Topic 5 Presentation Fluids

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Topic 5 SCES3383

Group members (PRBMM2-6):
Chong Ying Lei
Chin Xiang Ying
Vun Xiu Xuan

01 02
Pressure in Liquid Buoyant Force
Pascal’s Principle Archimedes’ Principle

Atmospheric Pressure
Bernuolli’s Principle
Pressure in
Pascal’s principle
Factors affecting liquid pressure

*cross-section area and shape
Effect of depth on water pressure

After the bottle has been

filled with water, the
masking tape is removed.
How is the spurt distance
of water from the three
holes? Let’s predict!

Pressure in a liquid is directly

proportional to the depth.
The pressure in a liquid increases
with depth.
Effect of density on water pressure

• Which density
of liquid is
• How is the
spurt distance
of water and
Effect of density on water pressure

Density of water is higher than

density of diesel.
The higher the density of
liquid, the higher the pressure
in the liquid at the same point
at the same depth.

Pressure in a liquid is directly proportional to the depth.

The pressure in a liquid increases with depth.
Pascal’s Principle

Pascal’s principle states that the pressure applied on an enclosed

fluid is transmitted uniformly in all directions in the fluid.
Hydraulic system
• System use liquid to transmit pressure
• Function as force multiplier

When value of A2 > A1, F2 > F1.

Application of Pascal’s Principle
Hydraulic jack

The hydraulic jack consists of two cylinders, a larger and a smaller one; and these two cylinders are
connected. When its handle is pressed down, a valve closes and the small piston forces the fluid
through another valve to a larger cylinder which, then, produces a large force to be transmitted to the
load. Therefore, we can say that when force is applied, the pressure is exerted throughout the volume
and surface of the cylinder.
Application of Pascal’s Principle

Hydraulic lift

Hydraulic lifts use a hydraulic cylinder system to lift, move, and position heavy loads
Application of Pascal’s Principle


➢ Brake oil used
to trasmit
pressure from
the brake pedal 5
to the front
wheel or rear 1
wheel breaks 3

Formula of Pascal’s Principle: Answer:

40 𝐹
0.5 6.4
= 512N
Bouyant Force
Archimedes’ Principle
What is buoyant force

The buoyant force is the upward force exerted on an object

wholly (completely) or partly immersed in a fluid.
Archimedes’ Principle
Archimedes’ principle states
that the upward buoyant force
that is exerted on a body
immersed in a fluid, whether
partially or fully submerged, is
equal to the weight of the fluid
that the body displaces and
acts in the upward direction at ?
the center of mass of the
displaced fluid.
Buoyant force = 20N-14N Buoyant Force = 20N-10N
= 6N = 10N

14N and 10N which show on the spring balance are the apparent weight of the
object. Apparent weight is the force experienced by an object resulting from all the
force acting on it. Apparent weight can be find by
Apparent weight in elevator
Apparent weight in elevator

When a man is standing inside an elevator, there are two forces acting on him.
1. His weight, (W) which acting downward.
2. Normal reaction (R), acting in the opposite direction of weight.
(Normal reaction=apparent weight)
How to calculate normal reaction, R in elevator?
Formula of Archimedes’ Principle



The Applications of Archimedes’ Principle


Submarines are always

underwater because they have
a component called ballast
tank which allows water to
enter making the submarine
be in its position underwater
as the weight of the
submarine is greater than the
buoyant force.
The Applications of Archimedes’ Principle
Hot-air Balloon
Hot-air balloons rise into the
air because the density of the
warmer air inside the balloon
is less dense than the cooler
air outside the balloon. The
buoyant force due to the
cooler surrounding air is
greater than the weight of the
heated air inside the balloon.
The Applications of Archimedes’ Principle


A hydrometer is an
instrument used for
measuring the relative
density of liquids. The
lower the hydrometer
sinks, the lesser the
density of the liquid.
Bernoulli’s Principle
Application of
Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure, also known as
barometric pressure which is the
pressure within the atmosphere of
Earth. It is the force exerted on a
surface by the air above it as gravity
pulls it to Earth. We can use barometer
tool to measure the atmospheric
Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure, also known as
barometric pressure which is the
pressure within the atmosphere of
Earth. It is the force exerted on a
surface by the air above it as gravity
pulls it to Earth. We can use barometer
tool to measure the atmospheric
What is
Bernoulli’s What is fluid?
Fluid is a substance that is

capable of flowing and it
does not have defined
shape of its own.
Therefore, both liquids and
gases can be considered
Bernoulli’s principle states as fluids.

that when the speed of

fluid is high, the pressure
is low; and when the
speed of the fluid is low,
the pressure is high.

When the boy blows the space
between the two ping pong ball, we
Observation would normally assume that both ping
The piece of paper rises pong ball will be separated by the
upwards instead of falling from blowing air. However, it is observed
its origin position when the girl that both pieces of paper move closer
blows above the paper. to each other.
Bernoulli’s principle in flow of fluids

When the water flow from A to B, the
velocity of water increases but the
velocity of water will decrease when
the water flow from B to C. Therefore,
the water pressure will decrease from
A to B but increases from B to C.
Speed fast
Speed slow Speed slow

Venturi tube is a glass tube with narrow

section in the middle. Since water flows from high
pressure to low pressure, water
The speed of fluid (air and water) will pressure at A will be higher that
increases when it flows wide section into
a narrow section of the tube. water pressure at C.
Air When the air flow from A to B, the
velocity of air increases but the
velocity of water will decrease
when the water flow from B to C.
Speed fast Therefore, the water pressure will
decrease from A to B but
Speed slow
increases from B to C.
Speed slow

Since the air flows from high

pressure to low pressure, air
pressure at A will be higher
that water pressure at C.
Application of
Aerofoil When the aeroplane is in motion, the wing hits
the air and cause some of the air to move
over the top and some below the wing.

The air that move above the wing will follow

the curve and move in high velocity that
produce low pressure region.

The air that move below the wing will move in

low velocity compare to the top and thus
produce a high pressure region.

Aerofoil is the shape of wing seen in the

cross section of the aeroplane wing. It is Therefore, the difference of the air pressure
curved on the top side and flat at the between both regions results in a net upward
bottom side. force that known as lift. This force allow the
aeroplane to maintain in the air.
Racing car
The concept of bernoulli’s principle in
racing car almost the same as the
Low speed
aerofoil in the aeroplane.

High speed However, the difference is the design

of front and rear wings racing cars
use inverted aerofoil with the purpose
to maintain the stability of these
cars in high speed motion.

The inverted aerofoil creates a net

downward force (down force) to pull
down a racing car at high speed to
the ground.

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