Closed Questions: Non-Compliance Audit Report (RNCA) or Non-Compliance Audit Notice Usually Be Completed During The

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Audit documents Writing is like putting. Short and straight is best; long and curving is undesirable P.

Crosby International quality standard ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 10011 standard specifies that the audit should be planned and documented, but does not stipulate the method of making it. To ensure consistent and rigorous audit will be conducted according to some formulation which is called Questionnaires (checklists). Check-list of sites will be specially created for each area and activity. They offer the following advantages: - is a memory aid; - promotes an orderly and structured methodology; - are of great help in preparing reports; - is an obvious objective of carrying out the audit. The checklists will introduce a series of questions which, by their nature may be: Closed Questions On these questions the answer may be YES or NO Example of closed questions: a.actionati updated in accordance with the procedures? b. Test procedure you know of? c. you planned activity in accordance with the procedure? Open Questions These questions require a broader response. a. where operating procedures updated? Please describe them. b. the testing procedures are applicable for this process? Show me how to proceed. c. I demonstrate that the operation is proceeding in accordance with the requirements. The six basic questions that are used by auditors to prepare check list sites are: who, what, where, why, when, how. Non-compliance audit report (RNCA) or non-compliance audit notice usually be completed during the session to evaluate the results of the audit. Report Form under non-audit is left to the auditor. It is advisable that a RNCA contain the following information: - name and identification department audited auditee; - No NCR; - clause of the standard has been violated; - short description, a clear deficiency; -name, date and signature of the auditor; - non-compliance category, major, minor or observation. Corrective Action Request (SAC). Each report of non-compliance is followed by preparing a request for corrective actions (corrective Action Request). And SAC's are completed during the evaluation meeting

of the audit. During the closing meeting will be prompted by the signing of the SAC's audited, and a copy will be filed. Corrective action request includes a rule, five sections (fields): 1.First section includes the following: - the name of the auditee department; - number of audit and SAC's; -name auditor and the auditee's representative; - clause of the standard has been violated. 2. A section where the auditee has described non-compliance and knowledge of the existence of noncompliance and the need for corrective action. 3. One section describes the auditee corrective actions to be taken for non-compliance as identified to be corrected. 4. A section will describe the auditee action taken to prevent recurrence of non-compliance. This action will be determined by audited. Auditor with the auditee will agree the time that the action will take place. Auditee will ensure that action is effective and will describe the form. 5. A section corresponding to verify implementation and SAC-ului.Aceasta closing date of the proposed section includes verifying the implementation of the action taken to prevent recurrence of noncompliance, the date on which the auditor will check if the corrective action and implementation are effective and will close the SAC. This section contains the signature of the auditor. Contents of a bag will not be drafted so as to impose or suggest corrective measures to be taken auditee. This measure should lead the organization auditee, to belong and to be fully comply with the standard and system. It is very important to get the signature on the form SAC auditee. If he refuses, this will be explicitly mentioned in both SAC and the SAC Report audit.An auditor copy is usually forward to the auditee. Sometimes the information contained in application forms for corrective action and report noncompliance is concentrated in a single form.

Audit report. The style and content of an audit report by the auditing body fully owned, or organization for internal audits. The report should be factual, concise and precise. The audit report recommended that to have a standardized form, but in some cases may be hand written. Usually, during the closing session a preliminary report to be handed to the auditee, which is followed later by the official audit report. Circulation Audit Report is an internal problem of each company, but the inclusion of the top management in this circuit shows a special inclination towards issue management system for quality management. Senior management support is vital, concessions and exemptions do not help a long time. It is recommended that an audit report include the following elements: - the name of the auditee (the company / department), applying standard; - for audit purposes, carrying on the hour and departments (locations) to audit; - names and positions of key personnel with the auditee to come in contact; - names of the auditors; brief description of the sessions began and concluded with the presentation of the persons who participated;

- description of SAC-sized (non-compliance reports) prepared by the auditors, conclusion and recommendations; - list of persons to whom the report was distributed.
The audit report will include general observations such as: "In general, system requirements and quality standards have been implemented, though attention should be given to control the distribution of documents, analyzing and maintaining system documentation records to date. " Many of the most frustrating and expensive problems we see today come from paperwork and similar communication devices P. Crosby

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