An Update On Medication Related Osteonecrosis of The Jaw in Patients With Osteoporosis
An Update On Medication Related Osteonecrosis of The Jaw in Patients With Osteoporosis
An Update On Medication Related Osteonecrosis of The Jaw in Patients With Osteoporosis
Received: 01.03.23
Accepted: 11.04.23
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a feared complication of
anti-resorptive or anti-angiogenic therapy, presenting with non-healing areas of
bone, which may form de novo or after dental intervention. The condition primarily
affects patients under the care of oncologists and rheumatologists. Patients using
these medications under the care of rheumatologists are predominantly being
treated for osteoporosis, a highly prevalent condition causing considerable morbidity
and mortality in the European population.
In the two decades since the condition was first described, there has been
considerable progress in the understanding of the pathophysiology of the condition,
although this remains incomplete. Additionally, clinicians may now benefit from
long-term follow-up data to give a more evidence-based approach to MRONJ
risk stratification. At present, there is considerable variation between guidelines
produced by advisory groups. This paper focuses exclusively on the osteoporotic
cohort, and aims to review recent findings to explore the differences in risk profiles
between osteoporotic and oncological cohorts, as well as between different anti-
resorptive medications. Further sections discuss prevention and management of
MRONJ in osteoporosis, including the timing of tooth extraction, and consider the
direction of future research. The findings suggest that patients with osteoporosis
treated with bisphosphonates carry an extremely low risk of MRONJ, although
denosumab presents a higher risk. Nevertheless, the reduced fracture rate from
prompt treatment with anti-resorptives likely outweighs the risk of MRONJ. Dental
hygiene should be optimised to reduce risk, and tooth extraction should take place
in a timely fashion, with no convincing evidence to support the use of drug holidays.
Treatment at present favours a surgical approach, with potential roles for antibiotics,
but at present there is insufficient evidence for other medical adjuncts.
Key Points
2. The route and duration of antiresorptive administration appears not to significantly affect the risk of
MRONJ, but there is a dose-dependent risk, which does not appear to be reduced by a drug holiday.
3. Tooth extraction is recommended if required, without delay. Higher risk patients should have
extraction performed under the care of a maxillofacial service, and all patients with established MRONJ
should also be referred.
oral fistulae; and the absence of significant denosumab and bisphosphonates over the first
radiation exposure or metastatic disease of the 1–3 years of treatment, depending on fracture
affected area. site and gender. Although the number needed
to treat may appear relatively high, the high
The clinical course is variable, and many prevalence and severe morbidity and mortality
patients remain asymptomatic for prolonged of osteoporotic fracture must be taken into
periods. However, pain; gingival inflammation, account. If osteoporotic treatment is delayed by
ulceration, and fistulation; bony enlargement; screening and assessment, there is considerable
tooth loosening; and secondary osteomyelitis risk of subsequent preventable fractures.
may occur.7 Treatment is extremely challenging
and may involve both medical and surgical Increasing duration of therapy has been shown
approaches. Prevalence is highest in to correlate significantly with incidence of
the oncology population, thought to be a MRONJ in oncology patients. However, the data
dose-dependent result of the high cumulative for osteoporotic patients is less clear. Initial
dosages used to limit bony destruction or control support was found from a paper undertaking
malignant hypercalcaemia, with typical dosing retrospective case identification via a postal
regimens resulting in administration of doses questionnaire, demonstrating an increase
12–15 times higher per annum than those used from 0.00% prevalence at baseline to 0.21%
in osteoporosis.8 These drugs are also widely prevalence at 4 years for patients on oral
used within rheumatology services for metabolic bisphosphonates. Subsequent prospective
bone disease, most frequently in the case of controlled cohort studies failed to demonstrate
primary osteoporosis, but also for the purpose the same findings, although it should be noted
of treatment or prophylaxis of secondary that these were neither designed nor powered
osteoporosis, typically where prolonged to assess MRONJ cases.6 Both bisphosphonates
treatment with steroid therapy is required. Anti- and denosumab now benefit from long-term
resorptives also find usage in rarer metabolic follow-up data, enabling accurate assessment
bone disease such as Paget’s disease of bone, of prevalence, which is challenging existing
fibrous dysplasia, and osteogenesis imperfecta. assumptions. The prevalence of MRONJ in
Thus, consideration of risk of MRONJ presents patients exposed to bisphosphonate ranges from
a frequent challenge for the rheumatologist, 0.02–0.05%, with zoledronate showing no higher
and requires interdisciplinary collaboration risk than oral bisphosphonates. Denosumab
with maxillofacial and dental colleagues. demonstrates a 10-year prevalence of 0.30%,
and the current emerging data on romosozumab
suggest that there is a prevalence of 0.02–
IDENTIFICATION AND 0.03%.6 Given that many guidelines continue
MANAGEMENT OF to consider intravenous bisphosphonates to be
HIGH-RISK PATIENTS higher risk, this suggests that dose, rather
than route, is the differentiating factor.
but are also a risk factor for MRONJ. As part This view is supported by the observation
of the wide-ranging effect of administration of that pre-existing periodontal or periapical
glucocorticoids, osteoporosis is thought to relate disease without any oral intervention/trauma
not only to induction of osteoblast apoptosis, is sufficient to cause spontaneous MRONJ in
but also to inhibition of osteoclast function via approximately 25% of identified patients,18,19 as
a separate pathway to each anti-resorptive, well as the relatively minor trauma caused by
compounding existing issues of reduced bone ill-fitting removable dentures, especially at the
turnover.12 This also applies to another putative retromylohyoid fossa.19
mechanism of MRONJ, reduced angiogenesis.
Glucocorticoids have also been shown to reduce
vascular endothelial growth factor expression, Prevention of Medication-Related
again amplifying anti-angiogenic effects of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
bisphosphonates and denosumab, which The field currently suffers from a lack of high-
have been demonstrated in vivo through quality studies in order to assess the benefit of
murine models, contributing to emerging preventative procedures. A Cochrane review
necrosis.13,14 Larger multicentre studies would from 2017, subsequently updated in 2022, found
be required to more definitively evaluate the insufficient evidence to support the conclusion
influences of rheumatic inflammatory disease that any studied prophylactic or therapeutic
and the medications used to treat them, intervention is of benefit in MRONJ.20 But, as
which may influence stratification of tooth extraction and periodontal disease are
non-oncological patients. the most common risk factors for developing
MRONJ, prevention is predominantly targeted
Finally, poor oral health at the time of towards optimising oral health and modulating
commencing therapy is a key risk factor modifiable dental (e.g., extraction versus root-
for MRONJ. A 2005 paper from Marx et al.15 retentive treatment) or medical risk factors (e.g.,
demonstrated, from a sample of 119 patients review of anti-resorptive/anti-angiogenic and
with MRONJ, a considerably higher prevalence corticosteroid treatment).21
of periodontitis (84.0%), caries (28.6%), and
dental abscess (13.4%) than the general Routine screening of at-risk patients is
population. Tooth extraction has classically recommended across several international
been considered the key risk factor for MRONJ, consensus statements on the prevention and
but again, the osteoporotic population are at management of MRONJ.6,22,23 The Scottish
considerably lower risk, with a meta-analysis Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme
by Gaudin et al.16 demonstrating a 0.15% rate (SDCEP) recently updated their National Institute
of MRONJ (p=<0.0001) in this cohort after for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)-accredited
tooth extraction. While no comparison study for guidance in the oral health management of
conservative and surgical strategies has been patients at risk of MRONJ to stratify patients into
performed in osteoporotic patients, a dual-centre low and high-risk groups.24 The high affinity of
study of 189 oncology patients demonstrated bisphosphonates to hydroxyapatite results in a
a dramatic difference in MRONJ development persistent dose-dependent effect that can last
after propensity matching. Those in whom up to 10 years, whereas denosumab is cleared
tooth extraction was avoided demonstrated through the reticuloendothelial system with a
approximate rates of 90% MRONJ occurrence half-life of approximately 26 days.25,26 This is
by 8 years, but those who underwent tooth reflected in the SDCEP guidance, which stratifies
extraction displayed rates of <20%, although low-risk patients as those taking denosumab
all cases in the latter group occurred within for any length of time, whereas patients on oral
2 years.17 This would support the hypothesis or intravenous bisphosphonate become high-
that local inflammation or infection is a risk with over 5 years of use.24 Indeed, after 9
predominant driver of MRONJ, and the months without denosumab, SDCEP classify the
requirement for extraction is a symptom patient as having no risk of MRONJ.
of the conditions favouring MRONJ, rather
than the direct cause.
So-called ‘drug holidays’, referring to temporary Certain measures are appropriate for all stages
discontinuation of bisphosphonates, remain of MRONJ. All patients should receive education
a contentious issue regarding their benefit in aiming to explain the slow rates of improvement
either prevention or treatment of MRONJ. No and resolution over a period of months to years,
consensus exists in adjudicating the balance and the intended aims of treatment, particularly
between the risk of osteoporotic fractures symptom improvement and pain control.
with that of developing MRONJ. Patients using A cornerstone of therapy is improved oral
denosumab should not undertake drug holidays, hygiene, which may help those Stage 0
as they are at increased risk of vertebral patients who will progress to the exposed bone
fractures if the drug is stopped: a post hoc variant, with one case series demonstrating
analysis of the FREEDOM trial demonstrated a progression rate of 53.1%.37 Mobile or well-
an increased multilevel vertebral fracture rate formed bony sequestra should also be removed
that was apparent within 3 months after as a potential nidus for infection. Chlorhexidine
omission of a scheduled dose.32 solution should be used in all patients with
established MRONJ, and may well prove
A recent systematic review did not show any sufficient for cure in Stage 1 patients when
evidence for a bisphosphonate holiday in used as part of a local wound care strategy,
MRONJ.33 Given the excess mortality of hip aiming to disrupt the biofilm surrounding the
fracture at 1 year is up to 36%, the benefit of necrotic bone and prevent progression of disease
fracture prevention likely outweighs the low risk accordingly.38 In Stage 2 or 3 disease, antibiotics
of MRONJ, and should be assessed using the and analgesia may be added.6
Fracture Risk Assessment (FRAX) tool to help
guide clinical decision making.34,35 A reasonable The rationale for antibiotic therapy relates
compromise in patients taking denosumab, given to the key micro-organism group within the
the half-life and apparent increased risk relative biofilm, Actinomyces spp. These facultative
to other anti-resorptives, is to plan dentoalveolar anaerobes are now thought to play a role in the
surgery for 3–4 months after the last denosumab pathogenesis of MRONJ, rather than just being a
dose, and resume 6–8 weeks post-surgery.6 superficial contaminant. In a retrospective cohort
study, Russmueller et al.39 detected Actinomyces
It is important to acknowledge, however, spp. in 89% of histologically confirmed MRONJ
that drug holidays remain appropriate for risk cases. β-lactam antimicrobials remain the agents
reduction of other complications associated with of choice, with tetracyclines being an acceptable
bisphosphonate therapy. A large retrospective alternative in patients with penicillin allergy as
Swedish study demonstrated a 70% annual Actinomyces spp. isolates have been shown to
reduction in adjusted odds ratio of atypical be almost uniformly resistant to metronidazole,
femoral fracture in bisphosphonate users and thus should be avoided.39,40
since drug cessation.36
Table 1: Summary of American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) staging criteria for
medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw severity.6
Stage Criteria
0 (Non-exposed bone Patients with no clinical evidence of necrotic bone, but who present with
variant) non-specific symptoms or clinical and radiographic findings, the latter localised in
alveolar bone only.
1 Exposed and necrotic bone or fistula that probes to the bone in patients who
are asymptomatic and have no evidence of infection/inflammation. May have
radiographic findings localised to the alveolar bone region, as in Stage 0.
3 As in Stage 2, but with any of the following additional features: exposed necrotic
bone extending beyond the region of alveolar bone, pathological fracture, extraoral
fistula, oroantral/oronasal communication, or osteolysis extending to the inferior
border of the mandible or sinus floor.
Although there is a debate regarding the timing in Stage 1 disease can halt disease progression
of antimicrobials prior to surgery, high dose and even downstage lesions.41,42 Vescovi et
β-lactam antimicrobials in the days prior to al.43 have shown that conservative surgical
surgery appears to be a reasonable strategy.39 interventions should be considered in patients
unresponsive to 6 months of non-invasive
Excellent results have been reported for surgical therapy. In advanced disease, the controversy
intervention, which may dramatically enhance lies in when to surgically intervene. Debate still
resolution/improvement rates in comparison to exists as to whether a period of non-operative
conservative strategies.6 The decision on when therapy is beneficial in stabilising disease,
to undertake operative treatment should not as recommended in the AAOMS treatment
be based solely on the clinical or radiological algorithm, or whether aggressive primary surgery
stage of disease, but also on the projected results in a shorter time to achieving restoration
impact on quality of life, and capacity of the of mucosal integrity.6 A recent systematic
patient to undergo challenging bony and soft review compared surgical treatment options
tissue reconstruction. Surgical options typically in Stage 3 disease.44 With primary outcome
include initial debridement, saucerisation, or measures, including full mucosal healing and
sequestrectomy in Stage 1 disease. The extent disease downstaging, marginal resection without
of mandibular or maxillary bony resection in microvascular flap reconstruction resulted in a
Stage 1 and 2 disease largely depends on the full mucosal healing rate of 85% compared with
height of disease-free alveolar bone available, 54% with sequestrectomy alone. The addition
and extent of disease in relation to the inferior of microvascular flap reconstruction resulted in
alveolar nerve canal or maxillary sinus.6 By a mucosal healing rate of 97%, likely due to the
definition, Stage 3 surgical management additional benefit of a segmental resection in
necessitates segmental resection or partial more thoroughly removing all non-vital tissue.
maxillectomy and appropriate reconstruction, The success rates seen provide a firm mandate
but full discussion of reconstruction is beyond for surgical management being the mainstay of
the scope of this article. therapy at present.
As with prophylaxis, no clear benefit to a There has been some interest in the use of bone
drug holiday of any anti-resorptive has been turnover markers to predict recovery, which have
observed, and the majority of studies favour proved disappointing in predicting risk of MRONJ,
lack of benefit. While the prolonged half-life where the majority of research attention has
of bisphosphonates supports these results, been focused.51 One retrospective study found
the shorter half-life of denosumab, at just 26 a statistically significant difference between the
days, would suggest a benefit to withdrawal.45 levels of bone turnover biomarkers of serum
However, in order to avoid rebound bone loss osteocalcin, C telopeptide, and bone alkaline
at discontinuation, a separate agent would phosphatase in patients who recovered and
need to be implemented. In the absence of those who did not. However, the results should
MRONJ, denosumab cessation is now typically be interpreted with caution, given the trial
accompanied by zoledronate to maintain bone design and absence of documentation of
density gains from the period of denosumab potentially confounding issues such as bony
therapy.46 In a patient with established MRONJ, it metastases, a particularly pertinent issue
is currently assumed that adding anti-resorptive given the high numbers of oncology patients
therapy would be counterproductive. Withdrawal included.52 Nevertheless, a sensitive and specific
of anti-resorptives after confirmation of MRONJ, biomarker would be of great utility in guiding
therefore, cannot be recommended at this stage the ongoing management of these patients.
in time, although further evidence may emerge,
particularly surrounding romosozumab.
One therapy that has shown particular promise
in improving MRONJ resolution rates is Over the last 20 years, significant progress
teriparatide, with Kim et al.47 noting a statistically has been made in the understanding of
significant difference in the percentage of the underlying pathophysiology of MRONJ.
patients achieving resolution or improvement Nevertheless, our mechanistic understanding
and also in rate of change over a 6-month remains incomplete, and many clinical guidelines
period, albeit within a retrospective design. A have not been recently updated to reflect
further study suggested equivalence of weekly the increased body of evidence available. As
and daily injections, although with just one such, the authors would make the following
patient in each arm.48 A placebo-controlled, suggestions for patients with osteoporosis:
prospective, randomised controlled trial of
teriparatide failed to demonstrate statistical • Unnecessary delays for routine dental review
significance, which may have related either to before starting bisphosphonates are likely
the short duration of therapy of just 8 weeks, to worsen outcomes, but regular dental
or to the small study size (n=34).49 It would review is important to optimise oral health
be tempting to consider the possibility of and prevent MRONJ.
initiating teriparatide to continue treating both
the MRONJ and osteoporosis and allow for • The route and duration of anti-resorptive
denosumab cessation, but the DATA-Switch trial administration appears not to significantly
has provided evidence that teriparatide alone is affect the risk of MRONJ, but there is a
insufficient to prevent bone loss after cessation dose-dependent risk.
of denosumab.50 A high-quality prospective,
randomised controlled trial, ideally with both • Tooth extraction is recommended if required,
weekly and daily administration arms, is required without delay. Higher risk patients should
before teriparatide can be recommended as an have extraction performed under the care
integral part of medical management of MRONJ. of a maxillofacial service.
After initial medical and surgical strategies have
been implemented, patients must remain under • There is limited evidence to support drug
close follow-up in order to assess response. At holidays for the purpose of decreasing
present, clinical history and oral examination, MRONJ risk, but they do reduce the risk
coupled with radiographic surveillance, are the of atypical femoral fracture.
mainstay of this process.
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