Metering Models 8412, 8425, 8426, 8431, 8441, 8445, 8446, 8451, 8452, 8455

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Electromechanical System METERING

(EMS) 0.2 kW MODELS 8412, 8425, 8426, 8431,

8441, 8445, 8446, 8451, 8452,

MODEL 8412


All Lab-Volt EMS metering modules are half- be powered externally by a low-voltage 24 Vac
sized modules. Meter ranges and scalar values supply (connection cable included.)
of each instrument have been carefully selected
for compatibility and are appropriate for the MODEL 8412 DC VOLTMETER/AMMETER
electrical values to be measured. All meter
readings are direct indications and do not The Voltmeter/Ammeter module, Module 8412,
require the indicated value to be mentally is fitted with one voltmeter, one milliammeter,
multiplied by a constant (e.g. X 2). All meters are and one ammeter. Ranges have been selected
diode-protected against burnout, should the to facilitate the simultaneous measurement of
students miswire a meter by range or function. the voltage, the shunt field current, and the
This permits the greatest latitude of student armature current of the DC Motor/Generator
involvement without fear of damaging (Model 8211). A modified version has a zero-
equipment. All meters are terminated by 4-mm center voltmeter scale for application in the Lab-
color-coded safety sockets. Some modules Volt Power Electronics Training Program (Model
having more complex electronic circuitry must 8032).

LAB-VOLT SYSTEMS, P.O. BOX 686, FARMINGDALE, NJ 07727 (732) 938-2000/00-223-1057), FAX: (732) 774-8573, E-MAIL: [email protected]
LAB-VOLT LTD/LTÉE, 675, RUE DU CARBONE, CHARLESBOURG, QC, CANADA, G2N 2K7, (418) 849-1000/800-LAB-VOLT, FAX: (418) 849-1666, E-MAIL: [email protected]
MODELS 8412, 8425, 8426, 8431, 8441, 8445, 8446, 8451, 8452, 8455


The AC Ammeter module, Model 8425, is
fitted with three separate mult-range AC
ammeters for simultaneous measurement of
three-phase currents. Two of the three meters
have identical ranges while the third instrument
has one additional higher range for
measurement of the starting current of single-
phase motors.

MODEL 8425


The AC Voltmeter module, Model 8426, is
fitted with three separate multi-range ac
voltmeters for simultaneous measurement of
three-phase voltages.

MODEL 8426


The Single-Phase Wattmeter module, Model
8431, is used to indicate active power in
single-phase circuits. Its electronic design
uses voltage and current sensors to sample
line voltage and current. Voltage and current
circuits are internally connected so that
students only have to connect the “line” and
“load” terminals of the module.

MODEL 8431
The Three-Phase Wattmeter module, Model
8441, is fitted with two separate wattmeters,
each of which is equipped with a polarity switch.
Its electronic design uses voltage and current
sensors to sample line voltage and current.
Voltage and current circuits are internally
connected so that students only have to connect
the “line” and “load” terminals of the module. The
three-phase active power is the algebraic sum of
the two meter indications. When used
independently, each meter will indicate active
power in single-phase circuits.

MODEL 8441

MODEL 8445
The Three-Phase Power Factor Meter
module, Model 8445, is fitted with one meter
providing a direct measurement of lagging or
leading power factor in three-phase circuits. Its
electronic design uses voltage and current
sensors to sample line voltage and current.
Voltage and current circuits are internally
connected so that students only have to connect
the “line” and “load” terminals of the module.

MODEL 8445

MODEL 8446
The Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter
module, Model 8446, is fitted with one wattmeter
and one varmeter and is designed to indicate
direct measurement of active and reactive power
in balanced three-phase circuits. Each meter
has a zero-center scale to show the direction of
power flow. Its electronic design uses voltage
and current sensors to sample line voltage and
current. Voltage and current circuits of both
meters are internally connected so that students
only have to connect the “line” and “load”
terminals of the module.

MODEL 8446
MODELS 8412, 8425, 8426, 8431, 8441, 8445, 8446, 8451, 8452, 8455


The Phase-Meter module, Model 8451, is
fitted with a meter designed to indicate the phase
angle (in degrees) between two ac voltages. Two
LED indicators are built into the meter face: one
is marked “lead” and the other is marked “lag.”
By observing the state of the indicators, an
unknown voltage can be compared to a known
(reference) voltage and the meter will indicate
how many degrees the unknown voltage is out of
phase (lead or lag) with the reference voltage
source. For this reason, this meter also functions
as a synchroscope.

MODEL 8451


The Frequency Meter module, Model 8452, is
designed to measure the frequency of an
alternating current source. It allows you to
measure and compare the frequency of two
signals by using a built-in selector switch.

MODEL 8452


The Synchroscope module, Model 8455, is
used to synchronize two alternating voltage
sources. It is designed to indicate the frequency
difference between two different voltage
sources. The direction and speed of rotation are
used to indicate the relative difference between
the frequency of the two measured voltages.
The synchroscope indicator will stop when the
two voltages are set at the same frequency.
The indicated position will then be a function of
the phase shift between the two voltages. When
an ac generator is connected to the “incoming”
terminals of this module, the “slow” or “fast”
indication of the meter shows if the generator
runs too slow or too fast in order to synchronize
its output voltage with the ac source connected
to the “reference” terminals.

MODEL 8455

MODEL 8412 DC VOLTMETER/AMMETER 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –

60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Voltmeter Ranges Standard Version 8412-0 0-20/200V 0-40/400V
Modified Version 8412-1 150-0-150V 300-0-300V
Milliammeter Range 0-500 mA 0-250 mA
Ammeter Ranges 0-2.5/5A 0-1.5/3A
Accuracy 2%
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 65 mm (2.5 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 3.5 kg (7.7 lb); Shipping: 5.1 kg (11.2 lb)
MODEL 8425 AC AMMETER 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –
60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Ammeter Ranges 2 Meters 0-0.5/2.5/8A 0-0.25/1.5/5A
1 Meter 0-0.5/ 0-0.25/1.5/5/15A
Accuracy 2%
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 65 mm (2.5 in.)
Type of Movement Moving Vane & Current Transformer
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 4.8 kg (10.6 lb); Shipping: 6.4 kg (14.1 lb)
MODEL 8426 AC VOLTMETER 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –
60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Ranges (3 meters) 0-100/250 0-250/500 Vac
Accuracy 2%
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 65 mm (2.5 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval, 1000Ω/V & Rectifier Current
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 3.6 kg (7.9 lb); Shipping: 5.2 kg (11.4 lb)
MODEL 8431 SINGLE-PHASE WATTMETER 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –
60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Rating Range 0-750W 0-600W
Maximum Voltage 150V 300V
Maximum Current 10A 4A
Power Input 24 Vac
Accuracy 2%
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 100 mm (4 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 3.6 kg (7.9 lb); Shipping: 5.2 kg (11.4 lb)
MODEL 8441 THREE-PHASE WATTMETER 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –
60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Rating Range (2 meters) 0-300W 0-300W
Maximum Voltage 300V 450V
Maximum Current 2A 1A
Power Input 24 Vac
Accuracy 2%
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 100 mm (4 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 3.9 kg (8.6 lb); Shipping: 5.5 kg (12.1 lb)
MODELS 8412, 8425, 8426, 8431, 8441, 8445, 8446, 8451, 8452, 8455


MODEL 8445 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –

Rating Range 0.5 (LAG) – 1 -0.5 (LEAD)
Nominal Voltage 208V, 3-Phase 380V, 3-Phase 415V, 3-Phase
Maximum Current 5 Aac 2.5 Aac 2.5A
Power Input 24 Vac
Accuracy 1.5%
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 100 mm (4 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 4.6 kg (10.2 lb); Shipping: 6.2 kg (13.7 lb)
MODEL 8446 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –
Rating Wattmeter Range 300 – 0 – 300W
Varmeter Range 300 – 0 – 300 vars
Maximum Voltage 240 Vac 450 Vac
Maximum Current 1.5A 0.8A
Power Input 24 Vac
Accuracy 2%
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 100 mm (4 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 3.9 kg (8.6 lb); Shipping: 5.5 kg (12.1 lb)
MODEL 8451 PHASE METER 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –
60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Rating Range 0-180° (Lead & Lag)
Voltage 100-250 Vac 200-450 Vac
Frequency Range 50-70 Hz 40-60 Hz
Input Impedances Terminals 1-2 10,000Ω 30,000Ω
Terminals 3-4 10,000Ω 20,000Ω
Power Input 24 Vac
Accuracy 2%
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 115 mm (4.5 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval with Electronic Transducer
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 3.7 kg (8.1 lb); Shipping: 5.3 kg (11.7 lb)
MODEL 8452 FREQUENCY METER 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –
60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Standard Version: 8452-0 55-65 Hz 45-55 Hz
Rating Range
Maximum Voltage 220 Vac 450 Vac

Burden 20 VA 35 VA
Accuracy +0.2 Hz
Type of Instrument Switchboard Type – 100 mm (4 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval with Electronic Transducer
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 5.1 kg (11.2 lb); Shipping: 6.7 kg (14.7 lb)

MODEL 8452 FREQUENCY METER 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –

(continued) 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Low-Cost Version: 8452-1
Rating Range 55-65 Hz 45-55 Hz
Maximum Voltage 250 Vac 450 Vac

Burden 5A
Accuracy +0.2 Hz
Type of Instrument Panel Type – 100 mm (4 in.)
Type of Movement d’Arsonval with Electronic Transducer
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 3.6 kg (7.9 lb); Shipping: 5.2 kg (11.4 lb)
MODEL 8455 SYNCHROSCOPE 120/208V – 220/380 V – 240/415V –
60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Rating Nominal Voltage 208 Vac 380-415 Vac

Nominal Frequency 60 Hz 50 Hz
Burden 40 VA 65 VA
Type of Instrument Switchboard Type – 100 mm (4 in.)
Type of Movement Moving Iron Type
Physical Characteristics Dimensions 154 (6.1) H x 287 (11.3) W x 440 (17.3) D mm (in.)
Weight Net: 6.9 kg (15.2 lb); Shipping: 8.5 kg (18.7 lb)


Model No. 120/208 v – 60 Hz 220/380V – 50 Hz 240/415V – 50 Hz

English French Spanish English French Spanish English
8412 8412-00 8412-01 8412-02 8412-05 8412-06 8412-07 8412-05
8412-1 8412-10 8412-11 8412-12 8412-15 8412-16 8412-17 8412-15
8425 8425-00 8425-01 8425-02 8425-05 8425-06 8425-07 8425-0A
8426 8426-00 8426-01 8426-02 8426-05 8426-06 8426-07 8426-05
8431 8431-20 8431-21 8431-22 8431-25 8431-26 8431-27 8431-25
8441 8441-20 8441-21 8441-22 8441-25 8441-26 8441-27 8441-2A
8445 8445-20 8445-21 8445-22 8445-25 8445-26 8445-27 8445-2A
8446 8446-20 8446-21 8446-22 8446-25 8446-26 8446-27 8446-2A
8451 8451-20 8451-21 8451-22 8451-25 8451-26 8451-27 8451-25
8452 8452-00 8452-01 8452-02 8452-05 8452-06 8452-07 8452-05
8452-1 8452-10 8452-11 8452-12 8452-15 8452-16 8452-17 8452-15
8455 8455-00 8455-01 8455-02 8455-05 8455-06 8455-07 8455-05
MODELS 8412, 8425, 8426, 8431, 8441, 8445, 8446, 8451, 8452, 8455

Lab-Volt reserves the right to make product improvements at any time without notice and is not
responsible for typographical errors.

TA15075-00 Rev. E1

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