XJW01 LCR Bridge Manual

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XJWO01 LCR Bridge Manual Ce O08.8eF AUTO f= 9.955 RP R> 26Mn b= 8,188 5-34.26 XJWO1I LCR Bridge Manual Table of Contents Specifications a 3 ‘The two pes of XIWOL LCR Bridge : eee 3 Keypad Bey enn sone eee Hardware Power en, “1602 Sercon (6 charactors 2 lines) Fous-line LCD display telds Getting arted none 6 7 s 8 2004" Sercen (20 characters x 4 lines) 8 9 9 How to press a key (please road this!) 9 9 1, Weite down the factory calibration settings. 2. Probe compensation... Using the et enero 2 ee ct eee R 2. VOR mde nen ei : es en a 3. Seriesparllel mode b 4. Changing the measurement feguency 8 5. Manval mode (HAND). 13 6, Relative measurements (QTY). u 7. Calibration mode (Men RNG) ues nnn este 7. The calibration proses. 16 72 Eater the calbation modo. - 16 7.3 Sotingll 19 calibration values Cot G eet le 74 Save the stings 7.5 Revel o firmrate defaults . ea Schematics (may be O14) wea nnsnnnanni oss ct lea een meee 2 Type 1 LCR Bridge PCB. 4 Specifications Features | Neasurenent | Freq Tange irimua sethod resolution TooHlz | 2000. 0pF > 200. 00m 0. 1pF Capacitar ¢ | ca/cp Teliz | 2000. Op ~ 29. 000m 0. 1pF 7.Aillz| 200.009 ~ 2.000008 | 0. O1pk ool | 2000. oxi ~ 2000.08] 0. Lal Inductance L] — Ls/Lp Wilz| 2000. dat ~ 200.008 [0.1 wll TAK, | 200.001 ~ 20.0008| 0.01 UH 00H | 2000.08 ~ 20, 00042 0.108 Resistance R| — R/Fp Kile | 2000. duo ~ 20.0009 0.168 7.8kilz | 2000, 000 ~ 2. 0000u2 0.12 This LCR Digital Bridge may have one of ewo types of LCD serosa, LCD 1602 can simultencously display 10x02 characters (32 character) LCD 2004 sercen can display 20:04 (80 character) This guide assumes you nave v3.1 hardware and v8.3 femware In his document DUT: mcans Device Under Test which could be «resistor, an inductor ora espzctor, Not (G+ Do NOT press the CZERO key mutkipe times in succession! It is possible to reset the device t use the efault calibration parameters by pressing the CERO key mutiple times, DIV LCR digital bridge Measuring range: Inductance 200m - 200011 Minimura resolution 0.01 aul Capacitance 200pF = 206m Minimum resolution 0.01 pF Resistance 2000mu9-20MA—-Minimuraresoltion0.:n€@ Secondary paremsters display range & a0n0-9990 D: 0000-9990 & D+ Relative measurement: 99 8% 99.9% Features: ‘+ Main display coust max 1999.9, secondary display count 999.9 + Measurement frequency: IOOHZ/ IKHZ/7.8KHZ + Measuring voltae: (.2Vrms + Ouspas impestanes: 4002 + Basic accuracy: 0.3% after calibration (05% default eaibrstion) © LCR automatic recognition ‘manual measurements + Open and short calibration compensation Main displ parameters: Co: Pavillet mode capacitance Gs Capacitrs in series made Lp: Pavalle mode indvetance Ls: Inductor series nude Rov Parle made resistor Rs: Resistor in series mode ‘Secondary parcstes Quality factor D: Lose factor % Phase angle Ro: Equivalent Parallel resistance RSESR: Equivalent Series Resistance Xp: Equivalent Parallel reactance Xs: Equivalent Series euetance Note: Mersurements wil depen on the test requency’and Series Parse selection The two types of XJW01 LCR Bridge 1 ‘These two types use different PCBs br use similar iris and firmware ype 1: Ahuminium box - requires extemal power ‘Type 2: Mains powered mecer The keys on both types have the stme functions butte eight ksys are labelled ciferentlyt This manual i mainly written forthe Type | chassis. Ifyou have a Type 2 case, I suggest you r-label your key pad to make ‘teaser to operat (see end ofthis manual fr altetnatve labels) Keypad keys exo M (lens — held for 3 see. + RNG for Cal. mode) axe RNG (internal measurement RaNiGe) ZERO = C (zero probe Conpeneation) [0 / x5 Lead Defaulto} MAND\AUE = L Manual Adj.) [Save Defeuits) CER «=X (eXchange C\L\R node) upt SP\Esr = R (Resistance type) [down] ory © (relative Quantity mde) chert) FRE. F (internal measurement Freq.) [right] U= Calibration mode Both types of LCR bridge is use LCR 3.0 hardware and version $8 fimaware Note that the fmware messages assume a Type 2 front panel is present which has'N' and R’ keys, ete INPORTANT NOTE: ALL KEYS MUST RE PRESSED DOWN FOR APFROX. 1/3 SECOND = IF RELEASED 100 QUICKLY THEN THE FIRMWARE MAY NOT DETECT s KEY PRESS, ‘Key funetions [MENU ~ This key does nothing until you hold oun far appeoN. 7 sseands, Then it enters the "TCR Set Options sats -CLR\X key will eum to AUTO mode. nge, e.g. 40R “+ IK —+ LOK — 100K — 403 but sf Pressing another key will now take you toa cifferent mode. Presi RNG. This key will usualy select different intemal measurcment sn outot-range condition is s2nsed, may automatically switch to diffrent range unless you use HANLManual mode ‘ZERO - Wh in normal mode this will the start probe auto-compensaton process. Shox he probes aad prose ZERO thea "unshort the probes (no component conaccted) and press ZERO. When in Calibration mod this key will ot the eurent value to 0 if pressed once o it wll stall calibration values to the fare defaults i pressed and leased 5 times Hand/Auto - MANUAL mde the display will show Han! atthe lserleft. The intemal measurement range, intemal frequency and series/paralle! neasuremert moxe ean be changed. Press key agai to exit manual mx CLR -CLR:Auto mode change - changes the ype of component measurement, ¢.g. AUTO —» AUTO“C + AUTO-L + AUTOR AUTO. Note: CLR does not mean clear! 'S PAF s& - In normal mode this key changes the Resissanee\induetance reading from Series to Parallel QTY - Relative measurement mee «temporarily stores the eurent value when pressed «then displays the value and relative difference as» perceetage value of any similar component thas connected. Press again to exit relative mode FREQ - Changes tho intomal measurement equoncy thats curroatly being used Buzzer - The intemal buzzer will beep when some keys are pressed (but not others). Whether the buzzer sounds or not is Jnconsisten: and for some very important actions (sueh as resetting all internal calibration values) it does not sound! 1 recommend disconnecting the intemal buzzer because as well as being annoying are unbelpfl, it also causes the readings ‘w be unstable for several second Hardware 10-12 (8x 18680) battery enclosure Kelvin clos (x2) Six 0.1% calibration resistors (| spare SMT protection dices) XIWOL LCR Bridge 12 PSU = UK akptor SMT Kelvin tweezers Invtne fixe + spare PCR heaton si DC power jack tobe soldered to hater pack and inline fase) Stone for XIWOL [A spare pushbutton switch is supplied inthe original kit because the switch could be accidentally melted when soldering it ‘onto the PCB, It may also be useful if a button gets damaged daring use, The incline fase ca he use i you use an extemal volage source suchas a ine-pow amery pack rechargeable Hihium-ion Power on When switched on, you should see this message on the LCD LCR 3.0 XdwW Putian,2012 The default currently co UTO" measurement state is then ented. Te unit will attempt to automatically recognise the type of device ted and then select the corcct nternal test frequency and intemal op-aanp resistor range to display the most propriate measurements, “1602 Screen (16 characters x 2 lines) I you have this type, you will oa io press Key 0 see the secondary readings (eg. FSR) heemse ny wo Hines aceon the Aspley +2004" Screen (20 characters x 4 lines) Most units have tis four line display. To identify the firmware revision, eater the Calibration meds (ace below. Mode Internal Range Internal Frequency ‘Measurements Measurements (Primary) (Secondary) Primary Measurements - these willbe updated periodically (depending on measurement type, frequency and srseris/p-paallel) Secondary Measurements - these ae also updated automatically («-series, parallel) Mode - AUTO (automatically determines the best range forthe DUT) Internal Range - this indicates the value of intemal resistor that s being used Internal Frequency - the LCR bridge can use frequencies of 100Hz, Ikllz or 7.8KIlz(cbeck v, component data shes. {© A nogitve inductance probably means you are mensuring a eapseitance. A negative capacitance probably mess {you are measuring an indictor A negative DIC resistence menns something is wrong. (ry reversing Jeadstdistarging DUT)! ‘+ Use the parallel (p) model when the reactance is greater than 100 (2. Use the series (s) model when the reasince is Joss than 100/02, Approx, rule of thumb, Getting started ‘Your LCR bridge may have besn pre-calibyated for you, however it was probably Het ea power supply tht were included with the bridge. rated with the Sate probes or How to press a key ‘When you press a ey, buzzer may sound to indicate that the key press was detected, However, not all key presses will sound the buzzer even ifthe key press was detected! Due to software delays, « quick hey pressrelease can sometimes be missed by te firme, s0 aways press akey funy for at lest 1/3 of a second before releasing it 1. Write down the factory calibration settings First recon te factory values bocause iis very easy to accidentally destroy the stored values by pressing the wrong kev! The fuctory calibration offset values may diffe from he firmwace default vlucs, Printout this manual and gets pen and paper and wrice down all ofthe 19 calibration values that were set hy the acrry — {allow the nsictons helo IMPORTANT: Do not press te ZERO key daring this proces! 1 Switch on the LCR Dridge and ensure it shows AUTO’ Press the MENU key (the buzzer wil sound) and hold it down for 3 seconds uni the ssreen changes to'LCR Set ‘Opcens*~ the frmuvare revision will also be displayed 3. Press the RNG key to cats calibstion mods (IMPORTANT: do NOT press any kevs except forthe on33 mentioned below). You should now see the 20 parameter displayed - note dawn the valu (e.g. 20-79 inthe case slown below). * 4 Press the FREQ hey (>) to show the next parameter and record that value forZ1 " * "Yea cae te OTY eyo a bsk Poribe FREO ey go aes) 5. Repeat. press the FREQ Key and record all 19 valves oe Z0 upto PAX. 6. Now exit Calibration mode - When you get back to 20, press and hold down the MENU key for3 seconds, then press the CLR key The display should e-urn tothe AUTO measurement made WARNING: If you do not exit the Calibration mode nowt, you eo accidentally delete the caltraton vahies! Make sre the meter displays AUTO”. You can tur ef the meter st any tine you make a mistake 2. Probe compensation “Each te you switch on or connect diferent tes leads, you should fist perfrrac quick lead calibration, Theoretically, you should allow the meter to warn vp for 10-15 minutes if you need aecurate and stable measurements, ‘Open cero - With the test lends open (not comnocted to anything, but close to cach other as in normal ‘operation) ~ press the ZERO key ~ the LCR Bridge will take three measurements at cach of the three ‘equencies These measurements ae used for offsetting the eapaciiance and inductance measurements Short zero - Wi the test leads shorted together (preferably using a short ngth of ite with em beowesn the probes to simulaie component lead resstancecapacisance)— press the ZERO key ~the LCR Bridge wil take ‘three measrements st each af he thie frequencies. These measurements are used for offeting the resistinee | you are using the SMP nweezer, fake are to close them tray tor the complet» duration ofthe second (short) rest (use 2 (OR SMT rosstor if avilable fo highest aesuray). Tip: If you often swap between the SMT tweezers and the clips, T suggest you label or eolour code the BNC plugs and sockets so that you will always connect the sarne plug tothe same sockets each time you swap over the test leads. This will ‘void the nzed to re-zero the test lads cach time you re-vonnect them. I used a permanent ink felt pen to dab on fone, two, Ahee and four) dos onto the cables. "Nate: Koop the pres away fim electrical appliznces and your hands tring ealration Using the meter 1, Automatic measurement ‘When the instrument is tured on, the default stae of auiematic recognition mode is entered (AUTO) and the default smeasuremeat frequency is IK ‘The impedsrce characteristics are determined in automatic mode and the mest suitable primary parameter is automatically selected (LC or R) and the most suitable series-parllel mode is automatically selcie. When in die wulomatie measurencal ale, he seves-porllelinpedueee aulo-sleion is bused a the aessurvineat value - when the impedance is high © 10KO) it selects parallel, when the impesance is low (<10K0) i select series WARNING: When connecting components, either initeuit oF outof-eireut, you must ensure they are completely unpowered a fully discharged. The XJWO1 has minimal input proteston, In paricula, ensure that capacitors are fully discharged bofore connsetng the test leads to them. 2. LICIR mode AUTO is the defiult boot state, but you can prot the "X-CLR™t0 select in sequence: "ALITO + ALTO.C + AUTOLL AUTO-R + ALTO For exampl, i AUTO-R is soloctod, the meter will always display resistance moasurements SOLRY Key as CLR! Ifthe buzzer sounds, you must ellow approx. 2 seconds forthe reading to settle. [1602 display only] The secondary parameter canbe displayed in measurement mode by using display Hine to show ether the Q, 1D, 0, FSR ot Xs reading TR" key 0 aus the 2 3. Series-parallel mode onal onde is Series oF "ESR" (Rs), press CLR wo chaige We the Uesied measrenncat type (ey. ALTOR) and PIESE 16 select parallel made (eg. “Rp") iF require Examples: AUTO-R and then press § E/ier to cycle *AUYU-K = LIK = § CLA ~ UU” AOTO-L and then press § P/Eer to eysle *AUTO-L— PCIE CiL (Caanging 'p mode will lso change the reactance reading (XX) 4. Changing the measurement frequency This bridge provides thre est requancis:1DUR/ KIEL /78KHZ. ‘The daa Srousney on bot is IK Pres the "(FREQ)" Key to select a deren measurement loquency *IkHa2 + 7.82 > 10M IRB". ‘When measuring any componen:, you should refer to the manufacturer's data sheet to determine the coret frequency 10 Inthe case where the manufacturers values are measured ata frequency of IOKH or 1OOKHz, you mast use 7.8kH2 and allow forthe faet thatthe LCR bridge results ray not be agree with the data sheet $, Manual mode (HAND) This mode allows you manually ser the ffequency, intel resistor range and seresparallel mee so that i will nor be sutomatially changed by the meer Note: nsuce you ae in Manual mode [MANDs(seies) er MANDip (parallel) mode] before you press the HAND key because if you are in Calibration mode then pressing the HAND key will save all calibration parameters into memory and no visual or audible indiestion is given! The L or AND key should really be labelled as Manual ut. Inany messut gain nl, press the "HAND" key to ene the mans 1 exit nana moe, press the “HAND” key (CLE -change the mode from series to paral! (the § PIESR key does nating inthis mode!) [RNG - change the intemal measurement rang. FREQ. change internal measurement fequency HAND/Aut -exit manuel mode. The display will show R. C, Q and phase angle. Tas top line will show two values for R, the firsts the resistance wading tnd the second isthe Xs or Xp reactance reading (confisingy separated by asin). The bottor ine shows the scriesiparelle! mode (Hand's or Fiandp, internal fequeney and intemal resistance range being used ‘+ ‘Thereacrance may be displayed on the rop after the~ sign (dont mistake this for a+ difference vale) 4+ ‘Thereactance value wil depend on the measurement frequency. OUR Resistor 1900F Capacitor fencasuring a capacitor, the fet R value willbe the Rs (ESR) value if 'ESR' in shown on the display and Iland!'s is shown. atthe bottom or else it will be she Rp value if Hand is displayed atthe bottom of the sere Ee 2 Seri rene, 21.408 Xs (wie cate meen Xs wn fh AUTO-R ie 21.58 (ih an emus ae Xp wing AUTO Rags 6. Relative measurements (QTY) ‘This mode allows you to Sor through a batch of components with similar values, You Test solet the component that you ‘want to use asthe standard (exemplar) and thea press QTY — you ean now connect cach new component it turn to display ts value and the “sage variation from the first coraponents va. 1 Select the desired move (eg. AUTO-C) and connect an exemplar component, 2. In any measurement mode, press the (Q-QTY) key to enter the relative mewsuremen: mode (an yp-armwilawn-srow symbol should appear atthe bottom lew ofthe LCD display), ive measurement mode, the relative difference is expressed as ‘Now connect a similar component fo measure. nthe re percentage. 4 The CLR or PAESR keys will ext the relative messurement mode, Notes: ‘+ RNG will change the intemal measurement range anc FREQ will change the infernal frequency but these will use the age ceading w be invalid 1+ Percentage limits ate 99 99% + 99.9% i hey are > +1100 then "O1"(everZnad) will he displayed, 7. Calibration mode (Menu+RNG) The LCR bridge stores 19 tntemal offset calbrction valuee. These ore loaded on power up by the Firmware from the non volatile intemal memory. ‘To enter calibration mode: Hold down the system and then pres de "Range (RNG) key. (MAMENU)" key for approx. 3 seconds to enter the "LCR Sot Options’ menu ‘To extt calibration mode: Press the “menu (M-MENU)" key t0 enter the main menu, and press (X-CLR) t0 return © measurement mode, weno RNG. HERO (\reset detasits) HAND (save alt) CLR (30) S P/Ese (own) OEY inack) FREQ. jnext Incalibystion mode use (Q-QTY eft) and (F-FREQYright) to solect the calibration items. ‘You can use (X-CLRup) and (R-SP/LESR/down) for adjusting the calibration parameter values ZERO key. You van press the (C-ZERO) key ONCE ONLY w seta yalue of 0 fr the current valu WARNING: Ifyou pres the ZERO hey 5 vier, i will reve warning or tndicnton s given except that the current value may change fom 00 the d values to their default values when in calibration mode - mes ult value for thas parameter)? (Changes to these 19 calibration values will ffs! all fre eeadings uni the units powered of and on again so thatthe saved valuos are re-louded by the firmware. Save all values: Pressing the HAND/Aut key once at any time will save all the calibration results into non-volatile menor. This must be done fo store the values so they are remembered after power of Reset to default values; § slow pressveleases ofthe ZERO key at any point whilst i the Calibration mode will load ALL the default calfraton values ine al the 19 calibration parameters. 1 the HAND key is dhen pressed to save all the curren values the factory calibatin setings wil he lst fever andthe defanlt fms ofker valves wil he loaded afer powersup, A reset 1 defaults should restore abasic umeaibraied) accuracy’ of 03% to I. WA he calibration process ‘You will ood 0.1% calibration resistors, these will havo purple endl -band Resistor Colour Codes 40R, 1K, 3K, 9K, 10K and 100K 0.1% resistors (6 in toa are required and are usually supplied with each LCR bridge. An «extra 25R resistor is also optionally required but is Hot supplied in the ki 7.2 Enter the calibration made Hold dovra MENU for appres. 3 seconds to display the fllowing: ‘Once inthe TCR Set Options’ made. you ean press CLR key to eum wo measuring mode. RNG Key to enter calibration mode. ‘+ FREQ: (function unknovsr) displays Fee correct 0.900" + SP/ESR Op Amp gain - displays ‘up:0 dw: oyanp insti wat repeal lower nee tba the sae nor ates gop an. Th p.m gn shows Filla yh leer am ain) + HAND Debug mode displays "sw K3“1 Ga2 23" jdsibunhaonst ‘To start the calibration 1 Switch off and switeh en, 2. Performa short and open test lead calibration by using the ZERO key evive 3. Ensure you are in ‘AUTO! mode (you must NOT change the Prequency or Range before entering calibration mode) 4. Press and hold down the MENU key for 3 seconds until tbe display changes. [Now enter the Caftdrafow mode by pressing RNG the "20" reading should appear on the display, [Type 1 franc panel keys when in ealieation mode) meno RNG EERO (Q\roset defasits) HAND (save CLR wp) 8 P/ESR (ost) QFE nari FREQ. (next In Calibration mode: + Press FREQ wo access the next parameter. + Press QTY to-aceess the previous parameter, ‘+ Press once or held down CLR or $ PIESR to increment o: decrement the parameter value. 4+ Press ZERO once onl to set the cut WARNING: IF you pi parameters! parameter value 16 0, ie ZERO key 5 times consecutively, then ALL the default values willbe set for ALL the Press HAND key once a any time to save all 19 values into ran-volatile memory Chis eanrot be undone by ‘switching off and again) Use FREQ to eye through each parameter, connect the comtect 0.1? resistor and adjust taem as detailed below using the upidown keys. You can adjust te following parameter values using the ZERO ((), CLR (up) and S PAESR (down) keys to obtain the Target vale, Its important to go through each sep in sequential order because the setting of earlier calibration offsets may skew the resuls of later offset values. Notes 1+ The display of "Nt R=" indicates to the wser that the X anil R keys (°CLR” and "S PYESR") can be wed 10 increment and decrement the calibration offet value “© Calibration offset values ean range from 128 0 +127, + Some ofthe example screenshots below did aot have the comm: calibration resistors connected so ignore the actual reading displayed, 7.3 Setting all 19 calibration values or each parameter, adjust the offet value to obtain the “Target reading, The frmare default oft values are shown in pacemtheses.. 2: Shor the terminals [100Hz calibration} Terget Z=0 (efalt 70) | ‘Shor the terminals [Ikl42 calibration) Tangs 20 (detult 78) £2; Shea the terminals [7.8L calibraion] Target 2-0 (default 78), 1 Connect 408 [Vi eonverte arm resistance] Largot R=040.00K (doault 20) IN: Connect 4OR [40R pinse] Target 0 (default 0) ‘ak: Connect 2S [linear caisration) Target R=25R 7 (dotaut 0) typ. ~ set 0 if no 2SR avaiable), Ifyou have a high- (olerance resistor near 25R then use that and adjust the offet te match your resistor value ‘onneet 1K [VT conver acm resistance] Tare R=1000.0R (Ucfeul 0) RAN; Connect 1k [1k phase angle] Target 6=0.00 (default 0) 000K eat 2) ‘onmect 10k (V conver arm resistance] Tar BN: Connect 10k {10k phase Target“OpF (default 6) ‘onnect 100k [Vf converter area resistance) Target R-100.0k (default 24) [Retb: Conneet 100k [7.8kt2 amplitude calibration] Target R~1OOk (default 28) AX: Connect 100k [100k phase] Target 000.0pF typ. 21 (default 29), G1: Connect 3k [ealibrate gain ofp amp 3k] Targct R~0S.000k (default -2) (GAN: Connect 3k [Bk phase shi} Target 000,00pF (default 32) G2: Connect 9 [ealibrate gain of opamp 9%] Tanget R09.000k (deft -10) G2): Comes: 9k (7.8kHZ anpliude e raion) Tayet R~09.000k (efault 2) G2Xz Connect Sk [phase shif 9k] Target 000.009F (default 24) PX: Conncct Ik [hese calibration 1k] Target 0.000 (default 0) 7.4 Suve the settings (Once you have st the calibration parameters, sae them all by peessing L-HAND once whilst still in Calibration mods (no indications given. 7.5 Reset to firmware defaults ross and hold down the MENU key for § seconds to gel tothe LCR Set Options men ‘Press the RNG key to enor the calibration mean, ‘Chock thatthe 20 parameter is now displayed Press the ZERO key once (the 20 parameter shouldbe sete 0) ‘Continue wo press the ZERO ey again 45 times until Z0 changes to 76 (default for ZO) note this loads ALL default values nto ALL the calibration offset parameters Press the HAND key for 1/3 second to save all the default values (no incication is given) ity holding down the MENU key for 3 seconds nnd shen press the CILR Key to exi the calibration ment Schematics PCB REV i CIRCUTT REV 3.1 201700328 ‘The schomatis below may be old and inaccurate (translated from Chinese)! Type 1 LCR Bridge PCB

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