Ashurst Quickguide Bribery and Corruption UK Guide

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Bribery and Corruption: UK

Bribery and corruption: UK guide

This guide provides an overview of the steps taken in the UK to tackle bribery and corruption, focusing
on the UK Bribery Act 2010.

Topics covered include:

• International enforcement

• The offences under the Bribery Act

• The impact of the Act on overseas organisations

• Corporate liability for actions of third parties

• Particular concerns: corporate hospitality, facilitation payments and "offset" arrangements

: • Enforcement and the encouragement to self-report

e • Practical steps – putting in place adequate procedures

The Appendix provides details of the DPAs that have been approved.

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Bribery and corruption: UK guide

The UK Bribery Act 2010, which came into force on 1 July 2011, affects corporate entities based in
both the UK and overseas. This Quickguide provides detail on the Bribery Act and what it means for
business, and suggests practical ways of ensuring that companies and individuals do not unwittingly
fall foul of the new legislation.

International enforcement
In order to look at the steps taken in the UK to tackle bribery and corruption, it is helpful to put them
in context.

The prosecution of bribery offences and enforcement of bribery legislation is a major international
issue. All 36 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member states and 8
non-OECD countries have adopted the 1997 OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public
Officials in International Business Transactions.1 It is aimed at reducing corruption in developing
countries by encouraging sanctions against bribery in international business transactions carried out by
companies based in the Convention member countries. In order to monitor compliance with the OECD
Convention, and assess the effectiveness of national law in fulfilling a Convention member's obligations
under it, the OECD established a Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions

The UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) was adopted by the General Assembly of the UN in
2003 as part of its global programme against corruption. As of June 2018, it has been ratified by 186
countries. Its aim is to prevent and combat corruption efficiently and effectively and to encourage and
enhance international co-operation.

At the European level, steps taken to combat corruption and bribery include those of the Council of
Europe, and include the Criminal and Civil Law Conventions on Corruption, which entered into force in
2003. The Criminal Convention requires signatory states to enact legislation extending criminal liability
for bribery to the private sector. The Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) has the role of
monitoring implementation of the Conventions.

There are also a number of high-profile organisations which monitor countries and hold to account
those which are prone to bribery. The Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC) is an
international organisation which provides anti-corruption resources and services specifically aimed at
the infrastructure, construction and engineering sectors. It offers anti-corruption programmes and
tools concerning a number of areas including training, procurement, and gifts and hospitality. GIACC
also provides services such as anti-corruption training and compliance monitoring. Transparency
International (TI) is also a leading international organisation with the primary aim of monitoring
countries and providing information and resources to aid the reduction of global bribery and corruption.
TI engages with local governments and businesses in over 90 countries worldwide.

The UK anti-bribery regime

Prior to the new bribery regime, UK law on bribery was viewed as "…both out-dated and in some
instances unfit for purpose".2 It was difficult to follow and prosecute in practice.3 WGB prepared several
reports heavily criticising the UK for its failure to address deficiencies in its law on bribery, particularly

The UK has been a signatory to the OECD Convention (which entered into force on 15 February 1999) since December 1997 and
the UN Convention Against Corruption since 9 February 2006.
Law Commission's Consultation Report "Reforming Bribery", p. xiii, paragraph 1, dated 20 November 2008.
Prior to the Act, the law on bribery consisted of the common law offence of bribery and certain statutory offences, principally set
out in three anti-corruption statutes, namely the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 (general bribery offences where a person
acts corruptly) and the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1906 and 1916 (bribery offences in relation to agents including employees
and commercial agents). The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 extended the law on bribery to cover offences in relation
to foreign public officials or office holders and gave the courts jurisdiction over bribery offences carried on wholly outside the UK
by UK nationals and/or bodies incorporated under UK law.

in relation to the bribery of foreign public officials by UK nationals and foreign subsidiaries of UK

Consequently, the UK legislation on bribery underwent a major overhaul. The result is the UK Bribery
Act 2010 (the Act). The principal aims of the Act are to:

• modernise and simplify existing legislation to allow for more effective prosecution of bribery and
related offences committed in the UK or abroad, in order to comply with the UK's international
obligations; and

• encourage commercial organisations to actively take steps to eradicate bribery.

The Act is accompanied by Government guidance on the steps companies need to put in place to
prevent bribery (the Guidance).5 Prosecution guidance has also been published which provides
guidance on the approach prosecutors will take when deciding whether to prosecute offences under the
Act (the Prosecution Guidance).6

In 2018, a House of Lords Select Committee (the Select Committee) was appointed to review the Act
and whether it is having the effect it was designed to achieve. In March 2019 the Select Committee
published its findings, and concluded that the Act "is an excellent piece of legislation" and "an example
to other countries, especially developing countries, of what is needed to deter bribery."7 No further
changes were recommended to the Act, although recommendations were made with regard to the
Guidance (referred to below).

The Act has a direct impact on the way in which companies, particularly those with overseas
operations, carry out their business activities. The Act's key provisions are as follows:

• the establishment of two general bribery offences: one concerned with giving bribes and the other
concerned with taking them;

• the creation of a separate offence of bribery of a foreign public official;

• the introduction of a new corporate offence of "failure to prevent bribery"; and

• maximum penalty for individuals found guilty of bribery offences of ten years' imprisonment, or an
unlimited fine, or both. Companies may also be subject to an unlimited fine.

The offences under the Act

What is a bribe?
The Act refers to "a financial or other advantage". This is deliberately broad and goes beyond the
payment of money and the handing over of "brown envelopes". It may cover a wide range of things,

• gifts and corporate hospitality;

• promotional expenses, travel expenses and accommodation costs;

• employing public officials or their relatives;

• vouchers or other cash equivalent;

• provision of services such as use of a car or provision of a decorator;

OECD WGB, United Kingdom: Phase 2, Report on the application of the Convention on combating bribery of foreign public officials
in international business transactions and the 1997 recommendations on combating bribery in international business transactions,
Executive summary, available at
Available on the Ministry of Justice website:
Bribery Act 2010: Joint Prosecution Guidance of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office and the Director of Public Prosecutions,
published on 30 March 2011. See:
The report is available on the parliamentary website:

• awarding a contract to a company connected to a public official;

• awarding a contract to a particular company; or

• making political or charitable donations.

Unlike other bribery laws, the Act applies equally to bribes paid to public officials and those paid in the
private sector, business to business.

The general bribery offences and bribery of a foreign public official

General bribery offences

The Act consolidates the previous common law and statutory offences of bribery and replaces these
with two simple general bribery offences concerned with giving bribes (active bribery) and receiving
bribes (passive bribery).

Giving bribes (section 1): a person (an individual or body corporate) is guilty of the active offence if

• offers, promises or gives a financial or other advantage to another person (directly or indirectly) and
intends the advantage to induce a person to perform a function or activity8 improperly or to reward
a person for the improper performance of such a function or activity; or

• offers, promises or gives a financial or other advantage to another person and knows or believes
that the acceptance of the advantage would itself constitute the improper performance of a function
or activity.

Receiving bribes (section 2): a person (an individual or body corporate) is guilty of the passive offence
if he/she/it commits any of the following (directly or indirectly):

• firstly, where the recipient requests, agrees to receive or accepts a financial or other advantage
intending that, in consequence, a function or activity should be performed improperly;

• secondly, where the recipient requests, agrees to receive or accepts a financial or other advantage
and such request, agreement or acceptance itself constitutes the improper performance of a function
or activity;

• thirdly, where a recipient requests, agrees to receive or accepts a financial or other advantage as a
reward for the improper performance of a function or activity; or

• fourthly, where, in anticipation of or in consequence of a recipient or potential recipient requesting,

agreeing to receive or accepting a financial or other advantage, a function or activity is performed

Points to note
• For a person to commit the active bribery offence, there has to be intention, knowledge or belief on
the part of that person in addition to the giving of the bribe.

• Both the active and passive offences incorporate the notion of "improper performance", or
"wrongfulness element" as it is described in the Prosecution Guidance. The key to whether an
offence has been committed is the connection between the bribe and this "wrongfulness element";
without the connection, no offence is committed.

• What is "improper" is assessed by reference to whether a reasonable person (in the United
Kingdom) would consider the recipient of the bribe to have breached an expectation of "good faith",
"impartiality" or "trust".

• These general offences apply to activities of a private or public nature and apply equally to
individuals and corporate entities.

What constitutes a function or activity is dealt with in section 3 of the Act.

Bribing a Foreign Public Official (FPO)9
Section 6 of the Act sets out the offence of bribing an FPO, which involves a person either directly or
indirectly offering, promising or giving an advantage to an FPO, or to another person at the FPO's
request or with his assent or acquiescence, in circumstances where the person intends to influence the
official in his/her capacity as an FPO, and where the person intends to obtain or retain business or a
business advantage.

This offence can be committed by individuals or corporate entities and also requires a subjective
element, i.e. the intention of the person bribing the FPO to influence that person and obtain a business
advantage. There is no requirement to show impropriety for the offence to be committed. However, no
offence is committed if the advantage to the FPO is permitted or required by the written law applicable
to the FPO, which will be:

• if the performance of the FPO's functions would be subject to the law of any part of the UK, the law
of that part of the UK; or

• if the FPO is an official or agent of a public international organisation, the written rules of that
organisation; or

• the written law of the country or territory in which the official conducts his duties – but not what is
permitted purely by reference to unwritten local customs or practices.

Bribery committed in the UK

If any of the offences of active or passive bribery, or bribery of an FPO, take place in the UK, any
individual or body corporate can be prosecuted irrespective of whether they have any connection with
the UK.

Bribery committed overseas

The offences of active or passive bribery, or bribery of an FPO, also apply to acts of bribery committed
outside the UK, as long as:

• the act or omission in question would have amounted to an offence if it had occurred within the UK;

• the person whose acts or omissions form part of an offence has a close connection with the UK (for
example: British citizens; British nationals (overseas); individuals ordinarily resident in the UK; and
British overseas citizens or bodies incorporated under the law of any part of the UK). 10

However, the real extra-jurisdictional reach of the Act lies in the section 7 corporate offence of failure
of a commercial organisation to prevent bribery (see below).

Corporate liability
For a corporate to be convicted of one of the above offences the prosecution will need to prove that a
very senior person in the organisation, e.g. the CEO or Managing Director, committed the offence as
that person's activities would then be attributed to the organisation (known as the "directing mind"
test). Historically, this test has caused prosecutors difficulty so it is more likely that a corporate will be
prosecuted under the new section 7 offence which is far wider in scope (see below).

Directors' liability
If a body corporate commits one of the above offences, a senior officer or person purporting to act in
that capacity may also be held individually liable if he/she consented to or connived in the commission
of the offence.11 This follows the Law Commission's recommendation that individual criminal liability of

The definition of an FPO is drafted broadly. It includes individuals holding legislative, administrative and judicial functions for a
foreign country and also includes individuals exercising a public function for a foreign country. Examples include state employees,
employees of a state entity (if carrying out functions of a public nature) and government officials.
Section 12.
Section 14.

senior officers should mirror that of section 12 of the Fraud Act 2006, which deals with the liability of
company officers for offences by bodies corporate. To "connive" in the commission of an offence is to
know it may occur but to do nothing to prevent its commission, without providing actual assistance or
encouragement. Connivance may occur through reckless conduct (knowing that there is a risk of
offending but doing nothing) whereas, broadly speaking, complicity requires intention or knowledge as
to the offending behaviour.

The corporate offence: failure of a commercial organisation to prevent bribery

Section 7 of the Act introduces a new offence of failure on the part of a commercial organisation to
prevent bribery being committed in connection with its business. A commercial organisation (C) may
face prosecution where:

• a person associated with C bribes another person; and

• the bribe was made with the intention of obtaining or retaining business, or an advantage in the
conduct of business, for C.

C will only be liable if an offence of active bribery or bribery of an FPO is committed. Knowledge on the
part of the organisation is not a requirement. However, an organisation will have a complete defence if
it can show that "adequate" procedures designed to prevent bribery were in place. What is "adequate"
is not defined in the Act but is covered by the Guidance and has now been tested before a jury (R v
Skansen Interiors Limited). See the section "Practical steps – putting in place adequate procedures"
below where we discuss both the Guidance and the case in more detail.

In its Report, the Select Committee considered the corporate offence to be "particularly effective,
enabling those in a position to influence a company’s manner of conducting business to ensure that it
is ethical, and to take steps to remedy matters where it is not." As such, no amends to the legislation
were recommended. However, the Select Committee did consider that further clarification is required
in the Guidance as to what constitutes "adequate procedures". This is discussed below.

Section 7 is potentially far-reaching. It covers bribery in both the UK and abroad and applies to both
UK and overseas businesses. It is this wide jurisdictional reach which has caused most concern. In

• what level of connection with the UK is required for an overseas organisation to fall within the
definition of a commercial organisation; and

• how broad is the definition of "associated person" and the range of third parties this could apply to?

Both of these issues have been tackled in the Guidance and we look at them in more detail below.

Prosecution and penalties

The Act does not have retrospective effect. Therefore, any bribery offences committed before 1 July
2011 and any pending investigations, legal proceedings and enforcement actions, continue to be
governed by the pre-Act regime.

Under section 11 of the Act, an individual guilty of an offence under section 1, 2 or 6 (giving or
receiving a bribe or bribing an FPO) is liable to a maximum ten-year imprisonment or a fine, or both.
Any other person (such as a body corporate) guilty of an offence under section 1, 2 or 6 is liable to a
fine. An organisation guilty of an offence under section 7 (failure of commercial organisations to
prevent bribery) is liable to a fine.

Conviction of an offence under the Act could also lead to mandatory debarment under the EU Directive
2014/24 on public procurement, preventing the organisation in question from continuing to tender for
public sector work. However, an organisation convicted under the section 7 corporate offence will not

automatically be barred from participating in tenders for public contracts. However, public authorities
may still have the discretion to exclude organisations convicted of the section 7 offence.12

Prosecution of offences under the Act requires the consent of one of the three following prosecuting
bodies: the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Director of the Serious Fraud Office or the Director of
Revenue and Customs Prosecutions. Decisions to prosecute must be taken in line with the Prosecution
Guidance under the terms of which any prosecution has to be in the general public interest.13

What is a "commercial organisation"? The impact of the Act on overseas

Organisations at risk of committing the corporate offence of failure to prevent bribery include not only
those which have been incorporated in the UK, but also non-UK companies which carry on a business,
or part of a business, in any part of the UK. Potentially, this is very broad and extends the
jurisdictional reach of the Act to overseas companies.14

What is meant by "carries on a business or part of a business in the UK" is not defined within the Act.
This lack of clarity caused concern leading to further clarification in the Guidance. Ultimately, and as
noted in the Guidance, the courts will decide whether a commercial organisation carries on business in
the UK. However, the UK Government expects a "common sense" approach to be applied so that
companies that do not have a "demonstrable business presence in the United Kingdom" are not
caught. Applying that test, the Government would not expect the mere fact that a company's securities
are traded on the London Stock Exchange to qualify that company as carrying on a business or part of
a business in the UK. Likewise, having a UK subsidiary will not, in itself, mean that a parent company
is carrying on a business in the UK, since a subsidiary may act independently of its parent or other
group companies.15

In most cases it will be clear whether an overseas company is carrying on business or part of a
business in the UK. Where there is room for debate, further scrutiny will be required. The prosecutors
have indicated that they will take a broad view as to what constitutes a commercial organisation.

Corporate liability for actions of third parties – when will they be

"associated persons"?
The corporate offence was drafted broadly so as to cover the whole range of individuals and corporate
entities connected to an organisation that might be capable of committing bribery on the organisation's
behalf. It covers anyone who performs services for or on behalf of the organisation, including
employees, subsidiaries, sub-contractors, suppliers, agents and joint ventures.16

The broad scope of "associated persons" understandably caused concern. Questions asked by the
business community included what level of investment was required for an organisation to have a
sufficient connection and how far down the supply chain the relationship extended.

The Guidance has attempted to address these concerns and deals with the specific issues raised with
regard to:

• contractors and supply chains;

• joint ventures; and

A conviction for a direct bribery offence under section 1, 2 or 6 will, pursuant to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (which give
effect to the EU Directive), trigger mandatory debarment from all EU public sector contracts for a period of up to five years. The
section 7 offence is not specifically referred to, but a public authority could still exclude an organisation if it can demonstrate that
the organisation is "guilty of grave professional misconduct, which renders its integrity questionable" (regulation 57(8)). It is
unclear exactly what sort of misconduct is covered and whether it includes a section 7 offence, but it remains a possibility.
Bribery Act 2010: Joint Prosecution Guidance of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office and the Director of Public Prosecuti ons,
published on 30 March 2011.
Overseas companies will also be caught by the Act if the company has committed a section 1, 2 or 6 offence in the UK.
See paragraphs 34-36 of the Guidance.
Section 8.

• subsidiaries.17

Contractors and supply chains

Contractors and suppliers will be "associated persons" to the extent that they are performing services
for or on behalf of a commercial organisation (C). However, it is unlikely that sub-contractors hired by
a contractor will be performing services for or on behalf of C. C will only exercise control over its
relationship with its contractual counterparty – the contractor or supplier. The next person in the chain
will be performing services for the contractor and not for the other persons in the contractual chain.
Best practice in these circumstances is for C to require its contractual counterparty to put in place anti-
bribery provisions mirroring those in the counterparty's contract with C. The Guidance also clarifies
that suppliers of goods are unlikely to perform services on behalf of an organisation.

Joint ventures
The Guidance attempts to provide clarification on joint ventures and the extent to which these vehicles
are deemed to be "associated persons". In doing so, it makes a distinction between separate legal
entity joint ventures and contractual joint ventures.

Separate legal entity joint ventures

As regards joint ventures operating through separate legal entities, there was concern over what level
of investment is required to make the investor company associated with the joint venture. For
example, where several investors provide the financing to set up Company A, is every investor
potentially liable if a bribery offence is committed by A's employee? Although every case is fact-
specific, the Guidance clarifies that the existence of a joint venture entity will not of itself mean that it
is "associated" with any of its members. Liability will not be triggered simply by virtue of the members
benefiting indirectly from the bribe through their investment in or ownership of the joint venture. A
member will only be liable if the joint venture is performing services for the member and the bribe is
paid with the intention of benefiting that member.

Contractual joint ventures

With contractual joint ventures the bar is set higher and liability is more likely to arise where a bribe is
paid in connection with the joint venture business. The Guidance states that this will turn on the
degree of control of the organisation over the joint venture arrangement – a question of fact to be
decided by the courts on a case-by-case basis. Prosecutors are likely to be more sympathetic with
regard to pre-Act contractual relationships. However, for joint venture arrangements entered into after
the Act came into force, it will be difficult for commercial organisations to show that they did not
exercise the relevant level of control. They will then need to fall back on whether or not they had in
place adequate procedures in order to prevent bribery from occurring.

Subsidiaries and group companies

For subsidiaries, as with joint ventures, the Guidance emphasises that there has to be an intention to
benefit the parent for section 7 to apply. Indirect benefit via ownership or otherwise is not sufficient to
establish the proof of the specific intention required. As such, bribes paid by independent subsidiaries,
or joint ventures, acting on their own account and for their own benefit, should not engage liability on
the part of the parent or joint venture members.

Section 7 liability is not limited to the parent company. As illustrated by the Serious Fraud Office's
(SFO) first deferred prosecution agreement (see below), it can also extend to other companies within
the corporate group. That case concerned two sister companies (Tanzanian and UK) acting together on
a joint mandate. The bribery was committed by senior employees of the Tanzanian company, and both
the Tanzanian company and the employees were regarded as having committed the underlying bribery
offence. However, given that both sister companies stood to benefit from the transaction (with the fee
split 50/50), and were acting jointly (with different but complementary roles), the employees and the

See paragraphs 37-43 of the Guidance.

Tanzanian company were regarded as associated persons of the UK company and their act of bribery
was regarded as benefiting both companies.

Particular concerns: corporate hospitality, facilitation payments and

"offset" arrangements

Corporate hospitality
The Act was criticised for being unclear in relation to the issue of corporate hospitality. However, as
the Guidance makes clear, "the Act does not aim to stop corporate hospitality per se, but simply to
prevent bribery under the façade of corporate hospitality".18

The SFO has adopted a similar stance. It recognises that bona fide hospitality or promotional or other
legitimate business expenditure is an established and important part of doing business. However, it will
prosecute offenders who disguise bribes as business expenditure, but only if the case is a serious or
complex one that falls within the SFO's remit. As former Director of the SFO David Green QC has been
quoted as saying:

"The sort of bribery we would be investigating would not be tickets to Wimbledon or bottles of
champagne. We are not the 'serious champagne office'".

Whether a particular item of expenditure constitutes a bribe will always depend on the surrounding
circumstances. However, given the recognition that reasonable and proportionate hospitality which
seeks to improve a company's image is an established and important part of doing business,
hospitality that falls within the standards or norms for the particular sector is in itself unlikely to trigger
the bribery offence.

The Guidance also clarifies that, for corporate hospitality to be an offence, there has to be a direct link
between the corporate hospitality and an intention for that hospitality to induce improper conduct. The
more lavish the hospitality or expenditure, the greater the inference that it is intended to encourage or
reward improper performance. Another factor will be whether or not the hospitality or expenditure is
clearly connected with the legitimate business activity or whether it was concealed. However, it
confirms that payments for flights and hotel accommodation for legitimate business reasons, and
invitations to foreign officials or clients to attend sports events designed to cement good relations, are
unlikely to raise the necessary inference of an intention to induce improper performance.19

That said, the Select Committee did consider that there remains uncertainty surrounding what will be
regarded as legitimate corporate hospitality. The evidence suggested that corporates were being too
cautious. As such, the Select Committee recommended that the Guidance clarify the boundary
between bribery and legitimate corporate hospitality and add clearer examples of what might
constitute acceptable corporate hospitality.20 The Select Committee also offered this advice: "It may
help if businesses look at the situation from the point of view of the recipient of hospitality: would the
guests expect to be treated in this way whatever decision they might reach on the business in
question, or would they believe that the level of hospitality offered was an attempt to influence them
improperly into taking a decision which they might not otherwise have taken? Businesses might also
consider what a reasonable member of the public, properly informed, might think of the hospitality
they are proposing to offer."21

To best protect against the risk of prosecution, organisations should ensure that their policies address
the issue of hospitality and promotional expenditure and that they put in place procedures to allow
clear reporting and recording.

As per the Select Committee in their Report on the Act, paragraph 117.
The 2012 conviction of certain individuals in connection with the bribery of a supermarket potato buyer provides a good example
of lavish entertainment. There, the corporate hospitality included thousands of pounds spent on expensive restaurants and h otels
including Claridge's and The Dorchester.
In its response published in May 2019, the government considered that it was not best placed to provide the more detailed
clarification suggested and referred to other sources of guidance on adequate procedures and corporate hospitality, such as that
published by Transparency International.
Paragraph 130 of the Report.

Facilitation payments
Facilitation or "grease" payments are bribes paid to secure routine, non-discretionary acts from public
officials. While the US 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) contains an express carve-out of such
"routine government action",22 the decision was taken by the UK Government not to follow suit in
providing such exceptions. As a result, facilitation payments are not distinguished from any other
offences under the Act, and are therefore criminalised.23

However, both the Guidance and the Prosecution Guidance indicate that the UK Government
recognises the problems businesses face with regard to the demands for facilitation payments
overseas. Businesses are encouraged to take action to ensure the locals are aware that these
payments are unacceptable, ensuring agents and employees are given guidance on how to deal with
requests for such payments and, if appropriate, using diplomatic channels to try and change local
practice. In its Report, the Select Committee recommended that the Government provide more support
to companies and ensure that embassies have at least one official who is properly trained and
instructed in the local customs and cultures, or who can rapidly contact officials of foreign government
departments on behalf of companies facing problems in this field.24

The Guidance also confirms that prosecutors will consider very carefully what is in the public interest
before deciding whether to prosecute.25 On that basis, prosecutors are expected to prosecute only
significantly serious offences.26 Although one-off payments are unlikely to result in prosecution
(especially if these are fully recorded in the company books), the SFO's concerns will be raised if these
one-off payments become regular features of the business; if repeated, even payments of small
amounts could indicate a course of conduct that may lead to prosecution.

"Offset" arrangements
Foreign companies, when investing in or bidding for work overseas, are often asked to provide
additional investment in the form of community investment, e.g. building a hospital or donating to a
certain charity. The Guidance confirms that this is unlikely to give rise to any difficulties under section
6 (bribing a foreign public official) where such arrangements are allowed by local law or are a
legitimate part of a tender exercise.27 Precautions an organisation could take in such circumstances
include making enquiries to ensure that the funds or aid reaches its proper target and making sure
that all payments are documented.

The FCPA lists the following examples, among others: obtaining permits, licences or other official documents, processing
governmental papers, such as visas and work orders. It does not include any decision by a foreign official to award new business
or continue business with a particular party.
The Select Committee agreed that they should remain criminalised: "any attempt to relax or amend the UK’s approach to
facilitation would be a backward step" (paragraph 145 of the Report).
Paragraph 152 of the Report.
See paragraphs 46-48 of the Guidance.
Whether or not the SFO prosecutes in relation to facilitation payments will always depend on whether it is a serious or complex
case which falls within the SFO's remit.
Paragraph 25 of the Guidance.

Enforcement and the encouragement to self-report

UK enforcement
In recent years one of the main criticisms directed at the UK has been its lack of enforcement. A case
in point was the decision by the SFO in 2006 to abandon the corruption investigation into the BAE
Systems arms deal, due to Saudi Arabia's threat to suspend diplomatic and intelligence co-operation
with the UK.

However, the tide has turned. The SFO has repeatedly emphasised its role as prosecutor and
investigator, and recent years have seen several high-profile investigations and prosecutions by both
the SFO and the FCA, involving companies such as ENRC Ltd, Airbus Group, British American Tobacco,
KBR Inc and Rolls-Royce. That said, the investigation process has been slow; witnesses before the
Select Committee reported that investigations take 4 to 6 years to complete. Improving efficiency and
speed of investigations had already been identified as a priority by Lisa Osofsky as the new Director of
the SFO. The Report, together with the new funding model introduced in 2018,28 should help achieve
this goal.

Civil avenues are also available. Since April 2008 the SFO has had powers to recover property
regarded as being the proceeds of crime pursuant to Part V of the Proceeds of Crime Act. This proved
popular under the leadership of former SFO Director Richard Alderman. However, their use attracted
judicial criticism and the approach changed once David Green became Director of the SFO in 2012. As
such, they have not been used since July 2012, when Oxford Publishing Limited was ordered to pay
almost £1.9 million in recognition of sums it received which were generated through unlawful conduct
relating to subsidiaries incorporated in Tanzania and Kenya.

This approach is unlikely to change under the leadership of Lisa Osofsky, who became Director of the
SFO in August 2018. Civil recovery powers will only be deployed after investigations have taken place
and the SFO is unable to meet the prescribed tests of the Code for Crown Prosecutors.29 Consequently,
they will be rarely used, particularly given the other enforcement tools now available to the SFO, most
notably the ability to offer deferred prosecution agreements.

Other civil law enforcement tools that became available to the SFO in 2018 include Unexplained Wealth
Orders (UWOs) and supporting Interim Freezing Orders. Introduced by the Criminal Finances Act 2017,
their purpose is to help authorities more easily investigate and act on highly suspicious wealth,
especially in circumstances where there is increasing evidence that the UK has become a safe haven
for corrupt assets. As such, their use is limited to recovering the proceeds of any corrupt activity where
that is not possible through prosecution.

Self-reporting and "genuine co-operation"

When he became Director of the SFO in 2012, David Green was keen to reinforce the SFO's primary
role as an investigator and prosecutor. That approach looks set to continue under the SFO's current
Director, Lisa Osofsky. As such, a company's decision to self-report will be seen as one of a number of
factors to be taken into consideration by the SFO in deciding whether to prosecute.30

The deferred prosecution agreements agreed to date (see the Appendix) suggest that, while the SFO is
keen to incentivise self-reporting, a corporate that self-reports will only be rewarded if it genuinely co-
operates with the SFO. Compare the fates of Standard Bank and Sweett Group PLC. Both were charged
with the section 7 offence for failing to prevent bribery, and both self-reported. However, Standard
Bank was able to secure a DPA due to the level of co-operation provided to the SFO, whereas Sweett

Previously the SFO had to rely on "blockbuster" funding to help fund particular investigations. 2018 saw a departure from thi s
policy with an introduction of a new funding model. Consequently, the SFO's core funding increased from £32.9 million to £52.7
million for 2018/2019.
This is in line with the guidance issued by the Attorney General: Asset recovery powers for prosecutors: guidance and background
note 2009 (published 29 November 2012).
The Guidance on Corporate Prosecutions sets out the extent to which self-reporting by a corporate body is relevant to the decision
to prosecute. This guidance explains that for a self-report to be part of a public interest factor tending against prosecution, it must
form part of the "genuinely proactive approach" of the corporate management team.

Group was successfully prosecuted as, according to company reports, the level of co-operation was
found wanting by the SFO.

The potential benefits of self-reporting include the prospect of a largely civil outcome rather than
criminal prosecution, the opportunity for the company to be seen to be managing its problems and,
where a negotiated settlement is achieved, the avoidance of the mandatory debarment provisions
under the Public Contract Regulations 2015, allowing the organisation in question to continue to tender
for public sector work. If a DPA is secured, a company can also minimise reputational damage if it is
able to keep any investigation confidential until the DPA is announced (as was the case for Standard
Bank). And, given the increased intelligence-sharing between UK enforcement agencies and overseas
agencies, the increased risk of being caught provides further incentive.

The main drawbacks include the fact that self-reporting exposes the corrupt activities of the company
which may face reputational damage as a result. The company will also be required to co-operate fully
and give full disclosure if it wants to secure a DPA. The high bar set is made clear by the formal
guidance published by the SFO: "Co-operation means providing assistance to the SFO that goes above
and beyond what the law requires".31 Corporates are expected to be open and frank about their
wrongdoing and provide unrestricted access to documents, witnesses and witness interview records
and statements. Claims to privilege are likely to be challenged unless properly established. This level of
co-operation can be costly: Rolls-Royce spent £123 million on its internal investigation and dealings
with the SFO. And there is no guarantee that it will secure a DPA. As the guidance makes clear, even
"full, robust co-operation" does not guarantee any particular outcome. Each case will turn on its own

A corporate's systems and controls will also be scrutinised and there is the cost of compliance which
will be expected of a corporate as part of the DPA. Rolls-Royce, which had already spent £15 million on
overhauling its compliance systems, agreed to continue with improvements under its DPA.

A deal with the SFO will also not guarantee against enforcement action overseas, although the increase
in international co-operation between enforcement agencies should help militate against the likelihood
of this. However, where a company refuses to self-report the SFO may regard such non-co-operation
as a negative factor, which could increase the prospects of a criminal investigation followed by
prosecution and a confiscation order. There will also be significant disruption to a company's activities
pending any investigation.

Deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs)

The success of a self-reporting regime is heavily dependent on the SFO's ability to enter into plea
agreements with those that come forward. The ability of the SFO to enter into these US-style
arrangements was thrown into question after Lord Justice Thomas's judgment in March 2010 on the
plea agreement made between the SFO and Innospec.

A US-style plea bargaining regime has since been formally introduced in the UK. DPAs were introduced
under the Crime and Courts Act 2013 and became available to the SFO in February 2014. A DPA is an
agreement reached between a designated prosecutor and an organisation facing prosecution for
certain economic or financial offences. The effect of a DPA is that proceedings are instituted, but then
deferred on terms (such as the payment of a financial penalty, compensation, and implementation of a
compliance programme). If, within the specified time, the terms of the agreement are met,
proceedings are discontinued; a breach of the terms of the agreement can lead to the suspension
being lifted and the prosecution pursued.

A key feature that distinguishes DPAs from US plea bargains is the level of judicial control: the court
must be satisfied that a DPA is likely to be in the interests of justice and that the proposed terms are
fair, reasonable and proportionate. Once formally approved and declared by the court, the DPA and the

David Green resisted calls for formal guidance on the level of co-operation required while he was Director of the SFO. In contrast,
Lisa Osofsky wants the SFO to be more transparent, hence the publication of Corporate Co-operation Guidance in August 2019.

underlying documents are made public. These include the agreed statement of facts, which sets out
details of the alleged offence.

Practical guidance on the DPA process and when prosecutors will consider it appropriate is provided by
the Code of Practice on DPAs and the chapter on DPAs in the SFO's Operational Handbook.32 Guidance
on financial penalties for companies convicted of economic crimes has been published by the
Sentencing Council.33 The latter is used to inform the level of any financial penalty that forms part of a
DPA. Both the Code and the sentencing guidelines reflect the SFO's rhetoric of DPAs not being an "easy
option". They make it clear that the SFO's primary role is as prosecutor and it will only be in specific
circumstances that a DPA will be offered instead of full prosecution. Self-reporting is no guarantee of
the DPA route, but the earlier a company self-reports and the level of co-operation given are key
factors the SFO will take into account.

The Select Committee considered DPAs to be a positive development: "in the short time they have
been in operation deferred prosecution agreements have proved to be an excellent way of handling
corporate bribery, providing an incentive for self-reporting and for co-operating with the authorities."34

Details of the DPAs entered into by the SFO and comments on their significance can be found in the

Level of fine
As the DPAs illustrate, fines will vary depending on the seriousness of the conduct, levels of co-
operation, and the corporate's ability to pay. However, it is notable that the SFO is following the US
approach and higher fines are becoming the norm.

That said, the approach taken on discounting is further illustration of the shift towards incentivisation.
Originally, the sentencing guidelines recommended a one-third reduction, in line with a guilty plea. It
had been criticised as not providing sufficient incentive for companies to self-report. These criticisms
have been acknowledged by both the SFO and the presiding Judge in relation to the second DPA
agreed with Sarclad Limited. As the Judge said: "In the circumstances, a discount of 50% could be
appropriate not least to encourage others how to conduct themselves when confronting criminality as
Sarclad has". A 50 per cent reduction was applied in the Rolls-Royce DPA, confirming that this
benchmark is now firmly established.

Although it considered that "the discounts being applied to financial penalties are appropriate to
encourage companies to self-report but not so large as to deprive the penalty of its effectiveness",35
the Select Committee did recommend that "if self-reporting is to be encouraged, a distinction should
be drawn between the discount granted to a company which has self-reported and one which has not."
In other words, a company which has not self-reported should normally receive a lesser discount than
a company which has done so.36 While we are yet to see the reduction of a discount to reflect the
failure to self-report, the Court has been prepared to sanction the reduction of the discount to 40% in
order to reflect an initial reluctance to fully cooperate with the SFO.37

Prosecution of individuals
DPAs are only available to corporates, not individuals. As part of the co-operation required under a
DPA, the SFO will require the corporate to provide access to information on implicated individuals. This
was confirmed by the Select Committee e which recommended that: "the co-operation expected of a
company must include provision of all available evidence which might implicate any individuals,
however senior, who are suspected of being involved in the bribery being considered."38

This was published in October 2020 and is available on the SFO website.
See the Sentencing Council website. It came into force on 1 October 2014.
Paragraph 328 of the Report.
Overall Assessment of the Report.
Paragraphs 308-310 of the Report.
The DPA between the SFO and G4S Care and Justice Services (UK) Ltd approved on 17 July 2020.
Paragraph 317 of the Report.

As far as the Select Committee is concerned: "the DPA process, far from being an alternative to the
prosecution of individuals, makes it all the more important that culpable individuals should be
prosecuted." The prosecution of individuals will therefore remain a focus of the SFO although to date,
securing a conviction has proven difficult.39

Practical steps – putting in place adequate procedures

Government guidance on adequate procedures

"Combating the risk of bribery is largely about common sense, not burdensome procedures. The core
principle it sets out is proportionality" (Foreword to the Guidance).

Risk-based approach
Guidance was published on 30 March 2011.40 The Guidance is intended to be of general application and
help commercial organisations of all sizes and types to understand what they can do to try to prevent
bribery. To achieve this, it is formulated around six guiding principles that apply across all sectors and
all types of business.

As the principles make clear, organisations are expected to adopt a risk-based approach to managing
bribery risks. The Government recognises that no policies or procedures are capable of detecting and
preventing all bribery. However, adopting a risk-based approach will help organisations focus the effort
where it is needed and ensure that procedures are proportionate to the risks faced.

Many were concerned that where there is a single act of bribery that slips through the compliance net,
the conclusion reached (by a jury should it go to criminal trial) will be that the procedures were, by
definition, inadequate. This was a point made before the Select Committee. Several witnesses argued
that "adequate" should be replaced by "reasonable". This would also ensure that the section 7 offence
is in line with the similar offence of failure to prevent criminal facilitation of tax evasion in the Criminal
Finances Act 2017, which refers to procedures "reasonable in all the circumstances". Although the
Select Committee considered it unnecessary to amend the wording of section 7, it did recommend that
the Guidance be amended to make clear that "adequate" does not mean, and is not intended to mean,
anything more stringent than "reasonable in all the circumstances". It also recommended that the
Guidance provide more examples of adequate procedures and suggest procedures which, if adopted by
SMEs, are likely to provide a good defence.41

What follows is a summary of the main points by reference to the six principles and by way of practical
guidance for organisations on the steps they need to take and the policies and procedures they should
be putting in place.

Note also that in assessing the effectiveness of a corporate's compliance program, the SFO will do so
by reference to these six principles.42

Principle 1: Proportionate procedures

The Guidance emphasises the need for proportionality. What is proportionate will depend on both the
bribery risks faced and the nature, size and complexity of the organisation. As such, large global
organisations, even if in a low risk industry, will be expected to put in place more by way of policies
and procedures than a small business with the same level of bribery risk. This gives comfort
particularly to small and medium-sized businesses that are low risk. However, and as highlighted by

Paragraph 315 of the Report. The SFO has yet to secure a conviction of individuals in circumstances where the corporate entered
into a DPA. See the Appendix for more detail.
See the Ministry of Justice website:
In its response published in May 2019, the government considered that it was not best placed to provide the more detailed
clarification suggested and referred to other sources of guidance on adequate procedures, such as that published by Transparency
See the SFO guidance on 'Evaluating a Compliance Programme' which forms part of the SFO Operational Handbook.

the Select Committee, all but the smallest companies are likely to need procedures tailored to their
particular needs.43

In terms of assessing what organisations require in terms of procedures, some will use third parties
and others will rely on internal resources, such as their compliance teams. The key thing is for
management to ensure that someone is tasked with responsibility for putting the procedures in place
and implementing them.

Principle 2: Top-level commitment

The Government expects leadership on anti-corruption to come from the top. This is reflected in the
Guidance, which states that top-level management (i.e. board members and owners) should be at the
forefront of fostering a culture in which bribery is never acceptable. Without this top-level
commitment, there is a risk that any company's procedures will be perceived as "inadequate". This is
the case whatever the level of bribery risk a commercial organisation faces.

In practice, top-level management will be expected to:

• communicate the organisation's anti-bribery stance both internally and, if appropriate, externally;

• become involved to an appropriate degree in developing and monitoring bribery prevention policies
and procedures.

In other words, it is not enough for the board to pay lip service to any policies and procedures in place.
This message has been repeatedly made by the SFO and is evident in the DPAs and in the one case
where the adequate procedures defence was tested (R v Skansen Interiors Limited, (unreported)).44

Rolls-Royce has certainly taken that point on board, enhancing the role of compliance in the aftermath
of its corruption investigation. Compliance teams must be seen to be working with the board's co-
operation and oversight. In Skansen, a case involving a small company of approx. 30 employees and a
senior executive who pleaded guilty to paying bribes to secure contracts, the prosecution noted that
the company had not designated anyone with responsibility for the compliance role. So even small
companies, with no compliance function, will be expected to assign that responsibility to a senior

Principle 3: Risk assessment

As emphasised by the Select Committee, it is essential that all businesses conduct a properly
documented risk assessment. Without this, a company will not be in a position to decide what level of
anti-bribery procedures it needs.45

There are several ways of assessing risk and how an organisation conducts its risk analysis will depend
on the level of perceived risk and size of organisation. Organisations will need to consider whether any
risk assessment can be carried out internally, or whether external expertise will be required, the use of
which is proportionate to perceived risk. Different approaches include the use of workshops,
questionnaires or round-table meetings. Whichever method is chosen, organisations need to make sure
that the risk analysis is documented.

In terms of identifying areas of risk, the Guidance is useful and distinguishes between external and
internal risk.

Commonly encountered external risks include:

• Country risk – certain countries have a reputation for corruption and organisations with business
operations in those countries will need to ensure that their procedures are adequate to deal with the
additional risk.

Paragraph 194 of the Report.
See our briefing for more detail.
Paragraph 192 of the Report.

• Sector risk – certain sectors are higher risk than others, e.g. oil and gas, construction.

• Transaction risk – certain types of transactions tend to be higher risk, e.g. charitable or political
contributions, licences and permits, and transactions related to public procurement.

• Business opportunity risk – risks may arise in, for example, high value projects or projects involving
many contractors or intermediaries.

• Business partnership risk – certain relationships may involve higher risk, e.g. consortia or joint
venture partners.

Organisations such as Transparency International are useful sources of information, in particular in

relation to country and sector risk.46

Internal structures or procedures may also add to an organisation's risk, for example:

• deficiencies in employment training and knowledge;

• a bonus culture that rewards excessive risk-taking;

• lack of clarity in procedures;

• lack of clear financial controls; and

• lack of a clear anti-bribery message from top-level management.

Principle 4: Due diligence

Due diligence is relevant to organisations which deal with persons performing services on their behalf
or organisations that are involved in takeovers and joint ventures. Effective due diligence is necessary
in order to ascertain how risky the business relationship or transaction is and ensure the risk is
mitigated by putting in place appropriate procedures.

How due diligence is conducted will vary depending on the circumstances. In transactions, it is
standard to use due diligence questionnaires that can be adapted depending on the level of risk
perceived. Other practical steps that can be taken in order to carry out due diligence include the

• Ascertain the scope of due diligence required and ensure that the information requested in the due
diligence questionnaire reflects that.

• If the transaction is high risk, satisfy yourself of key areas such as beneficial ownership, background
and reputation of the target, and the involvement of politically exposed persons. This may require
interviews with management of the target and key employees, or on-the-ground due diligence.

• Have a clear statement of the precise nature of the services offered, costs, commissions and fees.

• Undertake research, including internet searches or using third-party research and intelligence

• Make enquiries, if appropriate, with the relevant authorities.

• If thought risky, follow up references and clarify any matters arising from the questionnaire.

• Request sight or evidence of anti-bribery policies.

• Effective follow-up is key: ask the right questions and monitor responses.

• Include appropriate warranties and contractual protections in the transaction documents.

Generally, more information will need to be requested of corporates as opposed to individuals. In

addition, it may be necessary to consider conducting due diligence on employees and to adapt
recruitment policies accordingly.

Transparency International produces a number of surveys and indices highlighting areas of corruption risk. See its website fo r
more detail:

In an M&A transaction, if the due diligence reveals gaps in the policies and procedures or other ABC
issues, post-transaction remediation will be essential. Ensure full alignment with the parent's policies,
procedures and ABC training. And make any necessary reports to the relevant enforcement authority.

It is also essential to ensure that everything is fully documented.

Principle 5: Communication and training

Commercial organisations should ensure that a zero-tolerance approach to bribery is clearly
communicated both internally and externally. Internal communications should convey the "tone from
the top" and will naturally focus on the organisation's policies and procedures. Training is a useful way
to communicate the message. In terms of external communication, this will depend on the kind of
industry an organisation is involved in and the level of risk. Many FTSE 100 companies make their
zero-tolerance approach to bribery clear on their websites via ethics statements or codes of conduct.
Organisations in high risk industries communicate that message to third parties they contract with, and
insert appropriate warranties into their contractual arrangements.

The level of bribery risk and the size of the organisation will also determine the requirement for
training. However, the Guidance recognises that some training is likely to be effective in establishing
an anti-bribery culture within a commercial organisation whatever the level of risk.

The Skansen case illustrates the importance of ensuring that policies are effectively communicated to
staff and regular training/reminders are provided on those policies and procedures. The company had
argued that the nature and size of the business meant that it did not require sophisticated policies and
procedures (it had approx. 30 employees and operated primarily in south-east England). It did have
policies in place which emphasised the need to deal with third parties in an ethical, open and honest
manner (one of which was displayed prominently on a wall), and financial controls and payment
approval procedures were in place to minimise risk. However, it was unable to prove that its staff had
read the policies that were available or that they had been reminded periodically of their existence.

Principle 6: Monitoring and review

Monitor and review mechanisms are required in order to ensure compliance with policies and
procedures and to identify any issues as they arise. Commercial organisations will need to consider
what works best for them. Examples provided include using existing internal checks and balances, e.g.
financial monitoring, formal periodic reviews or external verification or assurance of the effectiveness
of anti-bribery policies.

Corporations should also periodically review their policies and procedures to ensure they are still fit for
purpose. An organisation's risk profile may change, or there may be changes in the law that it needs to
take into account. In Skansen, the prosecution relied on the fact that the company was unable to show
what steps it had taken when the UK Bribery Act came into force in 2011, or that it had used that as
an opportunity to remind staff of the company's ethics policy and expectations.

Policies and procedures – what should they cover?

Having undertaken a risk assessment, an organisation should be in a position to revise or draft its
policies and procedures.

First, management will need to decide who will be responsible for implementation. Ideally, this should
be someone from senior management.

The anti-bribery policies and procedures can be stand-alone or incorporated into existing policies and
procedures, but will need to be clear, practical and applicable throughout the organisation regardless of
location. They should set out the standards of behaviour expected of all employees and, if appropriate,
third parties associated with the organisation.

Generally, the issues anti-bribery policies should cover include:

• a zero-tolerance ethics statement from management;

• gifts and corporate hospitality;

• promotional expenditure, travel, accommodation and per diem allowances;

• facilitation payments;

• charitable and political contributions;

• dealing with business partners (e.g. agents, intermediaries and joint venture partners); and

• penalties for breaches of agreed policies and procedures.

Organisations may also need to put in place procedures, systems and controls that provide for
transparency and accurate recording. It may well be that existing procedures can be used for bribery
prevention purposes; for example, financial and auditing controls. Examples of the issues such
procedures will need to cover include:

• reporting incidents of bribery;

• recording corporate hospitality and promotional expenditure payments;

• recording any exceptional facilitation payments;

• recording payments to third parties, particularly intermediaries; and

• effective management of all incidents of bribery, including arrangements for internal investigation,
reporting the outcomes to senior executives and/or the board, and the disclosure of material
findings to the relevant external authorities and interested parties, e.g. shareholders and business

There is a wealth of information and best practice recommendations available from the bodies and
associations active in this area, such as the OECD's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises47 and
Business Approaches to Combating Corrupt Practices.48 Transparency International UK's online tool –
Global Anti-Bribery Guidance – is also a useful practical resource.49 And the International Organisation
for Standardisation (ISO) has released a global standard (ISO 37001) to help organisations to
implement effective anti-bribery management systems. ISO 37001 sets out a series of measures that
corporates can take to help them prevent, detect and address bribery. The principles are very similar
to the guidelines laid down by the UK Bribery Act and Guidance. There is also a certification process
whereby an ISO-approved certifier declares corporate compliance with the standard.

Document compliance and keep records of all steps taken

In any investigation, the enforcement authorities will want to see what steps were taken to embed a
culture of compliance within a corporate. Without that evidence, a corporate will have an uphill
struggle persuading a jury or enforcement authority that its procedures were adequate. This is again
illustrated by the Skansen case where no records had been made of any compliance discussions or
steps taken. It was therefore very difficult for the company to show what compliance steps it had
taken, let alone satisfy a jury that they were adequate.

Making sure employees can spot and address red flags

Recent cases, and statements made by both the US and UK prosecutors, indicate that unless
employees are properly alive to the bribery issues that can arise in their business, and know how to
deal with them, the best-drafted policies are rendered worthless in terms of mounting an adequate
procedures defence. Another common trend appears to be the disproportionate attention paid to low
risk areas (for example, general corporate hospitality) and not spending enough time and resource on
the key risks, for example, agents and intermediaries.

TI's Global Anti-Bribery Guidance is available at

What is required is a culture in which employees are able to spot a bribery risk and react to it. The
effectiveness of an organisation's procedures will ultimately be judged by how things manifest
themselves in practice. The quality of a compliance culture is not judged by how much money has
been spent on implementation, but by how people at the coalface actually live it. Regular, focused and
properly targeted training is therefore key.

Minimising risk – joint ventures, intermediaries and facilitation payments

Companies who are involved in joint ventures, regularly appoint intermediaries or agents, or operate in
jurisdictions where the payment of facilitation payments is commonplace are at greater risk. The
Guidance offers practical advice on minimising those risks.

Joint ventures
When entering into a new joint venture, companies might consider:

• having representation on the board of the joint venture company;

• ensuring the joint venture itself has adequate anti-bribery procedures in place;

• establishing an audit committee for the joint venture; and

• including a contractual term in the joint venture agreement prohibiting any partner from breaching
applicable anti-bribery laws.

Agency agreements/intermediaries
These can involve risks since it may be difficult for the company to monitor what the agent or
intermediary is doing. The following actions might mitigate the risks:

• ensure there is a proper and supportable commercial justification for the appointment and that the
proposed payment mechanism is appropriate;

• establish at the outset a clear statement of the precise nature of the agent/intermediary's services,
costs and commission (or other remuneration);

• use Agent Questionnaires to ask questions in relation to key areas such as ownership, connections
to Foreign Public Officials, and information on its own ABC compliance processes. Ensure follow-up
of any red flags;

• carry out risk-based due diligence; the higher the risk, the greater the level of scrutiny of the agent
or intermediary. At the very least, desktop due diligence should be undertaken through internet
searches or third-party providers. For high risk agents, on the ground due diligence from a third-
party provider is advisable or face-to-face interviews with the agent;

• where practical, ensure that the person/body who approves the appointment of the agent is
independent of the business unit that wants it;

• communicate the company's anti-bribery procedures to the agent/intermediary, and give training
where appropriate; and

• review contracts with agents/intermediaries annually, and include terms that: require the
agent/intermediary not to offer bribes; allow the company to audit activities and expenditure;
require the agent/intermediary to report any requests for bribes by officials; and give the right to
terminate if the agent/intermediary's actions are suspicious.

Facilitation payments
These are illegal under the Act and companies that are regularly faced with requests for them should
adopt strategies to deal with this, including:

• training staff on how to respond to a request for a payment, such as questioning the legitimacy of
the demand, or requesting paperwork (e.g. the official's ID, or receipts);

• clarifying in their written policies that facilitation payments are not permitted;

• seeking local law advice relating to facilitation payments in the particular country; and

• using diplomatic channels, or participating in local non-governmental organisations to apply pressure

on authorities in the particular country.

Particular recommendations relating to the use of intermediaries: the "red flags"

The Woolf Committee, which was set up by the Board of BAE Systems plc to report on its ethics
policies and processes following the corruption allegations made against the company in relation to the
Al Yamamah UK-Saudi Arabia arms deal (see above), published a report on ethical business conduct at
BAE Systems in May 2008.50 The report included a list of "red flags" to alert companies to areas of risk
in relation to the appointment, management or payment of advisers, agents, brokers, consultants,
intermediaries, middlemen or representatives (Advisers). These red flags include:

• a history of corruption in the territory;

• an Adviser lacks experience in the sector and/or with the country in question;

• non-residence of an Adviser in the country where the customer or the project is located;

• no significant business presence of the Adviser within the country;

• an Adviser represents other companies with a questionable reputation;

• refusal by an Adviser to sign an agreement to the effect that he/she has not and will not make a
prohibited payment;

• an Adviser states that money is needed to "get the business";

• an Adviser requests "urgent" payments or unusually high commissions;

• an Adviser requests that payments be made in cash, via a corporate vehicle (including in the form of
equity), or that he/she is paid in a third country, to a numbered bank account, or that payments are
made to some other person or entity;

• an Adviser requires payment of the commission, or a significant proportion thereof, before or

immediately upon award of the contract by the customer to the company;

• an Adviser claims he/she can help secure the contract because he/she knows all the right people;

• an Adviser has a close personal/professional relationship to the government or customer that could
improperly influence the customer's decision;

• an Adviser is recommended by a government official or customer;

• an Adviser arrives on the scene just before the contract is to be awarded;

• an Adviser shows signs that could later be viewed as suggesting he/she might make inappropriate
payments, such as indications that a payment made to him/her will be set aside for a government
official; and/or

• there are insufficient bona fide business reasons for retaining an Adviser.


Appendix: Summary of DPAs entered into in relation to economic crime

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Standard Bank Failure to prevent bribery Yes. A US investigation had SB was required to: In calculating the fine of This was in many respects a perfect case
Plc (SB) contrary to section 7 of the also been initiated regarding US$16.8 million, the following for a DPA. It involved early self-reporting
(i) pay compensation of
Bribery Act 2010. This possible violations of the factors were relevant: and genuine co-operation with the SFO, it
30 November US$6 million plus interest
indictment was immediately FCPA. However, the US was an isolated incident, and there had
2015 of just over US$1 million; • Medium culpability: The
suspended on 30 November investigation was closed in been a subsequent change of corporate
section 7 offence “is not a
SFO 2015 pursuant to the DPA. the light of the UK DPA. As (ii) disgorge profit on ownership.
substantive bribery
part of the global deal, SB the transaction of US$8.4
Rt. Hon. Sir The suspended charge offence” and the evidence However, it demonstrated that DPAs are
paid US$4.2 million to settle million;
Brian Leveson related to a US$6 million did not reveal that SB not an easy option and that they will be
SEC charges of failing to
payment by a former sister (iii) pay a financial executives or employees subjected to close judicial scrutiny. Factors
disclose certain payments in
company of SB, Stanbic penalty of US$16.8 million; intended or knew of an that led to the DPA included:
connection with debt issued
Bank Tanzania, to a local intention to bribe.
by GOT in 2013. (iv) co-operate with the • The promptness of the self-report:
partner in Tanzania, However, SB did play a
relevant authorities in all disclosure was within days of the
Enterprise Growth Market significant, albeit not
matters relating to the suspicions coming to SB's attention,
Advisors (EGMA). The SFO intentional, role and failed
conduct arising out of the and before its solicitors had
alleged that the payment to act on the obvious red
circumstances of the draft commenced (let alone completed),
was intended to induce flags.
indictment; their own investigation.
members of the • Harm: The 1.4% fee of
• Level of co-operation: SB conducted a
Government of Tanzania (v) commission and US$8.4 million. A
detailed internal investigation that had
(GOT) to show favour to submit to an independent multiplier of 300% was
been sanctioned by the SFO and
Stanbic Tanzania and SB's review of its existing applied (range was 100%-
reported its findings to the SFO. The
proposal for a US$600 internal ABC controls, 300% for medium
SFO was provided with access to
million private placement to policies and procedures; culpability) in the light of
electronic and documentary evidence,
be carried out on behalf of and the serious failings on the
a summary of first accounts of
GOT. The placement part of SB to deal with the
interviewees, material specifically

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Standard Bank generated transaction fees (vi) pay the SFO's legal unethical conduct and the requested, and witnesses for interview
Plc of US$8.4 million, shared costs of £330,000. substantial harm to the by the SFO.
equally by Stanbic Tanzania public. • There was no evidence of history of
The term was set at three
and SB. • Fine calculated at US$25.2 similar conduct.
years, taking into
million. • Change of corporate ownership.
There was no evidence that consideration the fact that
• One-third reduction
the SB employees were SB had co-operated fully Following this DPA, the SFO spoke
applied (in line with the
aware of the alleged and from an early stage repeatedly of "genuine" co-operation, as
Sentencing Guidelines'
bribery, but compliance allowing for a thorough opposed to those who try to "game the
reduction for a guilty
failings at the bank meant investigation to be carried system".
plea), to reflect prompt
that obvious red flags were out, and that there had
self-reporting and level of However, despite the co-operation given,
ignored. already been improvements
co-operation. the fine was still very high and many
in its ABC policies and
Suspicions were raised after • The US Department of criticised the one-third reduction as being
the payments had been Justice (DOJ) confirmed too low and not offering sufficient incentive
made and the bank self- The DPA expired on 30 that the financial penalty to self-report.
reported as soon as it November 2018, SB having was comparable to the
There were other notable features of this
became aware that there fully complied with all its penalty that would have
was a problem. terms. been imposed had the
matter been dealt with in The Associated Person in this case was
Almost two years after the
the US. SB's sister company. The level of control
payment was made, ICBC
and involvement of SB in the transaction
acquired a 60% majority
was repeatedly referred to. Both banks
shareholding in SB, a new
were acting jointly and on behalf of one
Board was appointed, and
another in arranging the transaction; the
the business group involved
fee was split 50/50; SB exercised a
in the conduct was
significant level of control over the
transferred out of SB to a
structure of the deal; the employees
new entity, which remained
worked closely together; and the act was
a wholly owned subsidiary
intended to benefit both banks.
of Standard Bank Group

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Standard Bank (i.e. the South African Adequate procedures: The case also
Plc parent). illustrated that having policies and
procedures in place will not assist unless
employees are trained on recognising and
acting on red flags.

Here, a lack of clear guidance or

understanding of SB's policies meant that
the SB team did not appreciate its
obligations/procedures when two entities
within the Standard Bank Group were
involved in a transaction and the other
Standard Bank Group entity engaged an
introducer or a consultant. As such, SB
delegated responsibility for the necessary
compliance checks on EGMA to its sister
company. These proved to be deficient and
led to SB missing obvious red flags.

This highlights the importance of a

thorough risk assessment when drafting
policies, and dealing with the risks inherent
in sister companies'/JV partners' dealings
with third parties, particularly in high risk

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Sarclad Limited The charges included No. Duration of at least two and The financial penalty of This case illustrates that, even when faced
allegations of conspiracy to a half years, and up to five £352,000 was low because that with bribery that went all the way to the
8 July 2016
corrupt contrary to section years. This is so that was all Sarclad could pay. The top, the SFO and the courts are prepared to
SFO 1 of the Criminal Law Act Sarclad has time to pay, as alternative would have been to offer a DPA and be lenient when it comes to
1977, conspiracy to bribe payment is to be made in force Sarclad into insolvency, financial penalties if appropriate co-
Rt. Hon. Sir
contrary to section 1 of the instalments. which was considered to be operation is given and the financial
Brian Leveson
same Act, and failure to disproportionate in the light of circumstances warrant it. As the Judge
Disgorgement of gross
prevent bribery contrary to the mitigating factors. commented: "it is important to send a clear
profits of £6,201,085.
section 7 of the Bribery Act message, reflecting a policy choice in
£1,953,085 of this is to be It is interesting to note how
2010. This indictment was bringing DPAs into the law of England and
contributed by Heico as this was arrived at:
immediately suspended on Wales, that a company’s shareholders,
being the repayment by
8 July 2016 pursuant to the • With culpability ranked as customers and employees (as well as all
Heico of a significant
DPA. high, the lowest starting those with whom it deals) are far better
proportion of dividends that
point for the fine was served by self-reporting and putting in
The suspended charges it had received from
£16.4 million (250% of place effective compliance structures. When
relate to the period June Sarclad.
£6.5 million). it does so, that openness must be rewarded
2004 to June 2012, in
Financial penalty of • The Judge would have and be seen to be worthwhile."
which a small group of
£352,000. applied a 50% discount
senior employees were Factors that weighed in favour of a DPA
rather than one-third for a
involved in the systematic Past and future co- included:
guilty plea. The additional
offer and/or payment of operation with the SFO in
credit was given in the • The majority of the bribes were
bribes via agents to secure all matters relating to
light of the fact that the instigated by the intermediaries – not
contracts in foreign conduct arising out of the
admissions were made far Sarclad's employees – and the bribing
jurisdictions. The SFO circumstances of the draft
in advance of the first mechanism was not particularly
concluded that, of the 74 indictment.
reasonable opportunity a sophisticated.
contracts it examined, 28
Annual review, guilty plea could have • The speed and the extent of the self-
were found to have been
maintenance of and been made. "In the reporting. As noted by the Judge, but
procured as a result of
reporting to the SFO on the circumstances, a discount for the self-report, the conduct may
bribes, with a value of
organisation’s existing of 50% could be never have been revealed to the SFO.
£17.2 million. Gross profit

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Sarclad from those contracts compliance programme, appropriate not least to • The genuinely proactive approach
equalled £6.5 million. including a report encourage others how to adopted by Sarclad to its wrongdoing.
addressing all third-party conduct themselves when • The totality of the information
In 2000, Sarclad was
intermediary transactions, confronting criminality as provided. This included investigation
acquired by a US company,
and the completion and Sarclad has." On the face reports, and oral summaries of
Heico Companies LLC.
effectiveness of its existing of it, that reduced the interviews.
During the period following
ABC controls, policies and figure to £8.2 million. • The new compliance culture that had
the February 2000
procedures. • Although not a mitigating been put in place.
acquisition, Heico received
factor, it was relevant that • Change of management: the two
dividend payments totalling The SFO did not seek its
Sarclad had already spent implicated senior employees and
£6 million. costs.
£3.8 million in fees arising agents had gone and bids for the two
Prior to 2012, Sarclad did from the steps it had suspect contracts withdrawn. Sarclad
not have adequate taken in relation to the was a culturally different company
compliance. Heico investigation and self- from that which committed the
addressed this in late 2011 cleansing. offences.
and implemented its global • Taking into account the
That said, the Judge was at pains to make
compliance programme. As sum to be disgorged of
it clear that this was an exceptional case
a result, at the end of £6,201,085, a financial
and that the individuals concerned would
August 2012, concerns penalty of £352,000 gave
not go unpunished.
came to light about the way a total which equated to
in which a number of the gross profit on the The case also has implications for parent
contracts had been implicated contracts. companies whose subsidiaries are involved
secured. Sarclad in bribery. The Judge made it clear that
immediately retained a law here there was no question of the parent
firm to undertake an knowingly making a profit from its
independent internal subsidiary's criminality or that it should
investigation. The law firm have known what was going on.
delivered a report to the Furthermore, there was no contractual or
SFO on 31 January 2013, legal obligation attaching to an innocent

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Sarclad after which the SFO parent that required it to contribute to the
conducted its own financial penalty. But, as the Judge pointed
investigation. out, a parent company receiving financial
benefits arising from the unlawful conduct
In related proceedings
of a subsidiary (albeit unknown) must
concerning the prosecution
appreciate how that will be perceived.
against the ex-employees,
the SFO was criticised for Heico had received £6 million in dividends
not insisting on disclosure from Sarclad since acquiring it in February
of first interview notes and 2000. It was the Judge who appears to
instead accepting oral have suggested that an appropriate
proffers (R (on the proportion be reflected in the terms of the
application of AL) v Serious DPA – hence the agreement to pay
Fraud Office [2018] EWHC £1,953,085 towards disgorgement. A
856 (Admin)). payment which "further demonstrates
Heico’s continuing commitment to the DPA
Three individuals were
process and its support of Sarclad ".
prosecuted by the SFO as a
result of the investigation. The "sterling assistance" provided by Heico
On 16 July 2019 they were must also have factored into the decision as
acquitted of conspiracy to to whether to offer a DPA. It was certainly a
corrupt and conspiracy to factor in ensuring that Sarclad avoided
bribe. Consequently, insolvency. This could be a sign that
reporting restrictions were overseas parent companies will be expected
lifted and Sarclad Limited to become more involved in order to ensure
named as the SME party to that a DPA is secured in circumstances
the DPA (prior to that it where the parent indirectly receives a
was referred to as XYZ). benefit.

In the final judgment, the Judge also makes

it clear [para 28], that where there is

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

evidence that a parent company has set up

a subsidiary as a vehicle for the payment of
bribes, it will be prosecuted under section

Rolls-Royce The allegations concerned Yes. There were parallel Duration of four to five The financial penalty of This DPA demonstrates that any case may
the conduct of its civil investigations in the US and years. £239,082,645 was arrived at be appropriate for a DPA. Until Rolls-Royce,
17 January
aerospace business, Brazil and the enforcement by looking at each of the 12 many thought that DPAs would not be
2017 Terms agreed included:
defence aerospace business authorities worked together counts (some of which were offered in cases of conduct of an egregious
SFO and former energy to ensure a coordinated (i) The future co-operation grouped together) and nature. However, Rolls-Royce was a case of
business, and relate to the global resolution. Parallel to and access to assessing harm and culpability "egregious criminality".
Rt. Hon. Sir
sale of aero engines, this DPA, Rolls-Royce settled information/witnesses in for each of them. The
Brian Leveson It also shows that a company does not
energy systems and related with the DOJ (fine of just relation to any culpability multiplier applied
have to self-report to the SFO to obtain a
services. under US$170 million) and investigations/prosecutions ranged between 200% and
DPA. Prior to Rolls-Royce, it was thought
with the Brazilian authorities brought by the SFO, or 400%.
The draft indictment that self-reporting was key to securing a
(fine of US$25.8 million). The other domestic or foreign
included 12 counts of The total reached amounted to DPA. However, it was the SFO that
US agreement covered the enforcement agencies, in
misconduct, including the £478,165,290.00. contacted Rolls-Royce following internet
conduct of Rolls-Royce’s relation to the conduct
making of corrupt postings by a whistleblower.
energy business in Brazil, arising out of the In the light of the
payments, the concealment
Kazakhstan and Thailand, circumstances of the draft "extraordinary cooperation" A key consideration for the granting of the
of the use of intermediaries
and also addressed conduct indictment. demonstrated by Rolls-Royce, DPA was the "extraordinary” level of co-
in jurisdictions where their
relating to Rolls-Royce arising the Judge considered it operation given by Rolls-Royce once it was
use was restricted, and the (ii) Disgorgement of profits
from an investigation into its appropriate to apply a 50% contacted by the SFO.
section 7 failure to prevent of £258,170,000.
use of Unaoil. discount to the figure, which
bribery in certain As commented on by the Judge "the
(iii) Payment of a financial gave a total penalty figure of
jurisdictions. Described by company could not have done more to
penalty of £239,082,645. £239,082,645.00.
the Judge as a case of expose its own misconduct". The company
"egregious criminality", the (iv) Payment of the SFO's Payment is to be made in not only reported frankly on issues that the
allegations concerned costs of £13 million. instalments. SFO was aware of, but also provided
conduct that took place information on other wrongdoing of which

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Rolls-Royce over three decades in seven (v) Continuation, the SFO was unaware, including in relation
jurisdictions, and involved implementation and regular to parts of its business wholly unconnected
senior management and monitoring and review of to the SFO's original investigation. It spent
politically exposed persons. the compliance systems over £123 million on its investigation and
and controls overhaul co-operation with the various enforcement
Rolls-Royce did not self-
commenced in January agencies.
report. It was the SFO that
2013, which was overseen
contacted Rolls-Royce As subsequently confirmed by the SFO, it
by Lord Gold, and which
following internet postings was this level of co-operation and
had already cost Rolls-
by a whistleblower alleging disclosure that meant that the lack of a
Royce £15 million.
corruption in its business in self-report was not fatal to the DPA.
Indonesia and China. However, in cases where the SFO has to
However, once contacted, investigate the case without the benefit of
Rolls-Royce immediately openness from the corporate, or where the
commenced an information already provided is so detailed
investigation and its that there is little the corporate can do to
"extraordinary cooperation" make up the deficit in information, it may
enabled the SFO to conduct well be. The incentive to self-report
its own extensive remains.
Rolls-Royce also provided unfiltered access
On 22 February 2019 the to over 30 million documents and to
SFO announced the closure witness statements and witnesses. With
of the investigations into regard to witness interviews, it provided
the individuals concerned, witness interviews on a limited waiver
due to there being basis, agreed to audio record interviews if
insufficient evidence to asked by the SFO, and allowed the SFO to
provide a realistic prospect interview witnesses before they were
of conviction or it not being interviewed by the company.

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Rolls-Royce in the public interest to The Judge was also satisfied that the
bring a prosecution. internal changes made by Rolls-Royce
showed a genuine intention to clear out all
the disreputable practices that had
occurred. Rolls-Royce spent over £15
million overhauling its compliance regime,
and appointed a new Board and executive
team. Rolls-Royce was no longer the
company it once was.

The impact that prosecution would have

had on the company, its employees and
third party interests was also a factor.
However, the Judge was clear to point out
that this was not a determinative factor,
just one to be weighed in the balance when
considering the public interest: "…a
company that commits serious crimes must
expect to be prosecuted and if convicted
dealt with severely and, absent sufficient
countervailing factors, cannot expect to
have an application for approval of a DPA
accepted" (para 57).

In addition, the total financial impact of the

penalties and costs imposed exceeded £500
million. The Judge was satisfied that it:
"achieves the objectives of punishment and
deterrence" and that "the penalty is
substantial enough to have a real economic

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

impact" and "will bring home to both

management and shareholders the need to
operate within the law without putting it out
of business which outcome would be
inappropriate in these circumstances".

Tesco Stores The allegations concerned No Duration of 3 years. The financial penalty was The Tesco DPA is a further example of the
Limited (Tesco) false accounting practices. arrived at by determining the high level of co-operation expected by the
Terms included:
relevant harm figure by SFO and the courts.
10 April 2017 According to the statement
(i) Co-operation with the reference to 10-20% of
of facts, between February The conduct complained of was serious. It
SFO SFO and other law relevant revenue (as
and September 2014, a took place over a sustained period, involved
enforcement/regulatory recommended by the
Rt. Hon. Sir culture existed at Tesco senior management, and led to the
authorities in their related Sentencing Guidelines in cases
Brian Leveson that encouraged illegal maintenance of a culture within Tesco
investigations; where there is no gross profit
practices to meet Stores which led to the concealment of
figure to work from).
accounting targets, (ii) Payment of a financial illegitimate accounting practices that
including improperly penalty of £128,992,500; After applying a percentage caused substantial harm to the integrity of
recognised income in the figure of 11.25%, this gave an and confidence in the markets.
iii) Payment of the SFO's
UK accounts, by "pulling overall harm figure of £85,995
costs of £3 million; and Despite that, the court was prepared to
forward" income from million.
approve a DPA in light of the following
subsequent reporting iv) At its own expense,
Culpability was determined as factors:
periods. implement an ongoing
high, and the starting point of
compliance programme • The companies acted "immediately,
An employee reported the 300% was used as the
during the three year term and responsibly" on discovery of the
accounting irregularities to aggravating factors and
of the DPA. wrongdoing, appointing auditors,
the legal department in mitigating features balanced
reporting to the market and taking
September 2014. This was each other out.
action against the senior management
quickly escalated to the
That gave a figure of £257.985 involved, resulting in a significant
CEO of Tesco plc, and
million change in the UK leadership team.
internal and external

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

auditors were instructed to In the light of “the exemplary • The "exemplary" co-operation
investigate, and an standard of co-operation” exhibited. It voluntarily reported the
independent firm instructed exhibited by Tesco, the Judge offending, made early admissions, and
to verify the process. considered it appropriate to fully co-operated with the SFO's
apply a 50% discount to the investigation.
On 29 October the SFO
figure, which gave a total • The "wide ranging and comprehensive"
opened a criminal
penalty figure of remedial measures taken, including
investigation. Tesco plc and
£128,992.500. simplification of reporting lines, the
Tesco Stores provided full
launch of an external whistleblowing
co-operation throughout
service, increased legal and compliance
the investigation.
teams, and investments in technology
Three former Tesco to aid financial controls.
employees who held senior • The impact that a criminal conviction
management roles in the would have on others, including
Tesco UK business were shareholders, employees, pensioners
also charged over and those in the supply chain.
allegations of fraud and
The Judge concluded with remarks
false accounting.
concerning the reputational damage
All three were subsequently suffered by companies where offences are
acquitted of all charges in committed at a senior level. In his view,
late 2018 and early 2019. that damage "can only be limited by the
demonstration of integrity, by the company
operating through its most senior
management…. It generally requires self-
reporting to the authorities, co-operation
with an investigation, a willingness to learn
the lessons and recognition that where
corporate liability could be established, a
penalty must be imposed for punishment

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

and deterrence. In that way, the company

concerned can demonstrate to its Board, its
employees, its agents, its customers and its
shareholders that it has learnt and will
adhere to the highest standards required of
those engaged in corporate activity in this

In his view, once the offence was

discovered, Tesco Stores and Tesco plc
demonstrated that level of integrity.

Serco Geografix The proposed indictment No Duration of 3 years. The financial penalty was As described by the Judge (para 26), this
Limited (SGL) included three offences of determined by reference to the was a "quite deliberate fraud" against the
Terms included:
fraud and two offences of loss suffered by the MoJ - MoJ which took place "over many months"
4 July 2019
false accounting arising (i) Payment of a financial £12.8 million (the harm). and which reflected "business practices
SFO from a scheme to penalty of £19.2 million. apparently ingrained in the company".
Culpability was high and the
dishonestly mislead the This is an addition to the
Mr Justice starting multiplier of 300% was However, a DPA was considered to be in
Ministry of Justice (MoJ) as settlement monies already
William Davis applied as the aggravating and the public interest for the following
to the true extent of the paid by Serco to the MoJ in
mitigating factors balanced reasons:
profits being made between 2013.
each other out.
2010 and 2013 by SGL’s • The prompt and detailed reporting by
(ii) Payment of the SFO's
parent company, Serco That gave a figure of £38.4 Serco and its subsidiaries of the
costs of £3.7 million; and
Limited (SL), from its million. fraudulent conduct.
contract for the provision of (iii) SGL to be credited for • The substantial co-operation by Serco
A discount of 50% was then
electronic monitoring payments made pursuant and its subsidiaries with the
applied to reflect the level of
services. to the 2013 settlement, investigation by the SFO. This included
co-operation provided.
which fully offset the not interviewing witnesses at the SFO's
In late 2013 SL's parent,
compensation (£12.8 request, providing unrestricted access
Serco Group plc (Serco),
million) SGL otherwise to data, waiving privilege over

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

self-reported to the SFO would be obligated to pay. accounting material, and proactively
after uncovering evidence This also represents SGL’s informing the SFO of new evidence or
which appeared to show disgorgement of profit. developments.
that there had been • The lack of any history of similar
(iv) Co-operation with the
manipulation of accounting conduct on the part of Serco or its
SFO and other law
between SGL and SL subsidiaries.
designed artificially to • The age of the conduct and the
reduce the profit margins remedial measures taken since the
reported to the MoJ. (v) Improvement and matter was reported to the SFO. In
annual reporting of ethics addition to the settlement with the
Although SL was the
and compliance policies; MoJ, Serco has undergone a complete
beneficiary of the fraud, SL
and change of management and reviewed
was not party to the DPA as
and strengthened its compliance
no "directing mind" of SL (vi) An undertaking from
procedures and policies.
could be shown to be Serco, in which it agreed to
• The disproportionate consequences
involved in the devising of ongoing co-operation with
which might result from a criminal
the fraud and putting it into the SFO and other law
conviction of SGL. These include the
effect. However, the enforcement and regulatory
debarment of SGL/SL from
evidence indicated that authorities and the
participation in any government
individuals within SGL who improvement and annual
procurement exercise.
could properly be described reporting of its ethics and
as directing minds of the compliance policies. The issue of debarment was one that
company were party to the troubled the Judge. He commented (at para
scheme. 27) that if his approval of the DPA was the
determining factor in the question of
As such, only SGL was
debarment then he doubted whether he
party to the DPA.
would have given approval. However, as
SL and Serco subsequently the government would have the discretion
paid various sums to the to debar in the case of a conviction or a
DPA (in accordance with the Public

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

MoJ by way of settlement of Contracts Regulations 2015), this meant

the MoJ's claims. that his decision to approve, while relevant,
was not determinative of what should be a
Since January 2018 SGL
political decision.
has been a dormant
company with no In any event, the government exercised its
expectation of future discretion against debarment in light of the
trading. extent of the "self-cleaning" measures
Investigations into the
individuals implicated are Another key factor in the decision to
ongoing. As such approve the DPA was the undertaking given
publication of the by Serco.
Statement of Facts has
Since SGL is a dormant company, the
been postponed pending
obligations to which it is subject under the
those investigations.
DPA are of limited value. This potential
problem was addressed by Serco agreeing
to provide an undertaking that mirrored the
requirements imposed on SGL by the DPA.

This is the first time that a parent company

undertaking has been required in relation to
a DPA entered into by one of its
subsidiaries. As noted by the Judge, it "is
an important development in the use of
DPAs. The nature of modern corporate
structures means that it may be
problematic to show that a controlling mind
of the parent company was involved in the
criminality carried out by a subsidiary

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

company even where the benefit of the

criminality tended to accrue to the parent
company. Yet it will be the parent company
which necessarily must engage in any
compliance programme and cooperate with
law enforcement agencies. The approach
taken by Serco Group PLC in this case
strengthens the public interest in the
approval of this DPA".

Güralp Systems GSL is a UK registered SME Yes. GSL self-reported to Duration of 5 years. Not applicable. According to the Judge this was a case of
Ltd (GSL) that specialises in the both the UK SFO and the US "serious and sustained criminality". It
Terms included: This is the first DPA where no
development, design, DOJ. involved corrupt payments made routinely
22 October financial penalty was ordered
manufacture and sale of (i) Disgorgement of profit to a public official over many years (2002-
2019 The US proceedings to be paid. The Judge was
devices and systems for made by GSL in the sum of 2015) by senior officers and employees.
concerned Dr Chi. He was satisfied that GSL would be
SFO seismic measurement. Its £2,069,861, to be paid by "On the face of it the activity of GSL richly
convicted in July 2017 on one unable to pay a financial
business is international. the end of the 5 year period merits prosecution." (para 25 of the
Mr Justice count of laundering the penalty over and above the
(but no timetable set within judgment).
William Davis The conduct concerned proceeds of corrupt payments disgorgement sum, and that
the DPA);
payments totalling US$1 he had received from GSL the overall sum payable was The Judge drew parallels between the
million to a South Korean and a US company. In August (ii) Full co-operation with fair, reasonable and sustained corrupt activity that was the
public official, Dr Chi. The 2018 the DOJ closed its the SFO; and proportionate. subject of the Rolls Royce DPA, and the fact
payments were made inquiry into GSL (presumably that the gravity of the offence did not
(iii) Review of and The Judge considered that, had
between 2002 and 2015 in recognition of the SFO's prevent that DPA from being in the
implementation of ABC a penalty been appropriate,
and therefore engaged both prosecution of the company). interests of justice.
controls, policies and after allowing for a 50%
the pre-UK Bribery Act laws
procedures, and annual discount, it would have been in Accordingly, and taking into account the
and the UK Bribery Act.
reporting to the SFO on the region of £3 million. following factors, a DPA was in the interests
In September 2015 the new those systems and controls of justice in this case:
Chairman of GSL became for the duration of the DPA.

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

suspicious about the • Self-reporting of its suspicions together

relationship between GSL with a full report of its findings to the
and Dr Chi. He instructed SFO by the external law firm;
external solicitors to • Complete change in management -
investigate, as a result of those responsible for the payments are
which concerns were no longer associated with GSL;
reported to the SFO and the • No other criminal conduct: the activity
DOJ in October 2015. was confined to Dr Chi and not part of
a general pattern with regard to other
GSL and three senior
public officials GSL engaged with;
officers and employees
• Substantial remediation undertaken
were charged with
since discovery of the payments,
conspiracy to make corrupt
including termination of distribution
payments to Dr Chi. GSL
contracts that gave rise to concerns
was also charged with
and the introduction of a compliance
failing to prevent bribery
program; and
under section 7.
• The "extensive and ongoing co-
GSL was subsequently operation" provided by GSL (para 13 of
invited by the SFO to enter the statement of facts).
into a DPA in relation to its
While these factors are common to most
alleged criminal conduct.
DPAs agreed with the SFO, this case does
GSL agreed.
have some notable features.
On 20 December 2019 the
First is the fact that yet again, the SFO has
SFO announced that the
been unable to secure a conviction against
three individuals had been
the individuals implicated.
acquitted of conspiracy to
make corrupt payments in This is also the first DPA where the
relation to payments made company does not have to pay a financial
penalty (see financial penalty column). The

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

to Dr Chi between 2002 and Judge acknowledged that the appropriate

2015. level of penalty (£3 million) would "put GSL
out of business" to the detriment of its
Consequently, reporting
innocent employees. Further allowances
restrictions on the DPA
were made for GSL's precarious financial
were lifted.
position in the terms set for payment of the
disgorgement sum. No timetable for
payment was ordered as this would not be
a "practicable option", and GSL was given
the option to vary the terms should it face
difficulty in making payment by the 5 year

For these reasons GSL was also ordered not

to pay any costs.

Airbus SE Airbus is the largest Yes. Duration of three years. The financial penalty of According to the Judge "the criminality
aeronautics and space €398,034,571 was arrived at involved was grave" (para 5). The conduct
31 January The UK DPA is part of a Airbus is required to:
company in Europe. by looking at each of the 5 took place over many years, extended to
2020 broader global settlement
(i) provide full and honest counts (some of which were every continent in which Airbus operates,
The parent company, involving, UK, French and US
SFO cooperation with the SFO grouped together) and and involved senior personnel. Both the
Airbus SE, is based in the enforcement agencies. The
and any other domestic or assessing harm and culpability financial gain and the harm caused to the
Rt. Hon. Dame Netherlands. Its main French agency, Parquet
foreign law enforcement for each of them. integrity and confidence of markets by the
Victoria Sharp operations are in France but National Financier (PNF) had
and regulatory authorities conduct was substantial.
it has substantial primacy in the investigation. In reaching the harm figure,
during the term of the DPA;
operations and subsidiaries In that respect, it provides the SFO took the gross profit Despite "this extremely high level of
in multiple jurisdictions, useful insights into how (ii) disgorge profits of from the contracts obtained as seriousness", she considered that the
several of which were global investigations are €585,939,740 to the SFO a result of bribery as its interests of justice are nevertheless served
implicated in the conducted. by 31 January 2023; starting point. However, in by a DPA rather than a prosecution. In
wrongdoing. However, only calculating the figure, the

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Airbus SE the parent company was a The SFO and the PNF (iii) pay a financial penalty Court agreed that the approach doing so, she took into account the
party to the DPA. conducted a joint of €398,034,571 within 30 adopted in the Sentencing following factors:
investigation, which ran in days; Guidelines could be departed
The indictment covers five • Self-reporting and "exemplary" co-
parallel with the US from "for reasons of totality
counts of failure to prevent (iv) pay the SFO's operation: Although she accepted that
investigation. Each agency and proportionality and to
bribery under section 7 of investigative and legal costs Airbus was slow off the mark (concerns
took responsibility for assist in the wider global
the Bribery Act 2010. The of €6,989,401 within 30 had been raised in 2014), and that the
geographical areas or resolution of this case" (para.
conduct involves Airbus’ days; and "true catalyst" for the self-report to the
customers. The SFO was 102 of the judgment). The
Commercial and Defence & SFO was UKEF, Sharp J considered that
responsible for Malaysia, Sri (v) continue to implement approach adopted by the other
Space divisions. The Airbus had cooperated "to the fullest
Lanka, Taiwan, Indonesia and compliance and ethics enforcement agencies was
conduct covered by the UK extent possible" (paras 69 and 73).
Ghana. The PNF handled programme improvements therefore taken into account.
DPA took place across five She was particularly impressed by the
China, Colombia, Nepal, throughout its operations.
jurisdictions: Sri Lanka, The total reached amounted to fact that a Dutch and French domiciled
South Korea, the UAE, Saudia
Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan €796,069,142. company accepted that the SFO had
Arabia, Taiwan and Russia.
and Ghana between 2011 extra-territorial jurisdiction and was so
The US authorities looked In light of Airbus' "exemplary
and 2015. fulsome in its cooperation. This
into bribery offences in cooperation and remediation",
included helping the joint investigation
Much of the conduct China. the Judge considered it
become aware of offences overseas
concerned was conducted appropriate to apply a 50%
In total, the settlements that it may not have otherwise
by Airbus' business discount to the figure, which
agreed require Airbus SE to discovered, assisting in the efficient
partners (BPs). It is alleged gave a total penalty figure of
pay approximately €3.6 review of over 30.5 million documents,
that those BPs offered €398,034,571.
billion (including €2.08 billion waiving privilege over witness first
financial incentives in order
to the PNF and €525 million Payment to be within 30 days. accounts, and providing full access to
to win business for Airbus
to the DOJ). The level of fines individuals and information.
SE. For its part, Airbus SE
reflect that fact that primacy • Remedial measures and culture
did not prevent, or have in
was given to the PNF, and change: Airbus was now "a changed
place at the material times
France’s and the UK’s company to that which existed when
adequate procedures
interests in the case were the wrongdoing occurred" (para. 87).
designed to prevent that
In addition to identifying compliance
concerns and taking significant steps to

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Airbus SE Concerns were raised much stronger than that of overhaul its compliance processes,
internally in 2014. the US. Airbus completely changed its
Consequently, in management team and conducted
In addition, Airbus is subject
September 2014, Airbus disciplinary investigations against
to a French monitorship for
initiated an internal review existing and former employees. It also
three years by France’s Anti-
of all third party commissioned an independent panel to
corruption Agency (AFA).
relationships. regularly review its revised policies and
procedures. The third report is due in
Action was taken, including
a freeze on payments to
• Collateral effects: While acknowledging
BPs, the introduction of
that "No company is too big to
new compliance processes,
prosecute", the Judge accepted that a
the dismissal of certain
criminal conviction would have "a
employees and the closure
number of materially adverse
of the committee
consequences." A conviction would
responsible for oversight of
most likely result in debarment in the
the relationships with BPs.
UK, EU and other jurisdictions. The
In parallel, Airbus was significant impact it would have on the
responding to and financial health of the company would
investigating concerns impact on other innocent stakeholders,
raised by the UK Export including employees, shareholders,
Finance (UKEF). This led to pension holders, companies in the
both Airbus and UKEF supply chain. Thousands of jobs would
reporting to the SFO on 1 be at risk and that would in turn
April 2016. impact the economies of the countries
in which Airbus operated. Deloitte
On 15 July 2016 the SFO
estimated it could lower the GDP in
opened a criminal
each of the UK, the United States,

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Airbus SE investigation into Airbus Germany, France and Spain. each of

and associated persons. those countries by over €100 billion.

The investigation into There were also other aspects of this DPA
implicated individuals is which make it notable.
ongoing. Their identity has
The size of the global settlement. With a
not been revealed in any of
global payment of €3.6 billion, it tops the
the DPA documents to
enforcement charts, replacing Odebrecht as
ensure a fair trial and to
the world's largest foreign bribery case in
protect those in
history. In the UK, the settlement exceeded
jurisdictions where the
the total value of all other DPAs concluded
death penalty exists for
to date.
Compliance overhaul: This was not a case
of a company not having policies and
procedures in place. Airbus' policies and
procedures had been independently
certified in 2012. However, serious
weaknesses within Airbus’ compliance and
oversight structure and its corporate culture
meant that all of the policies and
procedures could be circumvented.

Significant steps have been taken to

address this, including ensuring
independent oversight at Board level, a
restructuring of legal and compliance to
make it more effective, a global risk
assessment, reducing use of BPs globally by
95%, regular monitoring and review by an

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

Airbus SE independent panel, redesigning policies and

procedures and systems and controls and
ensuring employees at risk are given ABC

The French led global investigation and

settlement also highlights a move away
from the US being the dominant player in
these types of investigations.

Another factor that caused difficulty was

the French Blocking Statute. However, PNF
was able to overcome this and ensured that
both its agreements with the SFO and DOJ
gave it control over the supply of
documents outside France to ensure
compliance with it.

G4S Care and G4S C&J is a UK private No Duration of three years. The financial penalty was The Judge considered the conduct to be
Justice Services limited company and wholly determined by reference to the serious. The fraud related to an important
Terms included:
(UK) Ltd (G4S owned subsidiary of G4S harm to the MoJ and the profit part of the criminal justice system, involved
C&J) plc. (i) Payment of a financial generated from the unlawful a substantial loss to the public purse and is
penalty of £38,513,277; conduct - £21,396,265. likely to adversely impact public confidence
17 July 2020 Between 2005 and 2015
in the process whereby public functions are
G4S C&J provided (ii) Payment of the SFO's Culpability was high and the
SFO contracted out by the Government. The
electronic monitoring costs of £5,952,711; starting multiplier of 300% was
evidence also indicated that it took place
Mr Justice services for the Ministry of applied, as the aggravating and
(iii) G4S C&J to be credited over a six-year period.
William Davis Justice. mitigating factors balanced
for payments made
each other out.
The indictment covered pursuant to the 2014 However, the following factors tipped the
three offences of fraud settlement with the MoJ, scales in favour of approval of a DPA:

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

against the MoJ arising which fully offset the That gave a figure of • Prompt reporting in January 2014 by
from a scheme to deceive compensation £64,188,795. the company to the SFO.
the MoJ as to the true (£21,396,265) G4S C&J • Although G4S C&J failed to fully
A discount of 40% was then
extent of G4S C&J’s profits would otherwise be obliged cooperate until a late stage in the
applied to reflect the level of
between 2011 and 2012 to pay. This also represents investigation (October 2019), overall it
cooperation provided.
from its contracts for the G4S C&J’s disgorgement of substantially cooperated with the SFO
provision of electronic profit; That gave a figure of investigation.
monitoring services. The £38,513,277. • The relative age of the conduct – it
(iv) Full and honest
scheme was designed to goes back to 2005-2013 and there has
cooperation with the SFO
prevent the MoJ from been no continuing misconduct.
and any other domestic or
attempting to decrease G4S • The extensive remedial measures
foreign law enforcement
C&J’s revenues under those taken by G4S plc as the parent
and regulatory authorities
contracts. company. As described by the Judge,
during the term of the DPA;
the parent had undertaken "a root and
In December 2013, the MoJ
(v) Continuation of the branch self-cleaning process which is
raised concerns with G4S
corporate renewal continuing" (para. 34). This included:
C&J relating to financial
programme; and significant personnel changes, the
reporting. Consequently, in
creation of a Board Risk Committee to
January 2014, G4S C&J (vi) An undertaking from
oversee the most sensitive and
reported to the SFO that it G4S plc, in which it agreed
important contracts held by G4S
had discovered material to ensure that the
Group; a change in reporting lines;
which indicated that the compliance measures are
expansion of the Group's audit
company had failed to maintained and enforced
function; introduction of a 360-degree
provide accurate financial Group-wide and to appoint
review process of all contracts with the
reports to the MoJ. an external and
Government; and reviews and
independent reviewer to
Following an investigation, assessments of the financial
review and report on those
the SFO concluded that governance of G4S by outside bodies.
compliance measures.
there had been fraudulent
conduct in relation to the

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

contracts for the provision • The disproportionate consequences

of electronic monitoring which potentially would flow from any
services. Further, it was conviction of G4S C&J.
concluded that, from • The potential collateral effects on the
August 2011 and by public and on employees and
reference to the shareholders of G4S C&J in the event
identification principle, the of conviction.
company was criminally
This DPA is noteworthy in several respects.
liable for that conduct.
First, the approach to cooperation. The
The draft indictment
Judge considered that G4S C&J had failed
charged G4S C&J with three
to fully cooperate at the outset. In his view,
offences of fraud. G4S C&J
the company’s level of cooperation could
accepted the SFO's
not be said to be "exemplary" until October
invitation to enter into a
2019 when it intensified very significantly.
DPA and accepted
It was then that the company provided
responsibility for the three
access to all interviews conducted by its
offences of fraud.
solicitors and accountants on a limited
The DPA only relates to the waiver of privilege basis. This reflects the
potential criminal liability of SFO guidance on corporate cooperation
G4S C&J. Investigations published in August 2019 and indicates the
into the individuals high level of cooperation required before it
implicated are ongoing. As can be considered "exemplary".
such, publication of the
However, the Judge still considered that a
Statement of Facts has
DPA was appropriate. For the purposes of
been postponed pending
approving a DPA, it is the overall level of
those investigations.
cooperation that is relevant.
Separately, in March 2014,
G4S C&J settled various

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

claims with the MoJ for Instead, any failure to cooperate should be
approx. £121 million, which considered when deciding on the level of
included a sum of discount on a financial penalty. Given that
£22,115,505 to reflect the Judge considered that the cooperation
"unanticipated cost was lacking until a late stage in the
efficiencies". investigation, he agreed that a discount of
40%, rather than 50%, was appropriate
(para. 40).

Second, the role of the parent, G4S plc.

This is the second time that a parent
company undertaking has been required in
relation to a DPA entered into by one of its
subsidiaries. However, unlike the Serco DPA
(see above), G4S C&J remains a substantial
trading entity. Therefore, the undertaking is
of "greater significance" in the context of
this DPA (para. 43).

The parent undertaking is likely to become

a feature of DPAs approved with wholly
owned subsidiaries. As explained in the
Serco DPA (see above), it will be the parent
company which necessarily must engage in
any compliance programme and cooperate
with law enforcement agencies. As such,
the role of the parent company will be a
key factor in deciding whether a DPA is in
the public interest.

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

The DPA is also significant as regards the

extent of remediation and monitoring
imposed on the parent. In addition to the
extensive measures already taken, the DPA
requires G4S to ensure that compliance
measures are maintained and enforced
Group-wide. These include appointing a
Group-level head of internal audit and
compliance with a properly funded office by
March 2021. In addition, an external and
independent Reviewer is to be appointed to
review and report to the SFO on the
corporate renewal being undertaken by

As noted by the Judge (para. 43), the level

of external scrutiny is greater than in any
previous DPA. However, it was considered
necessary and appropriate given the
exposure of both G4S C&J and the parent
company to government contracts. It also
ensured that the public interest in
approving the DPA was "very high" (para.
28). Expect this to be a feature of future
DPAs where government contracts are

Finally, the issue of debarment was also

raised. As with the Serco DPA (see above),
the Judge was satisfied that his decision to

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

approve the DPA, while relevant, was not

determinative of what should be a political

Airline Services ASL is a UK company. Its No, although the SFO was Duration of one year (ASL The financial penalty was ASL’s conduct was considered to be
Limited (ASL) business encompassed the assisted by the Public is in the process of being determined by reference to the "egregious" having taken place over a
provision of a number of Prosecutors of Frankfurt am wound up and one year was harm (in this case the profit sustained period of time and across
30 October
services for airlines, Main. thought sufficient to allow it generated from the unlawful multiple jurisdictions, repeated over three
including the manufacture to comply with the terms). conduct - £990,971.45). separate agreements, and taking into
SFO and adaptation of parts for account senior management's wilful
Terms included: Culpability was high but the
aircraft interiors. disregard of the commission of bribery
Mrs Justice May starting multiplier of 300% was
(i) Payment of offences, the lack of an effective
DBE The indictment covered reduced to 250% as the
£2,229,685.76 (which compliance programme, and the risk of
three counts of failing to mitigating factors outweighed
comprises a financial harm to other bidders and Lufthansa.
prevent bribery arising from the aggravating factors.
penalty of £1,238,714.31
the company's use of an However, the following factors tipped the
and disgorgement of profit That gave a figure of
agent to win three scales in favour of approval of a DPA:
of £990,971.45); £2,477,428.
contracts in the period
• timely self-reporting on the part of
2011-2013, together worth (ii) Payment of the SFO's A discount of 50% was then
ASL, having conducted its own
over £7.3m, to refit costs of £750,000; and applied to reflect the level of
commercial airliners for cooperation provided.
(iii) Full cooperation with • the active and full cooperation provided
the SFO and any other That gave a figure of by ASL to the SFO throughout its
In addition to assisting ASL, domestic or foreign law £1,238,714.31. investigation (which included ASL's
the agent was also working enforcement and regulatory agreement to a limited waiver of
as a project manager for authorities during the term privilege over its own internal
Lufthansa, as a consultant of the DPA. investigation);
and then employee. The • the offences are "firmly in the past"
agent used this position to with no possibility of a repeat;

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

provide an illicit competitive • senior management had been

advantage to ASL. replaced; and
• the company is in the process of being
Concerns were raised within
wound up and is only being maintained
ASL and external solicitors
to discharge its obligations under the
were instructed to
investigate in 2014.
Consequently ASL self-
This DPA is fairly straightforward but there
reported to the SFO in July
are a couple of points of interest.
2015, and cooperated with
the SFO investigation which
The case shows that, while a complete lack
was formally opened in
of adequate procedures will be a factor that
December 2015. The ambit
weighs in favour of prosecution, it is not
of the investigation
determinative. Here, ASL's compliance
extended beyond ASL's
procedures were described as "woefully
German operations, but it
inadequate". ASL chose not to follow the
was decided that there was
advice of external advisers regarding the
insufficient evidence to
need to implement policies and procedures
justify further action in
prior to the coming into force of the UK
relation to the operations
Bribery Act. As of early 2015, ASL accepted
outside Germany.
that it did not have any adequate
Under the terms of the procedures in place to prevent bribery.
DPA, ASL accepted However, self-reporting and full cooperation
responsibility for the three meant that a DPA, and full discount of
offences. 50%, was in the public interest.

The company is no longer

It is also noteworthy that it took nearly 5
trading but will be kept
years to conclude the SFO's investigation. A
open as a non-trading
reminder that these investigations,

Corporate, Charge and facts Multi-jurisdictional? Terms Financial penalty and Commentary
date of DPA, discount
authority and

entity to fulfil the terms of particularly where assistance in other

the DPA. jurisdictions is required, can take several

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