CAPE Physics 2020 U2 P1

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ort PRINT your name on the ine below and retara Scwomayreattdaunitaten, "| TEST CODE 02238010 FORM TP 2020323 MAY/JUNE 2020 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® PHYSICS UNIT 2—Paper 01 1 hour 30 minutes 01 JUNE 2020 (p.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items.- You will have | hour and 30 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Which of the following lists has one scalar quantity and one vector quantity? Sample Answer (A) Fore, velocity @®o® (B) — Mass, temperature (C) Momentum, pressure (D) Potential energy, volt The correct answer to this item is “Momentum, pressure”, so (C) has been shaded. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. You may do any rough work in this booklet, Fi ures are not necessarily drawn to scale, You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. ——— eee Copyright © 2019 Caribbean Examinations Council Alll rights reserved. LIST OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS Speed of light in free space Permeability of free space a Permitivity of free space ' as ane, Elementary charge ’ Planck's constant h Unified atomic mass constant u Energy equivalence tw Rest mass of electron m, Rest mass of proton m, Acceleration due to gravity s 1 Atmosphere atm ‘Avogadro's constant N, 02238010/MJ/CAPE 2020 3.00 x 10'm st 4x 107 Hm" 8.85 x10" F mt 9.0 x 10°m F* 1.60 x 10°C 6.63 x 10“ Js 1.66 x 10” kg (931 MeV) 931 MeV/c? 9.11 x 107" kg 1.67 x 107" kg 981 ms* 1.00 x 10°N m= 6.02 x 10° per mole GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE When a potential difference of 2 V is applied across a resistor, 10 J of energy are converted to thermal energy. What charge flows through the resistor? Qs oe ®) 50c © oc @) 200C A light bulb uses a 3 V supply and takes a Current of 0.2 A. It is switched on for one minute. How much electrical energy is used? (A) 065 @) 12J (© 365 ©) 1005 An alternating current is represented by the equation I= I, sin 120nt where ¢ has units of seconds. How many complete cycles does it go through in ten minutes? (A) 1200 (B) 6 000 (©) 36000 () 72000 0223801 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 Item 4 refers to the following graph which shows an -V curve for a specially constructed device. Atwhich phase of the graph does the device act as an ohmic conductor? (A) EK @) KL © LM () MN Lem § refers to the following circuit diagram. E If all the resistors have equal resistance, R, what is the effective resistance between AB? 3R Ont 4R (0) 3: © 2 (D) 4K GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Item 6 refers to the following diagram which shows three positively charged particles, A, B and C. 6. The electrostatic force between A and B is, 38.7 N and that between B and C is 98 N. What is the magnitude and direction of the net electrostatic force acting on B due to A and C? (A) 59.3 N towards A (B) 59.3 N towards C (©) 136.7N towards A (D) 136.7 N towards C 7. The SI unit of electric field strength is @ NA ®) NC © Cm ©) Sm 0223801 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 Which of the following diagrams BEST describes the path of an electron travelling through an electric field? “@ @) © @) Electron ea ea GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 10. a. tem 9 refers to the fo! lowing circuit diagram, o The capacitor in the circuit above has capacitance, C. Itis charge V, and then discharged with resistance R. The tis given by d to a voltage, through a resistor charge at any time, a A Q=Fe e ale <0 ® Q- ae © Q=CVe' ®) Q=cve™ ‘What is the magnetic flux density at the centre ofa solenoid, given that the number oftumns is 12 per centimetre and the current passing is 3A? Assume = 47 «107 Hm, (A) 144n% 10° T (B) 144x109 (©) 144n pT (D) 14427 One farad is equivalent to @ i)0e @®) INCI (© 1¢v Oe vcs 0223801 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 2, 13. Aconductor of mass 2.0 * 10° kg carrying current of 2.0is balanced by a magnetic field at right angles to it. If the length of the conductor is 8.0 cm, the magnetic field strength is (A) 1.23«105T () 1.23 x 104T © 123«10'T ©) 1.23«10T Consider a current-carrying conductor, XY, placed between the poles of a magnet as shown in the orientations below. In which orientation would the wire experience the GREATEST force? a) x nor s Spee @) 1 N) xosy | Oink oo 1 N Va s Sey ts @) eS \ a N s a uf . GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE iM Which of the following diagrams shows the correct direction of the forces on two wires carrying current in opposite directions? (a) WY Fe ®) Ww OM, Ss © F F ft v WY ™ ©) a ™, E F < > 0223801 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 15, 16. An ideal transformer has 600 turns in the primary winding and 40 turns in the secondary winding. If the current in the primary winding is 5 A, and the primary voltage is 120 V, what is the current and voltage in the secondary winding? Current in | Voltage in Secondary | Secondary Winding (A) | Winding (V) (A) 1 15 ) 8 5 © 60. >) 5 8 Item 16 refers to the following circuit diagram, Depletion layer rT 1 | i When the switch, S, is closed, the depletion layer (A) widens ®) narrows © disappears (D) isunchanged A household lamp is marked “120 V, 60 W”. Innormal use, how much energy is transformed for EACH coulomb of charge passing through the lamp? (A) 205 ®) 60) © 1203 (D) 7205 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 18, 19. Item _18 refers to the following diagram which shows the output voltage across the load in a bridge rectifier. vt Which of the following actions can be done toproduce a steadier d.c. voltage across the load shown above? (A) Place a diode in series with the load. (B) Place a diode in parallel with the load. (©) Place a capacitor in series with the Toad. (D) Place a capacitor in parallel with the load. An example of an INPUT transducer is a (A) relay ®) diode (©) buzzer (D) thermistor 0223801 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 20. 21, Item 20 refers to the following op-amp voltage comparator. ev tae i VY Se, If the input voltages, V, and V,, are given as2 pV and 6 nV respectively, and the open loop gain is A,, what is the value of V,? | (A) 2A,nVv ® 4Anv © 6A,nv ©) 8AnV Item 21 refers to the following circuit diagram. The battery has negligible internal resist= ance. Which pair of resistance values would make the voltage between X and Y equal to 1.5 V2? (A) R,=20kQ (B) R,= 50k © R,= 10k (D) R,=10ka GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE L[tem.2? refers to the following circuit diagram, +15V Geena V,-03V -1IV 100k ov oOo» 22, Foran input of 0.3 V, the circuit above will have an output of (A) 1SV ®) 12V © o09v @) o1v Item 23 refers to the following diagram of Item 24 refers to the following circuit an inverting amplifier. diagram. sy Via | i Vout 24, The gain of the op-amp is 10%. If the input voltage, V,, is 10 wV, what is the 23. — Which of the labelled points could be called a virtual earth? MAXIMUM output voltage? (A) Xonly a (B) Zonly ie a (©) Xand Y only © o1v (D) Wand ¥ only may GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238010/MJ/CAPE 2020 25. 26, oe Item 25 refers to the following circuit diagram, & x Which of the following features relates to the amplifier in the diagram above? " aR, (a) ‘Non-inverting amplifier with a gain of — R, ®) ‘Non-inverting amplifier with a gain of [ rl R, © Inverting amplifier with a gain of [i £ ] z -R, ©) Inverting amplifier with a gain of a Item 26 refers to the following circuit diagram. 4 The symbol for the logic gate which has the equivalent action of the complete circuit above is ee Ae GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238010/MJ/CAPE 2020 Item 27 refers to the following circuit diagram, : 1) eee Input 1 Half-adder Sum (8) . Half-adder ¢ M4 gj ‘Output Carry ©) 27. The OUTPUT of the full-adder is Sum_[ Carry 1 1 () 1 0 © 0 1 mo 0 28. Which of the following diagrams is the Item 29 refers to the following diagram of correct circuit for a half-adder? an amplifier circuit. w Se 3pm L —>— cary % ® DD sim 29. In the amplifier circuit shown above, the _—{)— Carry LED comes on when K=0 © 3D OE o ¥j>— Carry mS sam | —y>—» Carry GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0223801 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 30. ode Which ofthe following circuits shows the correct NOR gate equivalent of the given logic gate? Logic Gate Equivalent (A) [NOT =D=D- (B) OR =D © Jano —)>>— —=pDH “[_—D— @) | EX-NoR == — Dp 31. Which ofthe following statements correctly 32, describes the photoelectric effect? Inthe photon model, the number of photons per unit area per unit time is proportional tothe (A) Emission occurs only if the frequency of the incident (A) speed of light radiation is above a certain (B) energy of light value. (C) energy from heat (B) As the intensity of the radiation (D) intensity of light increases so does the kinetic ‘energy of the emitted electrons, (©) Emission occurs only after the metal has been ionized, (D) The emitted electrons all have the same kinetic energy, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238010/MJ/CAPE 2020 33. Whatis the velocity ofa beam of electrons. 34. The j tensity of X-rays passing through a when the simultaneous influence of ‘material of thickness x is given by an electric field of 1.7 « 10° V mt and agnetic field of 5.0 x 10 T, both In Perpendicular to the beam and to each other, produces NO deflection of the What does the symbol ‘m’ in the equation electrons? represent? (A) 24x10'mst (A) The time constant of the X-rays (B) 3.4% 10'ms? (B) The permittivity of the material (©) 85x 10'ms* (C) The permeability of the material @) 26x 10*ms* (D) The linear absorption coefficient of the material tem 35 refers to the following diagram which shows some of the energy levels for electrons in an isolated lithium atom. The energy levels are given in electron-volts. 0 ree 1 sev 2.49 eV A 5.03 eV 8.68 eV 35. The outer electron of a lithium atom is in the -8.68 eV level. How much energy is required to ionize the atom? (A) 2.0% 105 (B) 5.8% 109) (©) 14«10) (D) 8.7% 105 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238010/MJ/CAPE 2020 ee ~13= 36. An experiment was performed to investi- 39, Bate the photoelectric effect and a graph showing the energy of photoelectrons versus frequency of incident radiation was plotted, as shown below. ev, Energy of photoelectrons 40. / / / Frequency (f) Ife is electronic charge, V, is stopping potential, fis the frequency, m is the mass ofan electron and his the Planck constant, then the gradient of the graph is (A) A B) em © hme ©) he 41. 37. ‘The mass defect for the nucleus of helium-4 is 0.0303 u. What is the binding ‘energy per nucleon for helium-4? (A) 1 Mev (BR) 4Mev (©) 7Mev (D) 28Mev 38. Which two scientists conducted an experiment which proved that the nucleus of an atom is very small and positively charged? (A) Davisson and Germer (B) —_Bohrand Rutherford (©) Mosley and Einstein (D) Geiger and Marsden 02238010/MJ/CAPE 2020 How much energy would be released in a nuclear fission reaction if the mass defect is 0.00687 u? (A) 0.02 MeV (B) 1.09Mev © 639Mev () 7.04 Mev Which of the following statements are true about radioactive decay? 1 It isa random process. Il. Itisa spontaneous process. I. It is dependent on the chemical combination of radioactive elements. (A) Tand I only (B) Land MM only (©) Mand I only ©) 1,Mand 1 The following equation represents a nuclear reaction: U+ n—> Bat+ Kr+k n ° ° 2 % » ‘Whaat is the value of the coefficient k? (a) (B) © @) Roe GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 42, Uranium-238, 43°, decays by one Oh alpha particle and one beta particle, What isthe resulting nuclide? (4) hPa ®) Pa © 71Pa ©) qPa 45. The half-life of a sample of radioactive substance is 100 years. What is its decay ‘constant? (A) 6.93 10° year! (B) 5.00 10! year! (©) 6.93 x 10! year! (D) 1.44 « 10% year A sample of radioactive material initially contains 2.0 x 10 atoms. The material decays by a-emission and has a half-life of 3.0 x 10” s. The initial activity of the sample is (A) 4.6% 107Bq (B) 1.5% 10°Bg (©) 2.0% 10°Bq () 23% 10"Bq What does 2 in the equation N = INS es represent? (A) Half-life (B) Frequency (©) Wavelength (D) Decay constant 02238010/MJ/CAPE 2020

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