Writing Task 2 Questions-and-Answers Samples

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Common IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic Areas

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Whilst the exact same questions from previous tests will not occur again in your test, the same topics and
question types will. This means that if you practice questions related to the following topic areas then you will be
preparing yourself efficiently for the test.

You should read as much as possible about these areas in recent newspapers and magazines so that you
develop your own ideas and vocabulary relating to these topic areas:

Common IELTS
1. Technology

2. Health

3. Development

4. Government Spending

5. Environment

6. Globalization

7. Youth Crime

8. Criminal Justice

9. Education

10. Public Transport

See the resource section at the end of this document for great places to start reading around these topics.

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Recent Questions And Model Answers 2018
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Teaching Points: Each essay is followed by a short teaching point in red which explains how to maximize your IELTS
essay band score. An example of the teaching point is highlighted, also in red, in the body of the essay to illustrate the
point further for you in a realistic context.

Some people spend a lot of money on tickets to go to sporting or cultural events.

Do you think this is positive or negative development?

Large amounts of money are spent by certain groups of people on purchasing tickets to enter sporting and cultural events.
Personally, I feel this is a positive development for society and this essay shall outline the main reasons for this stand

Firstly, money spent on such activities is a great boost for an economy. These events employ millions of people across the
globe and if people did not attend them then unemployment levels would increase dramatically. For example, the 2018
football world cup in Russia is expected to generate over $500 million dollars in gate receipts and all of this money can
then be paid out in wages to local people who can then use the money to support their own families.

Furthermore, cultural and sporting activities can bring a great sense of pride and joy to a nation. Most people are
extremely proud of their own countries cultures, traditions and sporting achievements. These feelings can build a strong
identity in a nation’s population and motivate them to lead productive and fulfilling lives in turn. For instance, when
England won the 2004 rugby world cup the ‘feel good factor’ of the nation was enormous and inspired many people young
and old to have a go at the sport of rugby. This led to an improvement in the nations physical health but also their mental
health too as they had a new outlet for the frustrations of modern day to day living.

Overall, the combined boost to an economy and a nation’s sense of self is a very positive trend. Governments around the
world should actively pursue a policy which encourages regular sporting and cultural events.

276 words

Teaching Point: Use a range of different connecting words and phrases so that your essay fits together and flows well
and so that the examiner can see that you know a range of different words and are not restricted by a lack of
vocabulary. A classic error is when a candidate keeps writing ‘and then’, or ‘and also’, this approach will not help your
band score.

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Some people think that people who are over 60 years old should retire and stop working.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is the belief of some people that when a person reaches the age of sixty they should then begin their retirement and
end their careers. I am of the opinion that this is not the case and that a person should be able to continue working for a
as long as they want or need to. This essay shall outline the reasons behind this point of view.

When a person reaches the age of sixty they can potentially still be very active and healthy individuals. Such people have a
lot to offer a company and they may wish to end their careers at such an age. With ever improving medicinal practices and
healthcare, people are remaining healthier for longer and are therefore capable of working for longer. Being forced to
retire may negatively affect a person’s mental health and self-esteem. For instance, the UK Office for National Statistics
suggests that those people who retire early without a purpose for their retirement are at a 57% greater risk of a heart
attack in the first five years of retirement compared to those who retire later when they choose to.

Allied to this, companies would lose valuable assets for no real reason. A person who is sixty often has a great deal of
experience in a company which can be used to train other members of staff or to offer advice to management when
appropriate. Losing this experience unnecessarily could therefore have a negative effect on many companies as they may
need to pay more money to recruit new people with less experience. Indeed some companies such as Walmart are
famous for valuing older employees as they make fewer mistakes and are generally more reliable than their younger

To summarise, the valuable experience of older employees allied to the potential negative impacts on those people if they
are forced to retire mean that forcing people to retire against their will is not a positive step forward. Governments should
ensure that everyone has the right to work as long as they are physically and mentally capable of doing so safely.

349 words

Essay Writing Tip: 4 main paragraphs is usually enough for most IELTS essays. An introduction of about 50 words, two
body paragraphs of about 90 words each, and a conclusion of about 30 words.

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The large amount of time and money that is spent on conserving wildlife would be better spent on improving the lives
of humans.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In recent years a lot of time and money has been spent on attempting to preserve endangered animals rather than be
used to aid human needs. Personally, I disagree with this philosophy and the remainder of this essay shall outline my
reasons for this position.

Firstly, the value of a human life is greater than the value of an animal’s life. Every person that has ever been born has had
a loving mother, or father who cared deeply about them. Most people also enjoy close relationships with other relatives
and friends too. Therefore when any human life is destroyed it impacts upon more than just that one individual. However,
when an animal dies the impact is not the same because animals do not possess the same level of consciousness as
humans. For instance, humans hold funerals and gather to mourn, whereas animals generally continue with their lives as

Furthermore, if a particular species needs help to survive then surely it is only a matter of time before it becomes extinct
anyway. The Giant Panda is a great example of an animal that has basically been prevented from becoming extinct by the
efforts of humans alone. The panda itself is poorly adapted to life in the world’s current environment and any attempts to
preserve this beast will eventually be proved futile. The Chinese government spends over $12 million US dollars per year
trying to keep alive a species which will probably eventually die out anyway.

In conclusion, humans lives are of greater importance and species that are dying out should be allowed to do just that.
Government around the world need to recognizes the importance of human lives over animal lives.

281 words

Teaching Point: Always start with an introduction which rephrases the question. You should try to use different words
i.e. synonyms and paraphrases of the original words in the question so that you can show to the examiner your range
and level of vocabulary.

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Taking care of children is probably one of the most important jobs of society and parents should be forced to take
training courses showing them how to do so.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Training programs for prospective parents should be made mandatory as raising a child is perhaps the single most
important role of society. Personally, I disagree with this statement and the following paragraphs shall outline my
reasoning for this belief.

Firstly, nobody should ever be forced to do anything against their will. This is the mark of a truly free society which we
should all strive to be. However, support for future parents should certainly be made available and offered to them
regularly as this is a most difficult and onerous task, especially for those without significant family support. A great
example of this approach in action is the UK’s National Health Service who assess each new parents needs and send
support workers to individual parents when deemed appropriate.

Secondly, there is no single way to nurture a child through their early years and childhood. The parents are in the best
position to judge which way is going to be best for their child as they know their child best. Forcing people to attend a
course that teaches one particular style may affect a parent’s judgment negatively and therefore do more harm than
good. For example, one child may need to be shown strong discipline from their parents as they are a very loud dominant
personality whereas another may need constant encouragement as they are much more introverted personality.

To sum up, freedom and individuality are key reasons why parents should not be required to attend parenting classes.
Governments around the world should do what they can to support parents but not force them to do anything against
their will.
269 words

Teaching Point: Your introduction should only include your personal opinion if the question asks for it, otherwise leave
it out completely.

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Some people say that the internet is not important in order to live a full life.

What do you think?

Certain groups of people are of the opinion that the internet is essential if one wishes to live a truly fulfilled life.
Personally, I believe this statement is completely untrue and the remainder of this issue shall outline the reasons for my

Whilst the internet has become a prominent part of many people’s lives, there are still many people and indeed nations
who do still lead fulfilling lives without the internet. Many parts of Africa remain unconnected to the World Wide Web, yet
those people still belong to a community within which there are births, marriages, deaths, cultural celebrations, and other
day to day traditions that continue to thrive. The people of the Masai Mara tribe in Kenya are a perfect example of this,
they value human relationships and links with the environment highly and clearly live full lives without even the click of a
mouse button.

Furthermore, throughout history pre internet people have lived highly fulfilled lives. Explorers discovered new lands and
made new lives in strange places. Scientists made rapid progress in their understanding of the world around them and
engineers built constructions directly from the pictures in their imagination. These are all examples of people living
fulfilled lives without the internet and the same opportunities still exist today.

Overall, as fulfilling lives can still be lead without access to the internet I believe it is therefore not a prerequisite for
leading a fulfilled life. People around the world should regularly take extended time away from the internet in order to
experience real life opportunities once again.
260 words

Teaching Point: Your main body paragraphs, which are the two paragraphs in the middle of your essay, should begin
with a topic sentence. This topic sentence should say what the main point of your paragraph is and does not have to be
too long or complex. The reader should be able to guess what the rest of the paragraph is going to be about just from
reading your topic sentence.

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Once children start school teachers have more influence than parents on their intellectual and social development.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Teachers have a greater impact on children than their parents or guardians, after a child enters the formal education
system according to some people. Personally, I disagree with this statement and the following paragraphs shall outline my
reasons for this view point.

The primary reason why parents remain the main influence on a child is that children have learned to trust and obey their
parents completely. This means that anything their parents say or do will have a much greater and longer lasting
impression than a teacher who they may not get to know on a particularly personal basis. Allied to this is the fact that
most children will still spend a great deal of quality time with their parents in the evenings, weekends and on holidays, and
this is often quality time which a school environment cannot easily replicate.

A further significant reason that teachers shall never achieve the same level of influence as parents is that in recent years
respect for teachers has diminished significantly. Children then develop this same mindset towards teachers which
automatically means that they assign less importance to their thoughts, ideas and opinions. For example, in UK schools
teachers used to be regarded with great respect in society, however they are now frowned upon and the previous level of
respect has all but evaporated.

In conclusion, the strength of a parent to child bond and the declining respect for teachers in general means that they
have far less influence than a child’s parents. Governments around the world should address this declining level of respect
for teachers.

262 words

Teaching Point: Always make sure your topic sentences relate to the question i.e. they must be addressing what the
question is asking. This will make sure you stay on topic and develop your answer in the correct way. Notice how the
example sentences above

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Pollution and other environmental damage is caused mainly by developing countries which helps them become richer.

To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

The continued damage to the environment caused by developing nations aids them in their quest to become richer. I
completely agree with this point of view and shall outline my main reasons for this standpoint in the following paragraphs.

Firstly, a developing nation’s businesses prime concern is profit, which often means that they are unconcerned about the
impact on the environment. Allied to this is the fact that the governments in question do not have very stringent
regulations regarding conserving the environment and if they do they are rarely enforced. For instance, in the Philippines,
‘Transmex’ pharmaceutical company continues to release contaminated water directly into rivers and streams despite
their being regulations forbidding this. Coincidentally, a well-known former prime minster is on their board of directors.

In contrast to this, fully developed countries do rigorously enforce environmentally friendly policies which are effective at
forcing companies to limit their impact on the environment. This is the reason why many companies now have ‘Corporate
Social Responsibility’ (CSR) departments to deal with these issues and communicate how minimal their impact is on the
environment to the public. For example, Nike inc. devotes $7million per year making sure that they abide by the
appropriate laws and promoting this aspect of their business.

Overall, the lack of legislation in developing nations and the opposite situation in developing countries means that most
pollution is caused by developing countries. Governments around the world should work together to enforce much tighter
controls on how companies are allowed to act.
251 words

Teaching Point: Following the topic sentence you can develop your body paragraph in two main ways. Provide more
explanation supporting your main point, or provide an example to illustrate your main point. You can do these in any
order so long as though are directly related to your topic sentence.

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Some people believe that building cities vertically, with tall towers, is better than building cities horizontally.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Expanding cities upward rather than outwards is thought to be a better option by certain groups of people as a means of
expansion. Personally, I agree with this statement and this essay shall discuss both sides of the argument.

Firstly, expanding upwards uses less precious land and should therefore reduce the amount of countryside lost to
developers. This is important if we wish to maintain the same natural wild life that we currently enjoy. If we continue to
destroy the habitats of wild animals then there is a danger of unforeseen consequences. For example, if the number of
foxes is reduced, due to habitat loss, then the number of rabbits may actually increase. This in turn brings further
difficulties to farmers who grow crops for a living.

On the other hand, expanding outwards may create traffic issues with more cars on the road trying to access the city
centre going backwards and forwards during peak times. Traffic congestion adds greatly to the stresses of living in a city
can add a short journey can end up taking much longer than it should do. For instance, a 5 kilometer journey in London,
which would normally take 7 minutes, may take up to 40 minutes during rush hour.

In summary, preservation of green spaces and maintaining a moderate level of traffic congestion are key reasons to avoid
outward expansion. Governments around the world should formulate plans to balance the needs of all stakeholders in a
community when considering expansion of cities.
250 words

Teaching Point: The examples that you use in your essays do not have to be real! You can actually make them up so
long as they sound realistic. The examiner is not going to check if your examples are true or not but make them sound
real by making them as specific as possible. This could mean giving exact numbers, or figures, or using real place names.

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Most people believe that stricter punishments should be given for traffic offenses.

To what extent do you agree?

Certain groups of people believe that the current levels of air travel are too high and governments should act to lower it.
Other people are of the opinion that the present level is fine. Personally, I am of the opinion that it should be reduced
significantly and the government should aid this process. The following paragraphs shall outline the reasons why I believe
this to be the correct view point.

Firstly, many countries already suffer from poor air quality which airplanes only worsen. For each flight that takes place
more and more carbon dioxide is pumped into the atmosphere which then enhances the breakdown of the ozone layer.
We are already seeing that many cities, particularly those in China, are suffering from constant thick smog which sits over
many of the cities there. As it is a governments duty to monitor and improve the overall health of their nation they should
certainly be proactive in reducing this risk factor.

Allied to the above, tourists are not always beneficial to the host country. For example, in Bali tourists have been
destroying the beautiful beaches with their constant litter pollution and degrading the local culture through their appetite
for drinking alcohol to excess and behaving in an anti-social manner. Restricting the level of air travel would hopefully lead
to the preservation and enhanced value of local traditions and culture. However, they may need help from the
government in establishing other income streams so they can maintain their standard of living.

Overall, maintaining safe levels of air quality and a nation’s tradition and cultures are more important than the needs of
tourists. Governments should therefore implement a plan of action to ensure that both of these are protected for the
benefit of future generations.
291 words

Teaching Point: The ideas you come up with for your essay do not have to be new, or amazing. All they need to do is
answer the question. Simple ideas are often the best as they can be easily explained. However, it does help if you can
are able to think of your own opinions quickly so every time you read a news article try coming up with your own
opinion about it just for practice, this will help you to feel less pressured on test day.

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Humans tend to copy one another, especially in fashion, choice of clothes, and consumer goods.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As regards the way people dress and the products that they buy humans tend to purchase the same items as other people
in society. Personally, I agree entirely with this statement and in the following paragraphs reasons for this standpoint shall
be explained.

Firstly, humans replicate the behaviour of others as it gives them a feeling of security and belonging. This therefore
encourages them to dress similarly and own the same products. Individuals who choose not to adhere to the same social
norms as others tend to face discrimination and are less likely to be able to progress in life to the same degree. For
instance, one certain sub-culture of the UK are known as ‘Goths’ and they traditionally wear all black clothes as an
indication of their membership of this group. These individuals are often perceived as not part of mainstream society and
may therefore be treated differently.

Allied to the above, humans are competitive by nature and this characteristic often forces people to make purchases as a
way to indicate how successful they are being in life. The more successful they are the more indulgent their purchases
become. However, there is a trend for people to buy the same things, first a better car, then a bigger more luxurious
house, and then perhaps a longer holiday. However, all of these items tend to be very similar in their core nature. Afterall,
their really is not a significant difference between the 2018 and the 2017 version of Nike Air trainers.

Overall, human nature and their need for a sense of security ensure that they shall inevitably continue to purchase items
that are similar in nature. For these reasons, I maintain my position that humans do base their behaviour and spending
patterns on what other members of society are also buying.
301 words

Teaching Point: The first sentence of your conclusion should repeat the points that you made in the topic sentences of
your main body paragraphs. You should be careful not to use the same words again if possible though. Try and use
different words or phrases so that the examiner can once more see that you have a good range of vocabulary. However,
if you cannot think of any different words it is better to use the same words as previously, rather than guess and use
words that you are not sure about incorrectly.

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Companies use several methods to increase the sales of products.

What are some of these methods? Which is the most effective?

Businesses adopt a variety of approaches in order to enhance their sales figures. The following paragraphs shall outline
some of these methods and offer an opinion on which is the most effective sales technique.

First of all, the most modern techniques revolve around the use of social media as a means to make initial contact with
potential customers. Often this requires people to provide their contact details in return for a free gift targeted towards
their needs. Once contact has been established, businesses can then build a relationship over time by providing free
advice. At a certain point in time, the company can then begin to make offers to these potential clients via email, or social
media. One well known example is Skyscanner.com who will capture your email and then provide you with timely and
relevant holiday offers.

The more traditional approaches to making sales however include techniques such as cold calling, door to door sales, in-
shop sales pitches, or use of printed media such as running promotions in newspapers and magazines. These types of
techniques have been proven to be effective over time, and large multi-national companies have been built on the back of
a mixture of these techniques. For instance, Dixons were a large retailer of computers and accessories and they used all of
the above techniques to drive their companies’ revenue growth year on year. Their sales reached a peak in the early
2,000s before online marketing and e-commerce really started to provide tough competition that their offline techniques
could not match.

Overall, I personally believe there is a vast array of both old fashioned and new, innovative sales techniques that a
company can choose from. In my opinion online sales techniques involving software applications and dedicated web-sites
provide the most efficient return on investment due to the growth in popularity of purchasing products online.
308 words

Teaching Point: Make sure that your conclusion does not include any new points and that it agrees with your body
paragraphs. In other words do not change your position/opinion in the conclusion. Make sure you remain of the same
view point throughout the essay or else you will lose marks for task achievement.

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In many cities more and more people are choosing to live on their own.

What are the reasons behind this? Is it a positive or negative trend?

In recent years the lives of the inhabitants of large cities has been made more difficult by the number of issues that they
routinely face. Personally, I feel governments should urge the public to consider relocating to less crowded towns and the
following paragraphs shall outline my reasons for this belief.

The main problem with cities nowadays is the sheer number of people living there creating a variety of serious
issues. Firstly, with millions of people all commuting around a city at similar times, traffic congestion has become
particularly bad in some cities. This means that employees have to either leave to go to work earlier or find an alternative
means of transportation. Secondly, the rise in population levels of cities means that the amount of rubbish created has
become almost intolerable. Governments are struggling to provide services to collect all the rubbish and dispose of it in a
hygienic environmentally friendly manner increasing risk of disease and levels of pollution.

Allied to the above, with so much unskilled labour in cities these days, wage levels have plummeted, which means the
poorer people in cities earn even less than in the past. This could actually be trapping this particular group of people in
poverty, possibly for generations to come. For instance, the city of Detroit has experienced a 27% rise in population levels
over the last 5 years alone with the percentage of people living in poverty soaring to a a record 35% of the city’s total
population, up from 20% over the same time period.

Overall, unemployment, traffic congestion and waste management are the most significant issues faced by city residents
nowadays. Governments should do all that they can to encourage people to migrate away from large cities in order to
alleviate these issues for the benefit of all.

300 words

Teaching Point: The second sentence of your conclusion can be an action point. This means that you could say what
should happen next and who is responsible for improving the situation. If you answer these two questions then you will
be rounding of your essay really nicely.

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Some people say that the current level of air travel is acceptable where as other people believe air travel should be
reduced and the government should play a role in this.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Certain groups of people believe that the current levels of air travel are too high and governments should act to lower it.
Other people are of the opinion that the present level is fine. Personally, I am of the opinion that it should be reduced
significantly and the government should aid this process. The following paragraphs shall outline the reasons why I believe
this to be the correct view point.

Firstly, many countries already suffer from poor air quality which airplanes only worsen. For each flight that takes place
more and more carbon dioxide is pumped into the atmosphere which then enhances the breakdown of the ozone layer.
We are already seeing that many cities, particularly those in China, are suffering from constant thick smog which sits over
many of the cities there. As it is a governments duty to monitor and improve the overall health of their nation they should
certainly be proactive in reducing this risk factor.

Allied to the above, tourists are not always beneficial to the host country. For example, in Bali tourists have been
destroying the beautiful beaches with their constant litter pollution and degrading the local culture through their appetite
for drinking alcohol to excess and behaving in an anti-social manner. Restricting the level of air travel would hopefully lead
to the preservation and enhanced value of local traditions and culture. However, they may need help from the
government in establishing other income streams so they can maintain their standard of living.

Overall, I still firmly believe that maintaining safe levels of air quality and a nation’s tradition and cultures are more
important than the needs of tourists. Governments should therefore implement a plan of action to ensure that both of
these are protected for the benefit of future generations.
291 words

Teaching Point: If the question asked for your opinion then in the conclusion you should restate your opinion which
should be based on the topic sentences you wrote in your main body paragraphs. If you do not give your opinion and
the question has asked for it, then you will lower your band score for task achievement. Remember, you should also
have written your opinion in the introduction too.

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Nowadays more and more people want to get things done instantly.

Why is it? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

In recent years people have begun to demand the completion of all manner of tasks instantaneously. My personal opinion
is that this is a negative development that has been caused largely by improvements in technology. This essay shall offer
supporting reasons for this stand point.

Society now expects everything to be done immediately and we have grown used to new innovative technologies which
often allow this to happen. In the past, customers would not mind waiting in a queue for a service but now, they grow
increasingly agitated by doing so as there is nearly always a technology driven solution which could be easily implemented
to speed up the process. For instance, Tesco in the UK have introduced checkout machines that do not require a cashier to
operate them. This allows customers to go to any free machine and pay for their goods themselves, thus reducing waiting

This is a positive development as it means that all businesses now have to innovate in order to meet customer demands.
Companies that ignore the need for speed and efficiency shall lose out to their more technologically driven companies.
This should in effect create competitive industries that are all striving to improve the speed in which they provide their
goods and services. For example, this has been happening for years in the smart phone market. Apple Incorporated are
constantly challenged by its competitors, such as Samsung, to be creative and produce newer and more effective smart
phones. Without this pressure they may not be forced to make the improvements in design that they have done and the
consumer would suffer as a result.

Overall, I believe that technology is the main driver of people’s need for everything to happen instantaneously. This has
benefited society in that companies have to be constantly innovating in order to remain competitive in their industry.
310 words

Teaching Point: You will score higher marks for showing a range of grammatical structures in your essay. This does not
mean that you have to deliberately insert long complex sentences in order to score highly. If you simply structure your
essays in the way I have been showing you then you will automatically use a range of simple, compound and complex

Simple sentences consist of one main clause.

Compound sentences contain two separate clauses joined by a simple linking word such as for, and, next, before, or, so.

Complex sentences contain one or more clauses containing at least one independent clause and one dependent clause.
Do not worry if you do not understand this, simply try to write normally and you will inevitably write some complex
sentences in your essay. However, I did make this video here about making complex sentences with the third
conditional if you are interested.

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Mobile phones enable us to take work or personal calls anywhere, anytime.

Do you think this has a positive effect on individuals and society?

In recent years mobile phones and other similar devices have allowed anyone to easily contact another person regardless
of location or time. I believe that this ability has vastly improved society and life for individual people in a variety of ways.
This essay shall explore some of those reasons.

Firstly, one of the main benefits to society of this advance in technology is the fact that even people in developing
countries or isolated places can gain expert advice or request help whenever they need it. For example, in the massive
earthquake that shook Nepal in 2015 people who lived in isolated villages in the Khumbu region were able to contact
authorities and tell them exactly where the most vulnerable people who needed help were located. Furthermore, families
were able to reunite themselves with each other following the earthquake which helped to reduce the suffering of some

Allied to this, it can be said that individuals in long distance relationships benefit tremendously from this instant form of
communication. No longer do people have to suffer when they are apart from their loved ones. As well as being able to
speak to other people via the phone, individuals can also talk to each other face to face using one of the many ‘apps’
designed for this very purpose. If this were not advantageous enough, members of the public can also sit and order food
from wherever they happen to be and have the food of their choice delivered directly to them. For example, Food Panda
now do over 220,000 food orders direct to homes and offices in Thailand alone in just one month.

In conclusion, the mobile phone has bought with it an overwhelming number of positives such as the ability to gain expert
advice quickly and easily as well as stay in touch with family and friends. I therefore remain of the opinion that the mobile
phone offers a far greater number of positives that far outweigh any potential negatives.

330 words

Teaching Point: You do not have to try to use different tenses in your essay to impress the examiner, this can make your
essay confusing and feel unnatural to read and lower your band score. Instead just write naturally and only use the
appropriate tense for e situation, this will usually mean that you use a variety of tenses anyway. Here are the tenses I
used in this essay without deliberately doing so:

Present simple tense

Present perfect tense
Past simple tense
(I have not highlighted all sentences to prevent the essay from becoming too confusing to look at).

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Some people say that international sports events aid world peace.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is often said that international sports events improve relationships and co-operation between countries. Personally, I am
of the strong opinion that this certainly is the case much of the time. This essay shall explore the reasons behind this stand
point and offer examples where appropriate.

One of the main reasons international relationships are strengthened through sporting competition is due to the increase
in knowledge gained about other countries cultures and traditions. When an individual has more understanding of
another person’s perspective then they can begin to develop empathy with the way they behave. For instance, certain
religious denominations require their women to wear a burqa, which can cover the entire face of the wearer. With no
prior knowledge of this, this tradition can seem mysterious and provide a barrier to effective communication. However,
when it becomes known that this is not the reason they are wearing it and that it is worn for very personal religious
reasons, any perceived divisiveness may be reduced.

A further reason that major sports events can be seen as pro peace is that it enables different cultures to display
characteristics of sportsmanship and fair play towards nationalities that traditionally they have experienced conflict with
in the past. For instance, England and Germany were at war against each other in the Second World War. Despite this,
their national football teams generally display the qualities of respect and sportsmanship when competing against each
other. This sets a positive peace promoting example for younger generations to follow.

To summarise, large scale sporting competitions enhance knowledge and provide positive role models for the world to
follow. These are the main reasons that I remain of the opinion that such events do in fact support world peace.
288 words

Teaching Point: It is really important to check your work, so try to leave 5 minutes at the end so that you can do this.
Getting simple things correct like use of capital letters is important. As well as the start of very sentence there are
other times you need capital letters in your essay. For proper nouns such as Individual people, places or organizations
and for acronyms, such as the BBC.

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Some universities offer online courses to students.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

There is a growing trend for universities to provide access to online courses of students instead of or as well as traditional
classroom lessons. I believe this is a positive development and this essay shall outline reasons supporting this particular
point of view.

Virtual learning environments provided by some universities allow students from all over the world to study at the
university of their choice without the expense of leaving home and being there in person. Imagine the cost of moving from
Shanghai to Cambridge in the UK, there are not only the university fees but also the high cost of rent and day to day living
costs associated with life in an expensive developed country to be considered. Over 200,000 students from China do this
each year spending a small fortune when the reality is they could learn the same material without moving away from their
family support network.

Furthermore, many jobs of the future will be based online and so it makes sense that prior learning is therefore also done
online. What is the point of developing excellent note taking ability during lectures when you will never utilize that skill
again in future life. If you learn online however, you may well enhance your typing skills and general knowledge of
computer software, this is likely to make you far more employable than the ability to sit and take notes during a lecture.

In summary, being able to study remotely provides many cost savings and also enhances skills relevant to the work place.
These are the main reasons why I strongly believe online learning is a positive movement.
268 words

Teaching Point: Try to use vocabulary in the same way that native speakers do. That means that you have to try and use
the same combinations of words. Do not just learn a list of new words and definitions but notice which words they are
often used alongside. For example, if you say ‘What is the university tuition price?’ everyone will know what you mean
but it does not sound as natural as ‘what is the university tuition fee?’. The two words collocate together and sound
better together. Look at the other examples in the essay.

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Recently the freedom to work and live anywhere has become the main trend due to the development of
communication technology and transportation.

Do the advantages of these developments outweigh the disadvantages? Discuss.

In recent times vast improvements in our ability to communicate and travel around the globe quickly and easily have
improved the lives of many. However, some people argue there is a downside to this progress. This essay shall discuss
some of the benefits and drawbacks of these issues.

One of the main advantages of improvements in communication is our ability to work remotely away from a fixed office.
This means there is no reason to waste time and money commuting to an office which can significantly improve the
lifestyle of employees. In fact, according to the Financial Times newspaper, in the last two years alone the number of
people working directly from home has grown by a staggering 18%. Furthermore, those who do still have to commute to a
central office can do so daily from a distance that would previously have been impossible. For example, people can
commute to London directly on a commuter train in just an hour and a half and cover the 150 mile distance with ease.

On the contrary, the increased availability of low cost flights around the world has added to global carbon dioxide levels
significantly. This negatively impacts the air quality we breathe and progresses global warming further. For instance, cities
such as Beijing are becoming unlivable due to the negative effects of air pollution.

In summary, improved technology has bought about a reduced need to commute and better transportation has made it
much more efficient for people who do have to. Overall, I believe the substantial advantages outweigh any disadvantages.
258 words

Teaching Point: In this essay the articles ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’, are used collectively more than 20 times. It makes sense
therefore to brush up on your use of articles as they can be very tricky to master and if you use them wrongly, or not at all
then you will be harming your band score.

Here is a nice guide to all the rules involved for articles, however, personally I believe it is better to not learn rules but to
develop your own awareness and ‘feel’ for which article to use and when. One way to do this is to delete all of the articles
in an essay or news article and then try and fill them in again correctly yourself. You can use the ‘replace’ feature in Word
to do this quickly.

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Nowadays for many people the Internet is replacing regular books.

What do you think will happen in the future and what is your opinion about this trend?

Due to the soaring popularity of online media and e-books, traditional physical books are becoming a thing of the past. I
firmly believe that the gradual removal of books from society is a huge negative. This essay will explore some of the future
consequences of this emerging pattern.

As the popularity of online media and e-books continues to grow, people will inevitably read hard copy books less and
less. Younger generations will lose the ability to read long in depth texts and miss out on the subtleties of plot
development. This may well also mean that their level of vocabulary may not develop as well as previous generations
bearing in mind online articles written for social media tend to be written to be simple and attention grabbing and not
really stimulate any deep insights as classic novels may do. For example, the works of Tolstoy are never going to be
appreciated in short thirty second bursts and indeed ought to be pondered over at length.

In addition to this, traditional libraries are also likely to become a thing of the past due to lack of usage. Traditionally,
these have been places where anyone can go and educate themselves through the knowledge hidden in the books for
free. If this opportunity becomes a thing of the past then where will people who cannot afford an online device go to gain
knowledge for their career and life? For instance, the now famous writer Bill Stephenson prior to becoming an author
lived in poverty and could not afford to extend his education in the traditional manner. Instead he was able to educate
himself for free through books and eventually earna good living for himself.

In conclusion, physical books provide unique opportunities for education and vocabulary development. I strongly believe
their loss would lower the productiveness of society as a whole and produce a more ignorant nation as a result.
316 words

Teaching Point: Get your timing right. Here is how I recommend you spend your time during the test:
1. Preparing to write – 5 minutes
2. Writing the introduction – 5 minutes
3. Writing the main body paragraphs – 20 minutes
4. Writing the conclusion – 5 minutes
5. Checking your essay – 5 minutes

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Consumer goods have become the most important part of people’s lives.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this?

People’s lives these days seem to be more concerned with what products they own rather than anything else. This
benefits society in many ways but also provides drawbacks too. This essay shall discuss both sides of this emerging trend.

One of the primary advantages of materialism is that it boosts the economy of many countries. As demand has risen for
physical goods jobs have been created to try and create products which satisfy these demands. For instance the Apple
factories in China employ hundreds of thousands of workers who would otherwise struggle to find employment.
Furthermore, the lives of peoples today are infinitely better due to the development of physical goods. For example,
people can play games, order food, perform financial transactions and many more things all using a tiny smart phone
which would not have been possible in the past.

The advent of consumerism has bought with it certain downsides though. It seems that traditional values are being eroded
as people strive to purchase more and more things. For example, according to a recent survey by the University of
Manchester, on average people spend 45% less time with their grandparents than they did just ten years ago, yet they still
find time to spend on average over three hours per day on Facebook. Finally, this desire to have more and more things has
increased debt levels in society to dangerous levels. Repayments, interest rates and penalties can put stress on an
individual and even cause health problems too.

In conclusion, consumerism brings with it a boost for economies around the world but is also challenging the core values
of society too. Only hindsight will reveal whether or not the desire for more and more physical goods is a positive thing for
the global community or not.
297 words

Teaching Point: Always spend time planning your answer before you start writing. Make sure you understand the
question first and then write notes about your ideas. When you have done this you will then have a short plan to follow.
This will prevent you from writing ideas ‘off topic’ during the test or from getting lost and panicking from not knowing
what to write about half way through your essay. It will also make you feel calmer as you will have a plan to follow.

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How To Write IELTS Essays
(Back to contents page)

Step 1: Identify the question type

There are several different types of essay questions that you may face on exam day. Being able to to identify the
question type means you will be able to select an appropriate essay structure to write your essay with.

An 'essay structure' basically means what you are going to write in each of your paragraphs and in what order.
Getting this correct makes your essay logical and understandable.

IELTS examiners call this 'coherence and cohesion' and it is one of the four criteria they use to grade your essay.
That is why identifying the question type is so important.

In the diagram above you can clearly see the four different question types and what you need to write in each
paragraph to ensure a well-structured essay.

Some teachers break the question type down even further into 6, 7 or even 8 question types. I prefer to keep it as
simple as possible which means less to remember and less stress in the exams.

The other question types you might read about are as follows:

Direct question, or two part questions. I consider these to be 'Discussion' type questions and use that structure.

Question asking about advantages/disadvantages. I consider these to be 'Discussion' question types, or

'Discussion and Opinion' question types depending on whether they ask for your opinion or not.

Problem and solution, or cause and effect questions, I group as 'Situation' question types.

Within the paragraph structures I have shown you above there is a lot of room for flexibility in what you write,
which means all question types can be covered by these. The main thing to consider is whether you are
actually addressing all parts of the question logically within your paragraphs.

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Step 2: Prepare to write (Back to contents page)
Once you have decided what question type you have and therefore what the structure of your essay will be, you are
ready to prepare to write your essay.

Do not skip this stage! This stage actually saves you time overall and prevents you from going 'off topic' and losing

Here is what you need to do:

1.Underline key theme words and instruction words.

2.Identify the question type.
3.Note down any synonyms and paraphrases.
4.Note down your main points and ideas.

Let's take a look at an example of this in action, here is an example question:

As you can see, the question has been clearly annotated with synonyms and paraphrases. This will help you show
the examiner a range of vocabulary which is important for your lexical resource (vocabulary) band score.

The main key topic words of the question have also been underlined. This should help draw your attention back to
what you should be discussing and prevent your ideas from going off topic.

Instruction words have also been underlined, again this ensures that you do fulfill the requirements of the task.

Next, you need to think of your main points for your essay body paragraphs. You should then make a very brief
paragraph plan to follow. For the above question it might look like this:

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As you can see above, the paragraph plan is a brief outline of what will go in each paragraph. You don't even need
to write out paragraph 1 and 4 if you do not want to. Obviously, they will be the introduction and conclusion which
you should know how to write very easily by the time of the exam.

Thinking of Ideas
Some test takers worry that they will not be able to think of any good ideas to write about. If that is you then please
remember that:

a) The quality of your ideas is not important, your ideas are not being assessed only your English language ability.

b) The topics you are likely to be asked about are not out of the ordinary. They are issues from real life that are quite
easy to relate to. If you are used to forming an opinions then you will be fine. If not, then keeping up to date with the
news and actually thinking and forming your own opinions about the issues in the news is a great starting point for
your IELTS essays. Use 'dead' time when you are waiting for the bus, or train, or in any sort of a que to form
opinions on different topics. This will help prepare you for test day.

c) If you are struggling in the exam. Imagine a friend of yours is sitting opposite you. What would you say to them
about the question topic? Imagine having a chat with them and jot down your thoughts. This is a really easy way to
generate some ideas.

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Step 3: Write your introduction (Back to contents page)
Every essay needs to start with an introduction. It should be 30-50 words long and take no more than 5 minutes to
write. Your introduction must do the following things:

1. Rewrite the question in your own words.

2. State your opinion if the question requires you to do so.
3. Say what the rest of your essay will do.

We will use the question below as an example to write an introduction for:

1. Rephrase The Question

All questions will have a sentence or two that is describing the situation, or giving background information for the
question. Your job is to rephrase this part of the question using your own words. For example:

Some people think that getting a degree from a university is the best way to secure a good job, whilst others feel that getting
experience is the best way.

Could be changed to...

Some members of society are of the opinion that graduating from higher education is the most effective way of attaining
employment, whereas others believe that 'on the job' training is better.

I am sure you can see a number of the synonyms and paraphrases that have been used, they include:

getting a degree = graduating

university = higher education
job = employment
whilst = where as
getting experience = on the job training

As you can see having a wide range of vocabulary is really important in order to be able to do this effectively.

2. Giving Your Opinion

This is only required if the question asks you to do so. It is not logical to give your opinion if you are not asked to do
so and it may even lower your band score, so be careful.

In the above example though, we are clearly asked to give our opinion:

Discuss both sides of the argument and give your opinion.

So, in this example your second sentence needs to give your opinion. For example:

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I am of the strong opinion that completing a university education is of far more importance than gaining experience in a
work place.

Notice that once more the writer has tried avoid using the same words as both the question and the first sentence,
graduating = completing a university education
getting experience = gaining experience

If the writer had the opposite opinion then they may have written something like:

My firm opinion is that knowledge gained from the work place is far more valuable than from any educational institution.

knowledge gained from the work place = experience

educational institution = university

3. Say What Your Will Essay Do

The final sentence of the introduction needs to explain to the reader what they can expect to find in the rest of your
essay. For example:

The remainder of this essay will discuss arguments both for and against the two view points.

The following paragraphs shall outline the main supporting points for both sides of the argument.

There is no need to over complicate this sentence. It is just a simple way of letting the reader know what they are
going to be reading about next.

So, your overall introduction for this particular essay question could look something like this:

Some members of society believe that graduating from higher education is the most effective way of attaining employment,
whereas others believe that 'on the job' training is better. My firm opinion is that knowledge gained from the work place is
more valuable than from any university. The following paragraphs shall outline the main points for both sides of the

59 words

In conclusion, by following those three simple steps you can quickly create logical and high scoring introductions.

1. Rewrite the question in your own words.

2. State your opinion if the question requires you to do so.
3. Say what the rest of your essay will do.

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Step 4: Write your main body paragraphs (Back to contents page)
Following the introduction you can then start writing your main paragraphs. You will have already come up with your
ideas in the second stage of writing 'preparing to write'. All you now need to do is build on those points.

A lot of people get confused by all the different question types and what type of paragraph they should write for each
one. In fact, you can make your life a lot simpler by using the paragraph outline below. It will work for all question
types! Now, all of a sudden you do not have to worry about remembering all different paragraph structures. The
simpler you can keep things, the better you will do in the exam!

The reason this works is that your topic sentence is going to be directly linking to the question being asked, the rest
of your paragraph then simply flows from that, that's it, no complicated structures to remember or to get worried

As a guideline, your body paragraphs should:

1. Start with a topic sentence.

2. Contain no more than 2 main ideas.
3. Be 4-5 sentences in length.
4. Take about 10 minutes to write.
5. Develop and expand your ideas using explanations and examples.
6. Relate specifically to the question being asked.
We will use the question below as an example to write a body paragraph for:

1. Write The Topic Sentence

This should provide the main point of the paragraph that you wish to discuss further e.g.

University education provides a deeper knowledge of a subject area and can therefore be used later on in life.

Notice how the topic sentence is not overly long or too complicated. It does, however, clearly state the main point,
but it is not too specific. Your paragraph should start quite general and then become more specific as you add

2. Provide A Supporting Sentence

Next we can add a supporting explanation sentence which starts to become more specific. For example:

Graduates may study theories that are relevant to only higher level managers which they may only become after a few years
of employment in a company.

Here you can see that the explanation is starting to become more specific with words like graduates, theories
and managers.

3. Add A Specific Example

After this explaining sentence, we can now add a specific example. It might look like this:

For instance, graduate engineers at Aker Solutions Ltd often start as mere labourers undertaking manual work, however,
after completing 18 months of probation they can then become Technical Planners, and therefore utilise their knowledge
more fully of 3D CAD design software.

Note that this sentence not only clearly demonstrates that main point of the topic sentence but is also very specific.
The more specific you can be with your examples the better.

Many students worry that they do not know enough examples, don't worry! Simply make them up! Remember the
examiners are only interested in your English ability and not your general knowledge, they will never check your

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4. A Second Topic Sentence (Supporting Idea)
Now we are three sentences in to the paragraph, we have two options. We can either continue to develop the same
point with further examples, or explanations, or, we could make a new related point.

I am going to make a new related point as it improves the discussion. So my next related idea I am going to write in a
second topic sentence, it reads:

Knowing the advanced theories related to a topic can improve an employees motivation.
Once again the topic sentence still directly relates to the question, and it is not too long and quite general.

5. A Further Explanation Or Example

This could be followed up with fifth and final explaining sentence of the paragraph:

In the long term a motivated employee is going to be promoted far more quickly through the company hierarchy and work
much more efficiently for the company than someone lacking that knowledge.

So, overall the paragraph might look something like this:

University education provides a deeper knowledge of a subject area and can therefore be used later on in life. Graduates may
study theories that are relevant to only higher level managers which they may only become after a few years of employment
in a company. For instance, graduate engineers at Aker Solutions Ltd often start as mere labourers undertaking manual
work, however, after completing 18 months of probation they can then become Technical Planners, and therefore utilise their
knowledge more fully of 3D CAD design software. Knowing the advanced theories related to a topic can improve an
employees motivation. In the long term a motivated employee is going to be promoted far more quickly through the company
hierarchy and work much more efficiently for the company than someone lacking that knowledge.

Further Options
You do not have to follow that exact sentence pattern, there are different ways to do it although you must always
start with a topic sentence.

If you felt your first three sentences were particularly long then you may not need to add sentences 4 and 5.

You could even change the order of the sentences. You could start with a topic sentence and the give and example
in the second sentence, then write a supporting sentence. You could follow that with another example and a further
supporting sentence.

Many other combinations are possible, but the example I have given you works really well for all Discussion,
Opinion, Discussion and Opinion question types.

Situation Question Types

For 'Situation' question types (problem and solution and two part direct questions), the same principles apply, you
still start with your main point in the topic sentence. That could be stating the main problem, or giving an answer to
one of the direct questions in the question, you would then follow these up with explanation and examples in the
same way. After describing a problem I would then provide possible solutions in the same paragraph. I would also
start a separate paragraph for answering a different direct question.

1. Start with a topic sentence.

2. Contain no more than 2 main ideas.
3. Be 4-5 sentences in length.
4. Take about 10 minutes to write.
5. Develop and expand your ideas using explanations and examples.
6. Relate specifically to the question being asked.

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Step 5: Write your conclusion (Back to contents page)
To complete any IELTS essay you must end with a conclusion, even if you are running out of time always add one.
This is because it completes the structure of your essay which is marked by examiners as 'coherence and cohesion',
and it is not logical to finish an essay with a body paragraph full of examples and explanations.

A conclusion should only be two sentences long and should take a maximum of 5 minutes to write. So, what should
your conclusion contain:

1. A summary of your main points.

2. A final judgement or opinion (if required).
3. Assign responsibility (problem and solution situation essays only)

We will use the question below as an example to write a conclusion for:

1. Summarise The Main Points

Reread the topic sentences of your body paragraphs and then put these into a single sentence using different
vocabulary or paraphrasing where possible. For example:

University graduates possess a deeper knowledge which can improve their work ethic and enable them to be more effective
employees, where as those with experience only, may require additional training later in their careers.

To write a sentence like this you are probably going to have to write a complex sentence that includes at least two
main clauses or parts. This can easily be done with conjunctions, such as: and, but, yet, although, however, even
though and so on.

2. State Or Restate Your Opinion If Required

If the question asks for your opinion then you should have already included it in your introduction. In which case you
must repeat this same opinion using different words and phrases, this is common in 'Opinion', and 'Discussion and
Opinion' essays.

If you are not required to offer your opinion, as in some Discussion essays, then you may add one in the conclusion
only, although this is optional.

For Situation: Problem and Solution essays, you will give your opinion by saying who is responsible for solving the
problems rather than giving your general opinion about the topic.

For Situation: Two Part/Direct question essays, there is no need to add your opinion, you will simply summarise your
topic sentences. Here is an example of a restatement of an opinion:

I remain of the firm opinion that completing a university education is of greater importance than time spent gaining hands
on experience.

Overall then, a full conclusion may look like this:

University graduates possess a deeper knowledge which can improve their work ethic and enable them to be more effective
employees, where as those with experience only, may require additional training later in their careers. I remain of the firm
opinion that completing a university education is of greater importance than time spent gaining hands on experience.

Hopefully, you can see that writing conclusions for your essay need not be too time consuming or difficult. In fact it
should probably be the easiest part of the essay to write. As a final reminder, this is what it should include:

1. A summary of your main points.

2. A final judgement or opinion (if required).
3. Assign responsibility (problem and solution situation essays only)

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Step 6: Check your work (Back to contents page)
It is really important to allow at least 5 minutes at the end of your test to check your essay. Under the pressure of the
test it is not uncommon for test-takers to make mistakes that they normally would not. Self-correcting your essay can
definitely improve your band score, so do it!

It is not possible to rewrite paragraphs during this 5 minutes, or change your arguments significantly, however you
can quickly check for these common IELTS writing mistakes:

1. Spelling mistakes.
2. Capital letters, full-stops and general punctuation.
3. Missing, or mis-use of articles 'a, an and the'.
4. Prepositions: in, at, on, by, for etc...
5. Word formations: success, successful, successfully.
6. Letter 's' endings.

And that ladies and gentlemen is the 6 step process that anyone can use to write high scoring IELTS essays! All off
the model essays that are in this document have been written using this exact method so it is worth trying for

For a full explanation of this entire process in much more detail and with grammar explanations as well then check
out IELTSspeedway.com .

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