Activity 1.3 (25-28)

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Name: Jessa Mae N.

Gomez Score: ____________

Course/Section: FS 1 (1039) Date: 09/19/23



Task 1: Observe two (2) classes in your FS school assignment. Observe two (2)
activities from one teacher and fill in this cell.

Teacher observed: Rosalie R. Fabian

School: Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School
Class observed: Daffodils
Subject: English
Date: September 20, 2023
Time: 8:20 – 9:10 a.m

Describe how Describe What Give your

Teacher's did the teacher Learners suggestion/s reason/s for
Activity implemented the Attitude can you give the
Teaching towards the to make suggestions
Principle Learning teaching and
Principle learning

The teacher The teacher Students are As a future My

instructs the starts with the willing to write educator, my explanation
students to Starting their own advice is to for making
write a diary. Principle, asking diaries. In strive for these
some questions class, they excellence suggestions
in order to become more and discover is that, from
improve the engaged and the most my
pupils' active effective perspective,
intellectual techniques for this is one of
abilities and creating an the
prepare them to engaging strategies
write their own classroom that can
diary. environment make
that promotes teaching
student more
learning. effective.
Encourage Knowing
students to your
learn from students is
their the most
experiences, important
as this will thing we can
enhance their do as
knowledge teachers.
acquisition. Once we
Consequently, have that
teaching and knowledge,
learning will we'll be
be more better
successful.. equipped to
both our
students and
the entire
it is crucial to
principles as
for carrying
out our
noble duty.
In teaching,
help both
teachers and
succeed in

2nd Teacher observed: Abegail Jean C. Omerez School: MPCES

Class Observed: Daffodils Subject: Math
Date: September 19,2023 Time: 1:00-1:50

Describe how Describe What

did the teacher Learners suggestion/s Give your
Teacher's implement the Attitude towards can you give to reason/s for the
Activity Teaching the Learning make teaching suggestions
Principle Principle and learning

The teacher The teacher Some Continuously My

instructs the organizes the embrace them assess and explanation for
students to three eagerly, adapt your making these
write and principles: the seeing them teaching suggestions is
solve the Math starting as guiding to approach that we need
Addition on principle answer the based on to
their involves addition, while student continuously
notebooks and asking others may feedback and assess the
the questions to initially resist, evolving learners
blackboard. the learner to but eventually educational because some
determine if recognize their trends to of them
they know value. ensure a haven't
how to solve Ultimately, dynamic and learned much
math addition; attitudes successful from the
the second towards learning lesson yet.
principle is the learning experience They may
guiding principles need to repeat
principle, and evolve as the lesson so
the ending individuals that all
principle experience learners can
involves their positive keep up.
evaluation. impact on
and personal
Task 2: Personal Insights. Expound the following quotations shared by different
people. In your elaboration, use principles of teaching as your foreground.

For Teachers

"Kids don't remember what you try to teach them.

They remember what you are."

- This quotation basically states that it is the way teachers teach the lesson that
they will remember, not the lesson itself. The way teachers conduct class is the
one thing students will remember.

- Jim Henson

"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach."

- We'd be teachers who imparted wisdom as well as knowledge. Education

encompasses not just the knowledge that students acquire in the classroom, but
also the skills that they learn to apply that knowledge. Teaching is a long-term
investment in children's lives.
- Aristotle

"I never teach my pupils, I only attempt

to provide the conditions in which they can learn."

- It shows that, in order for education and teachers to make a difference, they must
take a different approach. As a result, before we take on the job of teaching, we
must first understand how people learned. Then we may devise our own strategy
for getting our students to think, assisting them in discovering it inside themselves,
and creating learning environments for them.
- Albert Einstein

Personal Insights: Expound the following quotations shared by different people. In

your elaboration, use principles of learning as your foreground.

For Learners

"Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm

to the body, but knowledge which is acquired under
compulsion obtains no hold on the mind."

- Allow early education to be a piece of recreation rather than a punishment; you

will be better able to determine your natural leaning this way. That is a pretty
sensible idea.
- Plato

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you

were to live forever."

- Do everything you desire with your life as if it were your final chance, and learn
everything you can to improve yourself.
- Mahatma Gandhi
"Never let hard lessons harden your heart;
the hard lessons of life are meant to make you better, not bitter."

- Don't allow your problems ruin your life since they are only a challenge for you to
figure out how to deal with them; instead, embrace the life you have because it will
make you a better person.
- Roy T. Bennett

Task 3: Visit a different classroom and check the available resource or instructional
materials available in the classroom. Use the below chart as an assessment tool.

Classroom: Grade 3 School: Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School

Room number: 92 Date: Jan. 07, 2022
Teacher-in-charge: Rosalie R. Fabian

Is it
Instructional If your answer is Yes, If your answer is
Material Available state your reason. No, what
Yes No recommendation
can you give?

1. Interactive /  Yes, because

Whiteboards Some classrooms
are equipped with
whiteboards that
allow instructors to
project content
from a computer
and interact with it
using touch or a

 Yes, because
2. Worksheets Design worksheets
and / and printables that
Printables align with the
lesson objectives.
These can include
exercises, coloring
pages, word
searches, or math
problems. For
example, if you're
teaching addition,
create addition
worksheets with
simple problems
and space for
students to

3. Electronic  Yes, because the

Interactive / classroom
(monitor, discussion will be
projector, more innovative
Audio and and authentic with
Video the help of these
Resources) materials.

 Access to books,
4. Library journals, and other
Resources reference materials
/ in the library can
 PowerPoint
presentations or
5. Slides slides created
/ using other
software can help
illustrate key points
and concepts.
6. Handouts
 Instructors may
/ provide printed
handouts that
contain additional
outlines, or
exercises for the

7. Chalkboard  While less

and Chalk common today,
/ some classrooms
still use
chalkboards for
writing and

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