A Reinforcement Learning Approach To Obstacle Avoidance of Mobil
A Reinforcement Learning Approach To Obstacle Avoidance of Mobil
A Reinforcement Learning Approach To Obstacle Avoidance of Mobil
dbstract: One of the basic issues in navigation of representation of the input space may be based on fuzzy
autonomous mobile robots is the obstacle avoidance task logic rules [4], [ 5 ] , [6] or neural network structures such as
that is commonly achieved using reactive control paradigm MLP neural networks [7]. Since the agent must develop
where a local mapping from perceived states to actions is an appropriate state-action strategy for itself, a laborious
acquired. A control strategy with learning capabilities in leaming phase may occur. Therefore, special attention
at1 unknown environment can be obtained using must be paid to the convergence rate of a particular
reinforcement learning where the learning agent is given reinforcement learning approach.
only sparse reward information. This credit assignment In this paper, convergence rate increase is obtained by
problem includes both temporal and structural aspects. reduction of the continuous internal state representation to
While the temporal credit assignment problem is solved a set of discrete states thereby extracting the relevant
using core elements of reinforcement learning agent, features of the input state space. Moreover, by allowing
solution of the structural credit assignment problem only a single discrete state to represent the input space at
requires an appropriate internal state space representation any given time, the discrete states are contrasted which
of the environment. Zn this paper a discrete coding of the results in individual credit assignment and more precise
input space using a neural network structure is presented computation. Similar approaches can be found in [8] and
as opposed I O the commonly used continuous internal [9], but our approach provides generally more
representation. This enables a faster and more eficient advantageous reinforcement learning scheme.
convergence of the reinforcement learning process.
2 Reinforcement learning
1 Introduction ‘ The basic reinforcement learning framework consists
of a learning agent that observes the current state of the
I -
One of the basic issues in navigation of autonomous environment ,; and aims to find an appropriate action a,
mobile robots is the obstacle avoidance capability, which
fits into the path planning problem. When a complete pertaining to a policy n that is being developed. As a
measure of success of agent’s interaction with the
knowledge of the environment is assumed global path
planning techniques can be applied [l], [2]. However, environment the agent is given an reward
efficiency of such techniques decreases rapidly in more (penalty) = in time instance t which is defined by the
complex and unstructured environments since considerable designer and describes the overali goal of the agent. For
modeling is needed. Therefore, local path planning obstacle avoidance purposes r = -1 upon collision with an
techniques, which rely on on-line sensory information of object and r = 0 otherwise. In order to develop a
the mobile robots, may prove more adequate in achieving consistent policy, the reward function must be fixed.
the task of obstacle avoidance. The aim of the intelligent agent is to maximize the
Among these, the reactive control paradigm is expected sum of discounted external rewards r for all
commonly used, where a mapping from perceived states to future instances:
actions is made. Acquiring the state-action pairs is
especially interesting using approaches where learning
capabilities apply, such as fuzzy logic and neural networks.
Nevertheless, learning the fuzzy logic rule base or
providing the necessary target patterns in the supervised
neural network learning may be a tedious and difficult where coefficient y determines how “far-sighted” the
task. agent should be.
A plausible solution is the reinforcement learning Moreover, each state ; of the system can be
approach, where only sparse information is given to the
associated with a measure of desirability V, (i)
learning agent in form of a scalar reward signal beside the
current sensory information [3]. A continuous internal state represents the expected sum of discounted rewards r for
result in a large number of fuzzy rules to be ad-justed Y* )
( t ) = Y ( t ) + y max Q ( x, ,a, - Q( x,-l ,a,-I). (9)
simultaneously or in an on-line back-propagation learning
of neural networks with a slow convergence rate.
To enhance individual structural credit assignment, The eligibility measure e,, for all weight vectors
the continuous internal representation of the input space
may be replaced by a set of discrete states. A possible ji, = Lp,,p ,*...p,MI’is as follows:
approach is to use Kohonen neural network structure with
the winner-take-all unsupervised learning rule [12].
Learning is based on clustering of input data in order
to group similar inputs and separate dissimilar ones. It is
given that the number of clusters is N, input state vector is
x = [x I x2 . . . ~ L f and the set of weight vectors is Thus, only the eligibility measure eh of the k-th winning
- - - - neuron where action a, is chosen at time t is set to 1,
{ W I , w z,..., w l,...,W N ) , where connects input vector x whereas all other eligibility measures e,, are decayed
to cluster j . Then the winning neuron k, representing the
discrete state k, is selected by similarity matching: according to their impact in the past.
The update rule for the state-action estimates pIris
according to (4) derived as:
4 Simulation results - -Initial- positions
of weight vectors
[WI, w2 ,..., w,,...,W N ) of the controller are uniformly
The experiments were carried out in the Saphira
Pioneer simulation environment for the Pioneer DX2 random distributed along the unit circle, whereas weight
mobile robot platform with front array of 8 sonars oriented vectors i,are initialised randomly in interval [-0.1, 0.11 .
at +90 ,+50 ,*30 , & I 0 relative to the longitudinal The corresponding learning rates are set to q = 0.01 and
vehicle axes. Sonar measurements d, ( 1 I i I 8 ) were a = 0.05 , respectively. Discount factor for future
coarse coded as: predictions is y = 0.99 and the decay rate is A = 0.05 .
The learning algorithm was verified in corridor-like
d, -RANGE-MIN environments designed in the Saphira world simulator. The
x, =1.0-2.0 * (12) mobile robot was allowed to randomly explore the
environment and thus acquired robot paths are depicted in
Figures 2 to 5.
where RANGE-MX, RANGE-MIN denote maximal and
minimal range of sonars, respectively, giving a nominal 7 0 0 . . . . . .
[-1, 11 sonar range. RANGE-MAX, RANGE-MIN may be
chosen arbitrarily (yet taking into account the physical
sonar constraints) and define the active sensor region, in
our case also the active learning region. It is chosen in our
case for RA NGE-MIN= 15cm and RANGE-MX=250cm. 300
The coarse coded sonar measurement vector 200
can t)e seen from the action set that the robot is on constant
forward move. There are two main reasons for this: firstly, moo.
by random exploration and obstacle avoidance the mobile
agent can build a map of initially unknown eiivironment E
(thus potentially fulfilling other important tasks of mobile
robot navigation), secondly, the mobile agent is prevented
- 400
the closest object (as read by sonars) the mobile agent 400.
I 200 feature representation to a minimum required to fulfill a
given task such as obstacle avoidance.
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