talks can only feature technology, product demos, or books
that inform an idea presented in a talk.
Grand Final

Grand Final No Time Activity PIC Description

- Started with bumper opening video
- Opening by MC
- MC
- Finalist video announcement
1 08.00 - 08.45 Opening - Event Organizer
- Explain the rules
- Director
- Introduce the judges
- Speech from director
- MC - Bumper video in every team transition
Debate and PLN Talks (3 teams
2 08.45 - 12.00 - Event Organizer - Debate duration 45 minute/team
and 3 Individu )
- Judges - Live oration duration : 20 minute
- MC - Screensaver on LED using animation
3 12.00 - 13.15 BREAK
- Event Organizer - Lunch and praying time
- Bumper video in every team transition
Debate and PLN Talks (2 - MC
4 13.15 - 15.00 - Debate duration 45 minute/team
Individu and 1 grand final) - Event Organizer
- Live oration duration: 20 minute
- MC
5 14.45. - 15.30 Guest Star - Motivation speech and discussion (Prilly Latuconsina)
- Event Organizer
- MC - Best 3 Teams, Best 2 Individu, most favourite team and
6 15.30- 16.00 Rewarding
- Event Organizer individu
- Closing Speech
- MC
7 16.00- 16.30 Closing - Closing by MC
- Event Organizer
- Closing bumper
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