EANTC InteropTest2023 TestReport

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Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023

Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Table of Contents All this, of course, comes at a cost: Complexity. A tech-

Editor‘s Note ....................................................... 2 nology solution so all-encompassing that it caters for
Introduction.... ..................................................... 3 large and small network needs alike, always adapting
Interoperability Test Results .................................... 3 itself to the latest feature requirements, and being back-
Participants and Devices ....................................... 4 wards compatible in many ways will inevitably grow
Topology ............................................................ 5 into a complex system of protocols and alternatives. For
EVPN ................................................................ 6 this reason, our test plans and reports have kept grow-
Segment Routing ................................................ 24 ing. This is an effect we are happy to live with. Now
SDN ................................................................ 42 let's introduce some of the most important test results:
Time Synchronization ......................................... 50
In the Segment Routing area, vendors put a major focus
Conclusion ........................................................ 62
on SRv6 innovations. Most notably, we tested multi-
vendor interoperability of micro segment IDs (µSID)
successfully with 11 implementations. This is an indus-
Editor’s Note try-first achievement and an important result of negotia-
tions in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
Going back to Paris in person for the MPLS & SDN where multiple solutions competed and a single com-
World Congress in Spring 2023 is a wonderful promise was chosen that works for all vendors. In gen-
thought! Although it is legitimate to read this test report eral, 10 vendors participated in SRv6 testing—more
at any place and time, it is best digested on-site, while than ever.
watching 78 participating devices working as part of
the live showcase. That said, SR-MPLS is alive as well and multi-vendor
tests of network slices was conducted, confirming that
This year, EANTC proudly presents one of the richest, end-to-end slicing in the transport domain is possible
most advanced multi-vendor interoperability showcases for 5G workloads. We also performed performance
we have ever staged. With 17 participating vendors tests of failover scenarios with TI-LFA, demonstrating
and more than 1,230 successful test combinations that the failover times even in multi-vendor deployments
achieved, this year's event has certainly overcome any can be reduced to below 35 milliseconds.
pandemic-related limitations in participation and tech-
nical coverage that we still felt at the previous confer- EVPN service tests were bustling as always. All basic
ence edition last year. tests have been completed years ago, and EVPNs are
a stable, standardized technology. This year, we fo-
The real miracle, in fact, is how the vital ecosystem be- cused on IPv6 support for both underlay and overlay.
tween vendors and network operators in the packet Additionally, vendors tested tunnel stitching with
transport area has remained alive and innovative over VXLAN.
such a long time. From the early 2000s when we start-
ed MPLS interoperability testing at EANTC, we have New Ethernet generations usually find their way into
always seen 10-20 leading manufacturers participating our event quickly; this year, we tested 400 Gigabit
with distinct yet standards-based, interoperable prod- Ethernet long-range (ZR) optics with two vendors, prov-
ucts. At the same time, network operators—whether ing that multi-vendor 400G connections carrying Seg-
carriers, enterprises, or government organizations— ment Routing services are already viable.
have always helped to keep the market diverse. MPLS We also continued to tackle the complex area of multi-
and its integrated successors continued to flourish while vendor management plane interoperability. SDN con-
other telecom technologies rose and fell. troller interaction (PCEP) lacked support for PCC-
MPLS and now SDN/Segment Routing have brought a initiated paths or SRv6; this area has not shown major
constant flow of innovations large and small, carrying improvements in 2023. In NETCONF testing, we ob-
the technology through the times while most often offer- served multi-vendor support for standardized OpenCon-
ing viable upgrade paths (to avoid the word fig models for L2 VPN and L3 VPN services (there were
"seamless"). Fights over evolution directions have been no new tests for IETF Yang models, as support for these
carried out and resolved, for example between Seg- models is decreasing). For the first time, one single con-
ment Routing with MPLS, with VXLAN, or over IPv6. troller was able to interoperate with routers from four
Meanwhile, SRv6 has been fully integrated in the main vendors based on standardized Yang models. Vendors
technology path and 10 vendors have collaboratively added telemetry testing as well.
shown advances in SRv6 at our event this year.

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Finally, in the area of clock synchronization, we bene- Working Process

fitted again from an expert group of vendors, most of
which have worked together in our interop events for Preparations:
many years. The tests focused on new ITU Class C und
The preparations for the MPLS/SDN interoperability
D clock requirements. Participants achieved 100 ns
2023 began in the fall of the previous year. We initiat-
(nanoseconds) precise synchronization regularly, and
ed discussions about test areas, test ideas, and general
to just 5 ns in some optimal multi-vendor test cases. We
test plans with all participating vendors during a kickoff
tested Enhanced SyncE with six vendors for the first
call, followed by three rounds of technical calls. In
time, reducing the time to frequency synchronization
these calls, we thoroughly discussed technical details,
lock and extending holdover times. Vendors built a
new testing ideas, and the latest standards, ultimately
chain of seven boundary clocks, proving that precise
shaping our test plans to be state-of-the-art.
synchronization is possible in such longer chains. Final-
ly, we successfully evaluated three topologies for Open Hot-Staging:
Fronthaul synchronization in mobile Open RAN scenar-
By beginning of March, everything was set, and ready.
Newest hardware with latest versions of software, from
Altogether, the two weeks of hot-stage testing were as all over the world were already packed in EANTC lab
busy as ever. The most rewarding sight is to witness in Berlin, waiting for the starting signal. Two weeks of
engineers from all vendors working together with a non-stopping testing, deep and extensive discussions,
single goal: Making advanced SDN/MPLS-based multi- racing time to solve some emerged issues, resulted in
vendor, standards-based telecom transport networks a great testing results for all our vendors.
reality. This test report provides much more detail to
EANTC engineers observed, and verified all the tests in
document the state of the art of participating vendor
details, following the test procedures and pre-defined
implementations. We hope the report will provide new
test steps, they judged all tests results independently.
insights and inspirations!

Interoperability Test Results

Our Mission
As usual, this test reports documents only positive re-
For over 30 years in the industry, accomplishing vari-
sults (passed test combinations) individually with vendor
ous networking projects of different types in all network-
and device names. Failed test combinations are not
ing fields, EANTC has gained a unique position with
mentioned in the diagrams; they are referenced anony-
special and deep experiences in networking fields and
mously to describe the state of the industry. Our experi-
testing. These experiences and knowledge are driving
ence shows that participating vendors quickly proceed
us year after year to bring the leading vendors in the
to solve interoperability issues after our test so there is
world to test their newest innovations, technologies,
no point in punishing them for their willingness to learn
and devices, inspecting all the possible interop chal-
by testing. Confidentiality is vital to encourage manu-
lenges and issues, giving them the opportunity to dis-
facturers to participate with their latest - beta - solutions
cover any anomalies in their Hardware/Software when
and enables a safe environment in which to test and
they connect to each other devices.
In one sentence, our mission is to push the industry and
innovation further, finding the boundaries, and stretch- Terminology
ing them further more, helping the service providers to
evolve, renew, and expand their multi-vendors networks We use the term tested when reporting on multi-vendor
with less troubleshooting and difficulties in field. interoperability tests. The term demonstrated refers to
scenarios where a service or protocol was evaluated
with equipment from a single vendor only.
Why These Areas
The testing areas were selected through thorough anal- Test Equipment
ysis and discussions with our partners, aiming to en- With the help of participating test equipment vendors,
compass all aspects of service provider networks. we generated and measured traffic, emulated and ana-
Moreover, we consistently prioritize the latest and most lyzed control and management protocols, and per-
relevant topics each year. formed clock synchronization analysis.

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

We thank Calnex, Keysight, and Spirent for their test

equipment and support throughout the testing. Ericsson 6273
As in previous events, a number of Calnex instruments 6675
were used in the Time Synchronization test cases. Para-
gon-neo was used to generate and measure PTP and HPE Aruba CX8325-48Y8C
1PPS signals with sub-ns accuracy and 250ps resolu- Aruba CX8360-48Y6C
tion, enabling characterization of devices to Class D Aruba CX9300-32D
performance and networks to Level 6C at line rates Aruba CX10000-48Y6C
from 1GbE to 400GbE (configurable from 100MbE to
400GbE). For network tests, the new Calnex Sentry Huawei NCE-IP
had its debut in a plugfest, allowing four (configurable NetEngine 8000 F8
up to six) 1PPS signals to be measured simultaneously, NetEngine 8000 M4
enabling sync across a network to be monitored, or
Intel E810-XXVDA4T
multiple tests to be run simultaneously, saving time and
allowing more to be achieved in the same time. For
network tests running at 10G, we also used the inline Juniper ACX7024-AC
impairment capabilities of Paragon-X to emulate condi- ACX7100-32C
tions for PTP in a real-world network environment. MX204
Paragon Pathfinder
Participants and Devices QFX5110
Participants Devices QFX5130

Arista 7050SX2 Keysight IxNetwork

7050X3 Microchip TimeProvider 4100
7280R2 Nokia 7750 SR-1
7280R3 Network Services Platform (NSP)

Arrcus / UfiSpace S9600-72XC RARE/freeRtr BF2556X-1T

UfiSpace UfiSpace S9710-76D
Ribbon NPT-2100A
Calnex Paragon-neo
Paragon-neo PAM4 Spirent STC
Sentry Table 1: Participating Vendors and Devices

Ciena 5166

Cisco 8201-24H8FH
ASR 9901
ASR 9902
ASR 9903
NCS 540-24Q8L2DD
NCS 540-28Z4C
NCS 540X-12Z16G
NCS 540X-16Z4G8Q2C
NCS 57C1-48Q6

Topology Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023

Juniper Nokia
Cisco Huawei Keysight
Paragon Pathfinder Network Services
Crosswork NCE-IP IxNetwork

Arista Arista Spirent-STC

7050X3 7280R Cisco NCS Juniper Juniper
Arista RARE/freeRtr
7280R 540-24Q8L2DD ACX7100-32C MX204 BF2556X-1T
Arista Nokia NPT-2100A
7280R3 Aruba 7750 SR-1
Arrcus UfiSpace Calnex
S9600-72XC SNE
Aruba Keysight
CX8325 Juniper IxNetwork
Arrcus Ericsson Huawei NetEngine Juniper Nokia Keysight Ciena
Aruba Aruba Juniper Juniper Juniper Juniper UfiSpace 6673 8000 F8 PTX10001-36MR 7750 SR-1 IxNetwork 5166
CX8360 CX10000 ACX7100 PTX10001 QFX5120 QFX5130 S9710-76D

Arista Arista Juniper Juniper Arista

7280R2 7280R2 MX204 ACX7100-32C 7280R3

Ciena Keysight Spirent-STC Arista Nokia

Ciena Arista 5166 IxNetwork 7280R3 7750 SR-1
5166 7280R3

Cisco XRd Juniper Cisco
MX204 ASR 9902

Huawei Arrcus Huawei

NetEngine Nokia Ribbon Ericsson Cisco NCS Cisco NCS Cisco UfiSpace Ericsson Cisco Arrcus UfiSpace Juniper NetEngine 8000 F8
8000 F8 7750 SR-1 NPT-2100A 6273 540X-12Z16G 57C1-48Q6 ASR 9903 S9600-72XC 6273 8201 S9600-72XC ACX7100-32C

Microchip Juniper Huawei Nokia Cisco NCS Ericsson Ciena Keysight

Ericsson 6673 Ciena 5166
TimeProvider 4100 ACX-7100-32C NetEngine 8000 M4 7750 SR-1 540-24Q8L2DD 6673 5166 IxNetwork

Calnex Sentry

Cisco N540X Intel E810- Microchip Juniper Juniper Huawei Nokia

Calnex ACX-7100-48L
XXVDA4T TimeProvider 4100 MX204 NetEngine 8000 M4 7750 SR-1

Orchestrator/ Clock Link – Freq. EVPN-VXLAN SR-MPLS

Core Router Grandmaster Flex Algo
Boundary/ Time Error
Emulator Route Reflector
Slave Clock Analyzer Physical Link SDN/NETCONF Clocking

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

EVPN We performed the test once with all the vendors' devic-
es participating simultaneously in a mixture of single-
EVPN (Ethernet Virtual Private Network) was initially homed and multi-homed devices. The second run con-
conceived as a BGP-based Layer 2 VPN technology sisted of multi-homed multi-vendor devices.
that provides a scalable and efficient way of extending
In this test, we verified the establishment of ISIS and
Layer 2 domains over a WAN (Wide Area Network).
BGP sessions and the EVPN signaling. In the next step,
Over time EVPN became the de-facto VPN standard,
we observed the DF and non-DF PEs in single-active
not only for Layer 2 VPNs but also for Layer 3, mul-
multi-homed devices and flow-based traffic load balanc-
ticast, and other advanced VPN services.
ing in all-active multi-homed devices. Then, we verified
EVPN has become increasingly popular in data centers zero packet loss during Any-to-Any bidirectional unicast
as it provides a mechanism for distributing MAC traffic generation, and lastly, we measured the link fail-
(Media Access Control) addresses across the network, over and link recovery out of service time.
which is essential for efficient and flexible VM (Virtual
Machine) creation and mobility. EVPN also enables
network administrators to create tenant-specific virtual
networks that can span multiple data centers, making it
an ideal solution for multi-tenant environments.
EVPN supports advanced features such as Network
slicing, fast convergence, load balancing, and multi-
path forwarding. These features are critical for provid-
ing high availability and efficient use of network re-
sources in data centers and 5G networks. Network
slicing as a key feature of 5G networks, enables net-
work operators to create multiple virtual networks, each
with its own characteristics and service levels, on a
single physical infrastructure.

EVPN E-LAN Service

E-LAN is a versatile and easily adjustable networking
service that leverages BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
to establish secure and uninterrupted communication
channels across remote sites. A multipoint-to-multipoint
Ethernet VPN seamlessly interconnects customer sites
while presenting each location as a single Ethernet seg-
ment to all other sites. EVPN disrupts conventional for-
warding-plane MAC address learning and uses BGP
extensions for control-plane MAC learning and transmit-
ting. Additionally, this service allows for All-Active Multi Figure 1: E-LAN Service
-Homing, enabling traffic load-balancing among multi-
homed PEs.

Run Sita A Peerings Sita B Peerings

1 Cisco NCS 540X-12Z16G with Arista 7280R2 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 with Ericsson 6273

2 Cisco NCS 540X-12Z16G with Arista 7280R2 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 with Nokia 7750 SR-1

3 Arista 7280R2 with Nokia 7750 SR-1 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 with Ribbon NPT-2100A

4 Arista 7280R2 with Juniper MX204 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 with Ribbon NPT-2100A

5 Arista 7280R2 with Juniper ACX7100-32C Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 with Ribbon NPT-2100A

Table 2: E-LAN Service Multi-vendor Multi-homing

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

VLAN-based and VLAN-aware

Bundle Symmetric IRB
EVPN is an ideal solution that succeeds the VPWS and
VPLS services. Once EVPN enters the Data Center net-
work, the inter-subnet routing becomes mandatory with
the tenant numbers increasing. Therefore, RFC 9135
and 9136 offer the solution for the inter-subnet routing
function, which is integrated routing and bridge func-
tion. RFC 9136 introduces the EVPN RT-5 to solve the
interaction between MAC-VRF and IP-VRF because IP-
VRF sometimes summarizes the route, and RT-5 would
help the remote end to understand the subnet behind it.
Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) is a technology used to
solve the scalability issue of VLAN. In the DC network,
tons of tenants need their network isolated from each
other. However, VLAN has a hard limitation of 4096,
which is far below the needs in DC, whose tenants can
be more than 10K most of the time. VXLAN is proposed
under such background to solve the VLAN limitation
and give the tenant the flexibility to extend and control
their traffic.
We performed three runs of the test case in both multi-
homed and single-homed scenarios in the VXLAN area
and four runs in single-homed, multi-homed, and multi-
Figure 2: E-LAN Service homed multi-vendor with Route Type-5 and VPNv4
Multi-vendor Multi-homing routes in the SR-MPLS area.
Arista 7280R2, Arista 7280R3, Cisco NCS 540X- In VXLAN area, the first run was the multi-homed sce-
12Z16G with ASR 9903, and Juniper MX204 with nario. And the second and third runs were the single-
ACX7100-32C participated as multi-homed PEs. homed scenarios. We verified the BGP session status,
Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q, Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, route table, and VXLAN encapsulation. We sent bidi-
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Erics- rectional full-mesh inter- and intra-subnet unicast traffic
son 6273, and Ribbon NPT-2100A participated as to confirm no packet loss, and bridging and routing
single-homed PEs. worked as expected. The difference between multi-
homed and single-homed scenarios is that we verified
In both scenarios, Arista 7050SX3 was the CE device, the load-balancing function of the all-active multi-homed
Spirent-STC the Traffic Generator. device, shut down one of the active links, and restored
the link afterward.
After all the tests, we confirmed that the all-active func-
tion works as expected, and the switchover time is no
more than three seconds for all all-active DUTs. There
was also no packet loss in all VLAN-based scenarios.
During the tests with SR-MPLS underlay, we verified the
IGP, BGP, EVPN sessions, and route table. Then, we
sent bi-directional full-mesh traffic toward the PE devices
to confirm no packet loss. During the traffic generation,
we verified traffic load balancing on the multi-homed
all-active DUTs. We demonstrated the Link failure and
recovery on multi-homed PEs.

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Figure 3: VLAN-based
Figure 4: VLAN-based
Symmetric IRB—single-homed
Symmetric IRB—multi-homed
The following Vendors participated successfully in this
The following Vendors participated successfully in this
test case :
test case :
Single-homed PEs: Arista 7050X3, Arista 7280R3,
Multi-homed PEs: Arista 7050X3, Arista 7280R3,
Aruba CX8325, Aruba CX8360, Aruba CX10000,
Juniper ACX7100-32C, Juniper PTX10001, Juniper
Juniper QFX5120, Juniper QFX5130, Keysight IxNet-
QFX5120, Juniper QFX5130
work, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Spirent-STC
CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110
CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110
Traffic generator: Keysight IxNetwork
Traffic generator: Keysight IxNetwork, Spirent-STC

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Figure 5: VLAN-aware-bundle
Symmetric IRB—single-homed
Figure 6: VLAN-aware-bundle
The following Vendors participated successfully in this
Symmetric IRB—multi-homed
test case :
Single-homed PEs: Arista 7050X3, Arista 7280R3, The following Vendors participated successfully in this
Aruba CX8325, Aruba CX8360, Aruba CX10000, test case :
Juniper QFX5120, Juniper QFX5130, Keysight IxNet- Multi-homed PEs: Arista 7050X3, Arista 7280R3, Juni-
work, Spirent-STC per ACX7100-32C, Juniper PTX10001, Juniper
CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110, Traffic genera- QFX5120, Juniper QFX5130
tor: Keysight IxNetwork, Spirent-STC CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110, Traffic genera-
tor: Keysight IxNetwork, Spirent-STC

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Figure 7: VLAN-Based Symmetric IRB Route Type-5 Figure 8: VLAN-Based Symmetric IRB VPNv4 Route

The following Vendors participated successfully in this The following Vendors participated successfully in this
test case : test case :

Multi-homed PE devices: Arista 7280R2, Arista Multi-homed PE devices: Arista 7280R2, Arista
7280R3, Cisco NCS 540X-12Z16G with Cisco ASR 7280R3, and Cisco NCS 540X-12Z16G with Cisco
9903, and Juniper MX204 with Juniper ACX7100-32C ASR 9903

Single-homed PE devices: Arrcus UfiSpace S9600- Single-homed PE devices: Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6,
72XC, Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6, Huawei NetEngine Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Ericsson 6273, Juniper
8000 F8, and Nokia 7750 SR-1 MX204, and Ribbon NPT-2100A

CE: Arista 7050SX3, Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC CE: Arista 7050SX3, Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

MAC Mobility
Nowadays, data centers' standard maintenance in-
cludes but is not limited to VM creation, mitigation,
deletion, etc. However, VM mitigation may move from
one Ethernet segment to another, which causes the VM
to be out of service. It causes high out-of-service time if
everything relies on the manual prevision from network
administrators. Therefore, RFC 7432 introduces a se-
quence-number-based BGP EVPN MAC mobility ex-
tended community to solve the issue. Once a MAC ad-
dress appears in the network, the sequence number is
0. And when it moves to a new Ethernet segment, the
sequence number will increase by 1 and send along
with RT-2. All the RT-2 receivers will update their route
accordingly and keep only the highest sequence num-
ber as the final target of the MAC address.
The test tool simulated a fixed IP and MAC addresses
combination for the first DUT, then moved to all DUTs
Figure 9: VLAN-Based Symmetric IRB individually under the same VLAN. We verified that
Route VPNv4 Multi-Vendor once the MAC address was transferred to a new DUT,
the sequence number was increased by 1, and the RT-2
Multi-homed PE devices: Arista 7280R3 with Cisco update was sent out. All other DUTs had their route
NCS 57C1-48Q6 in Site A and Ribbon NPT-2100A table updated accordingly.
with Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 in Site B

Figure 10: VLAN-Based Symmetric IRB

Route VPNv4 Multi-Vendor 2
Figure 11: EVPN-VXLAN MAC Mobility
Multi-homed PE devices: Arista 7280R3 with Juniper
MX204 in Site A and Ribbon NPT-2100A with Cisco The following Vendors participated successfully in this
ASR 9903 in Site B test case :
CEs: Arista 7050SX3, Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC PEs: Arista 7280R3, Aruba CX8325, Aruba CX8360,
Aruba CX10000, Juniper PTX10001, Juniper
QFX5120, Keysight IxNetwork, Spirent-STC
CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Centralized L3 Gateway
The previous IRB test case was a distributed Layer 3
(L3) gateway deployment, meaning all the DUTs were
Layer 2 (L2) and 3 gateways of the EVPN. In this test,
we tested a centralized L3 gateway deployment, which
implies that L2 bridgings and L3 routings are split into
different DUTs, as shown in figure 13. Once the L2
VTEP receives known bridging unicast traffic, the L2
VTEP will establish VXLAN tunnel directly to the destina-
tion L2 VTEP instead of forwarding the traffic to central-
ized L3 gateway. The centralized L3 gateway handles
all the ARP/ND and routing functions.
We have performed 3 runs of the tests. For each run,
we had a single centralized L3 gateway and multiple
L2 VTEPs. We sent intra- and inter-subnet traffic simulta-
neously and verified that L2 VTEPs forwarded intra-
subnet traffic, and only inter-subnet traffic was forward-
ed to the centralized L3 gateway.

Figure 12: EVPN SR-MPLS MAC Mobility

Arista 7280R3, Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Cisco

NCS 540X-12Z16G, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8,
Juniper MX204, Ericsson 6273, Ribbon NPT-2100A,
and Nokia 7750 SR-1 as PE devices. Spirent-STC par-
ticipated as traffic generator.
In the SR-MPLS area, one vendor had an issue
with the sequence numbering resolved by an OS up-

Figure 13: Centralized L3 Gateway—Run 1

The following vendors participated successfully in this

test case:
Centralized L3 Gateway: Arista 7280R3, Aruba
CX8325, Juniper PTX10001
L2 VTEP: Arista 7280R3, Aruba CX8325, Aruba
CX8360, Aruba CX10000, Juniper QFX5120
CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110
Traffic generator: Keysight IxNetwork

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Figure 14: Centralized L3 Gateway—Run 2 Figure 15: Centralized L3 Gateway—Run 3

The following vendors participated successfully in this During this test, one of the combinations had issues
test case: where the L3 GW responsible for providing the ARP
response did not respond to the ARP request of one of
Centralized L3 Gateway: Arista 7280R3, Aruba
the vendors, which caused the traffic not to flow. We
CX8325, Juniper PTX10001
left it for further investigation.
L2 VTEP: Arista 7280R3, Aruba CX8325, Aruba
CX8360, Aruba CX10000, Juniper QFX5120 The following vendors participated successfully in this
test case:
CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110
Traffic generator: Keysight IxNetwork Centralized L3 Gateway: Arista 7280R3, Aruba
CX8325, Juniper PTX10001
L2 VTEP: Arista 7280R3, Aruba CX8325, Aruba
CX8360, Aruba CX10000, Juniper QFX5120
CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110
Traffic generator: Keysight IxNetwork

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

EVPN-VXLAN to EVPN VXLAN VXLAN stitching was enabled on the iBGP node to opti-
mize the VXLAN tunnel number between 2 DCs. We
Tunnel Stitching for DCI had three runs for the test case: VLAN-based scenario,
With the data center's scaling, the number of VXLAN VLAN-aware bundle scenario, and L3 gateway scenar-
tunnels will also increase dramatically. It will burden io. We verified that bridging traffic (VLAN-based and
the DC gateways between the DC and WAN networks. VLAN-aware bundle) and routing traffic (L3 gateway)
Therefore, an demand for optimizing the VXLAN tunnel worked well without packet loss.
between DC and WAN networks is present. VXLAN The following vendors participated successfully in this
tunnel stitching is a solution for it. VXLAN stitching test case:
stitches together specific VXLAN Virtual Network Identi-
fiers (VNIs) to provide Layer 2 stretch between data VXLAN tunnel stitching gateway: Arista 7280R3, Juni-
centers on a granular basis. per QFX5130, Nokia 7750 SR-1 (VLAN-based only)
PEs: Arista 7050X3, Juniper ACX7100-32C, Juniper
We simulated 2 DC and EVPN domains. eBGP was
PTX10001, Juniper QFX 5120, Spirent-STC
used to build EVPN-VXLAN inside the same DC/EVPN
domain. iBGP was used to create EVPN-VXLAN be- CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110
tween 2 DC through the WAN. Traffic generator: Spirent-STC

Figure 16: EVPN-VXLAN to EVPN VXLAN Tunnel Stitching for DCI—VLAN-based

Figure 17: EVPN-VXLAN to EVPN VXLAN Tunnel Stitching for DCI—VLAN-aware-bundle + L3 GW

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

OISM-based Multicast Forwarding

Inside DC with IR
OISM, or Optimized Inter-Subnet Multicast forwarding,
is an EVPN-based technology for the integrated bridg-
ing and routing of IP multicast traffic, and it is specified
in draft-ietf-bess-evpn-irb-mcast. Due to the popularity of
IPTV, video surveillance, live broadcast, and applica-
tion needs, multicast is a topic we cannot avoid in any
network. Therefore, we have a good reason to test the
EVPN-based OISM features for the DC networks.
We performed two runs of the test case in SBD and BD
scenarios. Bidirectional multicast streams were set up in
these two tests. The receivers were the simulated hosts
that issued IGMPv3 join messages to the connected leaf
routers. The leaf routers enabled the IGMP proxy. Upon
receiving the IGMP join messages, the leaf routers trig-
gered the SMET routes (RT-6) advertisement to pull the
traffic for the multicast groups. The streams were suc-
Figure 19: OISM-based Multicast Forwarding
cessfully forwarded using ingress replication to the sim-
Inside DC with IR—SBD
ulated hosts. Since each of the two flows originated
from different subnets, the multicast packets were rout- The following vendors participated successfully in this
ed at the egress leaf in the SBD scenario. The multicast test case:
packets were bridged at the BD scenario's egress leaf.
OISM-based PEs (IR): Arista 7050X3 (All-active multi-
homing), Keysight IxNetwork, Nokia 7750 SR-1
CE: Arista 7050SX, Traffic generator: Keysight IxNet-
One vendor did not deduct the TTL even though the
traffic was routed. The draft defined that the TTL should
be decreased by 1 once it's been routed. Two vendors
had interop issues on the SMET route. Due to one ven-
dor's missing flag in the SMET route, another vendor
recognized the remote vendor as a non-OISM-based
router and sent extra copies.

OISM-based L3 Multicast IR with PEG

In the previous test, we verified that OISM-based mul-
ticast IR worked well inside DC. Therefore, we move to
another essential part of the DC network: Redundancy.
The DC network has a very high SLA requirement as
their customer requires their data and resource to be
available 99.999% of the time or even higher in differ-
Figure 18: OISM-based Multicast Forwarding ent verticals. Hence, we tested the PIM-SM DR election
Inside DC with IR—BD (modular-based) on multiple PIM/EVPN Gateways
The following vendors participated successfully in this
test case: Three PEGs were sat on the border between EVPN and
PIM domains. Bidirectional multicast traffic was sent
OISM-based PEs (IR): Arista 7050X3 (All-active multi-
between two simulated hosts in different SBD. Modular-
homing), Juniper QFX5120, Keysight IxNetwork,
based PIM-SM DR election was performed, and one of
Nokia 7750 SR-1
the PEG was the PIM-SM DR. We verified that there
CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110, Traffic genera- was no packet loss before we shut down the link of DR.
tor: Keysight IxNetwork

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Then we shut down the DR link to simulate the link fail- E-Tree Service
ure scenario in the real world.
The EVPN E-Tree service is a rooted-multipoint only over
The other two PEGs performed a DR election and chose MPLS running core defined by MEF (Metro-Ethernet
a new DR to continue forwarding the multicast traffic. Forum). In this service, each customer site has a label
And then shut down the link of the second DR and force as a Root or Leaf site. A Leaf AC can only send and
the last PEG to be the DR. receive traffic only from Root ACs and a Root AC can
send traffic to another root or any other Leaves. To
achieve ingress filtering, the ingress PE should color the
ingress MAC addresses with a Root or Leaf indication
before advertising them to the other PEs.
We observed firstly, the network status including the
IGP sessions and BGP EVPN sessions establishment
and Leaf/Root tags. Secondly, Unicast/Broadcast traf-
fic from Roots to Roots, Roots to Leaves, and Leaves to
Roots is generated without packet loss. Finally, we veri-
fied filtered Unicast/Broadcast traffic from Leaves to
In this test, Cisco ASR 9903 and Nokia 7750 SR-1
participated as PE devices with both Root and Leaf
ACs. Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 and Juniper MX204
participated as PE devices with Leaf ACs, and Arista
7280R3 participated as a PE with Root AC. Also, we
had Arista 7280R and Cisco XRd as Route Reflectors
and Arista 7050SX3 as CE device. Spirent-STC partici-
pated as Traffic Generator.

Figure 20: OISM-based L3 Multicast IR

with PEG—SBD + PEG Election

The following vendors participated successfully in this

test case:
PIM router: Arista 7280R3
PEGs: Arista 7050X3, Juniper QFX5130, Nokia 7750
PE: Arista 7050X3
CE: Arista 7050SX
Traffic generator: Keysight IxNetwork
When one vendor became the last DR, it dropped
100% of one direction's multicast traffic.

Figure 21: E-Tree Service

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

IPv6 BGP Unnumbered Underlay, Overlay sent bidirectional intra- and inter-subnet traffic from sim-
ulated IPv4 hosts through IPv6 underlay and overlay
and VTEP networks. We saw no packet loss during the test.
The IPv4 addresses running out is not news anymore. The following vendors participated successfully in this
The world starts to move to IPv6 slowly, and the DC test case:
network cannot avoid moving to IPv6. RFC 5549 offers
the solution to forward IPv4 overlay traffic in an IPv6 IPv6 PEs: Arista 7050X3, Arista 7280R3, Juniper
underlay network. It also uses the IPv6 address stateless QFX5120, Juniper QFX5130, Keysight IxNetwork
autoconfiguration to reduce the DC network deploy- CE: Arista 7050SX, Juniper QFX5110
ment process within the same DC. Once the underlay is Traffic generator: Keysight IxNetwork
IPv6-ready, the VTEP should also move to IPv6 eventual-
ly. However, the simulated end host in the test was still E-Line Service
IPv4, and we plan to test a dual-stack and purely IPv6
network next year to demo the path to IPv6. The EVPN VPWS (E-Line) is a point-to-point service mod-
el with a BGP control plane architecture. It provides
Layer 2 connectivity between two or more customer
sites over the provider’s MPLS/IP core network and
forwards traffic without MAC address lookup. In addi-
tion, this service supports single-active or all-active multi
-homing capabilities.
We created a mix of multi-homing and single-homing
PEs for the E-Line service verification. The test steps in-
cluded verifying IGP and MP-BGP sessions and VPWS
signaling, DF election for single-active multi-homing, or
traffic load balancing for all-active multi-homing ESs.
We also monitored how the service behaves both when
a link failure occurs and when it restores.

Figure 22: IPv6 BGP Unnumbered

Underlay, Overlay and VTEP

In our test, we built an IPv6 underlay with BGP unnum-

bered feature. We verified the DUT interface IP was the
IPv6 link-local address assigned by IPv6 stateless auto- Figure 23: E-Line Service
Spirent-STC participated as Traffic Generator and Aris-
And then, the BGP underlay next-hop address was the ta 7050SX3 as CE device.
IPv6 link-local address of the remote end. Then we
One vendor could not interop with multi-homing topolo-
pinged the remote IPv4 host to confirm the reachability
gy in the remote site. Link failover did not work for one
of IPv6 underlay and IPv4 overlay networks. Then we
vendor and VPWS instance never recovered.
moved the overlay to IPv6 afterward. Ultimately, we

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

# Sita A Peerings Sita B Peerings

1 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 with Cisco ASR 9903 Arista 7280R3 with Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6

2 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 Juniper MX204 with Ericsson 6273

3 Cisco ASR 9903 with Ciena 5166 Juniper MX204

4 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 with Arista 7280R2 Juniper MX204 with Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6

5 Arista 7280R2 with Nokia 7750 SR-1 Juniper MX204 with Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6

6 Ribbon NPT-2100A with Nokia 7750 SR-1 Juniper MX204 with Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6

7 Cisco ASR 9903 with Ribbon NPT-2100A Juniper ACX7100-32C with Cisco NCS 57C1-

8 Ribbon NPT-2100A with Huawei NetEngine Juniper ACX7100-32C with Cisco NCS 57C1-
8000 F8 48Q6

9 Nokia 7750 SR-1 with Juniper ACX7100 Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6 with Arista 7280R3

10 Cisco ASR 9903 with Nokia 7750 SR-1 Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6 with Arista 7280R3

Table 3: E-Line Service

Flexible Cross-Connect
The Flexible Cross-Connect (FXC) service is introduced
to aid service providers with a large number of ACs
that require backhauling across their MPLS/IP core net-
work. It achieves this by multiplexing multiple ACs into
a single EVPN VPWS service tunnel associated with a
VPWS service ID, thereby reducing the EVPN BGP sig-
naling and associated EVPN labels to VPWS tunnels.
These optimizations are particularly useful for those
who use low-end access routers that may face label
resource challenges.
We performed six test runs with single-homed, multi-
homed, VLAN-Unaware and VLAN-Aware configura-
tions. We verified IGP and MP-BGP sessions and
VPWS signaling. Then we generated bidirectional
unicast traffic toward the DUTs without any packet loss.
CE Device: Arista 7050SX3
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC
We observed 1% packet loss while two vendors were
pairing with each other.
Figure 24: Flexible Cross-Connect

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

# Type Sita A Peerings Sita B Peerings

1 Single-Homed VLAN Unaware Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6 Arista 7280R2

2 Single-Homed VLAN Unaware Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6 Juniper ACX7100-32C

3 Single-Homed VLAN Unaware Arista 7280R3 Juniper ACX7100-32C

4 Single-Homed VLAN Aware Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6 Juniper ACX7100-32C

5 Single-Homed VLAN Aware Ciena 5166 Juniper ACX7100-32C

6 Multi-Homed VLAN Aware All-Active Ciena 5166 and Juniper ACX7100 Nokia 7750 SR-1

Table 4: Flexible Cross-Connect

EVPN-VPWS Seamless Integration

The Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS) is a Layer 2
service model that enables the establishment of point-to-
point Layer 2 connections between multiple customer
sites using the provider's MPLS/IP network. The EVPN-
VPWS service model utilizes the benefits of EVPN and
incorporates features such as all-active multi-homing,
fast convergence, load balancing, and mass withdraw-
al functions to the legacy VPWS service. As a result,
service providers are inclined towards transitioning to
the EVPN-VPWS service due to its enhanced capabili-
Upon confirmation of the IGP and BGP session statuses,
unicast traffic was initiated between the hosts. Follow-
ing this, we commenced the migration process from
L2VPN VPWS to EVPN-VPWS. As soon as the migra-
tion was successfully executed, the BGP VPWS A-D and
BGP EVPN A-D routes were advertised by the EVPN-
VPWS PEs, and the EVPN-VPWS service superseded
the legacy VPWS service in terms of priority.
Then we observed the PE router signaled the remote PE
to bring down the legacy VPWS tunnel and use the
EVPN-VPWS tunnel to forward traffic.
Arista 7280R2 and Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6 participat-
ed as multi-homed PEs where Cisco NCS 57C1-48Q6
ran L2VPN-VPWS while Arista 7280R2 had EVPN-
VPWS service.
Cisco ASR 9903, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, and
Nokia 7750 SR-1 participated as PE devices that exe-
cuted the migration from legacy VPWS to EVPN-VPWS
service. Spirent-STC participated as Traffic Generator.
During the testing process, we observed one vendor Figure 25: EVPN-VPWS Seamless Integration
could not signal the remote PE to terminate the legacy
VPWS service automatically and the operator must do
it manually.

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

EVPN-VPLS Seamless Integration In the first run, we used LDP signaling for VPLS; Cisco
ASR 9903, Nokia 7750 SR-1, and Huawei NetEngine
VPLS is a point-to-multipoint Layer 2 VPN service that 8000 F8 participated as EVPN/VPLS PEs, while Arista
provides Layer 2 connectivity between geographically 7280R3 and Juniper MX204 participated as VPLS PEs.
separated data centers or customer sites across a pro-
vider’s MPLS/IP backbone. VPLS is a widely deployed In the second run, where we used VPLS with BGP sig-
Layer 2 service worldwide. EVPN, on the other hand, naling, Cisco ASR 9903 and Nokia 7750 SR-1 partici-
can provide features including scalability, resiliency, pated as EVPN/VPLS PEs. Juniper MX204 participated
control plane MAC/IP learning, all-active multi-homing, as VPLS PE. Spirent-STC participated as Traffic Genera-
and MAC mobility. Some service providers prefer to tor.
integrate their existing VPLS network with the new
EVPN running network without any changes to the ex-
isting VPLS. The seamless migration can be done on a
site-by-site basis per VPN instance and must allow the
coexistence of VPLS and EVPN simultaneously. A PE
device may serve some customers using VPLS, while
others might have been migrated to EVPN.
In two runs, we conducted this test with both LDP and
BGP signaling for VPLS. After verifying both tests’ IGP
and BGP status, we started sending traffic toward the
PE devices and proved that all the PEs were using VPLS
PWs to forward traffic. Then we enabled EVPN on
EVPN/VPLS PEs. As soon as the EVPN service came
up, PEs advertised EVPN Inclusive multicast routes and
route type-2 and discovered each other through EVPN
routes. As a result, EVPN-enabled PEs shut down the
PWs between each other and forwarded traffic using
EVPN service; however, they kept forwarding traffic to
VPLS PEs using VPLS pseudowires.

Figure 27: EVPN-VPLS Seamless Integration

with BGP Signaling

Figure 26: EVPN-VPLS Seamless Integration

with LDP Signaling

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

EVPN PW Headend Multi-homed EVPN Loop Detection

EVPN-VPWS Access to L3VPNs EVPN loop detection is a mechanism to detect and pre-
vent loops in an EVPN environment. The EVPN control
EVPN is a control plane technology to distribute Layer
plane uses the EVPN MAC Duplication procedure to
2 and Layer 3 routing information across the MPLS/IP
prevent infinite MAC/IP route advertisement when a
network, while BGP is used for interconnecting the dif-
loop between two or more PE devices attached to the
ferent VPNs. This allows for flexible and scalable con-
same Bridge-Domain is detected. The loop detection
nectivity between all types of VPNs, including Layer 2
mechanism can apply a loop protection action on the
VPNs (VPWS) and Layer 3 VPNs (L3VPN). When a
duplicate MAC address to protect the data plane
tenant network stretches over EVPN and BGP VPN-IP
against endlessly looped BUM traffic. The PE puts the
domains, the interworking between different BGP fami-
duplicate MAC address as a Black-Hole in its switching
lies is crucial for inter-subnet forwarding.
Table and discards the frames with the source address
Arista 7059SX3 as CE in all runs. Arista 7280R2 and (and optionally with the destination address) of the
7280R3 as PE devices in the EVPN domain in all runs. Black-Holed MAC.
Juniper ACX7100-32C as PE device in the VPN-IP do-
Arista 7280R3, Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Cisco
main in all runs. Spirent-STC participated as Traffic
NCS 540X-12Z16G, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8,
Juniper MX204, and Nokia 7750 SR-1. Spirent-STC
participated as the traffic generator.

Figure 28: PW Headend Multi-homed

EVPN-VPWS Access to L3VPNs Figure 29: Loop Detection

Run GW Peering

1 Cisco ASR 9903 multi-homed with Juniper MX204

2 Cisco ASR 9903 multi-homed with Nokia 7750 SR-1

3 Juniper MX204 multi-homed with Nokia 7750 SR-1

Table 5: PW Headend Multi-homed EVPN-VPWS Access to L3VPNs

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

EVPN Gateway Interworking

One scenario that can arise when integrating various
technologies is advertising prefixes for different services
between the access and core layers. The success of this
interworking depends on the gateways' capability be-
tween different domains to receive IPVPN/EVPN prefix-
es from one side and subsequently advertise them to
the other. This test validates the interworking between
different domains.
In the first scenario we verified the interworking of
EVPN SR-MPLS with EVPN SRv6 and the usage of Route
The second run verified the interworking of EVPN SR-
MPLS with SRv6 IP VPN. In the EVPN area we used
Route Type-5 and in the SRv6 area we used IP VPN
Routes. Figure 31: Gateway Interworking Scenario 2

In the third scenario, we verified the interworking of SR- The following vendors participated successfully in this
MPLS with IP VPN Routes and EVPN VXLAN v6 (IPv6 test case:
Gateways: Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Nokia 7750
The fourth and fifth scenarios verified the interworking SR-1, Arista 7280R3, and Cisco ASR 9903
of SR-MPLS and EVPN VXLAN. In scenario four, we SR-MPLS PE devices: Arista 7280R3, SRv6
had IP VPN Routes in the SR-MPLS domain, while we
PE devices: Arista 7280R3, Cisco ASR 9903
changed it to EVPN Route Type-5 in the fifth scenario.
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC

Figure 32: Gateway Interworking Scenario 3—Run 1

Figure 30: Gateway Interworking Scenario 1
Gateway and PE device: Arista 7280R3
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC
The following vendors participated successfully in this
test case:
Gateways: Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 multi-homed
with Nokia 7750 SR-1
PE devices: Arista 7280R3
Traffic Generator: Spirent

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Figure 35: Gateway Interworking Scenario 3—Run 2

The following vendors participated successfully in this

Figure 33: Gateway Interworking Scenario 4 test case:
Gateways: Arista 7280R3
The following vendors participated successfully in this
test case: PE device: Arista 7280R3 and Ciena 5166
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC
Gateways: Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 multi-homed
with Cisco ASR 9903. Nokia 7750 SR-1 multi-homed
with Arista 7280R3.
PE device: Arista 7280R3
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC

Figure 34: Gateway Interworking Scenario 5

The following vendors participated successfully in this

test case:
Gateways: Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 multi-homed
with Cisco ASR9903. Nokia 7750 SR-1 multi-homed
with Arista 7280R3.
PE device: Arista 7280R3
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Segment Routing—SRv6
Segment Routing version 6 (SRv6)(RFC 8754, RFC
8986) has become a powerful option for meeting the
changing needs of modern networks. It enables net-
work administrators to set up and control network
routes in a more granular and flexible manner, allow-
ing the development of customized network services to
satisfy the demands of particular applications and user
groups. It also makes network operations easier by
minimizing the number of protocols and control planes
required to run the network.
For the first time in our annual interoperability event,
we conducted tests on multi-vendor SRv6 with micro
segment (µSID for short). The µSID solution is an exten- Figure 36: L3VPN over SRv6 (µSID)
sion to the SRv6 Network Programming model (RFC
These devices participated successfully as:
8986)which allows the expression of SRv6 segments
with a very compact and efficient representation. It is PE: Arista 7280R, Arrcus UfiSpace S9600, Cisco
defined as the NEXT Compressed-SID flavor in IETF 8201, Cisco ASR 9902, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8,
draft draft-ietf-spring-srv6-srh-compression. Juniper ACX7100-32C, Keysight IxNetwork, Nokia
7750 SR-1, Spirent-STC
These tests covered SRv6 BGP based Overlay services
(RFC 9252), including: L3VPN, EVPN VPWS, EVPN Router Reflector: Cisco ASR 9902
RT5, and EVPN LAN.
Additionally, we confirmed several underlay test cases,
including TI-LFA (Topology-Independent Loop-Free Alter-
nate) Flex Algo, summarization, UPA (Unreachable
prefix Announcement), and SR-TE policies while imple-
menting µSID.
Additionally, we verified most of the previous tests us-
ing the full SID.

L3VPN over SRv6

The interoperability for IPv4/v6 BGP-based L3VPN ser-
vice between vendors was the starting point of the
SRv6 tests. This year, EANTC conducted the test with
both Full SID and µSID.
Figure 37: L3VPN over SRv6 (Full SID)
The chosen IGP was ISIS and the physical topology
was spine-leaf architecture. VRF with both VPNv4/v6 These devices participated successfully as:
address families was configured on each PE then they PE: Arista 7280R, Arrcus UfiSpace S9600, Ericsson
were advertised via BGP to the router reflector using 6273, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Juniper MX204,
the locator and the SID function. We verified the con- Juniper ACX7100-32C, Keysight IxNetwork, Nokia
trol plane by checking the received routes in the routing 7750 SR-1, Spirent-STC
table for vpnv4/v6 and their next hop (SID function).
Router Reflector: Cisco ASR 9902
We used traffic generation between all the PEs to verify
the data plane.
A compatibility problem was encountered by a pair in
which the head-end device failed to recognize the
END.DT46 message sent by the egress device. Howev-
er, as per section 5 of RFC 9252, the head-end should
recognize the message.

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

SRv6 OAM BGP IPv4/IPv6 Global Routing Table (µSID)

We conducted a ping test on the locator and endpoint, In order to confirm the delivery of IPv4/v6 traffic over
and performed a trace route between all vendors. an SRv6 core network, the process involved encapsulat-
ing packets within IPv6 packets. As per RFC 9252, the
SRv6 Endpoint Behavior should be one of the follow-
ing: End.DX4/6, End.DT4/6, or End.DT46.
Using SRv6 instructions uDT4 (End.DT4 with NEXT-
CSID) and uDT6 (End.DT6 with NEXT-CSID) the PEs
decapsulated the packet (popped the outer IPv6 header
from the packet) and performed lookup in the global
routing table for the IPv4 or IPv6 destination address of
the inner packet.
The traffic between all participant PEs flowed with no
packet loss.

Figure 38: Ping-Trace Route µSID

These devices participated successfully in the test:

Cisco ASR 9902, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Juniper
ACX7100-32C, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Keysight IxNetwork

Figure 40: BGP IPv4/v6 Global Routing Table (µSID)

With a full mesh of traffic streams set up between all

the listed devices, the test was successful: Arrcus
UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Cisco 8201, Cisco ASR 9902,
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Juniper ACX7100-32C,
Keysight IxNetwork, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Spirent-STC
One vendor only supported uEnd.DT6.
Figure 39: Ping-Trace Route Full SID

Ciena 5166, Ericsson 6273, Huawei NetEngine 8000

F8, Juniper MX204, Juniper ACX7100-32C, Nokia
7750 SR-1, Keysight IxNetwork
One vendor supported only ping over SRv6 (Full SID).

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

EVPN Services over SRv6

PE 1 PE 2
By leveraging the capabilities of SRv6 and EVPN, we
can achieve a highly flexible and powerful solution for Juniper MX204 Nokia 7750 SR-1
data center interconnects. RFC 9252 introduces an
Juniper MX204 Ericsson 6273
expansion to BGP that facilitates the dissemination of
L2 and L3 reachability data throughout the network, Juniper MX204 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
while SRv6 offers an efficient forwarding plane for ef-
fective packet delivery and EVPN provides the control Ericsson 6273 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
plane functionalities necessary for virtual network over-
Ericsson 6273 Keysight IxNetwork
Table 6: Full SID Pairs
PE 1 PE 2
Single Homing
EANTC verified VPWS service over SRv6 using both Cisco NCS Nokia 7750 SR-1
µSID and Full SID. 540-28Z4C

The Ethernet Auto-Discovery route (Route Type 1) was Cisco NCS Huawei NetEngine
used to advertise point-to-point service IDs while config- 540-28Z4C 8000 F8
uring the locator to support END.DX2 (that specifies
endpoint decapsulation and L2 cross-connect behav- Nokia 7750 SR-1 Huawei NetEngine
For a single home scenario, each node had configured Huawei NetEngine Spirent-STC
the same EVPN Instance (EVI) route and enabled BGP
protocol to advertise and accept the EVPN NLRI for
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Keysight IxNetwork
SRv6 services.

Table 7: µSID Pairs

Multi Homing (All Active/Single Active)

In many network environments, network availability is
crucial to the success of the business. Multi-homing in
VPWS adds a layer of resilience and failover capacity.
We conducted a verification test on the CE node that
had two PEs connected to it via Ethernet links, and
found that all the multi-homed PEs were able to forward
traffic to and from that Ethernet segment for a specified
VLAN. The traffic flow was load-balanced to both PE1
and PE2, and we observed no loss of traffic.
Figure 41: EVPN VPWS Over SRv6
(Full SID/µSID) Single homing To ensure redundancy, we had configured Link Aggre-
gation Control Protocol (LACP) on the multi-homed CE.
We then simulated a link failure on one of the links and
observed that the traffic continued to flow through the
second PE.
We conducted tests on both µSID and Full SID configu-
rations. To ensure a comprehensive assessment, we
also tested all active Multi-homing and Single-Active
Multi-homing scenarios.

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

In the first setup: Juniper MX204 and Nokia 7750 SR-1

tested successfully for Multi homing all active and sin- PE 1 PE 2
gle active with Spirent as the remote node.
Cisco NCS 540-28Z4C Nokia 7750 SR-1
Second setup: Ericsson 6273, Huawei NetEngine
8000 F8, Juniper MX204, and Nokia 7750 SR-1 test- Cisco NCS 540-28Z4C Huawei NetEngine
ed for Multi homing all active.
Huawei NetEngine Nokia 7750 SR-1

Table 8: EVPN VPWS µSID Multi homing

EVPN Route Type-5 using µSID

EVPN Route Type 5 is used to advertise IP address
reachability through MP-BGP to all other PEs in a given
EVPN instance.
We verified that PEs can advertise VPN routes as EVPN
routes to a peer in an EVPN L3VPN over the SRv6 net-
work using µSID.
During the control plane evaluation, we confirmed that
the EVPN type 5 route prefix advertised by the Provider
Edge (PE) routers contains an SRv6 Layer 3 Service TLV
with an SRV6 Segment Identifier (SID) sub-TLV. The
IPv4/IPv6 routing table information on the PEs included
a route intended for the remote Customer Edge (CE).
As we generated traffic between the PEs, no packet
loss was observed.

Figure 42: EVPN VPWS over SRv6

(Full SID) Multi homing

Figure 44: EVPN RT5 using µSID

The IP Prefix routes are being associated with the cor-

rect RDs on the following devices:
Arista 7280R3, Cisco NCS 540-28Z4C, Huawei
NetEngine 8000 F8, Keysight IxNetwork, Nokia 7750
SR-1, Spirent-STC

Figure 43: EVPN VPWS µSID Multi homing

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

EVPN E-LAN using µSID The setup consisted of three PE routers that worked as
ABRs between two ISIS areas. The locator summary
We verified multipoint-to-multipoint Ethernet services was configured in both directions using the three ABRs.
over an SRv6-based network using µSID. Of these, two sent Locator summary advertisements
through both the IP Prefix Reachability TLV and the
SRv6 Locator TLV, while one sent them only through the
IP Prefix Reachability TLV. We verified the received
prefixes by checking the ISIS database.
This resulted (SRv6 Locator TLV is missing) for the PE in
L2 not being able to resolve the service route, and traf-
fic from L2 to L1 used the remaining ABRs.
The Summarization was accomplished by the following
ABRs: Cisco ASR 9902, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8,
Nokia 7750 SR-1, as PEs Juniper ACX7100-32C and

SRv6 FA Locators Summarization using µSID

Figure 45: EVPN E-LAN over SRv6 using µSID
Flex Algo is a powerful mechanism that offers network
We verified that CE sites are able to communicate with operators the ability to influence how the IGP calculates
each other over the E-LAN service through the following the least cost path for each prefix segment. By doing
devices: Cisco NCS 540-28Z4C, Huawei NetEngine so, each prefix segment can traverse a unique path to
8000 F8, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Spirent-STC reach its destination.
One of the key use cases for flexible algorithms is in
SRv6 Locator Summarization with µSID the creation of multi-plane networks. These networks
Building large-scale networks is well-suited for SRv6 can be configured with multiple parallel planes that
and its summarization features. At the boundary of enable different types of traffic to be routed separately.
each domain, IPv6 locator blocks can be summarized By utilizing flexible algorithms and based on real-time
and distributed to neighboring domains. This end-to- measurements and network conditions, the network
end redistribution of summary prefixes allows any two operators can ensure that each plane is able to lever-
nodes on the network to achieve reachability by per- age the most efficient paths for its specific type of traf-
forming a longest-prefix match on the destination ad- fic, resulting in optimal network performance.

Figure 47: Summarization of Flex Algo

Figure 46: Locator Summarization with µSID Locators over SRv6 using µSID

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

We conducted the test where we evaluated the perfor- SRv6 TE SR Policies with Explicit Paths
mance of the Flex algorithm using delay metrics. Some
participant nodes utilized dynamic link delay measure- SRv6 traffic engineering (SRv6 TE) utilizes the concept
ment (TWAMP) for path calculation and incorporated of source routing, where the origin calculates the route
the resulting latency values in ISIS (RFC 7810). and encodes it in the packet header as a sequence of
segments. This sequence of segments is added to the
Additionally, the summarized locators in the flex algo- incoming packet via the SRv6 Segment Routing Header
rithm were displayed with aggregated metrics. (SRH).
We verified the data plane with the correct traffic pass- To control the flow of traffic through the network, SRv6
ing through FA 128 plane with no issues. traffic engineering utilizes a policy that contains groups
of segments.
Unreachable Prefix Announcement An explicit policy in SRv6 traffic engineering is a col-
According to "draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-ureach-prefix- lection of IPv6 addresses that represents an ordered list
announce-02", when summarization is used, it is im- of segment IDs. The policy path is predetermined as the
portant to notify the network of a loss of reachability to operator defines the segment list statically.
a specific prefix that is included in the summary. This To create an explicit policy, vendors established a seg-
enables quick convergence away from paths that lead ment list(s), provided a policy name, endpoint, and
to the node which can no longer be reached. color, and then linked it to a segment list from the poli-
In this test, we verified the process advertise such a loss cy. This test was completed using both µSID and Full
of prefix reachability using the Unreachable Prefix An- SID.
nouncement (UPA).
The setup included an ABR that was in charge of the
summary, an Ingress PE, and two egress PEs. When the
ABR loses connectivity to one of the nodes in domain
2, it identified that the node's locator is included in the
summary prefix and created an Unreachable Prefix
Attribute (UPA) for that locator and distributed it in do-
main 1. After receiving the UPA via IGP, the Ingress PE
switched to the backup path, and this transition took
134 ms for convergence.

Figure 49: SRv6 TE SR Policies with

Explicit Paths using µSID

The SR-TE policy was configured in the ingress node

Cisco ASR 9902, the other devices acted as P nodes
Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Cisco ASR 9902,
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Nokia 7750 SR-1,
Figure 48: Unreachable Prefix Announcement Spirent-STC

The UPA was advertised by Cisco ASR 9902 the ABR.

The egress PEs were: Juniper ACX7100-32C, and
The Ingress node is Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2D, and
Juniper MX204 as P-node. Traffic generator and CEs:

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Topology Independent Loop Free Alternative

over SRv6
For rapid protection and recovery from link or node
failures, TI-LFA is used method in Segment Routing net-
works. It enables rapid rerouting of traffic around a
failed node or connection, guaranteeing high availabil-
ity and short recovery periods.
TI-LFA is especially helpful in large-scale networks
where conventional protection methods are slow and
can cause network-wide disruptions.
In our testing of TI-LFA, we evaluated its performance
for both µSID and full SID scenarios. For µSID, we test-
ed TI LFA with u-loop prevention and observed that the
out-of-service time ranged between 2 to 33 millisec-
Figure 50: SRv6 TE SR Policies with
A test was carried out on the local Shared Risk Link
Explicit Paths using Full SID
Group (SRLG), in which two links were configured to
SR TE policy was configured on the following devices: belong to the same SRLG. Then we simulated a failure
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Juniper ACX7100- on one of the links in the SRLG and observed that the
32C,Keysight IxNetwork, Nokia 7750 SR-1, while Er- traffic correctly avoided those links. The SRLG proved
icsson 6273 as a P node. effective, and the total time that the links were out of
service during the test was only 3 milliseconds.
For Full SID, we conducted tests and found that the out-
of-service time ranged from 5 to 4 milliseconds.

Figure 51: SRv6 TE SR Policies with

Explicit Paths using µSID, Setup 2
Figure 52: TI-LFA over SRv6 with Full SID
The SR-TE policy was configured in the ingress node
PLR nodes: Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Ericsson
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8.
The remaining devices acted as P nodes including:
PQ: Ericsson 6273
Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Cisco ASR 9902,
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNetwork

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Segment Routing—SR-MPLS
Segment Routing Multi-Protocol Label Switching (SR-
MPLS) has emerged de-facto industry standard to meet
the requirements of modern networks as the world be-
comes more interconnected and reliant on high-speed
data transfer. Lately, there were many efforts to estab-
lish an end-to-end intent-aware path across multi-
domains of service provider environments. In EANTC,
we tested a BGP-based routing solution dedicated to
this goal, called the BGP Classful Transport Planes. As
SR-MPLS is particularly popular in Inter-AS (Autonomous
System) networks, which connect numerous network
domains owned by different enterprises, we tested sev-
eral mechanisms, such as BGP LS (Link State), Flexible
Algorithm Prefix Metric (FAPM), and chaining ASs op-
tions. This year, we placed significant emphasis on
OSPF segment routing, which included the implementa-
tion of Flex Algo and FAPM (which was done for the
Figure 53: TI-LFA over SRv6 using µSID
first time in our interop event), as well as covering
PLR node: Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Cisco ASR mechanisms for fast re-routing, performance measure-
9902, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Nokia 7750 SR-1. ment, failure discovery, and SR traffic steering.
PQ nodes: Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Huawei
NetEngine 8000 F8 L3VPN Services
P nodes: Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Juniper As a preliminary test for interoperability in SR-MPLS, we
ACX7100-32C utilized L3VPN services. The participating nodes were
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC interconnected in a spine-leaf topology and established
ISIS/OSPF sessions with one another. The routing ta-
bles contained the loopback addresses and corre-
sponding SIDs of the involved PEs. After verifying that
all VPNv4 and VPNv6 services were operational on the
vendor devices, we proceeded to generate IPv4 and
IPv6 traffic between each pair of PEs, which did not
result in any packet loss.

Figure 54: TI-LFA over SRv6 with Local SRLG (µSID)

Figure 55: L3VPN over SR-MPLS (ISIS)
SRLG was configured on Cisco ASR 9902.
PQ nodes: Juniper ACX7100-32C Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Arista 7280R, Cisco
NCS 540-24Q8L2DD, Ericsson 6673, Ciena 5166,
P nodes: Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Juniper PTX10001-36MR,
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC Keysight IxNetwork, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Ribbon NPT-
Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Flexible Algorithm
Flexible Algorithm over ISIS
IGP protocols historically compute the best paths over
the network based on the IGP metric assigned to the
links. IGP Flexible Algorithm (RFC 9350) enhances
IGPs to compute the best paths based on a given com-
bination of calculation-type, metric-type, and con-
straints. With Flexible Algorithm an operator can asso-
ciate one or more SR-MPLS Prefix-SIDs or SRv6 locators
with a particular Flex-Algorithm. Each such Prefix-SID or
SRv6 locator then represents a path that is computed
Figure 56: L3VPN over SR-MPLS (OSPF) according to the identified Flex-Algorithm.

The following devices passed the test as PEs: Arista In our test, we confirmed the generation of multiple net-
7280R, Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD, Ericsson 6673, work planes utilizing the flex algorithm based on ISIS.
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Juniper ACX-7100, Juni- We employed three different flex algorithms, FA 128
per PTX10001-36MR, Nokia 7750 SR-1 was based on the minimum delay metric, FA 129 was
based on IGP metric and exclusion of interfaces with a
Traffic Generator for both: Keysight IxNetwork
given link administrative group (green affinity) and FA
130 was relying on the TE metric. All participants had
TE attributes advertised in Flex-Algo specific Applica-
The ability to quickly identify and troubleshoot network tion-Specific Link Attribute (ASLA) sub-TLVs. One vendor
failures is essential for network operators. To help with could not generate SID per Flex-Algo with a single
this task, RFC 8287 defines a set of tools for detecting loopback IP, so they did not participate. Two vendors
and diagnosing network issues, including Label had to utilize a knob to prevent fallback to the native
Switched Path (LSP) Ping/Traceroute for Segment Rout- algorithm 0 LSP. With that fallback Flex-Algo 129 with
ing IGP-Prefix Segment Identifiers (SIDs) with MPLS Da- "exclude green" worked. Since Ribbon was one of the
ta Plane. These tools are widely used in networks to test vendors that only supported Flex Algo Legacy and not
connectivity, measure latency, and identify the location ASLA, we conducted a test with the Legacy Flag ena-
of network faults. In this context, we conducted a verifi- bled. This test included two different constraints: the use
cation of the troubleshooting and failure detection tool. of a manually delayed metric with algorithm 128 and
All participants successfully performed the test except a TE metric with algorithm 130.
for one vendor that supports only ping over SR-MPLS.

Figure 58a: Flex Algo ASLA (ISIS)

The participated nodes for ASLA: Arista 7280R, Cisco

Figure 57: Ping/Trace Route over SR-MPLS
NCS 540-24Q8L2DD, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8,
The following devices passed the test as PEs: Arrcus Juniper PTX10001-36MR, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Keysight
UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Arista 7280R, Cisco NCS 540 IxNetwork
-24Q8L2DD, Ericsson 6673, Ciena 5166, Huawei
NetEngine 8000 F8, Juniper PTX10001-36MR,
Keysight IxNetwork, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Ribbon NPT-
Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

traffic taking different paths within the same Flex Algo

plane. During our testing, we simulated a failure on the
only non-red link on a node. The available paths were
limited to the link with the admin group "RED," which
should have been excluded from Flex-Algo 129. In nor-
mal circumstances, traffic would have fallen back to
algo 0. However, the vendors had implemented a knob
to prevent this fallback mechanism. And as expected
when algo 0 fallback was disabled, we observed com-
plete loss of traffic for that particular Flex Algo after the
failure event.
The participating devices in the Flex Algos: Cisco NCS
540-24Q8L2DD, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Juniper
PTX10001-36MR, Juniper ACX7100-32C, Keysight
IxNetwork, Nokia 7750 SR-1.
Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNetwork
Figure 58b: Flex Algo with Legacy (ISIS)

For Legacy test: Juniper PTX10001-36MR, Keysight Flex Algo Prefix Metric over OSPF
IxNetwork, Ribbon NPT-2100 Flexible Algorithm can provide the optimal path to a
destination in a remote area or IGP domain. The
Flexible Algorithms over OSPF RFC9350 outlines a sub-TLV for OSPF Flexible Algo-
rithm Prefix Metric (FAPM) so the calculation of the best
path across multiple areas will take into account the
constraints used for Flexible Algorithm paths.

Figure 59: Flexible Algorithm (OSPF)

We conducted a test to implement Flex Algo using

OSPF for the first time. Our objective was to enable
multi-planes and isolation for the existing OSPF under-
lay network, in order to fully utilize its potential. To
achieve this, we defined two Flex Algo configurations,
which the OSPF underlay network calculated by identi-
fying the nodes and links for each Flex Algo. Using the
performance metrics, two different Flex Algo planes
were formed. We then created L3VPNs within each of
the Flex Algo configurations and introduced traffic in
different parts of the network, expecting each VPN to Figure 60: FAPM over OSPF
follow its respective Flex Algo path. To simulate impair- The test was carried out successfully with the following
ments, we induced delays while devices employed dy- devices: Juniper MX204, Juniper PTX10001-36MR,
namic delay measurement on the link and observed the Juniper ACX7100-32C, Nokia 7750 SR-1

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Figure 61: FAPM over OSPF

Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNetwork, Impairment de- that ensures sufficient bandwidth or minimal delay for
vice: Calnex SNE these high-priority traffic flows.
FAPM to allow optimal end-to-end path for an interarea RFC 9256 (SR Policy Architecture) details the concept
prefix. The area border router (ABR) must include the of an SR Policy and its associated steering mechanisms.
FAPM when advertising the prefix between areas that
is reachable in that given Flexible Algorithm. The test- A headend can steer a packet flow into a valid SR Poli-
ing was conducted in a setup comprising three OSPF cy in various ways:
areas, with both Flex Algo 128 (based on delay metric) • Binding SID Steering: Incoming packets have an ac-
and Flex Algo 129 (based on IGP metric) configured in tive SID matching a local BSID at the headend.
all areas. In order to advertise a prefix between areas, • Per-Destination Steering: incoming packets match a
the area border router (ABR) included the FAPM for the BGP/Service route, which recurses on an SR Policy
corresponding Flex Algo. To establish a tunnel between • Per-Flow Steering: incoming packets match or re-
the endpoints (PEs), the delay-metric FA128 was uti- curse on a forwarding array of which some of the
lized to select the path with the least delay through all entries are SR Policies.
three domains. When there was a change in delay
• Policy-Based Steering: incoming packets match a
within the middle area, the tunnel was switched to en-
routing policy that directs them on an SR Policy.
sure that the delay-metric FA128 path with the least
delay was maintained. Initially, SR TE was implemented in SR-MPLS using bind-
ing SIDs then prefix-based steering.
The test was carried out successfully with the following
devices: Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD, Juniper MX204, Finally, traffic flow characteristics, such as the DSCP
Juniper PTX10001-36MR, Juniper ACX7100-32C, value, were employed to steer traffic along a specific
Nokia 7750 SR-1, Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNet- path in order to optimize network performance.
work, Impairment device: Calnex SNE Keysight IxNetwork was used as a traffic generator for
these tests.
In order to enable FAPM, the FAD flags-TLV requires the
M-flag to be set when advertising to ensure OSPF rout-
ers use Flex-Algorithm aware metrics for inter-area rout-
ing. During testing, one vendor had to correct their M-
flag implementation to successfully complete the test.

SR-MPLS—SR-TE Traffic Steering

Traffic engineering involves the ability to manipulate
the routing path of specific traffic from the network
edge to its destination. This can be particularly useful in
scenarios where network congestion needs to be man-
aged and the quality of service for specific traffic, such
as that of gold customers, needs to be prioritized. At
the network edge, traffic can be directed along a path
Figure 62: SR-MPLS—SR-TE Traffic Steering
Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

PE 1 (Head End) PE 2
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Juniper PTX10001-36MR
Juniper PTX10001-36MR Nokia 7750 SR-1
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 Nokia 7750 SR-1
Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Nokia 7750 SR-1
Ciena 5166 Juniper PTX10001-36MR
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD
Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
Ribbon NPT 2100A Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD

Table 9: Binding SID-based steering

PE 1 (Head End) PE 2
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Juniper PTX10001-36MR
Juniper PTX10001-36MR Nokia 7750 SR-1
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 Ribbon NPT-2100A
Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Nokia 7750 SR-1
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD
Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Arista 7280R
Arista 7280R Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD
Ericsson 6673 Juniper PTX10001-36MR

Table 10: Flow-based steering

PE 1 (Head End) PE 2
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Juniper PTX10001-36MR
Juniper PTX10001-36MR Nokia 7750 SR-1
Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Nokia 7750 SR-1
Ciena 5166 Juniper PTX10001-36MR
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD
Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
Ribbon NPT-2100A Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8
Nokia 7750 SR-1 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD
Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 Ribbon NPT-2100A
Keysight IxNetwork all previous devices

Table 11: Destination/Prefix based steering

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

SR-MPLS Inter-Domain SR-TE Inter AS BGP Classful Transport

Assisted by BGP-LS draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ct-02 describes the service mapping to
express the association of overlay routes with underlay
In large-scale networks, it is common to have multiple
routes satisfying a certain SLA using BGP.
domains or Autonomous Systems (AS) due to the need
to control the scale of Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP). The objective of this technology is to maintain end-to-
By dividing a network into smaller domains, IGP can end service intent across AS boundaries. This is accom-
be kept under control, and better control can be main- plished by classifying tunnels with similar intents into
tained over network performance. The issue of end-to- transport classes and propagating this information
end tunnels was ultimately encountered, and one of the across domains using BGP. As a result, when a service
proposed solutions to this problem is the use of BGP LS. passes through each domain, it is directed to a specific
transport tunnel class that aligns with its intended pur-
Usually, BGP-LS information is used by an SDN control-
ler to steer SR-TE, SRv6, or RSVP LSPs in multi-area or
multi-AS provider networks. In this use case, two differ- The test setup consisted of two domains, where each PE
ent roles have been tested: first is the ability to translate node did the mapping of service prefixes with color
IGP-TE information into BGP-LS messages (Ericsson and communities to transport routes associated with
Arista nodes), and second is the capability to digest transport-target communities.
BGP-LS messages for building own Traffic-Engineering
In one domain, the prefixes were mapped to specific
Database, which is used for constructing inter-AS (or
Flex-Algo values (128 and 129), while in the other do-
inter-level, inter-area) SR-TE LSPs (Juniper node acting
main, they were mapped to RSVP-TE paths (gold and
as head-end). This allows using such head-end nodes
for distributed ingress PE calculation of paths, as an
alternative to the use of centralized SDN. BGP-CT sessions were established between PEs and
ASBRs, as well as between ASBRs themselves.
PE1 associated the received prefixes with their corre-
sponding color BGP-CT label and local tunnel for AS-
BR1, based on the color community. Consequently,
ASBR2 routed traffic to the Flex-Algo for PE2 based on
the color of the incoming BGP-CT label.

Figure 63: SR-MPLS Inter-Domain SR-TE

Assisted by BGP-LS

Head end: Juniper MX204

ABR: Arista 7280R, Ericsson 6673

Figure 64: Inter As BGP Classful Transport

As ASBR: Juniper PTX10001-36MR, RARE/freeRtr

As PE: Juniper MX204, as P: Juniper ACX7100-32C
Traffic Generator: Spirent-STC

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

The data plane was tested by sending traffic between

PE1 and PE1. Both PE1 and PE2 advertised service
routes with color:0:128 (Gold SLA), and it was ob-
served that the data traffic was correctly forwarded
according to the intended specifications in both AS1
(using Gold RSVP-TE LSPs) and AS2 (using FA-128).

Inter-AS connectivity is an essential aspect of modern
network design that enables Service Providers to offer
end-to-end services across multiple autonomous systems
(AS). RFC 4364 describes two widely deployed meth-
ods for achieving inter-AS connectivity: Inter-AS Option
B and Inter-AS Option C. These methods provide Ser-
vice Providers with the flexibility to extend their net-
works while maintaining control over their own routing
policies. Figure 65: Inter AS Option C
We have conducted tests for both inter-AS options B
and C according to RFC 4364. However, during our
testing, we encountered an issue between two Autono-
mous Boundary Routers (ABRs), as each ABR supported
different SR Global Block (SRGB) ranges. To resolve
this issue, we introduced a third ABR which is capable
of stitching labels between inconsistent SRGB and/or
dynamic label ranges. This validated the co-existence
of BGP-SR with domains with heterogenous SRGBs
and/or non-SR domains.
Figure 66: Inter AS Option B
Arista 7280R and Ericsson 6673 tested as the ABRs
and Ciena 5166 and Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 test-
ed as PEs.


Ribbon NPT-2100A Arista 7280R Juniper PTX10001-36MR Juniper MX204

Ciena 5166 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2D Juniper PTX10001-36MR Juniper MX204

Ciena 5166 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2D Juniper PTX10001-36MR Arista 7280R

Table 12: Inter AS SR-MPLS—First setup


Ribbon Arista 7280R Juniper Cisco NCS Ciena 5166

NPT-2100A PTX10001-36MR 540-24Q8L2D

Huawei NetEngine Arista 7280R Juniper Cisco NCS Ribbon NPT-2100A

8000 F8 PTX10001-36MR 540-24Q8L2D

Table 13: Inter AS SR-MPLS—Second setup

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

LDP and SR Interworking SRMS: Arista 7280R, Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD

SR mapping client: Arista 7280R, Huawei NetEngine
Service providers often use a combination of MPLS
8000 F8
transport and the LDP signaling protocol at the edges of
their networks. Although LDP is simple to implement, it LDP only nodes: Ciena 5166, Ericsson 6673
does not offer advanced traffic engineering and path Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNetwork
repair features that are often necessary in the core of
the network. To address this, we tested the use of an SR SR-MPLS Performance Measurement
mapping server to enable interoperability between SR
RFC 5357 defines the "Two-Way Active Measurement
and LDP networks.
Protocol" (TWAMP), which is utilized to evaluate net-
The configuration of prefix-to-SID mappings was done work performance and troubleshoot network issues. The
on the mapping server, which is then advertised in the testing process begins with the control endpoint, which
ISIS on behalf of non-SR-capable nodes. initiates the test by transmitting control packets to the
sender. The sender generates the test traffic and returns
it to the control endpoint, where performance metrics
are computed based on the analysis of the test traffic.
Initially, we validated the device's capability to meas-
ure and identify changes in link delay that we intro-
duced on the link using an impairment device. Subse-
quently, we confirmed the propagation of these meas-
urements across the network using IGP Traffic Engineer-
ing (TE) Metric Extensions (IS-IS (RFC 7810) / OSPF
(RFC 7471)).
In each combination, PE1 and PE2 were the sender
and reflector. One vendor does not support advertising
the delay in ISIS TLV using SR Policy.

Figure 67: LDP and SR Interworking Figure 68: SR-MPLS Delay Measurement using TWAMP


Ciena 5166 Nokia 7750 SR-1

Ericsson 6673 Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8

Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8 Nokia 7750 SR-1

Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Nokia 7750 SR-1

Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Juniper MX204

Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Ericsson 6673

Nokia 7750 SR-1 Juniper PTX10001-36MR

Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8

Table 14: SR-MPLS Performance Measurement

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Topology Independent Loop Free Alternative The following devices successfully participated in the
test: Arista 7280R, Ciena 5166, Ericsson 6673,
over SR-MPLS Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Ribbon NPT-2100A
To test the link and SRLG TI-LFA over an SR-MPLS net- Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNetwork
work, we created a topology consisting of four nodes,
with each participating vendor configuring the network
nodes for an L3VPN service. Prior to the link failure,
traffic was forwarded from the ingress PE (PLR) to the
directly connected egress PE. To simulate a link failure,
we asked the egress PE vendor to disconnect the pro-
tected link between the egress and ingress nodes while
traffic continued to flow from the generator toward the
ingress PE.
Out-of-service times ranged from 3ms to 34ms. For lo-
cal SRLG, PLR nodes used a port to repair the link fault,
regardless of the cost, because it shared the same
SRLG as the failed port. Failover times ranged from
3ms to 15ms for the two combinations we tested.

Figure 70: TI-LFA over SR-MPLS with Local SRLG

The following devices successfully participated in the

AS PLRs: Arista 7280R, Ericsson 6673
AS PQ and P nodes: Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8, Rib-
bon NPT-2100A
Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNetwork

Figure 69: TI-LFA over SR MPLS

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Seamless BFD
Seamless BFD, or S-BFD, simplifies BFD usage by elimi-
nating a large proportion of negotiation aspects, which
leads to quick provisioning and improved control and
flexibility for network nodes initiating path monitoring.
In a test, we verified the ability of an SR policy to steer
traffic into an SR-TE tunnel, and how S-BFD can detect
link failures and trigger SR-TE hot standby protection.
To perform the test, we created a triangle topology con-
sisting of an egress PE, ingress PE, and one P router.
Each pair of PEs was configured with two SR-TE poli-
cies: a primary path and a backup. The initiator inter-
val was set to 20 ms, allowing an acceptable out of
service time between 40-100ms. We generated traffic
between the Initiator and Reflector through the P node,
which served as the longer primary path. To demon-
strate S-BFD's role in network convergence, we emulat-
Figure 72: Seamless BFD
ed a tear-down session by shutting down a remote port
and observed the traffic switch to the backup SR MPLS The following devices participated successfully as Initia-
TE path in 75ms. tor and reflectors: Ericsson 6673, Ribbon NPT-2100A
We also verified S-BFD sessions established between
different vendors and configured an ACL to filter BFD IPv6 BGP-LU
packets, which resulted in the sessions being down and
BGP-LU (Labeled Unicast) is used to provide connectivi-
the traffic switching to the backup path.
ty between regions by advertising PE loopbacks and
label bindings.
In this test, we verified using BGP to exchange reacha-
bility information among the routers in the network,
including the IPv6 prefixes and the next-hop infor-
The Spine node established BGP peering with two
neighbors and activated labeled-unicast for IPv6 ad-
dress family, allowing the router to forward traffic using
MPLS labels. The Leaf nodes were configured to adver-
tise the BGP prefix SID attribute in the BGP LU NLRI.

Figure 71: Seamless BFD

The following devices participated successfully as Initia-

tor and reflectors:
Arista 7280R, Ciena 5166, Juniper PTX10001-36MR,
Juniper ACX7100-32C, Nokia 7750 SR-1, Ribbon NPT

Figure 73: IPv6 BGP-LU

Arrcus UfiSpace S9710-76D, Arista 7280R, Keysight


Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

400GE ZR+ Segment Routing Anycast

The 400GE ZR+ specification is expected to play a key Anycast-SID is an important component in Segment
role in enabling extended reach in packet transport for Routing, providing improved node resiliency, traffic
metro and regional applications, which will be re- load-sharing, and the ability to create separate network
quired to support the growing demand for cloud ser- planes for different types of traffic. An Anycast-SID is a
vices, 5G wireless networks, and other bandwidth- Node Prefix-SID that is advertised by multiple nodes,
intensive applications. typically two, forming an anycast set. By including the
Anycast-SID in the SID list of an SR policy path, traffic
During the test, we conducted interoperability verifica-
load-sharing, and resiliency can be improved.
tion of 400ZR+ implementations across various ven-
dors' routers and pluggable modules (Ciena/Cisco/ Our network architecture consisted of five devices in
Juniper). the anycast set. After configuring an SR policy on the
head end node, traffic was steered and the Anycast-SID
A control plane using SR-MPLS (OSPF) was established
was included in the segment list. As a result, traffic
between multiple nodes, and we monitored 400Gb/s
could be load-balanced and directed towards the re-
bidirectional passing through three nodes, all of which
mote end, utilizing the anycast set as next-hops.
were connected using 400ZR+ without any problems.
Additionally, we successfully tested channelization to
allocate different bandwidths to different applications
by dividing the link into four 100G channels between
Juniper's streaming telemetry for 400ZR+ allowed us to
verify important 400G-ZR+ standard parameters such
as chromatic dispersion, oSNR, eSNR, module temper-
ature, carrier offset frequency, wavelength, input and
output power, pre-FEC bit error rate. By monitoring
these parameters, we were able to ensure that the
equipment was functioning as expected and delivering
the necessary quality of service.

Figure 75: Segment Routing Anycast

The following DUTs participated successfully in this test:

Arrcus UfiSpace S9600-72XC, Arista 7280R, Ciena
5166, Ericsson 6673, Huawei NetEngine 8000 F8.
PE nodes: Arista 7280R, Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD
Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNetwork

Figure 74: 400GE ZR+

400GE+ ZR was verified between: Cisco ASR 9903,

Ciena 5166, Juniper PTX10001-36MR
Traffic Generator: Keysight IxNetwork

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

SDN Table 15 lists the combinations that interoperate seam-

lessly over SR-MPLS data plane and PCE-initiated LSP
The need for centralized management of network devic- without any known issues.
es through the use of a controller or path computation
element is experiencing rapid growth due to the expan- PCE PCC
sion of networks and the increasing complexity of net-
works' protocols in today's world. In response, Soft- Juniper Paragon Cisco NCS
ware Defined Networks (SDN) have gained significant Pathfinder 540-24Q8L2DD
attention and undergone notable advancements in re-
Juniper Paragon Huawei NetEngine
cent years.
Pathfinder 8000 M4
SDN is an innovative technology that separates net-
work control from the data plane, enabling network Juniper Paragon Nokia 7750 SR-1
administrators to manage their networks through soft- Pathfinder
ware applications easily. This year's SDN testing efforts
Juniper Paragon Ribbon NPT-2100A
focused on key protocols such as PCEP and
NETCONF, including BGP-LS, and explored the usage
of SRv6 and SR-MPLS as data planes. The tests specifi- Juniper Paragon Ericsson 6673
cally explored the interoperability between Path Com- Pathfinder
putation Clients (PCC) and Path Computation Elements
(PCE), as well as between NETCONF capable network Juniper Paragon Ciena 5166
elements and NETCONF controllers. To prove interop- Pathfinder
erability, the tests focused on combinations of devices
in which the controller and the routers are from differ- Cisco Crosswork Juniper MX204
ent vendors. Additionally, the testing covered areas Cisco Crosswork Ribbon NPT-2100A
such as path computation, service provisioning, teleme-
try, and inventory use cases. Cisco Crosswork Nokia 7750 SR-1

Cisco Crosswork Ericsson 6673

PCE Path Computation
Cisco Crosswork Huawei NetEngine
The path computation test aims to verify the PCE's abil-
8000 M4
ity to provide network traffic paths in a multivendor
environment, which is crucial to meet the network's ap- Huawei NCE-IP Nokia 7750 SR-1
plication requirements. The test aims to ensure the in-
teroperability between the PCE and each PCC inde- Huawei NCE-IP Juniper MX204
pendently, as the instantiation of LSP on one PCC
should not depend on the other PCC. Huawei NCE-IP Ericsson 6673

Huawei NCE-IP Keysight IxNetwork

Huawei NCE-IP Cisco NCS


Keysight IxNetwork Ericsson 6673

Keysight IxNetwork Huawei NetEngine

8000 M4

Keysight IxNetwork Juniper MX204

Table 15: PCE-Initiated Path Computation

over SR-MPLS Data Plane
Figure 76: Path Computation with SR-MPLS In this test, we used SR-MPLS as the data plane. We
executed two tests, one in which the PCE initiated the
instantiation of LSP paths and another in which the PCC
initiated it.

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

• The DUTs initiated the IGP adjacencies, and we con- This test confirmed that the Path Computation Element
firmed that the connection was established. IS-IS was with PCEP can effectively signal Segment Routing poli-
used as the IGP for this test. cies to Path Computation clients in a multi-vendor envi-
ronment. The main goal of the test was to verify that the
• We validated the Stateful PCEP session, PCE path PCE and each PCC could operate together seamlessly
instantiation, and LSP state synchronization. without one PCC's colored policy signaling being reli-
• Instead of creating VPN services, we used LSP-pings ant on the other PCC.
to ensure that transport paths were installed correctly To conduct the test, the following steps were per-
for this test. formed. First, the DUTs established IGP adjacencies
using IS-IS, which were confirmed to be established.
The combinations that completed the test with SR-MPLS
Second, the PCEP session, PCE path instantiation, and
as data plane and PCC-initiated path are listed in Ta-
LSP state synchronization were validated. Third, LSP-
ble 16.
pings were used instead of creating VPN services to
verify proper path initiation. Finally, the PCE signaled a
PCE PCC colored SR-Policy to the PCC, and the test was conduct-
ed using SR-MPLS and SRv6 as the data plan.
Juniper Paragon Cisco NCS
Pathfinder 540-24Q8L2DD

Juniper Paragon Ribbon NPT-2100A


Cisco Crosswork Juniper MX204

Cisco Crosswork Nokia 7750 SR-1

Cisco Crosswork Ciena 5166

Table 16: PCC-Initiated Path Computation

over SR-MPLS Data Plane
While conducting the test, we encountered an issue
wherein not all vendors could support both PCC and
Figure 77: Segment Routing
PCE-initiated paths. One router faced an issue updating
Policy Signaling with SR-MPLS
the IGP metric as the PCE sent an update message with-
out a symbolic path name, and the router rejected the

Signaling a Segment Routing Policy via PCEP

As more and more networks move from traditional IP /
MPLS to segment routing, signaling Segment Routing
policies from controllers to routers becomes critical.
An SR Policy (RFC 9256) is made up of a set of SR
Candidate Paths that all share the same <headend,
color, endpoint> tuple.
IETF draft "PCEP extension to support Segment Routing
Policy Candidate Paths" (draft-ietf-pce-segment-routing-
policy-cp) extends [RFC8664] to fully support the SR Figure 78: Segment Routing
Policy construct. Policy Signaling with SRv6

With it, an SR Policy is modeled in PCEP as an Associ- Table 17 shows the combinations that interoperate
ation of one or more SR Candidate Paths. PCEP exten- seamlessly over SR-MPLS data plane.
sions are defined to signal additional attributes of an
SR Policy which were not covered by [RFC8664].

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Distribution of TE Policies and State

Juniper Paragon Cisco NCS
Pathfinder 540-24Q8L2DD Effective distribution of Traffic Engineering (TE) policy
and state is critical to network management. The PCE is
Juniper Paragon Ribbon NPT-2100A responsible for computing paths according to TE poli-
Pathfinder cies and state. Meanwhile, the PCC requests and re-
ceives the calculated path from the PCE.
Cisco Crosswork Juniper MX204
Border Gateway Protocol-Link State (BGP-LS) is a proto-
Cisco Crosswork Ribbon NPT-2100A col for exchanging network topology and TE infor-
mation between routers on a network. BGP-LS can dis-
Cisco Crosswork Huawei NetEngine
tribute TE policy and state information to PCC and PCE
8000 M4
at the same time, realizing efficient traffic forwarding
Cisco Crosswork Ciena 5166 and delivery.
The test aims to verify the interoperability of different
Huawei NCE-IP Juniper MX204
vendor solutions for distributing TE policy and status via
Huawei NCE-IP Keysight IxNetwork BGP-LS/SR between PCC and PCE. Tests were per-
formed using SR-MPLS and SRv6 data planes.
Huawei NCE-IP Cisco NCS • The DUTs initiated the IGP adjacencies, and we con-
540-24Q8L2DD firmed that the connection was established.
Keysight IxNetwork Juniper MX204 • We validated the BGP-LS sessions.
Keysight IxNetwork Huawei NetEngine • The policy was delivered to the PCCs over BGP-SR
8000 M4
• The PCCs reported the status back to the PCE over
Table 17: Colored Segment Routing Policy BGP-LS
Signaling over SR-MPLS Data Plane Instead of creating VPN services, we used LSP-pings to
The combination that interoperated with SRv6 as a da- ensure that transport paths were instantiated.
ta plane and no known issues are listed in table 18. The test combinations that interoperated with no ob-
served problems over SR-MPLS data plan are shown in
PCE PCC Figure 79, while Figure 80 shows the test combination
with over SRv6 data plane.
NCE-IP Juniper MX204
We encountered an issue during the test where not all
NCE-IP Keysight IxNetwork vendors supported BGP-LS for the distribution of TE poli-
Keysight IxNetwork Juniper MX204

Keysight IxNetwork Huawei NetEngine

8000 M4

Table 18: Colored Segment Routing Policy

Signaling over SRv6 Data Plane

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

PCC—Dynamic Paths Instantiation

Dynamically instantiating a Segment Routing policy at
the headend PCC enables the VPN traffic to be auto-
matically steered through the SDN network along the
best available path based on real-time network condi-
tions. This allows for better traffic optimization and fast-
er packet delivery, ensuring that SLA requirements are
In the test, we advertised L3VPN routes from the PE
router to the PCC, marking them with a specific color
extended community. This was done to trigger on-
demand segment routing policies calculated on the
headend PCC itself to minimize latency towards the
BGP next hop. Once the policy was calculated, the
PCC reported it to the PCE.

Figure 79: Distribution of TE Policies and State

using BGP-LS with SR-MPLS

Figure 81: PCC—Dynamic Paths Instantiation

The combinations shown in Table 19 represent the de-

vices that successfully participated in the test.
During the test, one PCC could not compute the policy
itself. The PCC advertised its link state information (LS)
over BGP, establishing a peering connection with the
PCE. The PCC then initiated the SR policy, and the PCE
computed a path based on the IGP metric and delegat-
ed it back to the PCC.

Figure 80: Distribution of TE Policies and State

using BGP-LS with SRv6

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020


Juniper Paragon Pathfinder Juniper MX204 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD

Juniper Paragon Pathfinder Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Juniper MX204

Juniper Paragon Pathfinder Juniper MX204 Keysight IxNetwork

Cisco Crosswork Juniper MX204 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD

Cisco Crosswork Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Juniper MX204

Cisco Crosswork Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Keysight IxNetwork

Nokia Network Service Platform - NSP Ciena 5166 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD

Table 19: PCC—Dynamic Paths Instantiation

L3/L2 VPN Service Provisioning

L2 and L3 VPN provisioning is a common requirement
in modern networks. However, configuring and deploy-
ing VPNs can be complex and time-consuming, espe-
cially when dealing with multiple vendors and proto-
cols. NETCONF is a standardized protocol that allows
programmatic management of network devices and
simplifies the VPN creation and configuration process.
This test ensures that L2 and L3 VPNs can be created
and configured seamlessly across multivendor control-
lers and devices using NETCONF, ensuring interopera-
bility and compliance with standards. The test has been
conducted using both Standardized OpenConfig and Figure 82: L3/L2 Service Provisioning
vendor-specific YANG models.
Provisioning the VPNs, we ensured that the NETCONF
Table 20 shows the combinations that participated suc-
sessions between the controllers and the routers were
cessfully in the L3VPN test. Meanwhile, table 21 pre-
established and stable. For the L3VPN, we pushed the
sents the combinations successfully interoperated in the
VRF configurations to both devices and verified connec-
L2VPN test.
tivity using ping tests.
As OpenConfig and vendor-specific data models have
For the L2VPN, we pushed the EVPN VPWS configura-
been used for this test, we marked in the tables below
tions from the controller to the routers and verified con-
the devices that are configured using OpenConfig. Oth-
nectivity using ping tests as well.
erwise, vendor-specific models have been used.
During the L3VPN test, one router could not receive the
route target from the controller, which had to be manu-
ally set to complete the test.
In the L2VPN test, in two combinations, the configura-
tions were pushed successfully to the routers. However,
the service was down.

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Controller Router 1 Router 2

Keysight IxNetwork Ciena 5166 (Open-Config) Nokia 7750 SR-1 (Open-Config)

Keysight IxNetwork Juniper MX204 Ericsson 6673 (Open-Config)

Nokia Network Service Platform - Ciena 5166 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD


Nokia Network Service Platform - Ciena 5166 (Open-Config) Juniper MX204


Nokia Network Service Platform - Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Juniper MX204


Nokia Network Service Platform - Juniper MX204 Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4


Huawei NCE-IP Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Nokia 7750 SR-1

Huawei NCE-IP Juniper MX204 Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4

Cisco Crosswork Ericsson 6673 Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD

Cisco Crosswork Nokia 7750 SR-1 (Open-Config) Juniper MX204

Cisco Crosswork Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Juniper MX204

Cisco Crosswork Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Nokia 7750 SR-1 (Open-Config)

Table 20: L3VPN Provisioning

Controller Router 1 Router 2

Cisco Crosswork Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Juniper MX204

Cisco Crosswork Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Ericsson 6673

Cisco Crosswork Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD Nokia 7750 SR-1

Nokia Network Service Platform - Nokia 7750 SR-1 Ciena 5166


Nokia Network Service Platform - Nokia 7750 SR-1 Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4

Nokia Network Service Platform - Nokia 7750 SR-1 Juniper MX204


Huawei NCE-IP Nokia 7750 SR-1 Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4

Table 21: L2VPN Provisioning

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Routing Policies Configurations System Inventory

Routing policies determine how network traffic is routed Retrieving network devices' information using
through the network. These policies control traffic and NETCONF is beneficial for network administrators. This
ensure that it is routed along the best paths according allows quick and easy access to network device infor-
to predefined criteria. mation, such as configuration, status, and performance
This test verified that the Routing policies could be con-
figured in a multivendor environment using NETCONF. In this test, we verified that using NETCONF, the con-
troller can perform a device inventory in a multivendor
We validated the connectivity between the routers us-
ing ping. The NETCONF controller pushed a configura-
tion to the routers, which included an IP-Filtering rule. After verifying the NETCONF session between the con-
The configurations were applied successfully to the rout- troller and the router, the controller retrieved the operat-
ers, and as expected, the ping test indicated that the ing systems, software versions, system time-of-day, and
connectivity between them was lost. configuration of the DNS resolver from the routers.
The following devices successfully participated in the The pairs that participated in the test successfully are
test. Huawei NCE-IP as NETCONF controller, and shown in table 22.
Nokia 7750 SR-1 and Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4 as
Due to an interoperability issue, one controller encoun-
tered a problem retrieving the configuration of the DNS
resolver from one router.

Figure 84: System Inventory

Figure 83: Routing's Polices Configuration

Controller Network Node

Nokia Network Service Platform - NSP Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4

Nokia Network Service Platform - NSP Ciena 5166

Nokia Network Service Platform - NSP Cisco NCS 540-24Q8L2DD

Nokia Network Service Platform - NSP Juniper MX204

Huawei NCE-IP Nokia 7750 SR-1

Huawei NCE-IP Juniper MX204

Table 22: System Inventory

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Telemetry—gNMI NETCONF Transport Slicing Controller

gNMI, or gRPC Network Management Interface, is a Network slicing is a crucial aspect of modern network-
remote procedure call-based protocol used for manag- ing that enables the creation of multiple virtual networks
ing and monitoring network devices. In this test, we on top of a single physical network infrastructure. The
focused on monitoring, which involved retrieving telem- ability to create network slices allows service providers
etry data from the network devices. After verifying the to offer customized services to their customers, each
NETCONF sessions status, the controller subscribed to with specific requirements for performance, security,
the router using OpenConfig-interface YANG model. and other network attributes.
Table 23 shows the devices that participated successful-
The YANG model provided in the draft 'draft-ietf-teas-
ly in the test.
ietf-network-slice-nbi-yang' was used for the northbound
interface, while vendor-specific models were used for
the southbound interface.
The following devices successfully interoperated: Nokia
Network Service Platform - NSP as NETCONF control-
ler and orchestrator, Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4,
Ciena 5166, Juniper MX204 and Nokia 7750 SR-1 as

Figure 85: gNMI-Telemetry via the OpenConfig model

Controller/Collector Network Node

Cisco Crosswork Juniper MX204

Table 23: gNMI-Telemetry via

OpenConfig Data Model

Figure 86: Network Slices

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Time Synchronization Delay Asymmetry Detection/Measurement

Time synchronization is a critical aspect of networking Assisted Partial Timing Support Delay Asymmetry
that is essential for any type of network, whether it be
Asymmetric delay on links carrying PTP messages is
an enterprise, data center, service provider front/
critical, and one of the most difficult issues for network
backhaul network, or otherwise. Implementing a robust
time synchronization. At this year's event, in order to
time synchronization infrastructure is challenging and
showcase the participating devices' abilities to detect
complex, requiring careful attention to detail.
the applied asymmetry, we have tested two different
At the EANTC MPLS/SDN Interoperability Testing Delay Asymmetry scenarios.
event, we strive to create realistic and extensive tests
In the first scenario, with one Grandmaster, two Bound-
with our partners, who are among the leading vendors
ary Clocks, and one Slave Clock, the Grandmaster and
in the industry. This year, we have focused on meeting
Boundary Clock-1 were referenced to GNSS (via a
the most recent industry's time synchronization require-
splitter) through an antenna on the roof of EANTC's
ments, which include hot topics such as general 5G
lab. PTP profile G.8275.2 was used across the whole
and its synchronization needs, as well as Open RAN.
chain. When the Grandmaster and Boundary clock-1
We have tightened our requirements to match the con- were locked to GNSS, Boundary Clock-2 and the Slave
ditions of 5G and have also tested, for the first time, Clock were using Boundary Clock-1 as the source for
virtualized devices. Intel Ethernet Network Adapters timing. When GNSS to Boundary Clock-1 was discon-
E810-XXVDA4T and E810-CQDA2T network interface nected, Boundary Clock 1 reverted to using PTP from
cards (NICs) enabled commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) the Grandmaster as its timing source, with the Slave
servers to serve as a Grandmaster, Boundary Clock, or Clock 1PPS absolute time error being measured across
Slave Clock, a capability that was previously exclusive this transition. We restarted the measurements and in-
to dedicated hardware devices. Additionally, we have troduced the delay asymmetry using the Calnex Para-
tested an O-RAN topology with six nodes from different gon-X device, and waited the Boundary Clock-2 to de-
vendors, incorporating two independent timing paths to tect the Asymmetry.
match a merge between LLS-C2 and LLS-C3 setups.

Figure 87: Assisted Partial Timing Support Delay Asymmetry

Grandmaster Boundary Clock 1 Boundary Clock 2 Slave Clock Time Error Analyzer
Microchip Ericsson 6673 Cisco NCS Ericsson 6675 Calnex Sentry
TimeProvider 4100 540X-16Z4G8Q2C
Microchip Ericsson 6673 - Juniper Calnex Sentry
TimeProvider 4100 ACX7100-48L
Microchip Ericsson 6673 - Intel E810- Calnex Sentry
TimeProvider 4100 XXVDA4T
Table 24: Assisted Partial Timing Support Delay Asymmetry

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

During two testing combinations, the devices which We employed three distinct methods for conducting the
have played the role of Boundary Clock-2 and had to test, whereby the BC was linked to both GMs and set
use the 8275.2 PTP profile, had connectivity problems, to lock on GM-A in all three methods.
and confusion with the configuration for this profile, so
We initiated the measurement process by detaching
we had to exclude them from the test, and continue
GM-A from the GNSS, which led to the BC locking
with one Boundary Clock, and one Slave Clock.
onto GM-B. Nevertheless, we introduced the asymmetry
Time to lock and stabilize for devices using the subsequent to the GM switchover.
G.8275.2 profile is typically longer than those using
First Approach—Manual Delay Compensation: The BC
G.8275.1, which limited actual measurement duration.
followed the asymmetry and them the vendors engi-
Delay Asymmetry Measurement neers compensated the delay manually through the CLI
commands. The following combinations have passed
The second asymmetry-related test performed was to the test with this approach with 500 nanoseconds as
detect and compensate the asymmetry either automati- one-way delay.
cally, when supported, or manually.
Second Approach—Automatic Delay Compensation:
The test cases are designed to cover the different meth- The BC followed the asymmetry and them the vendors
ods vendors have of handling compensation in real- engineers compensated the delay manually through the
world implementations. CLI commands. The following combinations have
The test topology consisted of: passed the test with this approach with 500 nanosec-
onds as one-way delay.
• Grandmaster-A (GM-A) connected to the GNSS as
reference, used as main reference for the topology. Third Approach—Manual Delay Compensation with
GNSS Reference: The Boundary Clock, in this ap-
• Grandmaster-B (GM-B) connected to GNSS, used as proach needed the manual compensation to overcome
backup. the introduced one-way delay, and needed the GNSS
• Boundary Clock (BC), connected to both GMs and reference to detect the asymmetry. The one-way delay
configured using local priorities to select GM A was 500 nanoseconds for this combination.
when it is (or both GMs are) locked to GNSS No interoperability issues were observed during this
test, the only problem we faced was the lacking of
Boundary Clocks which can have 2 slave ports with
different PTP profiles as planned originally.

Figure 88: Delay Asymmetry Measurement

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Grandmaster A Grandmaster B Boundary Clock Time Error Analyzer

Ciena 5166 Microchip TimeProvider 4100 Juniper ACX-7100-48L Calnex Sentry

Juniper ACX-7024 Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4 Cisco NCS Calnex Sentry

Table 25: Delay Asymmetry Measurement—First Approach

Grandmaster A Grandmaster B Boundary Clock Time Error Analyzer

Ciena 5166 Microchip TimeProvider 4100 Ericsson 6673 Calnex Sentry

Table 26: Delay Asymmetry Measurement—Second Approach

Grandmaster A Grandmaster B Boundary Clock Time Error Analyzer

Ericsson 6675 Intel E810-XXVDA4T Microchip TimeProvider 4100 Calnex Sentry

Table 27: Delay Asymmetry Measurement—Third Approach

Boundary Clock Class C/D Conformance Test The test was done by using the Calnex Paragon-neo to
emulate the Grandmaster and the Slave Clock, with the
Class C/D Boundary Clocks have been specifically device under test connected directly as the Boundary
designed to fulfill the stringent demands for time syn- Clock. As per the requirements of G.8273.2, we meas-
chronization in modern networks, thereby facilitating ured the low pass filtered two-way time error with an
top-notch applications like ultra-reliable low-latency applied limit of 5ns.
communication, which are integral to 5G mobile net-
works. The boundary clocks enabled both PTP and SyncE on
the link towards slave clock, as they configured the PTP
Over the years at the EANTC MPLS SDN Interoperabil- 8275.1 hybrid profile. Additionally, we have per-
ity event, we have had the opportunity to witness the formed the conformance test for Boundary Class C,
advancements in Boundary Clocks. Two years ago, it complying with the latest ITU-T G.8273.2 Clause 7.1.4
was unusual for a device to meet Class D specifica- by measuring the relative constant time error between
tions, whereas this year almost all Boundary Clocks two ports of the boundary clock.
tested passed the Class D conformance test.
Based on observations from previous years that a de-
This test is not one of interoperability as it tests the time vice's time error performance may vary across its differ-
error performance of only a single device, but it was ent ports speeds, some devices were tested at various
used to qualify devices before their participation in the line rates.
class D chain tests

Figure 89: Boundary Clock Class D Conformance

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

The following devices have passed the test with the

ports speeds:

Emulated GM BC Emulated SC Port Speed

Calnex Paragon-neo Ciena 5166 Calnex Paragon-neo 10 GbE

Cisco NCS 10 GbE

Ericsson 6673 10 GbE

Huawei NE8000 M4 10 GbE

Intel E810-XXVDA4T 10 GbE

Intel E810-CQDA2T breakout 10 GbE breakout from 100 GbE

Juniper ACX-7024 10 GbE

Juniper ACX-7100-32C 10 GbE

Juniper ACX-7100-48L 10 GbE

Microchip TimeProvider 4100 1 GbE

Microchip TimeProvider 4100 10 GbE

Ericsson 6673 25 GbE

Intel E810-XXVDA4T 25 GbE

Ciena 5166 100 GbE

Cisco NCS 100 GbE

Ericsson 6673 100 GbE

Intel E810-CQDA2T 100 GbE

Juniper ACX-7024 100 GbE

Juniper ACX-7100-32C 100 GbE

Juniper ACX-7100-48L 100 GbE

Ciena 5166 400 GbE

Ciena 5166 400 GbE

Juniper ACX-7100-32C 400 GbE

Juniper ACX-7100-48L 400 GbE

Table 28: Boundary Clock Class D Conformance

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Figure 90: Boundary Clock Class C Relative Time Error

The following devices passed the class C with the ports


Emulated GM BC Emulated SC Port Speed

Calnex Paragon-neo Ciena 5166 Calnex Paragon-neo 10 GbE

Ciena 5166 100 GbE

Cisco NCS 540X-16Z4G8Q2C 10 GbE

Cisco NCS 540X-16Z4G8Q2C 100 GbE

Ericsson 6673 10 GbE

Ericsson 6675 100 GbE

Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4 10 GbE

Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4 100 GbE

Juniper ACX7100-32C 10 GbE

Microchip TimeProvider 4100 10 GbE

Table 29: Boundary Clock Class D Conformance

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

High-Precision Clocking Source Failover At the test start, both GM-A and GM-B were locked to
their GNSS inputs, and the Boundary Clock was locked
Testing time synchronization in a well-controlled lab via PTP to GM-A. The first measurement phase ran for
environment typically yields favorable outcomes, but 1000 seconds (to allow calculation of the Constant
also fails to represent real-world conditions. This is the Time Error, cTE) The GNSS input to GM-A was then
motivation behind this test case, which measures the disconnected, causing the BC to select GM-B as its ref-
time error produced by the Boundary Clock in a realis- erence. The next step required also disconnecting
tic topology with redundant Grandmasters. These GNSS from GM-B, forcing the BC to re-lock onto GM-A
Grandmasters may encounter GNSS connectivity inter- based on the configured local priorities. GNSS was
ruptions which cause changes in the PTP source used reconnected to GM-B and then to GM-A. 1PPS and two
by the Boundary Clock. This test case measures the -way-Time Error outputs from the Boundary Clock were
time error of the Boundary Clock during the switchover measured at each of these steps.
between Grandmaster references (i.e. during the
BMCA event), and also when the Boundary clock is in Passing this test requires that the measured time error at
holdover due to both Grandmasters having lost GNSS the Boundary Clock output meets G.8271 accuracy
connectivity. The used test topology consisted of: level 6 or better, i.e. ≤ 260 ns.

• Grandmaster-A (GM-A) connected to the GNSS as No interoperability issues were seen during this test
reference, used as main reference for the topology. case, but one Grandmaster was observed to transmit
• Grandmaster-B (GM-B) connected to GNSS, used as clock Class 6 after disconnection from GNSS (rather
backup. than clock Class 7), which is non-compliant with the
requirements of the relevant ITU-T recommendation
• Boundary Clock (BC), connected to both GMs and
G.8275.1, clause 6.4.
configured using local priorities to select GM A
when it is (or both GMs are) locked to GNSS

Figure 91: High-Precision Clocking Source Failover

Grandmaster A Grandmaster B Boundary Clock

Microchip TimeProvider4100 Ericsson 6673 Cisco NCS 540X-16Z4G8Q2C

Microchip TimeProvider4100 Ericsson 6673 Juniper ACX-7100-32C

Microchip TimeProvider4100 Ericsson 6673 Ericsson 6673

Microchip TimeProvider4100 Ericsson 6673 Microchip T imeProvider4100

Microchip TimeProvider4100 Ericsson 6673 Ciena 5166

Microchip TimeProvider4100 Ericsson 6673 Huawei NetEngine 8000 M4

Ericsson 6675 Microchip TimeProvider4100 Intel E810-XXVDA4T

Table 30: High-Precision Clocking Source Failover

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Time Synchronization Source Failover was locked with both PTP and SyncE on the GM A. The
first phase of measurement was started for 1000 sec-
This test was a part of proposed resiliency tests of time onds, to be able to calculate the Constant Time Error,
synchronization, with adding an additional boundary then the GNSS connection of the GM A was discon-
clock at the end of the chain, which makes the topolo- nected, causing the BCs to choose the GM B as source.
gy more real-life scenario. The used test topology con- The next step started with disconnecting the GM B from
sisted of:
the GNSS causing the BCs to re-lock on the GM A as
• Grandmaster A (GM A) connected to the GNSS as both GMs have no GNSS and the local priorities were
reference, used as main reference for the topology. set on the BC to do so.
• Grandmaster B (GM B) connected to GNSS, used as Then we reconnected GM B, then GM A while we are
backup. measuring the 1PPS, 2 Way-Time Error from the output
• Boundary Clock-1 (BC-1), connected to both GMs of the Boundary Clock.
and configured to prefer the GM A as long as it has This test aimed to keep the time error from the output of
the GNSS antenna, using the local priorities of the the Boundary Clocks within the G.8271 accuracy level
links. 6, all the following combinations passed the test suc-
• Boundary Clock-2 (BC-2), connected to BC-1 and to
the Calnex Paragon-neo providing both PTP and
SyncE measurements

The test started when both GM A, and GM B are

locked on the GNSS reference. The Boundary Clock-1

Figure 92: Time Synchronization Source Failover

Grandmaster A Grandmaster B Boundary Clock 1 Boundary Clock 2

Microchip TimeProvider 4100 Ciena 5166 Huawei NE8000 M4 Intel E810-XXVDA4T

Microchip TimeProvider 4100 Ciena 5166 Juniper ACX7100 Ericsson 6673

Microchip TimeProvider 4100 Ciena 5166 Ericsson Juniper ACX-7100-48L

Microchip TimeProvider 4100 Cisco NCS Ciena 5166 Microchip TimeProvider 4100

Ericsson 6673 Cisco NCS Juniper ACX-7100-48L -

Table 31: Time Synchronization Source Failover

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Chain Ring of Class D Boundary Clocks Initially, all BCs were synchronized to PTP and SyncE
from GM A, and a baseline measurement performed.
This test measured the accumulated time error of a Subsequently, GNSS was disconnected from GM A,
chain of Class D Boundary Clocks in a ring topology, causing all BCs to switch PTP and SyncE reference to
resembling a typical real-world service provider imple- GM B.
mentation. All participating devices had passed the
G.8273.2 Class D Boundary Clock conformance test, GNSS was then reconnected to GM A and a measure-
indicating performance met the maximum absolute time ment performed while all BCs re-established synchroni-
error, low-pass filtered, max|TEL|, limit of 5ns. zation with it and stabilized.

The test topology consisted of: All BCs were configured with a one minute “Wait to
Restore” (WtR) period, meaning each would wait one
• Grandmaster A (GM A) locked to GNSS generating minute before reacting to a change in input quality i.e.
clock Class 6 and ESMC QL-PRC. Used as the prima- before switching reference on receipt of clock Class 6
ry reference for the topology.
when GM A was reconnected to GNSS.
• Grandmaster B (GM B) locked to GNSS, generating
clock Class 6 and ESMC QL-PRC. Used as backup The following devices passed the test successfully:
reference. GM-A: Microchip TimeProvider 4100
• Boundary Clocks (BCs): Seven BCs formed a ring: all
GM-B: Huawei NE8000 M4
BCs were locked on to GM A using their local priori-
ties configuration. BCs: Cisco NCS 540X-16Z4G8Q2C, Juniper ACX-
• Calnex Paragon-neo emulated a Slave Clock and 7100-32C, Intel E810-XXVDA4T, Ericsson 6673, Ci-
measured the PTP time error. ena 5166, Juniper ACX-7100-48L, Microchip TimePro-
• Calnex Sentry measured the 1PPS absolute time er- vider 4100

Figure 93: Chain of Class D Boundary Clocks

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Phase/Time Holdover with This has prompted us to investigate and conduct vari-
ous scenarios of time synchronization within the fron-
Enhanced Sync-E Support thaul network to verify its performance and reliability.
Enhanced Synchronous Ethernet (eSyncE) provides For this combination, we tried to emulate the O-RAN
physical layer support to PTP-aware devices in full tim- Fronthaul LLS-C2 (Option-A), with one difference, which
ing support networks, enhancing performance to ena- is the absence of the Distributed Unit. We connected a
ble the stringent synchronization requirements of mod- Grandmaster, a Boundary Clock, and two different
ern telecommunication networks. timing paths starting from the Boundary Clock.
This test verified the ability of a chain of boundary Each timing path had one Hub-Site Router (HSR) and
clocks, configured to use eSyncE, to maintain accepta- one Cell-Site Router (CSR), Both CSR routers were con-
ble values of time error during loss of the Grandmaster nected to the Calnex Paragon-neo analyzer in order to
GNSS reference. eSyncE ESMC messages were also measure the relative PTP time error, and the 1PPS abso-
captured and analyzed to verify that the eSyncE TLV lute error. The test was passed all the measurement
was being processed as required by each device in the requirements stated by the O-RAN Alliance in the docu-
chain. ment O-RAN.WG9.XTRP-TST-v02.00 for FR2.
The following devices passed the test successfully: It is important to state that the O-DU would have in-
Grandmaster: Microchip TimeProvider 4100 creased the time error budget, but with the great results
we have achieved in this test, the O-DU time error
Boundary Clocks: Cisco NCS 540X, Juniper ACX-7100 budget will not affect the test results.
-32C, Intel E810-XXVDA4T, Huawei NE8000 M4, Er-
icsson 6673, Ciena 5166 The devices participated in the test are shown in Table
33. We performed this test to emulate LLS-C3 scenario,
as per O-RAN.WG9.XTRP-SYN-v03.00 document,
O-RAN Fronthaul Network Time where the GM in Midhaul.
Synchronization The topology consisted of:
The Open Radio Access Network, commonly referred • Grandmaster (GM): was placed in the Midhaul and
to as O-RAN, has become one of the most significant connected to the Hub-Site Router.
trends in the telecommunications industry. With its im-
• Hub-Site Router (HSR)
mense potential, professionals across the networking
• Cell-Site Router (CSR)
world are eagerly exploring, testing, and implementing
O-RAN solutions. • Emulated Open Ran Central Unit (Emulated O-CU):
Connected to HSR
One of the most crucial components of an O-RAN ar- • Emulated Open Ran Distributed Unit (Emulated O-
chitecture is its fronthaul network, which plays a vital DU): Connected to CSR
role in the overall system. Ensuring accurate and relia-
• Emulated Open Ran Radio Unit (Emulated O-RU):
ble time synchronization in this area is of paramount
Connected to CSR

Figure 94: Phase/Time Holdover with Enhanced Sync-E Support

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Figure 95: O-RAN Fronthaul LLS-C2 Topology

Figure 96: Timing Solution by C3 Configuration with GM from Midhaul

Figure 97: Timing Solution by C3 Configuration with GM from Fronthaul


Microchip Intel Juniper Ericsson Cisco NCS Ciena

TimeProvider 4100 E810-XXVDA4T ACX7100 6673 540X-16Z4G8Q2C 5166
Table 32: O-RAN Fronthaul LLS-C2 Topology

Grandmaster HSR CSR Emulated O-CU Emulated O-DU Emulated O-RU

Microchip Juniper Juniper Keysight Keysight Keysight

TimeProvider 4100 ACX7100-32C ACX7024 IxNetwork IxNetwork IxNetwork

Table 33: O-RAN Fronthaul Network Time Synchronization

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

The last setup we have tested for O-RAN Fronthaul time Class of service was configured on HSR as well as on
synchronization was the LLC-C3 configuration with the CSR and the following traffic pattern was applied in the
GM from Fronthaul. test network:
• Grandmaster (GM): was placed in the Fronthaul and • eCPRI (O-RU – O-DU) traffic: goes to Low Latency
connected to the Hub-Site Router. queue with 1.7Gbps traffic load.
• Hub-Site Router (HSR) • PTP packets: goes to Network Control queue by de-
• Cell-Site Router (CSR) fault.
• O-CU: Connected to HSR • O-DU – O-CU traffic: goes to a queue with medium
• O-DU: Connected to HSR priority with 1.2Gbps traffic load.
• O-RU: Connected to CSR • Bidirectional background traffic between HSR and
CSR: goes to Best Effort queue with lowest priority
The Time Error measurements were done on the output
with 9Gbps traffic load.
of the CSR node. Keysight IxNetwork was used to simu-
late Midhaul traffic between O-CU and O-DU and All the time error measurements passed the testing re-
ORAN Fronthaul eCPRI traffic between O-DU and O- quirements from O-RAN WG9 documents. No loss was
RU. O-DU and O-RU were configured to simulate reported in O-RAN Fronthaul traffic and also latency
ORAN WG4 CU-plane eCPRI traffic for FDD use case variations were less than a few nanoseconds even with
with 100 MHz carrier bandwidth in both downlink and the heavy presence of background traffic.
uplink direction, 30 KHz sub-carrier-spacing and BFP9 The relative time error was not measured, as only one
IQ compression. Along with these streams, a back- timing path was tested in the topology. For the both LLS-
ground traffic stream is also sent between CSR and C3 setups, the following devices participated success-
HSR to emulate regular traffic in the network. fully.

Figure 98: Calculating Time Error Limits for Boundary Clocks

GM BC 1 BC 2 BC 3 BC 4 BC 5 BC 6 BC 7

Microchip Cisco NCS Juniper Intel E810- Ericsson Microchip Ciena -

TimeProvider 540X- ACX7100- XXVDA4T 6673 TimeProvi- 5166
4100 16Z4G8Q2C 32C der 4100

Microchip Cisco NCS Juniper Intel E810- Ericsson Microchip Huawei Ciena
TimeProvider 540X- ACX7100- XXVDA4T 6673 TimeProvi- NetEngine 5166
4100 16Z4G8Q2C 32C der 4100 8000 M4

Table 34: Calculating Time Error Limits for Boundary Clocks

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

Calculating Time Error Limits Encapsulating PTP packets with Layer 2 or Layer 3 en-
cryption is one way of protecting the time synchroniza-
for Boundary Clocks tion network from being compromised, but the special
In real-life implementations, the time synchronization nature of the PTP and the Hardware Time Stamping,
chains consist usually of multiple Boundary Clocks, this task is very difficult to implement.
which makes it crucial to measure the time error limits These complications prevented the industry from having
at the end of the chain. The Appendix V of the docu- a standard interoperable solution between multiple ven-
ment G.8273.2 Performance estimation for chain of dors yet.
Boundary Clocks, specifies details for calculating limits
for chains of Boundary Clocks. This did not stop us from testing PTP over MACsec be-
tween a boundary clock, and a slave clock from the
We performed this test by creating a chain of multiple same vendor—in this test Juniper—using the 8275.1
boundary clocks, connected to a grandmaster. PTP hybrid profile (SyncE and PTP) and comparing the
We measured the constant time, Dynamic time error – generated absolute 1PPS time error, when MACsec
low pass filtered, Dynamic time error – high pass fil- enabled and disabled.
tered, and maximum absolute time error. We used Microchip TimeProvider 4100 as a grand-
For the Constant Time Error limit, as per the ITU-T rec- master for this setup, and Calnex Sentry for measure-
ommendation, we used the accumulative value depend- ment.
ing on the number of boundary clocks in the chain. In all test steps the output of the slave clock preserved
For other values we used the recommended formula √ an absolute 1PPS time error less than 5ns.
(N x 2) where N is the number of the boundary clock The following devices passed the test successfully:
in the chain.
PTP over MACsec
Microchip Time- Juniper Juniper
Security of the networks is a fundamental and crucial Provider 4100 ACX7100-32C ACX7100-32C
aspect, in the modern world where the cyber threats
are forming a large chunk of the industry. PTP security Table 35: PTP over MACsec
is left a bit behind, but slowly trying to keep up with the
current level of threats.

Figure 99: PTP over MACsec

Multi-Vendor MPLS SDN Interoperability Test Report 2023
Multi-Vendor Interoperability Test 2020

In conclusion, advancements in networking technolo-
gies such as EVPN, SRv6, SR-MPLS, BGP Classful
Transport Planes, OSPF segment routing, SDN, and
time synchronization have significantly improved the
efficiency, flexibility, and scalability of modern net-
works. The EANTC MPLS SDN Interoperability Test
event showcased the successful implementation and
interoperability of these technologies in multi-vendor
environments, covering various services and use cases.
The tests focused on addressing the increasing de-
mands of data centers, 5G networks, and multi-domain
service provider environments. Notably, this year's
event featured the first implementation of uSID in SRv6,
Flex-Algo and FAPM in OSPF segment routing, and the
use of virtualized devices for time synchronization. By
continually pushing the boundaries of networking tech-
nology, these innovations promise to support the grow-
ing needs of our increasingly interconnected world.

This report is copyright © 2023 EANTC AG
While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness of this publication, the authors assume no
responsibility for the use of any information contained herein. All brand names and logos mentioned here are registered
trademarks of their respective companies.

EANTC AG, Salzufer 14, 10587 Berlin, Germany

[email protected], www.eantc.de
[v1.2 20230419]

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